Reading - First Grade: Content Standard: 1.0

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Reading - First Grade

Content Standard: 1.0

The student will develop the reading and listening skills necessary for word recognition,
comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of print and non-
print text.

Learning Expectations:
1.01 Develop oral language.
1.02 Develop listening skills.
1.03 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print.
1.04 Develop and maintain phonemic awareness.
1.05 Develop and use decoding strategies to read unfamiliar words.
1.06 Read to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.
1.07 Develop and extend reading vocabulary.
1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.
1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
1.10 Introduce informational skills to facilitate learning.
1.11 Develop skills to facilitate reading to learn in a variety of content areas.
1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes.
1.13 Experience various literary genres.
1.14 Develop and maintain a motivation to read.

1.1.01 Develop oral language.
a. Show evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth.
b. Implement rules for conversation (e.g., raise hands, take turns, focus attention
on speaker).
c. Understand, follow and give oral directions.
d. Participate in group discussions.
e. Participate in creative responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion and
f. Respond to questions from teacher and other group members.
g. Begin to narrate a personal story.
h. Dramatize or retell what has been learned, heard or experienced.
i. Use familiar texts for recitations.

1.1.02 Develop listening skills.

a. Listen attentively to speaker for specific information.
b. Use appropriate listening skills (e.g., do not interrupt, face speaker, ask
c. Listen and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio tapes, videos).
d. Recognize the difference between formal and informal languages.
e. Understand and follow simple, three step oral directions.
1.1.03 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print.
a. Understand that printed materials provide information.
b. Demonstrate directionality by reading left to right and top to bottom.
c. Track print when being read to aloud.
d. Read and explain own writings and drawings.
e. Identify parts of a book (e.g., title page, table of contents).
f. Recognize that groups of words make sentences.
g. Understand punctuation (e.g., period, question mark).

1.1.04 Develop and maintain phonemic awareness.

a. Recognize words that begin with the same sounds.
b. Recognize words that end with the same sounds.
c. Identify rhyming words.
d. Blend sounds together to form one-syllable words.
e. Segment one-syllable words into sounds.
f. Change targeted sounds to modify or change words.
g. Show awareness of syllables by clapping, counting or moving objects.

1.1.05 Develop and use decoding strategies.

a. Use knowledge of letter-sound correspondence knowledge and structural
analysis to decode grade appropriate words.
b. Decode phonetically regular, one-syllable words.
c. Use decoding strategies, such as sounding out words, comparing similar
words, breaking words into smaller words, and looking for word parts (e.g.,
compound words, word families, blends, and digraphs).
d. Apply long and short vowel rules when decoding.
e. Begin to decode unknown words automatically.

1.1.06 Read to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.

a. Begin to read orally with accuracy and confidence using appropriate pacing,
intonation, and expression.
b. Reflect punctuation of written text while reading orally.
c. Participate in guided, oral readings.
d. Demonstrate the automatic recognition of high frequency words.
e. Read with increasing fluency and confidence from a variety of texts through
paired readings, shared reading, choral reading, teacher-led reading, and
reading from tapes.
f. Read independently daily.
g. Recite familiar texts to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.

1.1.07 Develop and extend reading vocabulary.

a. Build vocabulary by listening to literature, participating in discussions, and
reading self-selected texts.
b. Build vocabulary through frequent read-alouds.
c. Participate in shared reading.
d. Manipulate word families, word walls, and word sorts.
e. Match oral words to written words.
f. Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using a picture dictionary,
picture clues, context clues and structural analysis.
g. Add endings to base words (e.g., -s, -ed, -es, -ing).
h. Identify simple abbreviations.

1.1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.

a. Develop a purpose for listening/reading.
b. Participate in activities to build background knowledge to derive meaning
from text.
c. Make predictions about text.
d. Use illustrations to preview text.

1.1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
a. Derive meaning while reading by
1. asking questions about text.
2. recognizing errors in reading as they occur and self-correct.
3. participating in discussions about text and relating to personal
4. creating graphic organizers (e.g., charts, lists).
5. predicting and adjusting outcomes during read-alouds.
b. Check for understanding after reading by
1. recalling three to four step sequence of events.
2. retelling stories in their own words using sequencing words (i.e. first,
next, last).
3. drawing conclusions based on what has been read.
4. recognizing main idea in pictures, picture books and texts.

1.1.10 Introduce informational skills to facilitate learning.

a. Recognize the family and community as sources of information.
b. Recognize a variety of print items as sources of information (e.g. books,
magazines, maps, charts, and graphs).
c. Recognize sources of information (e.g., books, maps, graphs, charts).
d. Use graphic organizers to aid in understanding material from informational
text (e.g., charts, graphs, web).
e. Visit libraries to use and view appropriate material.

1.1.11 Develop skills to facilitate reading to learn in a variety of content areas.

a. Begin to develop content specific vocabulary.
b. Use text features to locate information (e.g., maps, charts, illustrations and
table of contents).

1.1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes. (At this level, the student
will explore as an emergent reader.)
a. Read for literary experience.
b. Read to gain information.
c. Read to perform a task.
d. Read for enjoyment.
e. Read to expand vocabulary.
f. Read to build fluency.

1.1.13 Experience various literary and media genres.

a. Read and view various literary (e.g., picture books, storybooks, fairy tales,
poetry, lyrics to songs) and media (e.g., illustrations, the arts, films, videos)
b. Explore non-fiction.
c. Identify characters, events, and settings in print and non-print text.
d. Recognize main character(s) in print and non-print text.
e. Determine whether a selection is real or fantasy.
f. Recognize rhyme in Mother Goose and other rhyming books.
g. Retell a story in correct sequence (e.g., using books, videos, films).
h. Determine the problem in a story and discover its solution through classroom

1.1.14 Develop and maintain a motivation to read.

a. Visit libraries/media centers and regularly check out materials.
b. Share storybooks, poems, newspapers, and environmental print.
c. Explore a wide variety of literature through read alouds, tapes, and
independent reading.
d. Identify favorite stories, informational text, authors, and illustrators.
e. Engage in a variety of literacy activities voluntarily (e.g., self-select books and
f. Choose to read as a leisure activity.

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