Machine Learning in Java - Sample Chapter
Machine Learning in Java - Sample Chapter
Machine Learning in Java - Sample Chapter
C o m m u n i t y
$ 49.99 US
31.99 UK
Botjan Kalua
Machine Learning
in Java
D i s t i l l e d
Machine Learning
in Java
Design, build, and deploy your own machine learning applications
by leveraging key Java machine learning libraries
E x p e r i e n c e
Botjan Kalua
Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence. It helps computers to learn
and act like human beings with the help of algorithms and data. With a given
set of data, an ML algorithm learns different properties of the data and infers the
properties of the data that it may encounter in future.
This book will teach the readers how to create and implement machine learning
algorithms in Java by providing fundamental concepts as well as practical examples.
In this process, it will also talk about some machine learning libraries that are
frequently used, such as Weka, Apache Mahout, Mallet, and so on. This book
will help the user to select appropriate approaches for particular problems and
compare and evaluate the results of different techniques. This book will also cover
performance improvement techniques, including input preprocessing and combining
output from different methods.
Without shying away from the technical details, you will explore machine learning
with Java libraries using clear and practical examples. You will also explore how
to prepare data for analysis, choose a machine learning method, and measure the
success of the process.
Chapter 3, Basic Algorithms Classification, Regression, and Clustering, starts with basic
machine learning tasks, introducing the key algorithms for classification, regression,
and clustering, using small, easy-to-understand datasets.
Chapter 4, Customer Relationship Prediction with Ensembles, dives into a real-world
marketing database, where the task is to predict the customer that will churn, upsell,
and cross-sell. The problem is attacked with ensemble methods, following the steps
of KDD Cup-winning solution.
Chapter 5, Affinity Analysis, discusses how to analyze co-occurrence relationships
using association rule mining. We will look into market basket analysis to
understand the purchasing behavior of customers and discuss applications of the
approach to other domains.
Chapter 6, Recommendation Engine with Apache Mahout, explains the basic concepts
required to understand recommendation engine principles, followed by two
applications leveraging Apache Mahout to build content-based filtering and
collaborative recommender.
Chapter 7, Fraud and Anomaly Detection, introduces the background to anomalous and
suspicious pattern detection, followed by two practical applications on detecting
frauds in insurance claims and detecting anomalies in website traffic.
Chapter 8, Image Recognition with Deeplearning4j, introduces image recognition and
reviews fundamental neural network architectures. We will then discuss how
to implement various deep learning architectures with deeplearning4j library to
recognize handwritten digits.
Chapter 9, Activity Recognition with Mobile Phone Sensors, tackles the problem
of recognizing patterns from sensor data. This chapter introduces the activity
recognition process, explains how to collect data with an Android device, and
presents a classification model to recognize activities of daily living.
Chapter 10, Text Mining with Mallet Topic Modeling and Spam Detection, explains the
basics of text mining, introduces the text processing pipeline, and shows how to
apply this to two real-world problems: topic modeling and document classification.
Chapter 11, What is Next?, concludes the book with practical advice about how
to deploy models and gives you further pointers about where to find additional
resources, materials, venues, and technologies to dive deeper into machine learning.
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When Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense, had a news briefing on February
12, 2002, about the lack of evidence linking the government of Iraq to the supply of
weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups, it immediately became a subject of
much commentary. Rumsfeld stated (DoD News, 2012):
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me,
because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some
things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknownsthe ones we don't
know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and
other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones."
The statement might seem confusing at first, but the idea of unknown unknowns was
well studied among scholars dealing with risk, NSA, and other intelligence agencies.
What the statement basically says is the following:
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Chapter 7
In the following sections, we will look into two fundamental approaches dealing with
the first two types of knowns and unknowns: suspicious pattern detection dealing
with known-knowns and anomalous pattern detection targeting known-unknowns.
For example, when you visit a doctor, she inspects various health symptoms (body
temperature, pain levels, affected areas, and so on) and matches the symptoms
to a known disease. In machine learning terms, the doctor collects attributes and
performs classifications.
An advantage of this approach is that we immediately know what is wrong; for
example, assuming we know the disease, we can select appropriate treatment
A major disadvantage of this approach is that it can detect only suspicious patterns
that are known in advance. If a pattern is not inserted into a negative pattern library,
then we will not be able to recognize it. This approach is, therefore, appropriate for
modeling known-knowns.
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This approach requires us to model only what we have seen in the past, that is,
normal patterns. If we return to the doctor example, the main reason we visited
the doctor in the first place was because we did not feel fine. Our perceived state of
feelings (for example, headache, sore skin) did not match our usual feelings, therefore,
we decided to seek doctor. We don't know which disease caused this state nor do we
know the treatment, but we were able to observe that it doesn't match the usual state.
A major advantage of this approach is that it does not require us to say anything
about non-normal patterns; hence, it is appropriate for modeling known-unknowns
and unknown-unknowns. On the other hand, it does not tell us what exactly is wrong.
Analysis types
Several approaches have been proposed to tackle the problem either way. We
broadly classify anomalous and suspicious behavior detection in the following
three categories: pattern analysis, transaction analysis, and plan recognition. In the
following sections, we will quickly look into some real-life applications.
Pattern analysis
An active area of anomalous and suspicious behavior detection from patterns is
based on visual modalities such as camera. Zhang et al (2007) proposed a system for
a visual human motion analysis from a video sequence, which recognizes unusual
behavior based on walking trajectories; Lin et al (2009) described a video surveillance
system based on color features, distance features, and a count feature, where
evolutionary techniques are used to measure observation similarity. The system
tracks each person and classifies their behavior by analyzing their trajectory patterns.
The system extracts a set of visual low-level features in different parts of the image,
and performs a classification with SVMs to detect aggressive, cheerful, intoxicated,
nervous, neutral, and tired behavior.
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Chapter 7
Transaction analysis
Transaction analysis assumes discrete states/transactions in contrast to continuous
observations. A major research area is Intrusion Detection (ID) that aims at
detecting attacks against information systems in general. There are two types of ID
systems, signature-based and anomaly-based, that broadly follow the suspicious and
anomalous pattern detection as described in the previous sections. A comprehensive
review of ID approaches was published by Gyanchandani et al (2012).
Furthermore, applications in ambient-assisted living that are based on wearable
sensors also fit to transaction analysis as sensing is typically event-based.
Lymberopoulos et al (2008) proposed a system for automatic extraction of the users'
spatio-temporal patterns encoded as sensor activations from the sensor network
deployed inside their home. The proposed method, based on location, time, and
duration, was able to extract frequent patterns using the Apriori algorithm and
encode the most frequent patterns in the form of a Markov chain. Another area of
related work includes Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) (Rabiner, 1989) that are
widely used in traditional activity recognition for modeling a sequence of actions,
but these topics are already out of scope of this book.
Plan recognition
Plan recognition focuses on a mechanism for recognizing the unobservable state
of an agent, given observations of its interaction with its environment (AvrahamiZilberbrand, 2009). Most existing investigations assume discrete observations in the
form of activities. To perform anomalous and suspicious behavior detection, plan
recognition algorithms may use a hybrid approach, a symbolic plan recognizer is
used to filter consistent hypotheses, passing them to an evaluation engine, which
focuses on ranking.
These were advanced approaches applied to various real-life scenarios targeted
at discovering anomalies. In the following sections, we'll dive into more basic
approaches for suspicious and anomalous pattern detection.
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We'll work with a dataset describing insurance transactions publicly available at
Oracle Database Online Documentation (2015), as follows:
The dataset describes insurance vehicle incident claims for an undisclosed insurance
company. It contains 15,430 claims; each claim comprises 33 attributes describing the
following components:
A sample of the database shown in the following screenshot depicts the data loaded
into Weka:
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Chapter 7
Now the task is to create a model that will be able to identify suspicious claims in
future. The challenging thing about this task is the fact that only 6% of claims are
suspicious. If we create a dummy classifier saying no claim is suspicious, it will
be accurate in 94% cases. Therefore, in this task, we will use different accuracy
measures: precision and recall.
Recall the outcome table from Chapter 1, Applied Machine Learning Quick Start, where
there are four possible outcomes denoted as true positive, false positive, false
negative, and true negative:
Classified as
No fraud
TPtrue positive
FNfalse negative
No fraud
FPfalse positive
TNtrue negative
Pr =
Re =
With these measures, our dummy classifier scores Pr= 0 and Re = 0 as it never
marks any instance as fraud (TP=0). In practice, we want to compare classifiers
by both numbers, hence we use F-measure. This is a de-facto measure that
calculates a harmonic mean between precision and recall, as follows:
F measure =
2 Pr Re
Pr + Re
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Convert all the attributes from numeric to nominal in order to make sure
there are no incorrectly loaded numerical values
First, let's load the data using the CSVLoader class, as follows:
String filePath = "/Users/bostjan/Dropbox/ML Java Book/book/datasets/
CSVLoader loader = new CSVLoader();
loader.setSource(new File(filePath));
Instances data = loader.getDataSet();
Next, we need to make sure all the attributes are nominal. During the data import,
Weka applies some heuristics to guess the most probable attribute type, that is,
numeric, nominal, string, or date. As heuristics cannot always guess the correct type,
we can set types manually, as follows:
NumericToNominal toNominal = new NumericToNominal();
data = Filter.useFilter(data, toNominal);
Before we continue, we need to specify the attribute that we will try to predict. We
can achieve this by calling the setClassIndex(int) function:
int CLASS_INDEX = 15;
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Chapter 7
Vanilla approach
The vanilla approach is to directly apply the lesson as demonstrated in Chapter 3,
Basic Algorithms Classification, Regression, Clustering, without any pre-processing
and not taking into account dataset specifics. To demonstrate drawbacks of vanilla
approach, we will simply build a model with default parameters and apply k-fold
cross validation.
First, let's define some classifiers that we want to test:
ArrayList<Classifier>models = new ArrayList<Classifier>();
models.add(new J48());
models.add(new RandomForest());
models.add(new NaiveBayes());
models.add(new AdaBoostM1());
models.add(new Logistic());
Next, we create an Evaluation object and perform k-fold cross validation by calling
the crossValidate(Classifier, Instances, int, Random, String[]) method,
outputting precision, recall, and fMeasure:
int FOLDS = 3;
Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data);
for(Classifier model : models){
eval.crossValidateModel(model, data, FOLDS,
new Random(1), new String[] {});
System.out.println(model.getClass().getName() + "\n"+
"+eval.recall(FRAUD) + "\n"+
"\tPrecision: "+eval.precision(FRAUD) + "\n"+
"\tF-measure: "+eval.fMeasure(FRAUD));
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Precision: 0.9117647058823529
F-measure: 0.06478578892371996
Precision: 0.2521865889212828
F-measure: 0.06527070364082249
We can see the results are not very promising. Recall, that is, the share of discovered
frauds among all frauds is only 1-3%, meaning that only 1-3/100 frauds are detected.
On the other hand, precision, that is, the accuracy of alarms is 91%, meaning that in
9/10 cases, when a claim is marked as fraud, the model is correct.
Dataset rebalancing
As the number of negative examples, that is, frauds, is very small, compared to
positive examples, the learning algorithms struggle with induction. We can help
them by giving them a dataset, where the share of positive and negative examples is
comparable. This can be achieved with dataset rebalancing.
Weka has a built-in filter, Resample, which produces a random subsample of a
dataset using either sampling with replacement or without replacement. The filter
can also bias distribution towards a uniform class distribution.
We will proceed by manually implementing k-fold cross validation. First, we
will split the dataset into k equal folds. Fold k will be used for testing, while the
other folds will be used for learning. To split dataset into folds, we'll use the
StratifiedRemoveFolds filter, which maintains the class distribution within the
folds, as follows:
StratifiedRemoveFolds kFold = new StratifiedRemoveFolds();
double measures[][] = new double[models.size()][3];
for(int k = 1; k <= FOLDS; k++){
// Split data to test and train folds
kFold.setOptions(new String[]{
[ 134 ]
Chapter 7
"-N", ""+FOLDS, "-F", ""+k, "-S", "1"});
Instances test = Filter.useFilter(data, kFold);
kFold.setOptions(new String[]{
"-N", ""+FOLDS, "-F", ""+k, "-S", "1", "-V"});
// select inverse "-V"
Instances train = Filter.useFilter(data, kFold);
Next, we can rebalance train dataset, where theZ parameter specifies the
percentage of dataset to be resampled, and B bias the class distribution towards
uniform distribution:
Resample resample = new Resample();
resample.setOptions(new String[]{"-Z", "100", "-B", "1"}); //with
Instances balancedTrain = Filter.useFilter(train, resample);
Precision: 0.14570766048577555
F-measure: 0.21912423640160392
Precision: 0.13507459756495374
F-measure: 0.22969038530557626
Best model: weka.classifiers.functions.Logistic
What we can see is that all the models have scored significantly better; for instance,
the best model, Logistic Regression, correctly discovers 76% of frauds, while
producing a reasonable amount of false alarmsonly 13% of claims marked as fraud
are indeed fraudulent. If an undetected fraud is significantly more expensive than
investigation of false alarms, then it makes sense to deal with an increased number of
false alarms.
The overall performance has most likely still some room for improvement; we
could perform attribute selection and feature generation and apply more complex
model learning that we discussed in Chapter 3, Basic Algorithms Classification,
Regression, Clustering.
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Chapter 7
We'll work with a publicly available dataset released by Yahoo Labs that is useful for
discussing how to detect anomalies in time series data. For Yahoo, the main use case
is in detecting unusual traffic on Yahoo servers.
Even though Yahoo announced that their data is publicly available, you have to
apply to use it, and it takes about 24 hours before the approval is granted. The
dataset is available here:
The data set comprises real traffic to Yahoo services, along with some synthetic data.
In total, the dataset contains 367 time series, each of which contain between 741 and
1680 observations, recorded at regular intervals. Each series is written in its own file,
one observation per line. A series is accompanied by a second column indicator with
a one if the observation was an anomaly, and zero otherwise. The anomalies in real
data were determined by human judgment, while those in the synthetic data were
generated algorithmically. A snippet of the synthetic times series data is shown in
the following table:
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In the following section, we'll learn how to transform time series data to attribute
presentation that allows us to apply machine learning algorithms.
This list is, by no means, exhaustive. Different approaches are focused on detecting
different anomalies (for example, in value, frequency, and distribution). We will
focus on a version of distribution-based approaches.
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Chapter 7
Histograms can be then directly presented as instances, where each bin corresponds
to an attribute. Further, we can reduce the number of attributes by applying a
dimensionality-reduction technique such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
which allows us to visualize the reduced-dimension histograms in a plot as shown at
the bottom-right of the diagram, where each dot corresponds to a histogram.
In our example, the idea is to observe website traffic for a couple of days and then to
create histograms, for example, four-hour time windows to build a library of positive
behavior. If a new time window histogram cannot be matched against positive
library, we can mark it as an anomaly:
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Chapter 7
We will need the min and max value for histogram normalization, so let's collect them
in this data pass:
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 1; i<= 67; i++){
List<Double> sample = new ArrayList<Double>();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
boolean isAnomaly = false;
String line[] = reader.readLine().split(",");
double value = Double.parseDouble(line[1]);
max = Math.max(max, value);
min = Double.min(min, value);
if(line[2] == "1")
isAnomaly = true;
Creating histograms
We will create a histogram for a selected time window with the WIN_SIZE width.
The histogram will hold the HIST_BINS value buckets. The histograms consisting of
list of doubles will be stored into an array list:
int WIN_SIZE = 500;
int HIST_BINS = 20;
int current = 0;
List<double[]> dataHist = new ArrayList<double[]>();
for(List<Double> sample : rawData){
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Histograms are now completed. The last step is to transform them into Weka's
Instance objects. Each histogram value will correspond to one Weka attribute,
as follows:
ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
for(int i = 0; i<HIST_BINS; i++){
attributes.add(new Attribute("Hist-"+i));
Instances dataset = new Instances("My dataset", attributes,
for(double[] histogram: dataHist){
dataset.add(new Instance(1.0, histogram));
The LOF algorithm is not a part of the default Weka distribution, but it can be
downloaded through Weka's package manager:
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Chapter 7
The filter is initialized the same way as a usual filter. We can specify the k number
of neighbors, for example, k=3, with min and max parameters. LOF allows us to
specify two different k parameters, which are used internally as the upper and lower
bound to find the minimal/maximal number lof values:
LOF lof = new LOF();
lof.setOptions(new String[]{"-min", "3", "-max", "3"});
Next, we load training instances into the filter that will serve as a positive example
library. After we complete the loading, we call the batchFinished()method to
initialize internal calculations:
for(Instance inst : trainData){
Finally, we can apply the filter to test data. Filter will process the instances and
append an additional attribute at the end containing the LOF score. We can simply
output the score on the console:
Instances testDataLofScore = Filter.useFilter(testData, lof);
for(Instance inst : testDataLofScore){
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To understand the LOF values, we need some background on the LOF algorithm. It
compares the density of an instance to the density of its nearest neighbors. The two
scores are divided, producing the LOF score. The LOF score around 1 indicates that
the density is approximately equal, while higher LOF values indicate that the density
of the instance is substantially lower than the density of its neighbors. In such cases,
the instance can be marked as anomalous.
In this chapter, we looked into detecting anomalous and suspicious patterns. We
discussed the two fundamental approaches focusing on library encoding either
positive or negative patterns. Next, we got our hands on two real-life datasets, where
we discussed how to deal with unbalanced class distribution and perform anomaly
detection in time series data.
In the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into patterns and more advanced approaches
to build pattern-based classifier, discussing how to automatically assign labels to
images with deep learning.
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