NNT-GMT-001-Z100 APACIMS Final Eng PDF

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PT Newmont


Nusa Tenggara

Health, Safety & Loss Prevention

Statement of Commitment

At Newmont Asia Pacific (APAC), we are committed to safety and health and it is an
integral part of the way we conduct our business.
We Are Committed to continual improvement in performance and aspire to Zero Harm
to our employees, business partners and visitors at all of our sites and facilities.
Wherever we operate, we will:

Identify, assess and manage risks;

Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and other requirements to
which the organization subscribes that relate to its OH&S hazards;

Communicate openly on all aspects of safety and health;

Develop our people and provide resources to assist the achieve our safety and
health targets;

Ensure to our leaders provide active visible leadership and are safety role models;

Establish and achieve targets that support our vision of Zero Harm; and

Strive to achieve leading practice in safety and health.

We will communicate the requirements of this statement of commitment to all

personnel including key stakeholders.

Tom Palmer
Asia Pacific RSVP
March 2015

NNT-GMT-001-Z100 version 1.1

Martiono Hadianto
President Director
March 2015

Tony Esplin
General Manager Operation
March 2015


PT Newmont


Nusa Tenggara

Statement of Committment
to ensure an integrated approach to final land-use

Newmont Asia Pacific (APAC) believes that responsible

environmental management and leading environmental
performance is integral to an effective and successful company.
This will be achieved through leadership and the use of formal
management systems that support effective decision making,
manage company risks and drive continues improvement.
To enable environmental objectives to be achieved, each APAC
operation and facility commits to:

Comply with all applicable legal requirements and other

commitments to which we subscribe , as a minimum
Implement and maintain APACs Integrated
Management System (IMS) and Discipline Specific
Standards to mitigate risk of harm to communities and
the environment. The IMS provides the framework for
setting and reviewing objective and targets to ensure
continuous improvement;
Identify and assess risks and improvement opportunities
and develop and implement strategis and plans to
manage siginificant risks, including but not limited to:

Water - implement the Global Water Strategy to

ensure that water is valued and managed as a
precious resource;
Energy and Greenhouse - improve energy efficient
through the identification, assessment and
implementation of energy efficiency projects to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce
operating costs;

NNT-GMT-001-Z101 version 1.1

Tailings Management - design, operate and close

tailings storage facilities to minimise risks to the
environment and stakeholders;

Waste Rock - manage waste rock to ensure

potential drainage issues are identified and
managed and rehabilitation strategies promote
safe and stable structures;

Biodiversity - understand the biodiversity context

within which we operate and develop
management plans to mitigate any potential

Integrate environmental considerations into all aspects

of the companys business decisions and activities in
order to minimise environmental impact, prevent
pollution, mitigate associated long term financial
liability and enhance social benefit;

Select appropriately qualified and competent people,

and provide training to ensure suppliers work in a
responsible manner with due consideration to the

Engage stakeholders on their concerns, aspirations and

values regarding the development, operational and
closure aspects of mineral projects, recognizing that
there are links between environmental, economic, social
and cultural issues;

Communicate openly about our performance in an

accurate, transparent and timely manner.

Mine Legacy - ensure that mine closure activities

are planned and concurrently implemented during
the operational phase and that all relevant
stakeholders are consulted throughout this process

Tom Palmer
Asia Pacific RSVP
March 2015

Martiono Hadianto
President Director
March 2015

Tony Esplin
General Manager Operation
March 2015


PT Newmont


Nusa Tenggara

Social Responsibility
Statement of Committment
Newmont Asia Pacific (APAC) believes that leading social
responsibility is essential to our business and is demonstrated
through building relationship based on trust and adding value
to the communities in which we operate. This will be achieved
through leadership and the use of formal management systems
that support effective decission making, manage compnay risks
and promote continous improvement.

Create shared value with local communities by

maximising local procurement and enterprise
development, local employment, training and
community development opportunities;

Integrate social considerations into all aspects of the

company's business decisions and activities,
including exploration, project development, mine
operation, mine expansion, acquisitions, divestments
and closures to avoid or mitigate adverse social impacts
and enhance social benefit;

Respect the dignity, wellbeing and human rights of

employees and the communities in which we live and
ensure all levels of the workforce complete training to
understand and respects these rights;

Demonstrate our commitment to Indigenous rights by

acknowledging and respecting local cultural norms and
work to obtain free, prior and informed consent of
indigenous peoples as reflected in the International
Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Position

Select appropriately qualified and competent people,

and provide training to ensure employees, contractors
and suppliers act on the potential and actual social
impact of their activities.

Communicate openly about our performance in an

accurate, transparent and timely manner.

To realise our commitment to Social Responsibility, each

operation and facility commits to:

Comply with all applicable legal requirements and

other commitments to which we subscribe, as a
minimum standard;
Implement and maintain APAC's Integrated
Management System (IMS) and Discipline Specific
Standards to mitigate the risk of harm to communities
and the environment. The IMS provides the framework
for setting and reviewing objectives and targets to
ensure continuous improvement;
Identify social impacts by conducting independent
Social Impact Assessments, risk and opportunity
assessments and develop and implement continuous
improvement plans to manage the significant impacts,
risks and opportunities;
Engage stakeholders on their concerns, aspirations and
values regarding the development, operational and
closure aspects of mineral projects, recognising the
strong links between economic, social and cultural

Tom Palmer
Asia Pacific RSVP
March 2015

NNT-GMT-001-Z102 version 1.1

Martiono Hadianto
President Director
March 2015

Tony Esplin
General Manager Operation
March 2015

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