Reading - First Grade: Content Standard: 1.0
Reading - First Grade: Content Standard: 1.0
Reading - First Grade: Content Standard: 1.0
Learning Expectations:
1.01 Develop oral language.
1.02 Develop listening skills.
1.03 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print.
1.04 Develop and maintain phonemic awareness.
1.05 Develop and use decoding strategies to read unfamiliar words.
1.06 Read to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.
1.07 Develop and extend reading vocabulary.
1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.
1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
1.10 Introduce informational skills to facilitate learning.
1.11 Develop skills to facilitate reading to learn in a variety of content areas.
1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes.
1.13 Experience various literary genres.
1.14 Develop and maintain a motivation to read.
1.1.01 Develop oral language.
a. Show evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth.
b. Implement rules for conversation (e.g., raise hands, take turns, focus attention
on speaker).
c. Understand, follow and give oral directions.
d. Participate in group discussions.
e. Participate in creative responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion and
f. Respond to questions from teacher and other group members.
g. Begin to narrate a personal story.
h. Dramatize or retell what has been learned, heard or experienced.
i. Use familiar texts for recitations.
1.1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
a. Derive meaning while reading by
1. asking questions about text.
2. recognizing errors in reading as they occur and self-correct.
3. participating in discussions about text and relating to personal
4. creating graphic organizers (e.g., charts, lists).
5. predicting and adjusting outcomes during read-alouds.
b. Check for understanding after reading by
1. recalling three to four step sequence of events.
2. retelling stories in their own words using sequencing words (i.e. first,
next, last).
3. drawing conclusions based on what has been read.
4. recognizing main idea in pictures, picture books and texts.
1.1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes. (At this level, the student
will explore as an emergent reader.)
a. Read for literary experience.
b. Read to gain information.
c. Read to perform a task.
d. Read for enjoyment.
e. Read to expand vocabulary.
f. Read to build fluency.