L'oreal Departments
L'oreal Departments
L'oreal Departments
L'Oral is an industrial company which manufactures and supplies 4.5 billion units
annually. Working at LOral Operations means working in an innovative, high-tech and diverse
environment with the opportunity for cross-functional careers from client to supplier - in
Purchasing, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Quality, Packaging and many other areas. Our 34
factories and 150 distribution centres worldwide employ 4,000 managers with a total staff of
20,000 employees.
The digital revolution is at the heart of changes in the beauty-industry. This means
that reinforcing its digital expertise is essential for LOral. The group is doing this to be
better prepared for the global changes that are already being felt and that are changing
consumer behaviour, changing geographical assumptions and bringing about a
proliferation of data and communication channels including social media.
New priorities and opportunities are emerging, forcing us to revise brand media
strategies and investment to make room for digital resources. E-commerce is offering
undreamed-of possibilities that need to be grasped with both hands. Consumer
experience is changing and pushing back the boundaries of points of sale. This is also
taking place online and via several distribution channels at the same time. These
changes, which are transforming customer relations and customer service, are making
IT a powerful engine for change.
Individual talent lies at the root of every great idea. A company is not an end in itself
but a way of creating conditions favourable to the development of talent. By staying
faithful to this ideal the LOral Human Resources team has to reconcile two key factors:
they have to help LOral employees choose the right career path while supporting the
companys business goals. Supporting LOrals managers worldwide, the HR teams
mission is to attract, identify, select, develop and reward the finest talents in all the
groups business units and divisions.
In a world that is constantly changing, Communication teams play a key role. Their
mission is to increase awareness, ensure long-term reputation and build up the image
of the LOral group and its brands.
Nowadays a brand or a groups reputation accounts for 75% of its value and
persuasion and influence are becoming ever-more decisive in buying. The challenge for
brands is therefore to have effective communications that will make them stand out in a
saturated environment.
Moreover, with the ever-greater number of information sources and channels, media
relations, public relations and special events are now only one aspect of working in
communication for LOral. The trend is towards multi-channel strategies that include
communication 2.0/social media and multi-targets (journalists, bloggers, influencers,
celebrities, consumers, the scientific community, employees and other influencers) who
use the entire range of communications tools, partnerships, events, sponsorship, media
relations, CSR, crisis management, public affairs, etc. to increase awareness of the
group and its brands.
LOral has creativity in its DNA. The marketing teams are at the heart of the
process, at the interface between all the groups units of business. Their mission is to
make consumers the world over aware of products designed to meet their needs and to
be one step ahead of trends in order to transform them into sources of beauty and wellbeing. They are structured into two main tracks within the group: operational marketing
and marketing development.
The Legal Department advises General Management, both at head office and in
the various countries, and provides opinions and recommendations on strategic issues.
The department offers a variety of fulfilling careers that enable its teams to enrich their
expertise and develop it towards subjects that are increasingly technical and complex.
The legal teams provide consultancy and control to protect the groups business and
assets in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. Their missions consist
mainly in making LOrals business operations legally secure, for example in the
distribution and sale of group products and also the creation, management and defence
of a wide portfolio of international brands.
Nowadays LOral has to cope with a rapidly changing world and the groups
Information Systems department is our front line in addressing this challenge. Every day
LOrals 68,900 employees use the groups IT systems. Information Systems teams are
present in all the groups business sectors. They develop projects for the brands and the
groups more than 40+ plants and its Research and Innovation centers. Their
contributions and expertise are vital for LOrals operational and strategic performance.
L'Oral offers to women and men around the world, the best of cosmetics innovation
...People of operations develop, manufacture and distribute related products and
services, ensuring the most efficient, the most responsible, and the most adapted
solutions to the specificities of our brands and markets.
Our Operations department currently employs approximately 20,000 people in head
offices, factories and distribution centers; in other words almost a third of the groups
employees, and constitutes one of the main pillars of LOrals performance. The teams
are present in 40 plants and 150 logistics sites worldwide, including 71 managed by
LOral. Since 2007 the Operations field has been organised in large geographical
zones which promote close collaboration between the Research and Marketing teams
and accelerate the marketing of local innovations.