What Is The Systems Theory?: Wholeness

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What is the systems theory?

The Systems theory may be defined as a way of collaborating increasingly complex systems
across a continuum that encompasses the individual in the environment. It is one of the major
theories that have been used in the profession of social work. It emphasizes looking beyond the
presenting problems of the client. It focuses on the person in the person in the environment and is
very interactive.
The systems theory looks beyond the presenting problems of the client in order to establish the
contributing factors. Therefore in dealing with this system the individual will be able to be
restored to goodness of fit with their environment. It also helps us to understand the
components and dynamics of the client systems and to develop a well-balanced intervention
strategy with the goal of the individual returning to goodness of fit with their environment, or
what the intervention strategy would want to do is to provide equilibrium in the environment.
The goal of the social worker is also to provide assistance to individuals so that they are able to
cope with life challenges. This system serves as an organizing conceptual frame work. It also
helps individuals to operate in an environment where they are able to be best fit in the

What are the key concepts of the systems theory

The key concepts of the systems Theory are Wholeness, Relationship and
The whole is greater than the sum of its part

This is one system impacts another system for example, no man is an island, no
man stands alone or Kartel sings about cake soap to bleach and everybody want to
use cake soap to get brown
Structure and patterning has to do with putting the pieces together for example, an
individual may have a reading disorder and you would want to find out if other
member of the family has a reading disorder.
Living systems like order, they like things to be on a manageable front. No negative
thoughts, only the positive thoughts.

What is psychodynamic theory?

This is both an explanatory and change theory. It provides explanation about the
development, human behavior and psychopathology. It assumes that behavior
comes from movements and interactions in peoples mind. It emphasizes the way
the mind stimulates behavior and both mind and behavior influence the and are
influenced by the persons social environment;
What are the key concepts?

What is CTB

Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT)

Key concepts are:

Classical Conditioning

This is something that most people do automatically because they learn this
overtime; its a pattern of behavior for example, if the dinner bell rings they know
that it is time to head to the kitchen to go and eat.

Operant Conditioning

For example if u have a child that has never make their bed or picked up their room,
u would reward them after they have picked up their room and make their bed


Positive reinforcement is the best way when working with a child or an adult by
telling them that they are doing a great job, youre proud of them and being
consistent with it. Dont just do it once a while because it will not work.

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