Reading - Third Grade: Content Standard: 1.0

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Reading - Third Grade

Content Standard: 1.0

The student will develop the reading and listening skills necessary for word recognition,
comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of print and non-
print text.

Learning Expectations:
1.01 Develop oral language.
1.02 Develop listening skills.
1.03 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print.
1.04 Develop and maintain phonemic awareness.
1.05 Develop and use decoding strategies to read unfamiliar words.
1.06 Read to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.
1.07 Develop and extend reading vocabulary.
1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.
1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
1.10 Introduce informational skills to facilitate learning.
1.11 Develop skills to facilitate reading to learn in a variety of content areas.
1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes.
1.13 Experience various literary genres.
1.14 Develop and maintain a motivation to read.

3.1.01 Develop oral language.
a. Show evidence of expanding oral language through vocabulary growth.
b. Consistently use established rules for conversation (e.g., taking turns, raising
hand, and asking questions).
c. Understand, follow, and give oral directions.
d. Respond to questions from teachers and other group members and pose
follow-up questions for clarity.
e. Participate in creative responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion,
dramatization, and oral presentations).
f. Summarize orally what has been learned or accomplished after completing an
activity or assignment.
g. Give oral presentations about experiences or interests, using eye contact,
proper pacing, adequate volume, and clear enunciation.

3.1.02 Develop listening skills.

a. Listen attentively to speaker for specific information.
b. Use appropriate listening skills (e.g., do not interrupt, face speaker, ask
c. Listen and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio tapes, videos).
d. Recognize the difference between formal and informal languages.
e. Follow oral directions.
3.1.03 Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print.
a. Recognize that groups of sentences make a paragraph and paragraphs make a
story or article.
b. Recognize and use parts of text (e.g., title, table of contents, glossary and
c. Recognize and use common text features (e.g., headings, key words,
d. Recognize different forms of text (e.g., poems, plays and stories).

3.1.04 Develop and maintain phonemic awareness.

a. Develop awareness of sounds of language through repeated exposure to a
variety of auditory experiences (e.g., poetry, books on tape, music lyrics,
sound effects, and read-alouds).
b. Add, delete, and change targeted sounds to modify or change words.
c. Identify and produce rhyming words and original poems.

3.1.05 Develop and use decoding strategies.

a. Use knowledge of letter-sound correspondence knowledge and structural
analysis to decode.
b. Decode multi-syllabic words not yet known as sight words.
c. Use decoding strategies, such as sounding out words, comparing similar
words, breaking words into smaller words, and looking for word parts (e.g.,
root words, prefixes, and suffixes).
d. Use previously learned strategies to decode and verify word meaning utilizing
the context of the selection.

3.1.06 Read to develop fluency, expression, accuracy and confidence.

a. Read with increasing fluency and confidence from a variety of texts (e.g.,
paired readings, shared reading, choral reading, teacher-led reading, and
reading from tapes).
b. Read aloud grade-appropriate narrative and expository text fluently and
accurately, using appropriate timing, intonation, and expression.
c. Participate in guided oral reading.
d. Reflect punctuation within written text while reading orally.
e. Demonstrate the automatic recognition of high frequency words.
f. Read daily and independently from a variety of texts.

3.1.07 Develop and extend reading vocabulary.

a. Build vocabulary by listening to literature and participating in discussion.
b. Build vocabulary through frequent read-alouds.
c. Determine word meaning using root words, prefixes, and suffixes.
d. Recognize and use compound words, contractions, and abbreviations.
e. Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues,
dictionaries, and other classroom resources.
f. Use antonyms and synonyms to facilitate understanding of words.
g. Use context clues to determine meaning of multi-meaning words.
h. Manipulate word walls and word sorts.
i. Build vocabulary by reading a wide range of text types inside and outside the

3.1.08 Develop and use pre-reading strategies.

a. Identify a purpose for reading (e.g., for information, for enjoyment, for
understanding a writer's position).
b. Participate in activities to build background knowledge to make meaning from
c. Make predictions using text features (e.g., illustrations and graphics).
d. Preview text using illustrations, graphics, text format, text structures and
e. Connect life experience to information and events in texts.

3.1.09 Use active comprehension strategies to derive meaning while reading and
check for understanding after reading.
a. Derive meaning while reading by
1. formulating clarifying questions.
2. predicting outcomes based upon prior knowledge and adjust as
knowledge is gained while reading.
3. using metacognitive reading strategies to monitor comprehension (e.
g., reread, read ahead, adjust reading speed ).
4. creating a mental image.
5. expressing reactions and personal opinions in response to a selection.
b. Check for understanding after reading
1. drawing conclusions based on evidence gained while reading.
2. sequencing story events and/or text information.
3. recognizing cause and effect relationships in text.
4. discussing similarities and differences in text events, characters, and
character actions.
5. distinguishing between fact and opinion.
6. recognizing the stated/ implied main idea of the text
7. discussing author's purpose for writing.

3.1.10 Introduce informational skills to facilitate learning.

a. Use outside resources to access information (e.g., family and community).
b. Use media sources to access information (e.g., online catalog, non-fiction
books, encyclopedias, CD-ROM references, Internet).
c. Use text referenced material (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia,
magazines, and newspapers).
d. Gather and record information on a topic.

3.1.11Develop skills to facilitate reading to learn in a variety of content areas.

a. Develop and maintain content specific vocabulary.
b. Use text features to locate information (e.g., charts, tables of contents, maps,
c. Apply skills and strategies to comprehend informational text (e.g., pre-reading
strategies, comprehension strategies).
d. Use self-correction strategies while reading (e.g., pausing, rereading, asking
for help).

3.1.12 Read independently for a variety of purposes.

a. Read for literary experience.
b. Read to gain information.
c. Read to perform a task.
d. Read for enjoyment.
e. Read to expand vocabulary.
f. Read to build fluency.

3.1.13 Experience various literary and media genres.

a. Read and view various literary (e.g., short stories, fairy tales, non-fiction texts,
biographies, folktales, and poetry) and media (e.g., photographs, the arts,
films, video) genres.
b. Understand the main idea or message in visual media (e.g., pictures, cartoons,
weather reports on television, newspaper, photographs).
c. Define and identify setting.
d. Define and identify the characters.
e. Differentiate between main and minor characters.
f. Determine the problem in a story, discover its solution, and consider alternate
g. Identify types of stories (e.g., folktales, fables, fairy tales).
h. Compare and contrast different versions/representations of similar stories,
legends, lessons or events reflecting different cultures.
i. Explore the ways in which language is used in literary texts (e.g., rhythm,
beat, imagery, simile, and metaphor).
j. Explore the concept of first person point of view.

3.1.14 Develop and maintain a motivation to read.

a. Visit libraries/media centers and regularly check out materials.
b. Engage in a variety of literacy activities voluntarily (self-select books and
c. Read longer narrative and expository text independently including chapter
d. Select literature based on personal needs and interests from a variety of genres
and by different authors.
e. Choose works from favorite authors/illustrators and genres.
f. Relate literary experiences (e.g., book discussions, literacy circles, writing,
oral presentations, artistic representations).
g. Experience daily opportunities to read.
h. Choose to read as a leisure activity.
Performance Indicators State
As documented through state assessment -

At Level 1, the student is able to

3.1.spi.1. identify and/or select rhyming words.
3.1.spi.2. distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within
3.1.spi.3. recognize parts of a book (e.g,. glossary, table of contents).
3.1.spi.4. identify setting, characters, and plot in a reading selection.

At Level 2, the student is able to

3.1.spi.5. recognize root words and their various inflections (e.g., walks, walking,
3.1.spi.6. determine word meaning within context using prefixes and suffixes.
3.1.spi.7. recognize grade level compound words, contractions, and common
abbreviations within context.
3.1.spi.8. select appropriate synonyms and antonyms within context.
3.1.spi.9. determine word meanings through the use of context clues.
3.1.spi.10. identify different forms of text as poems, plays, or stories.
3.1.spi.11. identify the stated main idea of a reading selection.
3.1.spi.12. identify stated cause and effect relationships in text.
3.1.spi.13. distinguish between fact and opinion within text.
3.1.spi.14. determine sequence of events in a story.
3.1.spi.15. recognize basic plot features of fairy tales, folk tales, fables and myths.
3.1.spi.16. recognize grade appropriate vocabulary within context.

At Level 3, the student is able to

3.1.spi.17. determine correct meaning/usage of multiple-meaning words.
3.1.spi.18. select questions used to focus or clarify thinking while reading.
3.1.spi.19. determine appropriate inferences from text.
3.1.spi.20. recognize how illustrations support the text.
3.1.spi.21. select information using available text features (e.g., maps, charts, and
3.1.spi.22. determine the problem in a story and recognize its solution.

Performance Indicators Teacher

As documented through teacher observation-

At Level 1, the student is able to

3.1.tpi.1. observe established rules of conversation (taking turns, raising hands
when working in small groups).
3.1.tpi.2. use letter-sound knowledge and structural analysis to decode words
(e.g., consonant blends, diphthongs).
3.1.tpi.3. associate sounds with appropriate letters.
3.1.tpi.4. track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word.
3.1.tpi.5. use root words and their various inflections.
3.1.tpi.6. identify a purpose for reading (e.g., to enjoy content and to locate
3.1.tpi.7. use decoding strategies, such as sounding out words, comparing similar
words, breaking words into smaller words, and looking for word parts
(roots, prefixes, and suffixes).
3.1.tpi.8. know and use common (e.g., -ill, -ate) and complex (e.g., -ight) word
families to decode unfamiliar words.
3.1.tpi.9. manipulate word sorts to increase awareness of words.
3.1.tpi.10. build vocabulary through frequent teacher read-alouds, by listening to
literature, and by participating in discussions.

At Level 2, the student is able to

3.1.tpi.11. demonstrate the ability to follow and give oral/written directions up to
three steps.
3.1.tpi.12. demonstrate an awareness of the sounds of language (e.g., rhyme and
3.1.tpi.13. preview the text to establish a purpose for reading, to activate prior
knowledge, and to facilitate the reading process.
3.1.tpi.14. read aloud grade appropriate texts texts fluently and accurately, using
appropriate timing and changes in voice and expression.
3.1.tpi.15. read a variety of texts (e.g., short stories, fairy tales, non-fiction texts,
folktales, plays, and chapter books).
3.1.tpi.16. reflect punctuation in written text while reading orally.
3.1.tpi.17. derive meaning while reading by predicting outcomes based upon prior
knowledge and adjust as knowledge is gained.
3.1.tpi.18. use metacognitive reading strategies to improve comprehension (e.g.,
reread, read ahead, ask for help, adjust reading speed).
3.1.tpi.19. express reactions and personal opinions in response to text.
3.1.tpi.20. relate literary experiences (e.g., book discussions, literacy circles,
writing, oral presentations, artistic representations).
3.1.tpi.21. listen attentively by facing the speaker, asking questions, amd

At Level 3, the student is able to

3.1.tpi.22. summarize orally what has been learned or accomplished after
completing an activity or assignment.
3.1.tpi.23. summarize stories, plays, and poems.
3.1.tpi.24. use content specific vocabulary.
3.1.tpi.25. connect life experience to information and events in texts.
3.1.tpi.26. participate in creative responses to text.
3.1.tpi.27. organize information from text or technological sources using graphic
organizer (e.g., webbing, KWL).
3.1.tpi.28. use library media sources to access information (e.g., card, electronic
catalog, encyclopedias, CD-ROM references, Internet, non-fiction
3.1.tpi.29. make connections among various texts showing similarities and
differences related to setting, events, and characters.
3.1.tpi.30. compare and contrast different versions of the same stories reflecting
different cultures.
3.1.tpi.31. extend ideas presented in text (e.g., changing setting, ending, or
3.1.tpi.32. read daily and independently.
3.1.tpi.33. verify the meaning/usage of a multiple meaning word through the use
context clues.
3.1.tpi.34. draw conclusions from evidence within the text.

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