Proteomics and Autoimmune Kidney Disease: Clinicalimmunology
Proteomics and Autoimmune Kidney Disease: Clinicalimmunology
Proteomics and Autoimmune Kidney Disease: Clinicalimmunology
available at
Clinical Immunology
Nephrology Division, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, United States
Nephrology Division, The University of Louisville School of Medicine, Robley Rex VA Medical Center, Louisville, KY,
United States
Abstract Proteomics has long been considered an ideal platform, and urine an ideal source for
biomarker discovery in human autoimmune kidney diseases. A number of studies have examined
the urine proteome to identify biomarkers of disease activity, kidney pathology, and response to
therapy. Increasingly, proteomic studies of kidney disease have expanded to include blood,
circulating cells and kidney tissue. Recently the clinical potential of renal proteomics has been
realized through a handful of investigations whose results appear to be applicable to patient
care. In this review, approaches to the proteomic evaluation of autoimmune kidney diseases will
be considered in the context of developing clinically useful disease biomarkers.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Several omic techniques are now available for the investigation of human disease. These include the broad categories of
genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics. Within
each category is the possibility of focusing down on more
specific subgroups within an ome, such as peptides or phosphoproteins within the proteome. All of these techniques provide
the tools to examine genes, proteins, metabolites or lipids in
an unbiased fashion to uncover relationships of analytes to
disease that may not be intuitive. Theoretically an agnostic
omic approach may give a more complete understanding of
disease than investigations in which analytes are chosen
and studied on the basis of pre-conceived ideas of disease
pathogenesis, which may be flawed or incomplete.
Corresponding author at: Nephrology Division, Ground Floor, 395
West 12th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.H. Rovin).
1521-6616/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) was used to separate proteins
based on their molecular size and isoelectric point. Proteins
from urine or the kidney were resolved and individual spots of
differential intensity were cut from the gel and analyzed by
mass spectrometry. In many studies, Matrix Assisted Laser
Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was used
to identify proteins that distinguished normal from diseased
tissue. Although several investigations applied 2D-PAGE to the
urine proteome [1], it quickly became apparent that the
resolving power of 2D-PAGE, especially for membrane proteins
and highly basic proteins, was limited. Furthermore, MALDI-MS
was ineffective for very low abundance proteins, and these
early reports generally identified and quantitated only 30 to 40
urine proteins. The separation of proteins improved rapidly with
the development of nanoscale reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), and this rapidly replaced 2D-PAGE. When RPLC
was coupled to mass spectrometers using nanoelectrospray
ionization (ESI) sources, the number of proteins that could be
resolved, identified and quantitated in the urine and kidney
increased considerably, and several hundred proteins were
detectable in urine [2,3]. Also essential to improved protein
identification was the development of reliable protein search
algorithms that permitted the design of high-throughput search
engines. Subsequent advances in mass spectrometers using ion
traps and particularly orbitraps have dramatically increased the
ability to detect proteins in tissue and biological fluids [4,5]. In
conjunction with strategies to enrich individual sub-proteomes
into fractions, these new approaches now permit the identification of several thousand proteins in human urine [6].
Figure 1 Workflow for investigating the urine proteome. Urine is initially clarified of cells and debris by routine centrifugation. The
acquired cellular sediments are stored for future studies. The clarified urine is then subjected to ultracentrifugation across sucrose
density gradients to isolate exosomes and microparticles. The exosome and microparticle-depleted urine is then processed using size
fractionating filters that partition the urine into fractions containing proteins and peptides either less than or greater than 4 kDa. The
low molecular weight fraction is then stored for peptidomic and metabolomics studies. If proceeding to proteomic analysis the
proteins N 4 kDa are stripped from the ultrafiltration membrane and the analyte is concentrated and de-salted before analysis by mass
spectrometry. Immunodepletion can be used to remove the most highly abundant proteins from urine and improve resolution for
low-abundance proteins.
understanding a disease in individuals and thereby personalizing therapies. Secondly, the tubulointerstitial compartment
from some of the LN patients shows a marked decline in
enzymes important for mitochondrial metabolism. It is
intriguing to speculate that individuals with autoimmune
kidney disease who develop chronic kidney injury do so
because tubular metabolism is disrupted and energy cannot
be generated properly for recovery. This mechanism could be
tested, and may suggest a way to prevent chronic kidney
disease therapeutically.
FFPE biopsies have several advantages over frozen tissue,
including storage and transportation logistics, and excellent
preservation of kidney histology which is important for
laser-capture microdissection. Approximately 800010,000
cells (roughly 23 g of protein) are sufficient for proteomic
analysis [14]. Applying these requirements to clinical kidney
Figure 2 Laser-capture microdissection of a kidney biopsy section. A. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained section of a kidney biopsy
from a patient with lupus nephritis. B. Hematoxylin-stained section of the biopsy before laser dissection with the glomeruli to be
captured outlined. C. Hematoxylin-stained section of the biopsy before laser dissection with the tubulointerstitial areas to be
captured outlined. D. The same tissue section as in (B) after the glomeruli have been laser-dissected and captured. E. The same tissue
section as in C after the tubulointerstitial areas have been laser-dissected and captured.
LN Class IV
LN Class V
LN Class IV
LN Class IV
LN Class V
LN Class IV
LN Class V
LN Class IV
LN Class IV
LN Class V
LN Class IV
LN Class V
LN Class IV
LN Class IV
LN Class V
IGK Protein
25kDa protein
HbD globin
Histone H3
Funarate Hydratase
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
Choline dehydrogenase
Pyruvate Carboxylase
Acyl-CoA Synthetase
Delta-dienoyl CoA Isomerase
Mitochondrial Proteins
Figure 3 Differential kidney protein expression in lupus nephritis. Kidney biopsies from normal kidneys, lupus nephritis Class IV or V
kidneys, and diabetic nephropathy kidneys were laser-microdissected into glomerular and tubulointerstitial compartments. The
kidney compartments were analyzed for global protein expression by LCMS/MS and heat maps showing relative protein expression
among the samples are shown. The glomerular heat maps are focused on complement proteins and immunoglobulins. It is not
surprising that complement and immunoglobulins are generally increased in LN and not in normal kidney tissue. It is interesting that
complement components are also increased in diabetic nephropathy. The interstitium shows a down-regulation of mitochondrial
metabolic enzymes in most of the LN biopsies. It is notable that individuals with the same class of LN (compare the three Class IV LN
biopsies) can have markedly different glomerular and interstitial proteomes.
pattern of proteins/peptides in urine from patients with IgA and
primary membranous nephropathy [22]. A panel of 28 peptides
based on the mass spectrometric pattern was sufficient to
distinguish these two glomerular diseases with a sensitivity of
77% and a specificity of 100%. In other studies using capillary
electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry, urine peptide
panels were able to discriminate between IgAN and diabetic
nephropathy, minimal change disease, or focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with high sensitivity and specificity.
Importantly, the identity of many of the peptides within these
individual panels was not determined. The mass spectrometric
patterns were sufficient for the panels to serve as effective
biomarkers. However to find novel therapeutic targets and to
elucidate disease pathogenesis, knowing a protein's identification is important.
A point to be emphasized from this IgAN study is that
diagnostic accuracy was achieved with a panel of proteins/
peptides, not a single biomarker. This concept was extended
in another study that also used changes in the urine proteome
to differentiate between LN, primary membranous nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy and FSGS. The relationship of the
number of differentially-expressed proteins in a biomarker
panel to the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of the panel
was determined [23]. Sensitivity was maintained above 70%
until there were fewer than 5 proteins, but accuracy fell
toward 50% below 20 proteins. It is therefore unlikely that
single biomarkers will be able to reach sufficient discriminatory power for clinical use, so focusing on biomarker panels is
Another important diagnostic dilemma that has been
addressed by biomarker studies is how to predict that a kidney
disease will flare before the flare is clinically apparent. A
biomarker of impending flare would open these diseases up to
the possibility of flare prevention rather than flare treatment.
Early intervention may limit inflammatory injury and prevent
chronic kidney damage. To address this question we used
SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry to analyze the low-molecular
weight (b 30 kilo-daltons) urine proteome of urine samples
collected from patients before, during and after LN flare [24].
Among other differentially-expressed proteins during the LN
flare cycle, these studies identified the 20 amino-acid form of
hepcidin as a potential flare predictor, because it increased
4 months pre-flare and returned to baseline levels at flare.
Given the dynamic changes of urine hepcidin expression over
the LN flare cycle, it is unlikely that this potential biomarker
would have been identified or correctly interpreted by
examining only cross-sectional urine samples (Fig. 4A, B).
This limitation probably applies to most other putative biomarkers of autoimmune kidney diseases, however to date the
majority of proteomic studies have been cross-sectional.
The importance of longitudinal studies is emphasized by
two recent investigations that identified potential biomarkers of chronic kidney damage in LN and IgAN [25,26].
Chronic kidney disease worsens prognosis, not only because
patients can progress to end-stage kidney disease requiring
renal replacement therapy, but also because there is
increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity in patients with
chronic kidney disease. Biomarkers of chronic kidney
damage and progressive decline in kidney function are
therefore high priority targets. Such biomarkers could
identify patients in whom anti-fibrotic and kidney protective measures are needed.
in preserving kidney tissue after inflammatory injury. However, before these cytokines can be accepted as biomarkers of
prognosis, or used to develop targeted therapeutics, they
need to be measured prospectively in patients to determine if
they correlate with the development of chronic kidney disease
(Fig. 4C).
Biomarker Level
Biomarker Level
Post-Flare Remission
Biomarker Level
Remission or CKD
Figure 4 Hypothetical urine biomarker patterns in lupus nephritis. Several possible scenarios (not exhaustive) are presented to
illustrate how a biomarker level may change over the course of an LN flare cycle. A. In this scenario a putative urine protein
biomarker is found to be either higher or lower in LN than in healthy controls. If this protein was measured only at flare in a
cross-sectional study the protein may be considered a biomarker of LN flare. However, when examined over time in serial urine
samples it is seen that the biomarker does not change with the flare cycle, and levels were different even before LN flare. The
biomarker may thus indicate an intrinsic abnormality of SLE as opposed to indicating active LN. B. In this scenario, the putative urine
biomarker increases before flare, peaks during flare, and declines toward baseline as the patient is treated and remits. This pattern is
repeated in the next flare cycle. If the urine was sampled only during flare, the biomarker may be interpreted as a marker of active
LN. Following the biomarker levels in serial urine samples demonstrates a consistent increase before each flare, and the biomarker
may thus be a predictor of impending LN flare. C. In this scenario the levels of a putative urine protein biomarker are shown for two
separate patients. One patient remits after treatment and the other patient develops chronic kidney disease (CKD). During the
evolution of CKD, the biomarker level increases during flare and treatment, whereas the biomarker level falls over time in the patient
who responds to treatment. These biomarker patterns suggest that the biomarker may indicate and contribute to the development of
chronic kidney injury.
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