Brief Introduction: Market Refers To Open Market Operations in Highly Marketable Short-Term Debt Instruments
Brief Introduction: Market Refers To Open Market Operations in Highly Marketable Short-Term Debt Instruments
Brief Introduction: Market Refers To Open Market Operations in Highly Marketable Short-Term Debt Instruments
Development of an economy is based on sound financial system. Its a wellknown fact that finance is the lifeline for any business enterprise. The efficient
functioning and success of business operations depend upon the availability of adequate
fund at the right time and required amount of funds as and when required.
Financial Market is the place where the investors and fund seekers meet for
mutual benefits.
Financial Market is divided into Money market and Capital market. Money
market refers to open market operations in highly marketable short-term debt instruments
and the capital market deals in long-term debt issues and stocks.
Capital market is the market for financial assets having a period of maturity of
more than one year or of an indefinite period. Thus, capital market provides long-term
resources needed by medium and large scale industries. Capital market is constituted by
three parts. Equity market debt market, derivative markets.
Primary market
Secondary market
The primary market is also known as the new issues market. It deals with new
securities being issued for the first time. The essential function of a primary market is to
facilitate the transfer of investible funds from savers to entrepreneurs seeking to establish
new enterprises or to expand existing ones through the issue of securities for the first
time. The investors in this market are banks, financial institutions, insurance companies,
mutual funds and individuals. A company can raise capital through the primary market in
the form of equity shares, preference shares, debentures, loans and deposits. Funds raised
The secondary market is also known as the stock market or stock exchange. It is a
market for the purchase and sale of existing securities. It helps existing investors to
disinvest and fresh investors to enter the market. It also provides liquidity and
marketability to existing securities. It also contributes to economic growth by
channelizing funds towards the most productive investments through the process of
disinvestment and reinvestment. Securities are traded, cleared and settled within the
regulatory framework prescribed by SEBI. Advances in information technology have
made trading through stock exchanges accessible from anywhere in the country through
trading terminals. Along with the growth of the primary market in the country, the
secondary market has also grown significantly during the last ten years.
issue is an offer to the public to subscribe to the share capital of a company. Once this is
done, the company allots shares to the applicants as per the prescribed rules and
regulations laid down by SEBI.
Primarily, issues can be classified as a Public, Rights or Preferential issues (also
known as private placements). While public and rights issues involve a detailed
procedure, private placements or preferential issues are relatively simpler. The
classification of issues is illustrated below:
Rights Issue:
Rights Issue is when a listed company which proposes to issue fresh securities to
its existing shareholders as on a record date. The rights are normally offered in a
particular ratio to the number of securities held prior to the issue. This route is best suited
for companies who would like to raise capital without diluting stake of its existing
A Preferential issue:
A Preferential issue is an issue of shares or of convertible securities by listed
companies to a select group of persons under Section 81 of the Companies Act, 1956
which is neither a rights issue nor a public issue. This is a faster way for a company to
raise equity capital. The issuer company has to comply with the Companies Act and the
requirements contained in the Chapter pertaining to preferential allotment in SEBI
guidelines which inter-alia include pricing, disclosures in notice etc. This means an issue
can be privately placed where an allotment is made to less than 50 persons.
becomes public if it results in allotment to 50 persons or more. This means an issue can
be privately placed where an allotment is made to less than 50 persons.
The primary market plays an important role in the securities market by forming a
link between the savings and investments. It is through this market that the
borrowers viz., the Government and the corporates issue securities in which the
investors deploy their savings.
The primary market performs the crucial function of facilitating capital formation
in the economy.
This is the market for new long term equity capital. The primary market is the
market where the securities are sold for the first time. Therefore it is also called
the new issue market (NIM).
In a primary issue, the securities are issued by the company directly to investors.
The company receives the money and issues new security certificates to the
Primary issues are used by companies for the purpose of setting up new business
or for expanding or modernizing the existing business.
Reduced the timeline between the launch of an IPO and listing of shares to 12
days from 21 days earlier. This ensures the money invested in an IPO is blocked
To study fixed price issuing companies listed in BSE and analyze its performance.
To compare the returns of Book Building and Fixed Price Issues.
To draw conclusions and offer suggestions for companies and investors in gaining
returns through Primary market.
The scope of the study is limited to only Indian Primary Market relating to Equity.
This study is based on the specified Book Building and Fixed Price issuing
companies of IPOs which are listed in BSE and NSE. So, the present study
includes the companies which are raised the capital through Public issues, the
The study confined to the specific objectives mentioned. Based on the data
available of trading of companies will be considered to analyze the performance
of IPOs.
For the study of Primary market mainly the secondary data is extracted from the
Bombay Stock Exchanges site and also various books have been
referred for the same. Mainly the data collection done by
1) The direct interacting with the project guide.
2) The most of the data is collected from various text books, journals, magazines,
Stock Exchanges like NSE and BSE, SEBI.
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1) The study under taken of the selected companies with only one tool and had
limited time period.
2) This study was conducted only for 45 days.
exchange in the world to use satellite communication technology for trading and the
latest Stock Exchange to add to the list is the MCX Stock Exchange Limited (MCX-SX)
which is the first listed Stock Exchange in India.
market educational institutes in the country (the BSE Institute Ltd.). BSE also provides
depository services through its Central Depository Services Ltd. (CDSL) arm.
BSEs popular equity index - the SENSEX - is India's most widely tracked stock
market benchmark index. It is traded internationally on the EUREX as well as leading
exchanges of the BRCS nations (Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa).
and services to be listed on SGX. The two exchanges also will look into a bilateral
securities trading link to enable investors in one country to seamlessly trade on the other
country's exchange.
NSE is committed to operate a market ecosystem which is transparent and at the
same time offers high levels of safety, integrity and corporate governance, providing ever
growing trading & investment opportunities for investors.