Chapter 6 Review

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Chapter 6 REVIEW

6.1 The Exponential Function and Its Inverse 6.3 Transformations of Logarithmic Functions
1. a) Graph the function f(x)  3 . Identify the
8. a) Graph the function y  log (x  5)  2.
key features of the graph. b) Identify the
i) domain and range i) domain
ii) x-intercept, if it exists ii) range
iii) y-intercept, if it exists iii) equation of the asymptote
iv) intervals for which the function is positive 9. Repeat question 8 for the function y  3 log (x).
and intervals for which it is negative
10. Use Technology Check your graphs for
v) intervals for which the function is
questions 8 and 9 using graphing technology.
increasing and intervals for which it
is decreasing 11. a) Create a logarithmic function that includes
vi) equation of the asymptote all of the following transformations of the
function y  log x:
b) Graph the line y  x on the same grid.
• a horizontal stretch
c) Graph the inverse function f1 by reflecting
• a translation to the left
f in the line y  x. Identify the key features
of f1. • a vertical translation

1 . • a reflection
2. Repeat question 1 for the function g(x)  _
4 Write an equation for your function.
6.2 Logarithms b) Graph the function.
3. Rewrite each equation in logarithmic form. c) Identify
a) 4  64
b) 28  3 x i) the domain
c) 6  y
d) 512  29 ii) the range
iii) an equation for the asymptote
4. Rewrite each equation in exponential form.
a) 7  log2 128 6.4 Power Law of Logarithms
b) x  logb n 12. Evaluate.
c) 5  log3 243 a) log2 323
d) 19  logb 4
b) log 10002
5. Estimate the value of log2 50 without using
c) log 0.0011
a calculator. Justify your estimate with
( )
mathematical reasoning. d) log _1 _1
4 16
6. Evaluate.
a) log2 16 13. Solve for x, correct to three decimal places.
a) x  log3 17
b) log3 81

( )
c) log4 _ 1
b) log2 0.35  x
c) 4x  10
d) log 0.000 001 1
d) 80  100 _
7. What is the value of logx x? For what values 2
of x does your answer hold true? Justify your
answer with mathematical reasoning.

356 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 6

14. The intensity, I, of light, in lumens, passing 18. Welders use a logarithmic scale to identify
through the glass of a pair of sunglasses is protective eyewear. The shade number, n,
given by the equation I(x)  I0(0.8)x, where x is given by the equation
is the thickness of the glass, in millimetres, and 7 log T
I0 is the intensity of light entering the glasses. n  1  __ ,
How thick should the glass be so that it will where T is the fraction of visible light that the
block 25% of the light entering the sunglasses? glass transmits.
15. a) Sketch a graph of the function y  log3 x a) What shade number should a welder use
without using technology. 1 of the light
that will only transmit _
b) Use graphing technology to check your sketch. entering the glass?
b) Viewing a solar eclipse through #14 welding
6.5 Making Connections: Logarithmic Scales glasses is considered safe. What fraction of
in the Physical Sciences light do these glasses transmit?
16. Recall the pH scale, pH  log [H]. c) For doing furnace repairs, #2 welding
Chemical A has a pH of 6, while chemical B glasses are sufficient. How many times
has a pH of 8. What does this suggest about as much visible light is transmitted by #2
their relative levels of hydronium ion welding glasses as by #14 welding glasses?
concentration, [H]? 19. Use Technology Refer to question 18.
17. The magnitude, M, of an earthquake is a) Graph n versus T using graphing technology.
measured using the Richter scale: b) Use the graph or algebraic reasoning to identify
M  log _I
I0 () the domain and range of this function.

A “great” earthquake measures about 8 on

the Richter scale, while a “light” earthquake
measures about 4. Does this mean that a
great earthquake is twice as intense as a light
earthquake? If so, explain why, and if not,
explain why not, using mathematical reasoning.


How are stars powered? Where does the Do some research on this equation and these
energy come from? Do they ever burn out? topics. What is this equation called? What
do the variables represent? Pose and solve
Stars are fuelled by various nuclear reactions,
two problems related to this equation. Write
such as nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
a brief report about anything interesting that
The equation N(t)  N0 _ 1 h is related to
2 you discover.
these processes.

Chapter 6 Review • MHR 357

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