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January 2016

Arie E. Kaufman
Department of Computer Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424
(631) 632-8441/8471/8428
[email protected]
Fax: (631) 632-8445/8334
1. Education
1977 Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Thesis: "An InterPhD active Real-Time Graphics Language." Advisor: S. Bergman.

1973 Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Thesis: "Computer Simulation and Optimization of Traffic Signals Network." Advisors: I. Horowitz and A. Solomon.
1969 Mathematics and Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.


2. Academic Positions
Distinguished Professor, Biomedical Informatics Department, Stony Brook University, New York.
2014Chief Scientist, Center for Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology, Stony Brook Uni2007versity, New York.
Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Radiology, Stony Brook University, New York.


Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York.


Director, Center for Visual Computing (CVC), Stony Brook University, New York.

19961993-04 Leading Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York.
1993-04 Leading Professor, Department of Radiology, Stony Brook University, New York.
1989-93 Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York.
1992-93 Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, New York.
1985-89 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York.
1982-85 Director, Center of Computer Graphics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
1981-85 Senior Lecturer of Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
1981-82 Visiting Senior Lecturer of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University.
1978-81 Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Florida International University, Miami, Florida.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

1977-78 Visiting Lecturer-Researcher of Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

3. Major Professional Activities (1983-present)
Chair, IPA Conference on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Pattern Recognition, Beer Sheva (June

Chair, Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics of IPA - Information Processing Association of Israel

Editor, Computer Graphics Forum journal (1986-1993).

Editor, Computers & Graphics journal (1988-2003).
Guest-editor, special issue of Computers & Graphics, 13, 2, on "3D Voxel Graphics" (April 1989).
Vice-Chair for Conferences, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics

Guest-editor, special issue of The Visual Computer, 6, 1, on "Volume Visualization" (February 1990).
Co-chair, 5th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lausanne, Switzerland (September 1990).
Papers Chair, IEEE Visualization '90 Conference, San Francisco, CA (October 1990). Editor, The Visual
Computer journal (1990-2011).

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Virtual Environments journal (2014- ).

Chair, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics (1991-1994).
Co-chair, 6th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Vienna, Austria (September 1991).
Program Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization '91 Conference, San Diego, CA (October 1991). Editor, IEEE
Computer journal (1992-1995).

Program Co-Chair, ACM Boston Volume Visualization Workshop, Boston, MA (October 1992).
Papers Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization '92 Conference, Boston, MA (October 1992).

Invited Plenary Speaker on "Volume Visualization," Grand Opening of the National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu, Taiwan (April 1993).

Co-guest-editor, special issue of The Visual Computer on "Visualization Role of Interactivity and Realtime" (August 1993; with W. Krueger).

Co-guest-editor, special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications on "Visualization" (July 1993;
with G. Nielson and L. Rosenblum).

Invited Plenary Speaker on "Scientific Data Visualization," Eurographics '93 Conference, Barcelona, Spain
(September 1993).

Program Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization '93 Conference, San Jose, CA (October 1993).
Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Maryland, MD (April 1994).
Invited Plenary Speaker on "A Vision for Volume Visualization," Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Visualisation in Scientific Computing, Rostock, Germany (May 1994).

Guest-editor of special issue of IEEE Computer on "Scientific Visualization" (July 1994).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Co-guest-editor, special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications on "Visualization" (September
1994; with G. Nielson).

Papers Co-Chair, IEEE Visualization '94 Conference, Washington, DC (October 1994).

Director, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Graphics (1994-present).
Program Co-Chair, ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Washington, DC (October 1994).
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (1995-1998).
Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecture Series, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA (May 1995).

Member, Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Wiley (1995-1999).
Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecture Series, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN (November 1995).
Invited Plenary Speaker on "Volume Graphics: The Next Revolution in Computer Graphics," Chinagraph
Conference, Hangzhou, China (October 1996).

Co-chair, 12th SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, CA (August


Co-chair, 13th SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lisbon, Portugal (AugustSeptember 1998).

Symposium Chair, ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC (October

Member, Advisory Board, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (1999-present).

Chair, International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'99), Swansea, United Kingdom (Mar 1999).
Co-chair, 14th SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, CA (August

Editor, International Journal of Computer Graphics & Geometry, 2000 - present.

Keynote Speaker on "From Voxels to Sampling Points," Volume Visualization and Graphics Symposium
2000, Salt Lake City, UT (October 2000).

Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecturer Series, Rutgers University, NJ (April 2001).

Chair, International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'01), Stony Brook, NY (June 2001).
Guest-editor, Graphical Models special issue on "Volume Modeling," vol. 63, no. 6, November 2001 (with
M. Chen and G.M. Nielson ).

Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecture Series, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (December

Keynote Speaker on "Accelerated Volume Graphics," Geometric Modeling and Processing Conference
(GMP'02) Wako, Saitama, Japan (July 2002).

Chair, International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'03), Tokyo, Japan (July 2003).
Keynote Speaker on "Volume Graphics and Its Applications," Tenth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Okagi, Japan (November 2004).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Chair, International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'05), Stony Brook, New York (June 2005).
Keynote Speaker on Visual Simulation of Flow, Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design
and Computer Graphics, Hong Kong, China (December 2005).

Invited Plenary Speaker on "Virtual Colonoscopy," Symposium on the Future of Visualization, Charlotte, NC
(May 2006).

Keynote Speaker on "Virtual Colonoscopy with Computer-Aided Polyp Detection," International Workshop
on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Buffalo, NY (April 2008).

Moderator, Technical Innovations Session, Ninth International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy Boston,
MA (October 2008).

Invited Plenary Talk on "Three-Dimensional Virtual Colonoscopy," IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium,
Kyoto, Japan (March 2008).

Keynote Speaker on "Virtual Colonoscopy with Computer-Aided Polyp Detection," International Workshop
on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Buffalo, NY (April 2008).

Azriel Rosenfeld Distinguished Lecturer on "Virtual Colonoscopy: Mass Screening of Colorectal Cancer,"
University of Maryland, College Park, MD (May 2008).

Invited Plenary Speaker on "Implementing Lattice Boltzmann Models on Graphics Hardware," 17th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD), Florianopolis, Brazil (August 2008).

Invited Plenary Talk on "Texture-based CAD," Ninth International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy,
Boston, MA (October 2008.)

Keynote Speaker on "Virtual Colonoscopy for Colon Cancer Screening," 4th International Symposium on
Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, NV (December 2008).

Distinguished Lecturer, Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series (UNC, Duke and NCSU),
February 2011.
4. Additional Professional Activities
Chief consultant, Kidron Digital Systems, Jerusalem, on the R&D of an integrated software-hardware system
for graphics-text laser printing (1983-84).

Liaison to ANSI X3H3 (American National Standards Institute - Information Processing Systems, Committee on Computer Graphics) (1984-1995).

Chief consultant, National Semiconductors Ltd., Hertzelia and Santa Clara, CA, on the design of a sophisticated VLSI graphics chip (1984-85).

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '85 Conference, Nice, France (Sept. 1985).
Chair of the IPA Tutorial on VLSI and Computer Graphics, Kfar Hamaccabia, Israel (June 1985).
Member, Advisory Board of the International Journal of Expert Systems: Research and Applications (ESRA)

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '86 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (August 1986).
Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '87 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(August 1987).
Member, Program Committee, 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Nice, France (September

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '88 Conference, Nice, France (September 1988).
Member, Program Committee, 4th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Hamburg, West Germany
(September 1989).

Member, NSF panel on Small Business Innovation Research, Division of Computer and Computation
Research (1989).

Chief consultant, MediCAD Corporation, Setauket, NY, on volume visualization for biomedical applications

Member, Program Committee, First Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Atlanta, GA

(May 1990).

Speaker, course on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Architectures," ACM SIGGRAPH '90 Course, no.
11, Dallas, Texas (August 1990).

Speaker, course on "State of the Art in Data Visualization," ACM SIGGRAPH '90 Course, no. 27, Dallas,
Texas (August 1990).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," Eurographics '90 Tutorials, Montreux, Switzerland
(September 1990).

Co-founder and Steering Committee member of the IEEE Visualization conference series (1990-present).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," IEEE Visualization '90 Tutorial, San Francisco, CA
(October 1990).

Member, Organizing Committee, Volume Visualization Workshop, San Diego, CA (December 1990).
Member, Program Committee, IFIP TC 5/WG 5.10 Working Conference on Modeling in Computer Graphics,
Tokyo, Japan (April 1991).

Speaker, course on Volume Visualization, Berkeley Series in Visual Computing, Berkeley, CA (May 1991).
Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '91, MIT, Cambridge, MA (June 1991).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Introduction to Volume Visualization," CG International '91 Conference,
MIT, Cambridge, MA (June 1991).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," IEEE Visualization '91 Conference, San Diego, CA
(October 1991).

Member, IEEE Computer Society Technology Segment Committee on Multimedia Technology (1992-1995).
Member, Editorial Board, Russian Journal on Computer Graphics (1992-present).
Member, IEEE Computer Society Technology Segment Committee on Computational Science and Engineering (1992-present).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," Graphics Interface '92 Conference, Vancouver, BC,
Canada (May 1992).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '92, Tokyo, Japan (June 1992).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Fundamentals of Volume Visualization," CG International '92 Conference,
Tokyo, Japan (June 1992).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Introduction to Volume Visualization," ACM SIGGRAPH '92, no. 8, Chicago,
IL (July 1992).

Member, Program Committee, 7th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Cambridge, UK

(September 1992).

Member, Program Committee, Second Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Chapel Hill,
NC (October 1992).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Introduction to Volume Visualization and Its Biomedical Applications," Second Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing '92, Chapel Hill, NC (October 1992).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '92,
Boston, MA (October 1992).

Invited Lecturer, CEA-INRIA-EDF Summer School in Computer Science, course on "Volume Visualization
Techniques and Applications," Le Breau, France (June 1993).

Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '93, Lausanne, Switzerland (June 1993).
Member, Program Committee, IFIP TC5/WG5.10 2nd Working Conference on Modeling in Computer
Graphics, Genova, Italy (June 1993).

Member, Organizing Committee, ONR Data Visualization Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany (July 1993).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," ACM SIGGRAPH '93, no. 41, Anaheim, CA (July

Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics '93, Seoul, Korea (August 1993).
Invited Speaker, tutorial on "Visualization," Pacific Graphics '93, Seoul, Korea (August 1993).
Member, Program Committee, 8th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Barcelona, Spain
(September 1993).

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '93 Conference, Barcelona, Spain (September

Member, Slide and Video Jury, Eurographics '93 Conference, Barcelona, Spain (September 1993).
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Symposium on Parallel Rendering, San Jose, CA (October 1993).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '93,
San Jose, CA (October 1993).

Member, Program Committee, First International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Singapore (November 1993).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization," Supercomputing '93, Portland, OR (November 1993).
Member, Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems,
Boston, MA (May 1994).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Workshop on Visualization and Machine Vision, Seattle, WA (June 1994).
Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '94, Melbourne, Australia (June 1994).
Speaker, tutorial on "Computational Representation of Geometry," ACM SIGGRAPH '94, Orlando, FL (July

Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics '94/CADDM '94, Beijing, China (August 1994).
Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '94 Conference, Oslo, Norway (September 1994).
Member, Program Committee, 9th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Oslo, Norway (September 1994).

Member, Program Committee, Third Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing, Rochester, MN

(October 1994).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization and Its Biomedical Applications," Third Conference on
Visualization in Biomedical Computing '94, Rochester, MN (October 1994).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '94,
Washington, DC (October 1994).

Member, International Board of IEEE-EMBS First Summer School on 3D Biomedical Imaging, France

Member, IFIP WG5.10, Computer Graphics Working Group (1994-present).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium VRAIS'95, Research
Triangle Park, NC (March 1995).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Second International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Washington, DC (May 1995).

Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '95, Leads, UK (June 1995).

Member, International Program Committee, International Workshop on HPC for Computer Graphics and
Visualisation, Swansea, United Kingdom (July 1995).

Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics '95, Seoul, Korea (August 1995).
Member, Program Committee, 10th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Maastricht, The Netherlands (August 1995).

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '95 Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands
(August 1995).

Member, Scientific Program Committee, Associazione Italiana Calcolo Automatico AICA '95 Conference
and International Symposium on Scientific Visualization (ISSV), Cagliari, Italy (September 1995).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '95,
Atlanta, GA (October 1995).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization InfoVis'95, Atlanta, GA

(October 1995).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS'95), Santa Clara,
CA (March 1996).

Member, Program Committee, CG International Conference '96, Pohang, Korea (June 1996).
Member, Program Committee, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG'96), Bratislava (June

Invited speaker, "Recent Trends in Volume Visualization," IEEE EMBS Summer School on Biomedical Imaging, Berder Island, France (June 1996).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization: Principles and Practice," ACM SIGGRAPH '96, New
Orleans, LO (August 1996).

Speaker, tutorial on "Representation of Geometry for Computer Graphics," ACM SIGGRAPH '96, New
Orleans, LO (August 1996).

Panel speaker, "Imaging Features in Advanced Computer Graphics Architectures," ACM SIGGRAPH '96,
New Orleans, LO (August 1996).

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '96 Conference, Poitiers, France (August 1996).
Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics Conference '96, Hsinchu, Taiwan (August 1996).
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization InfoVis'96, San Francisco, CA
(October 1996).

Member, Program Committee, ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization '96 Symposium, San Francisco, CA (October 1996).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Visualization '96 Conference, San Francisco, CA (October 1996).
Panel organizer and moderator, "Real-Time Accelerators for Volume Rendering," IEEE Visualization '96
Conference, San Francisco, CA (October 1996).

Panel speaker, "Surface Rendering versus Volume Rendering in Virtual Endoscopy: Techniques and Applications," IEEE Visualization '96 Conference, San Francisco, CA (October 1996).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '96,
San Francisco, CA (October 1996).

Director, CD-ROM for College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Stony Brook, NY, 1996. Second edition, 1997.

Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Shape Modeling, University of Aizu, Japan
(March 1997).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS'97), Albuquerque, NM (March 1997).

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Information Visualization IV'97, London, UK (July 1997).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Principles," ACM SIGGRAPH '97, Los Angeles, CA
(August 1997).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Advances," ACM SIGGRAPH '97, Los Angeles, CA
(August 1997).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '97 Conference, Budapest, Hungary (September

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Visualization Algorithms and Applications," IEEE Visualization '97
Conference, Pheonix, AZ (October 1997).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Symposium on Parallel Rendering, Pheonix, AZ (October 1997).
Member, Program Committee, IEEE Visualization '97 Conference, Pheonix, AZ (October 1997).
Member, Program Committee, Compugraphics '97, Sixth International Conference on Computational
Graphics and Visualization Techniques, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (December 1997).

Member, Program Committee, Fifth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer
Graphics CAD/Graphics '97, Shenzhen, China (December 1997).

Consultant, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab, Cambridge, MA, on real-time volume rendering hardware

Member, Program Committee, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics and Its Applications '98, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia (April 1998).

Member, Program Committee, 6th International Festival and Conference on Computer Graphics and Animation ANIGRAPH '98, Moscow (May 1998).

Member, Program Committee, Computer Animation Conference '98, Philadelphia, PA (June 1998).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Advances in Volume Visualization," ACM SIGGRAPH '98, Orlando, FL (July

Member, Scientific Committee, Information Visualisation IV'98, London, UK (July 1998).

Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '98 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (September

Invited speaker, House of Representatives Science Coalition, Washington, DC (September 1998).

Member, Program Committee, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions MICCAI '98,
Cambridge, MA (October 1998).

Member, Program Committee, Visualization Conference '98, Research Triangle Park, NC (October 1998).
Panel organizer and moderator, "Why is real-time volume rendering no longer a year away?," Visualization
Conference '98, Research Triangle Park, NC (October 1998).

Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics Conference '98, Singapore (October 1998).
Member, Program Committee, International Symposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and
Vision SIBGRAPI '98, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (October 1998).

Member, Program Committee, Workshop on Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments CAPTECH'98, Geneva, Switzerland (November 1998).

Member, International Programme Committee, International Conference on Visual Computing ICVC '99,
Goa, India (February 1999).

Member, International Program Committee, Seventh International Conference in Central Europe on

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Computer Graphics and Visualization 99 (WSCG '99), Plzen, Czech Republic (February 1999).
Invited speaker, SMART-NY Meeting, Albany, NY (February 1999).

Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications SMI '99,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (March 1999).

Member, Program Committee, IEEE Virtual Reality Conference VR '99, Houston, TX (March 1999).
Member, Program Committee, Computer Animation Conference '99, Geneva, Switzerland (May 1999).
Member, Program Committee, Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization VisSym
'99, Vienna, Austria (May 1999).

Member, Programme Committee, Information Visualisation 1999 (IV'99), London, UK (July 1999).
Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Graphics," ACM SIGGRAPH '99, Los Angeles, CA (August, 1999).
Member, International Program Committee, Eurographics '99 Conference, Milan, Italy (September 1999).
Member, International Program Committee, 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics & Vision,
GraphicsCon '99, Moscow (August - September 1999).

Member, Scientific Review Committee, Second International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'99), Cambridge, UK (September 1999).

Member, Program Committee, Parallel Visualization and Graphics Symposium (PVG'99, San Francisco, CA
(October 1999).

Chair and speaker, tutorial on "Volume Graphics," IEEE Visualization '99 Conference, San Francisco, CA
(October 1999).

Member, Program Committee, Pacific Graphics Conference '99, Korea (October 1999).
Member, Program Committee, Sixth CAD & CG Conference, Shanghai, China (December 1999).
Member, Fellows Committee, IEEE Computer Society (1999).

Founder and President, EndoMed Corp., Stony Brook, NY (1999-2000).

Member, Program Committee, First International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG'2000, Tianjin,
China (August 2000).

Member, Program Committee, Computer Animation 2000, CA'2000, Philadelphia, PA (May 2000).
Member, International Program Committee, GraphicsCon 2000 Conference, Moscow, Russia (August 2000).
Member, Program Committee, SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Interlaken,
Switzerland (August 2000).

Invited Speaker, on "Volume Graphics" 10th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Stony
Brook, NY (October 2000).

Guest Speaker, on "Where Technology is Headed" IdeaFair 2000, New York, NY (October 2000).
Founder, Director, Vice President of Research and Development, Acting President, Chief Scientist, and Chief
Consultant, Viatronix Inc., Stony Brook, NY (2000-present).

Member, Program Committee, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2001 (SCCG'01), Slovak Republic
(April 2001).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, Steering Committee, SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles,

CA (August 2001).

Member, Program Committee, 3DD 2002, the Singapore Workshop on 3D Digitization, Singapore (February

Member, International Program Committee, Computer Animation 2002, Geneva Switzerland (June 2002).
Member, Program Committee, Second International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'2002), Hefei,
China (August 2002).

Co-chair and Speaker, tutorial on "State of the Art in Data Representation," Visualization '02 Conference,
Boston, MA (October 2002).

Member, Program Committee, 16th Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents 2003
(CASA 2003), Rutgers University, NJ, (May 2003).

Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Computer Graphics Year in Review, A.K. Peters, Ltd. (2003).
Member, International Program Committee, 2004 Symposium on Point-Based Computer Graphics, Zurich,
Switzerland (June 2004).

Invited talk, Cyberworlds, Tokyo, Japan (November 2004).

Member, International Program Committee, 2005 Symposium on Point-Based Computer Graphics Stony
Brook, NY (June 2005).

Member, International Program Committee, Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA),
Hong Kong, (October 2005).

Member, Program Committee, Computer Animation and Social Agents 2006 Conference (CASA), Geneva,
Switzerland (July 2006).

Member, International Program Committee, Symposium on Point-Based Computer Graphics, Boston, MA,
(July 2006).

Member, International Program Committee, Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory
and Applications (GRAPP) Barcelona, Spain, (March 2007).

Member, International Program Committee, Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), Hasselt University, Belgium, (June 2007).

Member, Steering Committee, Knowledge-assistant Visualization (KaV), Sacramento, CA (2007).

Member, International Program Committee, Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory
and Applications (GRAPP), Madeira Island, Portugal, (January 2008).

Member, International Program Committee, Fourth International Symposium on I3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Atlanta, GA (June 2008).

Member, International Program Committee, Computer Animation and Social Agents 2008 Conference,
Korea, (September 2008).

Member, Steering Committee, Knowledge-assistant Visualization (KaV), Columbus, OH (2008).

Member, Program Committee, "Visualization and Simulation on Immersive Display Devices," 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, (ISVC08) Las Vegas, Nevada (December 2008).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Member, International Program Committee, Computer Graphics International 2009 Conference (CGI'09),
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, (May 2009).

Member, International Program Committee, "Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA'09) University
of Twente, the Netherlands, (June 2009).

Member, International Organization Committee, Dagstuhl Seminar on Scientific Visualization, Schloss

Dagstuhl, Germany, (June 2009).

Member, International Advisory Committee, Centre of Research and Applications in Visualization and Simulation - "enOrasis," University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2009).

Invited Speaker on "A New Way to View, Learn and Train Using the RealityDeck," presented to Suffolk
County Department of Fire and Rescue, April 2013.

Technical Papers Advisory Board Member, SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, Shenzhen China.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Imaging, 2014-present.
Invited speaker at various universities, institutions, and companies, including (since 1983): Kidron Digital
Systems; SUNY at Stony Brook; National Semiconductors, Santa Clara, CA; Tel-Aviv University; Hebrew
University; IBM Scientific Center, Haifa; Florida International University; Georgia Tech; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center - New York; Grumman Data Systems; Florida State University; Hughes Aircraft Company; Washington University - St. Louis; JPL, California Institute of Technology; National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Princeton University; NASA Ames
Research Center; AT&T Bell Laboratories; HP Laboratories; Ben-Gurion University; Radiation Oncology at
Stony Brook University Hospital; University Hospital Eppendorf Hamburg, Germany; Brookhaven National
Labs - CCD; MIT Media Lab; MIT Design Lab; ECRC - Munich; University of Pennsylvania; IBM - Germany; Rice University; National Science Foundation; University of Washington - Seattle; Kanebo Ltd. Osaka,
Japan; Columbia University; University of Lille - France; University of Rennes I - France; Carnegie Mellon
University; Ames National Labs - Iowa; National Center for High-Performance Computing - Taiwan; Oak
Ridge National Labs; Sun Microsystems; Silicon Graphics; Nicograph, Japan; Japan Radio Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory; Reuters; IBM - Yorktown Heights; University of Maryland; Universitat
Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; Daimler-Benz, Ulm, Germany; GVU Center - Georgia Tech; Sandia National Lab; Los Alamos National Lab; Exxon Production Research; Mitsubishi Electric Company,
Ofuna, Japan; Electrotechnical Lab, Tsukuba, Japan; ATR, Takanohara, Japan; IAE, Tokyo, Japan; Purdue
University; Technical University of Vienna; Intel Microelectronic Research Lab; University College London;
Cold Spring Harbor Lab, New York; Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Fujitsu - Tokyo; Tokyo Institute of Technology; Brookhaven National Labs - CDIC; Rutgers University; Johns Hopkins University; Tohoku
University - Sendai; Ajou University - Korea; KAIST - Seoul, Korea; KAIST - Daejeon, Korea; Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) - Zurich; Technion - Israel; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Brown University; Tsinguah University - Beijing; Peking University - Beijing; Microsoft Research
Asia; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Cyprus; J.W. Fulbright Center; Nicosia; Pan Cyprian Medical Doctors' Association.

Fellow Member of IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Computer Society (1979-present).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Fellow Member of ACM - Association for Computer Machinery (1974-present), Eurographics - European
Association for Computer Graphics (1980-present), IPA - Information Processing Association, Israel
(1974-1990), NCGA - National Computer Graphics Association (1986-1993), and IEEE-EMBS - Institute of
Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (1991-1995). Member of
European Academy of Sciences, Computer Science section (2002-present).

5. Awards
1. Seven Faculty Development Awards, Florida International University (1979-1981).
2. Release Time for Research Award, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University (1981).
3. National Science Foundation and American Federation of Information Processing Societies (NSF-AFIPS)
Award to present paper on "Voxel-Based Architectures for Three-Dimensional Graphics" at the IFIP '86, 10th
World Computer Congress, Dublin, Ireland, September 1986.
4. Senior Member IEEE (1994-1997).
5. Merit Award for Teaching and Curriculum Development, SUNY Stony Brook, 1994. 6.
IEEE Computer Society's Outstanding Contribution Award, 1995. 7. IEEE Computer
Society's Golden Core Member, 1996.
8. Listed in Who's Who in America Science and Engineering, 1997-present.
9. IEEE Fellow, 1998, "for contributions to and leadership in visualization and computer graphics." 10.
ACM Service Award, October 1998.
11. IEEE Computer Society's Meritorious Service Award, 1999.
12. Nominated International Scientist of the Year for 2001, IBC, Cambridge, England. 13.
Listed in Who's Who in Engineering Education (WWEE), 2002. 14. Entrepreneur Award,
State of New York, May 2002.
15. Elected member of European Academy of Sciences, August, 2002.
16. Listed in Who's Who in Engineering Sciences Higher Education (WWSHE), 2003. 17.
IEEE Long Island Section's Harold Wheeler Award, April 2004.
18. IEEE Visualization Career Award, October 2005, "for seminal work in the theory and practice of volume
19. State of New York Innovative Research Award, November 2005.
20. Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), November 2009.
21. 2013 Long Island Technology Hall of Fame Inductee, March 6, 2013.
6. Technical Work Recognitions
1. A Color Naming System (CNS) used as a computer-based color specification in several software products
and systems (e.g., Gypsytech, True Basic, W3C, CelLab) (with T. Berk and L. Brownston).

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2. A computer-generated image titled "Voxel-Based Geometric Model of a Bottle and a Glass" selected for the
ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set, T. Liow).
3. A Best Paper Award for "An Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygons," presented at Eurographics
Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1987.
4. Feature article on "Designs of the Future: Make Way for Voxels," by R. Raskin, in PC Week, vol. 5, no. 31,
August 1, 1988, p. S/8.
5. A computer-generated image titled "Reconstruction of a Voxel Model of the Skull," featured in The New
York Times and selected for ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set, A. Klienstern).
6. A computer-generated image titled "Shaded Voxel-Based Geometric Model of a Sphere," selected for cover
picture of The Visual Computer, vol. 4, no. 4, 1988.
7. Three patents on object voxelization licensed by Hughes Aircraft for their RealScene ight simulator, 1988.
8. A computer-generated image titled "Voxel Teapot," selected for ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Slide Set,
H. Li).
9. Excerpts from the Cube and the MediCube video tapes selected for Special Issue of the ACM SIGGRAPH
Video Review no. 44, "Volume Visualization: State of the Art".
10. A computer-generated image titled "Volume Visualization of a Live Cell," cover picture of The Visual
Computer, vol. 6, no. 1, February 1990, I. Spector, R. Yagel, and R. Bakalash).
11. A computer-generated image titled "Volume Visualization of Cell Cytoskeleton," selected for Eurographics Technical Slide Set, September 1990, I. Spector, R. Yagel, and R. Bakalash).
12. A computer-generated video titled "Biomedical Exploratorium," selected for Eurographics Technical
Video Show, September 1990, R. Yagel, I. Spector, and R. Bakalash).
13. A computer-generated image titled "Volume Visualization in Cell Biology," selected for front cover of
IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1990, I. Spector, R. Yagel, and R. Bakalash).
14. Computer-generated images titled "Head in the Mirror," "Volumetric Ray Traced Teapot," "Voxel-Based
820-sphereake," "Treated Bullfrog Sympathetic Neuron with Shadows," "Bullfrog Sympathetic Neuron,"
selected for Eurographics Technical Slide Set, September 1991, R. Yagel, D. Cohen, R. Avila, Q. Zhang, and J.
15. A computer-generated video titled "The Volumetric Thinking Man," selected for Eurographics Technical
Video Show, September 1991, L. Sobierajski, R. Avila, and A. Schleicher).
16. A computer-generated image titled "Realistic Volume Rendering of MRI Dataset," selected for front cover
of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1991, R. Yagel and Q. Zhang).
17. A computer-generated image titled "Volumetric Ray Tracing of a Partially Enzyme Treated Bullfrog Sympathetic Neuron," selected for front cover of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1992,
L. Sobierajski, and R. Avila).
18. A computer-generated image titled "Volumetric Ray Tracing of a CT Scanned Lobster," selected for cover
picture of ACM 1992 Volume Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1992, L. Sobierajski and R.

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19. VolVis: a comprehensive volume visualization software system of over 100,000 lines of C code has been
disseminated to non-profit organizations with a current installed base of over 3,500 sites, and was licensed by
Exxon, 1992-present, L. Sobierajski, R. Avila, et al.).
20. A computer-generated image titled "Volumetric Ray Tracing of a Cell using Maximum-Value Projection,"
selected for front cover of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1994, R. Avila, T. He, L.
Hong, H. Pfister, C. Silva, L. Sobierajski, and S. Wang).
21. A computer-generated image titled "A High-Potential Iron Protein Rendered with Both an Isosurface and
Volume Rendering," selected for cover picture of ACM/IEEE 1994 Volume Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1994, L. Sobierajski).
22. A computer-generated image titled "A Volumetric Ray Tracing of a Silicon Crystal from a Supercomputer
Simulation," selected for cover picture of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 1,
no. 1, March 1995, L. Sobierajski).
23. A computer-generated image titled "Advection of Spheres Indicating Flow Trace in Interactive Visualization of Mixed Scalar and Vector Fields," selected for cover picture of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1995, L. Hong and X. Mao).
24. A computer-generated image titled "A Distant View of a Simulated Tumor within a Plastic Pipe," selected
for cover picture of IEEE Biomedical Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1995, L. Hong,
Y.-C. Wei, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, and Z. Liang).
25. A computer-generated image titled "Transfer Function Evolutions for a Simulated High-Potential Iron
Protein," selected for cover picture of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1996, T. He,
L. Hong, and H. Pfister).
26. Certificate of Merit for "Virtual Colonoscopy: Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Mucosal Surface
of the Colon," at the RSNA infoRAD, Chicago, IL, December 1996, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, L. Hong,
Z. Liang, and T. Button).
27. Cube-4: the first architecture for real-time volume rendering with commercial potential. Mitsubishi Electric licensed Cube-4 and has fabricated a chip (vg500) and a board (VolumePro500) based on Cube-4 and subsequently Real-Time Visualization and TerraRecon built the next generation board, VolumePro1000. JRC also
licensed Cube-4 and is fabricating U-CUBE, a real-time volume rendering system for 3D ultrasound, H. Pfister,
I. Bitter, et al.).
28. A computer-generated image titled "MRI Head Parallel Projection," selected for cover picture of SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, August 1997, I. Bitter).
29. An article "Advances in Virtual Colonoscopy Suggest Future Use for Mass Screening of Polyps," in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News, May 1998, featuring A. Kaufman.
30. A computer-generated image titled "Shaded Volume Rendering of CT Head," selected for cover picture of
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, August-September 1998, F.
Dachille, K. Kreeger, B. Chen, and I. Bitter).
31. Long Island Software Award (LISA) for "VICON: Virtual Colonoscopy Navigation System," 1999,

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Q. Tang and M. Wan).

32. A computer-generated image titled "Steam emanating from boiling tea inside a glass teapot," selected for
cover picture of IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 1999, K. Kreeger).
33. A computer-generated image titled "Optimized ray casting of a positive potential of iron protein," selected
for cover picture of Journal of Graphics Tools, vol. 4, no. 1, 1999, M. Wan and S. Bryson).
34. Virtual Colonoscopy: the first organ specific system for virtually navigating within the 3D model of the
patient's colon, screening for polyps - the precursor of colon cancer. Viatronix Inc. licensed the technology
and is marketing and selling the system. Numerous recognitions featured in the media: Science, The New York
Times, Newsday, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, The Saturday Evening
Post,PC Week, Good Morning America, Fox TV, etc., M. Wax, J. Liang, et al.).
35. A computer-generated image titled "A volume-sampled plane through a volumetric cloud over volumetric
terrain," selected for cover picture of Volume Graphics, Springer-Verlag, London, 2000, M. Chen et al. (eds.).
36. Long Island Software Award (LISA) for "Cost Effective Virtual Colonoscopy on a PC," 2000, K.
Kreeger, L. Wei, S. Lakare and I. Bitter).
37. A computer-generated image titled "Pre-filtered helicopter blade and motion blur efficiently rendered in a
single pass at the same speed as without motion blur," selected for cover picture of Proceedings Graphics
Interface, 2000,, F. Dachille).
38. A computer-generated image titled "Volumetric Backprojection of CT Engine Block," selected for cover
picture of Volume Visualization and Graphics Symposium Proceedings, 2000,, F. Dachille and K. Mueller
39. A computer-generated image titled "Volumetric Flight Simulation," selected for cover picture of Volume
Graphics, M. Chen et al. (eds.), Springer, 2000.
40. A computer-generated image titled "Virtual Colon with Its Skeleton," selected for cover picture of Visualization Conference Proceedings, 2001, M. Wan and F. Dachille ).
41. A computer-generated image titled "Rendering of the Visible Human foot with mixed bones and textures,"
selected for cover picture of Proceedings Graphics Interface, 2003,, W. Li ).
42. A computer-generated image titled "The exterior and interior frontiers move closer to the object surface
and some unknown nodes become exterior or interior," selected for cover picture of Proceedings of Computer
Graphics International, June 2005, J. Wang, M. Oliveira, H. Xie).
7. Research Grants
1. Ministry of Transportation Grant, Israel (1972-75) for "Traffic Simulation of a Signal-Free Intersection"
(with A. Solomon, J. Harband, Y. Varol, M. Hanani, and J. Shapiro).
2. Pinchas Sapir Scholarship and Research Grants Foundation, Israel (1977-78) for "Interactive Real-Time
Graphics Language."
3. Foundation for Promoting Research and Teaching in Computers, Israel (1982-83) for "Buddy Systems for
Dynamic Memory Management."

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4. National Council for Research and Development, Israel (1984-87) for "Architectures for 3-D Graphics"
5. TAT Technologies Resources, Israel (1985-86) for "Prototyping a 3-D Graphics Workstation" ($7,000).
6. Anorad Corporation, Hauppauge, Long Island, NY (1985-89) for "Computer Vision Workbench" (over
7. New York State Science and Technology Foundation (1986-87) for "Compression of Digital Images"
8. National Science Foundation, under grant DCR-8603603 (1986-88) for "An Architecture for Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based Graphics" ($135,000).
9. National Science Foundation, under grant CCR-8603603 (1987-88), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($8,000).
10. National Science Foundation, under grant CCR-8717016 (1988-1989), Computer and Information Science
and Engineering Research Instrumentation ($40,000; with T. Pavlidis and A. Bandopadhay).
11. National Science Foundation, under grant CCR-8743478 (1988-89), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($8,000).
12. Hughes Aircraft Company (1988-89) for "3-D Voxel Data Base Modeling via 3-D Scan Conversion"
13. New York State Science and Technology Foundation (1988-89) for "Inspection of 3D Surfaces using
Active Sensing" ($25,000; with A. Bandopadhay).
14. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-8805130 (1988-91) for "A Three-Dimensional VoxelBased Graphics System" ($238,000).
15. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-8947945 (1989-90), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($8,000).
16. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-8822721 (1989-92) for "ACTIVE: Animated Color 3D
Interactive Visual Environments," CISE Infrastructure Instrumentation Grant ($1,000,000; with 13 other PIs).
17. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-8947945 (1989-90), PRC Supplement ($20,520).
18. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-8947756 (1989-90), Research Opportunity Award for "A
3D Voxel-Based Graphics System" ($20,000).
19. Hewlett-Packard Company, equipment grant (1989-1990) for research and education in 3D graphics and
imaging ($1,034,563).
20. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-9047478 (1990-91), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($8,000).
21. Silicon Graphics (1990-91) for "Volume Visualization and 3D Interactive Tools" ($38,000).
22. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-9049094 (1990-91), Research Opportunity Award for "A
3D Voxel-Based Graphics System" ($29,002).
23. National Science Foundation, under grant IRI-9008109 (1990-92) for "Interactive Prototyping of 2D and
3D User Interfaces" ($199,362; with A. Giacalone).

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24. New York State Science and Technology Foundation (1991-92) for "Interactive Autostereoscopic Visualization" ($40,000; with S. Skiena).
25. New York State Science and Technology Foundation (1991-92) for "Eye Tracking Computer User Interface" ($40,000; with A. Bandopadhay).
26. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-9022388 (1991-92), "Computer and Information Science
and Engineering Research Instrumentation for VLSI and Experimental Architectures" ($113,971; with D.R.
Smith, R. Spanbauer, and L.D. Wittie).
27. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-9022124 (1991-92), "Computer and Information Science
and Engineering Research Instrumentation: Parallel Scientific Computing" ($195,822; with J. Glimm, R.P.
Tewarson, S. Skiena, and L.D. Wittie).
28. National Science Foundation, under grant IRI-9008109 (1991-92), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($10,000).
29. Center for Biotechnology (1991-93), for "Interactive Visualization of Volume Microscopy" ($70,000).
30. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-8822721 (1992-93), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($10,000).
31. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-9246496 (1992-93), Research Opportunity Award for "A
3D Voxel-Based Graphics System" ($29,224).
32. Department of Energy, High Performance Computing and Communications Program (1992-96), "Partnership in Computational Science, Software Components and Tools: Output Volume Visualization" ($365,550).
33. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-9214942 (1992-95), "MULTI: Multimedia User-interface
Laboratory for Teaching and Instructional material development," CISE Educational Infrastructure Grant
($200,000; with P. Lewis, P. Mishra, G. Schloss, S. Brennan, and N. Franklin).
34. National Science Foundation, under grant CCR-9205047 (1992-95), "Volume Synthesis Theory and Algorithms" ($310,837).
35. IBM, video equipment grant (1993) for "Multimedia Animations" ($20,000).
36. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-9303181 (1993-98) for "PROUD: Parallelism On User's
Desk," CISE Institutional Infrastructure Grant ($1,500,000; with 9 other PIs).
37. New York State Department of Economic Development (1993-94), for "Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Long Island Industries" ($50,000; with J. Glimm and M. Dudley).
38. Sun Microsystems, graphics equipment grant (1994) for "Volume Visualization" ($100,000).
39. National Science Foundation, under grant CDA-9205047 (1994-95), Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement ($10,000).
40. National Science Foundation, under grant DUE-9451851 (1994-95), "MULTI-LAB: Multimedia and
User-interface Laboratory," Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Grant ($75,000; with P. Mishra, G.
Schloss, S. Brennan, and N. Franklin).
41. Reuters (1995-96) "Financial Information Visualization" ($25,000; with A. Varshney).
42. Prodel, Inc. (1995-96) "Eye-Movement Directed Interfaces" ($5,125 and Strategic Partnership for

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Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $18,492; with A. Varshney).

43. Center for Biotechnology (1995-96), for "Eye Controlled Keyboard" ($10,000; with A. Varshney).
44. Javelin-Ademco (1995-96) "PC Based Micrometer" ($20,000 and Strategic Partnership for Industrial
Resurgence (SPIR) match $23,550; with M. Subbarao and A. Varshney).
45. Hewlett-Packard Company (1995-97) "Cube-4: A Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Volume Rendering" ($314,500).
46. Sandia National Labs (1995-96) "Massively Parallel Volume Rendering" ($48,534).
47. National Science Foundation, under grant MIP-9527694 (1995-99), "Scalable Architecture for Real Time
Volume Rendering" ($563,726).
48. Arbon, Inc. (1995-96) "Innovative Internet Webpages for Businesses" ($20,000 and Strategic Partnership
for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $25,000).
49. Japan Radio Corporation (1995-00), "Real Time Accelerator for Volume Visualization" ($508,000).
50. Sandia National Labs (1996-97) "Voxel rendering for Stereo Reconstruction" ($43,748).
51. Intel Corporation (1996-97) "Architecture Implication of Volume Rendering and Volume Graphics on a
PC Platform" ($42,605).
52. US Navy, Naval Research Lab (1996-98) "Real-Time Retargeting using Volume Graphics" ($195,000).
53. Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (1996-97) "Physically-based Volume Graphics Manipulations for Medical Applications" ($100,000).
54. Center for Biotechnology (1996-98), for "Development of 3D Virtual Colonoscopy" ($50,000; with J.
Liang and M. Wax).
55. Office of Naval Research (1997-99) "Techniques for Volume Graphics" ($450,000).
56. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, DURIP Program (1997-98) "Asymmetric Virtual Environments for Large Datasets" ($201,183; with A. Varshney).
57. Rocky Point Union Free School District (1997) for "Multimedia Courseware Development and Faculty
Training Program" ($10,000).
58. E-Z-EM, Inc. (1997-98) "Colon Segmentation for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy" ($25,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $20,000; with J. Liang and M. Wax).
59. NASA (1997-99) "Time Critical Volume Rendering" ($40,000).
60. Intel Corporation (1997-98) "Volume Sculpting with Haptic Interaction" ($105,537).
61. Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (1997-98) "Extensions to the Cube Volume Rendering Architecture"
62. Periphonics (1998) "Enhanced Visual Programming Language Support for Program Development"
($19,135; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $21,434; with A. Varshney).
63. National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute (1998-2000) "Automatic Colon Segmentation for
3D Virtual Colonoscopy" ($210,634; with J. Liang and M. Wax).
64. Periphonics (1999) "Hierarchical Navigation through Large Software Programs" ($5,865; and Strategic

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Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $16,523; with A. Varshney).

65. Computer Concepts (1999-2000) "Internet Vision Testing" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $30,000).
66. Mitsubishi Electric (1999) "VolumePro for Real Time Volume Rendering and Applications" ($14,000).
67. Brookhaven National Lab (1999) "Visualization for the RHIC Project" ($25,000).
68. Brookhaven National Lab (1999) "Three-Dimensional Visualization for Medical Imaging and Therapy"
69. Center for Biotechnology (2000-2001) "3D Analysis of Aortic Aneurysm and Stent Grafts" ($40,000; and
Viatronix, Inc. match $210,000).
70. Viatronix, Inc. (2000-2001) "3D Virtual Colonoscopy on a PC" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for
Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $5,000).
71. Brookhaven National Lab (2000-2001) "Parallel Volume Terrain Modeling and Rendering" ($14,000).
72. Viatronix, Inc. (2000-2001) "Preprocessing for Virtual Colonoscopy" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership
for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $20,000).
73. Viatronix, Inc. (2000-2001) "Volumetric Rendering of Aortic Aneurysm" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $20,000).
74. Office of Naval Research (2000-2003) "Accelerated Volume Graphics for Battlefield Visualization"
($360,000; and $38,000 Graduate Research Initiative (GRI) match).
75. National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute (2001-2005) "Developing Virtual Colonoscopy for
Cancer Screening" ($896,625; with J. Liang and M.R. Wax).
76. New York State Office of Science, Technology and Academic Research (NYSTAR) (2001-2004) "3D
Visualization Technology for Medical Diagnostics" ($557,000; plus matching funds: $435,000 from University and $300,000 from Viatronix, Inc., with J. Roberts and J. Petersen).
77. National Science Foundation (2001-2004) "A Haptic-Based Interface Sculpting System for Virtual Environments" ($546,447; with $40,000 Graduate Research Initiative (GRI) match, with H. Qin).
78. Viatronix, Inc. (2002-2003) "Calcium Scoring Interface" ($9,352).
79. Center for Biotechnology (2002-2003) "Computer Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps" ($40,000).
80. Viatronix, Inc. (2002-2003) "Computer Aided Diagnosis" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $20,000).
81. Viatronix, Inc. (2002-2003) "Hardware Acceleration for Virtual Endoscopy" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $20,000).
82. Microsoft Corporation (2003) "From Tablet PC to Cluster PC" ($7,500).
83. National Science Foundation (2003-2006) "O-Buffer: A Framework for Sample Graphics" ($350,000).
84. Department of Homeland Security (2003-2004) "Web-based Visual Simulation of Environmental Data in
Urban Data Environments" ($25,000).
85. National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute (2004-2007) "Integrate CAD to Virtual Colonoscopy

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for Cancer Screening" ($399,855; with J. Liang and Viatronix, Inc.).

86. HuminTec Co., Ltd., Korea (2004-2005) "3D Visualization for Medical Applications" ($15,000).
87. Metrosoft, Inc., Korea (2004-2006) "Medical Image Processing and Intelligent Cerebral Hemorrhage
Diagnosis System Development Based on Wireless Internet" ($80,000).
88. Convergent Technologies Consortium (2004) "Simulating and Visualizing Contaminant Propagation in
Pervasive Sensor / Computer Environments" ($100,000; with K. Mueller).
89. IBM Shared University Research (SUR)(2005) "Parallel Supercomputing on Distributed Memory Architectures" ($750,000; with Y. Deng, J. Glimm, J. Davenport, and C. Anderson).
90. NASA (2005-2006) "Simulation and Prediction of Events, and Fault-Detection with Sensor Networks"
($990,000; with S. Sharma, S. Das, and I. Kao).
91. Information Systems Laboratories, Inc. (2005-2006) "LBM Model of Plume Behavior in PWR Downcomer" ($15,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $10,000).
92. Information Systems Laboratories, Inc. (2005-2006) "Speedup and Visualization of LBM Model of PWR
Downcomer" ($15,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $10,000).
93. National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute (2005-2009) "Developing Virtual Colonoscopy for
Cancer Screening" ($1,265,377; with J. Liang and H. Cohen).
94. National Science Foundation (2007-2011) "Lattice Lighting" ($375,000; with K. Mueller).
95. FalconStor, Inc. (2009-2010) "Hashing on the GPU" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial
Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,600).
96. FalconStor, Inc. (2009-2010) "LZO Compression on the GPU" ($20,000; and Strategic Partnership for
Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,600).
97. FalconStor, Inc. (2009-2010) "Combine Hashing and Compression on the GPU" ($10,000; and Strategic
Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $6,745).
98. National Science Foundation (2009-2013) "Volumetric Mesh Mapping," ($500,000 with X. Gu).
99. National Science Foundation (2009-2010) "Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Dynamic Data Analytics"
($10,000 with Rutgers University co-PI D. Metaxas).
100. National Institute of Health National Institute. of Biomedical and Imaging Bioengineering (2009-2012)
"Conformal Geometry for Medical Imaging," ($750,975, with X. Gu, W. Zhu, and D. Samaras).
101. National Science Foundation (2010-2013) "MRI-R2: Development of an Immersive Giga-pixel Display,"
($1,400,000, and match $600,000 with A. Varshney, M. Subbaro, H. Qin and D. Samaras).
102. Department of Energy (2010-2015) "Smart Energy Corridor," subcontract to LIPA with SUNY Farmingdale ($2,912,064, with E. Feinberg, Y. Shamash, A.M. Scheidt, P. Djuric, K. Mueller, E. Zadok, R. Johnson, R.
103. National Science Foundation (2011-2016) "I/UCRC for Dynamic Data Analytics" ($220,000 with Rutgers University co-PI D. Metaxas).
104. VJ Technologies :Imaging Technologis Program 1 and Imaging Technologies Program II," (2011-2012
$20,000; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,800).

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105. MedCAS "Establishihg an Image Baseline," $20,000 (2012-2013; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial
Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,333 with D. Samaras).
106. MedCAS "Accurate High Resolution Images from 2D Photos," $20,000 (2012-2013; and Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,333 with D. Samaras).
107. MedCAS "Pattern Recognition and Matching," $20,000 (2012-2013; and Strategic Partnership for
Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) match $13,333 with D. Samaras).
108. CEWIT Korea and Hyundai Motors (2012-2014) "Development of Energy Optimization Control Technology in Middle-Size Electric Vehicle," $50,000.
109. Samsung (2012-2015) "Volumetric Rendering and 3D UI for Medical Applications to Achieve mHealth,"
110. National Science Foundation (2013-2014) "CSR: Medium Collaborative Research: Workload-Aware
Storage Architectures for Optimal Performance and Energy Efficiency," ($595,687 with PI E. Zadok).
111. Omni-Scient Inc. (2013-2014) "Virtual Reality Headset Application Development," ($13,333 with SPIR
matching $20,000).
112. Omni-Scient Inc. (2013-2014) "Full-body Avatar modeling Usinc Microsoft Kinect," ($13,333 with SPIR
matching $20,000).
113 Omni-Scient Inc. (2013-2014) "Geometric Clothes Modeling," ($13,333 with SPIR matching $20,000).
114. Omni-Scient Inc. (2013-2014) "Interactive Clothes Simulation," ($13,333 with SPIR matching $20,000).
115. Omni-Scient Inc. (2013-2014) "Virtual Fitting Environment," ($13,333 with SPIR matching $20,000).
116. NYS RISE (2013-2015)"Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Improved Evacuation Zone Modeling,"
($436,838 PI: M. Zhang and multiple co-PIs).
117. Brookhaven National Lab (2014-2015) "Smarter Electric Grid Research, Innovation, Development,
Demonstration, Deployment Center (SGRID3) Next Generation SCADA," ($163,251 with multiple co- PIs).
118. The Marcus Foudation (2014-2018) "Virtual Pancreatography," ($986,379 with J. Saltz and Johns Hopkins: R. Hruban, E. Fishman).
119. NASA NNX15A64G (2015-2018) "Asynchronous Techniqes for the Delivery of Empirically Supported
Psychotherapies," ($1,049,945, PI: A. Gonzalez and multiple co-PIs).

8. Patents
1. "Method and Apparatus for Storing, Accessing, and Processing Voxel-Based Data," US Patent no.
4,985,856, issued on January 15, 1991, R. Bakalash).
2. "Method of Converting Continuous Three-Dimensional Geometrical Representations of Polygonal Objects
into Discrete Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based Representations within a Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based System," US Patent no. 4,987,554, issued on January 22, 1991.
3. "Method of Converting Continuous Three-Dimensional Geometrical Representations into Discrete ThreeDimensional Voxel-Based Representations within a Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based System," US Patent no.

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5,038,302, issued on August 6, 1991.

4. "Method and Apparatus for Generating Arbitrary Projections of Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based Data," US
Patent no. 5,101,475, issued on March 31, 1992, S. E. Shimony).
5. "Apparatus and Method for Eye Tracking Interface," US Patent no. 5,360,971, issued on November 1, 1994
(with A. Bandopadhay and G.J. Piligian).
6. "A Method and Apparatus for Generating Realistic Images Using a Discrete Representation," US Patent no.
5,442,733, issued on August 15, 1995, D. Cohen and R. Yagel).
7. "Apparatus and Method for Eye Tracking Interface," US Patent no. 5,517,021, issued on May 14, 1996; in
Europe, International Patent no. E 181 605, issued October 7, 1999, A. Bandopadhay and G.J. Piligian).
8. "Method and Apparatus for Real-Time Volume Rendering from an Arbitrary Viewing Direction," US Patent
no. 5,544,283, issued on August 6, 1996, R. Yagel and D. Cohen).
9. "Apparatus and Method for Real-Time Volume Visualization," US Patent no. 5,594,842 issued on January
14, 1997, H. Pfister).
10. "Apparatus and Method for Real-Time Volume Visualization," US Patent no. 5,760,781, issued on June 2,
1998, H. Pfister).
11. "Display Protocol Specification with Session Configuration and Multiple Monitors," US patent no.
5,805,118, issued on September 8, 1998, P. Mishra, D.P. Harrington, P.M. Lewis, E.D. Schilcrat, and S.D.
12. "Apparatus and Method for Parallel and Perspective Real-Time Volume Visualization," US patent no.
5,847,711, issued on December 8, 1998, I. Bitter).
13. "System and Method for Performing a 3D Virtual Examination," US patent no. 5,971,767, issued on October 26, 1999, and Australia patent no. 734,557, L. Hong, J. Liang, M. Wax, and A. Viswambharan).
14. "System and Method for Performing a 3D Virtual Segmentation and Examination," US patent no.
6,331,116, issued on December 18, 2001, J. Liang, M. Wax, M. Wan, and D. Chen).
15. "System and Method for Performing a 3D Virtual Examination, Navigation, and Visualization" US patent
no. 6,343,936, issued on February 5, 2002,, J. Liang, M. Wax, M. Wan, and D. Chen).
16. "System and Method for Performing a Three-Dimensional Examination with Collapse Correction," U.S.
Patent No. 6,514,082 issued Feb 4, 2003,, Z. Liang, M.R. Wax, M. Wan, and D. Chen).
17. "Volume Rendering with Contouring Texture Hulls," s/n 200330151604 A1, issued Aug. 14, 2003, W. Li).
18. "Apparatus and Method for Real-Time Volume Processing and Universal 3D Rendering," patent No.
6,674,430 issued January 6, 2004, I. Bitter, B. Chen, F. Dachille, and K. Kreeger).
19. "Apparatus and Method for Volume Processing Rendering," US patent no. 7,133,041, issued on November
7, 2006, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, and B. Chen).
20. "System and Method for Performing a Three-Dimensional Virtual Segmentation and Examination with
Optical Texture Mapping," US Patent No. 7,148,887 B2 issued Dec. 12, 2006, J. Liang, M. Wax, M.
Wan, and D. Chen).

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

19. "System and Method for Performing a 3D Virtual Examination of Objects such as Internal Organs" US
patent No. 7,194,117 issued March 20, 2007, J. Liang, M. Wax, M. Wan, D. Chen and B. Li).
21. "Systems and Method for Endoscopic Measurement and Mapping of Internal Organs, Tumors and Other
Objects,"s/n 20070161854 A1, issued July 12, 2007, M. Alamaro, and J. Wang). 22. "Methods of Centerline Generation in Virtual Objects," US patent No. 7,324,104 issued January 29, 2008, I. Bitter, M. Wan, J.
Liang and M. Wax).
23. "Computer Aided Treatment Planning and Visualization with Image Registration and FusioQuantitative
Analysis on Cartoid Stenosis for Mass Screen," US Patent No. 7,356,367 issued Apr. 8, 2008, J. Liang,
D. Chen, B. Li, C.T. Roque, E. Smouha, M, Wax, and K. Kreeger).
24. "Quantitative Analysis on Carotid Stenosis for Mass Screening of Stroke,? U.S. Patent No. 7,356,367,
issued on April 8, 2008 (Z. Liang, D. Chen, B. Li, C. Roque, E. Smouha, A. Kaufman, M.R. Wax).
25. "Registration Of Scanning Data Acquired From Different Patient Positions,"U.S. patent No. 7,372,988,
issued on May 12, 2008, S. Yoakum-Stover and K. Kreeger).
26. "System and Method for Performing a Three-Dimensional Virtual Examination of Objects, Such as Internal Organs," U.S. Patent No. 7,477,768 B2, issued on January 13, 2009 (A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, M.R. Wax,
M. Wan, D. Chen, B. Li).
27. "System and Method for Performing a Three-Dimensional Virtual Examination of Objects, Such as Internal Organs," U.S. Patent No. 7,486,811, issued on February 3, 2009 (A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, M. Wax, M.
Wan, D. Chen, B. Li).
28. Systems and Method for Virtually Agumented Endoscopy." patent pending EP20090710641, filed Feb. 13,
2009, J. Marino).
29. "Centerline and Tree Branch Determination for Virtual Objects," US patent number 7,574,024 issued
Aug. 11, 2009, J. Liang, M. Wax, M. Wan, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, and K. Kreeger.
30. "Computer Assisted Detection of Lesions in Volumetric Medical Images," US patent number 7,596,256
issued Sept. 29, 2009, D. Chen, M. Wax, and J. Liang.
31. "Computer Aided Treatment Planning,"US patent No. 7,630,750 issued December 8, 2009, Z.
Liang, B. Li, D. Chen, E.E. Smouha, C.T. Roque, M.R. Wax and K. Kreeger.
32. "Enhanced Navigation and Detection for Virtual Examination," US Patent No. 7,706,600 B2, issued Apr.
27, 2010, J. Liang, M. Wax, M. Wan, I. Bitter, D. Chen, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, and S. Lakare.
33. "Computer Aided Detection of Abnormalities," patent pending, W. Hong, X.D. Gu, and F. Qiu.
34. "System for Endoscopic Size Measurement and Mapping of Internal Organs, Tumors and Other Features
and Methods of Use Thereof," patent pending, M. Alamaro and J. Wang.
35. "Method and Apparatus of Virtually Augmented Endoscopy," patent pending, J. Marino.
36. "Apparatus and Method for Real-Time Volume Processing and Universal Three-Dimensional Rendering,"
US patent No. 7,471,291 issued December 30, 2008, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, and B. Chen.
37. "Enhanced Virtual Navigation and Examination," US patent No. 7,706,600 issued April 27, 2010, K.
Kreeger, S. Lakare, J. Liang, M.rR. Wax, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, and D. Chen.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

38. "Systems and Method for Prostate Visualization and Cancer Detection," patent pending, s/n 13/574,438,
filed July 20, 2012, J. Marino.
39. "Registration of Scanned Objects Obtained From Different Orientations," US Patent No. 2013/0170726
A1 issued July 4, 2013, X.D. Gu, W. Zeng, J. Marino and K.C. Gurijala.
40. "System and Method for Computer Aided Polyp Detection," International Publication No. WO
2007/002146 issued January 4, 2007, W. Hong, X. Gu, F. Qiu) US Patent No. 8,600,125 B2 issued Dec.
3, 2013.

"System and Method for Prostate Visualization and Cancer Detection,". patent pending

PCT/US2001/022285, filed Jan 24, 2011.(with J. Marino.

42. "Registration of scanned organs acquired from different orientations," patent pending US13/822,515, filed
Sept 26, 2011, X. Gu, W. Zeng, J. Marino, and K.C. Gurijala.
43. "Systems and Method for context preserving attened maps of tubular structures," patent pending
PCT/US2012/061356, filed Oct. 22, 2012, X. Gu, J. Marino, and W. Zeng.
9. Scientific Publications
9.1. Books

Volume Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press Tutorial, Los Alamitos, CA, 1991, A.E. Kaufman.

9.2. Editorship of Collective Volumes


Editor, Proceedings of the IPA Conference on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Pattern
Recognition, IPA Press, Beer Sheva, 1983, A.E. Kaufman.
Editor, Tutorial Notes of the IPA Tutorials on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Pattern
Recognition, IPA Press, Beer Sheva, 1983, A.E.Kaufman.
Editor, Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990, A.E. Kaufman
Co-editor, Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware VI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, R.L.
Grimsdale and A.E. Kaufman.
Co-editor, Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, CA, 1992, A.E. Kaufman and G. Nielson.
Co-editor, Proceedings of the 1992 Boston Volume Visualization Workshop, ACM SIGGRAPH Press,
New York, 1992, W. Lorensen.
Editor, Rendering, Visualization, and Rasterization Hardware, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993,
A.E. Kaufman.
(9) Co-editor, Scientific Visualization: Advances and Challenges, Academic Press, London, 1994, L.
Rosenblum, R. Earnshaw, J. Encarnacao, H. Hagen, A.E. Kaufman, S. Klimenko, G. Nielson, F. Post,
and D. Thalmann.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(10) Co-editor, Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, CA, 1994, D. Bergeron.
(11) Co-editor, Proceedings of the Volume Visualization Symposium, ACM SIGGRAPH Press, New York,
1994, W. Krueger.
(12) Editor, CD-ROM Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization Conference, and ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1994.
(13) Co-editor, Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, ACM SIGGRAPH Press, New York, 1997, W. Strasser, S. Molnar, and B-O. Schneider.
(14) Co-editor, Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, ACM SIGGRAPH Press, New York, 1998, W. Strasser, G. Knittel, and H. Pfister.
(15) Co-editor, Volume Graphics, Springer-Verlag, London, 2000, M. Chen and R. Yagel.
(16) Co-editor, Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, ACM SIGGRAPH Press, New York, 1999, W. Strasser, S. Molnar, B-O. Schneider, G. Knittel, and H. Pfister.
(17) Co-editor, Volume Graphics 2001, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001, K. Mueller and A.E.
(18) Co-editor, Volume Graphics 2003, ACM, New York, NY , 2003, I. Fujishiro, K. Mueller and A.E.
9.3. Chapters in Books
(19) "Towards a 3-D Graphics Workstation," in Advances in Graphics Hardware I, W. Strasser (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987, pp. 17-26, A.E. Kaufman.
(20) "CUBE - An Architecture Based on a 3-D Voxel Map," in Theoretical Foundations of Computer
Graphics and CAD, R.A. Earnshaw (ed.), Springer, Berlin, 1988, pp. 689-701, A.E. Kaufman and R.
(21) "A Two-Dimensional Frame Buffer Processor," in Advances in Graphics Hardware II, A.A.M. Kuijk
and W. Strasser (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, pp. 93-109, A.E. Kaufman.
(22) "Parallel Processing for 3D Voxel-Based Graphics," in Parallel Processing for Computer Vision and
Display, P.M. Dew, R.A. Earnshaw, and T.R. Heywood (eds.), Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, England,
1989, pp. 471-478, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(23) "Intermixing Surface and Volume Rendering," 3D Imaging in Medicine: Algorithms, Systems, Applications, K. H. Hoehne, H. Fuchs, S. M. Pizer (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp. 217-227, A.E.
Kaufman, R. Yagel and D. Cohen.
(24) "Scan-Conversion Algorithms for Linear and Quadratic Objects," in Volume Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1991, pp. 280-301, D. Cohen and A.E. Kaufman.
(25) "The voxblt Engine: A Voxel Frame Buffer Processor," in Advances in Graphics Hardware III,
A.A.M. Kuijk and W. Strasser (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, pp. 85-102, A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(26) "Tools for Interactive Prototyping of 2D and 3D User Interfaces," in Human-Machine Interactive Systems, A. Klinger (ed.), Plenum Publishing, New York, 1991, pp. 235-253, A. Giacalone and A.E.
(27) "Toward a Three-Dimensional User Interface," in Human-Machine Interactive Systems, A. Klinger
(ed.), Plenum Publishing, New York, 1991, pp. 255-267, A.E. Kaufman and R. Yagel.
(28) "Viewing and Rendering Processor for a Volume Visualization System," in Advances in Graphics
Hardware IV, R.L. Grimsdale and W. Strasser (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, pp. 171-178,
A.E. Kaufman, R. Bakalash and D. Cohen.
(29) "3D Volume Visualization," in Advances in Computer Graphics VI, G. Garcia and I. Herman (eds.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, pp. 175-203, A.E. Kaufman.
(30) "Introduction to Volume Synthesis," in Scientific Visualization of Physical Phenomena, N. Patrikalakis
(ed.), Springer, Berlin, 1991, pp. 25-35, A.E. Kaufman.
(31) "Context Sensitive Normal Estimation for Volume Imaging," in Scientific Visualization of Physical
Phenomena, N. Patrikalakis (ed.), Springer, Berlin, 1991, pp. 211-234, R. Yagel, D. Cohen and A.E. Kaufman.
(32) "Cube-3: Building a Full Scale VLSI-Based Volume Visualization System," in Advances in Graphics
Hardware V, R.L. Grimsdale and A. Kaufman (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 109-116
R. Bakalash, A.E. Kaufman, and Z-y. Xu.
(33) "Fundamentals of Volume Visualization," in Visual Computing - Integrating Computer Graphics with
Computer Vision, T.L. Kunii (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 239-252, A.E. Kaufman.
(34) "Volume Synthesis Principles," in Focus on Scientific Visualization, H. Hagen, H. Mueller, and G.
Nielson (eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 123-138, A.E. Kaufman.
(35) "State of the Art in Volume Visualization," in From Object Modelling to Advanced Visual Communication, S. Coquillart, W. Strasser, and P. Stucki (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993, A.E. Kaufman
(36) "Continuum Volume Display," Computer Visualization, R.S. Gallagher (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
1994, pp. 171-202 (invited chapter) A.E. Kaufman and L. Sobierajski.
(37) "Trends in Volume Visualization and Volume Graphics," in Scientific Visualization: Advances and
Challenges, L. Rosenblum et al. (eds.), Academic Press, London, 1994, pp. 3-19.
(38) "On the Soundness of Surface Voxelizations," in Topological Algorithms for Digital Image Processing,
T. Yung Kong and A. Rosenfeld (eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996, pp. 181-204, D.
Cohen-Or, A.E. Kaufman and T.Y. Kong.
(39) "Volume Visualization," invited chapter in Handbook of Computer Science and Engineering, Allen
Tucker (ed.), CRC Press, 1996, pp. 1319-1353, A.E. Kaufman.
(40) "Flow Surface Probes for Vector Field Visualization," in Scientific Visualization: Overviews,
Methodologies & Techniques, G. Nielson, H. Mueller and H. Hagen (eds.), IEEE CS Press, Los
Alamitos, CA, 1997, C. Silva, L. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(41) "Volume Visualization," invited chapter in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
John G. Webster (ed.), Wiley Publ., 1999, vol. 23, pp. 373-386, A.E. Kaufman.
(42) "Rendering Irregular Grids Made Easy," Scientific Visualization, Proceedings Dagstuhl'97, H. Hagen
et al. (eds.) IEEE Computer Society, CA, 1999 (reprinted in 2000), pp. 30-36, P. Bunyk, A.E. Kaufman
and C. Silva.
(43) "Notes on Computational-Space-Based Ray Casting for Curvilinear Volumes," in Scientific Visualization, Proceedings Dagstuhl'97, H. Hagen et al. (eds.) IEEE Computer Society, CA, 1999 (reprinted in
2000), pp. 124-129, L. Hong and A.E.
(44) "Volume Visualization in Medicine," invited chapter in Handbook of Medical Imaging, Isaac Bankman
(ed.), Academic Press, 2000, pp. 713-730, A.E. Kaufman.
(45) "State-of-the-Art in Volume Graphics," invited chapter in Volume Graphics, M. Chen et al. (eds.),
Springer-Verlag London, February 2000, pp. 3-28, A.E. Kaufman.
(46) "vxt: A Class Library for Object Voxelisation," invited chapter in Volume Graphics, M. Chen et al.
(eds.), Springer-Verlag London, February 2000, pp. 119-134, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(47) "Forward" to Volumetric Three Dimensional Display Systems, B. Blundell and A. Schwarz, (eds.), J.
Wiley and Sons Publ., March 2000, pp. xvii (invited) A.E. Kaufman.
(48) "Image-Based Rendering of Surfaces from Volume Data," in Volume Graphics 2001, K. Mueller and
A. Kaufman (eds.), Springer-Verlag/Wien New York, 2001, pp. 279-295, B. Chen, A.E. Kaufman and Q.
(49) "Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free Image-Based Rendering," in Volume
Graphics 2001, K. Mueller and A. Kaufman (eds.), Springer-Verlag/Wien New York, 2001, pp.
297-308, J. Qin, M. Wan, H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(50) "Two-Pass Image and Volume Rotation," in Volume Graphics 2001, K. Mueller and A. Kaufman
(eds.), Springer-Verlag/Wien New York, 2001, pp. 321-335, B. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(51) "Real-Time Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," in Volume Graphics 2001, K. Mueller and A.
Kaufman (eds.), Springer-Verlag/Wien, New York, 2001, pp. 363-374, W. Li, A.E. Kaufman and K. Kreeger.
(52) "Open VL - The Open Volume Library," in Volume Graphics 2003, I Fujishiro, K. Mueller and A.
Kaufman (eds.), ACM, New York 2003, pp. 69-78, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(53) "Multiresolution Volume Simplification and Polygonization," in Volume Graphics 2003, I Fujishiro, K.
Mueller and A. Kaufman (eds.), ACM, New York 2003, pp. 87-94, N. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(54) "Volume Visualization," invited chapter in Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition A. B. Tucker
(ed.), CRC Press, 2004, pp. 41-1 - 41-41, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(55) "Flow Simulation with Complex Boundaries," invited chapter in GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr (ed), Addison-Wesley, 2005, pp. 747-764, W. Li, Z. Fan, X. Wei and A.E. Kaufman.

(56) "Volume Exploration Made Easy Using Feature Maps," invited chapter in Scientific Visualization: The
Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data, G.-P. Bonneau, T. Ertl, G.M. Nielson (Eds.), Springer,
2005, pp. 131-148,, K. Mueller, S. Lakare, and A.E. Kaufman.

(57) "Fantastic Voyage of the Virtual Colon," invited chapter in Scientific Visualization: The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data, G.-P. Bonneau, T. Ertl, G.M. Nielson (Eds.), Springer, 2005, pp.
149-162, A.E. Kaufman and S. Lakare.
(58) "Surface Reconstruction from Endoscopic Videos," invited chapter in Visualization in Medicine and
Life Sciences, L. Linsen, H. Hagen and B. Hammann (Eds.), Springer, 2007, pp. 61-74, A.E. Kaufman
and J.
(59) "Volume Visualization in Medicine," invited chapter in Handbook of Medical Image Processing and
Analysis, Second Edition, I.N. Bankman (Ed.), Elsevier, 2008, pp.785-816, A.E. Kaufman and
K. Mueller.
(60) "Enclosed Five-Wall Immersive Cabin," chapter in Advances in Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, B. George (Ed.), Springer, Vol. 5358/2008, pp. 891-900, DOI:
10,1007/978-3-540-89639-5_85, F. Qiu, B. Zhang, K. Petkov, L. Chong, A.E. Kaufman, K. Mueller and
X. Gu.
(61) "Visual simulation of ow," invited chapter Scientific Visualization: Advanced Concepts, H. Hagen
(Ed.) Volume 1 of Dagstuhl Follow-Ups. Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics, Wadern,
Germany, 2010, A.E. Kaufman and Y. Zhao.
9.4. Refereed Papers
(62) "Computer Simulation and Synchronization of Traffic Signals," Proceedings Second Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, August 1974, pp. 129-134, A.E. Kaufman.
(63) "BGRAF2: A Real-Time Graphics Language with Modular Objects and Implicit Dynamics," Computer Graphics, vol. 10, no. 3, July 1976, pp. 133-138, S. Bergman and A.E. Kaufman.
(64) "Applying Simulation to Highway Intersection Design," Simulation, vol. 28, no. 4, April 1977, pp.
97-105,, Y. Varol and M. Hanani.
(65) "Association of Graphic Images and Dynamic Attributes," Computer Graphics, vol. 11, no. 2, July
1977, pp. 18-23, S. Bergman and A.E. Kaufman.
(66) "System Design and Implementation of BGRAF2," Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 3, August 1978,
pp. 87-92, A.E. Kaufman.
(67) "Roster of Graphics Languages and General Subroutine Packages," Computer Graphics, vol. 13, no. 4,
February 1980, pp. 363-380, T. Berk and A.E. Kaufman.
(68) "A Micro-Macro Simulation Model for a Signalized Network," Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual
Simulation Symposium, Tampa, FL, March 1980, pp. 87-101, A.E. Kaufman.
(69) "Variations on the Buddy System for Dynamic Memory Management," Proceedings of ACM SE 80,
Eighteenth Annual Conference, Tallahassee, FL, March 1980, pp. 73-78, A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(70) "Converting a Batch Simulation Program to an Interactive Program with Graphics," Simulation, vol.
36, no. 4, April 1981, pp. 125-131, M. Hanani and A.E. Kaufman.
(71) "Continuous Simulation of a Car-Following Equation," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
vol. 24, no. 1, January 1982, pp. 88-94, A.E. Kaufman.
(72) "A New Color-Naming System for Graphics Languages," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
vol. 2, no. 3, May 1982, pp. 37-44, T. Berk, L. Brownston and A.E. Kaufman.
(73) "A Human Factors Study of Color Notation Systems for Computer Graphics," Communications of the
ACM, vol. 25, no. 8, August 1982, pp. 547-550, T. Berk and L. Brownston.
(74) "Tailored-List and Recombination-Delaying Buddy Systems," ACM Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 1984, 118-125 A.E. Kaufman .
(75) "Texture Synthesis Language for Computer-Generated Images," Proceedings Fourth Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, May 1984, pp. 174-179, A.E. Kaufman and S. Azaria.
(76) "A 3-D Cellular Frame Buffer," Proceedings Eurographics, September 1985, C.E. Vandoni (ed.),
North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 215-220, A.E. Kaufman and E. Shimony.
(77) "Texture Synthesis Techniques for Computer Graphics," Computers & Graphics, vol. 9, no. 2, 1985,
pp. 139-145, A.E. Kaufman and S. Azaria.
(78) "Memory Organization for a Cubic Frame Buffer," Proceedings Eurographics, August 1986, A.A.G.
Requicha (ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 93-100, A.E. Kaufman.
(79) "Voxel-Based Architectures for Three-Dimensional Graphics," Information Processing, H.-J. Kugler
(ed.), vol. 10, September 1986, pp. 361-366, A.E. Kaufman.
(80) "3D Scan-Conversion Algorithms for Voxel-Based Graphics," Proceedings of 1986 ACM Workshop on
Interactive 3D Graphics, Chapel-Hill, NC, October 1986, pp. 45-76, A.E. Kaufman and E. Shimony.
(81) "Computer Artist's Color Naming System," The Visual Computer, vol. 2, no. 4, 1986, pp. 255-260 A.E.
(82) "Efficient Algorithms for 3D Scan-Conversion of Parametric Curves, Surfaces, and Volumes," Computer Graphics, vol. 21, no. 3, July 1987, pp. 171-179, A.E. Kaufman.
(83) "An Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygons," Proceedings Eurographics, August 1987, G.
Marechal (ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 197-208, A.E. Kaufman.
(84) "TSL - A Texture Synthesis Language," The Visual Computer, vol. 4, no. 3, 1988, pp. 148158, A.E. Kaufman.
(85) "Efficient Algorithms for Scan-Converting 3D Polygons," Computers & Graphics, vol. 12, no. 2, 1988,
pp. 213-219, A.E. Kaufman.
(86) "Memory and Processing Architecture for 3-D Voxel-Based Imagery," IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, vol. 8, no. 6, November 1988, pp. 10-23, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash. Also in
Japanese, Nikkei Computer Graphics, 3, no. 30, March 1989, pp. 148-160.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(87) "The CUBE Workstation - a 3-D Voxel-Based Graphics Environment," The Visual Computer, vol. 4,
no. 4, 1988, pp. 210-221, A.E. Kaufman.
(88) "MediCube: a 3D Medical Imaging Architecture," Computers & Graphics, vol. 13, no. 2, April 1989,
pp. 151-157, R. Bakalash and A.E. Kaufman.
(89) "Forest of Quadtrees: An Object Representation for 3D Graphics," Proceedings Eurographics, W.
Hansmann, F.R.A. Hopgood, and W. Strasser (ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam, September 1989, pp.
221-234, A.E. Kaufman and A. Bandopadhay.
(90) "Real Time Discrete Shading," The Visual Computer, vol. 6, no. 1, February 1990, pp. 16-27, D.
Cohen, A.E. Kaufman, R. Bakalash, and S. Bergman.
(91) "Architectures for Volume Rendering - A Survey," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology,
December 1990, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 18-23, invited paper, A.E. Kaufman, R. Bakalash, D. Cohen, and
R. Yagel.
(92) "Volume Visualization in Cell Biology," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, A. Kaufman (ed.), IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1990, pp. 160-167, A.E. Kaufman, R. Yagel, R. Bakalash, and I.
(93) "Realistic Volume Imaging," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, G. Nielson and L. Rosenblum (eds.),
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1991, pp. 226-231 & 425, R. Yagel, A.E. Kaufman and Q.
(94) "Introduction to Volume Visualization," Programming (in Russian) vol. 1, 1992, pp. 8-20; and Pixel
(in Japanese), 5, 116, 1992, pp. 146-157, A.E. Kaufman.
(95) "Normal Estimation in 3D Discrete Space," The Visual Computer, vol. 8, no. 5-6, June 1992, pp.
278-291, R. Yagel, D. Cohen and A.E. Kaufman.
(96) "Discrete Ray Tracing," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 12, no. 5, September 1992,
pp. 19-28, R. Yagel, D. Cohen , and A.E. Kaufman.
(97) "Template-Based Volume Viewing," Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 11, no. 3, September 1992, pp.
153-167, R. Yagel and A.E. Kaufman.
(98) "3D Acquisition and Visualization of Ultrasound Data," IEEE Visualization in Biomedical Computing,
SPIE Publisher, vol. 1808, October 1992, pp. 535-545, U. Ganapathy and A.E. Kaufman.
(99) "Towards a Comprehensive Volume Visualization System," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1992, pp. 13-20, R. Avila, L. Sobierajski and A.E. Kaufman.
(100) "Fast Display Method for Volumetric Data," The Visual Computer, vol. 10, no. 2, 1993, pp. 116-124
L. Sobierajski, D. Cohen, A.E. Kaufman, R. Yagel, and D. Acker.
(101) "Navigation and Animation in a Volume Visualization System," in Models and Techniques in Computer Animation, N.M. Thalmann and D. Thalmann (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 64-74, invited
paper A.E. Kaufman, L.M. Sobierajski, R.S. Avila, and T. He.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(102) "Modeling in Volume Graphics," in Modeling in Computer Graphics, B. Falcidieno and T.L. Kunii
(eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 441-454 (invited paper A.E. Kaufman, R. Yagel and D
. Cohen.
(103) "Volume Graphics," IEEE Computer, vol. 26, no. 7, July 1993, pp. 51-64, A.E. Kaufman, D. Cohen
and R. Yagel. Also in Japanese, Nikkei Computer Graphics, 1, no. 88, 148-155 & 2, no. 89, 130-137, 1994.
(104) "Volume Sampled Voxelization of Geometric Primitives," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, G. Nielson
and D. Bergeron (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1993, pp. 78-84, S. Wang and A.E.
(105) "An Eye Tracking Computer User Interface," Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality Workshop Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1993, pp. 120-121, A.E. Kaufman, A. Bandopadhay and B.
(106) "Virtual Devices for 3D User Interface," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society
Press, October 1993, pp. 142-148, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(107) "Research Issues in Volume Visualization," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, March 1994,
pp. 63-67, A.E. Kaufman, K.-H. Hoehne, W. Krueger, L. Rosenblum, and P. Schroeder.
(108) "Generating a Smooth Voxel-Based Model from an Irregular Polygon Mesh," The Visual Computer,
10, 6, 1994, pp. 295-305, D. Cohen, A.E. Kaufman and Y. Wang.
(109) "Visualizing Nerve Cells," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 14, 5, September 1994, pp.
11-13,, R. Avila, L. Sobierajski and A.E. Kaufman.
(110) "Volume-Sampled 3D Modeling," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 14, 5, September 1994,
pp. 26-32, S. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(111) "Parallel Performance Measures for Volume Ray Casting," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1994, pp. 196-203, C. Silva and A.E. Kaufman.
(112) "Cube-3: A Real-Time Architecture for High-resolution Volume Visualization," ACM/IEEE Volume
Visualization Symposium Proceedings, ACM Press, October 1994, pp. 75-82, H. Pfister, A.E. Kaufman
and T. Chiueh.
(113) "VolVis: A Diversified Volume Visualization System," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1994, pp. 31-38, R. Avila, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, H. Pfister, C.
Silva, L. Sobierajski, and S. Wang.
(114) "Volumetric Ray Tracing," CM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium Proceedings, ACM Press,
October 1994, pp. 11-18, L. Sobierajski and A.E. Kaufman.
(115) "Wavelet-Based Volume Morphing," IEEE Visualization '94 Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society
Press, October 1994, pp. 85-92, T. He, S. Wang and A.E.
(116) "Volume Sculpting," Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics Proceedings, ACM Press, April 1995, pp.
151-156, S. Wang and A.E.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(117) "A 3D Skewing and De-skewing Scheme for Conict-Free Access to Rays in Volume Rendering,"
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 44, 5, May 1995, pp. 707-710, D. Cohen-Or and A. E.
(118) "Visualization of Calcium Activity in Nerve Cells," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 15, 4,
July 1995, pp. 55-61, L. Sobierajski, R. Avila, D. O'Malley, S. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(119) "Volume Visualization: Concepts and Research Directions," Journal of the Society of Instrument and
Control Engineers of Japan, vol. 34, no. 7, 1995, A.E. Kaufman and I. Fujishiro.
(120) "Three Architectures for Volume Rendering," Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 14, no. 3, August 1995,
pp. C111-122, J. Hesser, R. Maenner, G. Knittel, W. Strasser, H. Pfister and A.E.
(121) "Fundamentals of Surface Voxelization," CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 56,
no. 6, November 1995, pp. 453-461, D. Cohen-Or and A.E. Kaufman.
(122) "Gradient Estimation and Sheared Interpolation for the Cube Architecture," Computers & Graphics,
vol. 19, no. 5, December 1995, pp. 667-678, H. Pfister, F. Wessels and A.E. Kaufman.
(123) "Interactive Visualization of Mixed Scalar and Vector Fields," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1995, pp. 240-247, L. Hong , X. Mao and A.E. Kaufman.
(124) "Voxel-Based Object Simplification," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1995, pp. 296-303, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, A. Varshney, and S. Wang.
(125) "3D Virtual Colonoscopy," in IEEE Frontiers in Biomedical Visualization Symposium Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1995, pp. 26-32, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, Y.C. Wei, A.
Viswambharan, M. Wax, and Z. Liang.
(126) "Automatic Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks using Greedy Cuts," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1995, pp. 201-208, C.T. Silva, J.S.B. Mitchell and
A.E. Kaufman.
(127) "Splatting of Curvilinear Volumes," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 1995, pp. 61-68, X. Mao, L. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(128) "Volume Visualization," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 28, no. 1, 1996, pp. 165-167, A.E. Kaufman.
(129) "Cube-4: A Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Volume Rendering," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization
Symposium Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1996, pp. 47-54, H. Pfister and A.E.
(130) "Near Optimal Rendering of Irregular Grids," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1996, pp. 15-22, C.T. Silva, A.E. Kaufman and J.S.B. Mitchell.
(131) "Fast Stereo Volume Rendering," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH
Press, October 1996, pp. 49-56, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(132) "Generation of Transfer Functions with Stochastic Search Techniques," IEEE Visualization Conference
Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1996, pp. 227-234, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman and

H. Pfister.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(133) "A Financial Information Spreadsheet," IEEE Information Visualization Symposium Proceedings,
IEEE CS Press, October 1996, pp. 70-71, 125, A. Varshney and A.E. Kaufman.
(134) "Visible Human Virtual Colonoscopy," The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings, Bethesda,
MD, October 1996, pp. 29-30, L. Hong, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, and M. Wax.
(135) "3D Reconstruction and Visualization of the Inner Surface of the Colon from Spiral CT Data," IEEE
Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings, November 1996, vol. 3, pp. 1506-1510, L. Hong, Z.
Liang, A. Viswambharan, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wax.
(136) "Virtual Colonoscopy: Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Mucosal Surface of the Colon," Conference Proceedings RSNA infoRAD, December 1996, pp. 565, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, L.
Hong, Z. Liang, and T. Button.
(137) "PVR: High-Performance Volume Rendering," IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, vol. 3,
no. 4, December 1996, pp. 16-28, C.T. Silva, A.E. Kaufman and C. Pavlakos.
(138) "Implementations of Cube-4 on the Teramac Custom Computing Machine," Computers & Graphics,
vol. 21, no. 2, 1997, pp. 199-208, U. Kanus, M. Meissner, W. Strasser, H. Pfister, A.E. Kaufman, R.
Amerson, R.J. Carter, B. Culbertson, P. Kuekes, and G. Snider.
(139) "VolGlyphs: A Generalized Glyph Approach to Simultaneous Visualization of 3D Scalar and Vector
Fields," Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, May 1997, vol. 2,
no. 2, C-2-1, pp. 497-482, I. Fujishiro, A.E. Kaufman, X. Mao, and S. Takagi.
(140) "CollabCAD: A Toolkit for Integrated Synchronous and Asynchronous Sharing of CAD Applications," Proceedings of TeamCAD, May 1997, pp. 131-137, P. Mishra, A. Varshney and A.E.Kaufman.
(141) "Volume Visualization Fundamentals and Advances," Nikkei Science (Japanese Scientific American),
June 1997, pp. 64-66, A.E. Kaufman.
(142) "Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D Models of Colonic Surface," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear
Science, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 1297-1302, June 1997, L. Hong, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, A.E. Kaufman
and M. Wax.
(143) "A Ray-Slice-Sweep Volume Rendering Engine," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics
Hardware Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August 1997, pp. 121-130, 155, I. Bitter and A.E.
(144) "Virtual Voyage: Interactive Navigation In The Human Colon," Computer Graphics, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August 1997, pp. 27-34, L. Hong, S. Muraki, A.E. Kaufman D. Bartz, and T. He.
(145) "Integrated Volume Compression and Visualization," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1997, pp. 329-336, T. Chiueh, C. Yang, T. He, H. Pfister and A.E.
(146) "Collision Detection for Volumetric Models," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1997, pp. 27-34, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(147) "Multiresolution Tetrahedral Framework for Visualizing Volume Data," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1997, pp. 135-142, Y. Zhou, B. Chen and A.E.
(148) "Interactive Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1997, pp. 433-436, S. You, L. Hong, M. Wan, K. Junyaprasert, A.E.
Kaufman, S. Muraki, Y. Zhou, M. Wax, and Z. Liang.
(149) "Wavelet and Entropy Analysis Combination to Evaluate Diffusion and Correlation Behaviors," Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Brazilian Symposium of Computer Graphics and Image Processing, October
1997, pp. 119-125, R. Chiou, M. Alice, G.V. Ferreira, C. Silva and A.E. Kaufman.
(150) "3D Line Voxelization and Connectivity Control," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol. 17,
no. 6, November 1997, pp. 80-87, D. Cohen-Or and A.E. Kaufman.
(151) "Inclusion of A Priori Information in Segmentation of Colon Lumen for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy,"
Conf. Record, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, CD, November 1997, Z. Liang, F. Yang,
M. Wax, J. Li, J. You, A.E. Kaufman, L. Hong, H. Li, and A. Viswambharan.
(152) "Visualizing Nerve Cells with VolVis," Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing Proceedings, January
1998, pp. 165-176, A.E. Kaufman.
(153) "Three-dimensional Active Net for Volume Extraction," SPIE Electronic Imaging, January 1998, vol.
3298, pp. 184-193, I. Takanashi, S. Muraki, A. Doi and A.E. Kaufman.
(154) "Boundary Cell-Based Acceleration for Volume Ray Casting," Computers & Graphics, vol. 22, no. 6,
February 1998, pp. 715-722, M. Wan, S. Bryson and A.E. Kaufman.
(155) "Physically-based Animation of Volumetric Objects" Proc. Computer Animation Conference, IEEE CS
Press, June 1998, pp. 154-160, Y. Chen, Q. Zhu, A.E. Kaufman and S. Muraki.
(156) "Efficient Parallel Recursive Voxelization for the SGI Challenge Multi-Processor System," Proc. Computer Graphics International, June 1998, pp. 66-72, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(157) "Multi-Granularity Noise for Curvilinear Grid LIC," Proc. Graphics Interface, June 1998, pp. 193-200
X. Mao, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, N. Fujita, M. Kikukawa, and A. Imamiya.
(158) "Robust Hierarchical Voxel Models for Representation and Interactive Visualization of Implicit Surfaces in Spherical Coordinates," Proc. Implicit Surfaces, June 1998, pp. 11-17, N. Stolte and A.E.
(159) "Parallel Spatial Enumeration of Implicit Surfaces using Interval Arithmetic for Octree Generation and
Its Direct Visualization," Proc. Implicit Surfaces, June 1998, pp. 81-87, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(160) "High-Quality Volume Rendering Using Texture Mapping Hardware," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics
Workshop on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August-September 1998, pp.
69-76, 156, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, B. Chen, I. Bitter and A.E. Kaufman .
(161) "PAVLOV: A Programmable Architecture for Volume Processing," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August-September 1998, pp.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

77-86, 157, K. Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman

(162) "Real-time Biomechanically-based Muscle Volume Deformation using FEM," Computer Graphics
Forum, vol. 17, no. 3, September 1998, pp. C-278 - C-284, Q. Zhu, Y. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(163) "Adaptive Perspective Ray Casting," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1998, pp. 55-62, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, B. Chen and A.E.
(164) "Object Voxelization by Filtering," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1998, pp. 111-118, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(165) "Accelerated Ray-Casting for Curvilinear Volumes," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1998, pp. 247-254, L. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(166) "3D Skeleton and Centerline Generation Based on An Approximate Minimum Distance Field," The
Visual Computer, vol. 14, no. 7, 1998, pp. 303-314, Y. Zhou, A.E. Kaufman and A. W. Toga.
(167) "Volume Segmentation and Rendering of Mixtures of Materials for Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium, February 1999, pp. 133-138,, R. Chiou, D. Chen, J. Liang and A.E. Kaufman.
(168) "On Segmentation of Colon Lumen for Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging, February 1999,
pp. 270-278, J. Liang, D. Chen, R. Chiou, B. Li, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wax.
(169) "Virtual Flythrough over a Voxel-Based Terrain," IEEE Virtual Reality Conference Proceedings,
March 1999, pp. 53-60, M. Wan, H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(170) "vxt: a C++ Class Library for Object Voxelization," International Workshop on Volume Graphics,
March 1999, Swansea, UK, pp. 295-306, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(171) "Haptic Sculpting of Dynamic Surfaces," Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics Proceedings, ACM
Press, April 1999, pp. 103-110, 227, F. Dachille, H. Qin, A.E. Kaufman, and J. El-Sana.
(172) "An Interactive Fly-Path Planning Using Potential Fields and Cell Decomposition for Virtual
Endoscopy," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 46, no. 4, August 1999, pp. 1045-1049,
R. Chiou, A.E. Kaufman, J. Liang, L. Hong, and M. Achniotou.
(173) "Hybrid Volume and Polygon Rendering with Cube Hardware," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop
on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August 1999, pp. 15-24, K.
Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.
(174) "Alias-free Voxelization of Geometric Objects," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, vol. 5, no. 3, July - September 1999, pp. 251-267, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(175) "A Hybrid LOD-Sprite Technique for Accelerated Terrain Rendering," IEEE Visualization Conference
Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1999, pp. 291-298, B. Chen, J.E. Swan E. Kuo and
A.E. Kaufman.
(176) "High Performance Presence-Accelerated Ray Casting," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1999, pp. 379-386, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman and S. Bryson.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(177) "Mixing Translucent Polygons with Volumes," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1999, pp. 191-198, K. Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.
(178) "Forward Image Mapping," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press,
October 1999, pp. 89-96, B. Chen, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(179) "Volume Rendering Based Interactive Navigation within the Human Colon," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1999, pp. 397-400, M. Wan, Q. Tang, A.E.
Kaufman, J. Liang, and M. Wax.
(180) "Interactive Volume Segmentation with the PAVLOV Architecture," IEEE Parallel Visualization and
Graphics Symposium Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 1999, pp. 61-68, K.
Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.
(181) "Optimized Interpolation for Volume Ray Casting," Journal of Graphics Tools, vol. 4, no. 1, 1999, pp.
11-24, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman and S. Bryson.
(182) "Fast Projection-Based Ray-Casting Algorithm for Rendering Curvilinear Volumes," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 5, no. 4, December 1999, pp. 322-332, L.
Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(183) "Navigating through Sparse Views," Proceedings of Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, London, UK, December 1999, pp. 82-87, S. Fleishman, B. Chen, A.E. Kaufman and D.
(184) "Real-Time Volume Rendering," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 11,
2000, pp. 44-52, A.E. Kaufman, F. Dachille, B. Chen, I. Bitter, K. Kreeger, N. Zhang, and Q.
(185) "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Voxel-based Terrain," Virtual Reality 2000 Conference Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2000, pp. 197-206, M. Wan, N. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman
and H. Qu.
(186) "High-Degree Temporal Antialiasing," Computer Animation Conference Proceedings, May 2000, pp.
49-54, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(187) "Incremental Triangle Voxelization," Graphics Interface Proceedings, May 2000, pp. 205-212, F.
Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(188) "3D Volume Rotation using Shear Transformations," Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol.
62, no. 4, July 2000, pp. 308-322, B. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(189) "Fast Ray-Tracing of Rectilinear Volume Data Using Distance Transforms," IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 6, no. 3, July-September 2000, pp. 236-252, M.
Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(190) "GI-Cube: An Architecture for Volumetric Global Illumination and Rendering," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, August 2000, pp.
119-128, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(191) "A Gradient Magnitude Based Region Growing Algorithm for Accurate Segmentation" Proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 2000, vol. 3, pp. 448-451, Vancouver,
M. Sato, S. Lakare, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman and M. Nakajima.
(192) "TEASAR: Tree-Structure Extraction Algorithm for Accurate and Robust Skeletons," IEEE Proceedings Pacific Graphics Conference, October 2000, pp. 281-287, Hong Kong,, M. Sato, I. Bitter,
M.A. Bender and A.E. Kaufman; also in Japanese Journal The Institute of Image Information and
Television Engineers, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 1756-1761, December 2000, M. Sato, I. Bitter, M.A. Bender,
A.E. Kaufman and M. Nakajima.
(193) "Image-Based Rendering With Stable Frame Rates," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 2000, pp. 251-258, H. Qu, M. Wan, J. Qin and A.E. Kaufman.
(194) "3D Digital Cleansing Using Segmentation Rays," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 2000, pp. 37-44, S. Lakare, M. Wan, M. Sato and A.E. Kaufman.
(195) "CEASAR: A Smooth, Accurate and Robust Centerline Extraction Algorithm," IEEE Visualization
Conference Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 2000, pp. 45-52, I. Bitter, M. Sato,
M.A. Bender, K.T. McDonnell, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wan.
(196) "Volumetric Backprojection," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium Proceedings,
ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 2000, pp. 109-118, F. Dachille, K. Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(197) "Automated Pre-Navigation Processing for Virtual Colonoscopy," Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, October 2000, pp. 103, S. Lakare, M. Wax, D. Chen,
I. Bitter, M. Sato, M. Wan, Z. Liang and A.E. Kaufman.
(198) "A Novel Approach to Extract Colon Lumen from CT Images for Virtual Colonoscopy," IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 19, no. 12, December 2000, pp. 1220-1226., D. Chen, Z. Liang,
M. Wax, L. Li, B. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(199) "An Automatic Colon Segmentation for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy," IEICE Transactions on Information
Systems, vol. E84-D, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 201-208, M. Sato, S. Lakare, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman, Z.
Liang, and M. Wax.
(200) "Extracting Colon Lumen from CT Images for Virtual Colonoscopy: Method and Validation," Medical
Imaging International, vol. 11, no. 4, February 2001, pp. 6-8, D. Chen, Z. Liang, M. Wax, L. Li,
K. Kreeger, B. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(201) "Interactive Electronic Biopsy for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 4321, February 2001, pp. 483-488, M. Sato, S. Lakare, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman, M. Wax and J. Liang.
(202) "Interactive Navigation for PC-Based Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 4321, February 2001, pp. 500-504, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, M. Wax, A.E. Kaufman and J. Liang.
(203) "A Novel Haptics-Based Interface and Sculpting System for Physics-Based Design," Computer Aided
Design, 33(5), April 2001, pp. 403-420, F. Dachille, H. Qin and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(204) "Image Based Rendering of Surfaces from Volume Data," Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Volume Graphics, June 2001, pp. 279-296, B. Chen, A.E. Kaufman and Q. Tang.
(205) "Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free Image-Based Rendering," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volume Graphics, June 2001, pp. 297-308, J. Qin, M.
Wan, and H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(206) "Two-Pass Image and Volume Rotations," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volume
Graphics, June 2001, pp. 321-335, B. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(207) "Real-Time Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Volume Graphics, June 2001, pp. 363-374, A.E. Kaufman, W. Li and K. Kreeger.
(208) "Multiresolution Rendering of Large-Scale Voxel-Based Terrain," International Conference on CAD
and Graphics Proceedings, International Academic Publishers, August 2001, pp. 209-215, M.
Wan, H. Qu, and N. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(209) "Penalized-Distance Volumetric Skeleton Algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 7, no. 3, July-Sept. 2001, pp. 195-206, I. Bitter A.E. Kaufman and M. Sato.
(210) "Distance-Field Based Skeletons for Virtual Navigation," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2001, pp. 239-245, M. Wan, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(211) "Case Study: Visualization of Particle Track Data," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2001, pp. 465-468, X. Wei, A.E. Kaufman and T.J. Hallman.
(212) "Novel Techniques for Robust Voxelization and Visualization of Implicit Surfaces," Graphical
Models, vol. 63, no. 6, November 2001, pp. 387-412, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(213) "An Image Segmentation Approach to Extract Colon Lumen through Colonic Material Tagging and
Hidden Markov Random Field Model for Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging
Proceedings, vol. 4683, February 2002, pp. 406-411, L. Li, D. Chen, S. Lakare, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter,
A.E. Kaufman, M.R. Wax, P.M. Djuric, and Z. Liang.
(214) "Electronic Colon Cleansing using Segmentation Rays for Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Symposium on
Medical Imaging Proceedings, vol. 4683, February 2002, pp. 412-418, S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li,
A.K. Kaufman and J. Liang.
(215) "Accelerated Volume Graphics," Proceedings Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP), July 2002,
pp. 3-7, A.E. Kaufman.
(216) "Dependency Graph Scheduling in a Volumetric Ray Tracing Architecture," SIGGRAPH/Eurographics
Workshop on Graphics Hardware, September 2002, pp. 127-135, S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(217) "Simulating Fire with Texture Splats," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 2002, pp. 227-234, X. Wei, W. Li, K. Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(218) "Fast and Reliable Space Leaping During Interactive Volumetric Navigation," IEEE Visualization Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2002, pp. 195-202, M. Wan, A. Sadiq and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(219) "Accelerating Volume Rendering with Texture Hulls," ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium
Proceedings, ACM/SIGGRAPH Press, October 2002, pp. 115-122, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(220) "Automatic Centerline Extraction for Virtual Colonoscopy," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,vol. 21, no. 12, December 2002, pp. 1450-1460
Bitter and A.E. Kaufman.

(with M. Wan, J. Liang, Q. Ke, L. Hong, and I.

(221) "Melting and Flowing of Viscous Volumes," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
Computer Animation and Social Agents, IEEE Computer Society Press, May 2003, pp. 54-59, X.
Wei, and W. Li A.E. Kaufman.
(222) "Anti-Aliased Volume Extraction," IEEE TCVG Visualization Symposium Proceedings (Data Visualization 2003) May, 2003, pp. 113-122, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(223) "Texture Partitioning and Packing for Accelerating Texture-based Volume Rendering," Proceedings
Graphics Interface, June 2003, pp. 81-88, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(224) "Feature Preserved Volume Simplification" 8th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications
Proceedings, June 2003, pp. 334-339, W. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(225) "Blowing in the Wind," ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation Proceedings, July 2003, pp. 75-85, X. Wei, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, S. Yoakum-Stover and A.E. Kaufman.
(226) "Multiresolution volume simplification and polygonization," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volume Graphics," July 2003, N. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(227) "Ray Tracing Height Fields," Computer Graphics International Conference Proceedings, July 2003,
pp. 202-209, H. Qu, Q. Feng, N. Zhang, and M. Wan A.E. Kaufman.
(228) "Hardware Assisted Multichannel Volume Rendering," Computer Graphics International Conference
Proceedings, July 2003, pp. 2-7, A. Ghosh, P. Prabhu, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(229) "Empty Space Skipping and Occlusion Clipping for Texture-based Volume Rendering," Proceedings
of IEEE Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003, pp. 317-324, W. Li, K.
Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(230) "Piecewise C Continuous Surface Reconstruction of Noisy Point Clouds via Local Implicit Quadric
Regression," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003, pp.
91-98, H. Xie, J. Wang, J. Hua, A.E. Kaufman and H. Qin.
(231) "A Framework for Sample-Based Rendering with O-buffers," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003, pp. 441-448, H. Qu, R. Shao, A. Kumar and A.E.
(232) "Voxels On Fire," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2003,
pp. 271-279, Y. Zhao, X. Wei, Z. Fan, A.E. Kaufman and H. Qin.
(233) "Implementing Lattice Boltzmann Computation on Graphics Hardware," The Visual Computer, vol.
19, no. 7-8, December 2003, pp. 444-456, W. Li, X. Wei and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(234) "Robust Colon Residue Detection Using Vextor Quantitization Based Classification for Virtual
Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging, 2003, vol. 5031, pp. 15-520, S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li,
A.E. Kaufman, M. Wax and Z. Liang.
(235) "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Volumetric Environments," IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15-28, Jan-Feb. 2004, M. Wan, N. Zhang, H. Qu and A.E.
(236) "The Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Simulating Gaseous Phenomena," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 10, no. 2, Mar-Apr. 2004, pp. 164-176, X. Wei, W. Li, K. Mueller
and A.E. Kaufman.
(237) "Footprint Area Sampled Texturing," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
vol. 10, no. 2, Mar-Apr. 2004, pp. 230-240, B. Chen, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(238) "Range Image Registration via Probability Field," Computer Graphics International Conference Proceedings, June 2004, pp. 546-552, H. Zhang, O. Hall-Holt and A.E. Kaufman.
(239) "O-Buffer: A Framework for Sample-based Graphics," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 10, no. 4, July-Aug 2004, pp. 410-421, H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(240) "A Sketch-Based Interface for Collaborative Design," Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling Proceedings, August 2004, pp. 143-150, Z. Fan, M. Oliveira, C. Ma and A.E.
(241) "Dual Contouring with Topology-Preserving Simplification Using Enhanced Cell Representation,"
IEEE Visualization Proceedings, October 2004, pp. 505-512, N. Zhang, W. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(242) "Dispersion Simulation and Visualization for Urban Security," Visualization Conference Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2004, pp. 553-560, F. Qiu, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, X. Wei, H.
Lorenz, J. Wang, S. Yoakum-Stover, A.K. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(243) "Light Weight Space Leaping using Ray Coherence," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2004, pp. 19-26, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(244) "SHIC: a View-Dependent Rendering Framework for Isosurfaces," IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on
Volume Visualization, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2004, pp. 63-70, N. Zhang, H. Qu,
W. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(245) "Feature Preserving Distance Fields," IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization, IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 2004, pp. 39-46, H. Qu, N. Zhang, R. Shao, A.E. Kaufman and K.
(246) "GPU Cluster for High Performance Computing," Supercomputing 2004 Conference Proceedings CDROM, November 2004, pp. 47, Z. Fan, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and S. Yoakum-Stover.
(247) "Lattice-Based Flow Field Modeling," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
vol. 10, no. 6, November 2004, pp. 719-729, X. Wei, Y. Zhao, W. Li, Z. Fan, F. Qiu, S. Yoakum-Stover
and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(248) "Fast Hybrid Approach for Texture Point Models," Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 23, no. 4, December 2004, pp. 715-725, H. Zhang, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(249) "Virtual Colonoscopy" Communications of the ACM, vol. 48, no. 2, February 2005, pp. 37-41, A.E.
Kaufman, S. Lakare, K. Kreeger, and I Bitter.
(250) "Automatic 3D Electronic Colon Cleansing and Segmentation for Virtual Colonoscopy" IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2004, S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li, A.E. Kaufman, J. Liang, and M. Wax.
(251) "A Feasibility Study on Laxative-Free Bowel Preparation for Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical
Imaging, vol. 5746, February 2005, pp. 415-423, Z. Liang, D. Chen, M. Wax, S. Lakare, L. Li, J.
Anderson, A.E. Kaufman and D. Harrington.
(252) "A Pilot Study on Less-Stressful Bowel Preparation for Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Followup Biopsy by Optical Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5746, February 2005, pp. 810-816
Z. Liang, S. Lakare, M. Wax, D. Chen, L. Li, J. Anderson, A.E. Kaufman and D. Harrington.
(253) "GPU-based Object-Order Ray-Casting for Large Datasets," International Workshop on Volume
Graphics Proceedings, June 2005, pp. 177-185, W. Hong, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(254) "Visual Simulation of Chemical Gardens," Computer Graphics International Proceedings, June 2005,
pp. 74-81, X. Wei, F. Qiu, W. Li, S. Yoakum-Stover and A.E. Kaufman.
(255) "CSG Operations on Point Models with Implicit Connectivity," Computer Graphics International Proceedings, June 2005, pp. 87-93, N. Zhang, H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(256) "Surface Reconstruction Using Oriented Charges," Computer Graphics International Proceedings,
June 2005, pp. 122-128, J. Wang, M.M. Oliveira, H. Xie and A.E. Kaufman.
(257) "Front Spreading on 3D Surfaces," Computer Graphics International Proceedings, June 2005, pp.
135-141, Y. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(258) "Adapted Unstructured LBM for Flow Simulation on Curved Surfaces," Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, August 2005, pp. 245-254, Z. Fan,
Y. Zhao, A.E. Kaufman and Y. He.
(259) "The Magic Volume Lens: An Interactive Focus+Context Technique for Volume Rendering," IEEE
Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 2005, pp. 367-374, L. Wang, Y. Zhao, and K.
Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(260) "Constructing Manifold and Non-Manifold Surfaces from Point Clouds," IEEE Visualization Conference Proceedings, October 2005, pp. 415-422, J. Wang and M.M. Oliveira and A.E.Kaufman.
(261) "Distributed Volume Rendering on a Visualization Cluster," Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, December 2005, pp. 371-382,
S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(262) "Constructing 3D elliptical Gaussians for Irregular Data," J14th Scientific Meeting of the International
Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May 2006, W. Hong, N. Neophytou, K. Mueller and A.E.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(263) "GPU-Accelerated Volume Splatting With Elliptical RBFs," Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization Proceedings, May 2006, pp.13-20, N. Neophytou, K. Mueller, K. T.
McDonnell, W. Hong, X. Guan, H. Qin and A.E. Kaufman.
(264) "Conformal Virtual Colon Flattening," ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling Proceedings,
June 2006, pp. 85-93, W. Hong, X. Gu, F. Qiu, M. Jin and A.E. Kaufman.
(265) "Automatic Target Tracking on Multi-Resolution Terrain," Computer Graphics International Proceedings, June 2006, pp.; and International Journal of Zhejiang University, pp. 1275-1281, M. Wan,
W. Zhang, M.O. Murray and A.E. Kaufman.
(266) "Melting and Flowing in Multiphase Environment," Computers & Graphics, vol. 30, no. 4, August
2006, pp. 519-528, Y. Zhao, L. Wang, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(267) "Toward a Multi-Analyst, Collaborative Framework for Visual Analytics," IEEE Visual Analytics
Science and Technology Symposium Proceedings, October 2006, pp. 129-136, S.E. Brennan, K.
Mueller, G. Zelinsky, I.V. Ramakrishnan, D.S. Warren and A.E. Kaufman.
(268) "Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering," IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 12, no. 5, October 2006, pp. 1267-1274, H. Zhang and A.E.
(269) "A Pipeline for Computer Aided Polyp Detection," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, vol. 12, no. 5, October 2006, pp. 861-868, W. Hong,F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(270) "Spherical Parameterization Balancing Angle and Area Distortions," Journal of Latex Class Files, Vol.
6, No. 1, January 2007, S. Nadeem, Z. Su, W. Zei, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.
(271) "Visual simulation of heat shimmering and mirage," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan/Feb 2007, pp. 179-189, Y. Zhao, Y. Han, Z. Fan, F. Qiu, Y.-C.
Kuo, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(272) "Endoscopy Simulation," SPIE Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6511, March 2007, pp.
6511OR, W. Hong, J. Wang, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and J. Anderson.
(273) "Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps using Volume Rendering," SPIE Medical Imaging
Conference Proceedings,Vol. 6514, March 2007, pp. 651406, W. Hong, F. Qiu, and J. Marino and
A.E. Kaufman.
(274) "Point-and-Edge Model for Edge-Preserving Splatting," The Visual Computer, vol. 23, no. 6, June
2007, pp. 397-408, H. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(275) "Flow Simulation with Locally-Refined LBM," ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D
Graphics and Games Proceedings, pp. 181-188, 2007, Y. Zhao, F. Qiu, Z. Fan and A.E.
(276) "Interactive Wireless Virtual Colonoscopy," The Visual Computer, Vol. 23, No. 8, August 2007, pp.
545-557, S-J Jeong and A.E. Kaufman.
(277) "3D Surface Reconstruction for Endoscopic Videos," Visualization in Medicine and Live Sciences Proceedings, Springer Verlag, pp. 61-74, 2007, J. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(278) "Lattice-Based Volumetric Global Illumination," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, vol. 13, no. 6, pp.1576-1583, 2007, F. Qiu, F. Xu, Z. Fan, N. Neophytou, A.E. Kaufman and
K. Mueller.
(279) "A Classification-based Rendering Method for Point-based Models," Computers & Graphics, Vol. 31,
No. 5, pp. 730-736, 2007, H. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(280) "Reconstructing Regular Meshes from Points - A Parameterization-Based Approach," The Visual
Computer, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 361-371, May 2008, doi:10.1007/s00371-007-0194-8, J. Wang,
M. Oliveira, H. Zhang, and A.E. Kaufman.
(281) "Virtually Assisted Optical Colonoscopy," SPIE Conference Proceedings, San Diego, vol. 69, February 2008, J. Marino, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(282) "Optimized GPU Implementation of Learning-Based Non-Rigid Multi-Modal Registration", SPIE
Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6914, April 2008, Z. Fan, C. Vetter, C Guetter, D. Yu, R. Westermann, A.E. Kaufman and C. Xu.
(283) "Zippy: A Framework for Computation and Visualization on a GPU Cluster," Computer Graphics
Forum, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 341-351, 2008, Z. Fan, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(284) "Co-Registration of Virtual and Optical Colonoscopy Views," Proceedings of the MICCAI 2008 Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, pp.
122-126, September 2008, J. Marino, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(285) "Computer Aided Polyp Detection with Texture Analysis," Proceedings of the MICCAI 2008 Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, pp.
148-152, September 2008, F. Qiu, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
(286) "The Immersive Cabin," International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), (in Springer Lecture
Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 5358), pp. 891-900, Las Vegas, NV, December 2008, F. Qiu, B.
Zhang, K. Petkov, L. Chong, K. Mueller, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.
(287) "Out-of-Core Data Distribution on a Volume Visualization Cluster Using Dynamic Programming,"
Computer Graphics Forum,Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.141-153, March 2009, S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(288) "Dependency Graph Approach to Load Balancing Distributed Volume Visualization," vol. 25, no. 4,
pp. 325, 2009, The Visual Computer, March 2009, S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(289) "Implementing the Lattice Boltzmann Model on Commodity Graphics Hardware," Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, doi: 10.1088/17425468/2009/06/P06016, June 2009, Vol
2009, A.E. Kaufman, Z. Fan and K. Petkov.
(290) "Visual Simulation of Thermal Fluid Dynamics in a Pressurized Water Reactor," The Visual Computer,
Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 985-996, DOI 10.1007/s00371-008-0309-x, November 2009, Z. Fan, Y.C.
Kuo, Y. Zhao, F. Qiu A.E. Kaufman and W. Arcieri)
(291) "Efficient LBM Visual Simulation on Face-Centered Cubic Lattices," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 802-814, Sept/Oct. 2009, K. Petkov, F. Qiu, Z.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Fan, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.

(292) "Visual Simulation of Flow," Scientific Visualization: Advanced Concepts 2010, pp.246-258, 2010
Y. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(293) "Multi-dimensional Reduction and Transfer Function Design using Parallel Coordinates," Proc. of
IEEE/Eurographics International Symposium on Volume Graphics, May 2010, pp. 69-76, X.
Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(294) "Conformal Geometry Based Supine and Prone Colon Registration," Proc. of MICCAI 2010 Workshop
on Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal
Imaging, pp. 149-154, September 2010, W. Zeng, J. Marino, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.
(295) "Colon Visualization Using Shape Preserving Flattening," Proc. of MICCAI 2010 Workshop no Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging, pp.
155-159, September 2010, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
(296) "Extraction of landmarks and features from virtual colon models", Proc. of MICCAI Workshop on Virtual Colonoscopy & Abdominal Imaging, pp. 105-112, Sept. 2010, K.C. Gurijala, A.E. Kaufman, W.
Zeng and X. Gu.
(297) "Upsampling of Prostate Volumes," presented at CEWIT Conference, September, 2010, J. Marino
and A.E. Kaufman.
(298) "Suspine and Prone Colon Registration using Quasi-Conformal Mapping," IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1348-1357, November 2010, W. Zeng, J.
Marino, K.C. Gurijala, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.
(299) "Evaluation of Electronic Biopsy for Clinical Diagnosis in Virtual Colonoscopy," SPIE Medical Imaging Proceedings, vol. 7964, pp.7964-19,doi 10.1117/12.878295, February 2011, J. Marino, W.
Du, M. Barrish, E. Li, W. Zhu and A.E. Kaufman.
(300) "Volumetric colon wall unfolding using harmonic differentials," Computers & Graphics. vol. 35, pp.
726-732, June 2011, W. Zeng, J. Marino, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(301) "Conformal Visualization for Partially-Immersive Platforms," Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality 2011, pp.
143-150, March 2011, K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, M. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(302) "Prostate Cancer Visualization from MR Imagery and MR Stereoscopy," Computer Graphics Forum,
Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 1051-1060, June 2011, J. Marino .
(303) "Context Preserving Maps of Tubular Structures," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, 17(12):1997-2004, Dec. 2011, J. Marino, W. Zeng, X. Gu .
(304) "Anatomical Feature-Guided Mutual Information Registration of Multimdal Prostate MRI,",Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR) pp.165-172, 2011, X. Zhao .
(305) "Conformal visualization for partially-immersive platforms," IEEE Virtual Reality Proceedings
2011, .pp 143-150, 2011, K. Petkov, C. Papadopooulos, M. Zhang, and X. Gu.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(306) "Interactive Visibility Retargeting for VR using Conformal Visualization," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 1027-1040, Jan. 2012, K. Petkov, C.
Papadopoulos, M. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(307) "Structure revealing techniques based on parallel coordintes plot." The Visual Computer, v. 28, pp.
541-555, 2012, X. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(308) "Modified Dendrogram of Attribute Space for Multidimensional Transfer Function Design," IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 121-131, Jan-Mar 2012
(with L. Wang, X. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(309) "Conformal Magnifier: A Focus + Context Technique with Local Shape Preservation," IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics," vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 1928-1941, Nov. 2012, X.
Zhao, W. Zeng, X. Gu, A.E. Kaufman, W. Xu and K. Mueller.
(310) "Importance driven automatic color design for direct volume rendering" Computer Graphics Forum,
31(3): pp.1305-14, 2012, L. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(311) "Cumulative Heat Diffusion Using Volume Gradient Operator for Volume Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 2069-2077, December 2012,
K. Gurijala, L. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(312) "Lighting System for Visual Perception Enhancement in Volume Rendering,"IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(1): 67-80, 2013, L. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(313) "Colon Flattening Using Heat Diffusion Riemannian Metric," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 91, No. 12, pp. 2848-2857, Dec. 2013, K.C. Gurijala, R. Shu, W. Zeng, X.
Gu and A.E. Kaufman. DOI Bookmark:
(314) "Acuity-Driven Gigapixel Visualization," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.
19, no. 12, December 2013 pp.2886-2895, C. Papadopoulos and A.E. Kaufman.
(315) "Area-Preservation Mapping using Optimal Mass Transport," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 19, no. 12, December 2013 pp.2838-2847, X. Zhao, Z. Su, X. Gu, A.E. Kaufman,
J. Sun, J. Gao and F. Lou, DOI Bookmark:
(316) "Remote Volume Rendering Pipeline for mHealth Applications," Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 9039, March 19, 2014, I. Gutenko, K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, X. Zhao, A.E. Kaufman and
R. Cha.
(317) "Importance-Driven Accessory Lights Design for Enhancing local Shapes," IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 20, No. 5, May 2014, pp.781-794, L. Wang and A.E.
(318) "Monte Carlo Based Real Time Shape Analysis in Volumes," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics, 2014, K.C. Gurijala, L. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(319) "Ricci Flow Graph Embedding for Visual Comparison and Dynamic Graph Visualization," submitted
to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014,, K.C. Gurijala, H. Peng, X.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

Yu, W. Zeng, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.

(320) "Saliency-aware compression of Volumetric Data," submitted December 2014 to IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics, under revision, J. H. Park, I. Gutenko, and A.E.
(321) "The Reality Deck - Immersive Gigapixel Display," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol.
35, no. 1, pp. 33-45, Jan-Feb 2015, C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller. DOI:
(322) "Scalability Limits of Large High-Resolution Displays," Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality (VR),
pp 11-18, 2015, March 2015, C. Papadopoulos, S. Mirhosseini, I. Gutenko,K. Petkov, and A.E.
Kaufman and B. Laha.
(323) "Practical chirocentric 3DUI for immersive environments," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on
3D User Interfaces (3DUI), pp 31-34, March 2015, France, C. Papadopoulos, H. Choi, J. Sinha,
K. Yun, A.E. Kaufman, D. Samaras, and B. Laha.
(324) "Focusing on the Spleen: Visual Exploration of Splenic Size and Morphology," submitted to IEEE
Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2015, I. Gutenko, C. Papadopoulos, A.E. Kaufman and M.
(325) "Frameless Volume Visualization," IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2015,
K. Petkov and A.E. Kaufman.
(326) "VEEVVIE - Visual Explorer for Empirical VR Visualization and Interaction Experiments," IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computre Graphics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 111-120, January 2016,
C.Papadopoulos, I. Gutenko, and A.E. Kaufman.
(327) "Planar Visualization of Treelike Structures," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 906-915, January 2016, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
9.5. Conference Talks, Invited Talks, and Other Papers
(328) "Traffic Simulation of a Signal-Free Intersection," Final Report, Israel Ministry of Transport, 1975, pp.
226, A. Solomon, J. Harband, Y. Varol, M. Hanani, A.K. Kaufman and J. Shapiro.
(329) "A Real-Time Graphics Language with Modular Objects and Implicit Dynamics," presented at ACM
SIGGRAPH Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 1976, S. Bergman and A.E. Kaufman.
(330) "Computer Simulation of a Signal-Free Intersection," Proc. 11th National Conference on Data Processing, Haifa, November 1976, pp. 223-232, A.E. Kaufman, Y. Varol and M. Hanani.
(331) "Association of Graphic Images and Dynamic Attributes," presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Conference,
San Jose, CA, July 1977 , A.E. Kaufman and S. Bergman.
(332) "High-Level Language for Real-Time Processes," Proc. 12th National Conference on Data Processing, Tel Aviv, Sept. 1977, pp. 179-189, A.E. Kaufman and S. Bergman.
(333) "Interactive Traffic Simulation Using Graphics," Proc. 12th National Conference on Data Processing,
Tel Aviv, Sept. 1977, pp. 129-138, A.E. Kaufman and M. Hanani.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(334) "Structured Design and Interactive Simulation Systems," presented at Symposium on Modeling and
Simulation Methodology, Rehovot, August 1978, , A.E. Kaufman and M. Hanani.
(335) "System Design and Implementation of BGRAF2," presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Conference,
Atlanta, GA, August 1978, A.E. Kaufman.
(336) "Higher Level Implicit Structures Considered Helpful," presented at ACM SE 81, Nineteenth Annual
Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 1981, A.E. Kaufman.
(337) "A Natural Language Based Color Notation System," presented at ACM SE 81, Nineteenth Annual
Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 1981, A.E. Kaufman T. Berk and L. Brownston.
(338) "Color Nomenclatures for Image Generation and Analysis," presented at IPA Workshop on Pattern
Recognition and Image Processing, Jerusalem, May 1982, A.E. Kaufman.
(339) "Selecting Color Notation Systems for Computer Graphics," Proc. 17th National Conference on Data
Processing, Jerusalem, Nov. 1982, pp. 159-171, A.E. Kaufman.
(340) "Hidden-Surface Removal Using a Forest of Quadtrees," Proc. Conference on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Pattern Recognition, Beer-Sheva, June 1983, pp. 85-89, A.E. Kaufman, D. Forgash
and Y. Ginsburg.
(341) "A Three-Dimensional Cellular Frame Buffer," presented at Eurographics Conference, Nice, France,
September 1985, A.E. Kaufman.
(342) "A Novel Architecture for 3-D Computer Graphics," Proc. 20th National Conference on Data Processing, Jerusalem, October 1985, pp. 365-374, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(343) "A New Approach for a Real-Time 3-D CAD Workstation," Proc. Seventh Conference on CAD/CAM
and Robotics, Tel-Aviv, November 1985, pp. 3.3.1-10, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(344) "Interference Detection with the CUBE 3-D Workstation," Proc. 20th Conference of Israeli Mechanical Engineering Association, Tel-Aviv, June 1986, pp., A.E. Kaufman, R. Bakalash and H.
(345) "The CUBE Workstation," presented at EG Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lisbon, Portugal,
August 1986, A.E. Kaufman.
(346) "Memory Organization for a Cubic Frame Buffer," presented at Eurographics Conference, Lisbon,
Portugal, August 1986, A.E. Kaufman.
(347) "Frontiers in Graphics Hardware," invited talk, Eurographics '86 Panel, Lisbon, Portugal, August
1986, A.E. Kaufman.
(348) "Voxel-Based Architectures for Three-Dimensional Graphics," presented at IFIP '86, 10th World
Computer Congress, Dublin, Ireland, September 1986, A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(349) "Real-Time Shading for 3-D Frame Buffer," Proc. Eighth Conference on CAD/CAM and Robotics,
Tel-Aviv, December 1986, pp., A.E. Kaufman, R. Bakalash, S. Bergman, and D. Cohen.
(350) "CUBE - An Architecture Based on a 3-D Voxel Map," presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute
on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics and CAD, Il Ciocco, Italy, July 1987, A.E.
(351) "Efficient Algorithms for 3D Scan-Conversion of Parametric Curves, Surfaces, and Volumes," presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, Anaheim, CA, July 1987, A.E. Kaufman.
(352) "A High-Level Generator for Customized Window Managers and Their Applications," EG Workshop
on Higher Level Tools for Window Managers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1987, A. ,E.
Kaufman and A. Giacalone.
(353) "FBP - A Frame Buffer Processor," presented at 2nd EG Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1987, A.E. Kaufman.
(354) "An Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Scan-Conversion of Polygons," presented at Eurographics
Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1987, A.E. Kaufman.
(355) "VLSI for Graphics," invited talk, Eurographics '87 Panel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August
1987, A.E. Kaufman.
(356) "The CUBE System for Three-Dimensional Voxel-Based Graphics," Csnet News, no. 14, Summer
1987, p. 8, A.E. Kaufman.
(357) "Detection of Static Interference in CUBE Architecture," Proc. 9th Conference CAD/CAM and
Robotics, Tel-Aviv, December 1987, pp. 7.1.3-7.1.8, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(358) "Parallel Processing for 3D Voxel-Based Graphics," presented at International Conference on Parallel
Processing for Computer Vision and Display, Leeds, UK, January 1988, A.K. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(359) "The CUBE Three-Dimensional Workstation," Proc. NCGA: Ninth Annual Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, March 1988, pp. 344-354, A.E. Kaufman.
(360) "Collaboration in Computer Graphics Art Education at Stony Brook," in ACM SIGGRAPH '88
Course Notes no. 29 on Collaboration in Computer Graphics Education, J. Brown et al. (eds.), July
1988, pp. 173-174, M. Alexenberg, A.E. Kaufman and C. Lawson.
(361) "Workstation for 3-D Volume Visualization," Proc. 5th Annual International Electronic Imaging Conference, Boston, MA, October 1988, pp. 1096-1100, A.E. Kaufman.
(362) "Visualization Environment Research in the Applied Sciences," presented at SPIE Symposium on 3D
Visualization of Scientific Data, Los Angeles, CA, January 1989, pp. 127-134, A. Giacalone, J. Heller,
A.E. Kaufman, M. Kifer, P.M. Lewis, P. Mishra, I.V. Ramakrishnan, S.A. Smolka, and D.S. Warren.
(363) "The CUBE System as a 3D Medical Workstation," Proc. SPIE Symposium on 3D Visualization of Scientific Data, vol. 1083, S. Fisher (ed.), Los Angeles, CA, January 1989, pp. 189-194, A.E. Kaufman
and R. Bakalash.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(364) "A Three-Dimensional User Interface," NCGA Tenth Annual Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia,
PA, April 1989, pp. 361-367, A.E. Kaufman.
(365) "Supercomputing for 3D Volumetric Graphics," Proc. Fourth International Conference on Supercomputing, Santa Clara, CA, May 1989, pp. 451-456, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(366) "The Viewing and Rendering Processor of Cube," presented at the 4th EG Workshop on Graphics
Hardware, Hamburg, W. Germany, September 1989, A.E. Kaufman.
(367) "Forest of Quadtrees: An Object Representation for 3D Graphics," presented at Eurographics Conference, Hamburg, W. Germany, September 1989, A.E. Kaufman.
(368) "Tools for Interaction in Three Dimensions," Proceedings HCI International Conference, Boston, MA,
September 1989, pp. 468-475, A.E. Kaufman and R. Yagel.
(369) "Visualization Tools for the Applied Sciences," Proceedings HCI International Conference, Boston,
MA, September 1989, pp. 451-459, A.E. Kaufman, A. Giacalone, S.A. Smolka, and D.S. Warren.
(370) "3D Visualization of Biomedical Data," Proc. 6th Annual International Electronic Imaging Conference, Boston, MA, October 1989, pp. 1034-1036, A.E. Kaufman and R. Bakalash.
(371) "Graphics Simulation of Volumetric Objects," invited talk at Visual Systems - Visualization in Simulation Workshop, Wuppertal, W. Germany, November 1989, A.E. Kaufman.
(372) "Voxel-Based Solid Modeling," Proc. International Conference on CAD/CAM and AMT, Jerusalem,
Israel, December 1989, pp. 1.1.3-1-3, A.E. Kaufman.
(373) "Direct Interaction with a Volumetric Environment," Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Snowbird, Utah, March 1990, pp. 33-34, A.E. Kaufman, R. Yagel and R. Bakalash.
(374) "Intermixing Surface and Volume Rendering," presented at NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
3D Imaging in Medicine, Travemunde, Germany, June 1990, A.E. Kaufman.
(375) "Cube-3: Building a Full Scale VLSI-Based Volume Visualization System," presented at 5th EG Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1990, A.E. Kaufman.
(376) "Volume Visualization in Cell Biology," presented at IEEE Visualization, San Francisco, CA, October
1990, A.E. Kaufman, R. Yagel, R. Bakalash, and I. Spector.
(377) "Volume Visualization - Approaches and Applications," invited talk at NYC ACM/SIGGRAPH Conference on Stereo Imaging, 3D Viewing, and Virtual Realities, New York, NY, October 1990,
A.E. Kaufman.
(378) "3D Visualization of Actin Cytoskeleton," presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Cell Biology, San Diego, CA, December 1990, A.E. Kaufman, I. Spector, R. Yagel and R.

(379) "Volume Visualization," invited talk at Second Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific
Computing, Delft, Netherlands, April 1991, A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(380) "Introduction to Volume Synthesis," invited talk at CG International, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June
1991, A.E. Kaufman.
(381) "Context Sensitive Normal Estimation for Volume Imaging," presented at CG International, MIT,
Cambridge, MA, June 1991, R. Yagel, D. Cohen and A.E. Kaufman.
(382) "The Volume Visualization Pipeline," invited talk at the Seminar on Scientific Visualization, Dagstuhl,
Germany, August 1991, A.E. Kaufman.
(383) "State of the Art in Volume Visualization," invited talk at Eurographics Conference, Vienna, Austria,
September 1991, A.E. Kaufman.
(384) "Realistic Volume Imaging," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Diego, CA, October
1991, R. Yagel, A.E. Kaufman and Q. Zhang.
(385) "Template-Based Volume Viewing," presented at the Eurographics Conference, September 1992,
Cambridge, UK, R. Yagel and A.E. Kaufman.
(386) "An Extended Volume Visualization System for Arbitrary Parallel Projection," presented at the Seventh Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Cambridge, UK, September 1992, R.
Bakalash, A.E. Kaufman, R. Pacheco, and H. Pfister.
(387) "Fundamentals of Volume Visualization and Volume Graphics," invited talk at Israel Computer Graphics Forum, Tel-Aviv, September 1992, A.E. Kaufman.
(388) "Towards a Comprehensive Volume Visualization System," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Boston, MA, October 1992, R. Avila, L. Sobierajski and A.E. Kaufman.
(389) "Conceptual Design for High-Speed Computed Microtomography at Advanced Photon Source," presented at Fall Meeting of The American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1992,
W.B. Lindquist, P. Spanne, K.W. Jones, J.V. Smith, M.L. Rivers, A.E. Kaufman and S.R. Sutton.
(390) "Virtual Reality and Volume Visualization," invited talk at Virtual Reality Systems, New York, NY,
March 1993, A.E. Kaufman.
(391) "Interactive Visualization of Biomedical Data," Workshop on Scientific Applications of Real-Time
Computed Tomography, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, May 1993, R.S. Avila,
L.M. Sobierajski, A.E. Kaufman and P.R. Adams.
(392) "Navigation and Animation in a Volume Visualization System," invited talk at Computer Animation
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1993, A.E. Kaufman.
(393) "Modeling in Volume Graphics," invited talk at IFIP 2nd Working Conference on Modeling in Computer Graphics, Genova, Italy, June 1993, A.E. Kaufman.
(394) "Trends in Volume Visualization and Volume Graphics," invited talk at ONR Data Visualization Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, July 1993, A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(395) "Real-Time Architecture for High-Resolution Volume Visualization," presented at the Eighth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Barcelona, Spain, September 1993, H. Pfister and A.E.
(396) "Virtual Devices for 3D User Interface," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Jose, CA,
October 1993, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(397) "An Eye Tracking Computer User Interface," presented at Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality Workshop, San Jose, CA, October 1993, A.E. Kaufman, A. Bandopadhay and B. Shaviv.
(398) "Virtual Input Devices in a Virtual World," invited talk at Virtual Reality Systems, New York, NY,
October 1993, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(399) "Volume Sampled Voxelization of Geometric Primitives," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
San Jose, CA, October 1993, S. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(400) "The Living and the Dead: Interactive Visualization of Nerve Cells," Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, vol. 19, Abstract 458.9, Washington D.C., November 1993, B.J. Burbach, R.S. Avila,
L.M. Sobierajski, A.E. Kaufman and P.R. Adams.
(401) "Recent Trends in Volume Visualization," invited talk at NICOGRAPH Seminar, Tokyo, Japan,
November 1993, A.E. Kaufman.
(402) "State of the Art in Volume Visualization," invited talk at First Workshop on Super Simulator for
Nuclear Power Plant, Tokyo, Japan, November 1993, A.E. Kaufman.
(403) "Fast Visualization for 3D Smooth Density Distribution from a Few Directions," presented at the Third
Asian Symposium on Visualization, Chiba, Japan, May 1994, N. Tayama, S. Saitou, M. Miura and A.E.
(404) "Volume Visualization: Volume Graphics, Hardware and Software," presented at the ARPA AVIS Workshop, Pasadena, CA, March 1994, A.E. Kaufman.
(405) "Accelerated Volume Rendering," presented at the Seminar on Scientific Visualization, Dagstuhl, Germany, May 1994, A.E. Kaufman.
(406) "Sheared Interpolation and Gradient Estimation for Real-Time Volume Rendering," presented at the
9th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Oslo, Norway, September 1994, H. Pfister,
F. Wessels and A.E. Kaufman.
(407) "Parallel Performance Measures for Volume Ray Casting," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Washington, DC, October 1994, C. Silva and A.E. Kaufman.
(408) "Cube-3: A Real-Time Architecture for High-resolution Volume Visualization," presented at
ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Washington, DC, October 1994, H. Pfister, a.E. Kaufman
and T. Chiueh.
(409) "VolVis: A Diversified Volume Visualization System," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
Washington, DC, October 1994, R. Avila, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, H. Pfister, C. Silva, L.

Sobierajski, and

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

S. Wang.
(410) "Volumetric Ray Tracing," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Washington,
DC, October 1994, L. Sobierajski and A.E. Kaufman.
(411) "Wavelet-Based Volume Morphing," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Washington, DC,
October 1994, T. He, S. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(412) "Volume Sculpting," presented at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, CA, April 1995,
S. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(413) "Towards a Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Volume Rendering," presented at 10th Eurographics
Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 1995, H. Pfister, A.E. Kaufman
and F. Wessels.
(414) "Three Architectures for Volume Rendering," presented at Eurographics Conference, Maastricht,
The Netherlands, August 1995, J. Hesser, R. Maenner, G. Knittel, W. Strasser, H. Pfister and A.E.
(415) "Interactive Visualization of Mixed Scalar and Vector Fields," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1995, L. Hong, X. Mao and A.E. Kaufman.
(416) "Voxel-Based Object Simplification," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1995, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, A. Varshney, and S. Wang.
(417) "3D Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at IEEE Biomedical Visualization Symposium, Atlanta, GA,
October 1995, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, Z. Liang, T. Buttom, P. Ells, and
M. Meyers.
(418) "Automatic Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks using Greedy Cuts," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 1995, C.T. Silva, J.S.B. Mitchell and A.E. Kaufman.
(419) "Splatting of Curvilinear Volumes," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Atlanta, GA, October
1995, X. Mao, L. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(420) "Using Wavelet to Extract Information from Volumetric Data," presented at International Conference
on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, Orlando, July 1996, R. Chiou, M. Alice, G.V.
Ferreira, C. Silva and A.E. Kaufman.
(421) "Cube-4 Implementations on the Teramac Custom Computing Machine," presented at 11th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Poitiers, France, August 1996, U. Kanus, M. Meissner, W.
Strasser, H. Pfister, A.E. Kaufman, R. Amerson, R.J. Carter, B. Culbertson, P. Kuekes, and
G. Snider.
(422) "Visible Human Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at The Visible Human Project Conference, Bethesda,
MD, October 1996, L. Hong, Z. Liang, A.E. Kaufman, A. Viswambharan, and M. Wax.
(423) "Cube-4: A Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Volume Rendering," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume
Visualization Symposium, San Francisco, CA, October 1996, H. Pfister and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(424) "Near Optimal Rendering of Irregular Grids," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, San Francisco, CA, October 1996, C.T. Silva, J.S.B. Mitchell and A.E. Kaufman.
(425) "Fast Stereo Volume Rendering," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Francisco, CA,
October 1996, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(426) "Generation of Transfer Functions with Stochastic Search Techniques," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 1996,, T. He, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman and H.
(427) "A Financial Information Spreadsheet," presented at IEEE Information Visualization Symposium, San
Francisco, CA, October 1996, A. Varshney and A.E. Kaufman.
(428) "Tetra-Cubes: An Algorithm to Generate 3D Isosurfaces Based upon Tetrahedra," presented at SIBGRAPH Conference, Brazil, 1996, B.R.P. Carneiro, C. Silva, and A.E. Kaufman.
(429) "3D Reconstruction and Visualization of the Inner Surface of the Colon from Spiral CT Data," presented at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, November 1996, L. Hong, Z. Liang,
A.E. Kaufman, A. Viswambharan, and M. Wax.
(430) "Virtual Colonoscopy: Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Mucosal Surface of the Colon," presented at the RSNA infoRAD, Chicago, IL, December 1996, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, L. Hong, A.E.
Kaufman, Z. Liang, and T. Button.
(431) "VolGlyphs: A Generalized Glyph Approach to Simultaneous Visualization of 3D Scalar and Vector
Fields," presented at Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Tokyo, May 1997,
I. Fujishiro, X. Mao, S. Takagi and A.E. Kaufman.
(432) "CollabCAD: A Toolkit for Integrated Synchronous and Asynchronous Sharing of CAD Applications," presented at TeamCAD Workshop May 1997, Atlanta, GA, P. Mishra, A. Varshney and A.E.
(433) "Inclusion of A Priori Information in Segmentation of Colon Lumen for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at Medical Imaging Conference, November 1997, Z. Liang, F. Yang, M. Wax, J. Li, J. You, A.E.
Kaufman, L. Hong, H. Li, and A. Viswambharan.
(434) "A Ray-Slice-Sweep Volume Rendering Engine," presented at the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, CA, August 1997, I. Bitter and A.E. Kaufman.
(435) "Virtual Voyage: Interactive Navigation In The Human Colon," presented at the SIGGRAPH Conference, Los Angeles, CA, August 1997, L. Hong, S. Muraki, A.E. Kaufman, D. Bartz, and T. He.
(436) "Integrated Volume Compression and Visualization," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
Pheonix, AZ, October 1997, T. Chiueh, C. Yang, T. He, H. Pfister, and A.E. Kaufman.
(437) "Collision Detection for Volumetric Models," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Pheonix,
AZ, October 1997, T. He and A.E. Kaufman.
(438) "Multiresolution Tetrahedral Framework for Visualizing Volume Data," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Pheonix, AZ, October 1997, Y. Zhou, B. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(439) "Interactive Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference
Case Studies, Pheonix, AZ, October 1997, M. Wan, S. You, L. Hong, S. Muraki, Y. Zhou, K. Junyaprasert, A.E. Kaufman, J. Liang, and M. Wax.
(440) "Discrete Implicit Surface Models using Interval Arithmetics," presented at 2nd CGC Workshop on
Computational Geometry, Durham, NC, October 1997, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(441) "Wavelet and Entropy Analysis Combination to Evaluate Diffusion and Correlation Behaviors," presented at SIBGRAPI Brazilian Symposium of Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Campos de
Jordao, SP, Brazil, October 1997, R. Chiou, M. Alice, G.V. Ferreira, C. Silva and A.E. Kaufman.
(442) "Visualizing Nerve Cells with VolVis," presented at Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Kapalua,
Maui, Hawaii, January 1998, A.E. Kaufman.
(443) "Three-dimensional Active Net for Volume Extraction," presented at SPIE Electronic Imaging, and
IS&T/SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis V, San Jose, CA, January 1998,
I. Takanashi, S. Muraki, A. Doi and A.E. Kaufman.
(444) "Physically-based Animation of Volumetric Objects" presented at Computer Animation Conference,
Philadelphia, PA, June 1998, Y. Chen, Q. Zhu, A.E. Kaufman and S. Muraki.
(445) "Multi-Granularity Noise for Curvilinear Grid LIC," presented at Graphics Interface Conference,
Vancouver, BC, June 1998,, X. Mao, L. Hong, A.E. Kaufman, N. Fujita, M. Kikukawa, and A.
(446) "Efficient Parallel Recursive Voxelization for the SGI Challenge Multi-Processor System," presented at
the Computer Graphics International Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 1998, N. Stolte and A.E.
(447) "Robust Hierarchical Voxel Models for Representation and Interactive Visualization of Implicit Surfaces in Spherical Coordinates," presented at Third International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces, Seattle, WA, June 1998, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(448) "Parallel Spatial Enumeration of Implicit Surfaces using Interval Arithmetic for Octree Generation and
Its Direct Visualization," presented at Third International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces, Seattle, WA,
June 1998, N. Stolte and A.E. Kaufman.
(449) "High-Quality Volume Rendering Using Texture Mapping Hardware," presented at SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lisbon, Portugal, August-September 1998, F.
Dachille, K. Kreeger, B. Chen, I. Bitter and A.E. Kaufman.
(450) "PAVLOV: A Programmable Architecture for Volume Processing," presented at SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Lisbon, Portugal, August-September 1998, K.
Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.
(451) "Real-time Biomechanically-based Muscle Volume Deformation using FEM," presented at Eurographics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1998, Q. Zhu, Y. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(452) "Unified Analysis, Modeling, Matching and Synthesis for CT Color Texture Mapping from the Visible
Human Dataset," presented at The Second Visible Human Project Conference, Bethesda, MD, October

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

1998, R. Chiou, A.E. Kaufman and J. Liang.

(453) "Electronic Colon Cleansing for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at First International Conference on
Virtual Colonoscopy, Boston, MA, October 1998, M. Wax, Z. Liang, D. Chen, B. Li, R. Chiou, A.E.
Kaufman and A. Viswambharan.
(454) "Adaptive Perspective Ray Casting," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium,
Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1998, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, B. Chen and A.E.
(455) "Object Voxelization by Filtering," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium,
Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1998, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(456) "Accelerated Ray-Casting for Curvilinear Volumes," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1998, L. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(457) "Interactive Path Planning for Virtual Endoscopy," presented at 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 1998, R. Chiou, J. Liang, L.
Hong, and M. Achniotou.
(458) "Volume Segmentation and Rendering of Mixtures of Materials for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at
SPIE Medical Imaging 1999 Symposium, San Diego, CA, February 1999, R. Chiou, D. Chen, and
J. Liang .
(459) "On Segmentation of Colon Lumen for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at SPIE Medical Imaging, San
Diego, CA, February 1999, J. Liang, D. Chen, R. Chiou, B. Li, and M. Wax.
(460) "Virtual Flythrough over a Voxel-Based Terrain," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Houston, TX, March 1999, M. Wan and H. Qu .
(461) "vxt: a C++ Class Library for Object Voxelization," presented at International Workshop on Volume
Graphics, Swansea, UK, March 1999, M. Sramek and A.E. Kaufman.
(462) "Haptic Sculpting of Dynamic Surfaces," presented at ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics,
Atlanta, GA, April 1999, F. Dachille, H. Qin, and J. El-sana.
(463) "Virtual Endoscopy in Early Detection of Cancers," presented at Biomedical Imaging Symposium:
Visualizing the Future of Biology and Medicine, Washington D.C., 1999, Z. Liang, D. Chen, B.
Li, and M. Wax.
(464) "Hybrid Volume and Polygon Rendering with Cube Hardware," presented at SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, CA, August 1999, K. Kreeger and A.E.
(465) "High Performance Presence-Accelerated Ray Casting," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
San Francisco, CA, October 1999, M. Wan and A.E.
(466) "A Hybrid LOD-Sprite Technique for Accelerated Terrain Rendering," presented at IEEE Visualization
Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 1999, B. Chen, J.E. Swan, and E. Kuo.
(467) "Mixing Translucent Polygons with Volumes," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Fran-

cisco, CA, October 1999, K. Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(468) "Forward Image Warping," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Francisco, CA, October
1999, B. Chen, F. Dachille.
(469) "Volume Rendering Based Interactive Navigation within the Human Colon," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 1999, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman ,Q. Tang, J. Liang, and
M. Wax.
(470) "Interactive Volume Segmentation with the PAVLOV Architecture," presented at IEEE Parallel Visualization and Graphics Symposium, San Francisco, CA, October 1999, K. Kreeger and A.E. Kaufman.
(471) "Navigating through Sparse Views," presented at Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, London, UK, December 1999, S. Fleishman, B. Chen, A.E. Kaufman and D. Cohen-Or.
(472) "3D Virtual Colonoscopy with Real-time Volume Rendering," presented at SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2000, M. Wan, W. Li, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter,
Z. Liang, D. Chen, M. Wax and A.E. Kaufman.
(473) "A Tree-Branch Searching, Multiresolution Approach to Skeletonization for Virtual Colonoscopy,"
presented at SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2000,
D. Chen, B. Li, Z. Liang, M. Wan, M. Wax and A.E. Kaufman.
(474) "Interactive Stereoscopic Rendering of Voxel-based Terrain," presented at Virtual Reality Conference,
New Brunswick, NJ, March 2000, M. Wan, N. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and H. Qu.
(475) "High-Degree Temporal Antialiasing," presented at Computer Animation Conference, Philadelphia,
PA, May 2000, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(476) "Incremental Triangle Voxelization," presented at Graphics Interface Conference, Calgary, Canada,
May 2000, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(477) "A Gradient Magnitude Based Region Growing Algorithm for Accurate Segmentation," presented at
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver, September 2000, M. Sato, S.
Lakare, M. Wan, A.E. Kaufman and M. Nakajima.
(478) "GI-Cube: An Architecture for Volumetric Global Illumination and Rendering," presented at SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 2000,
F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(479) "TEASAR: Tree-Structure Extraction Algorithm for Accurate and Robust Skeletons," presented at
Pacific Graphics Conference, Hong Kong, October 2000, M. Sato, I. Bitter, M.A. Bender and A.E.
(480) "Image-Based Rendering With Stable Frame Rates," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Salt
Lake City, UT, October 2000, H. Qu, M. Wan, J. Qin and A.E. Kaufman.
(481) "3D Digital Cleansing Using Segmentation Rays," presented at ACM/IEEE Visualization Conference,
Salt Lake City, UT, October 2000, S. Lakare, M. Wan, M. Sato and A.E. Kaufman.
(482) CEASAR: A Smooth, Accurate and Robust Centerline Extraction Algorithm," presented at IEEE Visu-

alization Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2000, I. Bitter, M. Sato, M.A. Bender, K.T.
McDonnell, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wan.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(483) "Volumetric Backprojection," presented at IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT,
October 2000, F. Dachille, K. Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(484) "Automated Pre-Navigation Processing for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at the Second International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, Boston, MA, October 2000, S. Lakare, A.E. Kaufman, M.
Wax, D. Chen, I. Bitter, M. Sato, M. Wan, and Z. Liang .
(485) "Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy on an Affordable PC," presented at the Second International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, Boston, MA, October 2000, K. Kreeger, F. Dachille,
M. Wan, M. Wax, I. Bitter, L. Wei, A.E. Kaufman, and Z. Liang.
(486) "Extracting colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy: Method and Validation," presented
at Medical Imaging International, San Diego, CA, February 2001, D. Chen, Z. Liang, M. Max, L.
Li, K. Kreeger, B. Li and A.E. Kaufman..
(487) "Fully Automatic Extraction of the Colon Centerline and Its Impact on a Virtual Colonoscopy System," CARS - Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and Exhibition, 2001, pp. 625-628,
I. Bitter, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wax.
(488) "Advances in Navigation and Display of Virtual Colonoscopy," International Workshop on 3D Imaging and Virtual Endoscopy, Essen, Germany, February 2001, M. Wax, A.E. Kaufman, J. Liang, K.
Kreeger, and J. Anderson.
(489) "3D Analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms," International Workshop on 3D Imaging and Virtual
Endoscopy, Essen, Germany, February 2001, M. Wax, A.E. Kaufman, J. Liang, K. Kreeger, and R.
(490) "Image-Based Rendering of Surfaces from Volume Data," presented at International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'01), Stony Brook, NY, June 2001, B. Chen, A.E. Kaufman and Q. Tang.
(491) "Accelerating Voxel-Based Terrain Rendering with Keyframe-Free Image-Based Rendering," presented at International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'01) Stony Brook, NY, June 2001, J.
Qin, M. Wan, H. Qu and A.E. Kaufman.
(492) "Two Pass Image and Volume Rotation," presented at International Workshop on Volume Graphics
(VG'01), Stony Brook, NY, June 2001, B. Chen and A.E. Kaufman.
(493) "Real-Time Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at International Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG'01), Stony Brook, NY, June 2001, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(494) "Multiresolution Rendering of Large-Scale Voxel-Based Terrain," presented at International Conference on CAD and Graphics, Kunming, China, August 2001, M. Wan, H. Qu, N. Zhang and A.E.
(495) "Distance-Field Based Skeletons for Virtual Navigation," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
San Diego, CA, October 2001, pp. 239-245, M. Wan, F. Dachille and A.E. Kaufman.
(496) "Case Study: Visualization of Particle Track Data," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference San

Diego, CA, October 2001, X. Wei, A.E. Kaufman and T.J. Hallman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(497) "Electronic Colon Cleansing using Segmentation Rays for Virtual Colonoscopy," poster presentation at
SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2002, S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li, A.E.
Kaufman and J. Liang.
(498) "An Image Segmentation Approach to Extract Colon Lumen through Colonic Material Tagging and
Hidden Markov Random Field Model for Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at SPIE Symposium on
Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2002, L. Li, D. Chen, S. Lakare, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter, A.E.
Kaufman, M.R. Wax, P.M. Djuric, and Z. Liang.
(499) "Dependency Graph Scheduling in a Volumetric Ray Tracing Architecture," presented at SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Saarbrucken, Germany, September 2002,
S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(500) "Fast and Reliable Space Leaping During Interactive Volumetric Navigation," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Boston, MA, October 2002, M. Wan, A. Sadiq, and A.E. Kaufman.
(501) "Simulating Fire with Texture Splats," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Boston, MA,
October 2002, X. Wei, W. Li, K. Mueller, and A.E. Kaufman .
(502) "Accelerating Volume Rendering with Bounded Textures," presented at ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium, Boston, MA, October 2002, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(503) "Translucent Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy," poster presentation at RSNA, Chicago, IL,
October 2002, M. Wax, K.D. Hooper, K. Kreeger, F. Dachille, and A.E. Kaufman.
(504) "3D Virtual Colonoscopy with Real-time Volume Rendering," computer exhibit at RSNA, Chicago, IL,
October 2002, M. Wax, K.D. Hooper, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter, F. Dachille, and A.E. Kaufman.
(505) "Interactive Flowing of Viscous Volumes in Virtual Environments," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality,
Los Angeles, CA, March 2003, X. Wei, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(506) "Melting and Flowing of Viscous Volumes," presented at Computer Animation and Social Agents
(CASA), New Brunswick, NJ, May 2003, X. Wei, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(507) "Anti-aliased Volume Extraction," presented at Eurographics/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization
(VisSym), Grenoble, France, May 2003, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(508) "Texture Partitioning and Packing for Accelerating Texture-based Volume Rendering," presented at
Graphics Interface Conference, Halifax, Canada, June 2003, W. Li and A.E. Kaufman.
(509) "Feature Preserved Volume Simplification," presented at 8th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and
Applications, Seattle, WA, June 2003, W. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(510) "OpenVL -- The Open Volume Library," presented at Third International Workshop on Volume Graphics, Tokyo, Japan, July 2003, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(511) "Multi-resolution Volume Simplification and Polygonization," presented at Third International Workshop on Volume Graphics, Tokyo, Japan, July 2003, N. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(512) "Ray Tracing Height Fields," presented at Computer Graphics International Conference, Tokyo,
Japan, July 2003, H. Qu, Q. Feng, N. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and M. Wan .
(513) "Hardware Assisted Multichannel Volume Rendering," presented at Computer Graphics International
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 2003, A. Ghosh, P. Prabhu, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(514) "Blowing in the Wind," presented at ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, CA, July 2003, X. Wei, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, S. Yoakum-Stover and A.E. Kaufman.
(515) "Piecewise C Continuous Surface Reconstruction of Noisy Point Clouds via Local Implicit Quadric
Regression," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2003, H. Xie, J.
Wang, J. Hua, H. Qin and A.E. Kaufman
(516) "Empty Space Skipping and Occlusion Clipping for Texture-based Volume Rendering," presented
at IEEE Visualization Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2003, W. Li, K. Mueller and A.E.
(517) "A Framework for Sample-based Rendering with O-buffers," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2003, H. Qu, A.E. Kaufman, R. Shao, and A. Kumar.
(518) "Voxels on Fire," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2003, Y.
Zhao, X. Wei, F. Zhe, A.E. Kaufman and H. Qin.
(519) "Range Image Registration via Probability Field," presented at Computer Graphics International Conference, Crete, Greece, June 2004, H. Zhang, O. Hall-Holt and A.E. Kaufman.
(520) "A Sketch-Based Interface for Collaborative Design," presented at Eurographics Workshop on SketchBased Interfaces and Modeling, 2004 Grenoble, France, August 2004, Z. Fan, M. Oliveira, M. Cha and
A.E. Kaufman.
(521) "GPU Accelerated Dispersion Simulation for Urban Security," abstract and poster presented at ACM
Workshop on General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August 2004
(with F. Qiu, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, H. Lorenz, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(522) "GPU Cluster for Scientific Computing and Large-Scale Simulation," abstract and poster presented at
ACM Workshop on General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August
2004, Z. Fan, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and S. Yoakum-Stover.
(523) "Lattice-Based Flow Simulation on GPU," abstract and poster presented at ACM Workshop on General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August 2004, Y. Zhao, Z.
Fan, W. Li, A.E. Kaufman and S. Yoakum-Stover.
(524) "Hybrid Volumetric Ray-Casting," abstract and poster presented at ACM Workshop on General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August 2004, W. Hong, F. Qiu and A.E.
(525) "GPU-Based Voxelization and Its Application in Flow Modeling," abstract and poster presentation at
ACM Workshop on General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, CA, August
2004, Z. Fan, Wei Li, X. Wei and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(526) "Dispersion Simulation and Visualization For Urban Security," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Austin, TX, October 2004, F. Qiu, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, X. Wei, H. Lorenz, J. Wang, S.
Yoakum-Stover, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(527) "Dual Contouring with Topology-Preserving Simplification Using Enhanced Cell Representation,"
presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Austin, TX, October 2004, N. Zhang, W. Hong and A.K.
(528) "Light Weight Space Leaping using Ray Coherence," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
Austin, TX, October 2004, S. Lakare and A.E. Kaufman.
(529) "SHIC: A View-Dependent Rendering Framework for Isosurfaces," presented at IEEE Symposium on
Volume Visualization, Austin, TX, October 2004, N. Zhang, H. Qu, W. Hong and A.E. Kaufman.
(530) "Feature Preserving Distance Fields," presented at IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization, Austin,
TX, October 2004, H. Qu, R. Shao, N. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(531) "GPU Cluster for High Performance Computing," presented at Supercomputing Conference, Pittsburg,
PA, November 2004, Z. Fan, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and S. Yoakum-Stover.
(532) "GPU-based Object-Order Ray-Casting for Large Datasets," presented at International Workshop on
Volume Graphics, Stony Brook, NY, June 2005, W. Hong, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(533) "Visual Simulation of Chemical Gardens" presented at Computer Graphics International Stony Brook,
NY, June 2005, X. Wei, F. Qiu, W. Li, S. Yoakum-Stover and A.E. Kaufman.
(534) "Surface Reconstruction Using Oriented Charges" presented at Computer Graphics International,
Stony Brook, NY, June 2005, J. Wang, M. Oliveira, H. Xie and A.E. Kaufman.
(535) "Front Spreading on 3D Surfaces," presented at Computer Graphics International, Stony Brook, NY,
June 2005, Y. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(536) "The Magic Volume Lens: An Interactive Focus+Context Technique for Volume Rendering," presented
at IEEE Visualization Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2005, L. Wang, Y. Zhao, K.
Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(537) "Constructing Manifold and Non-Manifold Surfaces from Point Clouds," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2005, J. Wang, M.M. Oliveira and A.E. Kaufman.
(538) "A Classification-based Rendering Method for Uniformly Sampled Point-based Models," presented at
IEEE Visualization Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2005, H. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(539) "Distributed Volume Rendering on a Visualization Cluster," presented at the Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Hong Kong, China, December 2005,
S. Frank and A.E. Kaufman.
(540) "GPU-Accelerated Volume Splatting With Elliptical RBFs," presented at Joint Eurographics - IEEE
TVCG Symposium on Visualization, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2006, N. Neophytou, K. Mueller, K.
T. McDonnell, W. Hong, X. Guan, H. Qin and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(541) "Conformal Virtual Colon Flattening," presented at ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling,
Wales, UK, June 2006,, W. Hong, X. Gu, F. Qiu, M. Jin, and A.E. Kaufman.
(542) "Automatic Target Tracking on Multi-Resolution Terrain," presented at Computer Graphics International, Hangzhou, P.R. China, June 2006, M. Wan, W. Zhang, M.O. Murray and AE. Kaufman.
(543) "Geometry Field for Accurate Real-time Reection," presented at Eurographics Conference, Vienna,
Austria, September 2006, S. Li, Z. Fan, X. Yin, K. Mueller, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(544) "Toward a Multi-Analyst, Collaborative Framework for Visual Analytics," presented at IEEE Visual
Analytics Science and Technology Symposium (VAST), Baltimore, MD, October 2006, S.E. Brennan, K.
Mueller, G. Zelinsky, I.V. Ramakrishnan, D.S. Warren and A.E. Kaufman.
(545) "Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 2006, H. Zhang and A.E. Kaufman.
(546) "A Pipeline for Computer Aided Polyp Detection," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 2006, W. Hong, F. Qui and A.E. Kaufman.
(547) "Colonoscopy Simulation," presented at SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, February
2007, W. Hong, J. Wang, F. Qiu, A.E. Kaufman and J. Anderson.
(548) "Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps using Volume Rendering," presented at SPIE Medical
Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007, W. Hong, F. Qiu, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
(549) "Flow Simulation with Locally-Refined LBM," presented at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
and Games, Seattle, WA, April-May 2007, Y. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(550) "Lattice-Based Volumetric Global Illumination," presented at IEEE Visualization 2007, Sacramento,
CA, October 2007, F. Qiu, F. Xu, Z. Fan, N. Neophytou, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(551) "CTC Visualization: Past, Current, and Future," (invited talk),MICCAI Workshop on Computational
and Visualization Challenges in Virtual Colonoscopy, New York, September 2008, A.E. Kaufman and
K. Mueller.
(552) "Computer Aided Polyp Detection with Texture Analysis," presented at MICCAI Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, New York, September
2008, F. Qiu, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
(553) "GPU-accelerated colon attening with Ricci Flow," presented at MICCAI Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, New York, September
2008, F. Qiu, Z. Fan, X. Ying, J. Kim, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(554) "Co-registration of virtual and optical colonoscopy views," presented at MICCAI Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, New York, September
2008, J. Marino, F. Qiu and A.E. Kaufman.
(555) "Prostate Segmentation for Virtual Prostate Cancer Screening," presented at Proceedings of the
CEWIT 2008 International Conference on Wireless & Information Technologies, Stony Brook, NY,
2008, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(556) "Enclosed Five-Wall Immersive Cabin," presented at International Symposium on Visual Computing
2008 (ISVC'08), Las Vegas, NV, December 2008, F. Qiu, B. Zhang, K. Petkov, L. Chong, A.E.
Kaufman, K. Mueller, and X. Gu.
(557) "Advanced Visualization Applications in the Immersive Cabin," poster presentation at CEWIT Conference & Expo, Stony Brook, NY 2009, K. Petkov and A.E. Kaufman.
(558) "Conformal Visualization for Partially-Immersive Platforms," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
Waltham, MA, March 2010 (K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, M. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(559) "Multi-dimensional Reduction and Transfer Function Design using Parallel Coordinates," presented at
IEEE Eurographics International Symposium on Volume Graphics, Norrkping, Sweden, May 2010,
X. Zhao and A.E. Kaufman.
(560) "RealityDeck - Immersive GigaPixel Display," presented at CEWIT International Conference, 2010,
Songdo, Korea, September 2010, C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(561) "Immersive Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at CEWIT International Conference, 2010, Songdo,
Korea, September 2010, K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos and A.E. Kaufman.
(562) "Advanced Visualization and Interactive Applications in the Immersive Cabin," presented at CEWIT
International Conference, 2010, Songdo, Korea, September 2010 (K. Petkov .
(563) "Conformal Visualization for Partially-Immersive Platforms," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
Waltham, MA, March 2010 (K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, M. Zhang, A.E. Kaufman and X. Gu.
(564) Context Preserving Maps of Tubular Structures," presented at Visualization 2010, Providence, Rhode
Island, October 2010, J. Marino, W. Zeng, X. Gu, and A.E. Kaufman.
(565) "Volumetric Colon Wall Flattening Using Harmonic Differentials Computers and Graphics," presented
at Shape Modeling International 2011, Herzliya, Israel, March 2011 (W. Zeng, J. Marino, X.Gu and
A.E. Kaufman.
(566) "Evaluation of Electronic Biopsy for Clinical Diagnosis in Virtual Colonoscopy," presented at SPIE
Medical Imaging, 2011, Herzliya, Israel, March 2011 (J. Marino, W. Du, M. Barrish, E. Li, W. Zhu and
A.E. Kaufman.
(567) "Design of the RealityDeck - An Immersive Gigapixel Display," IEEE Virtual Reality, 2011, Singapore, March 2011 (C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.
(568) "Prostate Cancer Visualization from MR Imagery and MR Spectroscopy," submitted to EuroVis 2011,
Bergen, Norway, May 2011, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman
(569) "Visual Perception based Volume Rendering," submitted to IEEE VisWeek Doctoral Colloquium Providence, RI, Oct. 2011, L. Wang and A.E. Kaufman.
(570) "Circle Bills: Visualization for the Smart Grid," poster presentation at Pacific Visualization 2011,
J.H. Park, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.

(571) "Visualization for Prostate Cancer Detection," poster presentation at CEWIT International Conference,
Nov. 2011, J. Marino and A.E.Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(572) "The RealityDeck - Immersive Giga-Pixel Display", poster presentation at CEWIT International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World, November 2011, A.E. Kaufman, K.
Mueller, D. Samaras, H. Qin, A. Varshney, C. Papadopoulos and K. Petkov .
(573) "Interactive Visualization for Smart Grid," poster presentation at CEWIT 2011 International conference,, J.H. Park, N. Ahmed, K. Mueller and A.E. Kaufman.
(574) "Prostate Visualization with Overlapping Regions of Interest," poster presentation at IEEE Pacific
Visualization, Feb. 2012., J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman.
(575) "Body-driven Navigation for 3D Visualization using NuNav3D," poster presentation at IEEE Pacific
Visualization, Feb. 2012, C. Papadopoulos, D. Sugarman, andf A.E. Kaufman .
(576) "NuNav3D: A Touch-less, Body-driven interface for 3D Navigation," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality, March 2012, C. Papadopoulos, D. Sugarman and A.E. Kaufman.
(577) "Volumetric Segmentation for Computed Tomography Angiography," poster presentation at 9th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World, presented at CEWIT
International Conference 2012, I. Gutenko and A.E. Kaufman.
(578) "Visualization Applications in the RealityDeck," presented at CEWIT International Conference 2012,
K. Petkov and A.E. Kaufman.
(579) "1,500,000,000 pixels on a budget - Building the RealityDeck," presented at CEWIT International
Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World, November 2012, C.
Papadopoulos, K. Petkov and A.E. Kaufman.
(580) "Visual Exploration of the Infinite Canvas," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality, March 2013, K.
Petkov, C. Papadopoulos and A.E. Kaufman.
(581) "Building the Reality Deck," POWERWALL International Workshop on Interactive, Ultra-High-Resolution Displays (hosted by ACM CHI), April 2013., C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov and A.E. Kaufman.
(582) "Immersive Training for Work under cGMP," poster presentation at NYSTEM Collaboration &
Renewal, May 2013, C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A.E. Kaufman, A. Pinkas-Sarafova, C. Chipev, and
M. Simon.
(583) "Volumetric Segmentation of Coronary Arteries from Computed Tomography Angiography," poster
presentation at 10th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World,
(CEWIT) 2013, I. Gutenko and A.E. Kaufman.
(584) "Gestural Interfaces for the Reality Deck", poster presentation at Center for Dynamic Data Analytics
(CDDA) Workshop, September 2013, C. Papadopoulos, H. J. Choi, J. Sinha, K. Yun, D. Samaras
and A.E. Kaufman.
(585) "Automated Labeling of Brain Folds," poster presentation at Center for Dynamic Data Analytics
(CDDA) Workshop, Sept. 2013, S. Mirhosseini, S. Nadeem, and A.E. Kaufman.

Curriculum Vitae


Arie E. Kaufman

(586) "Area-Preservation Mapping using Optimal Mass Transportation," presented at IEEE Visualization
2013 Conference, Atlanta GA, October 2013, X. Zhao, Z. Su, X. Gu, A.E. Kaufman, J. Sun, J. Gao and F.
(587) "Acuity-Driven Gigapixel Visualization," presented at IEEE Scientific Visualization, October 2013,
C. Papadopoulos and A.E.Kaufman.
(588) "Colon Flattening Using Heat Diffusion Riemannian Metric," presented at IEEE Visualization 2013
Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2013, K.C. Gurijala, R. Shi, W. Zeng, X. Gu and A.E. Kaufman.
(589) "Remote Rendering Pipeline for mHealth Applications," presented at SPIE Medical Imaging, 2014
(with I. Gutenko, K. Petkov, C. Papadopoulos, X. Zhao, J.H. Park, A.E. Kaufman and R. Cha.
(590) "Interacting with Mixed Reality Systems," poster presentation at Death of the Desktop: Envisioning
Visualization without Desktop Computing Workshop, co-located with IEEE VIS 2014 at Paris, France,
(with C. Papadopoulos, B. Laha and A.E. Kaufman.
(591) "Benefits of 3D Immersion for Virtual Colonoscopy," position paper presented at 2014 IEEE VIS
International Workshop on 3DVis: Does 3D Really Make Sense for Data Visualization, Paris, France,
(with K. Mirhosseini, Q. Sun, K.C. Gurijala, B. Laha and A.E. Kaufman .
(592) "Buyers Satisfaction in A Virtual Fitting Room Scenario Based on Realism of Avatar" poster abstract
presentation at in IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2014, ,Q. Sun, S. Mirhosseini,
I. Gutenko, J.H. Park, C. Papadopoulos, B. Laha and A.E. Kaufman.
(593) "Crowdsourcing Virtual Colonoscopy," poster presentetion at CEWIT 2014 Conference, J.H.Park,
B. Laha, K.C. Gurijala, M. Barish and A.E. Kaufman.
(594) "VEEVVIE - Visual Explorer for Empirical VR Visualization and Interaction Experiments," presented
at IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2015,, C.Papadopoulos, I. Gutenko, and A.E.
(595) "Scalability Limits of Large High-Resolution Displays," presented at IEEE Virtual Reality (VR),
France, March 201,, C. Papadopoulos, S. Mirhosseini, I. Gutenko, K. Petkov, and B. Laha and A.E.
(596) "Practical chirocentric 3DUI for immersive environments," presented at IEEE Symposium on 3D User
Interfaces (3DUI), France, March 2015, C. Papadopoulos, H. Choi, J. Sinha, K. Yun, D. Samaras, B. Laha and A.E. Kaufman.
(597) "Analytics for Medical Imaging: Focusing on the Spleen," Accepted poster & talk to Grace Hopper
Celebration 2015, October 2015 I. Gutenko, C. Papadopoulos, A.E. Kaufman and M. Barish.
(598) "Planar Visualization of Treelike Structures," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference, Chicago,
IL, Oct. 2015, J. Marino and A.E. Kaufman .
(599) "The Reality Deck - Immersive Gigapixel Display," presented at IEEE Visualization Conference,
Chicago, IL, Oct. 2015, C. Papadopoulos, K. Petkov, A.E. Kaufman and K. Mueller.

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