Linda Maiden Classroom Management Plan Part 1: Getting Ready
Linda Maiden Classroom Management Plan Part 1: Getting Ready
Linda Maiden Classroom Management Plan Part 1: Getting Ready
First day of school schedule:
Tardy procedures
Based on school policies, students will have to present the teacher will a
tardy slip upon entering classroom. If student does not possess tardy slip,
teacher will ask student to either go to the office or to previous classroom
teacher to obtain a tardy slip.
Absent student procedures
Teacher has a website that lists each day's assignments and activities.
Students are expected to check website for assignments. NOTE: If students
do not have access to a computer or the internet, students are expected to
meet with teacher to obtain missed assignments.
Homework procedures
Arrive on time.
When teacher prompts students by raising his/her hand, student should
raise his/her hand before speaking; otherwise, classroom discussion is
Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
During open discussion, only one student talks at a time.
Cooperate with your group or partner during group work.
Pick up after yourself.
Do not interrupt other students' learning.
No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or school property.
Classroom consequences
I have consequences for negative behavior that include:
In-school detention
A series of one-on-one meetings to discuss poor behavior
o Step 1: one-on-one meeting between student and teacher
o Step 2: one-on-one meeting between student, teacher, and
o Step 3: one-on-one meeting between student, teacher,
parent/caregiver, and supervising school authorities.
Any consequences outline in school/county rules and regulation
Classroom rewards
It is my belief that positive behavior in the classroom should not only be
expected but also rewarded. Therefore, I have created ways students may
improve their grades based on positive behavior. For every week a student
exhibits appropriate classroom behavior, the student will be rewarded 1
classroom cash buck. The students can collect these cash bucks and turn
them in for the items listed below:
Homework pass (4 bucks)-students can turn in homework pass and
receive full credit for daily homework (excludes papers and projects).
Day late homework pass (4 bucks)-students can turn in papers and
projects a day late without penalty.
Part 4: Seating
Floor plan for my classroom
Floor plans vary per year
Beginning seating arrangement
Traditional seating arrangement- Student's desk in rows facing the board
with teacher's desk located at the front of the room. Students name will be
posted on each desk.
Additional classroom seating arrangements
Group discussion circle-All desks are arranged in one large circle. Teacher
will sit in a regular student desk in the circle.