PRR 14169 Response PDF

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From: Li, Hui Chang

Sent: Friday, July 03, 2015 5:04 PM

To: Sawicki, Mark; Lane, Patrick; Kahn, Kelley; Wald, Zachary
Cc: Chan, Esther
Subject: FW: Auction packages currently on the market
Update on Caltrans parcels in West Oakland
On July 1st Caltrans received bids for 2 West Oakland parcels that were on the market for auction. (see attached auction
5th & Magnolia
o 5 bids total ranging from approximately $800K to $1.2 Mil
o selected bidder is Silas Tao for $2.6 Million
Brush & Castro
o 8 bids total ranging from approximately $1.2 Mil to $2.6
o selected bidder is Silas Tao for $2.6 Million
o Ram Hotels was amongst one of the bidders, offering $1.8 million
It is unknown what Silas Tao intends to develop on the sites or what.
He has 45 days to back out of offer.
Caltrans staff plans to take Purchase Agreement to CTC on August 26th for approval.
Closing can happen up to 180 days after that.
Next, Caltrans staffer (Renata) is getting ready to package Parcel A of the Mandela parcels for auction (estimate
August) with bids due in October. Ive asked Renata to keep me in the loop on this so that I make sure we get the
participation of those the City wants to bid on the site. In particular, I am thinking about those who have contacted us
asking about hotel sites.
Hui-Chang Li Urban Economic Analyst
CITY OF OAKLAND, Economic & Workforce Development Department
Project Implementation Division
250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Ste. 5313, Oakland CA 94612
Tel: 510.238.6239 Fax: 510.238.3691
From: Frey, Renata@DOT [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 2:31 PM
To: Li, Hui Chang
Subject: Auction packages currently on the market
Renata Frey
Caltrans District 4
Right of Way
Excess Land Sales
(510) 286-5393


-----Original Message----From: Dan Nishikawa [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 8:57 AM
To: [email protected]; McElhaney, Lynette
Cc: Dene Oliver; Alan Dones
Subject: Fwd: City of Oakland - Parcel 4 RFP
Dear Lynette,
As a follow up to our last discussion, the following is a brief update on our good progress and community outreach since
our last presentation.
First, Our agreement with the hotel Union has been finalized, and we will confirm with you when the agreement with
the construction Union finalized which we anticipate will be early next week. See the email from Ty Hudson below.
Second, we have confirmed our scope, estimated job creation, and updated detailed proforma which includes 15% of
the residential units as affordable with staff (Jens Hillmer).
Third, we have had some very good community meetings, and we hope to have a good turnout for our informational
Community Gathering Event this Monday evening (www.uptown4oakland). We expect to have the support from a
number of local groups, including the East Bay Small Business Council (Darrell Carey), Pop Up Hood (Sarah Filey),
Oakland Public Conservatory of Music (Angela Wellman), and the Oakland Pastor Leadership Group. OM/SUDA will
continue to reach out and build alliance with the community.
Thanks again for your strong consideration of our Team. We will continue to work hard to earn the full trust and support
of City of Oakland.
All the Best,
Dan Nishikawa
Please excuse typos!
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Ty Hudson <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Date: December 17, 2015 at 6:19:01 PM PST
To: Dan Nishikawa <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: Re: City of Oakland - Parcel 4 RFP
Dan, thanks. We will sign and return, and I will pass along the good news to folks at the City. We will certainly be at the
next City Council hearing and will be supportive of the project. We can talk about details of that between now and then.
I will be out of town on Monday afternoon, but I'll see if someone is around that could go to the event.
Happy Holidays!

On Dec 17, 2015, at 5:19 PM, Dan Nishikawa

<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Dear Ty,
Attached is our executed agreement with Unite Here Local 2850, dated 12/17/15, which is in conjunction with the City
of Oakland RFP for the development of 1911 Telegraph Avenue (Parcel 4).

Please return a copy of the fully executed agreement, and confirm with the City of Oakland that we have an executed
We sincerely appreciate your support of our Team and vision, and we hope you can assist with providing public support
of our Team at the next City Council hearing.
Please join us at our Community Gathering this Monday evening at Oak Stop.<>.
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Dan Nishikawa
Senior Managing Director


From: McElhaney, Lynette

Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:44 AM
To: Alan Dones
Subject: Fwd: June 26, 2015 Leadership Forum
FYI on the China Harbor project.
Sent by Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney from my iPad. Please excuse any typos or errors.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Darrel Carey <[email protected]>
Date: June 27, 2015 at 8:37:31 AM PDT
To: Wayne Wong <[email protected]>, Grace Crunacan <[email protected]>, Robert Raburn
<[email protected]>, Robert Powers <[email protected]>, Matthew Burrows <[email protected]>, Kerry Hamil
<[email protected]>, Wil Hardee <[email protected]>, Lynette McElhaney <[email protected]>,
Casey Farmer <[email protected]>, Bridgette Cook <[email protected]>, Libby Shaff Oakland Mayor
<[email protected]>, Shereda Nosakhare <[email protected]>, Peggy Moore
<[email protected]>, Larry Reid <[email protected]>, Iris Merriouns <[email protected]>, Paul
Cobb <[email protected]>, Elihu Harris <[email protected]>, Kamika Dunlap Asst to Assemblyman Rob Bonta
<[email protected]>, Chief of Staff to Assm Rob Bonta Jim Oddie <[email protected]>, Olando Graves
<[email protected]>, Ray Thrower <[email protected]>, michael Seals <[email protected]>,
Ron Mohammad <[email protected]>, Janet Patterson <[email protected]>, Zack Carey
<[email protected]>, Pastor Gerald Agee <[email protected]>, Pastor Thomas Harris
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Editor Ken Epstein <[email protected]>, len turner
<[email protected]>, Ken Houston <[email protected]>, Kenneth McCullum
<[email protected]>, Shonda Scott <[email protected]>, Jabari Herbert <[email protected]>
Subject: June 26, 2015 Leadership Forum
Once again BART continues to disrespect and dishonor minorities and our community. How might we have any trust in

your agency? I spoke to you regarding the June 26, 2015 Leadership Forum several times and emailed you several times
regarding this meeting, in which you affirmed that you would be in attendance, then you insult us by not attending. As
BART'S Manager of the Office of Civil Rights to fail to attend after you confirmed your presence further let's me know
you that you and your agency should not be trusted when dealing with our communities. To hear second hand that
China Harbor conducted a meeting in West Oakland without fully informing the full community regarding this important
Transit Orientated Development (TOD) again tells me why you and your agency should not be trusted. BART places itself
in the position for a agency Title VI violation. BART receives many federal funds and you, your General Manager, Legal
Counsel, and elected official's actions continues to place your agency in a failed postion. Your agency does not and will
not drive the values of our community. We the people are the share-holders not you are BART'S staff or any Exclusive
Negotiated Agreement (ENA) proposed contractor/developer will control that. Your failure to attend this meeting are
anyone from your staff shows a level of complexity by all at BART and must and will be addressed. All you needed to do
was come and address the issues of contracting at BART and you failed to do that. You & your agency have not and will
not have heard the last of this issue I assure of that.
Darrel Carey


From: McElhaney, Lynette

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 7:27 AM
To: Alan Dones
Cc: Alan Dones
Subject: Fwd: Welcome luncheon for Kaiser and Clorox CEO'S
I have asked that they extend an invitation to you for this event. This event is being hosted by a few folks involved with
the Oakland Dialogue hosted by Gary Rogers. I think it will be a good room for you to be in. I use the
[email protected] address when introducing you to others. Is that correct?
Sent by Council President Lynette Gibson McElhaney from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Edward Normart <[email protected]>
Date: April 28, 2015 at 11:13:46 AM PDT
To: Douglas Boxer <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Subject: Welcome luncheon for Kaiser and Clorox CEO'S
Greetings, We have not received a response from you about this event.
Claremont Country Club
11:30 reception
Lunch 12:15
Friday, May 8
Please respond yes or no so we can make final plans.
Ted Normart and Gary Rogers


From: Drew Haydel [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2015 9:36 PM
To: McElhaney, Lynette
Cc: Wald, Zachary; Scott Smithers
Subject: Walton Street
Our partners at Walton Street Capital are looking forward to talking with you to express their long-term commitment to
investing in Oakland. Please let me know if you have time for a quick call tomorrow and what time would be best for
I apologize that we could not reach out to you sooner. We have been in the cone of silence until now.
Andrew D. Haydel
Lane Partners, LLC
644 Menlo Ave., 2nd Floor
Menlo Park, CA 94025
O 650-838-0100
C 415-341-2464
[email protected]


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