Hitler's Bomb

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Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.

Source: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Rec/rec.aviation.military/2005−10/msg00271.html

• From: "Rob Arndt" <teuton263@xxxxxxx>

• Date: 8 Oct 2005 14:41:21 −0700



This disc aircraft without a doubt is the most controversial of all the
non−occult discs supposedly constructed by Germany in the Second World
War. So many different people, organizations, and facilities have been
named in connection to this craft that properly identifying what was
the Flugkreisel (Flight Gyro), as conceived by Rudolf Schriever
himself, becomes almost impossible.
However, chronologically the pieces fall together to solve this puzzle.
The story originates with Viktor Schauberger, who under SS direction,
started working on a revolutionary vortex motor in 1940 called the
Repulsin(e), roughly translated as “Repulsor”. The first model, the
Repulsin A was a colloidal disc motor that utilized air and water
contained in a copper casing to produce a mini−tornado, or vortex,
inside the machine that caused levitation at some point.
The early results of Schauberger’s work with the Repulsin A was
reported to Heinkel for the purpose of exploring the possibility of
adapting the discoid motor to aircraft. At that time the SS was leaning
towards marine applications of the motor as an exotic propulsion system
for an odd bio−submarine which would have been named the Forelle
(Trout) due to its fish−shaped body and gaping water inlet mouth.
Heinkel clearly did not act on the early information it got from the
Repulsin research, continuing instead on the development of its own jet
aircraft projects and turbojets in competition with its bitter rival
However, one year later in 1941, with Schauberger working on aircraft
engine liquid cooling systems for Messerschmitt, one of Heinkel’s own
personnel, Flugkapitan Rudolf Schriever came up with the idea of a
“Flugkreisel” (Flight Gyro) that did not rely on Schauberger’s discoid
motor but on developing turbojet technology. Schriever later claimed
that the inspiration for his design originated with the discus sporting
event observed by him at the 1936 Nazi Olympics. But this is doubtful
given that his employer Heinkel was researching the Schauberger motor
the same year as Schriever’s idea came to him. Naturally, the SS
responded to Schriever’s proposal by taking control of it while
Schauberger continued work on perfecting the Repulsin A model at

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book. 1

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.

Mauthausen along with 20−30 prisoner engineers.

Schriever produced the first drawings of the Flugkreisel in 1941. Now
some accounts state that the first Flugkreisel flew under jet power in
June 1942 but that is highly unlikely given the fact that the only
available jets for the project would be Heinkel’s HeS 8A centrifugal
jets or early Junkers Jumo 004A turbojets which were not reliable
enough to power such an exotic design as the Flugkreisel. The early BMW
003A jets were also discounted for this reason.
The Flugkreisel itself was a large disc−fan of 20 meters diameter with
21 rotor blades that surrounded a hemispherical cockpit. Attached to
the underside of the of the disc rotor were three jet engines that spun
the rotor like a helicopter for VTO. Once in the air, two other lower
body jets were attached to each side allowing the disc to achieve level
In Schriever’s postwar drawings one can clearly see that the jets
depicted are not German conventional ones for the time period. While
some illustrators depict BMW 003 and Jumo 004 jet engines in place, the
engines were in fact kerosene burning jet turbines of immense power
which places its true first flight well into 1943 or beyond.
By that time, BMW had gained knowledge of the Projekt and started
internal development of their own “Flugelrad” (Winged Wheel) series of
jet auto−gyros that superficially resembled the Flugkreisel but on a
much reduced scale and powered by strictly BMW 003 jet engines. This is
where the confusion begins on what constituted the Flugkreisel project.
Postwar interpretations of the two different craft mix the programs
together which has led to discrediting the Flugkreisel altogether as a
real machine that flew during the war.
The SS, however, continued with “Projekt Flugkreisel” despite the early
machine’s disappointing flight performance and instability at low
altitude. Therefore, the SS brought in three other prominent
specialists to aid in the Flugkreisel Projekt: Dr. Richard Miethe,
Klaus Habermohl, and an Italian− Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo from the Riva
Del Garda facility. Six other unnamed engineers also participated in
the secret project. Along with the Schriever early designs the three
primary specialists produced concepts of their own within months.
Habermohl proposed a large rotor disc with hemispherical cockpit on top
and powered by a WalterRohr (Walter Rocket Pipe) deflector below. This
design was rejected as impractical. Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo’s designs
aren’t well known but his involvement in another Italian jet disc
project, his Turbo Proietti (Turbine Projectile) that would serve as
circular flying artillery, later removed him from the Flugkreisel
Projekt entirely. So it was left up to Dr. Miethe to design the
replacement disc.
Dr. Miethe came up with various initial jet designs of a large diameter
disc with a tear drop cabin on top and bulbous body below powered by
multiple jets running along the lower body sides in a staggered
formation. Other designs placed turbojets directly on the solid disc
underneath while others even had the jets protruding from the rear
upper disc body.
A solution needed to be found as all the jet designs were problematic
at best.

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book. 2

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.

Dr. Miethe found the solution when word came of Schauberger’s

completion of the Repulsin B model discoid motor in 1943 and its
radical vortex propulsion system that could be reasonably enlarged into
a manned disc of incredible power. Work proceeded right away and by
April 1944 the Miethe craft constructed in Breslau took off for flight
tests over the Baltic. It was reported to Hitler on April 17, 1944 by
the SS that the Miethe disc had successfully flown.
So what happened to Schriever’s original Flugkreisel? Destined for the
scrap heap, the disc−fan was saved by transferring it to Prag−Kbley
where BMW was testing out the Flugelrad models. Georg Klein claimed to
have seen the strange craft at the aerodrome in 1945 and his
description of a large disc−fan powered by 5 jet engines that produced
a tremendous roar proves it was there. None of the BMW Flugelrads were
powered by 5 jet engines and none were located anywhere on the
Flugelrads except inside the disc body, not attached to the disc rotor
and lower body sides as with the Flugkreisel. It is further stated that
in February 1945 the Flugkreisel attained a top speed of 1,300 mph and
a climb to 45,000 ft in two minutes! The Flugelrads by comparison could
barely get off the ground, were highly unstable, and made frequent
“hard” landings. Only one BMW Flugelrad II V−2 (or V−3) finally
achieved powered level flight in April 1945 just before all the
Flugelrads and Schriever’s Flugkreisel were destroyed in the Russian
Miethe’s disc was at Breslau and its fate is unknown but was probably
destroyed by the SS on orders from Berlin.
Postwar Schriever continued to make claims about his Flugkreisel being
taken out of his hands and offered his non−patented designs to the
Americans he worked for (as a delivery driver for the US Army). No one
took him seriously and he died shortly thereafter. In his apartment was
discovered many designs for disc aircraft including his original
As for the other “Projekt Flugkreisel” specialists, their fates are
known. Habermohl was captured by the Russians and forced to produce a
secret disc design for the USSR which still remains unknown. Dr.
Belluzzo remained in Italy, his round bomb Turbo Proietti forgotten.
Dr. Miethe was offered a position as team leader of AVRO Canada’s disc
development programs which he accepted.
AVRO Canada had tried to persuade Viktor Schauberger to join Miethe in
producing a disc aircraft but he declined and stayed in Leonstein,
Austria. The Russians and Americans had taken away all his Repulsins
and documents, the US finally forcing him to sign over everything to
them in 1958. He also died shortly thereafter. It would seem that
Miethe by himself could not replicate the Schauberger propulsion system
so instead he resorted to designing Canadian discs powered by jets
based on Henri Coanda’s lenticular disc design. Dr. Miethe left AVRO
Canada for the US and produced the first US non−VTOL disc aircraft
which were at one time at MacDill AB.
Like Viktor Schauberger, Rudolf Schriever never had any real control
over his disc design. They both died while others took credit for their
ideas and work.

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book. 3

Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.

Rob Arndt

• References:
♦ Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.
◊ From: The Enlightenment
♦ Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.
◊ From: Eunometic

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