V Sundaram Lalitha Devi Rajat Bose 36 Others: Nimmi Ragavan
V Sundaram Lalitha Devi Rajat Bose 36 Others: Nimmi Ragavan
V Sundaram Lalitha Devi Rajat Bose 36 Others: Nimmi Ragavan
If any planet in ashwini then chances (repeat - chances ) of significant events in these years
1. First year there could be some problems with fire in the house/ life
2. Second year some fever esp if mats or ketu or sun
3. In 3 RD year the 6 th house will get activated
4. In 5 th year some events in 2 ND house or eye problems to someone in family or something to do
with property in family
5. In 10 th and 20 th year chances of death in family or diseases to some or maraka periods get
6. In 24 th year someone from past life will visit as an animal or health issues
7. The 46 th year health issues or job issues or court cases
Pls test this aggressively and post systematically with chart details where this is working or not
v Sundaram, Lalitha Devi, Rajat Bose and 36 others like this.
Nimmi Ragavan In my chart, Venus is in Ashvini. In my 47th year (3 months after my 46th birthday) I had a very
serious health issue. The dasa running was saturn/venus. I have posted the chart before.
24 September at 15:17 Like 3
Nimmi Ragavan Hitler has sun and mercury in Ashwini. He broke the treaty of Versailles in his 46th year. The
dasa was Rahu/sun. It could be said this was the beginning of his end, though he was successful in his invasion
of the Rhineland and was greeted with flowers and priests. The following referendum gave him a 99% yes vote.
24 September at 15:38 Like 3
Vishwajeet Babbal in 10th year, death of grand mother, in 24th year made with an accident
Gopal Krishna In my Laptop I tried but I am not able to prepare jpeg file of birthchart. DOB 02.04.1962... 8.35
AM Alwaye....Venus in Ashwini .2nd pada.. In fifth year, birth of second sister in Makha another star of Ketu
( 13.09.1966). In tenth year father expired..(30.03.1972) In 46th year left the job where there has been an
illustrious career, paving way for unsettled career( March 2008).
24 September at 17:01 Edited Like 1
Sapta Rishis Chart 1: Arias-Sanchez,_Oscar - The technique says "The 46 th year health issues or job issues or
court cases: Mars is in Ashwini in the 6H of war, fights, health issues, job issues. At age of 46 and one month
(that means 47th year) Arias was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize on 10/14/1987 for his authorship of the
Central American Peace Plan. - Chart was created using Saptarishis Research Software created by Ehsan Kh
Sapta Rishis In Case 1: Arias - pls note that Mars is in the 6H of war and it is retro (reverse), he won Noble
Peace Price
24 September at 18:42 Like
Jatinder Sandhu Here is one chart ,she suffered from molestation/rape when 10 years old .Nakshatra ashwini
( moon)
Sapta Rishis Appreciate the charts posted and the hard work done. I would appreciate it further if those who
have not posted post charts fromwww.saptarishisresearchsoftware.com . Few months back someone complained
that they not being commercial astrologers do not have database now it has been solved by giving a free
software with 30,000 charts that too searchable
Nimmi Ragavan Should we investigate the dasa periods of planets in Ashwini too? I just noticed that Jeffrey
Archer went to prison in Venus/Sun. Sun is in Ashwini. He turned 46 in 1986. He went to prison in 2001,
24 September at 22:52 Like
Vandana Gupta Motilal Nehru: 06 May 1861 Agra City UP. ) 04:30 am
1. First year there could be some problems with fire in the house/ life - Father died while Nehru was in womb, he
was born 3 months after father's death, it is like fire in life when 9H is so badly afflicted by loss of one's father
2. Second year some fever esp if mats or ketu or sun - Not available
3. In 3 RD year the 6 th house will get activated Nehru's second eldest brother began supporting family financially after a "couple of years from their father's
death (6H is 10th from 9H of second elder brother conjunct elder brother's 6L-service/compulsion, and 11Lgains). Note - here second elder brother takes father's role (9H) which also happens to be in sequence of siblings
lagna for him. Till then their maternal uncle (6H) was supporting family (though in a meager way)- 6L in Lagna in
Ashwani. Dasha Sat-VEn & Sat-Mer
4. In 5 th year some events in 2 ND house or eye problems to someone in family or something to do with property
in family - Not available/found
5. In 10 th and 20 th year chances of death in family or diseases to some or maraka periods get activated In 23rd year elder brother passed away.specific details not found related to these ages.
6. In 24 th year someone from past life will visit as an animal or health issues - Not available/found
7. The 46 th year health issues or job issues or court cases - he was a practicing lawyer of international fame at
this age
Vandana Gupta SA - would you please share the source(s) of these ages for Ashwani. It will help to learn
directly from the source as well as what we learn here. Thank you.
25 September at 00:01 Like 1
Sastry Karra I have a friend who has Saturn in Ashiwi star. She is 47 yrs old. She had lots of troubles in career &
health between her 46th & 47th birthday. I will post her charts after taking her permission
25 September at 03:42 Like 1
Nimmi Ragavan Regarding Jeffrey Archer - In his 46th year, he had to resign his leadership of the conservative
party as a result of a sex scandal. So this bears out the test.
25 September at 03:44 Like 1
Sapta Rishis Dear Sastry Karra , think so u got it wrong with the ages for 46 th year would mean in modern
parlance completed 45th year and the next 12 months (that would be the 46th year) , if i understood ur post
correctly, otherwise forgive
25 September at 11:03 Like
Sapta Rishis Dear Nimmi Ragavan re dasa period i would not know
25 September at 11:04 Like
Sapta Rishis Dear Vandana Gupta here is the chart of Nehru for the young ones for ready reference of learning
from here
Sapta Rishis Dear Vandana Gupta impressed with your systematic post, wish all of us could do the same as u
do in point wise manner
25 September at 11:09 Like 1
Sapta Rishis Dear Vandana Gupta, the source of this is notes prepared by Dr Arjun Pai for the Nakshatra
Course that we are doing. Some wanted correspondence course which i dont have the resources to make a
proper set up with it so i posted some notes here of what he has shared so far
25 September at 11:10 Edited Like 1
Sapta Rishis i hope Amer Shah and Guilherme Alves Pereira andMuhammad Imran get time to post some
25 September at 11:14 Like
Vandana Gupta Hi SA - sorry but I don;t see the relevance of posting Pt Nehru's chart. I have posted Motilal
Nehru's chart (his father's) for the example I cited.
25 September at 11:41 Like
Vandana Gupta SA - perhaps you could seek the source from Arjun Pai for the ages and impact and rationale
thereof. Or, alternatively ask him to post/share with the group. Thank you.
Guilherme Alves Pereira Sorry, the charts that i have with Asvini naksatra i do not have much information about
the life of the person.
25 September at 15:53 Like