Mastering React - Sample Chapter
Mastering React - Sample Chapter
Mastering React - Sample Chapter
Mastering React
Mastering React
$ 44.99 US
28.99 UK
Ryan Vice
Adam Horton
With this text, you'll blitz the basics then swiftly move on
to advanced topics such as form validation and complete
application construction. You'll also explore several design
activities which will help you develop your web applications
with a thoughtful plan. Finally, you'll learn several methods
for implementing slick animations using React.
C o m m u n i t y
D i s t i l l e d
Mastering React
Master the art of building modern web applications using React
E x p e r i e n c e
Adam Horton
Ryan Vice
of all things Web, computing, and gaming. He started his career as a firmware
developer for the high-end Superdome server division at Hewlett Packard. There, the
JavaScript and C he wrought directed the power, cooling, health, and configuration
of those behemoth devices. Since then, he has been a web developer for PayPal,
utilizing cross-domain JavaScript techniques with an emphasis on user identity.
Lately, at ESO Solutions, he's a lead JavaScript developer for next-generation, prehospital electronic health record (EHR) field collection applications.
Adam believes in an inclusive, ubiquitous, and open Web. He values pragmatism
and practice over dogma in the design and implementation of computing
applications and education.
Ryan Vice is the founder and chief architect of Vice Software, which specializes
in practical, tailored solutions for clients, whether they are looking to get their MVP
to market or modernize existing applications. On top of offering more competitive
prices across the board, Vice Software offers skill-based pricing, which means you
only pay architect rates when needed and pay much lower production rates for
simpler feature work. Ryan has also been awarded Microsoft's MVP award three
times, has published one other book on software architecture, and frequently speaks
at conferences and events in Texas. Additionally, Ryan is lucky enough to be married
to his wife, Heather, and spends most of his free time trying to keep up with their
three kids, Grace, Dylan, and Noah.
The book before you is a collaboration between myselfa web-focused, day-to-day
code slingerand Ryan Vicea veteran .NET expert turned web application Maven
and entrepreneur. I met Ryan at my current company while creating very complex web
applications for emergency response outfits, such as EMS. At that time, the company
was building a revolution of its flagship product. While it was still a very early time
for React, it offered something above and beyond all the current MV* frameworks: a
fresh approach to blazing-fast rendering. Since speed is paramount in the emergency
response industry, we embraced React. When an opportunity came along to write about
React, Ryan tapped me for assistance, and this book is the result of that.
It's great timing for a technology such as React. The open web platform has
succeeded because of a simple tenet: never break the Web. As a result, the DOM, the
in-browser data representation of a rendered web page, has grown to be enormous
and somewhat unwieldy. Every small touch on the DOM cascades into a flurry of
calculation and reconciliation in order to update pixels on the screen. React treats
the DOM as the expensive resource that it is and makes operations on the DOM
minimal. The time saved is better spent running your complex application logic.
In this book, you'll learn the fundamentals of React as well as a pragmatic approach
to making web applications. You'll also learn how to choose the right tools for your
needs. In the first three chapters, we'll start by thoroughly covering basic React
topics such as state, props, and JSX, as well as the more complex subject of forms
and validation. Chapter 4, Anatomy of a React Application, is something unique to a
book like this: a tour of web application anatomy and some design techniques that
can help you formulate a clear plan to build your apps. In chapters 5 through 9,
we'll build a multiuser blog application using the design techniques and supporting
libraries explored in the previous two chapters. Finally, in Chapter 10, Animation in
React, we'll have some fun by navigating through the many ways you can create cool
animations using React.
Introduction to React
This book is an advanced book on React but we wanted to provide a primer on the
basics so that this book could be both comprehensive and accessible. We will not
spend a lot of time on all of the subtleties of each technique that we will look at here.
We will instead look at concise samples that illustrate the tools and techniques that
we are covering. We will also have links to where you can easily access and run the
code samples as you follow along.
In this chapter, we will be covering the following concepts:
Hello React
For the first example we will create a fully working Hello World-style example using
React by undertaking the following steps:
1. Create a new HTML file and call it hello-react.html.
2. Paste the following code in hello-react.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello React</title>
<script src="">
Introduction to React
<script src="">
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return React.DOM.h1(null, 'Hello React');
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelloReact), document.
As of version 0.13.0, React splits its API into two files. Now, there is
one file that contains the browser-specific DOM code and another
file that contains the rest of React's API. This was done because
React is being used in more and more places and currently is used
by React Native to build mobile applications. It can also be used
to build Windows and Mac desktop applications using platforms
such as Electron..
Chapter 1
This will bring in version v0.14.0 of React, and then the code in the script block that
is shown in the following code creates a ReactElement parameter of type h1 and sets
children to be the string Hello React:
React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello React');
We pass the ReactElement parameter that is created by this call as the first argument
to the ReactDOM.render() method shown as follows:
React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello React'),
React's render method is taking a ReactElement parameter as its first argument and
a document.body DOM element as its second argument. The render method will
then write the HTML generated by the first argument, the ReactElement, as a child
of the second argument, the document.body DOM element. You can see the results
in Chrome's Elements tab, as shown in the following screenshot:
Introduction to React
As you can see, we now have an h1 element in our DOM that contains the string
Hello React as a child.
However, you might be wondering how this is component based and you'd be right
in being skeptical as we haven't created a component yet. Components are one of the
things that really makes React a powerful and flexible framework so let's see what
our example looks like if we update it to create a component. To do this, update the
script in hello-react.html as shown in the following code, and refresh the browser
to verify that our program still works the same:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return React.DOM.h1(null, 'Hello React');
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelloReact), document.body);
The createClass() method takes an object that must specify a render method. The
render method is responsible for returning a single ReactClass to be rendered. Here
we are creating a ReactClass that represents an h1 DOM element that contains the
string Hello React.
Chapter 1
Note that we are now using the React.DOM API to create our
h1 ReactElement instance. The React.DOM API provides
convenience methods for creating common HTML elements and
internally calls the React.createElement() method and passes
the needed parameters for us. It may seem odd that the React.
DOM part of the API was not moved to ReactDOM like ReactDOM.
Render. However, it appears that the React team has decided that
the HTML semantics and UI widgets are part of their universal
approach to building UIs, while the actual rendering is platform
specific. Here's an excerpt from the React documentation about the
"As we look at packages such as react-native, react-art, react-canvas,
and react-three, it has become clear that the beauty and essence of
React has nothing to do with browsers or the DOM.
To make this more clear and to make it easier to build more
environments that React can render, we're splitting the main React
package into two: react and react-dom. This paves the way to
writing components that can be shared between the Web version of
React and React Native. We don't expect all the code in an app to
be shared, but we want to be able to share the components that do
behave in the same manner across platforms.
The React package contains React.createElement,
.createClass, .Component, .PropTypes, .Children, and
the other helpers related to elements and component classes.
We think of these as isomorphic or universal helpers that you need
to build components."
As shown in the following code, we then call the React.render() method and pass
the results of calling React.createElement(HelloReact):
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelloReact), document.body);
Now we've updated our code to create a React component and, as we will see, these
components will offer a lot of power and flexibility to our web applications.
Source code:
Introduction to React
In order to make its component API easier to use, React has its own syntax called
JSX, which combines JavaScript and HTML. Let's take a look at updating our
sample code to use JSX by copying the following code into hello-react.html and
refreshing our browser:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Hello React</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return React.DOM.h1(null, 'Hello React');
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(HelloReact), document.body);
How it works
The first thing we had to do to make this work was to add a reference to the JSX
Transformer file shown in the following code:
<script src=""></script>
Chapter 1
Now instead of calling into the React API to define our components DOM structure,
we just write the desired DOM structure inline within our return statement.
As we will see later, we can even reference other react components
as HTML elements!
And now we can just pass the HTML tag version of our component into the React.
render() method to have it rendered to the DOM:
ReactDOM.render(<HelloReact />, document.body);
Now that we have seen how to set up a page to host the React application, we will
start using JsFiddle to look at the examples. The example we just looked at is in the
fiddle (
Introduction to React
Follow that link and click the Run button to run the code. You should see the
following output:
Decompiling JSX
Babel has created a tool that allows seeing the decompiled JavaScript that would
be created during JSX transformation. The Babel tool is shown in the following
screenshot, and you can find the tool at
Chapter 1
The JSX Compiler has two code windows. The code window on the left is where
you can put JSX, and the results of compiling it to React's API is shown in the code
window on the right.
However, if we paste this code into the JSX Compiler we will see the following error:
Error: Parse Error: Line 1: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in
an enclosing tag
Introduction to React
The error here is indicating that we need to wrap our JSX in a single root element
shown in the following code:
var HelloMessage = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div> // works
<div>Hello React</div>
<div>How are you?</div>
If we paste this in the JSX compiler we won't see any errors and, instead, we will see
the compiled React API code as shown below:
var HelloMessage = React.createClass({displayName: "HelloMessage",
render: function() {
return React.createElement("div", null, " // works",
React.createElement("div", null, "Hello React"),
React.createElement("div", null, "How are you?")
Looking at the code generated by the compiler we can see why our previous code
structure wouldn't work as our JavaScript return statement can only return a single
ReactElement. Because of this we have to return a single root node and can't return
multiple adjacent sibling nodes as the error pointed out. However, now that we have
added a root node, everything works and we can see in the compiled output that we
are creating a div that contains two <div> tags and returning a single ReactElement.
Now we might want to format our code better for readability and we could be
tempted to do something, as shown in the following code:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return {
<div>Hello React</div>
<div>How are you?</div>
[ 10 ]
Chapter 1
This will not throw an error in the JSX Compiler but it will throw the runtime error
shown in the following code:
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: HelloReact.render(): A valid
ReactComponent must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an
array or some other invalid object.
All is not lost though because simply wrapping our JSX in parenthesis will allow
us more flexibility when formatting our code. The following code sample uses
this approach and we will no longer get an error when we run it. I like using this
approach as it lets me keep my code nice and neatly formatted:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
<div>How are you?</div>
So far our components have not been configurable. Clearly we would want to be able
to define a component that can take arguments via the component's HTML element
attributes. The following code shows how we can do this:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
[ 11 ]
Introduction to React
<HelloReact message='Message from props'/>,
Note that props are immutable and not dynamic. To change the
value of a prop requires rerendering the component.
How it works
React components have props collections that will be populated from the
component's HTML attributes that the component is declared with. So, in the
following code, we are setting the message attribute of the prop collection to
Message from props:
<HelloReact message='Message from props'/>,
Now, in our component's definition, we can access the value that message was set to
by using this.props.message.
Note that if we want to access this in JSX markup, we need to surround the code with
brackets, shown in the following code:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
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Chapter 1
We can also copy prop values to local variables as shown in the following code, and
then reference the local variables in our JSX markup shown in the following code:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var localMessage = this.props.message;
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
We can use any valid JavaScript expression between the brackets in our JSX so we
could update the previous example shown in the following code:
{localMessage + ' and from JSX'}
This will concatenate the value contained in the localMessage variable with the
string 'and from JSX', resulting in the output shown in the following screenshot:
We would also like to be able to validate our props and we can do some basic
validations using propTypes as shown in the following code:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
message: React.PropTypes.string,
[ 13 ]
Introduction to React
number: React.PropTypes.number,
requiredString: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
render: function() {
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
<HelloReact message='How are you' number='not a number'/>,
Now, if we run this code and look at the warnings in the console of our browser's
debug tools we will see the warnings shown in the following code. These warnings
indicate that we have two invalid props:
Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop `number` of type `string`
supplied to `HelloReact`, expected `number`.
Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `requiredString` was not
specified in `HelloReact`.
[ 14 ]
Chapter 1
We can also provide default property values that will get used if an attribute isn't
specified in the HTML markup declaring our component. The following code
shows how we can create a default value for the message prop by defining a
getDefaultProps method:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
message: 'I am from default'
render: function() {
return (
<div>Hello React</div>
<HelloReact />,
Now when we run the code we will see the output as shown below:
[ 15 ]
Introduction to React
So far our components are static and don't allow for dynamic behavior, which isn't
very interesting and we would need to be able to make our components dynamic for
them to be useful. React components have the concept of state to allow for dynamic
behavior. The following code shows how we can use state to create some simple
dynamic behavior:
var HelloReact = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
message: 'I am from default state'
updateMessage: function(e) {
render: function() {
return (
<input type='text' onChange={this.updateMessage}/>
<div>Hello React</div>
<HelloReact />,
Go ahead and run the code and you will see the output as shown below:
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Chapter 1
Now type something into the text box and you will see that the I am from
default state will change to something dynamically as you type, as shown in the
following screenshot:
How it works
We are seeing a few new concepts here. First, we are wiring up our dynamic
property from the state collection using the following code:
Now, anytime this.state.message changes we will see that change reflected in the
browser because React will rerender our component. Next, we need to wire up our
UI to allow us to update this.state.message in response to user input. To do this
we will take advantage of the synthetic events' capabilities of React's virtual DOM.
The virtual DOM is described on React's website, as shown below:
"React abstracts away the DOM from you, giving a simpler programming
model and better performance."
The virtual DOM exposes synthetic events and you can learn more
about React's synthetic events here:
[ 17 ]
Introduction to React
Here we are capturing the synthetic event's argument, e, and then calling this.
setState and passing in a JavaScript object with a message property that is set to
the value of (our text box). The this.setState() method is added to
our React component by React and it will update the component's state with the
properties that are defined in the JSON object that is passed in, and then rerender the
component using the new state. Components in React are meant to be state machines
and changing the state transitions the UI from one visual state to another.
Note that this.setState() method will merge the existing
this.state with the object that is passed in. This means that
you only need to specify the properties that you want to update
as it will not delete any properties that are not defined in the
JSON object, which are currently defined on this.state.
The only remaining detail in the code sample is how we are able to declare a default
state by defining a getInitialState() method:
getInitialState: function() {
return {
message: 'I am from default state'
The object we return from the getInitialState() method will be used to initialize
our component's state.
In this chapter we looked at the most basic and fundamental concepts in React. We
saw how to create components, how to pass in data to them using props, and how to
make them dynamic using state.
In the next chapter we will look at component composition and component lifecycle.
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