Watchtower: Our Lord's Return, 1925

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His Parousia, His

Apokalupsis, and
Bis Epiphania


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om profane and sacred history agree

B the foUowmg

facts, to wit: 'rhat about A. D.
1 there was born in Bethlehem a babe, who was
named Jesus; that he grew to manhood's estate;
that he was a great teaeller; that he was crucified on a
cross of wood, and died; ane) that the Christian religion
is based upon the teachings of this great Teacher, Jesus
of Nazareth.
The Bible teachings abundantly prove that JesUs of
Nazareth, at the age of thirty years, was baptized ill
the river Jordan; that he selecteel twelve disciples, who
were his special pupils dUTing the three and one-half
years that followed; that his crucifixion had been foretold by J chovab's prophets; that 011 the third day aftcr
I,is death he was resurrected from the dead; that fOTty
days thereafter he ascended into heaven and ten days
Jater the holy spirit was givell to his faithful disciples,
who we-re waiting at Jerusalem as directed by him; and
that these disciples conndently expected the second com
ing of Jesus Christ, and that later, in their epistles
to the Church, they spoke of his coming again. These
facts m'e cQllceded by aU who believe in the Bible.
Therefore, if the Scriptures conclusively establish the
fact of his second coming, then we should expect to fmd
therein proof as to the manner of his coming, the time
of his coming, and the purpose of his coming the second
time. In this order we examine the Scriptural evidence.

The Fact of Jesus' Second Coming

When Jesus was haptized in the Jordan, he was there
aclmowledged the Son of 80rl, as it is Wl'itten : "And

OWl' Lo>:d's ReM",,,

10, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3: 17) Mterwards, when .Jesus was in the Monnt of Transfiguration
with Peter, .James and John, he was again acknowledged
as the Son of God : ''While he yet spake, hellol d, a
bright eland overshadowed them; and, behold, a voice
out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son,
in i am well pleased; hear ye him." (Matthew.
17 : 5) Jesus often spoke of Jehovah God as his Father,
and of himself as the Son from heaven: "Then
answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I
say unto you, The Son CI!J1 do nothing of himself, but
what tie seeth the Father do: for what things soever
he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the
Father loveth the Son, anel slleweth him all things that
himself doeth : and he will shew him greater works
than these, that ye may marvel." (John 5: 19, 20;
John 9: 35-38) Again he said : "But these [thingsl
are written, that ye might believe that .Jesus is tllO
. Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, ye might
have life through his name."-.John 20: 31.
Being the Son of Gael, the words which .Jesns spoke
must import absolute verity. His testimony alone is
sufficient to establish a fact at issue. H e said tllat the
wOl:d which he spoke was by the authority of the Fatller,
Jehovah. (.John 14: 10) Coucerning his second coming .Jesus Christ ,s)loke with certainty a short time be
fore his death. To his disciples, gathered about hilll,
he said : "In my Father's house are many mansions: if
it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare
a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither
I go ye know, and the way ye know." .(.John 14: 2-4),

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

'(John 14:18) "Ye have heard how I said unto you,
I go away, and come again unto you. Ii ye Javed me,
ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father:
for my Father is greater than I!' (John 14: 28) These
words are proof conclusive of the fact of his second
I .~
After Ills resUrrection J esITS state'if tliat lie would
ascend to God, his Father in !leaven. '(Jolin 20:,17),
He appeared to the disciples several tiDies, not in his
glorified body, but in a body crea~ed by himself for
the very purposo of appearing to them before he
ascended to Jehovah God. On the day that he ' did
MconeI he gathered his disciples on the side of the
Mount of Olives. There he gave them some parting
instructions. He advised them to go to Jerusalem and
wait until they should receive t he power of the holy
spirit that they might thereafter be his witnesses. "And
when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he
wa.q taken np; and a cloud received him out of their
sight. And while thoy looked stediastly toward heaven,
as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white
apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand
ye gazing up into heaven? This sllJl1e J esus, which is
taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like
manner M ye have seeu him go into heaven!' (Acts
1: 9-11) Other scriptures prove that these witnesses,
who thus testified to his disciples, were angels sent from
heaven for the purpose of being witnesses to estahlisll
their faith; and these witnesses testified that he would

,come again.

The testimony whic!l ilio disciples received thDroughly,

convinced tlle apostles of Jesus' second coming, and in,

. Jiueneed their writings thereaiter, as well as their speecli.

Ten days after our Lord's ascension, when they had
received the gift of the holy spirit, the apostle Peter
stood up before the multitude and said : "He [Jehovah1
shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached
unto you: whom the heavens must receive until the
times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken
by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world
began."-Acts 3: 20, 21.
St. Paul, who was sent by the Lord as his special
ambassador, begotten and anointed of the holy spirit,
nnder inspiration wrote: "For I am now ready to be
offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I
have fought a good nght, I have finished my course,
1 have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for
me a crown of righteousness, wl1ioh the Lord, the
righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not
La me ouly, but UJlto all them also that love his appearing." (2 Timothy 4: 6-8) The Apostle lmew that he
must die and wait for the reslll'l'ection at the seconel
coming of the Lord. He hael previously spoken of this
in another epistle: ''For if we believe that Jesus died
and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus
will God bring with him. For tllis we say unto you by
the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent
them which are asleep!' (1 Thessalonians 4: 14, 15) As
further proof of this fact we cite the following : 1 Corinthians 1: 7; 15: 23; 1 Thessalonians );l: 19; 2 Thessalonians 2: 8 ; James 5: 7, 8; 2 Peter 1: 16; ~ip
p.ians 3: 20. Much more Scriptural proof mi~t be
adduced concerning his second coming; but this seems
ample to establish the point.


Lora:~ Rdurn

Manner of His Coming

Should we expect the Lord at his second coming to
appear to man in human form; and if not, why not?
This question must be auswered in the negative, fpr
the reason Jesus Christ is no longer a human but a
spirit being. Concerning this St. Paul says: ''Now
the Lord is that Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3: 17) Jesus
e.."Plained to Nicodemus that a man cannot see a spirit
being. He said: "That which is born of the flesh is
flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born
again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou
hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence
it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is
born of the Spirit." (John 3 : 6-8) The Lord Jesus
was put to death as a human being and was raiseel
again out of death a spirit being.-1 Peter 3: 18.
The disciples and faithful followers of Jesus Christ
have the promise that they shall share the blessings of
the chief resurrection and be changed from human to
spirit beings. They sball see the LarS as l,e is because
tbey will be like him and De received -unto him. Human
eyes will not see the Lord; for a human being cannot
I see a spirit being and live. (1 Timothy 6: 15, 16) For
this reason Jesus, when instructing his disciples just before his departure :(rom earth, said : "Yet a little
while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me:
because I live, ye shall live also." (Jolm 14: 19) Here
is his positive statement that the world will see him
no more, but that his disciples will see him; and they
will see him for the same reason that he stated: "I
will come again, and receive you unto myself; that
where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go
ye know, and the way ye know_"- John 14: 3,4.

Our Lord's Return

The manner of our Lord's second coming is discussed

in detail in STUDIES IN THE SCRll'TURES Vol. Two; and
upon this particular point we quote therefrom as follows:
"'We must bear in mind, 31so, that our Lord is no '1onger

a human being; tlmt as a human being be gnve himself

a rDnsom for men, having become a UlaD for that very
purpose. (1 Timothy 2: 6; Hebrews 10 : 4, 5; 1 Corinthians
15; 21, 22) He is now highly exal ted , to the divine nature.
Therefore Paul said, '{rhou,gll we have known Christ nfter
the flesh, yet no'W, hencefortl1, know we him [so] no more.'
(2 Corinthians 5: 16) Be was raiser] from tIle dead n Ilfebeing (1 Corinthians 15:45), and not a,
Be if) no longer 111lman i.n any sense
or degree; for we mnst not forget ,,,11M we )lnve learned

gi ving~pi-rit

of the earth earthy.

(See Volll\lle 1, Chapter lO)-that natur~s are sepnrate

and distluct. Since he is no longer in nny sense or degree
n. human being, we must not expect him to come again
ns a buman being, ns nt the first ndvent. His second
coming is to be
n different mnnner, as well as for a
dif'fel'ent purpose,"-STUDIES IN T;ElE SORTM'URES, V'olume 2,
Pnge 107.


The Scriptural proof is c.onelusive that the Lord

J eSl1S ascended into heaven a spirit being divine, and
that never again will he I)e visible to human eyes. The
faithful members of the Church, however, will see him
because he will receive them into glory when they are
changed into his likeness. Of this St. J aIm under inspiration writes concerning himself and others of like
fidelity and loyalty: "It doth not yet "'ppear , what
we sll!ill be; but we h-nOW that, ... we shall be like
him ; for we shall see him as he is." (1 Johu 3: 2)
Since this scripture ean have its fulfilment with }eference to the Chnrch only when these participate in the
:first reSlurection and aTe made divine heings, it is
proof that no human eye win see the Lord in his
glorified body. Upon this point we quote :D:om THE
B:.utl' OF Gon, as follows:

Manlier of His Ctming

ClSeeing, then. that .Tesus Christ is a g\orious spirit
being with a divine organism, and th at as the wind cannot be seen, but comes nnd goes, so a spirit cnn thus
conte and go without being discerned by human eyf'-s,
could not our Lord be present and yet Dot observable by

any natural e::yes? Thnt is exactly according to the facts.

Satan is a being. For many centuries Satan hUE
been the god or inviSible ruler of the present evil world
(2 Corinthians 4: 3, 4.) i yet no human eyes have seen Satnn,
although men 11five felt his Influence and sUll feelU. Satan
is not only t he god of this world but the chief one o~
his wicked, invisible heaven; that is to say. the invisible
ruling order of tllings composed of Satnn and the other
fnllen angels who e..~ercise power ov'e r human beings. The
apostle Peter snid: eWe, nccording to hi s pt'omlse, look for
new heavens and a new eaJ:lthj wberein chvelleth righteous
ness.' (2 Peter 3: 13 i Re\~elntion 21: 15) The coming of
the Lord is the new lH~nven ly kingdom. This new ruling
power, the Messiah, is invisible, nnd wiH be invisible to
human eyes, but will establish In the earth visible agencies
and representatives; ulunely, n new social nnd political
order of things. 'Ve shOl.f:c1 not, therefore, expect the
Lord's second coming to be in n body visible to hUma.n eyes,
but should expect that Jle woultl be present, exerciSing
his pewer in Ills own sovereign wny."-TElE RAIn? OF GOD',
paragraph 370.

Concerning the mrumer of his second appe8J'ing, J esm

said: "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that
watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked,
and they see his shame." (Revelation 16: 15) A thie~
comes when others are asleep, comes quietly so as not tQ
wake the sleeping ones. Only those who are awake and
watching will ascertain Ius presence. Our Lord here
uses such to illustrate the mauner of his appearing.
As a spirit being he will be present when all the world
;s aslellp, figuratively speaking, that is to say, ignorant
or his presence ; and none will ascertain hi, presence
except those who are mentally and spU::ituoJIy: awake,
i\Vatching the prophecies as these are being fnIfilled, that


0",' Lord's Return

they may ascertain t he proper point upon tne stream

of time. Upon this we quote with approval the following:
"For instance, our LOl'd said, 'Bebold, I come ns a tbief,'
and, 'dS it was i n the days of NOall, so shall i t be also If.
the days of the SOD of man [the days of his pres~nce].
TIley did eat, they drank, they. married wives, they we re
given in manringe,' 'And lcnew not until the flood came.'
'And when he [Jesll S] was demanded of the Phari sees.
when the 'h."ingdorn of God should come, he answered them
and said, The lringdom of God cometh .Dot with observation
[marginnl rending, .Inot with outward sbow" J.'-ReveJation
16: 15; Luke 17: 26,27; Matthew 24:29; Luke 17:20."STUDIES IN THE SCRll"TURES, V olume 2, page 142.

Referring to his second coming, and as a warning

to those who would be faithful to him, ;resus said:
"Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your
Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman
of the house had known in what watch the thief would
come, he would have watched, and would not have
sulfered lris house to be broken np." (Matthew 24: 42,
. 43) Thus he established the fact that lris appearance,
like a tlrief, is unobserved and that only the watchers
will know of the Drst part of lris presence.
The apostles had this same understanding. St. Paul,
who often wrote and spoke of the Lord's coming as
"the day of the Lord", said: "For yourselves know
perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometli as a
thief ill the rught. For when they shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,
as travail upon a woman with clrild; and tb.:;y shall
not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that
that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all
children of light, and the children of the day; we are
not of the rught, nor of darkness. Therefore let . us
not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.".

Manne,. of His Coming


(1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6) The apostle P eter, referring

to the same thing in almost the identical language, says:
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the
night ; in the which the heavens ~hall pass away with
a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent
heat ; the earth also, and t he works that are therein,
shall be burned up."-2 Peter 3: 10.
The Lord ;resus in discussing the manner oI his
second COmil1g, according to the King James version
of our Bible, saiel: "For as the lightuing cometh out
of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24 :
27) It must be manifest to the thonghtful person that
the lightning here does not refer to the explosion or
burning of elect-ricity in t he air during a thunder-stoNn;
for that does not come out of the east and shine uuto
the west. It carnes from every direction, and the
shining is Duly instantaneous. The W9rd '~ightuing"
here is translated from the Greek word Wllich means
"bright shining", or that which shines. There is but
Due body which tills this description; and t hat is the
SUll, which rises :u the east and shines uuto the west.
it comes stealthily in the morning, and there IS twilight
Ior a time. None will observe it except those who are
awake; but those who are awake and watching can see
the darkness gradually being dispelled dnd the light
appearing. This well illustrates the "econd appearing
of our Lord and the manner in which he comes.

The Greek is a more precise language than the English. Our English Bible nses severa L wo rds which relate to t he second coming of the Lord . A.n .xamUIRtion
of the telc'i;s in which these different .vords .ppear, with
reference to the Greek, enables one to get" betier view
of the guestion under examination. There are three


Our Lora:s Return

Greek words which we desire here to specially mention:

Parousia, (pronOlmced par-oo-see-ah); (2) epiphaneia
(pronOlmced ep-if-an' -i-ah); and (3), apokalupsis,
(pronounced ap-ok-al' -oop-sis) .
The word patl'ousia mellns presence. The word
epiphaneia means appea"ing or brightness or manifestar
tion of- .iJ.pokalupsis, means to take off the cover; that
is, to disclose or to 1cveal" to make manifest or to appear.
In the following' teod;s relating to the Lord's second
coming the worc! pm'ousia appears and shonld be transJated presence; and in giving the texts below it is translated presence. the word jn question being in italics :
"What shall be the sign of thy presence?" -Matthew
24: 3.

"So shall also the presence of' the Son of man be."Matthew 24: 27, 37, 39.
"They that are Christ's, at his presence."- 1 Corinthians 15: 23.
('"What is our hope, or joy] 01' crown of rejo]ci:ng?
Are not even ye, before oUI Lord Jesus Christ at his
presence?"-l Thessalonians 2: 19. R. V_
That '11e may Btablish yom hearts unblameable in
ho!iness before God, even our Fa.ther, at the presence
of our Lord J esus Christ."-l Thessalonians 3 : 13.
'CWe which are alive, and remain unto the presence
of the Lord sllall not prevent (hinder] them which are
asleep."-l Thessalonians 4: 15.
"Be preserved blameless Imto the presence of our
Lord J esus Christ."-l Thessalonians 5: 23.
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the presence of
,Ur Lord J esus ClITist and by OUI gathering together
wto him."-2 Thessalonians 2: 1.
~'Be patient therefore brethren, :unto the p1:6SeWlil
Of ilia Lord."-J~mes 5 : .'1.

Ma""!el' of H ~ Coming


"Be ye also patient; stabJish your heam : for the

presence of the Lord drawetl1 nigh."-James 5: 8.
"There shall come in the last days scoffers [in the
Church], walking after their own lnsts [desires], and
saying, Where is the promise of his presence?"- 2
Peter 3: 3, 4.
The word parou$ilL is properly translated ("presence")
in 2 Corinthians 10: 10, and Philippians 2: 12.
In the following te"is relating to the Lord's second
comulg, the word epilJhaneia is translated u{J;ppea1'ing"
The Gr-eek wor-d epiphaneia signifies b,.ight shin;ng, or
manifestation. It is rendered "(})ppeal'ing" and "brightnesl"') and occurs as follows:
"Keep this commandment withont spot, unrebukable,
until the appel1l1ing of our Lord Jesus Christ ; which
jn his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only
Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lord8.'J1 Timothy 6: 14, 15.
"I charge thee therefore before (lod, and the Lord
Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead
at his appearin9 and his kingdom."-2 Timothy 4: 1.
"There is laid up for me a crown of rigllteousness,
which the Lord, .. . shall give me at that day; and not
to me oilly, but unto all them also that love his (})ppear'n9."-2 TimotllJ 4: 8.
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus
Christ."-Titus 2: 13.
"Then shall that Wicked [One] be revealed [e"1'0sed],
whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his
month, and shall destroy with the brigktness [epiphaneia,
-liright shining] of his coming [pamusia-presence] ."
~2 Thessalonians 2 : 8.
!In t he following texts the word relating to tlie L ord's

Our Lord'8 Re/$rn

second coming is from the Greek apokalupsis, and js
propeJ'ly translated revealed or uncovered.
"The sufferings of this present time are not worthy
to be compared with the glory which shall be .revealed
:in us."-Romans 8: 18.
''Rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's
sufferings; that, when bis glory shall be revealed, ye may
be glad also with ex~eeding joy."- l Peter 4: 13.
"Au inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that
f::.deth not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept
by the power of God through faith unto salvation,
!ready to be revealed in the last time."-l Peter 1: 4, 5.
"A partaker of the glory that shall be revealed."if Peter 5 : 1''Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the
aay shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by
fire." (1 Corinthians 3: 13) Here the reference evidently is to the testings of the Lord's people during
the period of his presence in the end of the age. The
Apostle's words thus agree with our Lord's prophecy
of the same testings, saying that "there is notlting
covered, that shall not be revealed [uncovered]."L uke 12: 2.
"Hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought
imto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."-l, Peter
1: 13.
"The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven
'flaming fire [judgments against all unrighteousness]',
taking vengeance."-2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8.
t "So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for tlie
coming [apokalup.<is-revealment] of our Lord Jesus
Christ." (1 Corinthians 1: 7) The Lord's people will
need to keep active, watelling and waiting for the great
blessing until the manifestation, or ,:evealme"t1 of thEl

'Manner of His OOlning


Lord; but if watchers, they shaU be made aware of

Ills presence (p",r011sia) and of the work of ''harvest''
beforehand, and shall share in the reveaZment.
"That the trial of yom faith ... nlight be found unto
praise and honor and glory at the [apokaZ!lpsis- revealment] of Jesus Christ."-l Peter 1: 7.
"For the earnest expectation of the creature [mankind] waiteth for the manifestatUm [apokaZupsis-revealiog] of the sons of Gael [the Church]."-Rom. 8: 19.
"The same day that Lot went ont of Sodom, it rained
fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them
all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of
man is ,cveaZed." (Luke 17 : 29, 30) That is to say,
the judgments of the coming "time of trouble", as
predicted, will begin as soon as "the salt of the earth",
the saints, have been changed; and thus the Son of
Man will be 1'eveaZed a present Judge) who has fol' some
time been present, sealing and gatherjng his ((elect".
Of course these three Greek "'ords do not mean three
appearings of the LOld; but this distinction enables one
to see what the teJ.."ts mean with reference to 11is presence,
to the manifestation of presence aud to the revelation
or uncovering of things pertaining to his presence.
The word coming, which is translatcd presence, does
not mean to be on the way, but presence after having
arrived. Angels may be present round about human
beings and be UDse,en; and in this sense the Lord, at
his second coming, is pl'esent, near to those who rely
upon him, yet unseen and surely nnseen by those who
do not rely upon him.
When our Lord ascended on lllgh, and the angels
.stood by and witnessed to his disciples, they said: "This
same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,
shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go



Lord's Retum

into heaven." (Acts 1: 11) This does not say that

those who saw him go will see him come, nor that any
one else will see him come; but it does say that the
ma.nner of his going will be in the manner of his coming. 'l'he Lord J csus went away quietly, and no one
even knew about it except his faithful followers. He
had plainly stated to them that in a little while the
world woul'l see him no more, but that his disciples
would see him. (Johu 14:19; 16:16-19,22)
world has ncver seen him and never will see him; but
the aisciples will see him when changecl into his likeness. As he went away secretly and quietly, so in this
same manner is his second coming.

At the beginning of the Lord's presence it is to be

eJq)ected that only those who arc faithfully watching
the signs of the times, the fulfilment of prophecy, ami
who are studying the Word of God and watching themsclves to keep in harmony therewith, will understand.
This manifestation or bright shining will increase to
them as they increase in knowledge in the spirit of
the Lor,l. The revealing of the Lord's presence will
gradually extend to the world and will be made mauifest especially to t he world in a time of trouble, just
as Jesus indicated when he said : "And they shall see
the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with
power and great glory."-Matthew 24 : 30.
Clouds are symbols of trouble; and as the trouble npon
the world increases, and the world is told that the Lord
is present, and the proof is given to show his presence,
natural men will begin to see and understand that the
day of the Lord is here, that the Lord has returned,
an,l that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The
great privilege of telling the world tills good news of
the Lord's presence, the manner of the coming and pur-

The Tim.e' of His COIn'"g


pose, he has graciously g,ranted to the fl\ithful followers.

The foregoing sllOWS tl1at the Lord would be present,
yet invisible to human eyes; that thc true, loyal Chris
tians, who love hUn and his appearillg and who are
watching for that wonderful event, would know ahout
his presence first; and that gradually that fact would
he made manifest to the world, and in due time the
glory of the Lord must be revealed fnlly ~ those who
love and appreciate him.

These progrc!'sive steps show

the sense in which the words are used with reference

to his presence; namely, lJa'l'ousiaJ epiphaneia, and

A text that is often confnsing concerning the manner 'of the Lord's coming is that of Revelation 1: 7 :
"Behold, he cometh with elollds; amI every eye shall
see him!' As heretofore stated, clouds symbolize trouble.
The word here tl'nnslatecl see" is from the Gl'eek word
harM, and is given by Dr. James 'Strong to meau
"discem ": The proper unde1'st;anding of the text, then,
is that as the trouble upou the earth incident to the
time of the preseuce of the Lore1 i.ncreases, t hc people
will discern the presence of the Lord. They will be
informed as to the mealling of the tronble; anll thus
his presence will gradually be made known to them
nntil they. all discern that the t rouble is because of
the fJord's presence and a change of dispensation from
the old to the new older.

The Time of His Coming

!rhe second coming of Christ ;s not popular with
the clergy of this clay. ' They say : H e will come
some time, hut no Olle knows when, and therefore


o..ur, Lord's Refum,

it is no use to try to find out. Probably ilieir ign(}rance

of the subject is due lari:e1y to the fact that they do
not want the Lord to come; for his coming will upset
some of their pet schemes. Their lack of Imowledge
may be due also to the fact that they are not loyal
to the Lord. Maybe it is due to the fact that they are
too much intoxicated with the politics of this evil
world, and hence , are ,",leep to the evidences of the
Lord's second coming.

St. Paul says that those who fail to understand will

be those who are asleep and drunk. (1 Thessalonians
5: 7) To be asleep means to be obli,,;ous to the facts
and circnmstances surrounding one; and to be drunk
means to be intQ).icated with the things that are contrary to the Lord's hingdom. III defellse of their willing
ignorance 011 the sUbject of OUT Lord's second coming
they quote the words of J esus in Mattbew 24 : 36, thus:
''But of tlult day and hour knoweth no mlln, no, not
the angels of heaven, bnt my Father only." But Jesus
did not there say that no one would 'mJer "know except
the Father. If the contention be true that no one
would ever lmow, then of course the Lord J esus would
never know, which is wholly unreasonable. When Jesus
spoke these words he was still on the earth. After he
was crucme,l and resulTected from the dead he sai,l:
U All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."
(Mattliew 28: 18) Surely at that time he must have
h ad full and 'complete knowledge of his second coming.
Noone w:i1l question that Jesus now knows of his
second coming. It must also be conceded that some
will know when he does come. Even the clergy claim
that tbey may know some day; and as the scripture
above cited states, at a proper time all shall discern
him. In the same discussion Jesus also said : "Watch

The Tim," of His Coming

tlierefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord dotll

come." (Matthew 24: 42) Why should he admonish
anyone to watch unless he intended that the watchman
should know of his arrival at the 'time of his arrival?
If the watchers wOllld never know, then there would
be no use for them to watch, The Lord never asked
::w.yone to do a useless tiling. The fact tbat he told
his disciples to watch is proof conclusive t hat the true
watclnuau would know at the time of his Lord's arrival,
The man who is watching a thie.f whom he e.'<]lects
to come, and to whose knowledge the proof that the
thief has arrived is brought either by the sense of
hearing or t he sense of seeing, surely would know of
the .thief's arriva.l. Jesus likeued his second coming to
the approach of a thief. Whom did he' expect to be
watching? Those and those only who arc {lllly consecrated to do God's holy wil], those who love the Lord
and who want him Lo come; hence those who ai'e the chil-

dren of the light, and who are walking in the light of

the Lord because they love him and his Word. If
man loves this evil world, thl1t is to say, the evil organization of societynmde up of politicians, ]Jrofitcers and
other dishonest men, and is an),.;ous to shine amongst
such, he does not love the Lord, (1 John 2: 15) The
men who will be favored of the Lord with j.:nowledge
mnst love righteonsness and truth, ::w.d must have a
sincere and honest desire to know what is right, A
man wbo gives himself to the Lord in consecration
and who shows his unswerving allegiance to the JJord
has the promise that God will guide him in. the right
way. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear
[ reverence] him; and he will show them his covenant."
(Psalm'25: 14) To such as trust the Lord he promises
that he will guide them.-Proverbs 3 : 5, 6.

V Ut L ord'8 Return;
St. P a]ll was :t real Christi~n. He was not a D. D.
who cannot understand, such as are the D. D.'s of this
preseut time. (Isaiah 56: 10, 11) Here the Prophet
says that some who claim to be watchmen will be blind
apd ignorant; and that these would be D. D.'s, sleeping
!!J1d iying down, loving slum~er. He then says that
they a;e greedy, never able to get enough, shepherds
of congregations that cannot understand; that they
lool\. out ouly for themselves, to get gain from their own
congregation. The true watchers are not of tIPs class.
;ri)e Lord had given St. Paul a vision of his p1an, including his second coming. (2 Corinthians 12: 4) Addressing himself to thc true and faithful followers of
Jesus, who diligently seek to know his way of light
and to walk therein, the Apostle said: ''But of the times
and the seasdns, lll'ethren, ye have no need that I write
u nto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day
of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.... But
ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should
overtnke you as a thief. Ye are all the children of
light, and the c~ildren of the day; we are not of the
night, 110r of darkneas. Therefore let us not sleep, as
do others ; but let us watch and be sober. For they
th3t sleep, sleep in the njght; and they that be drunken
are drunken in the night."-l Thessalonians 5 : 1-7.

Times and Seasons

F rom tjle foregoing scriptures we should expect fo
find Bible proof of the times and seasons of am Lord's
presence. 1'he.e times and seasons were foreshadowed
ill prophecy. Prophecy means the foretelling of fqture
~vcnts in guar-ded phrase so that at the time uttered
they cannot be understood, but are understood at the
time of fulfihnent. When these events take place, such

The Time of His Goming,


as a fulfilment of prophecy, then tlris fulfilment is

properly called the pbysical facts ; and when the physical
facts are open to everybody, then all eyes can ruscern
them. Hence in due time the Lord's presence will be
made known to every .creature by the physical fact..
It is manifest that the Lord intended Christians to
understand, from the fnlfilment of prophecy, the times
and seasom relating to his presence. He uttered some
of thc prophecies himself, and now these prophecies are
being fu1filled.
J esus gave us the positive evldence as to when to
expect him . H e gave a parable of the wheat and the
tar~s, saying, " The ldngdom of heaven is likened unto
a man which sowed good seed :in his fi eld: but while
'men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among
the wheat, dnd went ills way. But ,,,hen the blade was
sprung up, and brought forth frui t, then appeared the
tares also. So the servants of the householder came
and said unto him, Sir, didst not thon sow good seed
in thy :field? from whence then hath it tares? He said
unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants
said unto him, Wilt thO~' that we go and gather them
up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares,
ye root up also the wheat wittl them . Let both grow
together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest
I will say to the reapers, Gather ye togetber :first the
tares, and bind them in bnndles to burn them; but
gather the wheat into my barn."-Matthew 13: 24-30.
Interpreting his own parable, Jesus sald that he was
the man who had sown the good seed; that the ueld
is the world; th"t the good seed are the children of the
kingdom; that the tares are the children of the wicked
olle; that the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and
that the harvesfis the end ofthe world.-Matt. 13 : 37-39.

'Our Lord's Return

From this statement of the Master it is clearly sllown
that at the end of the age, or world, there must be a
harvest; that J ~sus Christ must be present as the Master
of that harvest; and that the harvest will consist of
gathering togethe. the true followers of Christ into
one body, anel of binrung together 'the counterfeit or
tare class for destruction. Stat~d in other phrase, there
will be a gathering of the true vine class, true Christians, al1d the harvesting of the vine of the earth,
namely, the nominal Rabylonish systems of the worlO.
Since the Master himself sta.t ed that he wonl4 come at
this time to receive his mm, thc trnly consecrated
ChristimlS, to hims<jlf, and that he, as the Master of
the hm-vest, wonld direct what s110u1d be done, it follows
that he must be present before the beginning of the
harvest and during the time of the harvest. It would
also follow that he would be present before the end of the
world, or age.
Jehovah caused the prophet Daniel to write the ~a1ient
features of events that would come to pass during the
mle of the world powers that would be in existence from
the time of the empire of Persia lmtil "the time of the
end". That which Daniel wrote was prophecy; that
is to Sl'y, .guided by the divine power, he recorded long
in advance the ha.ppeniugs. of certain events, which of
themselyes show th~t this prophecy could not pe understood until the events had transpired. Danief wrote
90ncerning these events, but did not understand them.
They are set forth in his prophetic utterancds recorde,l
in the book of Daniel, chapters. 7 to 12, inclnsive.
Daniel himself said : "I heard, but I understoo.d not ;
then said I, 0 my Lord, what shall be the end of these
things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel, for the words
are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many;

Tli. Time of His (Jo ming


sliall lie purlfied, and made white, and tried; bnt tJie
wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall
underftand: but the wise shall understand!'-Daniel
::rhe Lord had caused Daniel to record specificaDy
what would happen when the time of the end should
begin. The "time of the end" means a specific period
at the end of Gentile dominion. "And at the tinne of
the eral shaD the king of the south push at him: and
the king of the north shall c,ome against him like a
whi,hvind, with charioh, and with horsemen, and with
many ships: and he shall enter into the countries, ancl
shall overflow and pass over, H e shall enter also into
the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown!'-Daniel 11 : 40, 41,
The fulfilment of this prophecy iL"{es the beginning
of the "time of the end" ; for the prophecy definitely so
The campaign of the great warrior Napoleon
Bonaparte is clearly a fulfilment of this prophecy, as
reference to the historical fnch concerning his campaign
plaiuly shows. 'I'he "I,ing of the south" mentioned ill
the prophecy refers to Egypt; the "king of the north"
means Great Britain, which was then an integral part
of the Roman empire, N apolean was in Egypt, fighting
the Egyptian armies, which were led by Murat Bey, and
which he defeated. His victory struck terror not only
to the Egyptians, but far into Africa and Asia; and
aU the surrounding tribes submitted to tbe great conqueror. While he was doing this; the British in the
north, under the leadership of Lord Nelson, were making au effective attack upon Napoleon's forces at sea.
Napoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it and returned to France in October 1, 1799.
The campaign is briefly, yet graphically, described in




40 to 44; I'lld being completjld.

ij1 +799' mar-ks, ac~prding to the Prophet's own words,

PPl5imljJjg the "time ef tqe end".
the time of the overthrow of 2iedekiah ,( 6QIl

n. C.) '!lUI

thi\ ~,j;ap'li sllnWllt of the Gentile universal

'lllRP" NePJlcbadpei'zi'r, the organizations of the
'ferN powers pr goyernments have been designated in
tile l1~nilllmre~ b:y God's prqpqet as "be~sts". The
prpllhet Pl'l]iel (7: 7, a) ileseribes a "fourth beast, dreadful 'lfnd terrilll,e," This terrible beast was a form qf
govefl]Jllent ppJllposed of three ~ements or component
parts; I]Pl'lelY, lll'qfessjon'!l ppliticians, great financiers,
lI'1d epplesjflstieaJ leilde.s. Tlli ~ /3atanie organizat~on
~ecall' e d.reqrlf]U ~p d terril* from the time that these
three forces were united. pf . tlljs unpoly trinity we
see the fajl~py, the ecplesiasj:jpaj element, in the sadeJle,
riding ani) ~irePf41g everything. The clpte of its beginqillg was at the ol'crthrow of .tile Qstrogothic monarchy,
wllich p,ccurrecj in A. D. &;l9.
Tile n~'liel was given a vision of the events
fo!lqwing. Yet he ijid pot undeJ's1:{tuil them; and he
says: "I Daniel Iqpkeg, and, behold, there stood otl]er
t\yo, t)le one on thi~ ~ide of the pa'1k of the river, and
the pther on that ~iile qf tlle qank qf the river. And
one slIid to the "'1pn clqthefl il] ljuen, which was upon
the jl'aters Ilf the :river, fI9'l' Iqug &I)ali it be to the
end of tlwse wOI\rlers, And l 11eftrcl the man clothep
ill linen, whiclf W~s PIlon the Wilfe,s of the river, when
4e held ull his rigllt hand pnd l'is left hAncl unto
!felwen, and SW'lre by him thlj! liveth iQr eyer, that it
sqaU be for a time, times and an.h!j.!f."-:paniel12: 5-7.
111 Biblicall3ympal.ogy a time ffiel\US a year qf twelve
!!,ontjls of thirty days each, or 360 day,s; :E).eh day is
'\RPsiclered ~p~ a y~ar, as the Frollljet sllYs: ".1 h~ve

The TiAno af H~


appointed thee each day for a year." (Ezekiel 4 : 6)

H ere are mentioned, then, three and a half times of
380 prophetic days each, or a total of 1260 prophetic
days, which would mark the beginning of the time of
the end of this beastly order. Twelve hlll\c1red and
sixty years from A. D. 539 brings us to 1799-8l\etqer
proof that 1799 definitely marks thlJ beginning of "the
time of the eIlel". This also shows that it is from the
da~ 539 A. D. that the other prophetic days of Daniel
must be counted.
The most important thing to which alI the prophecies
point, and for which the apostles 10dked forward, has
been the second coming of the Lord. It is descl'ibed
by the Prophet as a blessed time. Daniel then says :
"Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand
three hu nchecl ruld nve and thirty [1335] days." (Dahiel 12: 12) The watchers here, without que.lion, are
those who were- instnlCt<!d by the Lord to watch for
his retul'll. This date, therefore, when lmele]stood,
would certailuy ft... the time when the Lord is due at
his second appearing. Applying the same rale, then,
of a day for a year, 1335 days after 539 A. D. brings us
to A. D. 1874, at which time, accotdilig to Biblical
chronology, the J"orcl's second preseuce is due. If this
calculation is cdrrect, from that time forward we ought
to be able to find evic\ence markiljg the I,otd's presence.
Bearing upou this point the following is ql1dred with

"Reckoning from A. D. 539, tll e 1290 syn\bolic days ended

In 1829, <lI1d the 1335 days in t he close c'f lSH.Let the

reader judge carefully now iCcurntely these da tes mnrk

~he nnqe.r:stnnding of the viSion , qod ;~ II t\le p&apheoif)s con
neeted w ith the Time 9f the mnd, an q tb,e sepi\rating,
cleansing, and refining ~s by tlL-e, to bring God's children to
the childlike; humble, tl'Ostful condltlQn Qf mind and heart


Our Lord's Return

needful that they might be ready to receive and appreciate

God's way and lime. "-STUDIES IN 'l1HE SCRIPTUBES, Volume

S, page 84.

There are two important dates here that we must not

confuse, but clearly differentiate; namely, the beginuing of "the time of the end" and of the presence of
the Lord. "The time of the end" embraces a period
from A. D. 1799, as above indicated, to the time of
complete overthrow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the kingdom 0: Messiah. The time of the
Lord's second presence dates from 1874, as above stated.
The latter period is within the first named, of course,
and at the latter part "f the period known as "the time
of the end".
The understanding of the propYlecies witli reference
to "the time of the end" and the Lord's presence was
purposely concealed by J eho\,.11 until the due time.
Daniel desITed to know what would be the end of these
things, but God saiel to him: "But thou, 0 Daniel,
shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time
of the end." (Daniel 12: 4) It 'is reasonable to expect that Jehovah would indicate something by which
"the time of the end" could be discerned when it
arrived. He did not say to Daniel to look for some
words emblazoned across tbe s1:y tl,at the end had come,
but told lrim to look for such evidences as could be
seen and understood by men who were familiar with
the prophecies, and ~ho in the light of the prophecies
should be watching for their fulfilment. God did not
expect Daniel to understand these in his day; .for
he said : "Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are closed
up and sealed till the time of the end."-DanieI12: 9.
When that time should arrive, what was to be expected ? J ehovab answers: "Many' shall run to and

Tlie Tim.e of His


fro, and knowledge shall be increased." (Daniel 12 : 4)

From shortly after 1799, the date of the beginning of
"the time of the end", we should expect to find an increase
of howledge, particularly with reference to the Bible.
Prior to that time the people had been kept in jgnorance
of the Bible. It was the practice of the Papacy to forbiel allY one asille from the clergy 'class to have access
to the Bible; in fact, to have in possession a copy of
the Bible was made a crime under the Roman law,
subjecting the offender to heavy penalties. In 1799
the baastly power of Rome, predominatee1 by the Papal
system, received a deadly wound. The people had been
taught to believe in the divine right of kings to rule
and the divine right of the clergy to dom;nate the
conscience of the people. When Napoleon took the
Pope a prisoner and carried him away to France, and
when later he refused to permit the Pope to crown him
as ldng, but put the crown on himself and treated the
Papal claimed authority with contempt, this bega1;l to
open the eyes of the peoples of eartll, kings as well
as people, to tile :fact t hat Papacy did not possess the
dil'ine right it claimed.
A short time thereafter the first Bible societies that
ever exiSted were organized. The British and Florcign
Bible Society il'as established in 1803 ; the New Yo<k
Bible Society ill 1804; the Berlin-Prussian Bible Society
in 1805; the Philadelphia Bible Society in 1808; and the
American Bible Society ill 1817. The Bible was translated and published in many different languages, and
sold at snch low prices that the poor could have access
to it; and within a short time millions of Bibles were
in the hands of the people. The P apal system denounced these Bible societies as " pestiferous Bible
societies". .T he time had come, liowever, for an in-


Our LO?'d' 8 Returr.

crease of knowledge; and the Lord was fulfilling liis

promise by putting the Bible within the reach of those
who are hungry for truth. The people began to leam
that God is no respecter of persons; that kings and
popes, priests and the common people, alike must all
render their account to the Lord and not to man.
From that time forward there has been a great COl'r~sponding increase of knowledge in all the societies and,
in fact, in all lines of learning. :.rhe common school,
always opposed by the Papacy, has afforded a, means
of general education and increase of knowledge fo.r people in all walks of life. Colleges and universities have
sprung up throughout the earth. With the increase of
knowledge on various lines have come the numerous
inventions that man now has, time- and labor-saving
machines, etc.

Before 1799 the means of transportation Were sucH

that a man could travel only a short distance in a
day. He must go either in a vehicle drawn by horses
or oxen, or afoot; and when he would cross the sea he
must go in a sailboat that made little progress. In
1831 the first locomotive steam ebgine was invented.
Such wonderful progress has been made in this regard
that now one can travel through almost any part of
the earth at a rapid rate upon a railway train. Later
came the electric engines and electric motor cars and
gas engines; and now there IS a tremendous amount
of travel in every part of tbe earth. It is no uncommon
thing for one to travel at the rate of seventy-five to one
hundred miles per hour; and particularly is this true by,
means of a flying machine, which is a modern invention.
God's prophet designates this same time as "the day:
of God's preparation". In Nahum 2: 1-6 the Pmphet
records his vision of a railway train traveling at a:

The Time of His Coming

JligJi rate of speed, as another evidence of the day of
preparation for the establishment of Christ's kingdom.
In 1844 the telegraph was invented, and later the
telephone. These instruments were fust used with wires,
and by electricity messages were conveyed tll1'oughout
the earth. But now by later iuvention wires are dispensed with, and all over the ea:ttli messages are flashed _
tluough the air by t he use of other kinds of instruments.
This great increase of knowledge -and the tremendous
TlUllling to and fro of the people in varions parts of
the ealib witlu;ut question is a fulfilment of the prophecy testifying as to "the time of the end" _ These
physical facts cannot be disputed, and are sufficient to
cOllvince any reason!lble mind that we have been iu
"the time of the end" since 1799_
The latter part of "the time of thc end" J eSllp de.qignated as a time of harvest; for he says : "The harvest
is the end of the world [Greck, age]." (Matihew 13:
39) He stated that he would be present at that t-i.", .
From 1874 forward is the latter part of the period
of "the time of the end". From 1874 onward is the
tin,e of the Lord's second presence, as above stated.
The apostle Paul, enmnerating many things done conceming Israel, states that "they are written for our
admonition, npon whom the ends of the world [agel
are come". (1 Oorinthians 10: 11) It must be presumed, then, that these things would be understood at
"the time of the end".
The Lord's illustration of the ann's rising in the
east and shining aeross to the west, which would occur
at the time of his presence, true to prophecy, has taken
place. (Matthew 24 : 27) 'Dbe I'poring classes have
always been downtro,dden, and kept in ~l'bje!'tiqn to
the financial, ecclesiastical, and politiClll prllj~, J~ !l':1111


Our Lora's Retul'n

in the year 1874, the date of our Lord's second presence,

that the first labor organization in the world was created.
From that time forward there has been a marvelous
increase of light; anil the inventions and discoveries
have been too numerous for ns to mention all of them
here. But mention is maile of some of those that have
come to light since 1874, as a further evidence of the
Lord's presence since that dnie, as follows: Adding
machines, aeroplanes, alum.mum, antiseptic surgery,
artificial dyes, automatic couplers, automobiles, barbed
wire, bicycles, carborundum, cash regjsters, celluloid,
correspondence schools, cream separators, ("Darkest Airica," disc ploughs, "Divine Plan o~ the Ages," dynamite,
electric railways, electric welding, escalators, fireless
cookers, gas engines, harvesting machines, ill uminating
gas, induction molol's, l inotyvcs, Inatch machines, rnono-

types, motion pictures, North Pole, Panama Canal,

Pasteurization, railway signals, Roentgen rays,
sewing machines, smokeless powder, South Pole,
marines, 'radium, sky scrapers, subways, talking
chines, telephones, typewriters, vacuum cleaners,-


;wireless telegraphy.

The Harvest
1rlie Lord useil the natural harvest to illustrate toe
nar"est of his people at the end of the age. There was
a harvest of certain of the Jews at the end of the
J ewish Age. (Jolm 4: 35, 36) There is a parallel
hlWVest period in the Gospel Age; and since the Lord
used the natural wheat harvest of Israel as a picture
of the harvest of his people, it might not be out of
place here to say that from the time of the beginning
of the Jewish harvest unill Penteco~t was fifty days;

lJ'Tie HMvest


lind carrying out ilie Biblical rule of II day for a year,

it would not be unreasonable to conclude tba.t the harvest of the Gospel Age would cover a period of fifty years.
During the period of time since 1874 there has been
a great gathering together of Christian people from
different quarters of the earth, without regard to creed
or denomiuation. These have come from both Oatholic
and Protestant churches and outside of all churches.
They have not sought members, but they have drifted
together for the study of God's Word, and they love
the Lord and love hi$ cause above everythiug else.
This seems to be a fulfilment of the prophetic words
written concerning the harvest; namely, "Gather my
saints together lmto Il1/l; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." (Psalm 50: 5) During
this period of time these Ohristians have gone throughout thc earth proclaiming that tho. kingdom of heaven
is at hand; and now they are particularly aunouncing
to the people the presence of the Lord-that his kiugGom is at haud ; that millions now living will never die.
:rhe Mastel' gave a parable illustrating hmv the Ohristians merely in name, and the true Ohristians, would
develop side by side throughout the Gospel Age. He
said : "Let both grow together until the harvest: and
in the time of the harvest I will say to the reaper~,
Gather ye together first the tares, and pind them in
bundles to burn tbem; put gather the wheat iuto my,
barn." (Matthew 13: 30) During the past forty-five
years in par~cular there has been a tendency OIl, the
part of denomiuational systems to get together and
bind themselves in federations and other compacts.
This tendency has now reached a climax, until the
Federation of Churches is a common expression which
rn.eaIl$ the Jll,liting of the ;various denomiuational


Our Lo,'d,' s Return

systems, which teach evcrything except tne Word ot

the Lord. In these various denominational systems
are professional politicians and conscienccless profiteers,
who are designated in Scripture as the principal of
the flock, and who indeed are the principal ones in the
congregation because their influence aireds the clergyman or pastor in the course which he shall take. :rhey
do not profess full consecration to the Lord; but they
look upon the denominational church, as it is, as an organization for social enjoyment and political purposes.
While this work l,as been going on, the Lord has been
gathering together the truly consecrated 0l1lJistians
without regard to creed or denomination, and lie has
designated them as "wheat". This great work of gatherlng together Christian people can be designated in no
other way than as a harvest" and fully means that ,
which was foretold by the Lord .Tesus. It has never
been the purpose of these Christians to assemble themselves as Bible Students to induce anJione to join them;
in fagt, they have no membership roll. rrheir purpose
is to enlighten men and women concerning ' the Divine
Plan, and by this means to enable them to see that
God has something better for mankind than the creeds
of Christendom have taught. This circumstantial ev:i<lence fulfilling propJiecy is what constitutes the pliysical
facts, and is proof corroborative of the Lord's presence
since 1874; for this gathering work has been in progress
lJ.articularly since that date,.

rt'liese saintly Cliristians, coming togetJie:c from all
Clenominations, have rejoic~d in making proclamation to
the Reople that the kingdom of heaven is at JiantL



Many of the people have gladly lieard, wlille oiliers

have been in doubt. The clergy have been the responsible
ones for causing doubt in the minds of men. It would have
been expected ordinarily t hat clergymen, who claim to
lJe CJnoistians, would rejoice in any evidence of .the
Lord's return and the setting up of his kingdom. Instead of rejoicing, they have scoffed at those who have
taught the second presence of the Lord . and have resorted to all manner of slander and persecution of
the meek and humble people who have been telling the
message of the kingdom. With self-assumed wisdom
they look with scorn upon anyone who talks about the
Lord:s second presenee.
Of course our Lord knew this would be so; and he
caused the Apostle to write prophetically the following
words: "There shall come in the last days scoffers,
walking after their own lusts [desires], and ,saying,
Wllere is the promise of his coming [presence]? for
since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they
were from the beginning of the creation." (2 Peter
3: 3,4) Tltis of itself is proof of the Lord's presence.
The .A postle, after having uttered the words above,
then adds: " For this they [the scoffers] willingly are
ignorant of." This is corroborated, furthermore, by
the words of the Master, who said: "But as the days
of Noe were, so shall also the coming [presence] of
the Son of man be."- Matthew 24: 37-39.
We are witnessing a fulfilment of these proplietie
statements daily. The clergy and the principal of
their flock are oblivious to the cumulative evidence
concerning the Lord's second presence; and as it. was
in Noah's day, they go recKleSSly on, giving no heed
to the fact that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and
that the greal1 King has begun his reign.


0,,., Lord's Retu'l'n

The End of the World ,

~lie end of the world and the second presence of tlia
Lor.d sjllchronize as to time. From 1874 to 1914, a
period of forty years, was the day of the Lord's preparation. The year 1914 is so definitely marked in the
Scriptures as being the end of the world and the time
of the Lord's presence that there can be no reasonable
doubt about it. The fact that there was a period of
pI'eparation before the end of the world shows COnelusively that the Lord must be present before tha
eud of the world takes place, and that the world would
end during the time of his sccond presence. (Malachi
3: 1-3) It follows, then, that the same signs or woofs
concerning the Lord's presence would likewise be signs
and proof of the end of the world, and vice versa.
If a fri end whom yon trusted told you confidentially
that he was going away, and that at some future tillIe,
to you nnlmown, he wOllld retarn; that his coming
would be a secret, and the sign or proof thereof .would
be the happening of certain events, which events he
related to you ; and if years thereafter, while you were
looking for the reappearing of your friend, the things
which he had foretold actually transpired, you ' would
say: My frieud tOld me the trutll, and the time has
come for his presence. And you would diligently seek
him. Of course the Lord taught his disciples can.;
cerning his own kingdom that would be established,
because all the prophets had telked about it. He instructed them to pray for the coming of that kingdon(
and to watch for it; and to them it was Uppernlost in
thew minds as an event of importance.
Jesus ll"ving taught his disciples boncerning lil'a
second coming, and having infornled them that the worldi
would end at ,or during that time, the;)'j desired to

The End

at the



know hOW they nUght be able to ascertain the fact of

his presence and what would be the indication or proof
of it to them 01' to anyone. He was sitting on the
side o~ the MOUDt of Olives when. his disciples came
to him privately and propounded the question: "Tell
us, when shall these things be ? and what shall be
the sign [proof or indication] of thy presence, and of
the end of the world?" (Matthew 24: 3) The world
as here used docs not mean the earth. The earth will
never end or pass away; for "God himself that formed
the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created
it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.'" (Isaiah
45: 18) "The earth abideth for ever."-Eccles. 1: 4.
The word world means the social and political order
or rule governing the people. From Adam to the time
of the great deluge was the flIst world, or social ordeJ.1
of government, which was


the administration of

angels. (Hebrews 2: 5) This woriel passeel away in a

gl'eat flood, during which ouly Noah ancl hi~ family,
cQnsistillg in aU of eight persons, were carried over from
the old to the other or newer w01'ld, and were saved.
(2 Peter 3 : 6; 1 Peter 3 : 20) There began with Noah
and his family a Dew order or world, which in the
time of the Apostle's day and before that time had
grown evil, and which the apostle Paul designates as
"the present evil world." (Galatians 1: 4) The apostle
Peter clearly Sl10WS that that world must pass away
to make way for the Dew and righteous kingdom,
which will rule and govern and bless the people.
It was during the early part of this world that God
made a promise to Abrallalli that through his seed all
the famllies of the earth should be blessed. Later, at
the death of J .cob, God organized the people of Israel,
01: the Jews, into a nation, and at Mount Sinai made


OWl' Lord's Ret"",

a covenant with them.

J ehovah dealt with the nation

of ISl'ael., exclusive of all other nations, for a number

Q'f ycats. They hael many kil.1gS, somc good and some
bael. Zedekiah was their last king; and because of hi~
wickedncss Gael said concerning him : "Therefore thus
saith the Lord God ; 'Because ye have made your iniquity
to be remembered, in that your transgressions are discovered, so that in all your doings your sins do appear;
IleeaUse, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye
~hall be taken with the hand. And thon, profane wicked
prince of I srael, whose ' day is coule, when iniquity
shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God, Remove
the diadem, and take off thc crown; this sball not be
the same : exalt him that is low, and abase him that
is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it; and it
shan be no more, until be come whm~e right it is, and
I will give it [to] him."-Ezekiel 21: 24-27.
In the year G06 B. C. Zedekiah was overthrown; lie

was taken a prisoner, and was carried away to Babylon.

Neba'Chadnezzar established in that year the fust universal empire, and t he Gcntilc times date from that time
forward . The length of the Gentile times is definitely
fixed in the Scriptures as a period of seven symbolic
times of 360 years each, or a total of 2,5~0 years.
This period, beginning with t he year 606 B. C., neces,
sarily must end in 1914 A. D.

~~~ ~:!e~~:~:~o;I~!r:~a:~: ;::,tn:er:~~ r~~~

mittil1g the Gentiles to have an uninterrupted s",ay
until he shoul d come whose r ight it is. The one "whose
right it is" is the great Messiah, Christ Jesns the Lord.
rt would be reasonable to expect'him to be present some
time before he wouJ!i take unto himself his great power
to reign. H is presence beginning in 1874, he has

'Tne End of tlie World

liarrlia on rus narvest work from 1874 forward, but
has not interrupted the Gentile dominion until that
dominion should end. rrhe end of the Gentile rule,
thereiore, would mark necessarily the legal end of the
present order; thereiore, the end of the world. We
should expect, then, to find tl,at 1914 marks the beginning of the end of the old world, or order of government; and that this would take place during the
presence of the Lord he definitely stated.
When the Gentile dominion legally ends, tne oideI:
being a wioked one under the supervision of Satan, tl,e
god of the evil world (2 Oorinthians 4: 3,4), and
all these nations lying in the wicked one (1 John 5:
19), it would be expected that the Gentile kingdoms
and nations would strive to hold on to their power.
Eut when the proper time should come it would also
be e:\"peeted that the Lord, whose right it is, would
take over the affairs into his own hands. And so it is
said: "We give thee thanks, 0 Lord God Ahuighty,
which art, ancl wast, and art to come; because thou
hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
And the nations were aJlgry, and thy wrath is come,
and the time of the dead, that they'shOnld be judged,
and that thou shouldest give :reward unto thy servants
tlie prophets, and to the saints, and them that feal!
thy name, "",all and great; and should est destroy the!!!. .
which destroy the earth."-Revelation 11: 17, 18. . " '
It will be observed that the Lord does not do alI
of his work in a twentyfourhour day, but that gradually he performs his sovereign will. Specificallyanswerrog the question concerning the end of the world during the tjme J his presence, Jesns said: "Nation
shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
~d there shall be faDlines, and I,estilenees, and earth-

Our Lord's Return


quakes [literal and symbolic-revolutions] in divers

places. All t hese are the beginning of sorrows." (Uatthew 24: 7, 8) Exactly on time, at t he end of the
Gentile dominion, at the beginning of the elld of the
world, nation rose agaiJlst nation and kingdom against
kingdom, in the most devaatating war that man ever
dreamed would come' to the world. There followe,l in
its wake a great pestilence, the Spanish influenza, which
swept the earth; and then came a famine raging amongst

many peoples aud kindreds of t.he earth; and there

have becu revolutions, as well as many literal earth(jmikes in various parts of t he earth . And these, said
the Master, mark the beginning of the end of the world,
which takes place during the time of his presence. The
cviqence here is overwhelming, proclaiming his presence
anel tJle end of the world.
These facts mark a con-oboration and a clear iul
Dl.ment. of the words of .J~hovah's prophet annoUllced
centuries before, namely: ''In the days of these kings
shall the Goel of heaven set np a l.ingdom which shall
never be destroyed : and the kingdom shall not be left
to other people, but it shall break ill pieces and consume all these Jci:l,gdoms, and it shan stan,l for ever."
(Daniel 2 : 44) Literally the kingdoms of earth are
beiJlg broken in pieces; and anyone who takes a map
of Europe today, and looks it over, can see how completely this prophcy is now in course of fulfilment.
Nearly all the klllgS of earth are gone, and their kingdoms are broken in pieces and are beulg conSUllled.
This is being done hecause the Lord is present, because
the old world has ended and.he is clearing away the
unrighteous things to make way for his near and righteous government.

Furthermore, Jel!lls said Concerning tlie end of the

The End of the World


world Within the time of his second presence: "Then

shall they deliver yon np to be afllicted, and shall kill
you: and ye sball be hated of all nations for my name',
sake." (Matthew 24: 9) ''But take heed to yonTllelves:
for they shall deliver you up to conncils [courts]; and
in the synagogues ye shall be beaten; and ye shall be
brought before nuers and kings for my sake, for 3
testimony against them." (Mark 13: 9) ''But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and
persecute you, delivering you 11 p to the synagogues,
and into prisons, being brought before kings and nilers
for my name's sake. And it shall turn to you for 3
testimony." (Luke 21: 12, 13) Literally did these
scriptures have fulfilment in the yea,rs 1917, 1918, and
1919. The World War furnished the excuse for the
worl(l-wide persecution of humble and honest and faithful Christians.
The Christian tnliy consecrated to the Lord believes
aud follows the Lord's teaching: ''Thon shalt not kill."
(Matthew 5: 21) And again: "Though we walkin
the :flesh, we do not war after the :flesh: for the weapons
of our warfare are not carnal." (2 Corinthians 10: 3, 4)
During the World War many of the nations" passed
laws to govern conscientious objectors; that is, those
who object to taking hnnlan life. The officers of the '
. present evil order, upon whom devolved the duty and
obligation qf construing and enforcing these laws, disregarded them; and at the instance of an apostate and
dishonest clergy, tnily ronsecrated Cbristians, particularly those known as Bible Studen.ts, were in fulfilment
of J esus' utterances hated, beaten, persecuted, haled into
courts and imprisoned, and some of them killed. But the
Lord's protecting care has been abont them through it all.
In Germany llOnsecrated Christians were persecuted,

some put into the front ranks of the assaulting army. nne
Christian man, for instance, who refusea to take human
life because of his faith in the Lord, was placed in the
front rank of attack during a: battle. A solclier was
placed on either side of him with gun and ]:>ayonet,
and instructed to kill him if he attempted to escape.
He went through the battle. Most of his regiment was
annihilated, incluiling the two guards by his side. When
the battle was over, this Christian brother had not a
scratch. Again he was put in a similar position; and
again he we.nt through another .battle without injury.
He was then c11R.:rgecl with being insane bee&use he
would not fight, and was placed in an insane asylum
and kept there for a period of time, when he Was turned
out. He then proceeded to proclaim the message of
the Lord's presence and his glorious, incoming kingdom.
The persecution in Great Britain of the same class
of Christians, and in Canada, and in the U nitecl States
-long boasted of as the land of the iree and the home
of the brave-was so teuible that words are inadequate
to describe it. Number 27 of t he GOLDEN AGE magaZine
issued September 29, 1920, gives a detailod descriI,tion
of mauy of these wicked persecutions, wbich mark a
clear tulfilment of these prophetic "tterance. of tbe
T"OTd. The oues who hac! the privilege of passing
through them, and who had the many evielences of the
Lord's blessing, rejoicing because accounted wovt\IY to
suffer as our Lord had suJ'fered, remembmed J csus'
,rords: "The servant is Dot greater than his lord.
If tlley have persecuted me, they will also persecnte
you." -J abo 15: 20.
Jesus furthermore said. "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto all nations: and then .hall the end come." (Mat-

The Rega,ther;"g of Israel


tnelll 24: 14} In the year 1919 many of phe Ei\lle

/;!tudents in different parts of the earth, emerging from
~rroy camps and prison dungeons, r ejoicing in their
privileges again assembled; and with united action they
went forth to proclaim the message of the presence
of the Lord, and particularly the message, "The World
Has Ended-Millions Now Living Will Never Die,"
clearly in fulfilment of the wonls of the Master in the
text last quoted. NlIDlpers of public lectlll'es delivered
upon this subject throughout Christendom have gladdened the l1earts of hundreds of thousands of people,.
comforting those t hat mourn. In 1920 this messagp
was put into printed fonn in the book entitled ''Millions Now Living Will Never Die"; and in the lands
where the greatest persecution prevailed against the
people of the Lord, greatast has been the ,';tuess. With:in eight months 2,500,000 copies of this book were
placed in the hands of the people; and yet the message
goes OD, giving a widen and mdar witness, looking for-

ward to the full conSllmmation of "the time of the end",

and the end of the old order and the incoming of
Messiah's 1..ingdom.

The ~egathering of I~rael

Jesus furtherlTl,ore said that the Tegathering of ISMel
to Palestine (Luke 21 : 24) would be one of the most
conclusive proofs of Ins presence and of the eud of the
world. A full d iscl~ssion of this point, together II'ith
many other points concerning the end of the world, is
set forth in detail in the above-mentioned book, "Millions Now Living Will Nevel! Die." Therein is shown
cQI).clusively thst the pFophecies have peen fulfilled exactly, pn time; that Israel is now being regathered and is

Ou. Lo.a:s Return

:reliuilding Palestine exactly as the Lord foretold.
Jesus said: "And when these things begin to come
to pa,s, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your
redemption draweth nigh."-Luke 21: $8'.
J esus, speaking further t hrough his chosen vessel,
refers to the harvest of the tare class, saying, "The
harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the
cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth
was reaped." (Revelation 14: 15, 16) This gatheril1g
of the elements of Christendom, the vine of the earth,
and the reaping of it for destruction, is now in progress.
It is one feature of the Lord's work, which proves his
presence at this time.

Distress and Perplexity

'I'hefe has never in the history of man been so much
distress among the people and perplexity among the
rulers as at this time, J e'us foretold that it would
be thus. H e said: "And there shall be signs in the
sun, and in the mOOD, and ill the stars; and upon
earth distress of nations, with perple.xity; the sea and
the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those tlrings which are coming
on the e",rth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
-Lnke 21: 25, 26.
596, discnsses this great prophecy of the Lord in detail. Space will not here permit going fully into it.
We quote with approval the following, and recommend
to the reader a careful study of tne suhject in STUDIES
IN THE SCRIPTURES cited herein as authority:


''The ronring sen and waves symbolize the 'testless mnsses

.of humanity, curbed, but Dot folly restr.ained, by the Jaws
and regulations of. society. Everyone has heard some

The Purpose of His OomiA!g

nf this 'roaring' for the past twenty years,



stormy outbreaks dashing like tidal waves against the ear,tIl

rsocinl orderl and seeking to swallow it up. Restrniqed

for a t ime, tllese waves are gatbering weight and force ;

nnel, as prophetically shown, it is only a question 6 a few
yea1's until all the mountains rkingdomsl are 'removed"
and 'carried into the midst of the sea', in anarcl1Y. (Bsnlm
46: 1,2) Every newspnper Dot under the control of wealth
voices the ronr of the l'estless 'sen' clnss; and the others,
though unwillingly. must give the echo ot- the roaring' as
matters of news. This it is that, in a period of comparative
pence, is causloi. 'cUstl'ess of nntions with perple.~tyl.
.. And it is as meO' begin to realize thnt tile sen-ronr
and unrest fire due htl'gel:y- to the wane of superstition and
of ecc]esiastical influence. and as they more and more see
the ];lowers of heaven rsectarian creeds anCl ' systemsl
shaken, that their hearts are failing them for fenr-in
npprepension of the t11lngs coming upon tIle enrthfsocietyl ;
but the strenuous efforts now being made to reestablish
and 1,mify sectal'iuu power n.nel tnfluence, will be in great
measure successfnl only for a short time; tor it 'till surely
disintegrate 'Completely.
H 'And
then [at that same time] shQll appear the Sign
[evidence, proof] of the Son of man/ the proof or evi&
d~nce of the second advent of the Son of mnn.n-Matt. 24: s.~~

The Purpose of H is Corning

f.['he purpose of the Lord's second coming lias lieon
woefully nrisuuderstood. This nrisU11derstanding is,. due
to the false doctrines IJromulgated by Satan through his
earthly representatives. 'i'hese false teachers I).ve long
ago drilled into the minds of the people the thought that
God is a great fieud, and that all those upon whom
IDS wrath is v;sited are at death sent away to a great
lake of fire anel brimstone, there to suffer conscious
torment, eternal in duration. They have taught that
t he second comi11g of the Lord w0l11a mark a tim. when
1"ithin twenty-four hours he would line up the people


Our Lo,.d's Return

in two great lines and send the good, who would be

"elY fe,,, off to heaven and all the others to this lake
of fhe amI brimstone. Natmally the people, being thus
taught, have desired to lrnow nothing ahout. the Lord's
second coming.

Others ha,e taught that the Lord comes the second

time for thc purpose of burning tlie earth to a crisp
and destroying every living thing OJ1 it, exccpt a few
saints, who me taken m'l' into some ethereal place. This
likewise has so shaken man's sense 01 justice that he
has even recoiled from any tcachillgs concerning the
second coming of the TJOrd. These doctrines a.r(' not
only ialse, hut grossly dcfamatory of Jehovah God
and of his beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
The earth will never be destroyc,l by fhe. God created
it for man's habitation, al1Cl has promised that the earth

' hall abipe forever. (Isruah 45 : 12, 18; Ecclesiastes 1:

4) Again, the Lord says: "The emth 1,.th he given to
lhe children of men." (Psalm 115: 16) It is only
reasonable to conclude that Jehovall, after creating the
wonderful planet we call tIle earth, and permittiog it
to be made more beautiful century after century, would
not destroy it; and he will 11ot.
III support of the misconception and false teachings
just mentioned, the words of S~. Peter are oiteu quoted,
which follow: "But the dal' of the Lord will come
as a thief in the night ; in the which the l,eavens shan
pass away ,,~th a great noist, and the elements shan
melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works
that are tbereill, shall br, burnerl up ... . Tbe hea.vens,
being on me, shall be dissolved, and "he elements shall
melt with fervent heat."-2 Peter 3 : 10,12.
It is manifest that the Apostle i~ here nsiog symbolic
language. He ;tates ,bat the Lora comes as a thief,



of His Coming


illustratillg how quietIy and unobservedly IDS second

coming or appearing takes place, as we have already
noted. Then we must conclude that the other main
elements here mentioned are symbolic. The heaven.,
taken symbolically, mean the invisible power of control, consisting of Satan and his unseen agencies, as
well as his visible agencies in the earth. The earth
symbolically represents organized society under Satan's
dominion. The elements here meant are the varions
selfish elements of the em-th, composed of ecclesiasticism,
political parties, lodge systems, etc., that go to make
up the varions elements of human society; and we can
see that these are all discordant mId are warring amongst
"themselves. They shall all be dissolved, and shall melt
With fervent heat; that is to say, during the heated
time of trouble.
But tile Apostle states in ti,e thirteenth verse of this
c1mpter: UN eveTtheless we, acconling to his promise,
look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
righteousness"; meaning thereby that we look for a
new invisible power of control, Messiah's l.-ingdom, and
a new eartli, society organized along new lines, to take
the place of the old. The words here have ]]0 reference
to the mundane sphere, or globe upon which the human
race resides.
The symbolic nre is now burning fiercely in the
troublesome time that we see mnongst the peoples and
nations of the eal-th; and it will continne to burn until all
the false systems of Satan's empire are completely destroyed. This is a further evidence of the Lord's presence at this time, as well as one of the purposes for
which he comes.
There are tliree separate and distinct reasons why tlie
I,ord of glory appears the second tim~ ,These reasons


O"r Lord!s Retll!T'n

are: (1) That he may gather together rus saints, tlie

f aithful followers of himself, who constitute the Church,
and receive thorn into his glorious presence ; (2) to
destroy Satan's empire, consisting of the invisible as
well as the visible rule of the clevil; and (3) to set up
h is own kingdom, through which kingdom all the families of the earth shall receive" blessing.
The apostle Paul, addressing himself t<l those wIio
have consecrated themselves wholly unto the Lord, wh<>
have been begotten and anointed of the holy spirit,
and who are following in the Master's footsteps, says :
"The Spirit it self beareth witness with our spirit, that
we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs ;
heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so ba that
we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." (Rol11aus- 8: 10, 17) These m'e thay that are
called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, enduring the
same kind of hiol s and persecutions whioh J esus endured. (1 Peter 2: 21) Concerning this same class
St. John says : "It doth not yet al'peRr what we shan
be: but we know that, when he s),all appear, we shall
be like him: for we shall see him as he is."-l John 3: 2.
TI,is is the class to whom J esus addressed these words :
"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will givc thee
a crown of life." (ReveJation 2: 10) These are the
ones mentioned by the P sahnis!, speaking M the mouthpiece of the T"ord, when he says : "Gather my saints
together unto me ; those that have made a covenant
with me by sacrince." (Psalm 50 : 5) Tlris is the same
Class mentioned by the Lord as the wheat, which would
be gathered into his barn during his presence and at
the end of t he barvest. (Matthew 13: 30) It is the
same class rererred to as the body of Christ, in t he
words of t he Apostlc : "And he is tlle head of tbe body,

(['lie Purpose of His Camino.


tlle bh"Urcl1 : ';'ho is the beginning, the firstbonn from

the dead; that in aU things he might have ,the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him shQuld
all fulness dwell."-CoJossians 1: 18, 19.
Jesus is Jikcucd unto a bridegroom, while the Church
is likened unto a bride. (John 3 : 29; Revelation 21:
9 ; 2 Corinthians 11: 2) Many bea)ltifnl word~pictures
or types appear in the Old Testamcut, which God
caused to be macle for the purpose of teachipg .his' great
plan to those who wonld search for the truth. One
of these pictm'es is that of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham the father of Isaac . cut his servant Eliezer into
a distant land to fu,d a wife for his son Isaac. The
servant took ten camels and went jnto Mesopotamia,
unto the city of N .hor. There he found Rebekah,
the daughter' of Bcthuel, a virgin very fair to look UPo)}.
Eliezer "took a golden earring of a half a shekel
weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten sl)ekels
weight of gold." Rebekah agreed to accompany Eliezer,
to become the wife of Isaac. And Rebekah arose, and
her damsels, and they rode .npon the camels, and followed the man [EJiezer], who brought her unto Is.~".
"Anel I saac brongllt ller juto his mother Sarah's tent,
aud took Rebekah, anel she became his wife," after his
mC\ther Sarah's death.-See Genesjs 24.
In this pjctnre Abraham is a type of J ehovah; his
wife Sarall, a type of the Abrahamic covenant, from
which the Messiah springs; I saac, the son, a type of
.Tesus Christ; while Rebekah js a type of the Church,
the brjde of Christ. Elje.",r, Abraham's servant, js a
type of the holy splrit, whose mission jt is to jnvite
the ChUl'ch and to assist her, and ultimately. to brjng
her and her compUl,ions to the antitypjcal I saac, the
Lord Jesus, the Brjdegroom.



Lord's Eetv.NI

Before J asus departed from the earlh he said to

his disciples : "I will pray the Father, and he shall
give you anqther Comforter, ... even t he spirit of truth;
_ . I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to
yon. Yet a little wIllie, and the world seeth me no
more; hut ye see II\e : hecause I live, ye shall live
also." (John 14 : 16-19) Eliezer here pictures the comforter, the holy spiTit, which was giveu at P entecost, at
which time the way was opened and the invitation was
given to men who love the Lord to become followers of
the Lord J esus and be of the bride class. The ten
camels which Eliezer took with him represent the Word
of God, the ten strings of the Harp. The golden earrings presented to Rehckah ]'epresent the blessed and
pleasing effect of hcarillg the co.ll to be the bride of
Christ : whi le the two bracelets picture the happy effects
of responding to the divine can and dojng with our
might what our hands find to do.
The call to become memhers of this glorious bride
class is beautifully pictured by the Psalmist thus :
''Hearken, 0 daughter, and consider, and incline thine
ear; forget also tiline own people, ancl t hy father's house ;
so shall the King greatly desire t hy beauty; for he is
thy Lord ; alld worship than him." (l:>salm 45 : 10, 11)
Responding to that call, one consecrates his all to the
Lord, is begotten of the holy sp irit, and heueeforth,
being borne nl? by the spirit of the Lord thTough hi.
Word, grows into the likeness of his Master and pre1,ares for th~ coming of the beloved Bridegroom. The
death of Sarah, Abraham's wife, pictures the enc! of
the Sarah-Abrahamic covenant, from which sprongs the
bride of Christ ; and Isaac's l'eeeiving Rebekah, and
taking her as his wife after his mother's death, foreshadowed the complete union of Christ Jesus the Bri de-

The Purpose of H;s Comi"!!


groom and the Church his bride at the end of the worlu.
Throughout the entire Gospel Age, from Pentecost
,mtil now, the Lord has been preparing his bride, the
Church. Many have been called, but few have been
chosen, and still fewer will be faithful; but only the
faithiul ones will he receive. Just before his departnre
at the time of his first advent he said: "Ill my Father's
house are many mansions: :if jt were not so, I ,vould
have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Anll
if I go and prepru'e a place for you, I will come again,
and receive you unto myself; that where I aJU, thertl
ye may be also."-John 14: 2, 3.
Here, then, is one of the positive statements that
one of the chief purposes of the Lord's return is tt>
reccive Ullto himself his bride. Since his appearance,
tberefore, he has been doing the harvest work; namely,
gathering unto hinlseli those who will constitnte the
bride class.
Some of these dear saints, however, have been developed from time to time thronghout the Gospel Age,
beginning with the apostles at Pentecost. These have
waited in death for the rehlm of the Lord. Since
the Scriptures show that the dead know not any tiring
until the resurrection, it would be reasonable to expect the Lord to do somcthing for these who died faithful to their covenant, alld to expect that he would do
something for thcm early in the time of ills presence.
St. Paul says: "For this we say unto you by t he
worel of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain
unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them
which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descenc!
from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the tl"UlllP of God" and the dead in
Christ shall rise first: then )ve :willch are alive and


Our Loril!s Return

remain; shall be caught up together with tliem ill the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we
ever be with tIle LOld ."-l Thessalonians 4: 15-17.
Some have rrUsconstrued this sCl'ipture to mean that
the Lora would appear the sec~nd time, and give a
great sbOut, and wl1k~ up the dead. The word here
translated shout means a message of encouragement.
It implies a public message designed for thc ears not
cf a :few, but of a great number. 'J.1he "shout", the
"voice G the archangel", and the ('trump of God" are
aU symbols.
Literally, this scrillture means that t he appearing of
the Lord will be at the time 9f or during the shout of
encomagemeilt; and this is in full llarmony with the
evidences heretofore examined that the presence of the
Lord has been at a time when the people have been
encQuragecl concerning their own rights. Christians
h~l.Ve encouraged one another by passing t he message of

the Lord's presCjlce on to cach otl1er. The peoples have

encouraged one another with reference to t heir liberties,
rights, and privileges. The "voice of thc archangel",
as used in t ltis passage, means one with authority,
the chief messenger, Christ Jesus himself. He comes
with light aud truth, illuntinating the minds of men,
Jeading them into the greater light which has come
upon the end of the age, when the shout of encouragement for the rights and liberties of t he people and the
deliverance of Christians into the kingdom of the Lord
has begnn throughOl~t the earth.
During this time, then, we should expect the resurr ection. of those saintly ones who rued before the second
coming of the Lord, and should expect that t hese would
be awakened out of death and gathered unto the Lord.
thus to he forever with him. And therefore these be-


PUfpose of His Coming


Jievers wlio were alive at his coming would wlien ilie

time came for t heir death, experience an instantaneous
change from human to spirit beings. And finally, when
all the members of the bride class sball have finished
their comse .and all have passed from the human into
the spiritual condition, with glorious boilies, they will
enjoy peace and happiness for evermore. The Lord is
taking unto himself ],is bride class; for the promise
is t hat these shan be heirs of God and joint-heirs willi
Christ Jesus in his kingdom, and that they shall reign
:with him.-Romans 8: 16, 17; Revelation 20: 6.

To Destroy Satan's Empite

:A:dam and ]lve were created perfect and placed in
Eden; and Lucifer was put there as an overseer or
keeper. (]lzekiel 28: 14-19) He deceived mother Eve
and caused her to sin; and through her Adam sinned.
The Lord pronounced the sentence of death upon man
and of his expulsion from Eden. Through Adam's
ilisobedience, sin by inheritance and its result, death,
extended to the entire human family, so that everyone
has been born in sin and shapen in iniquity. (Psalm
51: 5; Romans 5: 12) In pronouncing the judgment,
or sentence of death, against Adam and Eve, amongst
other things Jehovah said : "And I will pnt enmity
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed
and her seed ; it shall hruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel." (Genesis 3 : 15) From this scripture,
it is manifest at some time God purposes to destroy Satan
Tllereafter Satan dTew afier him a number of the
angels of heaven, "and organized an invisible empire
which has inflnenced and controlled men. He oFganized the nations of earth, and inftuenced and controlled

Our Lord's Return

tliem, and after the fall of the nation of I srael, the
only nation of God, Satan became the god at, the whole
world. (2 Corinthians 4 : 3,4) He is designated by
the Lord Jesus as the prince of this world. He is also
named. the prince pf the power of the air (Ephesians
2: 2), which means the invisible ruler. The Lord,
through his prophet, foretold t he destruction of Satan's
empire, both the invisible and t he visible. Addressin~
the faithful followers of J esus he says : "Lift up yoWl
eyes ,to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath;
for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the
earth shall wa.x old like a garment." (Isaiah 51 : 6)'
The vanishing like smoke pictnres destruction; and
when a garment is old, it is cast away.
The apostle "Peter describes the destruction of tlie
old beavens and earth. (2 Peter 3: 12) He then adds
that this shall be followed 1)y a new heavens and new,
earth! wherein dwalleth righteousness. (2 Peter 3: 13)
That one' of the purposes of the Lord's second coming!
jg to destroy the works of Satan is plainly stated by;
St. J aIm: "The devil sinneth from the beginning.
For this pUTpose the Son of God was manifested, that
be might destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3: 8)
The Lord J esus now present is doing that very thing.
The works of the devil are t he invisible organizations
called the heavens and the visible organization known
as the earth. Of his presence and with his bride associated with him, it is recorded: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him'
will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule
them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter
shall they be broken to shivers : even as I received of
my Father." (Revelation 2: 26, 27) The nations ate
now being dashed to pieces, and Satan's empire is

The Kingdom of Righteousness


crumbling. Soon Satan will be bound tllat he may

deceive the nations no more, Wllilc the kingdom of the
Lord is e,,-tending blessings to the nations.-l{ev. 20: 1-3.
Concerning the Lord at his seconel coming the prophet wrote: "He ... shall break in pieces the oppressor."
(Psalm 72 : 4) Saian is the oPDressor of mankind.
His 1:ingdom shall perish that the people may be l'eHeved from his oppressive rule.

The Kingdom of Righteousness

When Jesus was OD. earth, he stated the reason for his
coming the' fust time: That the people might have
life, and have it more abundantly (Jolm 10: 10) ;
that he came to give rus life a ransom for mankilld.
(Matthew 20 : 28) Long before this Jehovah had
promised to send a redeCUler of man. (Rosea 13 : 14)
He pronu.eil that in the seed of Abrrulflm all the families of the earth shonld be blessed . (G enesis 12: 3;
Galatians 3: 8) Trus seed of Abraham according to
the promise is the C1ITist.-Galatians 3 : 16, 27, 29.
The apostle P eter, after descr.ihing the process of
ilisintegration of Satan's empire, the 01,1 heavens and
earth, says : ''Nevertheless we, according to his promise,
lQOk for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelletb
righteousness." (2 Peter 3 : 13) The new heavens is
the Christ; the new earth is the new organi7,ation on
earth in righteousness. The Christ will. be invisible to
man, therefore constitute the invisible rule, forming the
new heavens. Faithful men approved of the Lord, from
Abel to J ohn the Baptist, who died in faith, will be
r esurrected, and as perfect human beings will constitute the nuclens of the new righteous earth.-Rebrews
11 : 1-39; Psalm 45: 16 j Isaiah 3~: 1.


Vur Lord's Retu1'n

Before the foundation of the world God ordained

that the promised blessings should come through his
kingdom to be established on earth; and for this reason
Jesus taught his disciplcs to pray: "Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matt.
6 : 10) Seeing now that the Lord is present, it can
be announced with authority and with absolute certainty that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. A kingdom embraces both the royal fam ily Qr TIlling house
and t he dominion over which the king rules.
When God overthrew Zedekiah, the last king of Israe!,
he said that the overtUrnlllg should last until he should
come whose right it is, and he would give that one
thekingclom then. (Ezekiel 21: 27) Now Christ is
Icing, and the kingdoms of this world are his (Revelation 11: 15); for he is Lord of lords and King of
kings: (Revelation 17: 14) Of him it was prophetically written : "The government shall be upon his
shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counseller, TIle mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his governtnent and peace there sball be no end, upon the throne
of David, and upon his kingdom, to Ol'der it, and to
establish it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will
perform this."-lsaiah 9: 6, 7.
This is also can ed God's kingdom ill tliat all things
are of the Faiher and all things by the Son. The Lord, of tha.t kingdom at a when Satan's empire is going to pieces and when his kings are falling,
said "In the da.ys of these kings shall the God of
heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be aestroyed:
. . it "hall break in p1eees and eonsume all these
kingdoms, and it sbal l stand for ever." (Daniel 2 : 44)

Tne Ki1tgdnm of Righteousness


",Tliy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom." (Psalm

'145: 13) "He shall have dominion also from sea to
sea." (Psalm 72: 8) "Unto him shall t he gathering
of 1;he people be." (Genesis 49: 10) "The Lord shaD
be king over all the earth."-Zcchariah 14 : 9.
In this kingdom shall be associated with C~rist the
Church, his bride. He said: "And I appoint unto
you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed nnto me;
that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kihgdam, and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
I srael." (Luke 22 : 29, 30) And again he said to the
Church: "To him tllat overcometh will I grant to sit
with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and
am set down with my Father in his thIeue." (Revelation 3 : 21) And these shall reiga with Christ a
thousand years. (Revelation 20: 4, 6) This l-ingdom
of the Lord will brhlg blessings to t he people. "With
righteousuess shall he judge the poor." (Isaiah 11: 4)
"He shall deli.ver the needy." (Psalm 72: 12) "Affiiction shall not rise up the second tinle." (Nahum 1 : 9)
"All uations shall call him blessed." (Psalm 72 : 17)
"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of
the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
-Habakk'ul< 2: 14.
The Revelator, having a vision of t he blessings 1his
kingdom of Christ would bring to the people, in poetic
and symbolic phrase described it thus : "And I John
saw the holy city, !lew Jerusalem, coming down ' from
God out 0f heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for
her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven,
saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, aoo
he will dwell with them, and t hey shall be his people,
and God himself shall be with them, and be their
God.. And God shall wipe away ail tears from their

Our Lord's Return

eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for
the former things are passed away. And he that sat
npon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true
and f"'ithful." (R,evelation 21: 2-5) When Jesus was
describing to his disciples the things that would trans
pire proving his second presence, he well knew the
blessings that it meaut to thrun . He said: "And when
these things begin to come to 'pass, then look up, aud
lift up your heads ; for your reaemption draweth nigh."
-Luke 21: 28.
Now the scriptures heretofore cited, in the light of
. extraneous evidence, prove beyond a doubt that tl1e Lord,
the King of glory, is present; that he has manifested
his presence to his faithful followers, and tbat this
manifestation is now being gradually made known to
the world. Tbose who possess faitb in Gael, iu rus
Word, in Cbrist Jesus, looking back over the way wIDch
the Lord bas led his people, have every reason to rejoice; and the P salmist h"" put the words of joy in
their mouths and causing thenl to say: ''Bless the Lord,
o my soul, and forget not all his benefits." (Psalm
103: 2) The world has long groa.ned and travailed in
pain, waiting for the coming of the kingdom, that
suffering humanity might be delivered. (Romans 8 : 1922) Let the peoples of the eartli who sorrow be comforted witb the glad tidings that tbe King of glory
is here; that the kiJlgdom of beaven is at hand; anel that
the millious who will be obedient to him shall uever
die, but live forever in a restored earth, a veritable
Paradise.-Isaiah 55: 1; Revelation 22:17...


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. .
.. Why
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d \Vuy, (1.) the Narrow Way, and
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Th, ay 0
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When there is no




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Nations arc J\&em


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