ManhattanTimes 2007 08 TubbyHookKayakers

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8 Manhattan limes Auaust 9.


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Comit!t:.). Mida para ,omprat; la film anWinaruz por RDttwfillJ:

Admisiongratis Unal/otJi/a de kayaquislas desembalCa de

A ROODaof kayakers disembarked from
TubbyHooken InlMJOd y liene oIas favorables
.......----- Join us for the party. Tubby Hook In Inwood and caught favorable
GIIt ~ Aug. 16 at 7:30 p.m..
tides running under the George Washington
Bridge on the Hudson River.

atlhB I___~apEII"I
811=00 p.m.)
ISpIiIIltI15istiri.~ i9I , in ImRHIII. 212-9114-11149

onri cllIiImdIa ,£111m

CJ:faIIIiIi. by Dorkys Ramos breaths and not wear out, several rest
Unue illlOSDtmspara 8 On Sat. Aug. 4, a group of 42 stops were scheduled throughout the
kayakers made its way around trip to give them a chance to cool off,
U..,..,-~M;.11f1!ll Iiesti. 1&de agosfo a IiIs Manhattan for the Fifth Annual stretch, and see the sights. An artist
181t-.!Ia--l¥pIIIlD85 Manhattan Circumnavigation. The even gave the group a tour through
Rdu.~.III_'" 7:30p.m'7, 01_1:8....... flotilla launched from Thbby Hook, the Socrates Sculpture Park during
..~d!...~_~.., where Dyckman Street meets the
Hudson River, at 6:15 a.m. and made
a stop at Hallet's Cove in Astoria,
Queens where kayakers took pictures
*_ illlillllrJlllB!~2fNN-1M its way back to Inwood shortly before with him in front of his sculptures.
6p.m. The circumnavigation was free and
Steve Blumling andlerry Blackstone, participants were only responsible for
two members of the Yonkers Paddling the cost of traveling into the city and
NECESITA... and Rowing Club, organize this trip providing their own food and gear.
every summer. Once the event was Along with plenty of water, kayakers
announced late last winter. about 35 were asked to bring a marine radio
kayakers had signed upfor the trip by for communication throughout the
the fourth day. Blackstone said one trip, personal flotation devices. and
third of participants were members protection from the sun.
from the Yonkers Club, but several "It was hotter than we thought."
were from out of state. Kayakers from said Blumling. "We were passing
Florida, Chicago, and Washington, by Yank~e Stadium and it said 93
D.C., who heard about the event by degrees,
word of mouth, would also paddle the The group traveled faster than
29 miles around the island. anticipated and was able to make
Last year the flotilla launched more rest stops than were originally
from Pier 96 on 56th Street. but this scheduled to give paddlers a chance
year organizers decided to start from to hydrate. "I went in the water to
Inwood after they studied the tides cool off because I felt a little hot
and wanted to take advantage of the coming up the East River. It was
current. There, kayakers were able definitely hotter than I imagined it
to set out from two launching points: to be," said Blumling. Other than
the Parks Department beach north of the high temperatures, the trip went
the now-closed marina or the Inwood smoothly, with enough wind to cool
Canoe Club'sfloating dock two blocks off, but not enough to make the water
south of the marina. Out-of-towners choppy. There were also no mishaps.
were able to drop off their boats at the other than a few sluggish paddlers
club the day before the trip. who were able to keep up after a 20-
Joe Wojak. a member of the Inwood minute rest.
Canoe Club for the last three years, The group ended up with 42
was on hand Friday afternoon to participants - seven more than last
help kayakers store their boats for year - and all returned to the starting
the night. He said only two people point in Inwood, said Blumling. The
from his club would be making the event keeps growing as word travels
Saturday morning trip, this being his about the trip, which in turn demands
second time. "I just want to see what more safety precautions. Seven
this many kayaks on the water looks experienced kayaker.., instead of last
like," he said. "I've been in smaller year's three, served as guides.
groups like 12 or 15, but if this is With such a large group making
going to be like 40 or 60 people. 1 its way through the waters. the Coast
want to see that. " Guard and the city's Parks Department
Wojak has made the trip around were stationed at key points
Manhattan before and said it was throughout the /Tip. A safety power
doable if you go at a slow pace and boat followed behind the flotilla and
pay attention to the tides. "If you time a ground support car made the route
it with the river and the tides it's not as well to pick up any paddlers who
VISftenos. Gndis./V1situs. Flee. were unable to finish the trip. "We

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a real struggle," he said. "That's the
real key. to let the river help you do
the work for you. "
didn't have to pull anybody out of the
water, nobody got sick or anything,
But to help the paddlers catch their everybody finished," Blumling said.
Manhattan Times 9
August 9, 2007
pOTDOTkysRanws HailersCoveenAstoria,Queensdondelos
EIsabado,4 deagosto,ungrupode43
kayaquistas Iediemnla vueltaa Manhattan
parael QuintoAnualCircunnavegacien de
CanoassalendeTubbyHook kayaquistas setomaronfotosconel al!rentede
Lacircunnavegacion eralibredecostoy
Manhattan. LaftounasaliedeTubbyHook, losparticipantes soloeranresponsables por
dondela CalleDyckman seencuentra conel eIcostodeviajara laciudady suministrarse
RioHudson,alas 6:15a.m. y lIegarondevuella supropiacomiday vestimenta. Juntoa mucho
a Inwoodunpocoantesdelas6:00p.m. agua,selespidioaIoskayaquistas quetrajeran
SteveBlumlingy JerryBlackstone, dos unradiomarinoparacomunicacion a 10largo
miembros delClubYonkersPaddlingand delviaje,aparatosparaftotary proteccien para
Rowing,organizan esteviajecadaverano. elsol.
Unavezel eventofueanunciado a finales 'Estabamascalientede10quepensamos",
delinviemopasado,cercade35kayaquistas dijoBlumling. 'Estabamos pasandoporel
se inscribieron
paraelviajeparael cuarto EstadiodelosYankees y decia93grados".
dia.Blackstone dijoqueunaterceraparte 8 grupoviajemasrapidoque10anticipado y
delosparticipantes eranmiembros delClub pudieronhacermasparadasdedescanso que
deYonkers, perovarioserandefueradel lasqueoriginalmente fueronprogramadas para
estado.Kayaquistas dela Florida,Chicagoy brindarles a (osremerosunaoporlunidad para
Washington, D.C.,queescucharon acercardel hidratarse. "Yomemetial aguaparaenfrianne
eventoporotraspersonas, tambienestarian porquemesentiunpocoacalorado cuando
remandolas29millasalrededor dela isla. veniaporeIEastRiver.Definitivamente estaba
EIanopasadolaftotillasaliedelPuerto96 mascalientede10queimaginequeestaria",
enla Calle56,perolosorganizadores deeste dijoBlumling. Apartedelasatlastemperaturas,
anodecidieron comenzar desdeInwoodluego el viajefuetranquilamente, consuficiente viento
deestudiarlasolasy querertomarventajade paraenfriarse,peronoel suficiente parahacer
la comente.Ahi,loskayaquistas pudieronsalir eIaguapicada.Tampoco hubocontratiempos,
dedosdiferentes puntosdepartida:la playadel apartedealgunosremerosftojosquepudieron
Departamento deParquesaInortedela ahora seguirluegodeundescanso de 20minutos.
cerradamarina0 delmuelleftotantedelClub 8 grupotermlnecon42participantes y todos
deCanoasdeInwooddosbloquesal surdela regresaron alpuntodepartidaenInwood,diJo
marina.LosdefueradelestadopudiemnlIevar Blumling.EIanopasadoel eventoconsistiode
susbotesalclubel diaantesdelviaJe. 35kayaquistas, y continuacreciendo segun
JoeWojak,unmiembro delClubdeCanoa sigueviajandola noticiaacercadelviaje,10
deInwoodporlospasadostresafios,estuvo cuala cambiodemandamasprecauciones
disponibleeIviemesporlatardeparaayudar deseguridad. Esteanotuviemnsiete
a los'kayakers'a guardarsusbotesparala experimentados kayaqulstas, enlugardeIres
noche.EIdijoquesolodospersonas desuclub comoeIpasadoaOO, comoguiasdisponibles
estarianhaciendoelviajemananero el sabado, parapreguntas, asistenciay paramantener el
siendoestasusegundavez."Yosoloquierover grupounido.
comoseventantoskayaksenel agua",dijoel. .. Conungrupo tangrande viajando a
.Yoheestadoengruposmaspequenos como ...... "'" travesdelasaguas,la GuardiaCostanera y
de 12a 15,peroestovaa sercomode40a 60 eIDepartamento deParques o!recieronsu
personas, yoquierovereso". KayakerswhoparticipatedIn the FifthAnnual Kajli/l/Uistasqueparticiparonen la QuintaAnual asistencia y estuvieron estaclonados enpuntos
Wojakhahechoel viajealrededor de ManhattanCircumnavigation launchedtheir CircunnawgaciOn loozansus batesen Inwood clavea 10largodelviaje.Unbotedeseguridad
Manhattan antesy dijoquesepodiahacer boatsInInwoodearlySaturday morning. . temprano enlamaflana delsBbado. seguiala ftotillay unautoentierrahaciala ruta
si vaslentoy prestasatenciena lasolas."Si trabajoporIi". viajeparabrindarle l aoportunidaddeenfriarse, pararecogercualquierremador quenopudiera
10sincronizas conel rioy lasolasnoes una estirarsey verla vista.UnartistaIesdiouna tenninarelviaje."Notuvimosquesacara nadie
Peroparaayudara losremerosa tomar
verdadera lucha",dljoel, "esaesla verdadera alientoy noagotarse,variasparadasde excursion al grupoa travesdelParquede delagua, n adieseentenno nl nada, todoel
clave,esel dejarqueel rloteayudeahacerel descanso fueronprogramadasa 10largodel EscullurasS6crates duranteunaparadaen mundotermino", dijoBlumling.

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