ManhattanTimes 2008 11 BugOff

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8 November 13.


Secrets of ,heir success

Expanding a business beyond the obvious
- ..----
by Do,kys Ramos

It's a good bet there's not a roach or

mouse within a mile of the Bug Off Pest
l_' ~

/"..,_1. ~'
' ~~"- ~c up to three specialty workshops a year.
Private companies and agencies also
hire Linares as a consultant, to customize
programs for their employees, some of
Control Center on W. 165th Street and

(" which have included the New York City

St. Nicholas Avenue. The storeuont may
not look like much, but behind the glass
fa~ade of this shop packed to the ceilings
~.:-~ .,.~ #
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Housing Authority, the Department of
Education and the Wildlife Conservation
Society. "People come to me and trust
with boxes of bait stations and buckets me and you can't put a price on that," he
of rodenticide is a force to be reckoned said. "The only way you accomplish that
with. is by solving people's problems and not
"We don't need a huge space," said Bug cheating. So one of the great strengths we
Off president Andy Linares. He runs the have is that level of trust."
shop with an assistant, David Lopez. On Tues., Nov. II, Bug Off hosted
"We don't need to be in every borough. its annual all-day New York Pest Expo
If you can't come to me, I'll send it to at The Armory on 216 Ft .Washington
you. And our versatility allows us to do Ave. between W. 168th and W. 169th
things bigger than you would imagine we Streets. This training and exposition
are.n program attracts hundreds of attendees
Linares took over his uncle's pest and exhibitors not only uom across the
control business in January 1987 after "" '
nation, but other countries as well, all of
getting a graduate degree in international -~'1~ them wishing to learn more about new
. .
1 products, green options, guidelines and
"'f~.~ ,
affairs and finding difficulties breaking tr
into that field. He already had experience business management. "I always like
working for his uncle, nicknamed "EI
to do a program or project myself as
Matador," while in high school. So upon Andy Unares took over Bug Off and expanded Its mission beyond eradicating pests. (photo Dorkys offering more than you would expect,"
taking the reigns he renamed the company Linares said.
and refocused the business to give it a He also likes to project his business
better chance among larger competitors Most of this knowledge comes uom Linares' training courses makes him uom Washington Heights and demonstrate
by selling products and providing both doing research. Although Linares never more than just an exterminator. With a that positive things can come out of our
home services and training courses. "It's took a training course, he received his state-approved certification course, he neighborhood. "The message is we're
a one-stop outfit at all of those areas at a license based on his experience. And. provides training for those who would a success right here," Linares said.
very high degree," Linares said. with an advanced degree, becoming more like to become licensed in New York "We're doing above and beyond just
Their website (www.bugoffpccenter. knowledgeable in the pest control field and New Jersey. The 30-hour course selling a bag of poison. We're changing
com) has helped Bug Off forge a national wasn't too difficult, he said. Linares is costs $399 and covers topics like lives and creating new generations of
presence as it allows customers nationwide a member of the Entomological Society safety, environmental protection, pest skilled individuals who can make their
to access technical articles, video archives of America, reads trade magazines identification and laws and regulations. own success. We're giving guidance
from past events and training courses as such as Pest Management Professional They also offer recertification courses to people throughout the country and
well as to buy products. "People come to and Pest Control Technology and has a for licensed professionals who need the it's all emanating uom a little store
us not just for what we sell, but for what large circle of associates, professors and continuing education. These classes are on St. Nicholas Avenue. That's very
we know," Linares said. "And that's a entomologists he can calI upon to sound provided year-round with up to four basic impressive."
beautiful combination." off new ideas. training courses, six specialty courses and

Lamayoriadeesteconocimiento y conf1anenmiy iii nopuedes

Secre'os de su ex;'o: vlenedehaoorinvestigaciones. ponerleprec10 a eso',dijoel. 'De
AunqueUnaresnuncatom6un la ilnicamaneraqueI09rasesoes

Lasplagas cursodeentrenamlento. el reclbi6

sulicenciabasadaenexperlencia. Y
y nohaoortrampas.

se van conungradoavanzado,
el tenermas
B martes.11de noviembre, 'Bug
perolos Unaresesmiembrodela Sociedad
Entomol6gica deAmerica,lee
Off lIevarfia cabosuExpoAnual
de PlagasenNuevaYorken'The
clientes 'PestManagement Professional'
y Ileneun
Ft.Washington entreel oestede
lasCalles168y 169de9:00a.m.
siguen y colegasqueel puedelIamarpara
a 6:00p.m.Esteentrenamiento
y programa deexposicion atrae

po, Do,kys Ramos
J Loscursosdeentrenamlento
porel estado.eIprovee
de cienlosdeasistentes y exhlbldores
nosoloa 10largodela naci6n,
todosaquellosdeseando aprender
entrenamientoparaaquellosque masacercadenuevosproductos,
0 rat6n
J/ lesgustariatenerlicenciaen Nueva
Yorky NewJersey.EIcursode30
opciones ecol6glcas, guiasy manejo
delnegocio.'A misiempreme
OffPeslControl'eneIoestede la 1ft
Calle165y laAvenidaSl Nicholas. ~>-, t'
horastieneunvalorde$399y cubre
olreclendomasde 10queusted
0 proyecto

AeJtambienIegustaproyectar su
Laentradaprincipalpuedeno 'ZJ;l:inareslamo1acampama y expa, leyesy regulaciones.Ellostambiim
parecermucho,perodetrasde la ofrecencursosderecertificacion negociodesdeWashington Heights
fachadadecrlstaldeestatienda paraprofeslonales conlioondas. y demostrar quecosaspositivas
lIenahastalostechosconcajas deplagasdesulio enenerodel equlpouniversal entodasesasareas Estasclasessonsuminlstradas todo puedensalirdenuestrovecindarlo.
desenuelos y cubosdevenenoes 1987luegodeterminardegraduarse a ungranaltogrado',dijoUnares. el anoparahastacuatrocursosde 'EI mensajeesquenosotrossomos
unafuerzaquesedeberlateneren enasuntos Intemacionales y Supaglna electr6nica( www. entrenamientos basicos,selscursos unexltoaqulmlsmo',dijoUnares,
cuenta. encontrando dificultades paraentrar Ioshaayudado especlales y hastaIrestalleresde 'Nosotrosestamoshaciendomucho
'Nosotrosnonecesitamos un enesecampodecarrera.EIyatenia a foIjarunapresencianacional especlalidadesaIaOo. masquesolovendiendo unabolsa
espaciogrande',dijoel presidente experlencia t rabajando p arasutio, mientras I espermne a Iosclientes Companias y agencias privadas deveneno.Nosotros estamos
apodado ' EI Matador", mientras enel ambitonacionalel accesar tambien contratana Unares cambiando vidasy creandonuevas
de 'BugOffAndyUnares.EIdirlgela
tiendaconunasistente, DavidLopez. estabaenescuelasuperior. Asies articulostecnlcos,archivos de comoconsultor, parapersonalizar generaciones de individuoscon
'Nosotrosnonecesitamos estaren queunaveztom61as rlendasel videosdeevenlospasadosy cursos programas parasusempleados, destrezas qulenespuedenhaoor
renombrolacompaiUa y reenf0c6 deentrenamiento comotambiim supropioexito.Nosotros estamos
cadacondado.SiIii puedesvenira algunosdeIoscualeshanIncluidola
mi,yote10envio.Y nuestrocaracter el negOOo paradarteunamejor comprar p roductos.
'Laspersonas AutoridaddeVlVienda delaciudad brlndando orlentacl6n a personasa
nospermitehaoorcosas oportunidad
polifacetico entrecompetidores vienena nosotrosnosolopor10que deNuevaYork,eIDepartamento !ravesdelpaisy todoestaemanando
masgrandede10queustedse masgrandes v endlendo p roductos vendemos, sinopor10 quesabemos', deEducaci6n y laSociedad de deunapequena llendaenla
imagina'. y proveyendo serviciosal hogary dijoUnares.'Y esoes unabonna Conservaci6ndeFauna. AvenldaSl Nicholas.Esoes bien
Unarestom6el negociodecontrol cursosdeentrenamiento. 'Estoes un comblnadon', 'Laspersonas vienena mi Impresionante'

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