Hitler's Bomb
Hitler's Bomb
Hitler's Bomb
Source: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Rec/rec.aviation.military/2005−10/msg00271.html
This disc aircraft without a doubt is the most controversial of all the
non−occult discs supposedly constructed by Germany in the Second World
War. So many different people, organizations, and facilities have been
named in connection to this craft that properly identifying what was
the Flugkreisel (Flight Gyro), as conceived by Rudolf Schriever
himself, becomes almost impossible.
However, chronologically the pieces fall together to solve this puzzle.
The story originates with Viktor Schauberger, who under SS direction,
started working on a revolutionary vortex motor in 1940 called the
Repulsin(e), roughly translated as “Repulsor”. The first model, the
Repulsin A was a colloidal disc motor that utilized air and water
contained in a copper casing to produce a mini−tornado, or vortex,
inside the machine that caused levitation at some point.
The early results of Schauberger’s work with the Repulsin A was
reported to Heinkel for the purpose of exploring the possibility of
adapting the discoid motor to aircraft. At that time the SS was leaning
towards marine applications of the motor as an exotic propulsion system
for an odd bio−submarine which would have been named the Forelle
(Trout) due to its fish−shaped body and gaping water inlet mouth.
Heinkel clearly did not act on the early information it got from the
Repulsin research, continuing instead on the development of its own jet
aircraft projects and turbojets in competition with its bitter rival
However, one year later in 1941, with Schauberger working on aircraft
engine liquid cooling systems for Messerschmitt, one of Heinkel’s own
personnel, Flugkapitan Rudolf Schriever came up with the idea of a
“Flugkreisel” (Flight Gyro) that did not rely on Schauberger’s discoid
motor but on developing turbojet technology. Schriever later claimed
that the inspiration for his design originated with the discus sporting
event observed by him at the 1936 Nazi Olympics. But this is doubtful
given that his employer Heinkel was researching the Schauberger motor
the same year as Schriever’s idea came to him. Naturally, the SS
responded to Schriever’s proposal by taking control of it while
Schauberger continued work on perfecting the Repulsin A model at
Rob Arndt
• References:
♦ Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.
◊ From: The Enlightenment
♦ Re: Hitlers Bomb. Italian witness publishes book.
◊ From: Eunometic
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