Yoder 2003 0529
Yoder 2003 0529
Yoder 2003 0529
E z /E 0
The true translational symmetry of the structure is of
course broken in any physical device with finite extent. The
effect of a non-infinite structure on the accelerating mode
has been addressed in [5], where field variation in the x
direction is imposed by the addition of conducting walls
at x = ±L, where L a. It is shown that the axial z (µm)
y (µm)
field in the gap gains a cosh(k⊥ y) dependence, but with
sufficiently large structure aspect ratio (and hence small
wavenumber k⊥ ), the deviation from flatness of the field Figure 2: Surface plot showing time snapshot of axial
can easily be kept below 1%. fields, normalized to the amplitude of the incident wave.
The field along the z axis shows the accelerating mode,
with a field spike in the coupling slot and a plane wave in
Optimized Parameters the space above the structure.
Starting from a wavelength of 340 µm, we choose = 3
(close to values for e.g. silicon) and find that the lowest res- The growth of the accelerating fields in time is shown in
onance occurs for a = 115 µm, b = 145 µm, or in other Fig. 4, where we see that after a relatively long fill time (on
words a vacuum gap of full width 230 µm, bounded by a the order of 500 ps) the accelerating field amplitude within
dielectric layer 30 µm thick. To optimize the coupling of the structure reaches a value near 15 times that of the inci-
external power into the structure, we can adjust the width dent wave. The same figure compares the amplitude of the
of the coupling slots as well as the thickness, or depth, of accelerating mode with that of its most important competi-
the conducting layer itself. One must bear in mind that tor, the so-called ‘zero-mode’, with fields that are constant
since the drive radiation is not cut off in the coupling slots in z. As the figure shows, the zero-mode component of
(they are very long in the x direction), the slots are in ef- the fields remains less than 1% of the accelerating compo-
fect waveguide sections which can perturb the resonance nent. The fill time of 600 ps suggests a loaded Q = ωτ for
significantly. The high-Q results presented below are ob- the structure on the order of 3000, a relatively high value.
tained for a slot of width 5 µm and 69 µm deep. For experiments driven with pulsed lasers, it will be impor-
tant to decrease this fill time while maintaining a reason-
able shunt impedance. Nevertheless, the design exhibited
here would produce an accelerating gradient of 400 MeV/m
Field Modeling when illuminated at 100 MW/cm2 .
Fabry-Perot mode x 10