Craig Lightning The Moth Trojan

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The Moth Trojan

Paul Craig

© 2008
ƒ Who Am I?
ƒ Paul Craig, Principal Security Consultant

ƒ Myy Role
ƒ Application Penetration Tester
ƒ Published Security Author
ƒ Active Security Researcher
ƒ Devoted Hacker

ƒ Feedback?
ƒ Email: [email protected]
ƒ Just buy me a beer!

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ The Moth Trojan

ƒ Idea: I Have Always Wanted My Own Trojan.

ƒ Hollywood hacker style.
ƒ In the theme of Hackers, War-Games, Sword-Fish.
ƒ Somethingg AMAZING.

ƒ But Somehow I never got around to it…

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ “It Has To Be Done

ƒ Goal: Write a 100% Undetectable Trojan.
ƒ Workk under
d both
b h Vista and
d XP.

ƒ Contain “Ninja Magic”.

ƒ Something Original
ƒ Completely New!

ƒ Without Further Delay

I Present To You:
Th M
The Moth
th T


© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Screw Anti
Virus Call A Priest!
ƒ “Help, my computer is suffering from demonic possession.”

ƒ Welcome to the Moth.

ƒ Verbally abusive Trojan.
ƒ Abusive, Abrasive, Mocking.
ƒ Choice!

ƒ So The Big Question

ƒ What is the Moth?
ƒ Additional learning is required to understand…
ƒ Delve into some lesser known Windows functionality.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

ƒ Extension to the Windows Driver Model. (WDM)
ƒ Provides
d an interface
f ffor components to send
d notifications
f to
other components.

ƒ WMI is Microsoft's implementation of WBEM.

ƒ Web
W b Based
B d Enterprise
E t i Management.
M t

ƒ WMI Has Eventing capabilities

ƒ WMI Events raised when ANYTHING happens in Windows.
ƒ WMI can notify
tif an Event
E t Subscriber
S b ib for f any raised
i d event.
ƒ WMI Query Language (WQL) is used to drive event queries.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Event Subscribers Are Written in Managed Object Format

ƒ Supported under XP, Vista+

ƒ Compiled event subscribers are included into the CIM repository.

ƒ Common Information Model
ƒ %SystemRoot%\System32\WBEM\

ƒ Event Consumers Subscribe To WMI Events.

ƒ Events can originate from many places
ƒ From an Event Provider Component.
ƒ Disk
Di k Q
t PProvider.
ƒ Power Management Provider.
ƒ Event Log Provider.
© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Extrinsic Events
(being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without)

ƒ Predefined events that cannot be linked directly to change.

ƒ Example: An event that describes a computer switching to
stand-by mode.

ƒ Intrinsic Events
g g to a thing
g byy its veryy nature))

ƒ Event that occurs in response to a change.

ƒ Standard WMI events raised when anything happens.
ƒ Creating a Win32_LogicalDisk will raise a
__InstanceCreationEvent event.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ To Put It Simply:
ƒ When you do anything in Windows, you create a WMI event.
ƒ These
h events can be
b subscribed
b b d to using an event consumer.
ƒ WMI will forward any raised event to the associated consumer.

ƒ Temporary Event Consumer.

ƒ Only function when specifically loaded by a user.
ƒ Will not survive a reboot.

ƒ Permanent Event Consumer.

ƒ Permanent, will survive a reboot.
ƒ Works along as WMI is running.

ƒ Windows Permits 1,000

1 000 Event Consumers Per User Account.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Default Windows Event Consumer Classes.

ƒ 5 predefined event consumer classes.

ActiveScriptEventConsumer Execute a predefined script in an arbitrary scripting

g g when an event is delivered.
LogFileEventConsumer Write customized strings to a text log file when an
event is delivered.
NTEventLogEventConsumer Log a message to the Windows NT event log when
an event is delivered.
SMTPEventConsumer Sends an e-mail message using SMTP each time
an event is delivered.
CommandLineEventConsumer Launch an arbitrary process in the local system
context when an event is delivered.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ So Back To My Original Point - What is The Moth Trojan

ƒ Malicious
l Managed
d Object
b Format Code
ƒ Multiple, malicious, persistent, ActiveScript event consumers.
ƒ 100% VBScript/WQL
ƒ Consumes __InstanceCreationEvent.
ƒ Subscribes to events created when you run specific executables.

ƒ Implements Microsoft Text To Speech ActiveX control

ƒ VBScript is executed as the user SYSTEM.

ƒ Works on Vista.
ƒ Executed as NETWORK_SERVICE.
ƒ SeImpersonate privileges available.
© 2008

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Installing The Moth

ƒ Installing the Moth REQUIRES Administrative authority.
ƒ WMI is a core component off Windows.
ƒ The Moth Trojan becomes a CORE component of Windows.

ƒ Install from MOF File: Mofcomp.exe mothtrojan.mof

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Writing Files To Disk.

ƒ The Moth can be used to drop and execute files.
ƒ Arbitrary
b executables
bl embedded
b dd d in VBScript.
ƒ Excellent method of re-deployment.
ƒ Used in conjunction with your favourite rootkit.

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Moth Trojan is a Unique Method of Hiding Malicious Code.

ƒ AFAIK the first malicious event subscriber, ever.
ƒ Using functionality
f l unknown
k by
b most people.

ƒ Application
pp Level Trojan.
ƒ Typical Trojan technique is “Getting Low”
ƒ Manipulate API calls, Kernel calls, Hardware calls.

ƒ My Approach Is the Complete Opposite!

ƒ Get as High as Possible!
ƒ Hide malicious code within native Windows functionality.
ƒ VBScript!

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Is It Really Undetectable?
ƒ You CAN detect the Moth Trojan. /
ƒ Requires WMI Administrator
d tools.
ƒ WMI console application.
ƒ Enumerate all event consumers.

ƒ You Need To Know Where To Look.

ƒ Uses relatively unknown functionality.
ƒ Forensic methodology does not focus on WMI!
ƒ Who knew About CIM/WBEM/WMI this morning?

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ What Else Can You Do With MOF?

ƒ A Trojan which is launched when user Joe logs in.
ƒ Removedd when
h the
h user Admin
d logs
l in.

ƒ Speed
p Trojan:
ƒ Activates when the CPU fan slows below 100 RPM.
ƒ Worst Day Trojan:
ƒ Lay dormant until twenty bad sectors are reported in the
hard drive.
ƒ Infect Your Friends
ƒ Copy
py malicious files to anyy USB keyy inserted.
ƒ Rootkit Dropper & Executor
ƒ Re
deploy an existing rootkit whenever it is removed

© 2008
The Moth Trojan

ƒ Source Code:
ƒ Currently Unpublished Source Code:
//h k d / h

ƒ Includes MS Text To Speech API

© 2008

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