Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
R.NT.05.02 analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative genre
including historical fiction, tall tales, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery.
R.NT.05.03 analyze how characters’ traits and setting define plot, climax, the role
of dialogue, and how problems are resolved.
R.NT.05.04 explain how authors use literary devices including exaggeration and
metaphors to develop characters, themes, plot, and functions of heroes, anti-
heroes, and narrators.
Goals/ Objectives
Knowledge Goal: Each student will be able to comprehend the material at an 80%
and above success rate
Capacity Goal: Each student will comprehend and demonstrate the material being
presented. Other words, the student will be able to create and edit a book review
on Google Docs.
Commitment Goal: Each student will remain focused throughout the lesson and do
their best to demonstrate their abilities.
The book that I did a review on is Where the Wild Things Are. I thought this book was a
good book because it was written in a kids point of view and I could understand it. The
main character is Max who is younger than me. He plays in his wolf costume and gets in
trouble so he stays in his room and goes to where the wild things are. There he can play
all the time and do whatever he wants. Later on in the story Max becomes homesick. This
character is important because he is just like a regular kid who imagines being away from
home. This book is written in first person point of view and is a fantasy because the little
boy goes to a fantasy world.
The reason that I chose this technology for this lesson is I wanted the students to be able
to edit each others work in a simple way. I chose to use the Smart Boards to highlight the
editing process and have the whole class be able to participate. By using these
technologies, I as the teacher have easy access to all of my student’s work as well as
being able to incorporate lessons on editing as well.