Bim in Construction
Bim in Construction
Bim in Construction
Hannes Lindblad
Vino Tarandi
Stockholm 2013
The AEC-industry has been lagging behind other types of production
industries in terms of productivity development for the last 40 years. The
reason for this has been described as to be a combination of the
collaborative needs in performing construction projects combined with the
fragmented nature of the AEC-industry. Building information modelling (BIM)
has been presented as a way of addressing these issues and thereby
improving productivity in construction projects.
The adoption of BIM has been slow and many barriers hindering
widespread adoption of this technology have been revealed. There are
however no single barrier that could be solved individually in order to enable
more extensive BIM adoption. These barriers are hindering many different
aspects of effective adoption of BIM.
When compared to traditional 2D CAD systems, BIM is a more efficient
way of handling information connected to the project or the building.
Adoption of BIM enables changes in work processes that can streamline the
performance in construction projects. Adoption of BIM is not only a change in
technology; there is a need for substantial changes in work processes in order
to make improvements to productivity. BIM is a tool to improve processes in
order to reach certain goals, not a goal in own right.
In this thesis I examine how BIM has been adopted in two different
construction projects. The research aims to develop the understanding of the
barriers hindering BIM adoption in order to make it more accessible for the
This master thesis within the subject of barriers hindering the adoption
of BIM in the AEC-industry, is the final part in the master program of
Architectural Design and Construction Project Management at the Royal
Institute of Technology (KTH) at the department of Real Estate and
Construction Management. The thesis consists of 30 credits and the subject
has been developed in collaboration with Vino Tarandi.
My ambition with this master thesis is both to develop my
understanding of BIM and contributing to the general understanding of why
BIM is being adopted at such a slow rate in the industry.
I would like to thank all persons I have interviewed to be able to
present this thesis. In particular I want to thank Per Bjlnes and Thomas Thorsell
for setting aside time to help me in the progress of these theses. I also want to
present my gratitude to Vino Tarandi for supervising the work in this master
thesis, providing guidance and feedback during the progress of my research.
Hannes Lindblad
Return on Investment
Two dimensions: x, y
Three dimensions: x, y, z
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................1
Preface .........................................................................................................................................2
Abbreviations ..............................................................................................................................3
Contents .......................................................................................................................................4
Introduction .........................................................................................................................7
1.1 Introduction /background ..............................................................................................7
1.2 Problem statement ...........................................................................................................7
1.3 Purpose ...............................................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Research question ..................................................................................................................8
Method ...............................................................................................................................10
2.1 Research design .............................................................................................................10
2.2 Reasoning - Inductive and deductive ........................................................................10
2.3 Qualitative and Quantitative research methods .....................................................11
2.4 Literature review..............................................................................................................12
2.5 Empirical data .................................................................................................................12
2.5.1 Case-studies ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Interviews............................................................................................................................... 13
Theory .................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Background to BIM .........................................................................................................15
3.1.1 BIM as a concept................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Different levels of BIM .......................................................................................................... 15
Empirics ...............................................................................................................................32
4.1 Cases-study 1 Campus Utbildningshus .....................................................................32
4.1.1 Introduction to the project ................................................................................................. 32
4.1.2 Different actors and their roles .......................................................................................... 32
4.1.3 BIM in the project ................................................................................................................. 34
4.1.4 The project so far ................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.5 How barriers to BIM have been addressed ..................................................................... 36
Analysis ...............................................................................................................................49
5.1 The BIM concept and its benefits ................................................................................49
5.2 BIM, more than a change in technology ...................................................................50
5.3 Connecting program/tools with processes and people .........................................52
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................58
6.1 recap of the research question ...................................................................................58
6.2 The BIM concept .............................................................................................................58
6.3 The implementation process ........................................................................................59
6.4 To improve the implementation rate of BIM ..............................................................60
6.5 Further research ..............................................................................................................60
6.7 Afterword .........................................................................................................................61
References .........................................................................................................................62
7.1 References case-studies ................................................................................................63
7.2 Interviews ..........................................................................................................................64
addressing this problem, but even while the development of BIM has
continued for many years the adoption rate is still slow. There are currently a
lot of research developing theories on why, focusing on different barriers
limiting the usefulness of BIM or limiting the ability to adopt BIM in construction
projects. How these different theories interact is however not very well
documented. There is a need to develop the understanding of how these
barriers combine and in what way they can be bridged. There is also no clear
consensus of which actor, if any, that should drive the development and
adoption of BIM in order to address this low productivity rate.
1.3 Purpose
This thesis analyses the underlying barriers which hinders BIM adoption
in the AEC-industry. The purpose of the research is to develop the
understanding of the decision making process regarding BIM in a construction
project. By understanding the implementation process of BIM, the cause of its
slow adoption rate can be further examined.
1.3.1 Research question
I order for achieve the purpose of this thesis I have worked with the
following research question:
How the decision regarding BIM was made, what benefits and barriers
was deemed most important?
This will enlarge the empirical material supporting the different theories
explaining the slow implementation on BIM in the AEC-industry today.
1.4 Delimitation
The scope of the thesis involves how BIM came to be adopted in
specific cases studied, how the decision was made and by whom and how
the project team tries to meet the barriers connected with a BIM
If the adoption of BIM has been successful or not cannot be analysed
in the studied cases because of the early staged in their progress, and is only
indirectly interesting for achieving the purpose of the thesis. The general
benefits of BIM have been analysed in many other studies and I find those
results sufficient for my analysis.
This chapter describes how I have conducted my research in the
thesis, the methods and techniques used in the collection of data. Here
threats to the validity and reliability to the results and conclusions are also
present together with how ethics have been addressed throughout the
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might be biased because of their choice to use BIM in their current project.
This choice can have an impact on the interviewees views on the potential
usefulness of BIM, and make them generally positive. Because the cases
studied are not completed, unbiased quantitative analyses cannot be done
in this stage to verify the results.
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In this chapter the theoretical background to BIM in the AEC-industry is
presented. The goal is to, first elaborate around the concept BIM and
secondly to collect different theories on which barriers have the greatest
impact on the willingness and effectiveness of BIM adoption in the AECindustry.
there is a lack of consensus, many aspects are similar in regards to the model
but the level of how BIM affects the work processes differs (Isikdag, et al.
In this thesis the description of BIM used by the NBIMS (National Building
Information Modelling Standard) is used as a reference point in my research
because it covers more than just the model. NBIMS describes BIM as the
Building information modelling is a new way of creating, sharing,
exchanging and managing the information in the project throughout the
buildings entire lifecycle. In this BIM can be categorised into different parts
containing (NBIMS 2007, in Isikdag, et al. 2007):
for the information (Isikdag, et al. 2007). This single model is however seen as
cumbersome by many professionals and it will need to be used together with
other type of data storage (Howard and Bjrk 2008). It might be more
practical to coordinate through a single database linked to the model and
keep the geometrical model simple (Howard and Bjrk 2008). The single
building information model has been a holy grail but it is doubtful if it will be
achieved or not (Howard and Bjrk 2008).
There are a great variety of different types of companies in the AECindustry, with different size, type of profession, experience with BIM, and so on.
To make a business case reliable it should be developed to accomplish
specific objectives taking the particular requirements and characteristics of
the company in consideration. It is not possible to make a typical business
process for the implementation of BIM. It is also possible that a single
company should develop more than one business case, each based on
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BIM can deliver tremendous benefits, but doing so requires a departure from
traditional ways of working.
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the adoption of BIM is still slow in the industry (Gu and London 2010; Azhar et
al. 2008; Bernstein and Pittman 2005).
The AEC-industry is traditionally slow in adopting new technology and
BIM will have great effect on how the work processes look in the projects. But
for BIM to be adopted successfully to improve productivity there is a need to
change these work processes. The fragmented industry is a problem here
because this change cannot be adopted by single actors but must instead
affect all involved actors. Adoption of BIM will emphasise on integration,
collaboration and innovation connected with large cultural changes in the
industry. (Kiviniemi, 2013)
File level interoperability - This covers the ability for different tools to
successfully exchange files.
Syntax level interoperability - This coves the ability for different tools to
successfully parse files without errors. This also covers the ability for
different tools to interoperate without errors.
Visualization level interoperability - This covers the ability for different
tools to correctly visualise the exchanged model.
Sematic level interoperability - This covers the ability for different tools to
come to the same understanding of the meaning of a model being
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The analysis by Steel et al. (2012) came to the conclusion that IFC has
so far achieved relative success in providing interoperability in the file and
visualisation levels within a subset of domains. This is most notable within
architectural design. In situations demanding sematic interoperability it still
faces challenges however. That is also the case when its use is broadened to
include more sub-domains. (Steel el al 2012)
The problem with interoperability within the construction industry is the
width of the domain itself, different projects can range from anything from a
simple one family house to large airports. This breadth has been problematic
to IFC and its interoperability because no one tool implements all of its
language (Steel el al 2012).
Because of the fragmented and collaborative nature of the AECindustry interoperability is an important issue. BIM has many viable
advantages over CAD, but the ability to share intelligent building information
is critically important (Howell and Batcheler 2005). In order to maximise many
of the benefits BIM enables in regards to productivity and design quality the
challenges with interoperability must be addressed (Steel et al. 2012).
3.5.2 Different views on BIM
Research by Gu et al. (2008 and 2010) has concluded that the views
on what BIM is depend a lot on the particular actor. Both the profession and
size of the firm are factors of importance in regard to this difference of
perception on what BIM is and how the actor wants to use it. Generally, large
firms who will more likely be involved in large projects will prefer tools with
greater flexibility in customising project environments, smaller firms, on the
other hand, are more likely to prefer more intuitive project environments. (Gu
et al. 2008; Gu and London 2010)
The professionals from the AEC-industry generally want BIM to
incorporate all capabilities of CAD to be able to continue benefit from these
which use they have maximised over the last decades. But there is also an
interest in the new capabilities that BIM tools have the potential to provide. In
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other words they want BIM to contain new features while not removing old
capabilities (Khemlani, 2007).
Expectations on BIM also vary depending on the profession of the user.
Design professionals view BIM as an extension on CAD, while project
managers and contractors see BIM as a more intelligent document
management system suitable for extracting and analysing data directly from
a CAD package. Even though BIM developers aim to integrate both of these
aspects, the survey of Gu et al. (2008) suggests that current BIM applications
are not completely mature to satisfy either of the two. This results in a situation
where the different actors have different expectations and demands on the
new technology and no joint understanding of what BIM is. (Gu et al. 2008)
Currently most studies have emphasised BIM as an enhancement to
current CAD technology while not emphasising its document management
qualities (Gu et al. 2008). Simultaneously the development for BIM to support
facilities management is lagging behind the development of BIM in the
design stages of a project (Eastman et al. 2011). This development has
inhibited the interest of non-design professions towards the adoption of BIM
technology (Gu et al. 2008). Gu et al. (2008) further argues that the usercentric development of BIM has to be more inclusive since the successful BIM
adoptions demands collective participations and contribution from all project
3.5.3 Poor match with the users needs
In a quantitative survey among architects by Tse et al. (2005) it was
revealed that a large part of the respondents did not find the tools in BIM to
satisfy their needs, others simply stated that BIM is not easy to use. The
problems were largely connected with free form object that was hard or not
possible to customize. With the current development of BIM, however, such
object customizations are now possible but require training and an extended
model construction time. This factor was believed by Tse et al. (2005) to be a
major barrier for BIM adoption, especially in more complex projects. Other
connected results regarding BIM shortcomings included: lack of table
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from the design team to the contractor to sub-contractors and to the client.
As a central model for all stakeholders in the project the BIM model will evolve
as the project progresses. Suggested design solutions or changes can be
evaluated and compared to the requirements by the client during the whole
project. The use of BIM to support cross-disciplinary and cross-phase
collaboration opens for new dimensions in the roles and relationships
between the project-participants. (Rizal 2011)
The most important issues according to Rizal (2011) are:
traditional roles in the industry. This adoption will not be easy for actors
uncomfortable with change and firms implementing BIM will have to address
issues with how workflows should be redesigned, how staff should be assigned
and how to distribute responsibilities (Arayici et al. 2009).
3.6.2 Risks and challenges with the use of a single model
Following the substantial change in work practice associated with BIM
causes many risks. When all different stakeholders are inserting, extracting,
updating or modifying the information in the BIM model there will be questions
regarding who will be able to do and be responsible for the editing of data in
the model. There is also a lack of developed standards for who will be
responsible for inaccuracies in the model. Responsibility for updating the
model and ensuring that it is accurate comes with a great deal of risk.
(Thompson and Miner 2007)
Risks following use of the model for purposes not intended are also a
problem. If for example information regarding the concrete base-structure is
added and later used for procurement of a curtain wall, which it might not be
suitable for, the results could be grave. To address this issue models are now
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team are essential negotiation points that have to be addressed before BIM
technology can be adopted.
The ability to extract fast and easy cost calculations and schedules
from a model which are added dimensions of time and cost will enable more
efficient estimations. With this come issues with responsibility for interoperability
between the various programs being used. When data is delivered in the
same software, integration between different actors can be fluid. When data
is lacking or delivered through different scheduling or costing programs with
lacking interoperability, a project team member must re-enter and update
the model to include the new data. According to Thompson and Miner (2007)
the responsibility for the accuracy and coordination for cost and scheduling
data must be contractually addressed.
3.6.4 Transactional business process evolution
How BIM can be used to enhance collaboration trough changing
roles of the client, architect and contractors is a widely researched field.
implementation of BIM as ICT support are still suboptimal in practice. In casestudies by Rizal (2011), it was revealed that contractual limitations to the roles
and responsibilities of the project participants in the traditional procurement
system hindered the needed change in roles. In order to make the BIM
implementation more efficient the needed changes in the respective roles
should be introduced already in the procurement stages in the project (Rizal
Gu and London (2010) argue that one of the most critical process
issues needed to be addressed is, that projects will not succeed if the need
for change in business models are not solved in a way to suit the varied
industry needs. Depending on how the BIM model is managed and
maintained additional legal agreements might be needed to ensure data
security and user confidence (Gu and London 2010).
The new technology enables new process possibilities for designers
and constructors exceeding the norms of practice and well understood
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business protocols. Bernstein and Pittman (2005) present the several issues in
need of address when evolving the current transactional business processes
into new standards. (Bernstein and Pittman 2005)
With the implementation of BIM the flow of information will improve
and the different processes can be better connected, but it will not solve the
business challenges. The different roles in the building supply chain are
implementation of BIM these work processes changes and that will affect
these factors as well. Before this new technology can be fully adopted these
basic business terms must be defined across the enterprise. (Bernstein and
Pittman, 2005; Gu and London, 2010)
Which tasks are allocated to each actor? What needs to be
delivered to complete these tasks? What information should be
exchanged to meet the demands by the other actors? Defining what
specific information the different actors are responsible to exchange will
both define responsibilities and limiting the need for all actors to
interoperate with all data in the model. Defining responsibilities are both
relevant for legal warranties and assuring the quality of the produced
information. Limiting the need for all actors to address all data in the
model will decrease the workload, and assure that only actors with
competence on the given topic are involved. (Bernstein and Pittman
The change in how documents are produced will affect how the
boundaries and responsibilities are given. When the design information is
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same study indicated that architects would be more inclined to adopt BIM if
they could see a large gain in productivity in contrast to conventional CAD
systems as well as downstream applications of the building information. (Tse et
al. 2005)
The study by Gu et al. (2008) showed that The success of BIM
adoption lies in the collective participation and collaboration from all the
stakeholders in a building project. Further their study have shown that lack of
awareness, focus on BIM as an advancement to CAD and relative
underdevelopment of BIMs document handling capabilities have inhibited
the interest by non design disciplines within the AEC- industry (Gu and
London 2010).
Because of the insufficient number of case-studies showing the
potential financial benefit of BIM the AEC-industry is generally not very
interested in investing towards the change in technology (Yan and Damian
2008). Simultaneously, some clients who are successfully using BIM may not
have an interest in sharing their knowledge (Howard and Bjrk 2008). Several
leading property
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resistance to change as many architects are familiar and satisfied with their
current design tools and work processes and are sceptical to the benefits with
this new technology. This results in that some actors are not interested in
learning how to use BIM associated tools. (Yan and Damian 2008)
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through protocol notes and Akademiska Hus BIM manual (Akademiska Hus
4.1.2 Different actors and their roles
In Sweden the law prohibits universities to own their facilities, instead
they must be rented. Currently the facilities at KTH campus at Valhallavgen
are rented from Akademiska Hus, a state company owning the majority of
university and college facilities in Sweden. Therefore KTH cannot construct the
needed facilities by themselves but must rather negotiate with Akademiska
Hus for the new construction.
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KTH is in need of new facilities for the education conducted at the
university. The new facilities are mainly focused on the department of Civil
and Architectural Engineering on KTH there are requests regarding the
construction because of this education. Some early requests regarding the
facility are the following:
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other compensation because of the demand for BIM, only the request to be
able to access the models.
Akademiska Hus
Akademiska Hus is currently adopting BIM in most projects involving
new construction. Projects concerning refurbishment or construction of
extensions to current buildings are however mostly not produced with BIM.
The decision regarding BIM adoption in a certain project is connected both
with the characteristics of the particular project and the project manager.
Project managers from Akademiska Hus with an interest for and experience
with BIM are more likely to involve BIM in their projects. The type of project is
also connected to the decision. Small project concerning refurbishment or
reconstruction is generally not done with the support of BIM. In such projects
existing documents and as-built drawings are generally not compatible with
BIM and creation of BIM models for existing structures are quite expensive.
In projects involving construction of new facilities Akademiska Hus is
ambitious in their goals with BIM. Akademiska Hus has developed a BIM
manual instructing their project managers on how BIM should be used in their
projects. According to this manual the goal with the use of BIM is to facilitate
and improve communication and information exchange in the project.
Thereby lowering costs by decreasing the amount of errors and improve the
efficiency in the different stages of the project. BIM is seen by Akademiska Hus
as the next CAD, which will be incorporated to take the next step in making
the work processes more efficient.
Akademiska Hus emphasizes on the information part in BIM and makes
a difference between BIM and 3d models. BIM is more than just design in 3D;
BIM is the connection of objects and information to models and not just the
model itself. Early participation by project owners, users, designers and
contractors will facilitate the development of BIM models that correspond to
the needs of all actors connected to the project.
Akademiska Hus also wants to use the models to support facilities
management when the project is completed. This is defined in their BIM
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manual meaning that the models can be adapted for use by facilities
managers later. There are however problems with the use of BIM to support
facilities management systems in the current situation. There is a lack of tools
to take advantage of the information in the models and therefore these
management work.
4.1.4 The project so far
This project is in its earliest stages, not even starting the actual design
of the facilities. From the perspective of the tenant, KTH is currently trying to
specify their needs with the new building.
In this project there are uncommon circumstances due to the
ambitious goals from KTH as to use the facilities actively in the education as
well as securing environmentally friendly goals.
4.1.5 How barriers to BIM have been addressed
Connected with the adoption of BIM there are many barriers as
described in the literature review. In this case study I have revealed how some
of these barriers have been addressed in order to make BIM beneficial to the
project as a whole.
Because this project is only in the initial stages these issues has just
been planned for.
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ensure that they are of high quality; there are however not any such
demands in the current BIM manual.
Change in work processes
The actors most familiar with BIM tools are currently design consultants.
These actors are quite used to developing 3D-models and exchange
information to make their work processes more effective. What is not very
common is the collection of these models to combine them into a single BIM
database. Currently the problem in developing BIM models is mostly the
client. The project owner is generally, either not interested in or not capable
of handling BIM models.
Akademiska Hus has developed their BIM manual on how the models
are supposed to be used in order to make the BIM adoption successful.
Education and training
This has not been deemed as a large issue by Akademiska Hus in this
stage of their general BIM adoption. The project managers who work with BIM
are the individuals with most interest and knowledge of how it should be used.
The consultants and contractors generally have experience with BIM tools.
The change in practice is mostly how models are collected and stored for
later use.
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- A representative from Skanska working with the BIM deliveries
Together with these interviews, information has been collected
through the NKS homepage (NKS-bygg (2012); Nya Karolinska Solna (2012)).
4.2.2 Different actors and their roles
Stockholm County council
The Stockholm County Council is the actor responsible for healthcare
in the Stockholm region. Because of this, it is the actor ordering the
construction of the new hospital buildings. The County Council Board facilities
management (Landstingsstyrelsen frvaltning, LSF) is the actor responsible for
the new hospital. Within this organization the subunit NKS construction takes
on the role as client for the whole project, responsible for both the
construction and the 30-year contract dealing with operations and
maintenance of the facilities.
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functions set by the client. If the project company fails in this commitment the
yearly payment will be reduced. This gives the project company incentive to
produce facilities that as sustainable over time.
PPP enables the County Council to predict what the cost for
management of the hospital will be each year because the price is fixed and
set in the agreement. This transfers financial risks from the County Council to
the project company.
The County Council have made the assessment that the benefits that
PPP enable is of large significance in a project with such large size and high
level of complexity as NKS. The completion time is of especial importance
because of planned restructuring in the highly specialised healthcare in the
Stockholm County.
Payments by the tenant Stockholm County Council
During construction
This phase is from the year 2010 until 2017 when the construction of all
new facilities are planned to be completed. During this phase the County
Council will pay a total of 9 868 million SEK to the project company, divided
into three different categories: I _________________________________________
During the whole project the County Council will supply the project
company with a total of around 52 billion SEK which corresponds to around 27
billion in in 2010 years monetary value. These payments will supply for
construction costs, funding, maintenance and
operation of
connected to the building during the whole period from 2010 until 2040.
4.2.4 BIM in the NKS project
BIM was introduced to the project by the owner (Stockholm County
Council) in the contract between them and the project company. In this
contract there are definitions of what follows with the concept BIM in regards
to the generated models.
In this project there are many models created to follow the project
through its life-cycle. This life-cycle will continue until the contractual time
ends in 2040 and at that time the model will be handed over to the County
Council for future use. There are no demands of open formats in the contract
between Stockholm County Council and the project company. Therefore
issues of interoperability will transferred to the project company.
Furthermore the model will be object based, with attributes either
directly in the model or linked to it. This enables spaces to be defined and
connected to the equipment related to that space. In the contract there is
no demand for open BIM formats like IFC to ensure interoperability.
The responsibility to combine the information from the designers is
allocated to Skanska. The models from the different designers are all
delivered in the program Navisworks which ensures that no file conversions
have to be made by Skanska. The responsibility to document the as-built
models is also allocated to Skanska as the main contractor. These models are
later supplied to the facilities manager to support their continuous operation
and management of the facilities. These models are also available for de
design consultants in support of their work.
It has however not been practical to collect all information in a single
model due to the large size of the project. The computing power is not
sufficient to support the use of such a large model; therefore it has been
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broken down into many different models containing the information otherwise
found in a single master model.
The role of BIM manager has also been adapted and such individuals
have been present at the different actors to ensure good use of the models.
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The contractor
The project is being conducted through the design/build delivery
method. This transfers the responsibility for both design and construction to the
main contractor, in this case Skanska. The contractual agreement to produce
BIM models made Skanska responsible for the collections of the information
needed in order to be able to combine it in to the demanded model.
Design phase
The project is of a substantial size and complexity due to the nature of
the facilities. There are many different designers contributing information in
order to complete the project. For these different designers, to be able to
transfer information between themselves, agreements regarding which
programs they are able to use have been made. These agreements ensure a
suitable level of interoperability within the project. There have not, on the
other hand, been any demands on the use of opens standards like IFC in this
The completed designs have then been converted and sent to
Skanska in a pre-defined format to ensure the interoperability when the final
models are combined. The work process in this stage has actually been the
production of the different design disciplines models which are later
combined by Skanska to make the BIM model, with all the information,
defined in the contract.
This means that the adoption of BIM has not actually changed the
work processes substantially in the design phase of the project, but rather
worked as an additional tool to ensure good communication between the
different design disciplines.
Construction phase
Skanska uses the BIM models in lesser extent in the construction phase,
but not substantially. The uses are mainly to determine locations on the
construction site. During this phase the model is continuously updated to be a
correct representation of the building containing information of all building
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components as they have been constructed. This model will later be handed
over to the facilities manager.
The facilities manager
The main usage for BIM in the NKS project is in the facilities
management stage. Coor service management have very ambitious goal for
their use of the models in their work processes. As with the usage of BIM in the
earlier phases of the project, the initiation to the extensive use of BIM to
support facilities management are found in the contract between Stockholm
County Council and the project company. Coor as the facilities manager
have developed their use of BIM and is aiming to have a far higher usage of
the model than stated as a minimum in the contract. Currently the extensive
use of BIM to support the facilities management in the NKS facilities has higher
ambitions than in any other similar project in the world. This puts great
demands on the success on the use of models in these processes both as a
huge prestige project and as a possibility to demonstrate the usefulness with
BIM in these stages of a buildings life-cycle.
BIM is information
To Coor as a facilities manager BIM is mainly a way of managing
information. The traditional way of storing information in folders limits its
usability. Contrary to such systems BIM enables databases to de linked directly
to the model for easy access to the information. Systems supporting data
management to ensure good management of information is of very high
value to the facilities manager.
In the perspective of the facilities manager, BIM connects the
enormous databases created by all the actors involved with the design and
construction of the building to the facilities management system. This gives
two benefits of specific importance in the NKS project:
Information management
Good documentation through a BIM as-built model will give the
facilities manager the information needed to know what facilities there are in
the building and how it should be maintained. Such knowledge is of great
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value both operating and maintenance staff, giving them correct information
on what types of materials and functions the facilities contains and how it
should be maintained according to the suppliers. Information regarding how
the different spaces should be used and what activity they are designed for
will enable more efficient usage of the facility.
To be able to document how the facility preforms will also be of high
value to the facilities manager. The databases linked to the BIM model will
enable storage of information connected to the performance of the facility
and enable evaluation of which changes that could be made to improve its
continuous function. According to Coor, BIM enables collection on hard data
on how the facilities actually perform. Earlier this was done by softer
evaluation by the professionals working with the facilities management. The
ability to evaluate how different components preform will be directly
connected to the costs of maintaining the facility.
If, for example, the elevators have an expected life-time of 15 years
but are not working without problems, data on how much such problems
might cost can indicate if this installation should be changed before the lifetime ends. There are not only costs connected to maintenance related to
installations not working properly. If the elevators are not functioning within
defined parameters Coor will be subjected to pay penalties.
Collection and storage of the operating information will enable Coor
to continuously make better estimates of how the facility will perform and
what improvements that has to be made. This will both lower the
maintenance costs and lower risks for penalties because of insufficiently
functioning installations.
BIM has the option of delivering traceability to an information
management system. When the databases are linked to the model it is
possible to identify both specific amounts and locations of different objects.
This allows maintenance personal to know the specific location of
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than the building itself. In the NKS project this means a reliable management
of the facilities that can provide new and improved services to the tenant.
With a facility of such high level of complexity as NKS it is the function the
different spaces provide that gives the value to the tenant rather than the
spaces themselves. With a high level of BIM use to support the facilities
management it will be possible to manage the facilities at lower cost and
with higher level of reliability in addition to the new services possible.
4.2.6 How barriers have been addressed
Connected with the adoption of BIM there are many barriers as
described in the literature review. In this case study I have revealed how some
of these barriers have been addressed in order to make BIM beneficial to the
project as a whole.
The issues of interoperability have not been addressed through open
formats like IFC in the NKS project. It has rather been addressed on two
different levels, namely between design consultants and deliveries to Skanska.
Between the design teams
The different design consultants are comfortable and most productive
with quite different tools. As a way to ensure that these actors can remain
efficient but still be able to interoperate, the design consultant had to agree
on which tools they were going to use. To be able to use a certain tool there
was a demand for sufficient interoperability with the other tools used by other
This solution may have limited some actors with tools not able to
interoperate with the other actors but the crucial issue of interoperability was
sufficiently addressed.
Deliveries to Skanska
Skanska demanded that completed design elements should be
delivered in a specific format to them. This enabled perfect interoperability
from their perspective, and transferred issues with conversion errors to the
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design consultants. This model was created in order to meet the demands in
the contract as well as requests from Coor as the facilities manager.
Changes in work processes
According to representative from Skanska there have not been very
large changes in the work processes due to the implementation of BIM. Many
of the tools used today by designers are actually close to producing BIM
models, but such models have not been exchanged and combined into a
single collective model.
The difference in in regard to BIM use when comparing NKS and most
other projects is the consistency by which design consultants models have
been uploading their completed models into the master models managed by
Skanska. Due to the contractual responsibility of Skanska to produce BIM
models there has been a large incentive to ensure that these models have
been correctly completed.
The largest changes to work processes the use of BIM enables to the
life-cycle of the NKS project mainly comes later in the facilities management
phase, where it will be used extensively by Coor. The collaborative work
processed described in the literature has not been implemented extensively.
The responsibility to educate their personal in how BIM should be used
has been given to the different actors. However when most of them are
familiar with the tools they use, this has not been a large issue in this project.
The choice of solution regarding interoperability and traditional rather than
collaborative work processes have enabled the different actors to remain in
their traditional work processes to a high degree.
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In the cases studied in this thesis it is indicated that the adoption of BIM
has been tightly connected with interested individuals. In the NKS project the
use of BIM was included in the contract, forcing all actors to use this
technology. The decision to include this issue in the contract was largely
influenced by a single person within the project owners organisation. This
person had good insight and understanding in what BIM is and how it can be
used but was somewhat unable to convey this to the other included actors.
Therefore the general goal for the BIM adoption was lost in this project.
On the other hand Coor service management was able to use the
opportunity which these requirements presented and develop them into new
and more efficient facilities management systems. This process was also
connected with specific individuals with the interest and knowledge to make
this change possible.
When the decision to BIM adoption is driven by interested individuals,
issues of inconsistency can arise. As discussed earlier, the adoption of BIM
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completion of a project, this means that the owner might not be able to
benefit from their investments and get a positive ROI. The consultants and
contractors on the other hand still get valuable experience and training in
how to use the technology as well as being able to develop functioning
business models.
It is argued by Kiviniemi (2013) that the party who should drive the
development towards BIM is public clients. These clients generally have a long
term perspective, both in regards to specific projects, but also because of the
frequency they participate in construction projects. Even if the development
of BIM supported processes is not generating a positive ROI on a single
project horizon the gathered knowledge can be used in future project. It is
also argued, by Howard and Bjrk (2008), that these public actors have a
responsibility to make the results from these projects available for other actors,
thereby driving the development in the whole industry. As BIM has the
opportunity to improve the productivity in the AEC-industry, higher adoption
rates should have benefits socioeconomically.
In some countries the public actors have followed this process. In for
example the UK there are demands for BIM from public actors. In Norway
Statsbygg has developed a BIM manual containing generic requirements
for BIM for both projects and facilities. This development is also establishing
itself somewhat in Sweden as the Utbildingshuset case study indicates.
Akademiska Hus has developed a BIM manual to establish some standards for
how BIM shall be adopted in their new construction projects. This manual
emphasizes on the information part in BIM and distinguishes it against ordinary
3D models without objects or linked information.
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How the decision regarding BIM was made, what benefits and barriers
was deemed most important?
Which actors that were involved in this decision?
How accurate the different actors understanding of BIM are?
If there were a consensus regarding the decision or if single individuals
drove the adoption process?
How barriers to BIM adoption have been addressed in the project?
adoption of this new ICT technology more efficient work processes need to
be adopted. How these new processes affect the industry in regards to
business models and practises is currently not fully developed. The individuals
working with these new tools also need education to be able to use the BIM
tools. BIM will change many individuals roles in the project and there has to
be a general understanding of the changes in practice. Together this means
that technical issues are not alone the greatest barrier to BIM. When trying to
break down the barriers to BIM adoption it is important to remember the
process changes and needs of the individuals actually working with the new
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6.7 Afterword
As seen in other countries, UK and Norway for example, large public
actors have power to set demands on the industry in regards to BIM. This is
largely the case because of the large amount of facilities they own and are
constructing. In Sweden the single public client Byggnadsstyrelsen was
divided into many different public companies with the responsibilities for
specific parts of the facilities previously owned by Byggnadsstyrelsen. Now,
five of these public companies are collaborating to establish demands and
standards regarding BIM adoption in their projects. These five companies are
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7.2 Interviews
Case-study 1 Campus Utbildningshus
Project manager for KTH (2013), interview spring 2013
Responsible for the use educational use of the building (2013) interview spring
Developer of Akademiska Hus BIM manual (2013), interview spring 2013
Case-study 2 Nya Karolinska Solna
BIM usage of Coor Service management (2013), interview spring 2013
BIM deliveries at Skanska (2013), interview spring 2013
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