Viktor Schauberger Eco-Technology
Viktor Schauberger Eco-Technology
Viktor Schauberger Eco-Technology
Lord Rees, President of the Royal Society and Astronomer Royal, recently criticised
the G8 summit for not addressing the urgent questions of energy security and our
dependence on fossil fuels. The G8 nations, he says, must embark now on
intensive research into sustainable energy sources. These issues can’t be left to
the market, with its need for return of capital within a predictable time-frame.
Viktor Schauberger, the Austrian naturalist who worked in the 1920s – ‘50s is best
known for the implosion devices he invented that were able to extract energy
from the environment sustainably. By carefully studying natural systems, he
discovered that Nature’s way of creating energy, by cooling, inward-spiralling
movement rather than the explosive heat-inducing motion of our present
technologies, produces far more energy and is totally sustainable. This was the
basis of the successful free energy devices he produced during WWII. He died
forty-eight years ago; nobody has yet succeeded in rebuilding any of them, which
is frustrating, as they are one of the most promising sources of sustainable
These reasons are usually given for the lack of success in replicating the
promising machines:
1. Before their final capitulation at the end of WWII, the German army destroyed
the extant machines.
2. Most of his drawings were also destroyed, though some were seized by Russian
intelligence from his apartment in Vienna. These were passed to a Soviet
hydrologist whose son, Evgeny Podkletnov, went on to develop an anti-gravity
device that was apparently inspired by Schauberger’s descriptions. Boeing
Aerospace is said to have used this in some of their own secret space
developments, lost to the more public world of research and development, as
were any materials picked up by American intelligence in Germany at the war’s
end; it is not known if they were able to be to put to use.
* * * *
At the crass material level, human behaviour and consciousness is basic and self-
seeking. At higher energy (consciousness) levels, natural laws are more
demanding, and you can’t get away with selfish motivations in the same way. For
example, many healers have discovered to their chagrin that if their motivation
becomes pecuniary, their healing gifts suffer.
It is as though doing selfless work for the good of others is a privilege and a
responsibility, the denial of which can have harmful personal consequences.
Working with animals and with natural energies demands respect for the natural
world and its laws. I suspect this is the reason why people immersed in the
material often cannot succeed with ‘free energy’ devices, which respond to fifth
and sixth dimensional laws, but not those of the third, material level.
An understanding of how these subtle energies interplay in the grand scheme of
Nature is the key, so to speak, that allows the innovation process to proceed. An
interesting example of this was Worrall Keely’s famous free energy device, nearly
a century ago. It would work only with him; his assistant tried in vain, until Keely
put his hand on his shoulder, when it worked!
It is not enough to have no wish to make money out of one’s inventions. We need
to cultivate the humility that recognises the supremacy of Nature, and an
openness to be shown how she works. You don’t have to be a Schauberger to
replicate his machines, but perhaps you need to be inspired by Nature, which
humanity has traditionally always seen as an aspect of the Divine. The corporate
world is hardly likely to produce the appropriate environment for developing
Nature-based systems. The way ahead must be to provide the motivation for
inspired groups, committed to learning humbly from Nature, to work with these
ideas, financed by visionary public funding.
One of the main issues we have today is a belief that technology is the panacea of
all our ills. It has been possible to develop the present level of technology only by
our flagrant exploitation and, as Schauberger would insist, misuse, of fossil fuels
in the last 100 or so years, so it may be appropriate justice that our aim to control
Nature has gone horribly wrong.
Lord Rees has proposed that humanity does not possess the level of
understanding nor spiritual maturity to handle responsibly and safely the subtle
new energies we have unleashed. Perhaps we are not quite ready for some of
Viktor Schauberger’s insights.
There is sometimes a distinction made between Tech Greens and Deep Greens.
The former generally believe in the technological solution of our environmental
problems; the latter that our redemption may lie in learning how Nature works,
and by following her laws, which was Viktor Schauberger’s vision and example.