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On the Sacred in African Literature - pp 21-44 - Realising the

Sacred: Chinua Achebes Arrow of God - pp 45-85 - Dramatising the

Sacred: Wole Soyinkas The Fourth Stage and Kongis Harvest by
Mark Mathuray
Chinua Achebe - pp 86-118 - Arrow of God by David Carroll
Understanding the Elements of Literature, Part of the
series Commonwealth Writers Series - pp 39-100 - Narrative Fiction and
the Printed Word by Richard Taylor
Shakespeare - pp 23-114 - A Guide to the Resources by
David M. Bergeron
The Macmillan Dictionary of Irish Literature, pp 75-728 - The
Dictionary by Robert Hogan
Salman Rushdie and the Third World - pp 79-117 - The National
Longing for Form by Timothy Brennan
The Sociology of Developing Societies - pp 109-146 - The Diffusion
of European Values and Institutions under Colonialism: Discontinuities
in the Evolutionary Process by Ankie M. M. Hoogvelt
An Introduction to Shakespeare - pp 97-201 - The Plays by
Peter Hyland
Shakespearean Tragedy - pp 31-63 - Construction in Shakespeares
Tragedies by A. C. Bradley
Transposing Drama, Part of the series New Directions in Theatre - pp
24-61 - Variations on the Audiovisual: Shakespeares Macbeth (c. 1606)
by Egil Trnqvist

Renaissance Drama, Part of the series Great Writers Student

Library - pp 27-120 - Beaumont, Francis by Derek Traversi
263-307 M, pp 53-96 C by James E. Ruoff
The Tempest, Part of the series The Critics Debate - pp 13-28
Genres by David Daniell
Discovering Shakespeares Meaning, Part of the
series Contemporary Interpretations of Shakespeare - pp 203-228 - Art
and Artifice by Leah Scragg
Background to Shakespeare - pp 96-116 - Elizabethan Stage
Condition by M. M. Badawi
The Literature of Place - pp 15-29 - Shakespeares Garden of
Eloquence: The Poetry of the Whole Land by Charles Calder
The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Part of the series Macmillan
Master Guides - pp 4-10 - The Background to the Play by
Kenneth Pickering
The Romantic Period, Part of the series Great Writers Student
Library - pp 19-127 - The Romantic Period by Kenneth Muir
Unconformities in Shakespeares Later Comedies - pp 1-21
Introduction by Kristian Smidt

Unconformities in Shakespeares Early Comedies - pp 1-25

Introduction by Kristian Smidt
Moment by Moment by Shakespeare - pp 50-111 - Who is Viola?
What is She? By Gary Taylor
The Winters Tale by William Shakespeare, Part of the
series Macmillan Master Guides - pp 6-47 - Summaries and Critical
Commentary by Diana Devlin
A Complete Concordance Or Verbal Index to Words, Phrases and
Passages in the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare with a Supplementary
Concordance to the Poems
Radwa Ashour, Text and Context: A Study of Shakespeare's Tempest
Paul Brown, 'This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine: The
Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism', Political Shakespeare: New
Essays in Cultural Materialism, Ed. Jonathan Dollimore & Alan Sinfield,
Manchester University Press, 1985
Adelman, Janet. Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in
Shakespeares Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest. New York: Routledge, 1992.
(Penuel, Suzanne. Male Mothering in The Tempest. Performing
Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Kathryn M. Moncrief and Kathryn R.
McPherson. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 115-27.)
Bill Ashcroft et al: The Empire writes back

Patrick D. Murphy
Forthcoming Persuasive Aesthetic Ecocritical Praxis (Lexington
Books, August 2015)
Ecofeminist Literary Criticism, co-edited with Greta Gaard,
translated into Chinese as Sheng tai nv xing zhu yi wen xue pi ping: li lun,
.chan shi he jiao xue, China Socia Science Press, 2013
Transversal Ecocritical Praxis. Lexington Books/Rowman and
.Littlefield. 2013
Ecocritical Explorations in Literary and Cultural Studies, Lexington
Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2009. Paperback edition December 2010.
American Students Write About College Life: Toward Responsive
Reading, textbook, co-edited with Ikue Kina, Shin Yamashiro, and Masaomi
Kobayashi, Eihosha Press (Tokyo), 2008.
Essentials of the Theory of Fiction, co-edited with Michael J.
Hoffman, Duke University Press, 1988, revised and expanded second
edition, 1996. 3rd revised edition, 2005.
A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder, Oregon
State University Press, 2000.
Farther Afield in the Study of Nature Oriented Literature, University
Press of Virginia, 2000.
The Literature of Nature: An International Sourcebook, edited,
Fitzroy-Dearborn Publishing, 1998.

American Panorama: An English at Your Fingertips Reader, textbook,

co-edited with the University of the Ryukyus Textbook Editorial Committee,
Eihosha Press (Tokyo), 1998.
Ecofeminist Literary Criticism and Pedagogy, co-edited with Greta
Gaard, co-authored introduction and authored essay, University of Illinois
Press, 1998.
Literature, Nature, and Other: Ecofeminist Critiques, State University
of New York Press, 1995.
Handbook of Chinese Popular Culture, co-edited with Dingbo Wu,
Greenwood Press, 1994.
Understanding Gary Snyder, University of South Carolina Press,
Critical Essays on American Modernism, co-edited with Michael J.
Hoffman, G.K. Hall, 1992.
Staging the Impossible: The Fantastic Mode in Modern Drama,
edited, Greenwood Press, 1992.
Critical Essays on Gary Snyder, edited with introduction and original
essay, G.K. Hall, 1991.
Science Fiction from China: Eight Stories, co-edited with Dingbo Wu,
Praeger, 1989 , translated into Italian asL'Onda Misteriosa, Mondadori,
The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, co-edited with
Vernon Hyles, with an introduction, original essay, and reprinted essay,
Greenwood Press, 1989.

Pessimism, Optimism, Human Inertia and Anthropogenic Climate "
Change," special climate change issue, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in
.Literature and Environment 21.1 (2014): 1-15
"Spatiality, Temporality, and Inhabitation: Gary Snyder's Great UnAmerican Non-epic," The Scholastic International Research Journal of
Language and Literature (India), 1.5 (January 2014): 1-10.
Transversal Ecocritical Praxis - An Interview with Patrick Murphy," "
interviewed by journal editorial board for special issue on
ecocriticism, Frame: Journal of Literature Studies (Netherlands) 26.2
.(November 2013): 103-116
Clarifying the Relations and Distinctions of Ecocriticis, Ecofeminism, "
and Environmental Justice," Forum for World Literature Studies (Wuhan,
.China), forthcoming 2013
Forthcoming "The Ecofeminist Subsistence PerspectiveRevisited in
an Age of Land Grabs and Its Representations in ContemporaryLiterature,"
special ecofeminism issue, guest ed. Terry Gifford andLorraine
Kerslake, Feminismo/s(Spain).
"Community Resilience and theCosmopolitan Role in the
Environmental Challenge-Response Novels of Ghosh,Grace, and Sinha,"

ecocriticism special issue, guest ed. Hsinya Huang andJohn

Beusterien, Comparative LiteratureStudies 50.1 (2013): 148-68.
"Qihoubianhualei kepu duwu yu xiaoshuo zhong de xushi yu xuici
celue"("Narrative and Rhetorical Strategies in Climate Change Popular
Scienceand Fiction"), original essay, translated into Chinese, Journal of
Poyang Lake #5 (2012): 36-41.
"Dangdaimeiguo xiaoshuo zhong de ziran" ("Nature in the
Contemporary AmericanNovel"), previously published article, translated
into Chinese, Journal of Poyang Lake 3 (2012);120-128.
"AnEcological Feminist Revisioning of the Masculinist
Sublime." RevistaCanaria de Estudios Ingleses(Spain) 64 (2012): 79-94.
"The Procession of Identity and Ecology in Contemporary Literature,"
special issue, guest ed. Ranjan Ghosh,SubStance #127, 41.1 (2012): 7791.
"Damning Damming Modernity: The Destructive Role of
Megadams." Tamkang Review (Taiwan) 42.1 (December 2011): 27-40.
"Preparing on the Plateau of Peak Oil for a Post-Carbon Economy in
Okinawa." International Journal of Okinawan Studies2.1 (2011): 15-22.
"Shengtai nuxingzhuyi shijiao xia de nanquan chonggao kuangmiu"
(An Ecological Feminist Revisioning of the Masculinist Sublime). Translated
into Chinese. The Journal of Jiangsu University (Zhenjiang, China). August
"The Writer as Activist, the Artist as Defender," review
essay. Transformations Sp/Su 2010: 163-68.

"Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Introductory Remarks." Translated

into Spanish. Nerter: Un revista dedicada a la Laterature, el Arte y el
Conocimiento (Tenerife, Canary Islands), June 2010.
"Tilting for Windmills: Climate change, Websites, and Ecocritical
pedagogy." Ecozon@ 1.1 (2010)
"Women Writers, Spiritual Realism, Ecological Responsibility, and
Inhabitation." Journal of Literature, Culture, and Media Studies 1.1 (2009):
5-11. Online.
"Subjects, Identities, Bodies, and Selves: Siblings, Symbiotes, and
the Ecological Stakes of Self Perception,"Topia: Canadian Journal of
Cultural Studies No. 21 (2009): 121-35.
"Engineering Planets, Engineering Ourselves: The Ethics of
terraforming and Areofroming in an Age of Climate Change," inaugural
issue, Journal of Ecocriticism (Canada) 1.1 (2009): 54-59.
"Terraculturation, Political Dissolution, and Myriad
Reorientations," Tamkang Review 39.1 (December 2008): 3-18.
"Nature in the Contemporary American Novel," English and
American Literary Studies (Shanghai) 6 (2007): 145-68.
"Scenarios of Disaster: Crying Wolf, Scaring Away the Elephants, and
Heading 'Em off at the Pass," Tamkang Review 37.1 (2006): 43-56.
"Susan Fenimore Cooper and Rural Hours," translated into Korean by
Dong-oh Choi as part of "Ecoconsciousness of the 19th Century 's Women
Writers: Cultural Criticism and Alternative Society in the Works of Dorothy
Wordsworth, Susan F. Cooper and Bettina von Arnim," Modern Studies in

English Language & Literature, journal of The Modern English Society of

Korea, 50.1 (February 2006): 21-27, 38-42.
"Paradise/Pair o' Dice: Contradictory Characteristics,
Counterindications, and the Contingencies of Environmental Justice in Real
and Virtual Terrains for Tomorrow's College Students," Tamkang
Review 34.3-4 (2004): 5-27.
"For the Land, Not the State: Post-National Multicultural
Literature." The Okinanwan Journal of American Studies1.1 (2004): 1-6.
"The Non-alibi of Pragmatic Utopianism and Wild Variability; or,
Optimistic Variations on a Science Fiction Theme," Tamkang Review 34.3-4
(2004): 243-53.
"Ranging Widely to Find Home," special issue, "Teaching
Environmental Literature, Academic Exchange Quarterly7.4 (Winter 2003):
"Nature Is Everywhere," translated into Korean by Dong-oh
Choi, Studies on Literature and Environment (Korea) 1 (2002): 223-31
(actually published March 2003).
"The Complexity of Simplicity," Tamkang International Conference
on Ecological Discourse, Tamkang Review32.3-4 (Sp-Su 2002): 25-46.
"Environmental Ethics, Environmental Justice, and Multicultural
American Literature," Fiction and Drama (Taiwan) 10 (1998): 41-53.
"Ecofeminism and Postmodernism: Agency, Transformation, and
Future Possibilities," "Women, Ecology and the Environment" special
issue, National Womens Studies Association Journal 9.3 (1997): 41-59.

"Cities and Sites of Contradictions: Contemporary Chinese American

Poetry," Tamkang Review (Taiwan), 28.1 (Autumn 1997): 49-75.
"Commodification, Resistance, Inhabitation, and Identity in the
Novels of Linda Hogan, Edna Escamill, and Karen Tei Yamashita," Phoebe:
A Journal of Feminist Scholarship, Theory and Aesthetics 9.1 (1997): 1-10.
"Environmental Literature: Beyond Nature Writing and the Fiction of
Nonfictionality," ASLE--Japan Newsletter, translated into Japanese, 1997.
"Gary Snyder," Post-War Literatures in English: A Lexicon of
Contemporary Authors, ed. Theo D'haen, Martinus Nijhoff uitgevers, 32nd
supplement, 1996. 18 pp.
"Ground, Pivot, Motion: Ecofeminist Theory, Dialogics, and Literary
Practice," Ecofeminism special issue, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist
Philosophy 6 (1991): 145-61. Rptd. in Ecological Feminist Philosophies, ed.
Karen J. Warren, Indiana University Press, 1996. 228-43.
"American Multiculturality: The Voices and Texts of Social Diversity
and the Challenges of Teaching Them,"Southern Review (Okinawa) No. 11
(1996): 51-85.
"Conserving Natural and Cultural Diversity: The Prose and Poetry of
Pat Mora," MELUS 21.1 (1996): 59-69.
"'The Whole Wide World Was Scrubbed Clean": The Androcentric
Animation of Denatured Disney," From Mouse to Mermaid, ed. Elizabeth
Bell, et al, Indiana University Press, 1995. 125-36.
"Robinson Jeffers, Gary Snyder, and the Problem of
Civilization," Robinson Jeffers and a Galaxy of Writers, ed. Wm. B. Thesing,
University of South Carolina Press, 1995. 93-107.

"Prolegomena for an Ecofeminist Dialogics," translated into Korean

by Heesu Chung and Hongsang Yeo, Bakhtin and Cultural Theory, ed.
Hongsang Yeo, Seoul: Literature and Intelligence Press, 1995, 381-407.
"Voicing Another Nature," A Dialogue of Voices: Feminism and
Bakhtin, ed. Karen Hohne and Helen Wussow, University of Minnesota
Press, 1994. 59-82
"Penance or Perception: Spirituality and Land in the Poetry of Gary
Snyder and Wendell Berry," Sagetrieb 5.2 (1986): 61-72. Rptd. in Earthly
Words: Essays on Contemporary American Nature and Environmental
Writers, ed. John Cooley, University of Michigan Press, 1994. 237-49.
"Rethinking the Relations of Nature, Culture, and
Agency," Environmental Values (U.K.) 1.4 (1992): 311-20.
"Suicide, Murder, Culture and Catastrophe: Joanna Russs We Who
Are About To....," State of the Fantastic: Studies in the Theory and Practice
of Fantastic Literature and Film, ed. Nicholas Ruddick, Greenwood Press,
1992. 121-31.
"Prolegomenon for an Ecofeminist Dialogics," Feminism, Bakhtin,
and the Dialogic Voice, ed. Dale Bauer and Susan Jaret McKinstry, State
University of New York Press, 1991. 39-56.
"Coyote Midwife in the Classroom: Introducing Literature with
Feminist Dialogics," Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature
Courses, ed. James Cahalan and David Downing, NCTE, 1991. 161-76.
"Reducing the Dystopian Distance: Pseudo-Documentary Framing in
Near Future Fictions," Science-Fiction Studies 17 (1990): 25-40.

"Robinson Jeffers's Heroes: Divided and Resisting," Quarry

West No.27 (1990): 96-100.
"Somagrams in an Other Tongue: Patricia Hampl's
'Resort,'" Womens Studies 19 (1990): 45-54.
"Beyond Humanism: Mythic Fantasy and Inhumanist Philosophy in
the Long Poems of Robinson Jeffers and Gary Snyder," American
Studies 30 (1989): 53-71.
"The High and Low Fantasies of Feminist
(Re)Mythopoeia," Mythlore 60 (1989): 26-31.
"The Verse Novel: A Modern American Poetic Genre," College
English 51 (1989): 57-72.
"De/Reconstructing the 'I': PostFANTASTICmodernist Poetry," Journal
of the Fantastic in the Arts 1.4 (1988): 39-48.
"The Realities of Unreal Worlds: Kings The Dead Zone,
Schmidts Kensho, and Lems Solaris," Spectrum of the Fantastic: Selected
Essays from the Sixth International Conference on the Fantastic in the
Arts, ed. Donald Palumbo, Greenwood Press, 1988. 175-83.
"Sex-Typing the Planet: Gaia Imagery and the Problem of Subverting
Patriarchy," Environmental Ethics 10 (1988): 155-68.
"The Dialogical Voices of Edgar Lee
Masters's Spoon River Anthology," Studies in the Humanities 15 (1988):
"Reclaiming the Power: Robinson Jefferss Verse Novels," Western
American Literature 22 (1987): 125-48.

"Dialogics and Didacticism: John Brunners Narrative

Blending," Science-Fiction Studies 14 (1987): 21-33.
"The Fantastic Experience in Poetry: Or, The Monsters are There,
Where are the Critics?" Extrapolation 28 (1987): 23-36.
"B. Traven: Anarchist from the Jungle," B. Traven: Life and Work, ed.
Ernst Shrer and Philip Jenkins, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986.
Illumination and Affection in the Parallel Plots of 'The Rich Boy' and
'The Beast in the Jungle,'" Papers on Language & Literature 22 (1986):
"C.S. Lewiss Dymer: Once More With Hesitation," CSL: Bulletin of
the New York C.S. Lewis Society 17.8 (1986): 1-8.
"Robinson Jeffers Macabre and Darkly Marvelous Double
Axe," Western American Literature 20 (1985): 195-209.
"Two Different Paths in the Quest for Place: Gary Snyder and Wendell
Berry," American Poetry 2 (1984): 60-68.
Book Sections/Chapters
"Directing the Weather, Producing the Climate," Culture and Media:
Explorations in Ecocriticism, ed. Rayson K. Alex, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2013.
Forthcoming "Sublime." Keywords inthe Study of Environment and
Culture. Ed. Joni Adamson, et al., New YorkUniversity Press.
"Shuttling to the Space Station and Then the Stars: 'The Final
Frontier' for Eploxration and Inhabitation on the Boundaries of Science and
Fiction." Translated into Japanese. Amerika: Idou no bunkagak (America:

Migration and Culture). Ed. Yamazato Katsunori. Kyoto: Minerva Publishing,

"Afterword." Ecofeminism and Rhetoric. Ed. Douglas Vakoch. New
York: Berghahn Books, 2011. 145-56.
"Bakhtinian Dialogics," European Contributions to Ecocritical Theory,
Ed. Axel Goodbody and Kate Rigby, University of virginia Press, 2011. 15567.
"Mod En transnational Okokritisk Teori." Danish trans. of "Toward
Transnational Ecocritical Theory: The Example of Hwa Yol Jung." Ch. 4
of Ecocriticial Explorations. In Litteratur i bevaegelse. Ringaard and
Tho9msen, eds. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsfolrag. 2010.
"Prefacio." Trans. into Spanish. In Ecocriticas: Literatura y medio
ambiente. Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2010.
"The Poetic Politics of Inhabitation in Neruda's Canto General and
Cardenal's Cosmic Canticle," Postcolonial Green, ed. Alex Hunt and Bonnie
Roos, University of Virginia Press, 2010.
"The Confluence of Hwa Yol Jung's Ethics and North American
Environmental Literature," Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy:
Essays in Honor of Hwa Yol Jung, ed. Jin Young Park, Lexington
Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2009.
"Environmentalism," The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction,
ed. Sherryl Vint, et al, Routledge, 2009.
"The Varieties of Environmental Literature in North
America," Teaching North American Environmental Literature, ed. Fred
Waage, et al, MLA, 2008. 24-36.

Gary Snyder." Twentieth-Century American Nature Poets, ed. J. Scott

Bryson and Roger Thompson. Dictionary of Literary Biography, V. 342.
Gale, 2008. 307-21.
Hurricanes and Hubris," Words on Water, ed. Maureen Devine and
Christa Grewe-Volp, Wissenschaftliche Verlag Trier, 2008.
"Grounding Anotherness and Answerability Through Allonational
Ecoliterature Formations,"Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies:
Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism, ed. Sylvia Mayer and Catrin
Gersdorf, Rodopi, 2006. 414-35.
"Grounding Anotherness and Answerability Through Allonational
Ecoliterature Formations,"Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies:
Transatlantic Conversations on Ecocriticism, ed. Sylvia Mayer and Catrin
Gersdorf, Rodopi, 2006. 414-35.
"Nature Nurturing Fathers in a World Beyond Our Control," Eco-Man:
New Perspectives on Masculinity and Nature, ed. Mark Allister, University
of Virginia Press, 2004. 196-210.
Ecofeminist Dialogics." Abridged Ch. One, Literature, Nature, and
Other, The Green Studies Reader, ed. Laurence Coupe, Routledge, 2000.
"The Non-Alibi of Alien Scapes: SF and Ecocriticism," Beyond Nature
Writing, ed. Karla Armbruster and Kathy Wallace, University Press of
Virginia, 2000. 263-78.
"The Tremendous Power of a Quiet Nudge: Birch Browsings in the
Seminar Room," Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing,
ed. Charlotte Zoe Walker, Syracuse University Press, 2000. 240-47.

"Mythic and Fantastic: Gary Snyder's 'Mountains and Rivers without

End,'" Extrapolation 26 (1985): 290-99. Rptd. In Contemporary Literary
Criticism, v. 120, ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter and Timothy J. White, Gale Group,
1999. 318-22.
"Anotherrness and Inhabitation in Recent Multicultural American
Literature," Writing and the Environment, ed. Richard Kerridge and Neil
Sammells, Zed Books, 1998. 40-52.
"Wendell Berry," Post-War Literatures in English: A Lexicon of
Contemporary Authors, ed. Theo D'haen, Martinus Nijhoff uitgevers, 35th
supplement, 1997. 14 pp.
"Horrific Humor: The Use of Comic Structure and Humor in Aliens,"
co-authored with Eric Paul Shaffer, Dark Fantastic: Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, ed. C.W.
Sullivan III, Greenwood Press, 1997. 151-60.
Gary Snyder," American Nature Writers, 2 v., ed. John Elder,
Scribner's, 1996. 829-46.

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