Nine Issues That Concern Young People.
Nine Issues That Concern Young People.
Nine Issues That Concern Young People.
Many times when we are challenged to obey God, we think that we can’t obey God because
Bible Reading: Proverbs 1:1-33. we may lose something. For example:
Aim: To give Biblical answers to problems experienced by young people. I can’t come to church, because I have too much study.
I can’t pray or read my Bible, because I’m too busy.
Introduction: Youth is a time when our values and future faith are being set. Some of I can’t say “no” to the bad crowd, because they may reject me.
peoples biggest mistakes are made in their youth that can badly affect the rest of their life. Key: Whenever we can’t see the future, it is an opportunity to trust God and to obey His
Word, knowing that He will work things out for our best.
Question: What issues are of most concern to young people? Question: Can you trust God to do the right thing by you? Can you trust God enough to
Answer: 1. Whether you are accepted by the peer group. even go through some suffering now while you do right, knowing that God is using suffering
2. Trusting God with your future in full surrender to Jesus Christ. to teach you some important lessons that you will need later?
3. What career to choose? It is good that a man bear the yoke in his youth. Lamentations 3:27.
4. What church to choose? God wants to build character in us and sometimes suffering is the only way to do it.
5. How to get on well with parents? Sometimes we must use the lesson to delay immediate gratification in order to receive
6. Choosing a boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse? something better later on. For example, if you delay sex until marriage, you'll have more
7. How to handle money wisely. trust with your spouse. Study God's promises to us about His love, goodwill and provision,
8. How to court Biblically, and reject sex before marriage? then we can be confident that He will guide us properly and do the right things for us in the
9. How to cure boredom? future.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be
What does God’s Word say about each of these questions? added unto you." Matthew 6:33. Memorise it and believe it.
Let these issues be your guidelines. First, we must be absolutely committed to doing God's will for our life. God wants to use us
a) Reject and avoid an ungodly peer group. Psalm 1:1-6. to tell people how to be saved and to teach them the Bible. This should be our priority goal
It is much better to have no friends than to have bad friends who will lead you astray. If in life. We should aim to be a missionary. We should ask God if He wants us to be a
you want Godly friends, pray to God and find them at Church. Friends need not be missionary in Australia or overseas. If God wants you to receive some career training, ask
exactly your own age. We should relate well to people of all ages. If you have no or few Him what that might be and where you should study. It is clearly God's will that you MUST
friends your own age, make friends of older, mature Christians who will be able to teach NOT study a course that is humanistic and anti-God in it's course content. For example, you
you wisdom beyond your years. Remember, Jesus Christ is the best friend who sticks would not study social work at Sydney University because of its anti-Bible values.
closer than a brother. Try to win people to Christ, teach them the Bible in a personal "Learn not the way of the heathen." Jeremiah 10:2.
Bible study and you will have more friends than you can handle. "Cease, my son, from hearing the instruction that causes to err from the words of
b) If you are naturally shy, then read the chapter on friendship. knowledge." Proverbs 19:27.
He that hath friends must show himself friendly. Proverbs 18:24. If a lecturer teaches evolution, don't believe him on this subject.
Be friendly and interested in others and they will be friendly and interested in you. Consider becoming self-employed, because greater freedom comes to serve God when you
c) Remember that when you leave school, you may rarely ever see most of your are your own boss. Aim to earn enough money to meet your own needs. Whatever God
classmates and peer group again. They go their way, and you go your way on leaving gives extra, give it to God's work to start fundamental, soul winning churches here and
school. So why be so concerned with earning their approval when they will probably overseas. No matter what career you follow, you should consider BIBLE COLLEGE
never see you again, nor care enough about you to contact you later. Whether the peer TRAINING either part-time or full-time so that you can properly understand and teach the
group accepts you or not, is not important. Bible. Do not attend a non soul winning Bible College, or a para-church Bible College, or
We ought to obey God, rather than men. Acts 5:29. one that is not under your Pastor’s authority, or one that teaches from a Modern Bible
They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. John 12:43. Version. Bible Colleges are the most dangerous places for you to get proud, backslide, hate
Many cowardly Pharisees who believed on Jesus were too scared to confess Jesus your Pastor, leave your church, destroy you faith, and to apostatise. BEWARE!!!!! Every
openly for fear of being rejected by their fellow Pharisees. Don’t you be a coward. When Hebrew King had to write out a copy of the Bible in order to learn how to rule well.
the bad peer group want you to sin by smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, going to Deuteronomy 17:18-20. If the Bible is good enough for a King to learn, it’s good enough for
the bad movies, going to an unbiblical church, committing immorality or looking at bad us to learn. Your life's goal should be to win or help win as many people to Christ as
magazines, just have nothing to do with them. Go find some better, Christian friends. possible, to teach the Bible and to start many churches all over the world. This is the only
Aim to be popular with God, as it is He that we will all have to give account of our lives thing that will last as having eternal value that we can invest our lives in.
to. Romans 14:12.
Key: If the bad group want you to do bad things with them today, they will do bad things
TO YOU later on. If they are bad to God or others, they will be bad to you later.
4. WHAT CHURCH DO I CHOOSE? afraid to preach too hard against sin, error and false doctrine in case people leave their
A church must be an "ecclessia" meaning "called out of the world." If a church tries to be church, yet God wants us to be a holy church that is separated from error.
like the world to win the world, it is not a Biblical church. A true church must hold to the six j) Many churches tolerate the false charismatic doctrines of tongues, slaying in the spirit,
principles of the doctrine of Christ in Hebrews 6:1,2 which are: false healings and false prophecies, etc.
a) Repentance from dead works - the prerequisite to salvation is that a sinner must k) Many churches promote modern versions of the Bible which take verses out of God's
forsake ALL hope in any works of his own as being able to earn salvation, such as Word. This doesn't seem to worry them, yet Christ states in Luke 8:12, "Then cometh
baptism, good works, church attendance, etc. Ephesians 2:8-10. the devil, and taketh away the word…”. The NIV removes about 2% of the New
b) Faith towards God - salvation is by grace (God's undeserved favour), through faith in Testament. Most don’t notice or care.
Christ (believing and claiming God's promises in the Bible), not of ourselves, but is a l) Many churches confuse the gospel of salvation by saying that people don't have to call
GIFT of God. It must be received, not earned. The act of receiving Christ as Saviour is on Christ for salvation. See John 4:10; Romans 10:13; Isaiah 55:6,7; Jeremiah
the act of faith. 29:12,13.
c) Baptisms - of the Holy Spirit at salvation (1 Corinthians 12:13). and in water after m) Some churches are Modernist, meaning that they deny the miracles in the Bible. Some
salvation. Acts 10:47,48. Bible Colleges have lecturers who deny the Bible's miracles and think that the Bible is
d) Laying on of Hands - setting apart of men for a ministry. Acts 13:1-3. not the 100% inspired Word of God. They say that the Bible has mistakes, and thus
e) Resurrection of the dead - Second Coming teaching must be premillennial, literal place themselves as a higher authority than the Bible. Some Baptist and Uniting
and visible return of Christ to the earth, along with the bodily resurrection of the just and Churches are plagued with these errors.
the unjust. n) Some churches, wishing to win young people, play rock music in their churches and
f) Eternal Judgment - the unsaved upon dying go to a literal hell fire where they remain have dances. Love not the world. Avoid worldly churches.
in torment (Luke 16:19-31) until the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign on the earth o) Many churches are not fervently soul winning. If you got saved in an Independent
(Revelation 20:1-7). They are then resurrected, judged according to their works, and Baptist Church, be loyal enough to stay where you got saved. Don’t go off to another
cast into a literal, never-ending, tormenting Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10-15) prepared church that doesn’t hold these values, hoping to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, or greener
for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41,46). grass on the other side of the fence. Be content to stay where you are and work through
II John 9,10,11 states that if anyone has not the doctrine of Christ, he has not God. Some any problems that you may have. Many people think they are running away from their
churches do not hold to these teachings. We should not attend a church that breaks one of problems, yet they are carrying their problems with them and unpacking them at their
these six doctrines. next stopover.
Some churches hold the following wrong doctrines:
Question: What is wrong with Charismatic Churches?
a) Some think that baptism makes a baby a child of God. See the extract from the
1. Tongues - which are not for today. See the chapter explaining this.
Anglican Prayer Book Catechism. “…in my baptism; wherein I was made a member of
2. False healing - they say "Come and be healed." If you don’t get healed it’s your fault
Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven.” John 1:12 refutes
because you haven’t got enough faith. Yet dead Lazarus had no faith to be healed when
this heresy.
dead. False advertising is lying.
b) Some baptise babies. Nowhere in the Bible do we see a baby being immersed.
3. Slaying people in the spirit – This is not in the Bible.
c) Some sprinkle babies and call it baptism, yet baptism in Greek clearly means "to
4. Word of prophecy - where some person comes and tells you a message supposedly
from God to you. It’s very hard to argue with God. This is his way of putting himself in an
d) Confirmation at age 7 or 14 by a minister laying hands on a person's head. Where is
elevated position so that you find it hard to argue with God. He has privileged
confirmation mentioned in the Bible? It arose because the false doctrine of infant
information that normal mortals don’t have. Many of these “prophecies” prove to be
baptism led to the false doctrine of confirmation.
e) Some churches are Amillennial meaning that they don't teach prophecy or the second
5. Modern versions of the Bible - because of their thousands of omissions.
coming of Christ, not believing that Christ will return to earth to rule for 1,000 years of
6. Weak on standards and separation from evil. They’ll join up with Roman Catholics any
peace (Revelation 20). 25% of the Bible is prophecy of Christ's premillennial second
day of the week, as long as the priest speaks in tongues.
coming before the 1,000 years. To reject this is to reject 25% of the Bible. How can you
fellowship with a group that rejects 25% of the Bible? 5. HOW TO GET ON WELL WITH PARENTS.
f) Some churches have ministers who wear BLACK ROBES. Where is this in the Bible? It We have a problem today called the generation gap. Why? How did this develop?
is a carry over from the Roman Catholic Church, which received it from paganism. Answer: It developed through the public school system, where children rebel against their
g) The High Anglican Church is 95% Roman Catholic. parent's values and follow peer pressure to adopt their peers values in order to remain
h) Some churches think it is all right to ordain women as Pastors. Yet Paul forbids this in I popular. Young people so much want to be accepted by their friends, or not to appear
Timothy 2:12. "I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to foolish in front of their peers that they will do almost anything to gain peer acceptance.
be in silence." When parents protest, they are called old fashioned and teens rebel even more.
The male Pastor has authority in the church, not a lady. Solution:
i) Many churches do not maintain high standards of behaviour. They allow a wide range 1. Teens must decide to please God first and not worry if their peers like them or not.
of false beliefs and wrong doctrines in order to keep a large crowd attending. They are 2. Young people must trust God to provide Godly friends
3. Young people must at all costs reject and avoid ungodly and bad friends from e) Help them around the house. This prepares you to manage your own house later.
influencing them. See Psalm 1:1-6. They have a big job cooking, ironing, paying bills and looking after you. So ask them
4. Young people must obtain their ideas and values from the Bible as they study it daily. what you can do to help.
5. Children, Obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1; Colossians f) Thank them for what they’ve done for you such as cooking meals, ironing, etc. This
3:20. helps you to develop a thankful attitude all through your life, especially to your future
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may spouse. Then your children will be thankful and appreciative to you later.
be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3. g) See God speaking through their advice. God gave you your parents to mould your
Three reasons are given why children should obey their parents: character. God can use any faults that you think your parents have to teach you
1. This is right. lessons for life. For example, if your father is easily angry, you learn not to be angry.
2. That it may be well with thee. God can reveal His will to you through your parent's advice.
3. That thou may live long on the earth.
Young people, if you can submit to your parents and have a happy relationship with them, it
Make a list of what you want in a spouse. They must be:
is very likely that you will easily be able to submit to your spouse and have a happy
1. Saved.
marriage relationship.
2. Committed and dedicated to winning people to Christ and teaching the Bible.
Young men, if you want a good wife, watch how a young lady treats her father, because
3. Sound in doctrine and loyal to a fundamental, Biblical church.
she’ll treat you the same way.
4. Love and respect their parents.
Young ladies, if you want a good husband, watch how a young man treats his mother,
5. Dress modestly.
because he’ll treat you the same way.
6. Respect their pastor.
Remember, young people, God’s unchangeable law:
7. Not soon angry. "Make no friendship with an angry man, lest thou learn his ways and
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
get a snare to thy soul." Proverbs 22:24.
reap." Gal. 6:7.
8. Patient.
If you rebel against your parents now, your children or someone close to you will rebel
9. Wise, loving the Bible, loving God and wanting to serve God.
against you later and break your heart.You may sin and get forgiveness from God, but you
10. Hard worker, not lazy, and not silly.
face two other problems:
1) People may not forgive you or trust you after you're sinned. Do not let physical attraction blind you to the lack of other important qualities. Remember,
2) You may still have trouble with bad consequences years later for your sins, such as you marry their brains as well as their bodies. When you are married, their problems
those people in jail, those who are addicted to drugs. become your problems. So marry a Godly person who will help lift your problems, not add to
The world teaches rebellion, and the Bible teaches obedience. When we obey God, parents your problems. If you fight and argue a lot before you marry, you are sure to fight and argue
and pastors, we are safe, because we are protected within their wall of authority. When a a lot more after you are married. So marry someone that you don’t fight and argue with.
person rebels, he goes outside the wall of protection. He may feel freedom for a while, but Build the spiritual side of your relationship first as you both serve God together and study
the downside is that he is now in great danger to the many enemies that await him to Bible issues together. Then develop mental communication and understanding as you get
destroy him such as drugs, AIDS, crime, or false ideas that ruin people’s lives. So, how can to know each other without interference of the physical side racing ahead.
you get on well with your parents? Lastly, after you are married the physical, sexual side can have freedom to develop.
Warning: if you allow the physical side to develop during courtship, it tends to hinder the
a) Obey them. When parents see that you obey them, they see that they can trust you, so
growth of the spiritual and communication aspects, which so often leads to breaking up or
they begin to relax the rules and give you more freedom, knowing that you are maturing
divorce later.
in wisdom and are less likely to do silly things and ruin your life.
b) Respect them. They are probably 30 years older than you which means that they have 7. HOW TO HANDLE MONEY WISELY
30 years more experience than you. Because they love you and have given birth to you, Money can be a good servant, or a very bad master. Money can bring great freedom to
have given you everything you have, and done everything for you, and fed, clothed and spread the Gospel, or money can be a great tyrrant that enslaves you and hinders your
schooled you, you should respect, love and honour them in return. work for the Lord. The love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10.
c) Love them, because they love you. It is right that we should love those who love us. Be Money is a gift from God, whereby God tests our stewardship, entrusting it to us to use to
thankful. win people to Christ here and overseas.
d) Communicate politely with them. Many parents protest because their children spend Here are some key lessons to learn about money:
so much time with their friends that they never talk in depth with their parents. This a) Honour God with it by giving God 10% of your income and He will bless you in many
causes parents to insist that their children stay at home. You must sit down and have a different ways. Malachi 3:7-10; Luke 6:38; Leviticus 27:30,32.
good talk with your mum and dad daily or weekly, just so that they know what you are b) God entrusts some people with large sums of money for the purpose of spreading the
doing. Gospel all over the world. Should God entrust you with large sums of money, always
remember that God has given it to you to use for His purposes.
"It is he that giveth thee power to get wealth." Deuteronomy 8:18.
You will have to give account to God in heaven as to how you have used this money to 2. Sex injects fear and guilt into the relationship.
win people to Christ and build churches all over the world. If God can trust you with “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers
small amounts of money, He may trust you with large sums of money later. Luke 16:9- God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4.
13. Guilt comes because premarital sex violates our God-given conscience. Fear comes
c) After giving 10% of your income to God, regularly and weekly, save another 10% for because the male gets the privilege of sex without the responsibility of commitment
later, like the ant that saves food for later. Proverbs 30:25. in marriage. The female fears that he may leave her. She pesters him to get married.
d) Be willing to get a job and work hard, but never work on Sunday, except for a very good Since it may cost $10,000 to get married (reception, ring, honeymoon, hire cars,
reason. Aim to attend two church services on Sunday. Don’t let working for money keep dresses, hire suits etc), the male says that he cannot afford to get married right now so
you out of church. Ask God for a job that does not require working on Sunday. Exodus that she must wait till some indefinite time in the future. This is a subtle form of rejection.
20:8-11. She worries and fears that he may never get around to marriage. She feels insecure, so
e) Don’t put a great percentage of your money into depreciating assets like cars. she pesters him more to get married. He finally gets so sick of her nagging him that
f) Aim to be independent financially and self-supporting so that you can retire from when he meets another likeable lady he finds an easy reason to leave lady number one.
secular work early and serve the Lord as a full-time occupation. Then the family court enters the picture and there may be a splitting of his and her
assets into 1/3 for him, 1/3 for her, and 1/3 for the solicitor. If there are any children, he
8. HOW TO COURT BIBLICALLY, and WHY REJECT SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE must pay $200 per week maintenance for his ex-partner to support the children and
The movies and peers have greatly influenced the pursuit of immorality and having a rent. This is how pre-marital sex can lead to financial hardship. Very often when couples
physical relationship during courtship. We have to reject this as CONTRARY to God's ways live together without marrying they break up around age thirty and the girl finds that she
in the Bible. God says: "It is GOOD for a man NOT TO TOUCH a woman. But to avoid has "missed the boat" and is unlikely to get married.
fornication, let every man have his own wife...." 1 Corinthians 7:1,2. 3. Sex lays a foundation of distrust and lack of respect.
Treat the younger women as sisters, with ALL PURITY. 1 Timothy 5:2. She thinks that if he has sex with me outside of marriage, he may later on leave me to
“This is the will of God... that ye should abstain from fornication... that no man go beyond have sex with someone else if the opportunity presents itself. Mature love is based on
and defraud his brother in any matter: because the Lord is the avenger of all such ... For the security of exclusivity and permanence of the relationship. If two people stay
God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness....” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8. morally pure before marriage, each person feels a greater degree of security, trust and
Fornicating is defrauding or robbing the girl's future husband of a pure bride (v.6). If you respect.
steal a girl’s moral purity, God will take revenge on you for it with undesirable 4. Sex causes you to compare one person with previous partners.
consequences. How? 5. Sex deceives you into thinking that you are in love.
God has many ways of disciplining humans. It is such an emotional thing that it can convince you that you are in love while
If you don’t like these moral standards, you are despising God. (v.8). overlooking other important factors that later on, when logic prevails, may make you
Keys to Biblical Courtship: dislike the person. Sex love can cause you to overlook his laziness, violence, drug
1. Pray for God to lead you to the girl of His choosing. addiction, lying, unfaithfulness, etc, all of which are a recipe for a disastrous relationship.
2. Go out in groups to minimise temptation. 6. The facts are against you:
3. Pray before each time you see her so that you will conduct yourself in a Christ- a) Pre-marital sex tends to break up couples before marriage takes place.
honouring manner. b) Those who have pre-marital sex are more likely to have their marriages end in
4. Don’t touch the girl, or you are likely to start the physical slide into fornication. divorce. For example, practising Christians’ divorce rate is 1 in 1500, yet the
5. Develop good spiritual and mental communication. community divorce rate is 700 in 1500. This is 700 times worse.
6. Get home early. c) Persons who had pre-marital sex are more likely to have extramarital affairs as well.
7. Serve the Lord together, trying to win people to Christ and to teach the Bible together. d) Having pre-marital sex may fool you into marrying a person who is not right for you.
8. Be cheerful and filled with the Holy Spirit. Sex can blind you to a person's faults.
Why Reject Sex Before Marriage?
Within marriage, sex increases the commitment that binds two people together. Sex outside
a) Get busy serving God. Teach a Sunday school class, run a Bible study, learn how to
marriage has the opposite effect, becoming a wedge, a stumbling block, a hindrance to the
share the Gospel better and attend a doctrinally sound Bible College.
development of mature love, very often breaking up the friendship altogether. Why does this
b) Study the Bible and pray daily.
c) Help your parents around the home and talk to them.
1. Sex before marriage prevents other aspects of the relationship from developing.
d) Ring people to invite them to church.
Anybody can learn to kiss, but not everybody can learn to communicate meaningfully.
e) Pick people up and bring them to church.
Physical attraction is insufficient glue to build or maintain a lasting relationship. The
f) Work out the Bible, so that you really understand it well.
qualities that hold a relationship together are trust, honesty, respect, openness, deep
g) Go out to share the Gospel weekly.
friendship, and spiritual intimacy which take time and effort to develop. When you
focus on the sexual/physical side, you short circuit building these qualities and you end You think up a few more. Aim to prepare yourself for the Lord's work.
up with a poor foundation, without the spiritual communication developing first.