Road Structures Inspection Manual Part1and 2june2014

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JUNE 2014

Road Structures Inspection Manual

Road Structures Inspection Manual April 2014

VicRoads Road Structures Inspection Manual
Prepared by:
Principal Bridge Engineers section
VicRoads Technical Services
For further information regarding VicRoads Road Structures Inspection Manual please contact:
Principal Bridge Engineer
Private Bag 12 Camberwell Post Office,
03 9811 8307
03 9811 8329
Copyright 2014 Roads Corporation
This document is copyright. No part of it can be used, amended or reproduced by any process without the written
permission of the Principal Bridge Engineer of Roads Corporation Victoria.
Previously, this document was titled VicRoads Bridge Inspection Manual. First published in 1995 then revised in 1997,
1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007.
First Published 2011
Revised 2014
This manual may be downloaded from VicRoads website:
Road management and design/Design standards, manuals and notes
Major upgrades to this Manual will be released as new versions, identified by the year of issue. Minor changes, to
individual pages or sections, will be made periodically as improvements/amendments are developed and will be
identified by the month and year of issue on the modified pages.
It is the users responsibility to check VicRoads website to ensure that the most up to date version is being used. No
responsibility is taken by VicRoads in the use of the Manual by external organisations due to the Corporations lack of
control over its application.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Part one

Road structures inspection policy


Scope and Objectives


Road structure information


Occupation Health and Safety


Structure Definitions

Part two

Road structures inspection procedures

Types of inspection


2.2 Level 1 Routine maintenance inspection






Frequency of inspection


Inspector accreditation


Inspection procedure Preparation for site inspection Extend of Inspection


Data recording

Level 2 Structure condition inspections




Frequency of inspection


Inspector accreditation


Inspection procedure


Preparation for site inspection

Site inspection
Extent of inspection

Data recording Bridge inspectors sheet Condition rating sheet

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Condition rating components

Predefined components and elements
Undefined components and elements Structures defects sheet Structures information sheet Structures inventory and photographic record sheet Bridge and major culvert inventory data
Location of components
Joined bridges
Bridge and culvert dimensions and photographic records Roadside structures inventory data

Major signs and high mast light structures

Noise walls, visual screen walls and retaining walls Electronic format


Level 3 Engineering investigations


Introduction Purpose Definitions


Quality for Level 3 investigations


Categories of Level 3 investigations

Response to individual accident or natural event
Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection
Programmed Level 3 investigations
Detailed condition rating
Load capacity assessment of structures
Asset management of structures


Procedure for undertaking a Level 3 investigation


Monitor structures inspections

Inspection and monitoring procedures
Management of monitor structures


Complex structures inspections


Heritage and historic structures


Data Recording

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Appendix A2

Data sheets for level 2 inspection

A2.1 General
A2.2 Data sheets for bridges and culverts
A2.3 Data sheets for roadside structures

Appendix B2

Deterioration of road structures

B2.1 Material defects

B2.1.2 Concrete

Water wash
Corrosion of reinforcement
Alkali aggregate reaction
Surface defects
Chloride ingress

B2.1.3 Steel

Permanent deformation
Loose connections

B2.1.4 Timber

Marine Organisms
Corrosion of fasteners
Shrinkage and splitting

B2.1.5 Masonry

Splitting, spalling and disintegration
Loss of mortar and stones
Arch stones dropping
Side wall movement at masonry arch
Separation of arch ring

B2.1.6 Protective clothing

B2.1.7 Fibre reinforced polymer strengthening

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

B2.2 Common causes of bridge deterioration

B2.2.1 Concrete bridge

Monolithic and simply supported t-beams

Precast I beam
Precast prestressed inverted t beams
Box-girder bridges
Prestressed voided flat slab bridges
Reinforced concrete flat slab bridges
Rail in slab concrete bridges
Precast prestressed slabs
Precast U slab
Precast prestressed voided T slabs
Decks and overlay
Kerbs, footways, posts and railing

B2.2.2 Steel bridges

B2.2.3 Timber bridges

Timber stringer
Corbels and corbel blocks
Kerbs, posts and railing
Waling and crossbraces

B2.2.4 Deck Joints

B2.2.5 Bearings
B2.2.6 Culverts

Concrete box culverts

Concrete pipe culverts
Masonry arch culverts
Buried corrugated metal structures pipes and arch culverts

B2.2.7 Causes of deterioration not related to bridge materials


Damage due to accidents

Scouring of foundations
Movement of the structure
Condition of approach barrier

B2.2.8 Deterioration of roadside structures


Major cantilever and gantry signs

High mast lighting
Noise and visual screen walls
Retaining walls

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Appendix C2

Examples of briefs and scopes for Level 3 investigations

C2.1 Introduction
C2.1.1 Purpose
C2.1.2 Field investigation
C2.1.3 Advice
C2.2 Examples
C2.2.1 Response to incident, accident or natural event
C2.2.2 Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection
C2.2.3 Programmed Level 3 investigations

Monitor structures investigations
Complex bridge inspections
Heritage bridge inspections
Handover bridge inspections

C2.2.4 Detail condition rating of a structure

C2.2.5 Load capacity assessment of a structure
Appendix D2


Part three

Condition rating of structure components



Structure component


Structure component type


Structure component and element types


Exposure classification


Condition rating of components

Appendix A3

Condition guidelines

A3.1 Bridges and culverts

A3.2 Roadside structures
A3.2.1 Cantilever signs, gantries and high mast lighting
A3.2.2 Noisewalls and visual screens
A3.2.3 Retaining walls

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Appendix B3


B3.1 Bridges and culverts

B3.2 Roadside structures

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Part one
Road structures inspection policy

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Scope and Objectives


Road structure information


Occupation Health and Safety


Structure Definitions

| Road Structures Inspection Manual



Scope and Objectives

The purpose of this manual is to ensure that the condition of all structures is systematically inspected in order to

The structural integrity of bridges and other road structures

The safety of road-users
to provide data for:
Regional and State asset management programs
Bridge capacity assessment
Feedback to the design process

The requirements of this manual apply to the following types of structure for which VicRoads is responsible as defined
in the Road Management Act 2004 (symbols shown in brackets are used as prefixes for the numbering of different
types of road structures):

Bridges and major culverts (SN) - which include bridges or culverts with a single span or diameter of 1.8m or
greater or have a waterway area of 3m2 or greater located on a declared arterial road.
Major signs and gantries (SS)
Retaining walls (SR)
Noise and visual screen walls (SZ & SV)
High mast lighting structures (SL)
Emergency median barrier access gates (SG)
Architectural features and historic features (SA)
Emergency boom gates (SB)
Concrete pavements on piles (SP)
Emergency bridging systems (SE)
Weigh-bridges (SW)

This manual states the requirements for a systematic program of inspections which comprises:
(a) Routine maintenance inspections (Level 1)
(b) Condition inspections (Level 2)
(c) Detailed Engineering investigations (Level 3)


Road Structure Information

Inventory and condition information for all declared road structures on the Victorian road network is stored in the
Road Asset System (RAS).


Occupational Health and Safety

Contractors, consultants or inspectors engaged to perform inspections must comply with the requirements of the
Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) and VicRoads safety requirements specific to inspection contracts


Structure Definitions

Structure Type



A structure with the primary purpose of carrying a roadway or pathway

over an obstacle with a minimum span of 1.8m or a minimum waterway
area of 3 m2.


A structure with the primary purpose of providing a passageway

beneath a road or a path, usually but not necessarily for stormwater,
with a minimum span or diameter of 1.8m, or a minimum waterway
area of 3 m2.

Noise Wall

A structure with the primary purpose to act as a traffic noise attenuator

and would result in a traffic or pedestrian hazard or damage to

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


neighbouring property upon failure.

Visual Wall

Retaining Wall

A structure with the primary purpose to act as a visual barrier and would
result in a traffic or pedestrian hazard or damage to neighbouring
property upon failure.

A structure with the primary purpose of retaining soil that is

1.5m or greater in height and steeper than 1 to 1.5 or a
structure that would result in a traffic or pedestrian hazard
or damage to neighbouring property upon failure.

Note: A retaining wall within 5m of a bridge abutment is to be

considered part of the bridge structure. Beaching (rock, paved or other)
on cuttings or embankments where the slope of the cutting or the
embankment is less than 1 to 1.5 is not considered to be a retaining wall
but the surfacing of the roadside.
Major Sign structures

Cantilever Sign, Pedestal Sign & Butterfly Sign Structures

A structure comprising one principle vertical member combined with one
or more principal horizontal members designed for the purpose of
carrying traffic information signs. The principal members may be trusses.
The signs detailed in the Traffic Engineering Manual Vol 2, Chapter 6
Ed 3, Dec 2011 are not included.
Portal (gantry) Sign Structures
A structure that spans over a roadway comprising one or more horizontal
or sloped principle members supported by at least two principal vertical
members. The principal members may be trusses.
ITS Sign Structures
A structure comprising of one or more principle vertical members
designed for the purpose of carrying ITS signs. The area of the signs
should generally be greater than 2m.

High mast lighting

structures (SL)

High-mast light poles are defined as light poles with an overall height
exceeding 17 metres.

Emergency median
barrier access gates

Emergency median barrier access gates are gates which allow access in
an emergency situation through median barriers to the opposite

Architectural structures

Architectural feature structures within the road reserve that upon failure
would result in a traffic or pedestrian hazard or damage to neighbouring

Emergency boom gates


A moveable barrier similar to those used at railway crossings used to

control vehicle access through a controlled point. Boom gates are often
paired either end to end, or offset appropriately to block traffic in both

Concrete pavement on
piles (SP)

Concrete road pavement slab directly supported on piles, with a

minimum span of 1.8m or greater, which supports a trafficable roadway.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Emergency bridging
systems (SE)

A demountable bridge used for emergency or temporary bridging

comprising either a proprietary bridging system or any other temporary

Weighbridges (SW)

A permanent structure used to weigh vehicles. Excludes weigh-inmotion structures and other mobile sensors.


A subterranean tubular, rectangular or square structure that enables the

movement of vehicles, pedestrians or services accessible by workers
under an obstacle.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Part two
Road structures inspection procedures

| Road Structures Inspection Manual




Types of inspection



2.2 Level 1 Routine maintenance inspection






Frequency of inspection


Inspector accreditation


Inspection procedure Preparation for site inspection Extend of Inspection



Data recording

Level 2 Structure condition inspections






Frequency of inspection


Inspector accreditation


Inspection procedure


Preparation for site inspection

Site inspection
Extent of inspection

Data recording Bridge inspectors sheet Condition rating sheet

Condition rating components

Predefined components and elements
Undefined components and elements Structures defects sheet Structures information sheet Structures inventory and photographic record sheet Bridge and major culvert inventory data
Location of components
Joined bridges
Bridge and culvert dimensions and photographic records Roadside structures inventory data

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Major signs and high mast light

Noise walls, visual screen walls and
retaining walls
15 Electronic format


Level 3 Engineering investigations


Introduction Purpose Scope Definitions


Quality for Level 3 investigations


Categories of Level 3 investigations

Response to individual accident or natural event
Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection
Programmed Level 3 investigations
Detailed condition rating
Load capacity assessment of structures
Asset management of structures


Procedure for undertaking a Level3 investigation


Monitor structures inspections

Inspection and monitoring procedures
Management of monitor structures


Complex structures inspections


Heritage and historic structures


Data Recording

Appendix A2

Data sheets for level 2 inspection

A2.1 General
A2.2 Data sheets for bridges and culverts
A2.3 Data sheets for roadside structures

Appendix B2

Deterioration of road structures

B2.1 Material defects

B2.1.2 Concrete

Water wash
Corrosion of reinforcement
Alkali aggregate reaction
Surface defects

| Road Structures Inspection Manual



Chloride ingress

B2.1.3 Steel

Permanent deformation
Loose connections

B2.1.4 Timber

Marine Organisms
Corrosion of fasteners
Shrinkage and splitting

B2.1.5 Masonry

Splitting, spalling and disintegration
Loss of mortar and stones
Arch stones dropping
Side wall movement at masonry arch
Separation of arch ring

B2.1.6 Protective clothing

B2.1.7 Fibre reinforced polymer strengthening
B2.2 Common causes of bridge deterioration
B2.2.1 Concrete bridges

Monolithic and simply supported t-beams

Precast I beam
Precast prestressed inverted t beams
Box-girder bridges
Prestressed voided flat slab bridges
Reinforced concrete flat slab bridges
Rail in slab concrete bridges
Precast prestressed slabs
Precast U slab
Precast prestressed voided T slabs
Decks and overlay
Kerbs, footways, posts and railing

B2.2.2 Steel bridge

B2.2.3 Timber bridge

Timber stringer
Corbels and corbel blocks
Kerbs, posts and railing
Waling and crossbraces

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


B2.2.4 Deck Joints

B2.2.5 Bearings
B2.2.6 Culverts

Concrete box culverts

Concrete pipe culverts
Masonry arch culverts
Buried corrugated metal structures pipes and arch culverts

B2.2.7 Causes of deterioration not related to bridge materials


Damage due to accidents

Scouring of foundations
Movement of the structure
Condition of approach barrier

B2.2.8 Deterioration of roadside structures

Appendix C2

Major cantilever and gantry signs

High mast lighting
Noise and visual screen walls
Retaining walls

Examples of briefs and scopes for Level 3 investigations

C2.1 Introduction
C2.1.1 Purpose
C2.1.2 Field investigation
C2.1.3 Advice
C2.2 Examples
C2.2.1 Response to incident, accident or natural event
C2.2.2 Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection
C2.2.3 Programmed Level 3 investigations

Monitor structures investigations
Complex bridge inspections
Heritage bridge inspections
Handover bridge inspections

C2.2.4 Detail condition rating of a structure

C2.2.5 Load capacity assessment of a structure
Appendix D2


| Road Structures Inspection Manual


2.1 General
2.1.1 Types of inspection
VicRoads Road Structures Inspection manual includes three levels of inspection:
Level 1 inspections are routine inspections which are used to check the general serviceability of a structure and to
ensure the safety of road users. Level 1 inspections may be completed in conjunction with routine road maintenance.
Level 2 inspections are condition inspections and are used to assess the condition of structures and their components.
Level 2 inspections are managed on a statewide basis.
Level 3 inspections are detailed engineering investigations and assessments of individual structures which are
conducted as required. Level 3 inspections are conducted for the following reasons:

To investigate a significant defect identified during a Level 1 or 2 inspection or other source

To prepare a detailed report on the condition and/or load carrying capacity of a structure:
To prepare a detailed report on potential candidate structures for rehabilitation, strengthening, widening or
To prepare a detailed assessment of the adequacy of a structure for use by current or proposed future heavy
As part of a more general investigation into the performance or condition of individual structures, classes of
structures, structural components and materials in different environments or subjected to different levels
of loading

Monitor inspections are a programmed Level 3 inspection of specific classes of structure in the Monitor program.
Complex structures are a category of structure for which the standard Level 2 inspection does not provide sufficient
information to enable assessment of the condition of bridge components for the whole of the bridge. Structures may
be included in this category due to their structural form, the need for special expertise or because of difficult access.
Structures in this category require a structure-specific management plan.
Structures that require special access or other requirements beyond the scope of Level 1 and 2 inspections may be
subjected to a Level 3 inspection or may be treated as a Complex structure.

2.1.2 Safety
Inspections shall be completed in accordance with the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004), The
Construction Regulations (2007), VicRoads Code of Practice Contractors Workcover Policy and Incident Notification
together with other relevant VicRoads safety requirements stated in the inspection contract.
Boats used for inspection and their operation must be in accordance with the requirements of the Marine Safety Act
2010 and any other relevant legal requirements and associated regulations.
If a structural inspection requires access over or under property or assets belonging to another authority (for example
rail property), the inspection must comply with the relevant legal, regulatory, or other procedural requirements of the
authority including relevant codes of practice. The inspection Safe Work Method Statement must include clear
references to the authority's requirements.
Inspectors are responsible for their personal safety and that of others who may be affected by their inspection
In order to assist bridge inspectors with the management of safety, VicRoads may provide the following information:

A generic list of hazards which may be encountered during structural inspections

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


A list of known hazards for each structure in the structure information issued to inspectors for Level 2
or, require the following actions by inspectors where appropriate:

That inspectors prepare and submit a Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) to VicRoads for each inspection
(or inspections) for review and comment prior to commencement of the inspection(s)

That, following completion of structural inspections, the inspector submits to VicRoads an updated list of
specific road structures hazards encountered during the inspections

VicRoads may conduct safety audits and surveillance to ensure that inspectors conduct inspections in accordance with
the submitted SWMS.

2.2 Level 1 Routine maintenance inspection

2.2.1 Purpose
Level 1 inspection may be completed in conjunction with routine maintenance of the structure and the adjacent road
reserve. The primary reasons for conducting Level 1 inspections are:
To check the general serviceability of the structure for obvious signs of defects which might affect the immediate
safety of road users
To identify maintenance items that require immediate action and/or to schedule routine maintenance for completion
at a later date.

2.2.2 Scope
The scope of a Level 1 inspection varies with the structure under inspection.
Level 1 inspections must be in accordance with the requirements of Section 750 Routine maintenance of VicRoads
Standard Specification for Roadworks and Bridgeworks.
The inspector is required to complete the Level 1 inspection form for the type of structure being inspected.
The inspection may include the following structure types:

Bridges and major culverts

Road structures - including major sign structures, noise walls , visual screen walls and retaining walls, and
high mast lighting structures
The inspection shall include all visible structural components including, approaches and waterways at bridges and
major culverts. The inspector shall assess and report any significant signs of deterioration, damage, distress or
unusual behaviour due to vehicle impact, flood or fire damage.
The report shall include works that were completed during the inspection together with items that require further
The report may include recommendations for further investigation (e.g. Level 3).
The report should include photographs of items that require further assessment or maintenance.

2.2.3 Frequency of inspections

All structures shall be subject to two Level 1 inspections per year with a maximum interval of 6 months between
consecutive inspections.
Structures identified in Part 2.2.2 shall be subject to a Level 1 inspection after major accidents, flood, earthquake,
bushfires or other incidents.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Further advice and requirements regarding post-flood inspection and reporting should be obtained from the asset
owner or Technical Services Structures section if required.

2.2.4 Inspector accreditation

Inspections shall be conducted by personnel who have extensive practical experience in road and bridge routine
maintenance. They shall be competent to judge the visual condition of structures and the adjacent road approaches.
Level 1 inspections shall be conducted by Level 1 inspectors who are prequalified in accordance with the requirements
of VicRoads Prequalification Scheme for the M2-BW category.
Level 1 inspectors shall be accredited by VicRoads. The minimum requirement for accreditation shall be determined by
the responsible region but shall be not less than attendance at a briefing to be delivered by the region.

2.2.5 Inspection procedure Preparation for site inspection
Prior to commencing site inspections, the inspector shall obtain the relevant documentation together with the
necessary inspection and safety equipment.
Documentation should include a copy of relevant parts of the VicRoads Road Structures Inspection Manual (RSIM) and
data from the VicRoads Road Asset System for the structures scheduled for inspection.
Safety equipment shall include appropriate traffic management and other safety equipment relevant to routine
maintenance and inspections which shall be in accordance with the site-specific Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
and Safe Operating Procedure(s) for the operation. The inspector shall check the site prior to commencing the
inspection to ensure that the SWMS adequately addresses all hazards. Extent of inspections
The inspection shall include all elements of the structure above ground or water level.
The following components are not included in Level 1 inspections:

The internal parts of box girders

Inaccessible areas behind abutments

Structures over rail lines

Concrete or steel beams, piers and their crossheads if located in or over permanent water

Items requiring special access equipment including boom lifts, underbridge access units, boats, ladders or
scaffolding to perform the inspection.(these items will be inspected during Level 2 or Level 3 inspections)
The individual elements of the structure shall be visually examined. Where issues are identified they shall be
categorised as follows:

Routine maintenance items to be rectified by the maintenance contractor without the need for a further

Structural safety or integrity issues which require further inspection by a suitably experienced engineer

Other defects that are beyond the scope of routine maintenance

The following section provides a list of typical issues to be identified during a Level 1 inspection. The inspector is
expected to use their knowledge and experience to identify maintenance and potential structural integrity issues.
All components listed in Part 3 - Tables 3.2.1, and 3.2.2 and the structure as a whole shall be assessed for the
following issues:
(i) Structural integrity issues
The integrity and stability of a structure may be affected by physical distress or damage or chemical deterioration of
critical components.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


This manual provides descriptions and photographs of different degrees of distress or damage and deterioration of
structural components and materials.
The intention of the following paragraphs is to provide Level 1 inspectors with a list of critical signs of distress or
damage and deterioration that should be included in the inspection report to identify any urgent concerns about
structural integrity. A brief summary is given of the types of distress or damage which may be observed in different
materials followed by guidance on the critical locations to inspect on structure components.
Safety inspections defined in Section 750 are also intended to identify distress or damage affecting structural
performance which must be recorded as Hazard Reference No H711.
Indications of distress, damage or deterioration in critical components
Steel components:

Corrosion and cracking of beams, columns and connections

Deflection or distortion (e.g. as a result of overloading, impact, heat or corrosion)


Single or multiple cracks with a width greater than 0.3mm

Major spalling or general deterioration of concrete with exposed reinforcement or
prestressing strands due to vehicle impact, corrosion of reinforcement, abrasion or
any other cause
Heat damage from bushfire, vehicle impact, explosion or other source which may
include spalling, cracking or failure of the components
Porous or poorly compacted concrete and concrete which has deteriorated or
Substantial loss of mortar
Single or multiple cracks through mortar and/or masonry blocks or bricks
Substantial efflorescence (white deposit) on surface (an indication of water
Termite activity, rotting, marine borer and other insect attack
Excessive deflections of beams
Deformation or settlement of bridge deck
Buckling or displacement of piles
Splitting and crushing
Fracture of cross-beams
Loss of cross-section
Knots in stringers
Fire damage
Damage from vehicle impact, stream debris, abrasion or other means

Masonry and brick



Critical components for bridges and major culverts

Superstructure elements including
beams, slabs, box girders, transverse
diaphragms and similar
Substructure pier columns and


Expansion Joints

Foundations including piles and spread

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Signs of distress or deterioration at midspan or near supports

Signs of distress in columns, crossheads and connections

Corroded or missing connection components, with particular
emphasis on timber and steel components
Movement/displacement of abutments and piers
Lateral movement or vertical separation
Severe bulging or splitting failure of elastomeric bearings
Severe corrosion or seizure of steel bearings
Severe cracking or spalling of supporting pedestals
Loose or missing connection bolts or nuts
Cracked or missing fingers of finger type joints
Loose, fractured or corroded angle retainers
Deteriorated, split or missing joint filler/insert/gland
Signs of deterioration of exposed sections, substantial
settlement, exposure, of spread footings in particular, by scour


Critical components for bridges and major culverts

or erosion
Culverts (rectangular, crown units,
pipes) and arches

Loss of curvature in masonry arch profiles

Substantial loss of mortar or missing or displaced masonry
Significant corrosion or deformation of CMP culverts
Tilting, bulging or settlement of wing walls on approaches to
culverts and bridges

Critical components for retaining walls

Retaining wall facing components
including masonry blocks or bricks,
precast concrete panels, timber sleepers
and similar

Supporting components including

vertical posts and columns, metal or
geo-synthetic anchor strips for
reinforced soil walls and similar

Strip footing and pile foundations

Evidence of lateral tilting, bulging that might indicate excessive

earth pressure from settlement of contained fill, failure of
drainage system, if any, behind the wall or similar
Extended cracks through mortar and masonry components or
precast concrete panels
Evidence of lateral tilting, bulging that might indicate failure or
extension of retaining systems in reinforced soil walls, or failure
of vertical retaining posts or their foundations
Evidence of movement of retaining walls that has caused
permanent closure of expansion joints, spalling of concrete
superstructure or substructure components
Signs of substantial settlement or rotation
Significant exposure by erosion, settlement or other means

Crib wall

Disintegration of blocks

Typical critical components for noise and visual walls

Noise and visual wall panel


Supporting barrier systems and similar

Severe cracking or other deterioration of panel material due to

wind or other environmental effects, impact or movement of
supporting structures
Severe deterioration of frame supporting members
Missing, fractured, corroded or other form of failure
Damage or lateral movement due to vehicle impact
Severe rotation or settlement due to foundation settlement,
scour or similar

Typical critical components for high mast lighting structures and large sign structures
Base plate bolted and welded
connections and mortar packing beneath

Supporting columns and cantilever or

truss or beam components

| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Missing, fractured, severely corroded or loose nuts

Severely corroded or damaged hold down bolts
Fatigue-cracking or corrosion of welds
Missing or severely deteriorated mortar packing beneath
Visually evident distortion of baseplates
Signs of significant distortion, corrosion or impact damage
Fatigue-cracking in members or welds
Signs of settlement, or exposure of foundations by scour or
Indications of severe deterioration of pile supports

(ii) Routine maintenance issues

The following guidance relates to maintenance issues that are to be addressed as part of road maintenance and other
issues that are to be reported for further investigation or attention.
The following references are taken from Section 750 of VicRoads Standard Specification for Roadworks and
Bridgeworks, Part 750.E - Structure Maintenance Requirements which includes detailed information on completing and
reporting Routine maintenance (Level 1) inspections and maintenance works.
The RM700 series of routine maintenance jobs has been developed for structures:

RM711 Bridge and major culvert maintenance;

RM712 Roadside structures;
Major sign structures;
High mast lighting structures;
Retaining walls;
Noise and visual screen walls;
RM415 Stream maintenance;

Routine maintenance activities on bridges and other structures



Deck joints


Bituminous surfacing on structure

roadway, footpaths and
Signs, lighting and roadmarking


| Road Structures Inspection Manual

Graffiti and other damage caused by vandalism

Accident, fire or water damage
Accumulation of dirt, bird and animal droppings and other
debris on components preventing drainage, ponding,
rusting of steel, seizure of bearings and other moving
Vegetation growth in structural joints, mortar joints,
cracks and other locations on and around structures
Blocked scuppers and side entry pits on bridges, culverts
and approaches
Scour or settlement of bridge abutment batters, road
approaches, behind retaining walls, foundations of bridge
piers, sign structures, mast arms, retaining walls and
other structures
Blocked weepholes and signs of water penetration and
inadequate drainage behind retaining walls, bridge and
culvert wing walls and similar
Debris blocking or jamming joints
Damaged waterproofing seals
Missing or damaged bolts
Debris and dirt build up around bearings
Rusted steel bearings
Damaged, corroded and missing posts, rails, spacer
blocks, and connections
Approach barrier not constructed or connected
Uneven surface
Settlement of approaches
Missing, damaged or corroded components, supports,
Signs or roadmarking not legible
Lights not working
Blocked with debris and vegetation
Scour and subsidence requiring beaching or other


2.2.6 Data recording

All data obtained from a Level 1 inspection shall be recorded on a Level 1 inspection report form as required by
Section 750 of VicRoads Standard Specification for Roadworks and Bridgeworks.
If structural integrity issues are identified or further inspection is required, these shall be notified to the
Superintendent on the day of the inspection or sooner if the inspector perceives there is immediate danger to the

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


2.3 Level 2 Structure condition inspections

2.3.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Level 2 inspection is to measure and rate the condition of structures with the aim to:

Identify and prioritise maintenance needs

Assess the effectiveness of past maintenance treatments

Model and forecast changes in condition (deterioration modelling) and residual life

Estimate future requirements for maintenance budgets

2.3.2 Scope
The scope of the Level 2 inspection includes the following:

Visual inspection of components to assess their condition using the condition rating system described in Part 3
Reporting the condition and its extent for each bridge component
A condition rating for the overall structure (Bridge Condition Rating)
Identification of structures and/or components which may require a detailed engineering inspection* (Level 3)
due to rapid changes in structural condition or deterioration to condition rating 4
Identification of components which require closer condition monitoring and observation at the next inspection
due to rapid changes in structural condition or deterioration to condition rating 3

Identification of supplementary testing

A photographic record of the structure
Auditing of selected components for structure inventory records
Reporting of structures that do not have an identification plate

* To be determined by the asset manager in conjunction with Technical Services

2.3.3 Frequency of inspections

Structure age

Initial inspection

Routine inspection


Within 12 months of opening to

Within 12 months of the
completion of major maintenance,
strengthening and/or widening

2 to 5 year thereafter*


* Actual frequency of inspections is determined on a risk basis taking into consideration the condition of components

(in the form of the Bridge Condition Rating) as follows:

Bridge Condition Rating

Interval between inspections



30 to 60


| Road Structures Inspection Manual


The actual frequency may be varied by VicRoads based on the estimated rate of deterioration of components,
environmental conditions, traffic volumes and any completed maintenance, strengthening or replacement of
components in poor condition.

2.3.4 Inspector prequalification and auditing

Level 2 inspections shall be conducted by Level 2 inspectors who are prequalified in accordance with the requirements
of VicRoads Prequalification Scheme for the BI2 category. Inspectors in this category must have extensive practical
experience in either the inspection, construction, design, maintenance or repair of road structures. They shall be
competent to judge the condition of structures and the importance of visual defects. Applicants must attend a Level 2
bridge inspection training course approved by VicRoads for this purpose together with the VicRoads Level 2 briefing
and must also satisfactorily complete an inspection assignment. Level 2 inspectors need not be qualified professional
bridge engineers, but are required to consult with and take advice from such a person to aid in decision making or
interpreting visual defects or unusual structural behaviour. Inspector performance is subject to ongoing review,
including independent audits of completed inspections.

2.3.5 Inspection procedure Preparation for site inspection
Prior to commencing structural inspections, the inspector shall ensure that they have all relevant documentation,
inspection and safety equipment and have made appropriate arrangements with the relevant road, railway or other
authorities for temporary access to the structures requiring inspection. Site inspection
Inspections shall be conducted in a systematic manner.
The inspector shall:

Inspect and assess the condition of each structural component using the standard condition rating criteria
(Refer Part 3 of the Manual),
Assess the general condition of the structure and record the results of the assessment on the condition rating
Record all components in condition 3 and 4 separately on the structure defects sheet. A photograph of
Condition state 3 and 4 defects is also required.
Record and photograph non standard components
Record those components which it was not possible to fully inspect
Record any discrepancies in the provided inventory information Extent of inspection

The condition inspection is a visual inspection only and covers all components of the structure above ground and
water level except those listed below that are not included in the Level 2 inspection program and will be inspected as
part of the Level 3 program:

Internal surfaces and components of box girders

Piles and foundations below ground or water
Components that require special access equipment or traffic management provisions to facilitate inspection
Emergency bridging systems
Emergency median barrier access gates
Emergency boom gates
Concrete pavements on piles
Architectural and historic features

Except where special access equipment or traffic management is required, the individual components of the structure
shall be inspected from within 3 m of all surfaces of the component. Where this is not possible, the inspector shall use
binoculars or other optical equipment such as a spotting scope to conduct the inspection. In either case, the optical
equipment shall be sufficiently powerful and properly adjusted to enable a close-up view of the components being
inspected. If binoculars are used, these should be of the Porro-prism type which gives a brighter image than the more
compact roof prism type.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Components shall be inspected in good natural or artificial light sufficient to enable fine cracks in concrete to be
Subject to the foregoing restrictions, all bearings at bridge abutments and piers shall be inspected, and bearings at
one pier shall be inspected at eye level.
The calculated percentage of a component in each condition state shall be based on the total area of the component
that can be observed. Where it is estimated that 25 % or less of the component is visible this shall be recorded on the
structure information sheet, stating the reason why it cannot be fully observed.
Components that are part of bridge widenings shall be assessed and recorded separately to those of the original
bridge. Each widening shall be recorded separately and designated as left or right as viewed from the start of the
bridge. The start of the bridge is defined as the end of the bridge closest to the start chainage of the road.
Dimensional measurements, numbers of key components and a photographic record of the structure are required. Photography
Photographs are a vital part of the structural inspection record. The Level 2 inspection includes specific requirements
for photographic records. It is important that Level 2 inspectors have a suitable camera and are able to use its
features sufficiently to ensure good quality photographs. Flash photography generally obscures fine details such as
cracks - if possible, photographs should be taken in bright natural light.
Minimum specification for camera:

10MP sensor set to the maximum resolution

Date-stamp facility*

Zoom lens to enable close-up

Flash with sufficient power to illuminate the subject of the photograph

* The camera must be set to the correct date and time.
Photographs must:

Include a digital date-stamp

Be taken in natural light unless the defect is in deep shadow or a dark area

Be in sharp focus sufficiently to enable fine details such as cracks in concrete to be observed - blurred images
will not be accepted

Be composed so that the subject of the photograph is centralised and occupies the full frame of the image
Photographs shall be taken of all components at condition rating 3 and 4 and of those components that do not fall
within the defined component classification.
All photographs taken for inventory purposes and of components with condition rating of 3 or 4 shall be recorded.
All photographs shall be numbered sequentially at each bridge site and recorded in the appropriate record table.
All photographs shall be checked at the structure and repeated if the quality is poor.
Wetting of a cracked concrete surface may be used to highlight crack patterns.

2.3.6 Data recording

All information obtained from the site inspection shall be recorded on the following data sheets for Level 2 inspections
provided in Appendix A of this Part:

Bridge inspector's sheet

Condition rating sheet

Structure defect sheet

Structure information sheet

Structure inventory and photographic record sheet

The following information describing the structure, its location and details of the inspection shall be recorded:


Road name

Road number

Location (km) from the start of the road

Crossing name and/or feature crossed for bridges and culverts

General location description for roadside structures

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Structure identification number

Global Positioning System location(s)
Any discrepancies in the inventory information for the structure provided to the inspector.

Bridge inspectors sheet

The following shall be recorded:

Name of inspector

Date of inspection
The prevailing weather conditions and the temperature
The inspector shall also make recommendations for future inspections including:

Equipment needed to properly carry out the inspection

Known and observed hazards on site

Recommended date for next inspection

Condition rating sheet

The following information shall be recorded:

List all components of the structure by their unique number reference

Condition of each component - rating and the extent to which it applies

General condition of the structure including condition of any bridge widening

The method of rating the condition of structure components is given in Part 3.

Condition rating of components

The inspector shall make an assessment of the condition of each component/element in accordance with Part 3.
The inspector shall compare the observed component defects with the description in the condition rating and the
accompanying photographs if available.
The proportion of the component in each condition rating shall be determined on the basis of the total component
area that is visible. The unit of measurement shown in the condition rating descriptions shall be used to determine the
percentage in each condition as described in Part 3.

Predefined components and elements

Structure components and elements shall be identified in accordance with Part 3.

The list of component/element numbers provided in Tables 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of Part 3 shall be used when recording
components/elements of the bridge.

Undefined components and elements

If a component does not conform to one of the predefined components, its details shall be described in the structure
information sheet and the component shall be photographed.
Components which have been identified as 'un-defined' shall be assigned a component number before the next

Structure defect sheet

Additional information to be recorded for each component assessed to be in Condition 3 or 4:

Component number

Component location, defect and general condition description

Approximate quantity of the component to be used for estimating cost of repairs

For components in Condition 3 or 4, the photograph number recorded on the structure inventory and
photographic record sheet.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Structure information sheet

The inspector is to record any other observations that are not covered by the other sheets including the following:

Posted speed, load or height limits and curfews

Undefined components

Components that cannot be inspected, stating the reason why this is not possible

Components where less than 25 % is accessible (e.g. hidden by other components)

General comments, explanations or significant information

Note - Absence of structure number plate is recorded on the condition sheet.

Structure inventory and photographic record sheet

Inventory data from the Road Asset System shall be confirmed and any discrepancy recorded:All photographs taken for inventory purposes and of components which have a condition rating of 3 or 4 are to be
All photographs at each bridge are to be numbered sequentially and recorded in the appropriate record table.

Bridge and major culvert inventory data

Bridges and culverts are structures which have:

A single span or diameter equal to or greater than 1.8m


A waterway area equal to or greater than 3m

The inspector is required to check the structure identification number, date plates, overall measurements, components
of the structure and any bridge widenings against data from RAS and also to prepare a photographic record.

Location of components

Labels describing the positions of components are based on observations from the start of the bridge which is the side
of the bridge with the lowest chainage as defined by VicRoads Linear Referencing System.
All components are referenced from left to right, including any widening units when viewed in the forward direction of
the road (i.e. increasing chainage).
The following abbreviations are used:



column or culvert cell number



unit number along the cell length of the culvert

In a three span bridge with 4 beams in each span:

Abutment 1 is at the start of the bridge and Abutment 2 is at the opposite end

Spans 1, 2 and 3 are measured from abutment 1

The first beam on the extreme right hand side in Span 1 is Span 1 - Beam 4 (S1 B4)

The beam on the extreme left in span 2 is Span 2 - Beam 1 (S2 B1)

increasing chainage
| Road Structures Inspection Manual




S1 B1

S2 B1

S3 B1

S1 B2

S2 B2

S3 B2

S1 B3

S2 B3

S3 B3

S1 B4

S2 B4

S3 B4




Figure - Example - Location of components


Components in the bridge which form part of a widening are identified separately to those in the original bridge by
inserting one of the following letters in the widening column on the condition rating sheet:


indicating widening on the left

indicating widening on the right

together with a 1 or 2 indicating if this is the first or second widening on the side in question.
The widening column on the condition rating sheet is ignored for beams in the original structure.
If a culvert has been widened with a bridge structure, separate inventory sheets are required for each part of the

Fig - Bridge widths (superstructure only) JOINED BRIDGES

If two adjacent bridges are joined, the joining section is to be treated as a part of the of the outbound
It is to be termed a Joining and the structural elements of the Joining reported in the same manner as a
The inbound structure is to remain unchanged but the presence of the joining is to be noted on the
Inspectors sheet
For continuity purposes, both existing Structure Numbers are to be maintained

The Joining could be included in the 1/2 column under Widening by inserting J to give 1/2/J and changing Widening to
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Bridge and culvert dimensions and photographic records

Global Positioning System (GPS)

GPS values for latitude and longitude are measured in decimal degrees to five decimal places using Datum GDA94.
These readings are taken at the face of kerb (or barrier if there is no kerb) at the left hand side of Abutment 1
For twin bridges on a divided carriageway Abutment no.1 will be the first abutment crossed when travelling in the
forward direction (ie. increasing chainage) whereas on the adjacent carriageway Abutment no. 1 will be the last
abutment crossed. For both bridges on the divided carriageway the GPS reading shall be taken at Abutment 1 left face
of kerb or barrier if there is no kerb refer to Figure

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure - GPS location for a duel carriageway


Photographic record

The following photographs are required in addition to those showing condition rating 3 and 4 defects:

A general photograph showing the alignment of the bridge, its width, kerbs and barriers
One photograph from the side of the bridge showing abutments, piers and the waterway or underbridge area

The following photographs of the main superstructure components (i.e. beams or girders) are to be taken from
underneath or to the side of the structure and are required to show:

The original structure

Widenings (not required if the widening beams are of the same type as the original beams)
(C) Measurements and quantities to be confirmed during the inspection
If provided to the inspector, the following data shall be confirmed:

Overall length of bridge

Number of spans

Overall width

Width of structure between kerbs

Width available between outer lane markings

Number of widenings (separately to number of spans)

Length and width of each widening

Number of main superstructure components i.e. beams, slabs, trusses or arches, for both the original bridge
and any widenings - components in widenings are to be reported separately
The overall width of the bridge is the width to the outer edges of the bridge including kerbs and footpaths measured
perpendicular to the road centreline. The width of identified widenings shall be from the joint in the deck between the
widened and original structure to the outside of the bridge or to the start of the next widening. For variable width
structures, the minimum widths are to be measured. See figure
The length of the bridge is the full length of the deck measured parallel to the road centre-line between the abutment
joints or, if the joints are not evident, the intersection of the deck and the approach-road pavement. The length of
individual spans is also measured and recorded. The approach slabs are not included in the overall length of the
For arch bridges the length of deck is measured to the back of the buttresses at the ends of the arches or to the
junction of the wingwalls with the spandrel walls.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


The length of a pedestrian overpass is the total length from abutment to abutment including all ramps. The length of
deck also includes any additional ramps that join the bridge. The width of the bridge is the width of the main
pedestrian structure.
For culverts, the width or diameter of the individual cell is measured. Where this varies between cells, the main pipe
diameter or width of crown is to be measured. This also applies to the cell height where there is variance.

Width of structure between kerbs

On structures where there are kerbs, the width is measured between the kerbs ignoring the centre median if present.
If there are no kerbs, the width between the roadside face of the barrier rails is measured.
If the width of the culvert is greater than the sealed pavement and shoulders, the width of the asphalt is measured.
For structures without kerbs or barrier railings that are narrower than the approach pavement, the overall width of the
culvert between the endwalls is measured. If there are no endwalls, the overall width of the culvert is recorded.

Roadside structure inventory data

Major sign and high mast lighting structures.

The structure number is prefixed by SS for signs and gantries, SL for high mast lighting and SA for architectural
feature structures.
The chainage for the sign, light or feature is the distance measured from the Road Start. The sign is associated with
the carriageway and the General Location is denoted by the text on the left, only where there is more than one sign
The inspector is required to confirm the inventory dimensions which are given on the structure inventory Sheets in
Appendix A of this Part.
The following photographs are required for each Structure:

A general photograph showing the sign, light or feature and support

The sign legend or light head as appropriate

The column and outreach components

The footing, grout and connections

Components in condition states 3 or 4

In the case of a gantry, additional photographs are required if the foundations differ in any way.

Noise walls, visual screen walls and retaining walls

The structure numbers are prefixed by SZ for Noise Barriers, SV for Visual Screen Walls and SR for Retaining Walls.
The wall chainage is the distance measured from the Road Start. The General Location is either on the freeway or an
adjacent ramp.
The length of the wall to be inspected is provided from RAS. If the stated length is incorrect, this is to be reported on
the structure information sheet. The inspector should not amend the length.
GPS readings are required at the start and end of the wall together with the chainage at the start of the wall.
The following photographs are required:

At the start and end of the wall

A view along the wall

Any components in condition states 3 or 4 Electronic format
All data recorded during the inspection is to be converted to electronic format and supplied to the Superintendent
within 14 days of the inspection. This shall include all information recorded on inspection sheets together with

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


2.4 Level 3 Engineering investigations

2.4.1 Introduction Purpose
Level 3 investigations are detailed engineering investigations that generally include a combination of field investigation
and theoretical analysis. They generally target a specific issue relevant either to an individual structure or to a class of
structures. Level 3 reports and data are used as a basis for the assessment of structural management options.
Level 3 investigations are intended to provide improved knowledge of the condition, load carrying capacity, in-service
performance and other characteristics that are beyond information that can be obtained from other types of
AS 5100 Bridge design is the principal reference to be used for Level 3 investigations. In particular, AS5100.7 Rating
of existing bridges, shall be used for determining the load capacity of bridges and other structures, supplemented by
more bridge-specific data and procedures where available.
Part 2.4 of the RSIM has been written to provide guidance to VicRoads structural asset managers - Regional Services,
VicRoads Principal Bridge Engineer and external consultants - on Level 3 investigation procedures. Scope
A Level 3 investigation is an inspection and/or a structural assessment, the scope of which is specifically developed for
a road structure or class of road structure. The structure-specific scope of a Level 3 investigation distinguishes it from
a Level 1 or a Level 2 inspection and the scope will include matters that are outside the scope of a Level 1 or a Level 2
Due to the unique nature of Level 3 investigations the RSIM does not specify a standard scope. Each Level 3
investigation requires a structure-specific scope.
The objective of this Section is to provide examples of circumstances leading to a Level 3 investigation, to describe a
procedure for developing the scope of a Level 3 investigation and to provide guidance regarding the typical activities
that might be included in the scope of a Level 3 investigation.
Section 2.4.2 provides guidance on Quality Control procedures for Level 3 investigations.
Section 2.4.3 provides summary information on a list of typical reasons for undertaking Level 3 investigations.
Appendix C contains examples to assist with preparation of the brief and scope for typical Level 3 investigations. Definitions
Brief The brief for a Level 3 investigation is the information to be provided when engaging an external or internal
party to undertake a Level 3 investigation. The brief must include a scope for the investigation. The scope may be an
outline and the brief may include a requirement to fully develop the scope prior to the investigation.
Complex structure - a road structure that requires a structure-specific inspection program due to the nature of the
structure or the particular importance of the structure. A structure may be designated as Complex if the standard
Level 2 inspection does not yield sufficient information to enable proper management of the structure.
Heritage or Historic Structure A structure included register(s) listed in VicRoads' Policy for the Management of
Heritage Bridges.
Level 3 investigation - An investigation carried out in accordance with Part 2.
Monitor structure - a road structure, or class of road structures, that require regular inspections arising from the
Mass Limits Review in order to ensure that the structure has sufficient live-load capacity or, alternatively, to trigger its
strengthening or replacement.
Proof Engineering An independent engineering review and certification of a structural design by a pre-qualified
Proof Engineer in accordance with VicRoads' Proof Engineering Policy.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Scope A description of the tasks to be performed during the Level 3 investigation.

Structural assessment An assessment by calculation or by load testing of a road structure in accordance with
AS5100 Bridge design and/or other relevant standards. The assessment will take into consideration the physical
condition of the road structure and will generally include a Level 3 inspection.

2.4.2 Quality for Level 3 investigations

Level 3 investigations shall be undertaken by appropriately experienced engineers who shall either be a member of
VicRoads Technical Services Structures section or a consulting engineer prequalified at Proof Engineer level in
accordance with VicRoads' Pre-qualification Scheme.
Level 3 inspections shall comply as a minimum with the procedural requirements for Level 2 inspections.
Structural assessments shall comply as a minimum with the procedural requirements for Proof Engineering.
Proof Engineering of Level 3 investigations is not generally required. If the Level 3 investigation includes the load
rating of a structure, the Principal Bridge Engineer shall be consulted regarding the need for Proof Engineering. If
Proof Engineering is requested by the Principal Bridge Engineer , the requirement for Proof Engineering must be
included in the scope of the Level 3 investigation.

2.4.3 Categories of Level 3 investigations Preamble
The following has been included to provide guidance on the most common categories of Level 3 investigations and
representative examples within each category. These categories and examples should be considered as being typical
but not an exhaustive list.
These investigations may be specific to an individual structure or may involve an investigation into a common form of
structure, component or material. Response to individual accident or natural event
A Level 3 investigation is required if an incident occurs that potentially affects the integrity or load-carrying capacity of
a structure.
Such incidents include:

An impact by a motor vehicle, train or river vessel with the substructure or superstructure of a bridge, major
culvert, large sign structure or other structure that would endanger the public if it were to fail
An explosion or vehicle fire (e.g. from a ruptured fuel tank, or a gas service attached to a structure)
A natural event such as a flood, bushfire or earthquake or other event that might damage or destablise a
structure (e.g. debris impact or loading, stream flow forces, scour or settlement or collapse of bridge piers
and abutments and embankments)

Incidents of this nature will generally be reported to the responsible Region which shall initiate an immediate Level 1
and / or Level 3 inspection
The Level 3 investigation may comprise a visual on-site inspection by a suitably experienced bridge engineer to:

Ascertain the visible extent of any damage

Consider the need for immediate action to make the structure safe or restrict its use

To record readily available information for further consideration in consultation with other relevant personnel.
The Principal Bridge Engineer shall be consulted regarding structural engineering issues and the Region
regarding operational issues

Recommend further detailed Level 3 investigations to evaluate the extent and magnitude of damage Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection
Incidents can occur and structural damage go unreported particularly in remote locations.
Reliance is then placed on Level 1 and Level 2 inspections to report defects which potentially endanger the capacity
and stability of structures and thereby to initiate a Level 3 investigation.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


In less urgent instances, Level 1 and Level 2 inspections will identify components that exhibit signs of damage or
deterioration (from overloading, repeated loading, physical or chemical damage).
These may initiate a Level 3 inspection to investigate:

The cause of the defects

The extent of and predicted rate of deterioration

The cost and relative benefits of maintenance, extensive rehabilitation, strengthening or replacement of
components or entire structures Programmed Level 3 investigations
Examples situations in which programmed or intermittent Level 3 investigations are required
Investigation outside of the scope of Level 2 inspections

Investigations requiring specialised access

equipment and/or personnel such as cherry
pickers, scaffolding, barges, diving gear, or
similar and for investigations on railway
property, within confined spaces, requiring
protective clothing or similar
The inside of box girders and other areas that
are difficult to access
Underwater inspection of piles and other
Emergency bridging systems
Emergency median barrier gates
Emergency boom gates
Concrete pavements on piles
Architectural and historic features

These investigations may be part of a programmed management system, at regular intervals but less frequently
than Level 2 inspections. These inspections shall be scoped as Level 3 investigations.

In the case of existing structures, the Level 3 investigation shall include a detailed on-site investigation to confirm
Investigation of bridges and other structures in the following categories
Monitor structures

The most common categories of bridges within this grouping of

structures have been the subject of extensive research. Refer
to Part 2.4.5

Complex structures

Heritage bridges

This category of structure has been introduced to identify

individual structures or families of structures that require
structure specific inspection procedures, methods and
reporting. Refer to Part 2.4.6
Refer to Part 2.4.7

These investigations may be conducted as part of a routine programmed management system. The scope and
frequency of investigations shall be determined for each structure and shall require ongoing review depending upon
the performance, intensity of loading, rate of deterioration, if any, maintenance, strengthening, component
replacement or similar that potentially influence safety and whole of life costing.
inventory data and to obtain condition data.

Investigation of bridges and other structures during construction, after completion and at handover from other bridge
asset owners/constructors
Other road authorities
Rail authorities
Water Authorities

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


In the case of new structures, it is advantageous to develop and maintain liaison with the bridge asset
owners/constructor and to participate in the review of design details and on-site inspections at critical stages. This
approach reduces emphasis on final handover inspections. Detailed as-constructed drawings and information is an
essential part of the handover process.
The following information is to be obtained from the transferring authority or organisation:

Design details

As-constructed drawings* and information

History of maintenance and modifications

Any other available historical records such as flood and/or fire events

Any other relevant information

*Design drawings are to be used if as-constructed drawings are not available. Detailed condition rating
Level 1 and Level 2 inspections provide data on the observed condition of structure components.
Level 3 investigations may be used to evaluate observations from Level 1 and 2 inspections or other condition data
that is not visually evident.
Level 3 investigations may include non-destructive testing and/or sampling of materials for laboratory testing.
Examples of non-destructive testing to determine condition data include:

Cover meter measurement of reinforcement cover and sizes to determine approximate loss of section and
compare depth of reinforcement against depth of chloride ingress and carbonation;

Ultrasonic testing of welds to determine original quality and any fatigue related cracking;

Dye penetration testing of steel members to identify the size and extent of fatigue cracks;

Carbon-fibre pull-off tests to check bond to the parent material;

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) to determine internal details of components such as voids, densities and
similar. The use of GPR requires operation and interpretation by expert personnel. The results should
generally be taken as indicative only and may require intrusive exploration to confirm GPR findings.

Vibration induced testing of components, in particular Pile Driving Analyser (PDA) testing of piles.
Examples of sampling testing for condition data assessment
Concrete cores to obtain:

Concrete strength
Depth of carbonation
Chloride ingress profiles
Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) reactivity and

Metal samples to obtain:

Chemical content
Material identification
Degree of oxidation, if any
Ductility, toughness and fatigue resistance
Quality of timber
Evidence of rot, insect or fungi attack

Timber cores to

The above data may be used to quantify the degree and extent of deterioration of components and materials within a
structure when:

Determining adjustments to capacity reduction factors when assessing load capacity

Identifying deteriorating components

Assessing the historic rate of deterioration;

Predicting future rates of deterioration and estimated remaining life

Developing appropriate maintenance, strengthening, protective coating or chemical reaction systems or

component replacement strategies to prolong component life and minimize whole of life costs

Load capacity assessment of structures

Level 3 investigations are commonly used to make an assessment of the load capacity of a structure for the following
main reasons:

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Rating the load capacity of a structure against current design standards for inclusion in bridge inventory data;
Rating a structure for use by different classes of commercial vehicles that are operating under:
General Access conditions. These vehicles include legally loaded rigid trucks, semi-trailers, truck and
trailer combinations and B-Doubles
Restricted Access conditions such as Higher Mass Limits semi-trailers and B-Doubles
PBS - Performance Based vehicles such as non-conforming semi-trailers, B-Doubles and truck and trailer

Rating a structure for use by special purpose vehicles such as All-Terrain cranes
Determining the adequacy of a structure for an individual heavy load platform movement, including:
The strongest path over a bridge or other structure, for the width of the load, in the forward or reverse
carriageway direction
The benefits of travelling at reduced speed
Any local propping, plating or strengthening required to achieve adequate capacity for the proposed load
Consideration to alternative heavy load platform arrangements

A multi-pronged approach may be taken to load capacity assessment as detailed in AS 5100.7 Rating including:

Theoretical analysis:
Simple analysis
High order analysis
Analysis based on design drawings
Analysis based on as-constructed data (measured dimensions and material properties corrected for
condition deterioration and measured load distributions)

On-site instrumentation and load-testing including:

Determination of elastic load distributions
Measurement of dynamic response
Measurement of component strains under legally-loaded vehicles
Measurement of strains in component which are subject to proof-loading (in the region of 80% of
ultimate limit state loading) and which are close to the elastic limit to provide improved data about
structure strains and stability
Load-testing of disused structures to destruction

Laboratory load-testing of:

Components obtained from redundant structures
Models of individual components or parts of individual or standard structures. Asset management of structures
Level 3 investigations are a fundamental component of the asset management of structures.
The management of the road network requires development of strategies for monitoring, maintaining, upgrading and
replacing structures in a planned manner that:

Provides maximum economically justifiable access to the network for all categories of road users while
Minimising whole-of-life costs; and
Working within available budgets.

The following are examples of asset management processes which involve Level 3 investigations:

Detailed load capacity assessments may be required for new or proposed classes of commercial vehicles, such as
quad axle semi-trailers and B-Doubles, to determine the adequacy of structures on individual or multiple routes
on the network for these vehicles. This might be accompanied by an assessment of the practicality and level of
strengthening required for each structure and estimated costs.

Development of management plans for each structure, categories of structures or networks of structures, that
Categorisation of structures into General, Monitor or Complex or other classification
Determination if the appropriate scope of Level 3 investigations
Development and review of long term strategies for routine maintenance, strengthening, widening or
other forms of upgrading or replacement
Monitoring the performance and rates of deterioration to enable review of intervention strategies and
Instrumentation, collection and data analysis including:

Vehicle volumes, mass and configurations, typically from weigh-in-motion systems

The performance of structures in general and critical components under repeated loading by
heavy vehicles

Developing projections for ongoing performance and deterioration of structures under predicted
future vehicle loading
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


2.4.4 Procedure for undertaking a Level 3 investigation

A Level 3 investigation is an inspection and/or a structural assessment, the scope of which is specifically developed for
that road structure or class of road structure. In some instances developing the scope of a Level 3 investigation may
require specialist input. The procedure for a Level 3 investigation recognises the importance of developing the scope
which can be achieved in several ways:

Scope developed by the asset manager/experienced regional bridge engineer prior to issuing the brief
Scope developed by a specialist advisor (VicRoads Technical Services or external consultant) prior to issuing
the brief
Scope development included in the brief (in which case the brief includes an outline scope)

Appendix C to this Part provides examples of suggested content for Briefs and Scopes for Level 3 investigations.

2.4.5 Monitor structure inspections

Monitor inspections are programmed Level 3 investigations and are additional to the Level 1 and Level 2 inspections
programs. Purpose
The original purpose of the Monitor Bridge inspection program is to conduct periodic investigations of individual
bridges of the classes which were found to have deficient live-load capacities in the 1990s Mass Limits Review. Other
high-risk structures have been added to the list over time. Monitor Bridges are checked for the presence of cracking
and other signs of structural distress which are indicators that the bridge is functioning at or close to its live-load
capacity, is near to the end of its useful life and requires strengthening or replacement without which a load-limit will
be required.
Monitor inspections are the primary means of ensuring the safety of these classes of structure and are also used to
prioritise their strengthening and replacement. Bridges in poor condition are given a high priority for strengthening or
replacement. Equally, strengthening and replacement can be deferred for bridges that remain in good condition. For
this reason the Monitor program serves as a risk-management tool and as an aid to the economical management of
structural assets.
Monitor inspections consist of non-destructive inspections of specific components to detect structural distress that may
indicate reduced strength and include:

Visual observation at arms-length and assessment of the condition of critical components

Photography - in order to compare the condition of critical parts of the structure with previous records
The Monitor program is an additional level of inspection which targets structure classes considered to represent the
highest risk to VicRoads. The Monitor program also enables VicRoads to allow vehicles to cross bridges at an
acceptable level of safety while it progressively upgrades and replaces them with the availability of funding.
A statewide list of Monitor structures is maintained by the Principal Bridge Engineer.
It is necessary to review and maintain the Monitor list from time-to-time in order to ensure inclusion of all bridges that
require Monitor inspections. History
During the mid to late 1990s, VicRoads and other State Road Authorities (SRAs) implemented a major program of
bridge inspection and load capacity assessment in conjunction with the National Transport Commission/Austroads
Mass Limits Review.
Initial analysis by VicRoads and the other SRAs found that a large number of bridges had insufficient live-load capacity
for Higher Mass Limits (HML) vehicles (45.5t semi-trailers and 68t B-Doubles). A major national program of bridge
load testing was then implemented. VicRoads and other SRAs proof-load tested a wide range of bridges using a pair
of semi-trailers each loaded to a gross mass of approximately 110 tonnes. VicRoads also conducted the following
specific bridge load-tests:

A disused reinforced concrete tee beam bridge (to destruction)

A disused reinforced concrete flat slab bridge (to destruction)

Laboratory models of approximately 25 reinforced concrete tee beams

Laboratory testing of three 40% full-scale reinforced concrete flat slab bridges

Laboratory testing of three 1950s u-slabs

Laboratory testing of three precast prestressed concrete rectangular beams

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


In addition, non-linear finite element analyses were conducted on a number of these bridges for comparison with the
load-testing results and to assess other bridge types and individual bridges.
As a consequence of this testing and analysis, certain classes of bridge that were initially thought to be inadequate for
HML vehicles were found to be satisfactory provided that they remained in good condition. It was concluded that
access to these bridge types by HML vehicles could be given subject to periodic inspection to ensure that they
remained in good condition. These inspections became known as the Monitor program.
Furthermore, and given the numbers of bridges in these classes, State Road Authorities could not afford to strengthen
or replace them in the short term. The Monitor inspection program enables State Road Authorities to replace and
strengthen these bridges gradually on a needs basis and to indefinitely defer action on those bridges that remain in
good condition.
The initial list of bridge types in the Monitor program includes:

Reinforced concrete tee beams

Reinforced concrete flat slab bridges, with particular emphasis on the standard 1.5m 3.6m 4.5m (5 12 15)
and 2.1m 7m 9.1m (7 23 30) span arrangements with end cantilevers

Prestressed concrete CRB and SR&WSC type precast rectangular beams

1950s series u-slab bridges

Other bridges have been added to the Monitor program over time. The condition of these additional bridges can
deteriorate in a similar way to those identified above and limit their live-load capacities. They have been added to the
Monitor program in order to manage their safety and serviceability and to prioritise their strengthening and
These additional bridges are generally derived from the structure classes listed below. Please note, however, the final
paragraph of regarding inclusion of individual examples of these structures:

1960s series U-slab bridges with bolted legs, cast in situ shear keys between the precast units and without
concrete overlay

1950s and 1960s steel rail-in-slab bridges

Precast, prestressed DMR plank bridges

Cast-in-place reinforced concrete Tee beam bridges

Reinforced concrete I beams with cast-in-place RC deck bridges

Prestressed concrete NAASRA I beams with RC deck bridges

Precast prestressed concrete trough girder bridges with cast-in-place decks

Cast-in-place prestressed concrete voided slab bridges

Prestressed concrete box girder bridges

Rolled steel girders with timber deck bridges

Fabricated metal girder bridges

Timber stringers with timber deck bridges

Buried Corrugated Metal Structures (pipes and arches)

Masonry arch structures and structures with masonry abutments, piers or similar

Rolled Steel Joist (RSJ) bridges retrofitted with precast or combination precast and cast in-situ reinforced
concrete deck slabs

Large cantilever and gantry sign structures and high mast light arms with bolted base connections

Other individual structures that include components or details that require specific monitoring, such as
elastomeric bearings that are moving laterally, retaining walls and abutments that are tilting or settling and
Bridge Technical Note 2004/010 Monitor Bridges gives more information on these structures and detailed guidance on
the approach to their inspection. It describes at-risk components and areas that should be inspected for signs of
distress. Frequency
Bridge monitoring inspections are conducted typically at intervals of two to three years depending on the condition of
the structure and the findings of the most recent inspections. Inspection and Monitoring Procedures
An initial Monitor inspection is used to establish the structural condition of specific components for each bridge/class
of bridge. The structure is then inspected periodically to ensure that its condition - and hence its live load capacity has not deteriorated to the point where its live-load capacity is insufficient for HML vehicles and/or it has become
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


The monitoring frequency depends on:

The condition of the structure and other structures of the same class

The observed rate of deterioration of key components

The frequency and mass of commercial vehicles using the bridges

Observed defects are recorded on the Level 2 data sheets given in Appendix A2 (with particular emphasis on flexural
and shear cracks) and photographed. Location, extent and width of cracks and in particular, changes in these defects
since the previous inspection, are key indicators of possible changes in capacity of the structure which require further
investigation. Management of monitor structures
The majority of the above bridges have been inspected several times since the implementation of this program of
Inspections done to date have revealed a spectrum of bridge condition/distress ranging from:

No distress to cracking and other distress that has been present for a long period and is not considered to
threaten the structural integrity of the bridge

Cracking and other distress that is of structural significance but which is static or developing at a slow rate

Signs of distress that require short to medium term attention

Signs of distress that require immediate attention

The above findings and other considerations including:

Traffic volumes


Bridge geometry and alignment

Proximity of other similar bridges offering economy of scale for strengthening and/or re-construction

Environmental conditions are used to:

Scope and prioritise replacement, strengthening or maintenance works that may be required

Reduce the frequency of monitor inspections for bridges that are assessed to be performing adequately or
which are deteriorating at a slow rate.
This program of inspection has enabled a consistent assessment of similar bridges across all regions and enabled
informed decisions to be made about the importance and priorities for replacing and rehabilitating the most deficient
Monitor inspections are used to inform the program for replacement and strengthening of the most deficient and
strategically important structures which can then removed from the Monitor list. The frequency and number of Monitor
inspections is expected to decrease over time as structures are replaced or strengthened and if the remaining Monitor
structures are found to be deteriorating slowly.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


2.4.6 Complex structure inspections

Complex structures are:

Individual or classes of bridge (or other road structure) for which the standard Level 2 inspection does not
provide sufficient information to enable assessment of the condition of bridge components for the whole of
the bridge

Bridges that require a bridge-specific inspection and management plan

Bridge-specific inspection and management plans are to be prepared by the responsible Region with advice from the
Principal Bridge Engineer.
Structures may be Complex for a number of reasons:

Structural form - e.g. cable, suspension, truss, lifting bridge

The size of the structure - e.g. its length, height or number of spans

Special knowledge or training beyond that of a Level 2 inspector is required to conduct an inspection - e.g.
metallurgical knowledge, FRP strengthening

The structure includes fracture-critical or fatigue prone components - e.g. steel components subjected to
cyclical loading, welds, gusset-plates

The structure involves new technology or technology in the early phase of use that is subject to a trial
Examples of Complex structure types:

Cable-stayed and suspension bridges

Prestressed concrete segmental bridges

Steel and concrete box girder bridges

Moveable bridges such as bascule, vertical lift span and swing bridges

Through and half-through trusses and girders

Bridges with half joints and drop-in-spans

Riveted wrought iron bridges - e.g. the Melbourne bridges over the Yarra River

Other structure types with limited or no structural redundancy

Bridges with multiple spans

High bridges

Bridges over water

Box-girder bridges

Bridges for which special access provisions are necessary

The examples of Level 3 investigations, described in 2.4.3, provide general guidance on the development of
appropriate programs of inspection for Complex structures.
Complex structure inspections include completion of the Level 2 inspection forms for the whole of the structure. If the
condition of specific features of a Complex structure cannot adequately be assessed and recorded on the standard
Level 2 forms, it may be necessary to devise structure-specific forms.
A statewide list of Complex structures is maintained by the Principal Bridge Engineer. Any changes to the list will be
subject to discussion.

2.4.7 Heritage and historic structures

VicRoads ' Management of Heritage Bridges policy states how VicRoads meets its statutory obligations to identify and
conserve bridges and other structures of historic value subject to community, environmental, social and economic
VicRoads aims to retain the best examples of historic road-related structures and manage them in accordance with
conservation plans and heritage legislation.
The Management of Heritage Bridges policy applies to all bridges on declared roads which are included on the National
Estate, Victorian Heritage Council, National Trust or Environment Conservation Council, or which are being considered
for registration.
Registered heritage bridges are usually open to vehicular traffic and are maintained to the same performance
standards as equivalent non-heritage bridges and in a manner that ensures the heritage characteristics of each bridge
are preserved.
Heritage structures are included in the normal bridge inspection program even if they are not used by traffic.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


The list of Heritage and Historic structures is kept in RAS which is maintained by Policy and Programs.
RAS records the specific details which are essential to maintaining the heritage value of structures in this category.
This information is used to prepare structure-specific conservation management plans for individual heritage
registered bridges. Specific requirements for bridge inspection are then developed for each heritage structure. These
define the heritage features and components to be inspected and reported. Specific guidance on deterioration and
signs of distress in these components is included if appropriate. Guidance is also provided on appropriate materials,
surface treatments and methods to be used for the maintenance of these components.

2.4.8 Data recording

Completed Level 3 investigation reports shall be submitted to the Superintendant with copies provided to:

Policy and Programs

The Principal Bridge Engineer

The Principal Bridge Engineer in conjunction with Policy and Programs will advise Information Services regarding the
information to be recorded in RAS.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Appendix A2
Data sheets for level 2 inspection
A2.1 General
It is essential that that uniformity be developed for the inspection of the VicRoads assets so that results from
different inspectors are based on the same set of standards. The field sheets shown in this section of the manual
should achieve such a uniform approach.

A2.2 Data sheets for bridges and culverts

Inventory and photographic record sheet for SN - bridge or culvert

Bridge inspectors sheet
Condition rating sheet
Structure defect sheet
Structure information sheet
Sketch sheet

A2.3 Data sheets for roadside structures

The relevant inventory and photographic record sheet shall be used for the following roadside structures.
SS - Cantilever and gantry sign structures
SL - High mast lighting structures
SZ - Noise walls
SV - Visual screen walls
SR - Retaining walls

Then the same sheets as for bridges and culverts shall be used for recording component condition and other
general information:

Bridge inspectors sheet

Condition rating sheet general
Structure defect sheet
Structure information sheet
Sketch sheet

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Bridge inspectors sheet
Structure ID No.: S

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)



Site conditions



Equipment requirements for next inspection

Inspection Access


Under-bridge inspection Unit



Scissor Lift



Cherry Picker

GPS unit

Measuring tapes


Electronic Camera

Crack Gauge


Measuring Wheel

Traffic control

Note: Personal safety and protective equipment for use on roadway and in 1m water is mandatory.
General comments

Sheet of

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Condition rating sheet
Structure ID No.: S

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)



% of component in each condition





| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Structure defect sheet
Structure ID No.: S

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)








Photo Nos.

Defect description


| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Structure information sheet
Structure ID No.: S

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)





Information or comment
(Including: Load, Height, speed limits; hydraulic performance or similar; and location of any
material testing & sampling)


| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Sketch sheet
Structure ID No.: S

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)





| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Inventory and photographic record sheet

Bridge (SN)

Culvert (SN)

Structure ID No.:

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)





Bridge or Culvert measurements and quantities (1 = 1st widening on one side; 2 = 2 nd widening on one

B = Bridge, C = Culvert
(select one & cross the


Widening left

Widening right


B: Length (m)
C: Cell length/dia (m)
B: O/All width (m)
C: Cell width along invert
B: No. spans
C: Cell height


B: No. beams/slabs
CNo. of cells

Span No.





B: Span Length
C: Cell Size (m)

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Structure photographic record

n number






| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Inventory and photographic record sheet
Cantilever and gantry sign (SS)

High mast lighting (SL)

Structure ID No.:

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)






Side of road:

(left or right)

Clearance from carriageway:


Type of Sign: Cantilever








Located on concrete pad

Leveling nuts exist









General comments



| Road Structures Inspection Manual


VicRoads Level 2 structure condition inspection

Inventory and photographic record sheet
Visual Screen Walls (SV)

Noise Walls (SZ)

Retaining Walls (SR)

Structure ID No.:

Location (Km): (Fwd/Rev)

Road name:

Road number:

Crossing/General Location:

Map reference: (Melways/VicRoads)



GPS start of wall



GPS end of wall



For Visual Screen or

Noise Wall
For Retaining Wall
Side of road:

Type of wall: (freestanding, on parapet or retaining wall, other)

Material: (steel, concrete, timber, masonry, other)
Materials: Facing, Supports

(left or right)

Clearance from carriageway:






General comments



| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Appendix B2 Deterioration of road structures

| Road Structures Inspection Manual



Material defects

This section describes the defects that are normally found in concrete, steel, timber, masonry and coatings.
Each defect is briefly described and the causes producing it are identified.



Based on concrete defects described in Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Structure Inspection Manual.
Concrete elements may be unreinforced mass concrete, reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete.
Defects in concrete are commonly linked with poor durability resulting from the composition of the concrete, poor
workmanship and quality control during construction and/or the aggressive environment surrounding and in
contact with the structure.
The following defects commonly occur in concrete:



Water wash

Corrosion of reinforcement




Alkali Aggregate Reaction

Surface Defects


Chloride ingress
B2.1.2.1 Scaling
Scaling is the local flaking or loss of the surface portion of concrete or mortar. Scaling is common in non airentrained concrete but can also occur in air-entrained concrete in the fully saturated condition. Scaling occurs in
poorly finished or overworked concrete where too many fines and not enough entrained air is found near the
surface. Scaling of concrete is shown in Figure

Figure Scaling of Concrete

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


B2.1.2.2 Disintegration
Disintegration is the physical deterioration or breaking down of the concrete into small fragments or particles.
The deterioration usually starts in the form of scaling and, if allowed to progress beyond the level of very severe
scaling, is considered as disintegration. Disintegration of concrete is illustrated in Figure

Figure of concrete

B2.1.2.3 Water wash
Water wash is caused by water borne sand and gravel particles eroding the concrete surface.
Water wash of a concrete column is shown in Figure &(b)

Figure Waterwash(a)

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure Waterwash(b)

B2.1.2.4 Corrosion of reinforcement
Corrosion is the deterioration of reinforcement by the process of oxidation. The alkalinity of concrete normally
protects embedded reinforcement from corrosion. However, the process of carbonation caused by penetration of
airborne carbon-dioxide slowly reduces the alkalinity and the concrete eventually becomes acidic. Corrosion
commences when the depth of carbonation reaches the reinforcement. Corrosion can also occur in the presence
of high Chloride ion concentration such as when the concrete is immersed in sea-water or exposed to salt-spray.
Corrosion may appear as a rust stain on the concrete surface. In the advanced stages, the surface concrete
above the reinforcement can crack, delaminate and spall-off exposing the underlying reinforcement. This process
is illustrated in Figure &(b)

Figure Corrosion of concrete

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure Corrosion of concrete

B2.1.2.5 Delamination
Delamination is defined as a discontinuity in the surface concrete which is substantially separated but not
completely detached from the main mass of concrete. Visibly, the concrete may appear to have a solid surface,
however, the delaimination can be identified by the hollow sound if the concrete is tapped with a hammer.
Delamination commonly begins with the corrosion of reinforcement and subsequent cracking of the concrete and
normally occurs in the plane of the reinforcement parallel to the exterior surface of the concrete. It can also
result from impact and from crushing that occurs when two concrete components come into contact.
B2.1.2.6 Spalling
A spall is a fragment, which has been detached from a larger concrete mass. Spalling is a continuation of the
delamination process in which the pressure exerted by the corrosion of reinforcement results in complete
separation of the delaminated concrete.
Vehicular or other impact can also result in spalling. Spalling may also be caused by overloading of the concrete
in compression. Spalling may also occur in areas of localised high compressive load concentrations, such as at
structure supports, or at anchorage zones in prestressed concrete. Concrete exposed to extreme temperatures
such as in a fire may also spalling.
The spalled area left behind is characterised by irregular edges.
Spalling of concrete is shown in Figure &(b).

Figure Spalling of concrete

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure Spalling of concrete

B2.1.2.7 Cracking
A crack is a fracture in the concrete which extends partly or completely through the member. Cracks in concrete
are caused by tensile stresses. Concrete is weak in tension. When the level of the tensile stress in concrete
exceeds its tensile capacity, the concrete cracks. After this point the tensile force is transferred to the steel
reinforcement. The purpose of reinforcement and prestressing is to control crack width and crack distribution.
Tensile stresses and cracks in concrete may be due to externally applied loads, external restraint forces, internal
restraint forces, differential movement and settlements, or corrosion of the reinforcement. Externally applied
loads generate compressive and tensile stresses in the members and components of the structure.
Cracks resulting from externally applied loads initially appear as hairline cracks and are not significant.
However, if the applied load increases, the stress in the reinforcement rises and the initial cracks widen and
progressively spread.
Cracks may also be caused by:

External restraint forces if the free movement of the concrete arsing from temperature, creep and
shrinkage is prevented

Internal restraint forces resulting from the differential expansion or contraction of the exterior surface of
concrete relative to the interior mass of the concrete - e.g. plastic shrinkage cracking and early thermal
cracking. The resulting surface cracks are normally shallow and appear as pattern cracks.

Differential movements or settlements resulting in the redistribution of external reactions and internal
forces in the structure. This may in turn result in the introduction of additional tensile stresses and
cracking in the concrete components of the structure. Movement cracks may be of any orientation and
width, ranging from fine cracks above the reinforcement due to formwork settlement, to wide cracks due
to foundation or support settlement.
The types and location of cracking that are the most likely to be observed are shown in Figure (a).

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure (a) Types and location of cracking

The severity of cracking is shown in Figure (b) and is defined as:Hairline - up to 0.1 mm;
- 0.1 to 0.3 mm;
Medium - 0.3 to 0.7 mm;
Heavy - > 0.7 mm;

Figure (b)

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Example crack gauge shown in Figure (c)

Figure (c) Crack Gauge

B2.1.2.8 Alkali aggregate reaction (AAR)
Some aggregates react adversely with the alkalis in cement to produce a highly expansive alkali-silica gel.
The expansion of the gel and aggregates under moist conditions leads to cracking and deterioration of the
concrete. The cracking occurs through the entire mass of the concrete. AAR is generally slow by nature, and the
results may not be apparent for many years. The appearance of concrete affected by alkali-aggregate reactions
is shown in Figure

Figure Alkali aggregate reaction (AAR)

B2.1.2.9 Surface defects
The following are examples of surface defects in concrete:


Cold Joints

Surface deposits - efflorescence, stalactite


Abrasion and wear

Surface defects are not necessarily serious. However, they can be indicative of a potential weakness in
the concrete.
Segregation is the differential concentration of the components in fresh concrete resulting in variable
composition. For example, if concrete is allowed to fall from a height of more than 2m, the coarse aggregate may
settle to the bottom of the fresh concrete mass leaving an excess of the fine particles at the upper part of the
mass. Other causes of segregation are poor mix design or if closely spaced reinforcing bars prevent the uniform
flow of concrete.
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Cold Joints are produced if there is a delay between the placement of successive deliveries of concrete, and if an
incomplete bond develops at the joint due to the partial setting of concrete in the first pour.
Deposits are often left behind where water percolates through the hardened concrete and dissolves or leaches
chemicals from it and deposits them on the surface.
Deposits may appear as the following;

efflorescence - a deposit of salts (chemical components of the concrete), usually white and powdery refer
to Figure

Figure Efflorescence on the beam soffit

exudation - a liquid or gel-like discharge through pores or cracks in the surface

encrustation - a hard crust or coating formed on the concrete surface
stalactite - a downward pointing formation hanging from the concrete surface, usually shaped like an
icicle and made from salts in the concrete

Honeycombing is caused by:

inadequate compaction of the concrete which results in voids where the cement matrix failed to completely
fill the spaces between the coarse aggregate
Abrasion damage is caused by contact with vehicles and results in the removal of the concrete surface. It can
also be caused by water-borne particles.
Slippery surfaces - e.g. polished concrete deck - may be caused by the repetitive passage of vehicles.
B2.1.2.10 Carbonation
Carbonation is a process through which the alkalinity of concrete slowly reduces over time due to the ingress of
atmospheric carbon-dioxide. Reduction in alkalinity leads to corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement.
B2.1.2.11 Chloride ingress
Sodium chloride in the atmosphere or in water can penetrate concrete through to the reinforcment. The sodium
chloride separates into Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl) ions. When the chloride ions reach the reinforcing steel,
corrosion of the embedded reinforcement occurs. Corroding steel increases in volume leading to the risk of
delamination and spalling. The greatest risk of Chloride ion ingress occurs in coastal areas and in river estuaries
where tidal flows can bring salt-laden (brackish) water inland. Salt spray may be blown inland by strong winds
affecting structures several kilometres from the sea.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


B2.1.3 Steel
Based on Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Structure Inspection Manual.
The use of steel has progressed from cast iron, wrought iron, rivet steel and plain carbon steel to notch tough
low temperature steel.
The following defects commonly occur in steel:


Permanent Deformations

Impact damage


Loose connections
B2.1.3.1 Corrosion
Corrosion (rust) is the oxidation of steel resulting from exposure to air, moisture, fumes, chemicals and contact
with other metals. Corrosion can be prevented or minimised by the use of coatings but the effectiveness of these
coatings is reduced or lost if the coating is damaged.
Rust on carbon steel is initially fine grained, but as rusting progresses it becomes flaky and delaminates,
exposing a pitted surface leading to a progressive loss of section.
B2.1.3.2 Permanent deformations
Permanent deformation of steel members can take the form of bending, buckling, twisting or elongation, or any
combination of these. Permanent deformations may be caused by overloading, vehicular collision, foundation
settlement or inadequate or damaged intermediate lateral supports or bracing.
Permanent bending deformation generally occurs in flexural members in the direction of the applied loads.
However, vehicular impact may produce permanent bending deformation in any member.
Permanent buckling deformation generally occurs in compression members in a direction perpendicular to the
applied load.
Buckling may also produce local permanent deformations of webs and flanges of beams, plate girders and box
Permanent twisting is a rotation of the member about its longitudinal axis and usually results from of eccentric
transverse loads on the member.
Permanent axial deformation occur along the length of the member and are normally associated with tensile
B2.1.3.3 Cracking
Cracking is a linear fracture of the steel and is normally caused by fatigue. It can lead to brittle fracture of the
affected component and to more widespread structural failure.
Brittle fracture is a crack completely through the component that usually occurs without plastic deformation and
with little or no warning. Brittle fracture may result at fatigue prone details after initial fatigue cracking.
The primary factors leading to fatigue cracking are

The number of applied stress cycles (influenced by volume of traffic and/or the wind loading and the effects
of passing vehicles)

The magnitude of the stress range which depends on the applied live load

The fatigue resistance of the connection detail (which is influenced by the strength, toughness and geometry
of the components and on the weld size and geometry
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Fatigue cracks normally occur at points of tensile stress concentrations, at welded attachments or at termination
points of welds in components subject to cyclical loading. Cracks may also be caused or enlarged by overloading,
vehicular collision or loss of section thickness due to corrosion. Poorly designed and fabricated details and the
fracture toughness of the steel are also contributing factors. Fracture toughness determines the size of the crack
that can be tolerated before fracture occurs.
Welded components are more susceptible to cracking than bolted or riveted components. If cracking occurs in a
welded connection, it can extend into other components and possibly lead to a brittle fracture.
Bolted or riveted connections may also develop fatigue cracks, but a crack in one component will generally not
pass through into the others. Bolted and riveted connections are also susceptible to cracking or tearing as a
result of the force generated by expansive corrosion between connection components.
Common locations susceptible to cracking are illustrated in Figure &(b). As cracks may be concealed
by rust, dirt or debris, the surfaces should be cleaned prior to inspection.
Cracks that are perpendicular to the direction of stress are potentially very serious; those parallel to the direction
of stress less so. In either case, cracks in steel components should be treated with caution as parallel cracks may
for a number of reasons turn into a perpendicular crack. Any crack should be carefully noted and recorded
including its specific location in the member, and the member's location in the structure. The length, width and
direction of crack should also be recorded.

Figure Common locations susceptible to cracking

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Figure Common locations susceptible to cracking

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


B2.1.3.4 Loose connections

Bolted and riveted connections may become loose as a result of corrosion of the connector plates or fasteners,
excessive vibration, overstressing, cracking, or the failure of individual fasteners. Loose connections may
sometimes be undetectable by visual inspection. Cracking or excessive corrosion of the connector plates or
fasteners, or permanent deformation of the connection or members framing into it, may be indications of a loose
connection. Tapping the connection with a hammer is one method of determining if the connection is loose. If a
connection is suspect but the status cannot be confirmed, its full details should be noted as required for cracks in
welds and further monitoring/investigation should be arranged.

B2.1.4 Timber
Based on Austroads 1991 Bridge Management Practice
Timber bridges were extensively used on Victorian roads until the middle 1900s and now constitute only a small
proportion of the structures on the state road network. The majority of timber bridges are on local roads
controlled by municipalities. Some are on tourist roads and forest roads and may carry heavy loads.
The following defects commonly occur in timber bridge components:

Fungal rot


Marine organisms

Corrosion of fasteners

Shrinkage and splitting

Fire damage

Flood damage

B2.1.4.1 Fungi
White rot or brown rot fungi causes severe internal decay of bridge timbers members. External surface decay,
especially in ground contact areas, is caused by soft rot fungi. Other fungi such as mould and sap stain fungi may
produce superficial discolouration on timbers but are not generally of structural significance.
Fungal growth does not occur unless there is a source of infection from which the fungus can grow.
Fungi procreate by producing vast numbers of microscopic spores which will not germinate and develop unless
there is:

An adequate supply of food (wood cells)

An adequate supply of oxygen (air) - prolonged immersion in water saturates timber and inhibits fungal

A suitable range of temperatures - optimum temperatures are 20- 25C for soft rots, while their rate of
growth declines above or below the optimum with a greater tolerance of lower temperatures apparent); and

a continuing supply of moisture (wood with a moisture content below 20 % is safe from decay, and many
fungi require a moisture content above 30%)
Once established and provided that favourable conditions prevail, the decay fungi continue to grow at an
accelerating rate. Depriving the fungi of any one of the required conditions will effectively curtail the spread of
decay. Wood that is kept dry or saturated will not rot. Moisture change can affect decay indirectly because drying
often leads to surface checks, which may expose untreated parts of timber or create water trapping pockets.
Proper preservative treatment effectively provides a toxic barrier to the fungis food supply, thus preventing
Figure shows pile failure resulting from heartwood rot.

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Figure Pile failure resulting from heartwood rot.

B2.1.4.2 Termites
Australia has a large number of termite species which are widely distributed. Heavy termite attack is found in the
northern tropical belt of Australia but the hazard is sufficient in southern Australia to constitute a significant
problem. Practically all termite damage to timber bridges occurs through subterranean termites (especially
Coptotermes acinaciformis and allied species) which require contact with the soil or some other constant source
of moisture.
Termites live in colonies or nests which may be located below ground in the soil, or above ground in a tree
stump, hollowed out bridge member or an earth mound. Each colony contains a queen, workers, soldiers and
reproductive termites or alates. The workers, who usually constitute the highest portion of the population, are
white-bodied blind insects some 3 mm in length which have well developed jaws for eating timber. Attack by
subterranean termites originates from the nest, but may spread well above ground level, either inside the wood
or via mud walled tubes called galleries which are constructed on the outside of bridge members. These galleries
are essential for termites as they require an absence of light, a humid atmosphere and a source of moisture to
survive. At least once a year the alates develop eyes and wings and leave the nest under favourable weather
conditions to migrate up to 200m from the original nest. After migration, their wings fall off and a few may pair
to start new colonies.
Well-established termite attack usually degrades timber much more quickly than fungi, but it is rare for termite
attack to occur in durable hardwoods normally used in bridge construction without some pre-existing fungal
decay. This decay accelerates as the termites extend their galleries through the structure, moving fungal spores
and moisture about with their bodies. Hence, although most of the material removed by termites has already lost
its structural strength because of decay, the control of termites remains an important consideration.
Basically, there are two main strategies in termite control:

Eradication of the nest (by either direct chemical treatment or by separation of the colony from its
sustaining moisture)

Installation of chemical and physical barriers to prevent termites from entering a bridge or attacking
timber in contact with the ground
In practice it may be difficult to eradicate the nest because of the problem of locating it.
Refer to Figure showing termite attack.

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Figure Termite attack

B2.1.4.3 Marine organisms
Damage to underwater timber in the sea or tidal inlets is usually caused by marine borers, and is more severe in
tropical and sub-tropical waters than in colder waters.
The two main groups of animal involved are:

Molluscs (teredinidae) - this group includes various species of Teredo, Nausitora and Bankia.

Crustaceans - this group includes species of Sphaeroma (pill bugs), Limnoria (gribbles), and Chelura.

Teredinid molluscs are commonly known in Australia as Teredo or shipworm. They start life as minute, freeswimming organisms and after lodging on timber they quickly develop into a new form and commence
tunnelling. A pair of boring shells on the head grow rapidly in size as the boring progresses, while the tail with its
two water circulating siphons remains at the original entrance. The teredine borers destroy timber at all levels
from the midline to high water level, but the greatest intensity of the attack occurs in the zone between 300mm
above and 600mm below tide level. A serious feature of their attack is that while the interior of the pile may be
eaten away, only a few small holes may be visible on the surface.
Refer to Figure for signs of Teredinid marine borer.

Figure Signs of teredinid marine borer.

Crustaceans attack the wood on its surface, making many narrower and shorter tunnels than those made by the
teredines. The timber so affected is steadily eroded from the outside by wave action and the piles assume a
wasted appearance or hourglass effect. Attack by Sphaeroma is limited to the zone between tidal limits, with the
greatest damage close to half tide level. They cannot survive in water containing less than 1.0 - 1.5 per cent
salinity, but can grow at lower temperatures than the teredines.
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Many strategies have been developed for the control of marine borers but, assuming that the piles have sufficient
remaining strength, the most effective work by reducing the oxygen content of water around the borers.
B2.1.4.4 Corrosion of fasteners
Corrosion of steel fasteners can cause serious strength reductions for two related reasons. Firstly, the steel
fastener reduces in size and weakens, and secondly a chemical reaction involving iron salts from the rusting
process can significantly reduce the strength of the surrounding wood (this is not fungal decay).
B2.1.4.5 Shrinkage and splitting
Moisture can exist in wood as water or water vapour in the cell cavities and as chemically bound water within the
cell walls. As green timber losses moisture to the surrounding atmosphere, a point is reached when the cell
cavities no longer contain moisture, but the cell walls are still completely saturated with chemically bound water.
This point is called the fibre saturation point. Wood is dimensionally stable while its moisture content remains
above the fibre saturation point, which is typically around 30% for most timbers. Bridges are normally
constructed from green timber which gradually dries below its fibre saturation point until it reaches equilibrium
with the surrounding atmosphere. As it does so, the wood shrinks but because it is anisotropic, it does not shrink
equally in all directions. Maximum shrinkage occurs parallel to the annular rings, about half as much occurs
perpendicular to the annular rings and a small amount along the grain.
The relatively large cross section timbers used in bridges loose their moisture through their exterior surfaces so
that the interior of the member remains above the fibre saturation point while the outer layers fall below and
attempt to shrink. This sets up tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain and when these exceed the tensile
strength of the wood, a check or split develops, which deepens as the moisture content continues to drop.
As timber dries more rapidly through the ends of the member than through the sides, more serious splitting
occurs at the ends. Deep checks provide a convenient site for the start of fungal decay.
Shrinkage also causes splitting where the timber is restrained by a bolted steel plate or other type of fastening.
This splitting can be avoided by allowing the timber to shrink freely by using slotted holes. As timber shrinks, it
tends to lose contact with steel washers or plates, so the connection is no longer tight. Checking the tightness of
nuts in bolted connection is therefore a standard item of routine maintenance for timber bridges.
B2.1.4.6 Fire
References include Bootle (1983)
Wood itself does not burn. The effect of heat is firstly to decompose the wood (a process known as pyrolysis)
and it is some of the products of this decomposition that burn if conditions are suitable. This concept is important
in discussions on the action of retardants.
In theory, wood decomposes even at temperatures as low as 20C (at the rate of 1% per century). At 93C the
wood will become charred in about 5 years.
When wood is heated, several zones of pyrolysis occur which are well delineated due to the excellent insulating
properties of wood (thermal conductivity roughly 1/300 that of steel). These zones can be described generally
as follows:

zone A: 95C - 200C

water vapour is given off and wood eventually becomes charred

zone B: 200C - 280C

water vapour, formic and acetic acids and glyoxal are given off, ignition is possible but difficult

zone C: 280C - 500C

combustible gases (carbon monoxide, methane, formaldehyde, formic and acetic acids, methanol, hydrogen)
diluted with carbon dioxide and water vapour are given off. Residue is black fibrous char. Normally vigorous
flaming occurs. If, however, the temperature is held below 50012, a thick layer of char builds up and
because the thermal conductivity of char is only 1/4 that of wood, it retards the penetration of heat and thus
reduces the flaming.
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zone D: 500C- 1000C

in this zone the char develops the crystalline structure of graphite, glowing occurs and the char is
gradually consumed.
zone E: above 1000C
at these temperatures the char is consumed as fast as it is formed.

As the temperature of the wood is lowered, the above mentioned behaviour still holds, e.g. combustion normally
ceases below 280C.
B2.1.4.7 Floods
Floods can have a disastrous affect particularly on timber structures. This is due to:

Extra pressure from the flood waters and debris

Log impact on the substructure. If the flood is high enough, the super-structure can also be damaged by the
flood waters

A prime example of flood damage was the 1946 floods in the Western District when approximately 13 major
timber structures were washed away.
A special inspection of all structures is required following a major flood event.
B2.1.4.8 Weathering
Weathering is the gradual deterioration of sawn or log timber due to its exposure to sun, wind and rain.
Weathering can be a serious problem especially to the exposed end grain of untreated or unprotected wood,
where severe rotting can occur around the connections and end splitting occurs.

B2.1.5 Masonry
Based on Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Structure Inspection Manual.
Masonry is made of natural stone blocks or clay bricks usually bonded together by mortar. Although not a
common construction material today, masonry was used in retaining walls, abutments, piers or arches, primarily
in the 19th century while brick masonry was only rarely used in highway structures. Types of masonry
construction are ashlar ?? ashlar is squared stones masonry, squared stone masonry and rubble masonry.
The following defects commonly occur in masonry:


Splitting, spalling and disintegration

Loss of mortar and stones

Arch stones dropping


Separation of arch rings

B2.1.5.1 Cracking
Cracks develop in masonry as a result of differential settlement of the structure, loss of mortar, thermal restraint
and overloading leading to crushing and splitting of blocks.
Cracks develop either at the interface between the stone and mortar, following a zigzag pattern, when the bond
between them is weak; or, go through the joint and stone, in a straight line, when the mortar is stronger than
the stone, as shown in Figure

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Figure Cracking through masonry

B2.1.5.2 Splitting, spalling and disintegration
Splitting is the opening of seams or cracks in the stone leading to the breaking of the stone into large fragments.
Spalling is the breaking or chipping away of pieces of the stone from a larger stone.
Disintegration is the gradual breakdown of the stone into small fragments, pieces or particles.
The splitting, spalling and disintegration of masonry is caused by the actions of weathering and abrasion or by
the actions of acids, sulphates or chlorides, which cause deterioration in certain types of stones, such as
limestone. Splitting, spalling and disintegration may also occur if adjacent blocks touch as a result of deformation
of the arch ring.
B2.1.5.3 Loss of mortar and stones
Loss of mortar is the result of the actions of water wash, plant growth or softening by water containing dissolved
sulphates or chlorides. Partial disintegration of mortar may lead to loss of stone blocks.
Figure shows evidence of loss of mortar.

Figure loss of mortar.

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B2.1.5.4 Arch stones dropping

Ground or foundation movement or severe vibration can cause stone blocks to displace and drop relative to other
stones in an arch. This can also be exacerbated if the quality of the stones or mortar is poor and failing as shown
in Figure

Figure dropping arch masonry block

B2.1.5.5 Side wall movement at masonry arch
Excessive pressure normally due to heavy loads or vibration can cause the side walls of a masonry arch to move
outwards away from the arch. This is a serious problem and will probably require a higher level inspection.
B2.1.5.6 Deformation
Arches are either semi-circular, segmental (i.e. part of a semi-circle) or elliptical in shape. The regular curvature
may become deformed if the arch is overloaded over if there is differential settlement of the foundations.
Deformation may be accompanied by cracking and dropped stones. The position and degree of deformation
should be recorded.
B2.1.5.7 Separation of arch rings
Arches may comprise multiple rings or layers of bricks which combine in practice to form a single arch. The rings
may delaminate.if the mortar fails of if overloading or settlement occurs. The position and degree of separation
should be recorded ditto.

B2.1.6 Protective coatings

Coating defects are not necessarily serious but they are indicative of potential weaknesses in the coating system
and eventual loss of protection to the coated surface.
Protective coatings generally have a shorter life than the life of the structure. Hot-dipped galvanising may be
totally lost in less than 30 years: even less in aggressive or abrasive conditions.
Breakdown of paint or loss of galvanising is inevitable and should be anticipated. The rate of breakdown is
dependent on a number of interrelated factors with the duration of continuous exposure to water being a
significant factor. In addition to rainfall, exposure to water arises from immersion and from condensation and the
effect may be increased if the moisture contains windborne salt and the salt is not removed by rain.
Accumulation of debris, bird droppings, flaking paint, for example, will retain moisture and promote corrosion.

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In addition to eventual failure of a coating system by weathering, premature failure may result from:

Poor adhesion due to incorrect specification, preparation or application of the coating

Incompatibility of successive coats

Rusting due to inadequate surface preparation and/or priming paint

Localised failure due to mechanical damage

Inadequate paint film thickness on sharp edges, welds and paint shadow areas
Expert advice may be required to establish the cause of failure and recommend suitable remedial action.

B2.1.7 Fibre reinforced polymer strengthening

Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites are used to strengthen reinforced and prestressed concrete members
which are deficient in moment, shear or bursting capacity. The fibres can be Carbon, Aramid or Glass. The FRP
material can be used in the form of flexible sheets to wrap around the member or in the form of plates. Plates
comprise one of the three fibre types, typically in a resin or epoxy matrix. The system relies on the high tensile
capacity of FRP and the bond between the FRP and the steel or concrete beam.
FRP strengthening can be detrimentally affected by overloading of the structures, extreme temperature, moisture
absorption and high UV exposure. The effects are exacerbated by defects introduced in the materials during
manufacture, handling and installation. The strengthening method relies entirely on the anchorage and bond of
the FRP material to the base component.
The following areas should be inspected and recorded:

The ends of the strengthened area for signs of the FRP strips debonding from the epoxy resin or the resin
debonding from the concrete base

The visible concrete surface at the edge of the strengthening for signs of cracking or spalling which could
affect bonding between the FRP and the member

The whole of FRP surface for signs of delamination from the concrete or any irregularities in the material
such as blistering or folding

Tears, cuts or crazing of the FRP material

If any area is classified as being in condition states 3 or 4, pull-off testing should be conducted in the
surrounding FRP to ensure the full extent of the problem is identified. Repair should not be instigated until the
whole area of the defect has been identified.

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Common causes of bridge deterioration
B2.2.1 Concrete bridges
The following section lists the various types of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges and lists the main
problems associated with each type.
B2.2.1.1 Monolithic and simply supported T-beams
The majority of monolithic structures are T-beam bridges with the whole structure cast-in-situ. Spans are
generally small but bridges of this type may have up to 5 spans. This can cause significant strains in piers and
columns and at abutments due to temperature-related movements possibly leading to cracking and other relative
displacement or distortion of the beam/wall joint at the abutment. Cracking may also occur in the column faces
of the furthest pier from the centre of the bridge due to temperature-related movement. This type of structure
may also exhibit cracking and staining of the underside of the deck in negative moment areas (near to the
junction of the deck with pier/column and abutments).
T-beam bridges often have insufficient shear reinforcement near the supports and diagonal shear cracking may
be observed at 1/3rd of the span from the support. The abutments and wing-walls were frequently cast
monolithically and heavy cracking, spalling and movements may be observed at the wing-wall joints especially in
the case of higher abutment walls.
Gravel fills were often placed over the deck of these structures with a sprayed seal which did not cover the full
width of deck. Deck drainage was often poor allowing a reservoir of moisture to build up on the road surface
which could then penetrate the concrete leading to efflorescence and spalling of the underside of deck.
Simply supported T-beam structures are generally a later design that featured increased shear resistance in the
beams and reduced risk of shear cracking. Some flexural cracking of the beams might be seen at mid-span
especially on structures which carry frequent heavy loads. The beams were sometimes fixed at one end using a
locating dowel with the other end free to move. The free end frequently locks with the consequence that the
beam may crack and spall at both ends. The cross-head/bearing concrete at the beam supports can also spall
due to frictional forces as the original debonding layer of grease or malthoid at the bearing surface deteriorates.
B2.2.1.2 Precast I beams
The first precast I beams were made in 1949 and used on the Kiewa Valley Highway bridges. These beams were
made from normal strength concrete and reinforcement. By the early 1960s, standard precast high strength
reinforced and prestressed concrete beams were in use for spans of 9.1 to 18.3 metres (originally 30 to 60 feet).
These beams have generally performed well over the years but some of the precast reinforced concrete beams
have minor flexural cracking at mid-span.
NAASRA beam sections came into use in 1970 and were adopted only for long span beams until 1976. The
NAASRA type 4 beams have been used for simply supported prestressed beams up to 33 metres, but also used
for continuous prestressed beams of longer spans. This was accomplished by casting load bearing diaphragms at
the piers which encased the ends of the beams.
The beams were also connected on the bottom bulb by heavy steel bars welded together. In recent years a new
bulb tee section has been used in place of the type 4 NAASRA beam for spans up to 36.5 metres.
Prestressed beams can exhibit cracking at the ends in response to the presressing forces in the strands. The
cracks are normally horizontal and the result of inadequacies in reinforcement detailing in the end block. If the
beam end is cast into a diaphragm these cracks are concealed and sealed against ingress of moisture. If cracking
of this nature is discovered during an inspection, it must be reported in the normal way. Skewed beam ends are
vulnerable to spalling damage during production at the bottom surface and at the apex of the end. The damage
occurs when stress is transferred into the beams. Exposed reinforcement is normally patched prior to delivery to
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site and the patches may be visible on inspection. Severely damaged beams may be rejected and are unlikely to
be seen during inspections.
B2.2.1.3 Precast prestressed inverted T beams
These beams were used during the 1970s to give a flat under-side to bridges crossing freeways. This was done
for aesthetic reasons as the appearance is more appealing to the driver than the interrupted underside of a T
beam bridge. Spans were usually in the range of 32 to 36 metres with the designs being continuous for live load.
These beams were not an efficient section and lost favour with designers. No problems have been encountered
with these types of structures.
B2.2.1.4 Box-girder bridges
Box-girder bridges are generally cast-in-place and post-tensioned. A number of problems can occur during
construction and at post-tensioning.
The major maintenance risk for this type of bridge is that the grout around the post tensioning tendons is
incomplete and does not provide adequate protection against corrosion of the tendons.
Serious concerns have been identified in some overseas countries where de-icing salts are used on the road
surface but to-date no evidence of tendon corrosion has been discovered in VicRoads bridges.
Some box-girder can be precast in segments and post-tensioned when erected in place. Bell Street bridge over
the Tullamarine Freeway and the West Gate Elevated Freeway being two structures of this type. Minor problems
have occurred at Bell Street with slight moisture penetration of the joints between segments and cracking in the
internal diaphragms due to high stress.
B2.2.1.5 Prestressed voided flat slab bridges
Cast-in-place prestressed voided flat slab bridges provide an attractive shallow depth superstructure, ideal for
very wide bridges and with spans in the range of 35 metres. Larger spans are relatively heavy and uneconomical
although variable depth voided slabs of 40 metres have been built.
Problems with flotation and distortion of the void formers have been experienced during construction, but these
structures are relatively cheap, aesthetically pleasing, and have performed well to-date.
B2.2.1.6 Reinforced concrete flat slab bridges
This is a type of monolithic cast-in-place multi-span bridge, typically with 5 spans which have performed very
well with the slab providing considerable lateral load distribution. Structures can be continuous over a number of
spans, hence there is a possibility of cracking of the columns primarily due to thermally induced movements but
also if the bridge is subject to the passage of large numbers of heavy vehicles.
The deck slab in this type of bridge often has a shrinkage crack which runs almost directly down the centreline of
the slab. Provided this remains dry it is of no concern.
The final span is a short cantilever from the pier sometimes with a transverse beam stiffening the end of the
deck. Vertical precast concrete wall units are placed against the stiffening beam at the end of the deck to retain
the approach embankment fill. Spalling can occur due to friction between the wall units caused by vertical
movement of the cantilever deck. Moisture may seep through the deck/wall joint. Movement of the wingwalls can
occur in bridges with high abutments due to the correspondingly high fill pressures.

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B2.2.1.7 Rail in slab concrete bridges

These bridges comprise old railway lines spaced close together with a concrete deck cast on top with a layer of
light mesh. Used on short spans with deck thickness of approximately 250mm, these superstructures are
generally strong with good shear capacity provided by the rail heads and effective lateral load distribution by the
plate effect. Under the effect of repetitive heavy loads they can deflect considerably leading to cracking of the
concrete deck and loss of the bond between the rails and concrete. The condition of the deck concrete is vital to
the stiffness and lateral load distribution it provides. The concrete acts as a shear key between the rails.
Deterioration of the deck concrete is the cause of significant loss of capacity.
The railway lines can corrode with significant loss of section which may require repair. The parapet at the back of
footway is generally provided by deep I-beams which are often in direct contact with the footway soil backfill
leading to the potential for severe corrosion to the hidden surface. Severe corrosion to this hidden surface may
become evident on the external face of the beam web or the bottom flange.
Some bridges of this type have been successfully strengthened with the use of a reinforced concrete deck
overlay. Use of an overlay in this manner is subject to accommodation of the thickened deck in the vertical grade
of the road and consideration of adjacent property usage.
B2.2.1.8 Precast prestressed slabs
Introduced in 1958 for spans of 4.6 to 9.1 metres (originally 15 to 30 feet) these units are held together by
transverse tensioning rods in cored holes through the beam webs.
Slabs are 620mm wide, vary in depth between 160mm and 315mm and have a cast-insitu shear key between
units. Although the transverse tensioning rods hold the decking firmly together, the shear-key concrete can
crack and fragment allowing moisture penetration. The slabs have two layers of malthoid at the bearing surfaces
under the ends of spans with a cast-in-place infill over the piers and abutments. Movement of the beams may
cause cracking at the beam ends allowing moisture to penetrate to the crosshead.
The transverse tensioning rods require periodical checking and tightening. If they become loose, this reduces
transverse load distribution in the deck leading to higher live loads on individual beams and the potential for
long-term failure.
In 1961 a 10.7 metres (originally 35 foot) long prestressed slab was introduced. This had two voids and did not
include transverse tensioning rods. Units were independent of each other but a 100mm thick composite
reinforced deck was added to provide lateral load distribution between the units.
New South Wales (RTA) designed precast prestressed planks with spans of 7 to 15 metres were used in the late
1970s and 1980s with composite cast-in-place overlays ranging from 125mm to 145mm in thickness. These
units had shear keys cast as part of the overlay. The overlay was made continuous over a maximum of three
spans to reduce the number of expansion joints and improve the ride-quality over the structure. Some cracking
problems have been experienced in the deck over the piers with this type of design. Examples of wide precast
prestressed slab bridges have been built but these are now out of favour.
Early in 1993 a new prestressed slab, with a span of 17 m, was introduced from Queensland. The units are
designed for T44 live loading and plate action is achieved via transverse tension rods through the deck slabs. The
units have voids with solid diaphragms at each transverse tension rod location. A sprayed seal is laid over the
top of the slabs for anti-skid purposes.
B2.2.1.9 Precast U slabs
1951 saw the introduction of precast reinforced concrete inverted U slabs using normal strength concrete and
reinforcement. These units were designed for half the axle load of the design vehicle and acted independently of
each other. Fill was usually placed on top of the U-slabs to enhance the lateral load distribution between units.

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These bridges suffer from moisture penetration between the U-slab legs and also through the expansion joints at
the ends of the spans. The beams themselves appear to be strong and only minor flexural cracking at mid-span
is normally observed. The kerb slabs are a solid section and the kerb is precast with the beam. If shoulders are
unsealed, moisture-related problems are usually most severe under the edge of the seal.
High-strength inverted U-slabs with shear keys and bolts between the vertical legs of adjoining slabs were
adopted in 1962. An amended 1965 design increased the reinforcement sizes, added mesh in the top flange and
altered the bolt positions. These U-slabs were designed for 0.47 of the axle load of the design vehicle, relying on
the shear keys and bolts to provide adequate lateral load distribution. These units had a number of problems one
of which was cracking at the top of the legs from over tightening of the bolts by constructors trying to bring the
legs of the slabs together. Placing of the high strength concrete in the small shear keys was also a major
problem with the joint concrete either setting too quickly or with shrinkage cracking of the joint concrete.
When subjected to repeated heavy loading, the concrete in the joint tends to crack and fragment allowing
moisture through the deck. The bolts also vibrate loose and the nuts fall off leading to a significant reduction in
lateral load distribution between slabs and a consequential loss of load capacity. The slabs become overstressed
(the proportion of axle load can rise to 0.67) with heavy flexural cracking of the legs at mid-span. Many of these
bridges have now been strengthened by the use of a 140mm reinforced concrete overlay which extends over
three spans.
In 1976, with the introduction of T44 loading, the shear keys and bolts between the legs were eliminated and all
U-slab bridges had a 140mm high strength reinforced concrete overlay added during construction. The U-slab
sections were decreased in depth for the span but reinforcement, both flexural and shear, was substantially
A small number of prestressed concrete U-slab bridges were built, including double width U-slabs, but these were
not successful due to levelling problems at the legs after stressing. With the introduction of the prestressed
voided T slabs, use of stressed U-slabs was abandoned.
B2.2.1.10 Precast prestressed voided T slabs
These standard slabs span from 8 metres to 19 metres and were developed in 1986. The slabs vary in depth
from 250mm to 750mm and have a 140mm overlay. Width of the top flange of the T-slab varies from 900 to
1500mm to suit the width of bridge. These slabs were used quite extensively and were then the cheapest and
most popular type unit for spans up to 19 metres. Problems have occurred with high neoprene bearings placed
on sloping crossheads beneath the T-slabs.
B2.2.1.11 Decks and overlays
Reinforced concrete decks are usually cast-in-place over beams. The deck is then surfaced with either a sprayed
seal or a 50 millimetre thick bituminous surfacing. Permanent or sacrificial formwork comprising thin precast
concrete slabs is used to eliminate the need to remove the formwork after casting the deck particularly for
bridges over highways and railway lines.
Concrete decks without surfacing were increased in depth by 12 millimetres to allow for wear by traffic. This was
a practice was discontinued due to temperature cracking of the surface which allowed moisture to penetrate into
the deck concrete.
In order to provide composite action between beams and the deck, longitudinal shear connectors (shear studs)
or projecting bars are provided on the tops of beams which project into the deck. A bevelled concrete cap was
cast between the deck and beams on many older bridges. Cracking of the cap can occur along the fillet line at
the deck. Cracking coincident with the location of the stud or projecting bar connectors might also be visible.
Unless severe, this cracking is not serious.
Many older concrete bridges had reinforced concrete decks with a gravel fill together with a sprayed seal of the
whole or partial width of the deck. Deck drainage was often through the kerbs at the top of gravel level. This
system did not drain the deck well and allowed a considerable amount of water into the deck fill which acted as a
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


reservoir allowing water to penetrate the concrete deck causing severe corrosion of reinforcement and spalling of
the underneath of the deck.
Reinforced concrete overlays have been used extensively to strengthen U-slab bridges that are subject to
repeated heavy loading. Overlays have also been used to simultaneously widen bridges and to seal old concrete
decks against moisture ingress. By making the overlay continuous the number of expansion joints has also been
considerably reduced. Bridge designs now include a concrete overlay over the precast units to achieve required
design live load capacity.
B2.2.1.12 Diaphragms
A diaphragm is a transverse beam at the end of the deck which connects the beams together and provides
stiffness. In older structures this may be the full depth of the beams. In later structures it can be of the order of
200mm to 250mm in depth.
Diaphragms may also be found at mid-span or at the third points in the span to provide web stiffening and to
assist with live load distribution between beams.
Precast I-beam bridges continuous for live load can feature a wide heavily reinforced load bearing diaphragm at
the piers. This diaphragm is required to support the full superstructure loads and to transfer load back to the
All diaphragms should be checked for cracking and for separation from the embedded beam-ends.
B2.2.1.13 Kerbs, footways, posts and railing
The majority of older concrete bridges have either narrow kerbs (sometimes tapered in cross section) or 810mm
wide kerbs tapered in plan at their ends. These wider kerbs had a barrier facing and were positioned in front of
the railing leading to a dangerous situation in which errant vehicles could aviate and land on top of the barrier
rather than be safely redirected. Some bridges used precast reinforced concrete kerb sections which dowelled
into solid kerb sections at the intermediate posts. Spalling of the dowelled areas of these kerbs is a common
fault. The drainage path off the deck is designed to pass under these precast units and to flow over the outside
edge of deck. In practice, the moisture and road debris is trapped under the kerb units and the area remains wet
and vegetation can grow there. Water flowing over the deck edge causes extensive staining of the concrete.
Where footways are constructed on bridges they should be inspected for pedestrian safety to ensure that
footways are level and free from holes and trips. Moisture can penetrate footway slabs and adequate drainage of
the area under the footway is required. If drainage is inadequate, dampness penetrates the deck; weed growth
and efflorescence can then develop on the underside of deck.
A number of different forms of posts and railings have been used on bridges ranging from guideposts, timber
posts and rails, reinforced concrete posts with precast reinforced concrete rails, reinforced concrete posts with
steel tube rails, steel channel posts with steel guardrails, rectangular rolled hollow steel posts and rails, and
reinforced concrete New Jersey barriers and F-type barriers with steel posts with one or two steel rails on top.
Steel guardrail has been installed in front of the existing bridge railing on some bridges. Steel plate parapets
have been installed on older rail overpasses to provide an impermeable barrier. These comprise flat steel plate
shaped to a sloping profile over a steel post and rail framework.
Steel mesh is fixed to barriers on pedestrian bridges and should be inspected for damage and tightness of the
attachment bolts.
In locations of possible salt spray, aluminium railing has been used with a steel tensioning cable under the top
rail. This tensioning cable is wrapped in plastic but if incorrectly installed or exposed to the weather because of
missing rail sleeves, the plastic will disintegrate exposing the steel cable and heavy corrosion will occur in a short
time span.
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Steel guardrail on bridge-approaches must be attached to and overlap the bridge endposts and possibly continue
over the bridge. This will prevent vehicles from hitting the bridge approach rail and being redirected into the
endposts. Current standards require that there is a smooth transition in stiffness between the bridge approach
barriers and the bridge barrier and that the entire length of barrier is free from snagging points.
For some time it has been the practice on highly trafficked, high-speed roads to provide rigid reinforced concrete
bridge approach barriers. These are also designed to give a smooth transition in stiffness.
B2.2.1.14 Abutments
Abutments will generally be of the following type:

Spill-through abutments using a reinforced concrete crosshead supported on driven precast concrete piles or
a frame type with reinforced concrete columns supported by a footing below ground

Wall type abutments either reinforced or mass concrete

Wall type comprising columns and a crosshead with infill wall panels between the columns

Masonry walls comprising stone blocks

Sill beams on piles (to support the bridge loads) with a reinforced earth wall

Bed logs or logs installed in pig-pen style to support the cross heads
Spill-through abutments are a common type and usually have little or no cracking of the crosshead other than
possibly shrinkage cracks. Frame type crossheads are more highly stressed and some flexural cracking may be
found at mid-span between the columns or over the columns. Loss of retaining fill in front, beneath and behind
the crossheads is also a common problem which requires attention.
Cracking of piles has been reported in bridges where large movements of the embankment fill have occurred as
the abutment fails and is prevented from rotating or sliding forwards by the superstructure. Severe cracking and
distress may occur in beams and bearing pedestals. Movement joints can lock and the bridge beams can become
overstressed particularly during periods of high temperature. The fender walls will often crack if beams bear hard
against them or if the deck puts pressure on the top of the wall. Keeper walls on the ends of cross-heads can
crack particularly on bridges on a steep cross fall where beams bear against them.
On many older bridges the ends of the steel RSJs were cast into the fender walls for a short distance. This
invariably causes heavy cracking and spalling of the fender walls due to differential movement or rotation of the
abutment crosshead. The spalling can become quite severe with complete loss of the fender wall in some
All instances of cracking where movement of the abutment is suspected must be investigated to identify the
cause and the appropriate remediation measures.
Wall abutments are generally more resistant to differential movement and less likely to exhibit cracking.
Abutment walls may exhibit full depth cracks as a result of early-thermal cracking. Mass concrete walls are
generally small in height. They may suffer from rotation or sliding instability or in some instances loss of fill from
around their foundations due to scour. Wall abutments comprising columns with crossheads and thin infill panels
might crack from the effects of earth pressure and shrinkage.
The wings on the high abutment walls can fail and move relative to the abutment walls due to earth pressure.
The wings are not normally self-supporting and rely on a concrete key or a few bars of light reinforcement to
hold them in place. Cracking and differential movement between the wing and the abutment wall is common and
may be severe.
Bridges may have reinforced concrete approach slabs which rest on top of the fender walls. These are installed to
reduce live load earth pressures behind the abutments and to maintain a smooth transition onto and off the
bridge for fast moving and heavy traffic thus reducing the potential for impact loads on the structure.
Bridges comprising timber superstructures on stone masonry abutment walls were once common. A number of
bridges now exist where the original timber superstructure has been replaced by a concrete superstructure.
These walls must be inspected for cracking, a sign of settlement, especially in heavily loaded areas such as
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directly under beams. Bridges of this type may feature a reinforced concrete capping beam on top of the
masonry wall to distribute concentrated loads from beams.
B2.2.1.15 Piers
There are several types of bridge pier:

Piles (pile bents) or columns supporting a crosshead (single or multiple columns)

Wall piers of constant or variable thickness (some of which consist of columns with a crosshead with infill
panels between the columns)

Mass concrete

Concrete piers can be cast in stages with horizontal construction joints between the stages. Horizontal cracking
may occur around the construction joints.
All pier types may have deficiencies in reinforcement and may suffer from cracking.
Older structures may have poor quality concrete which can be eroded by the action of flowing water, sand,
pebbles and grit. This can significantly reduce the amount of cover to the steel reinforcement. Shotcreting
(sprayed concrete) may have been used to reinstate the concrete surface and this in itself may be eroded over

B2.2.2 Steel bridges

There are several forms of steel bridge:

Rolled Steel Joist (RSJ) and Universal Beam (UB) - pre-fabricated I-sections

Plate girder (I-section welded or built-up from plate steel)

Trough girder (open trough with sloping webs built-up from plate steel)

Box girder (closed section possibly with two or more cells - e.g. West Gate Bridge steel span)

Some timber bridges have been strengthened by incorporating rolled I-sections while preserving the timber
members for aesthetic reasons.
Modern steel bridges normally comprise one of the above steel beam types with a composite reinforced concrete
deck. Composite action with the deck slab significantly enhances the strength of the steel beam.
Steel beam bridges with composite reinforced concrete decks are used for longer span structures. Fabricated
steel plate girders are more expensive than prestressed concrete beams and will require repainting several times
during their life.
Steel superstructures may deflect substantially under load and vibrate leading to the risk of cracking of the
reinforced concrete deck particularly in older examples. Moisture, corrosion and efflorescence will normally be
seen at the cracks. Cyclical loading and vibration is a cause of fatigue in steel components and affects steel
plates (including gusset plates in truss bridges), welds and bolts.
Steel beams may be galvanised or painted or painted over galvanising. Galvanising and painting are temporary
coatings and may deteriorate or suffer from mechanical damage. All steel components must be checked for
condition of the paintwork and for corrosion. If no action is taken, severe corrosion may result in loss of section
and perforation of plates.
Steel beam bridges have steel bracing frames at the supports and at intervals throughout the length of the
bridge to provide stability in the temporary state and o prevent lateral buckling in permanent conditions. These
components and their connections must be inspected in the same way as the main members.
Splice plates are used to connect beam webs and flanges. These may be riveted, bolted or welded. All welded
connections, splices and stiffeners should be closely inspected for any signs of cracking of the weld or metal
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immediately adjacent to it. Progressive increase in crack length and width is a symptom of fatigue and is caused
by cyclical loading. Position and size of cracks must be accurately recorded and reported.
Bolted and riveted connections require inspection to check whether all connections are intact and tight. Missing
bolts and nuts may arise as a result of fatigue failure of the bolt shank. Loose bolts can be detected by cracks in
the coating system, by permanent displacement or by relative movement of the connected components as
vehicles cross the deck.
Signs of excessive wear at pinned joints in trusses or other movement joints should be recorded.
Surfaces at member connections should be clean and free from debris, dirt and moisture as this is a cause for
corrosion of connections and connecting members. Uncontrolled drainage through leaking deck joints will
discharge onto ends of beams, cross bracing and bearings leading to corrosion. Signs of this should be recorded
and rectified. Similarly, accumulation of water within closed units (e.g. box girders), such as leakage or
condensation will lead to deterioration of the protective coating and eventual corrosion.
Longitudinal girders and truss members should be inspected for signs of deformation. This may be evidence of
buckling of the member caused by overloading or a sign of inadequate bracing and must be reported.
Steel members (particularly those made with lightweight steel sections as in truss bridges) are susceptible to
damage by vehicle impact which, if severe, can significantly reduce the load carrying capacity of the structure.
Impact from a high vehicle may cause damage to truss members in through-girders and trusses. Truss bridges
are particularly vulnerable to impact damage as the failure of a single member or connection can cause the
collapse of the structure. Impact damage to steel bridge components must be reported as a matter of priority.

B2.2.3 Timber bridges

B2.2.3.1 Timber stringers
Timber stringers (beams/main members) may be either round (stripped of bark but otherwise in the natural
state), hewn (cut to size with an axe or sharp blade) or sawn. Hewn or sawn stringers will not have any outer
Pipe rot is the deterioration and loss of the central soft core of the timber leaving a hollow section and a
proportional loss of strength. Calculations may be required to verify if the stringer still has adequate reserves of
strength. Timber stringers should be inspected for pipe rot. This is normally done by drilling or coring at critical
locations such as at mid-span and measuring the thickness of the remaining timber. Inspection should be done
at points along the span if severe pipe rot is suspected.
The stringers should also be checked at their ends for splitting (many timber stringers have anti-split bolts at
their ends to control splitting). Stringers should have full bearing on either corbels or corbel blocks. Stringers
should be checked for end rot especially at abutments where moisture or wet fill may be present.
Splitting of timber stringers can affect their performance and working life considerably. Splitting generally occurs
along the grain and, unless severe, is not of significance unless moisture is penetrating into the splits. Spiking of
the decking into the timber stringers can cause splitting at the top and, with the presence of moisture and
vibration of the spikes under traffic, this leads to spike rot.
If the stringer is severely split in the vertical plane, heavy loads might widen the split causing premature failure.
Fractures due to overloading and splits that start from the bearing area and travel diagonally across the timber
grains towards the top of the stringer are the most dangerous splits. In both cases the stringers will require
relieving or replacing, although steel banding may be used to control the diagonal splitting possibly with the
application of a load limit on the structure.
Other problems which may occur with timber stringers are the presence of rotting knot holes (particularly at midspan) and sagging or excessive deflection of the stringer under live load due to poor lateral distribution of loading
via the decking.
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Termite infestation of stringers, together with the associated loss of section, can seriously affect the performance
of timber stringers. Careful inspection is required to identify if there is evidence of their presence.
B2.2.3.2 Corbels and corbel blocks
Corbels should be checked for splitting and pipe rot at their ends. If pipe rot or splitting is severe then crushing
of the corbel can occur with subsequent excessive vertical movement of the timber stringer at the end. Many
corbels have bolts through their ends in an attempt to prevent crushing. Some timber bridges do not have
corbel blocks but where they are present, they should provide full bearing of the stringer and be tight and free
from severe splitting.
B2.2.3.3 Decking
Timber decking can be of two types: cross-beams with longitudinal decking, or cross-decking with thin
longitudinal running planks. The former is generally used on more heavily trafficked roads and the latter usually
used on minor roads.
Timber cross-beams are usually spaced at 1.2 metre centres to support the long-decking and legal axle loads.
These should be inspected for end rot, top rot, bulging at the top due to ingress of moisture, sagging at midspan due to excessive span length, fracture and severe splitting. Severe splitting and top rot can often be caused
by spiking of the decking.
The effect of termite damage on small sections can be severe. Careful inspection is required to identify if there is
evidence of their presence.
Timber cross-beams (normally 225mm x 175 mm @ 1.2 m centres) normally extend across a minimum of three
beams unless designed specifically for simple spans. They should be firmly bolted to the beams and all bolts
should be regularly checked to ensure they are tight.
Long-decking should be laid in long continuous lengths and span at least three cross-beams unless designed
specifically for simple spans. It should be securely bolted to the cross-beams at its ends and at alternate
intermediate cross-beams. This is done to stop flexing of the long-decking under load and to reduce the risk that
the bolts will pull through the ends of the long-decking planks - a common problem. Mild steel angle cleats are
commonly used to bolt the long-decking to the cross-beams. These offer a rigid point against which the bolts can
be tightened. Mild steel plates can bend on tightening and the bolts can work loose.
Long-decking should be laid with the heartwood down to prevent it rotting and splitting at the centre or possibly
curling up at the edges.
As the timber shrinks and dries, gaps will form between the planks and action may be required to close up the
gaps with the possible insertion of additional thin sections of plank. This is especially important on bridges used
by cyclists.
Timber cross-decking is often used on low volume unclassified roads, and is not as rigid as the decking described
above. In many cases the cross-decking is only spiked to the spiking plank or timber stringer below. This type of
decking generally becomes loose and requires continual tightening of bolts if they are used. Longer spikes are
often used but this only compounds the splitting and spike rot. Timber running planks are usually supplied with
cross-decked bridges. These planks aid load distribution to the cross-decking. The running planks are usually of a
thin section being only 40mm to 50mm thick. They are usually only spiked and easily become loose. These
planks tend to split easily requiring constant replacement and also form a moisture trap which hastens rot of the
cross-decking below. Some bridges have fill or asphalt over the cross-decking but, although it does offer
improved load distribution, this is not generally successful as the surface becomes uneven and cracked due to
the movement of the cross-decking. Surfacing also tends to trap a reservoir of moisture which accelerates timber

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Steel trough decking has been used to replace timber long-decking on a number of timber bridges. The troughs
are usually sprayed with tar on the inside then filled with premixed asphalt to a level of approximately 50
millimetres above the top of the trough sections which is then compacted by the action of traffic loads. The infill
should be resurfaced every 2 to 5 years approximately after opening (depending on traffic volumes and loads) to
re-establish the longitudinal grade and cross-falls. It is vital with this type of decking to maintain a crack-free
surface with good drainage to remove all surface water from the deck so that it will not seep through the infill
and cause corrosion in the steel trough. Some trough sections were tack welded along their joints whilst others
have been bolted or screwed together. A check should be made of the joining arrangements in case the trough
sections are spreading under load.
If this problem occurs, it will normally be reflected in the road surface above as irregularities or pot-holes in the
infill or areas of severe cracking. These are signs that the trough sections are deflecting excessively under load
or are not effectively held down to the cross-beams. A few early trough decking bridges used concrete in place of
the premixed asphalt but this was unsuccessful due to the large relative movements of the steel trough sections
and the concrete infill. Cracking of the thin concrete section above the trough allowed moisture to penetrate and
corrode the trough sections.
The most popular timber deck replacement has been the use of Waldren precast reinforced concrete deck units.
The units are 1.99m long and are cast to the width of bridge required. Ferrules are cast into the ribs of the units
to allow for attachment to the RSJs with a thin neoprene strip separating the concrete and the steel to dampen
the traffic loading. Steel guardrail is attached to the outsides of the units to provide an improved safety barrier
compared to the old timber post and rail. Solid end units are installed at the ends of the bridge for live load
impacts onto the bridge. Cracking problems have been encountered with this deck replacement option
particularly if the neoprene strip between the slab and the supporting steel beam is missing. Other problems
include rotation of the clips that are used to hold the slab in position.
Other deck replacement options include Transfloor reinforced concrete deck formwork slabs with a reinforced
concrete overlay cast on top. The advantage of this deck replacement is that the deck is made composite with
the RSJs via shear stud converters to greatly improve superstructure capacity.
Nail laminated pine decks have been used in the past and have generally performed well provided that the
structure is not heavily loaded, treated timber without heartwood was used and the laminates are butted over a
cross beam. Heartwood components are highly susceptible to rotting, requiring early replacement. A poorly
drained deck allows moisture to penetrate the laminates which dissolves the timber preservative accelerating the
rate of rotting. Heavily trafficked decks tend to cause separation of the laminates allowing moisture between
them, corroding the nails that join the laminates.
Bridgewood laminated veneer sheets (a proprietary material) have been used in a small number of examples.
The sheets must be firmly anchored to the beams and the joints and edges treated with a bituminous paint to
prevent deterioration of the laminates.
Stress laminated decks have been used in a small number of bridges. Restressing of the transverse steel rods or
strands is required from time to time together with further monitoring of the tendon force depending on the
dimensional stability of the timber.
B2.2.3.4 Kerbs, posts and railing
Visual inspection of the kerb condition and bolted connections is required. The kerbs must be firmly held in place
to ensure the strength of the barrier support.
Endposts are usually round timbers and suffer from settlement, splitting, sap rot, base rot, piping, and top rot
due to weathering. Posts that can be moved by hand require replacement.
Intermediate posts are normally timber but can be mild steel channel or angle sections or occasionally old
railway lines. Post life will be extended by the provision of a waterproof cap.
Visual inspection of should include bolting, paintwork and impact damage from vehicles.
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Timber rails were originally used on timber bridges but steel guardrail is now a common addition. Connections
must be inspected for rigidity. Painting is provided for traffic safety reasons and must be inspected. Rotting and
split timber rails will require replacement.
On short bridges that are occasionally over topped by floodwater guideposts may only be used without rails, or if
the bridge is long and traffic speed high, then posts with a steel wire cable may be used. The steel wire cable
should be taught and well anchored at its ends to retain any errant vehicle. The wire cable should also be on the
trafficked side of the post to give lateral support to the wire in retaining an errant vehicle. The wire should pass
either through the post or through a steel eyelet attached to the post, and not simply rest upon a steel support
bracket. The wire cable should also be checked for corrosion.
B2.2.3.5 Piles
Piles for timber bridges can be of two functional types, those used take vertical loads and support crossheads
and those which take moments such as wingwall piles or stream fender piles.
Rot is most likely to occur at or just below ground level, at normal water level (usually 300mm to 600mm below
walings) or around areas where there are large numbers of bolt holes such as walings and cross-bracing.
Piles which take moments are particularly susceptible at ground or normal water level where the maximum
stress and maximum risk of rot coincide. If pipe rot has been detected in these critical areas the extent of the
rotting must be investigated to inform the length of repair or replacement that is required.
Care must also be taken to determine the natural ground level as scour, filling or siltation may have occurred. If
filling or siltation has occurred, the pile may have substantial pipe rot well below the current ground level. If the
pile has rotted below ground and is moving under load, a void will be seen around the pile and the pile will move
as load is applied. If this occurs in water, ripples will be seen to emanate from the moving pile. In scoured areas
the pile must be inspected higher up at the original ground level.
The loaded areas at piles tops must be visually checked for rot or splitting; especially splits originating from
below the crossheads.
Timber piles may be infested by termites in many parts of the state. Termites can enter the piles to a depth of
300mm below ground but usually enter via splits in the timber above ground. Their presence can be detected by
the presence of small covered runways in the splits or along the outside of the pile. They may also stick to the
probe when testing the pile for rot. Termites create runways in the timber which can be detected when probing
the test hole as if the scraper is passing through a series of thin timber sections.
Piles can wear away at ground level or at bed level due to the action of abrasive gravels or sands. The abrasive
gravels occur in the mountainous regions and the wear can usually be seen. Abrasion by sands usually occurs at
or near rivers estuaries and is due to sand movement with the tides. Pile diameters of structures in these
locations should be checked by divers for loss of section.
Timber piles in marine situations can also suffer attack from Teredo although this is rare in cooler sea-water. This
attack can occur anywhere between bed level and mean low tide level. Presence of Teredo can be detected by
either sacrificial timber attached to the pile group or by smooth runways along the hardwood timber in the mean
low tide area (they may often only attack the softwood) or by small 5mm to 10mm diameter holes in the piles
below water. Teredo will bore networks of tunnels in the timber and the damage may go completely unnoticed
until the pile fails below water level. Early detection is vital. The use of Old Growth turpentine piles will deter
Teredo attack.
B2.2.3.6 Walings and crossbraces
Walings and cross-bracing should be visually checked to ensure that the piles are adequately stiffened and to
provide a rigid structure to resist the action of the stream and possible debris and log impact. Walings are usually
positioned 300mm to 600 millimetres above normal water level and give a good indication of the relative water
level at the time of inspection. If the water level is higher than the walings then the timber piles should be
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reinspected when the level returns to normal. Walings can also be a good indication of whether scour or silting is
occurring at the pier. The inspector must report the components below water level that could not be inspected.

B2.2.3.7 Crossheads
Crossheads on timber bridges are usually comprise sawn timbers approximately 300mm x 150mm in section
which should be visually inspected. However, some bridges comprise hewn timbers which must be checked for
pipe rot.

Inspection of crossheads should checked for the following:

Presence of termites

Top rot due to the presence of wet fill

Weathering or end rot


Rot or separation of crossheads that are spliced at the centre pile

Sagging (i.e. that the crossheads are not overloaded) where beams are not directly over the piles

Settlement of piles leading to sagging of the crossheads

Condition of loaded timber cantilevers

That the crossheads are fully supported on the piles and are not reliant on bolting to transfer loads

Bolting to ensure tightness

B2.2.3.8 Abutments
Bedlogs and props
Timber bridge abutments may comprise stacks of bedlogs; others may have props resting on a bedlog to form a
relieving abutment in front of the original abutment.

to check and record if present:

Pipe rot in main load bearing areas
Load bearing of the timber stringers or props on the bedlogs
Severe crushing of the bedlogs under load
Excessive splitting or end rot of the bedlogs
Leaning of the bedlogs.

A bedlog may be placed in front of the other bedlogs to support the fill on which the bedlogs bear. These bedlogs
do not support the stringers but are still important in retaining the fill and preventing scour beneath the bearing
Suspect piles and abutments might be propped to supplement their vertical load capacity. These props usually
bear on bedlogs or heavy sawn timbers. The props should be inspected for rot if they consist of round or hewn
timber which still contains the heartwood. If the prop is a sawn timber, pipe rot will not occur, but the condition
of the end bearing support, connections to bedlogs, splitting etc. should be examined and noted. The prop must
be securely attached to the stringer or relieving crosshead, and capable of taking the direct load. Props must be
stable; if a prop is mis-aligned or leaning, this must be recorded and the prop must be re-positioned.
Abutment sheeting, fenderwalls, wing caps and wing planks
Abutment sheeting and fender-walls are main structural elements; wing planks and wing caps are primarily
aesthetic elements.
Abutment sheeting can consist of timber planks or precast reinforced concrete units placed behind the piles to
hold the embankment fill in place. These members should be checked for rotting, cracking, bulging and
undermining by the stream.

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Fender walls can consist of timber sheeting or precast reinforced concrete units. RSJs can also be used, in which
case cast in-situ concrete is placed around the ends of the RSJs. These members should be checked for rotting,
cracking, bulging or cracking/loss of concrete around the RSJs.

B2.2.4 Deck joints

Deck joints serve to seal the gap between the end of a bridge deck and the fender wall against the ingress of
water and debris. Joints are designed to accommodate thermal and rotational movements in the bridge deck,
normally by the use of a flexible seal in the gap. A number of different types of expansion joint have been used
in the past.
Early bridges featured short, simply supported, spans and hence the required movement capacity of the joint
was small. Materials with a small movement capacity such as cork, bituminous impregnated fibreboard, butyl
impregnated polyurethane foam, styrene and foam strips were used. Asphalt, rubberised bitumen or
polyurethane was often poured on top of the joint to seal it from moisture penetration. Many of these joints
failed due to the joint material debonding or being inelastic. Sealant placed too high in the joint gap tended to
crack and was lost.
As spans increased, so did the width of expansion joint, and compression seals were required to cater for the
movements expected. Neoprene tube was the earliest recorded type of seal but proved to be inelastic and often
fell through the joint leaving it completely open. Compression seals were then developed. These can be placed
between concrete surfaces, steel angles, steel plates and proprietary 'concrete' headers/nosings. Compression
seals may debond and gradually move upwards to the top of the joint where traffic damages the seal or, in some
cases, completely removed it. Steel angles are susceptible to impact loading from wheels, especially if dry
packed mortar has been used beneath the angle. The mortar breaks up and the ensuing loss of support breaks
the anchor bars holding the angle into the deck. The angles can then vibrate and move under load which cracks
the bitumen at the edge of the angle.
A further type of expansion joint comprises a cellular neoprene seal attached to aluminium strips which in turn
are bolted to the deck and abutment. These strips or rails may lift and break if the holding-down bolts are not
properly secured into the underling concrete. Holding-down bolts in cored holes are more vulnerable than bolts
cast into the concrete although the latter type is at-risk if the concrete around the cast-in anchorage is not
compacted correctly or if the holding-down bolts are not tensioned correctly. The seal and aluminium strips/rails
may then be damaged possibly leading to a hazard for vehicles.
Steel finger plates and steel sliding plate joints have been used on larger span bridges. These joints may not
incorporate a seal to prevent moisture penetration. Sliding plate joints can also vibrate loose causing a danger to
traffic. These joint types were superseded by heavy duty rubber joints of the Transflex type comprising steel
plates in an elastomeric plank. Debonding of the metal and rubber sections can occur in this type of joint and
must be reported. Reinforced concrete nosings were used to support the joints but these can crack and fragment
under repeated impact loads.
Asphaltic plug joints are used on bridge decks with small movements and sufficient asphalt cover. This joint
consists of a 50mm thick (minimum) hot mix of selected aggregate and an elastomer modified bitumen binder
and has the appearance of a strip (approximately 500mm wide) of dark asphalt. Defects may include fretting and
loss of asphalt and movement of the steel cover plate (situated at the bottom of the joint under the asphaltic
plug) where this has been used.
Cold-poured sealant joints are used mainly as replacement joints for bridges with a small range of movement.
There have been examples of the use of this type of joint in new bridges in Victoria. This class of joint comprises
a cold-poured sealant over a circular backing strip between proprietary concrete nosings/headers. The thickness
of sealant is generally half the installation width of the joint. Joints of this type may fail by tearing or by
debonding from the nosing leading to loss of the seal. Defects of this nature must be reported.

B2.2.5 Bearings
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The following covers only the more common types of bearing in past and present use. The first precast and cast
in situ beam bridges sat on a layer of clear grease, a sheet of malthoid or in some cases a sheet of lead placed
on the crosshead. Dowels projecting from the crosshead were used to locate beams but these have tended to
break free from the ends of the concrete beams or, in some instances, the dowels have broken the top of the
crosshead under the beam as a result of deck movement and edge loading.
Mortar pads were frequently used in the past and may sometimes be found in good condition although some
mortar pads made by hand-ramming mortar into the gap under the beam have tended to crack and the mortar
has spalled.
Steel base plates in conjunction with small steel bearing plates on the underside of beams have been used on a
number of bridges. A phosphor bronze sliding plate was sometimes inserted between the steel plates to reduce
Cast iron bearing blocks with sliding plates or pins, mild steel rollers and rocker bearings have also been used in
conjunction with longer span steel beams. The performance of roller and rocker bearings can be adversely
affected by grit and corrosion; bearings sometimes seize completely as a result of corrosion.
Large span, heavy concrete bridges such as box girders can be supported on pot or spherical bearings (bearings
with a P.T.F.E. (Teflon) sliding disc). The P.T.F.E. strip can be squeezed out by vibration and its position should
be recorded. Excessive rotation of the bearings should also be noted. On freeway bridges the pot bearings at the
piers may be hidden by stainless steel skirts.
Elastomeric bearing are now in common use; either as a thin strip or pad usually 20mm thick, or in a rectangular
form incorporating metal plates between the layers of elastomer. The thinner bearing strips/pads are normally
used to support small span beams. However, if the bearing pedestals are poorly constructed then some parts of
a pad may not carry load.
If poorly designed or manufactured, elastomeric bearings with steel plates can suffer from irregular bulging and
shearing at the elastomer/metal plate interfaces. Elastomeric bearings rotate and deform in shear as the bridge
moves and, in extreme cases, this can cause lift-off of the bearings at the edge, leading to over-stress of the
opposite edge of the bearing. Irregular and uneven pedestal construction is a common problem associated with
large bearings and can also lead to uneven development of stress in the bearings - overstress in some locations
and little or no stress in others.
Creep, shrinkage and elastic shortening due to post-tensioning can cause shear stress on the bearings in boxgirder bridges. Bearings may require resetting in this circumstance. This will require the beam to be jacked-up rarely done unless deformation is excessive. Actual deformation should be measured and reported if it is thought
to be excessive.
Slippage (walking) of elastomeric bearings can occur, particularly in older structures where bearings retainers
were not used. More recent designs (since the 1980s) incorporate bearing retainers that prevent slippage.

B2.2.6 Culverts
B2.2.6.1 Concrete box culverts
Early box-culverts were cast-in-place and many of these early examples suffer from corrosion of reinforcement,
cracking and spalling due to lack of concrete cover, porous concrete and/or ingress of moisture. Once corrosion,
cracking and spalling has commenced, progressive deterioration generally ensues.
Small precast inverted U culverts with precast concrete lids may exhibit significant cracking and spalling due to
inadequate cover to reinforcement.
Larger precast concrete crown units have also been extensively used. Link slabs have been used between units in
multi cell culverts to reduce construction costs and time.
The link slabs may be either precast in a casting yard, or cast on top of the culvert base slab and then lifted into
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Box culverts are more susceptible to concrete problems under the edge of the seal if the shoulders are unsealed.

B2.2.6.2 Concrete pipe culverts

Large pipe culverts have been used for many years. The pipes are susceptible to many defects that may arise
from inadequacies in manufacture, handling, stacking, transportation and installation
Large pipes may have a lifting hole. It is important that the hole be accurately positioned at the pipe obvert as
elliptical reinforcement is used.
Pipe culverts should be inspected for the presence of cracks, spalls, line and level and stability of headwalls and
wing walls
B2.2.6.3 Masonry arch culverts
Refer to clause B2.1.5.
B2.2.6.4 Buried Corrugated Metal Structures - pipes and arch culverts
Large corrugated steel pipe and arch culverts have been used in Victoria for many years. A very limited number
of corrugated aluminium culverts have also been used.
Unequal lateral soil pressure applied during construction, long term settlement or scour may lead to permanent
deformations and instability of corrugated metal structures. These issues may also develop as a result of lack of
thickness specified in the design process, loose, corroded or missing bolts, corrosion and loss of section of metal
Significant deformations are potentially a high risk to the structural integrity and safety of these structures and
those who inspect and maintain them. Inspectors should not enter a corrugated metal pipe that has significant
corrosion or deformation. A Level 3 investigation should be initiated as a matter of urgency. Refer to VicRoads
Bridge Technical Notes on Buried Corrugated Metal Structures.

B2.2.7 Causes of deterioration not related to bridge materials

The following items (which are not caused by defective materials) must be inspected and maintained in order to
avoid structural deterioration:
B2.2.7.1 Damage due to accidents
Vehicular impact damage is usually self evident and may be widespread, affecting all parts of a structure. In
extreme cases the impacted item may be displaced or even dislodged. Concrete beam and slab bridges have
been partially severed following impact from high loads.
Steel beams are particularly susceptible to impact from over-height vehicles which can cause severe deformation
to the bottom flange and web of the beam and severely reduce its capacity. A technique for straightening and
restoring impact-damaged steel beams using controlled application of heat is available.
Concrete components may crack, spall and fracture following impact, requiring extensive repair or replacement.
Pier columns and pile caps of bridges over navigable waterways may also be damaged as a result of impact by
water vessels.
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Structural damage or and/or displacement of the affected members will require a Level 3 investigation to assess
the safety, structural stability and capacity of the bridge.
Other, minor damage may occur such as abrasion and spalling of concrete which can result in eventual corrosion
of reinforcement.
B2.2.7.2 Drainage
Inadequate or impaired drainage may affect a bridge in several ways:
Flooding of the bridge deck which may create a serious traffic hazard
Water flowing over concrete, steel surfaces or bearings may result in corrosion or impaired performance
of bearings
Build-up of debris which retains moisture and promotes corrosion
Uncontrolled discharge from the deck can cause erosion of approaches, batters and possibly undermine
Leakage from the bridge deck through joints and cracks can cause unsightly staining of beams, piers and
Inadequate road-surface drainage from the bridge approaches can also cause erosion, piping and washout or
scour of the approach embankment and batter slopes, particularly in areas where flows are concentrated at the
ends of bridges, near the end post and at ends of kerbs or service ducts. These areas should be inspected
particularly after heavy rain or flooding.
B2.2.7.3 Debris
Build up of debris on the upstream side and on the deck of a bridge can cause the following adverse effects:
Very high imposed loads on the bridge possibly exceeding the design load

Impact loads particularly ion slender piles leading to breakage of pile bents and/or total loss of piles
Blockage (partial or total) of the waterway which can cause flooding upstream, exacerbate problems of
scour, undermine foundations and in extreme cases result in diversion of the watercourse

Build up of debris is usually most severe in bridges with small openings or low freeboard.
B2.2.7.4 Vegetation
Uncontrolled and excessive growth of vegetation under or adjacent to bridges does not necessarily cause damage
to the bridge. However, penetration of roots into the joints in a masonry or brick structure can cause damage
and deterioration. Vegetation can result in a fire hazard, blockage of the waterway together with the build-up of
debris and moisture around abutments and bearings. Presence of vegetation should be reported.
B2.2.7.5 Scouring of foundations
Scour of river-bed material under and around foundations caused by stream flows or changes in the alignment of
the stream channel can result in progressive settlement or movement of abutments and piers, which if not
rectified may ultimately cause total failure of the bridge. In extreme cases, scour can completely remove the
sedimentary material surrounding piles and has caused the failure of bridge superstructures leading to the need
for replacement. Bridges on pile bents where the pile to cross-head connection is pinned are most vulnerable.
Aggradation is the process of deposition of river-bed materials that have been eroded upstream. Materials can be
fine-graded silts and clays or coarser gravels and rocks depending on the nature of the upstream river-bed.
Accumulation of material against or under a bridge has the following possible effects:

High imposed loads on the bridge sub-structure and superstructure leading to damage or failure

Loss of waterway area leading to the risk of upstream flooding

Where evidence of scour or aggradation of the stream bed is observed during an inspection, this shall be noted
by the inspector for comparison with past and future inspections.
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Beaching may be damaged and removed by scour action.

Adequacy of batter protection to abutments and the stream bed adjacent to pier foundations shall be noted
together with changes in stream-bed condition upstream and downstream of the bridge.

B2.2.7.6 Movement of the structure

Settlement and horizontal displacement of piers and abutments can be caused by:


Land slips around or under the bridge

Earth pressure resulting from long-term settlement or movement of the embankment fill and underlying

Collisions with vehicles and vessels

Locking of bearings or expansion joints

Visual indicators of settlement and horizontal displacement:

Closure or excessive opening of expansion joints
Contact between the superstructure and abutment fender wall with associated cracking and spalling
Steps in horizontal and vertical alignment of the road surface and bridge barriers, particularly at
movement joints
Cracking of abutments and columns or piers
Cracking or excessive settlement of the approach embankments and in beaching or heave at the
embankment toe
Scour causing undermining of the foundations
Out of verticality of adjacent roadside columns, poles and fences etc.

Observations of these indicators are an important aid in determining whether movement is continuing, seasonal
or has ceased. Movements of this nature can continue over a long period of time and the ability to make
comparisons with past inspections is a useful in understanding the cause(s) of the movement and the
appropriate response.
B2.2.7.7 Condition of approach embankments
Embankments provide a smooth and navigable transition between the road level on approaches and the road
level over the bridge. Embankments may also provide horizontal and vertical support to bridge abutments.
If excessive settlement of the approach embankments occurs immediately adjacent to a bridge abutment, this
can cause poor ride-quality, possible damage to bridge joints and to high dynamic loads on the bridge deck.
Settlement of approach embankments is caused by inadequately compacted embankment fill and/or longer-term
consolidation settlement of the underlying natural ground.
Other embankment defects commonly encountered are erosion, piping, washout and scour, particularly after
heavy rain or flooding or a result of inadequate or blocked drainage.

B2.2.8 Deterioration of roadside structures

Cantilever sign and high-mast lighting structures share some common features and vulnerabilities:

Fatigue-related failure of holding don bolts and to a lesser degree fatigue-related failure of the column
and welds above the base-plate

Cracked, incomplete or missing mortar or grout under base-plates

Foundation-related failure leading to tilting of the structure

Fatigue failure is the result of rhythmic, wind-induced oscillation of the structure that occurs at relatively low wind
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Truck-induced gusts also cause oscillation of sign and light structures and contribute to fatigue. Structural steels
and other metals are susceptible to fatigue failure when subjected to cyclical loading. The degree of susceptibility
depends on the ductility of the metal and its fracture toughness. Higher strength steels are generally more brittle
than low strength steels and more prone to develop fatigue failure. Fatigue failure results in the development of
cracking of components and eventually to their failure if the crack penetrates the full depth of the section.
B2.2.8.1 Major cantilever and gantry sign structures
Large cantilever signs, butterfly signs and sign gantries must be inspected in order to detect fatigue-related
failure (particularly in holding-down bolts) which could lead to collapse of the structure onto trafficked lanes.
Columns of cantilever structures can progressively tilt over as a result of poor ground conditions and/or
inadequate foundations.
These structures must be inspected for missing nuts, cracked bolts, loose connections, gaps between plates,
cracked welds, heavy corrosion or small cracks and splits or ruptures of the columns and stiffeners, tilting
columns. The concrete footings should also be inspected for cracking or spalling around the bolts or base plate,
including signs of crushed or missing mortar below the base plate which could indicate that movement has
Nuts on holding-down bolts are normally checked at installation for tension and marked. The inspector should
check the marks and note if there has been any movement or loosening of the nuts.
B2.2.8.2 High mast lighting
High mast lighting columns have a minimum height of 17m. High mast lighting must be inspected in order to
detect fatigue-related failure (particularly in holding-down bolts) which could lead to collapse of the structure
onto trafficked lanes.
These structures must be inspected for missing nuts, cracked bolts, loose connections, gaps between plates,
cracked welds, heavy corrosion or small cracks and splits or ruptures of the columns and stiffeners, tilting
columns. The concrete footings should also be inspected for cracking or spalling around the bolts or base plate,
including signs of crushed or missing mortar below the base plate which could indicate that movement has
Nuts on holding-down bolts are normally checked at installation for tension and marked. The inspector should
check the marks and note if there has been any movement or loosening of the nuts.
B2.2.8.3 Noise and visual screen walls
Noise and visual screen walls are normally located along major roads where there are residential or light
commercial developments at the right of way boundary. They are commonly made from a range of materials
including timber (plywood), concrete, steel, aluminium, acrylic and polycarbonate materials.
Some noise walls have built-in lighting powered by solar panels. These are subject to electrical problems and to
Visual walls are similar to noise walls but are normally used to shield unattractive commercial or industrial
development along important roads or shared use pedestrians routes.
Noise and visual walls must be inspected in order to prevent collapse onto trafficked carriageways or pedestrian
Problems can occur due to:

Rot and termites in timber particularly at or just below ground level

Corrosion in steel and cracked welds

Reinforcement corrosion
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Cracking and spalling concrete

Collapse of panels due to failure of fixings including self-tapping screws
Cracking of concrete and plastic panels

The inspector should also observe and record problems associated with ground movement that may cause
columns to move and allow panels to fall out. The footings should be inspected for cracking or spalling around
the cast-in-situ or bolted connections.
B2.2.8.4 Retaining walls
Retaining walls are generally made from timber, concrete, masonry and steel materials.
Problems can occur with the foundations of the wall due to:

Rot and termites in timber particularly at or just below ground level

Corrosion in steel and cracked welds

Reinforcement corrosion

Cracking and spalling concrete

Cracking of mortar or stone degradation in masonry walls

Settlement, sliding or overturning of the wall

Insufficient or ineffective weep holes to relieve pore pressure behind the wall
The inspector should also observe and record problems associated with ground movement that may be exerting
unusual pressure on the walls.

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Appendix C2
Examples of briefs and scopes for Level 3 investigations
C2.1 Introduction
C2.1.1 Purpose
To provide guidance on the preparation of a Brief and a Scope for a Level 3 investigation.
This Appendix provides examples of what should be included in the Brief, and what might be included in the Scope of
the investigation for the examples given in Part 2.4.3.
C2.1.2 Field investigations
Scope items relating to safety, site access and traffic management are similar for all examples and may include all or
some of the following as required (note that the phrasing is as it might appear in the actual scope):

Submit a plan of the investigation for approval by the Superintendent prior to commencement of the
investigation. The plan should include as a minimum:
The type of visual inspection that is planned (e.g. close-up, hands-on inspection, remote inspection by
binoculars etc)
The extent and nature of destructive and/or non-destructive testing
Method(s) of access
Identification of areas of the structure that may require special means of access or where access is
Limitations on public access and access controls that may be required
Traffic management requirements
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
Provide access for the investigation
Obtain traffic management approval(s)
Obtain environmental approval(s) (if these are not provided by VicRoads)
Conduct the investigation in accordance with the approved plan
Report the results of the investigation in the specified format within the specified time period. Reporting must
include the Level 2 inspection requirements and forms for component condition and recording of photographs.
Details of testing must also be included.

C2.1.3 Advice
The Principal Bridge Engineer must be consulted for technical input to the development of proposals for Level 3
investigations, for ongoing advice during investigations and for review of completed investigation reports. Input and
advice from other disciplines relevant to the investigation shall be obtained from Geotechnical Services and
Construction Materials as appropriate.
The Region, in consultation with other authorities such as water and rail (where access for the investigation requires
the agreement of these authorities or their input), shall be responsible for all operational issues including traffic
management plans.

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C2.2 Examples
C2.2.1 Response to incident, accident or natural event
Note: It may be necessary to respond rapidly if a serious incident or natural event occurs which threatens the safety
or stability of a structure. Given the nature of serious incidents and natural events (such as flooding), the need for a
rapid response will restrict the time available for planning of the inspection. In that case, it may not be possible to
prepare a formal and detailed brief or scope. The inspection should then be conducted with the following brief in mind
and, above all, with proper regard for the safety of those conducting the inspection.
If the initial inspection (by maintenance personnel for example) identifies damage that could compromise structural
safety or performance, a planned Level 3 inspection is required. This may, in-turn, lead to a more detailed and
targeted Level 3 investigation to determine the full extent and magnitude of the damage.
The Brief for a planned investigation should include:

Background information and the results of previous inspections of the damage or similar damage to the

Clear identification of the damaged components of the structure including the specific area(s) that require

The end purpose of the investigation report - for example:

To determine if the structure can safely continue in operation
To determine the nature and extent of repairs required to ensure that structure is safe for use
To determine the nature and extent of longer term maintenance or rehabilitation works

Requirements for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing (e.g. bottom flange of steel beam must be
visually inspected close-up for deformation due to vehicle impact)

Results of recent Level 2 inspections of the structure

All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure

Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation

The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the type of investigation that is required and an explanation of how these
investigations will achieve the purpose described in the brief

Submit a plan of the investigation for approval by the Superintendent prior to commencement of the
investigation. The plan should include as a minimum:
The extent of investigation, preferably by reference to a drawing of the structure
Any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be investigated
The method for recording the results of the investigation
Structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and/or materials engineering investigations may be required to undertake a
comprehensive assessment of the damage to the structure.
Examples of investigations can include:
Impact damage from road, and rail vehicles or water vessels:

Survey measurements, non-destructive testing (NDT) and sampling of material from deformed steel beams

Exploration of the depth of damage to timber or concrete beams or piers, including determination of damage
to prestressing tendons using NDT or more invasive methods such as carefully controlled removal of concrete
to expose tendon ducts and tendons

Investigation of damage to abutments and deflection walls and barriers protecting abutments

Investigation of damage to foundations

Assessment of damage to bearings, expansion joints, other mechanical components and their restraining

Assessment of damage to bridge and bridge approach barriers, their connections and the supporting structure

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Fire or explosion damage:

Exploration of depth of heat-affected zone in concrete and timber components using NDT and/or intrusive

Exploration of crack extent, width and depth in concrete and masonry or brick structures

Exploration of heat damage/deformation and change in material properties in all types of material including

Assessment of prestressing tendons and other high strength steel components that are susceptible to
heat damage such as Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) and bonding materials

Assessment of other steel components such as barriers and their coatings

Assessment of displacement (absolute and relative) of bearings and superstructures

Examination of colour change in concrete components

Flood damage:

Investigation of damage to piers, abutments and bridge superstructures from debris impact (floating trees,
vehicles and vessels for example)

Investigation of lateral movement or uplift of bridge superstructures and bearings due to debris loading and
buoyancy effects

Investigation of scour of river-bed under and adjacent to foundations, which may not be evident after the
flood-waters subside

Investigation of aggradation of river-bed adjacent to foundations and superstructures

Investigation of damage to approach embankments and beaching

Note that excess pore pressure and draw down effects can cause failure, rotation or settlement of abutments,
retaining walls, other structures and the river-banks
Earthquake damage:
Note - all structures might suffer severe vertical and or lateral accelerations and movements.

Bridges could suffer bearing displacement, closure or opening of gaps between adjacent components causing
spalling or failure of concrete members, distortion or tearing of steel members, damage to expansion joints,
settlement and rotation of foundations, piers and abutments due to soil liquefaction
Retaining walls, large sign structures, high mast lighting arms and other structures reliant on soil-structure
interaction could become unstable and suffer damage or failure of main components as a result of settlement,
rotation or collapse
Masonry culverts, arches and retaining walls and other non-ductile structures are likely to suffer severe
cracking of masonry and mortar joints, settlement of foundations, rotation of approach walls and settlement
of the contained roadway

C2.2.2 Response to Level 1 or Level 2 inspection

The Brief must include:

A description of the problem identified in the Level 2 inspection

The end purpose of the investigation report - for example:

To determine if the structure can safely continue in operation
To determine the nature and extent of repairs required to ensure that structure is safe for use
To determine the nature and extent of longer term maintenance or rehabilitation works

Details of departures from the problems identified in the Level 2 inspection

A copy of the Level 2 inspection report in which the problem was identified

Requirements for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing

Drawings of the relevant parts of the structure

Previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation

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The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations for the visual inspections and in-depth engineering investigations required and an
explanation of how these investigations will achieve the purpose described in the brief

Submit for approval a plan for conduct of the investigation prior to commencement. The plan should include,
as a minimum:
The extent of investigation, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure
Identification of the unique characteristics and features of the structure that is to be investigated
Information about similar defects in other bridges, similar components in this structure or other
structures including likely causes of the defect, extent of defect and probability of further
deterioration or expansion of defect and successful investigations and repairs that have been
implemented in similar situations
Method for recording the results of the inspection

Structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and/or materials engineering investigations as required to complete a

comprehensive assessment of the issue identified by the Level 1 or 2 inspection

Report the results of the inspections in the agreed format and within the specified time period
C2.2.3 Programmed Level 3 investigations
C2.2.3.1 Introduction
As detailed in 2.4.4, programmed Level 3 investigations are required for both individual structures and defined classes
of structure.
A range of Level 3 investigations are required for structures in the categories of Monitor, Complex and Heritage (as
described in Parts 2.4.5 to 2.4.7) in order to inform the development of structure-specific management plans.
Structure-specific management plans include ongoing inspection and maintenance requirements.
The management plan may be required to specify:

Specialist equipment for access or monitoring the performance and condition of the following components:
Beams and other components at height or over water that cannot be accessed by normal means
Interiors of box girders
Piles and other components underwater
Welded and bolted connections in steel structures using non-destructive methods such as ultrasonic
The requirements for periodic inspection of Monitor structures*
*Based on research undertaken for the common classes of bridge included in this category and specified in VicRoads
Bridge Technical Notes BTN 2004/010; or to monitor the ongoing performance of a particular structure or component.

The requirements for periodic investigation of Complex structures to ensure that the performance of unusual,
fracture critical and other details are monitored appropriately

The requirements for monitoring the condition of structures and parts of structures that are heritage listed
Management plans must define the scope, frequency and structure-specific safety issues to ensure the continuing safe
performance of these structures. They must also include specific provisions for the management of risk and to inform
the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement requirements for these structures.
In instances where a management plan does not exist, a Level 3 investigation may be required to develop the scope
for the programmed Level 3 investigations of an individual structure.
Maintenance, strengthening, widening or replacement activities relevant to the structure may change the status of the
structure and requirement for ongoing programmed Level 3 investigations.
The following examples are provided for each of these categories.

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C2.2.3.2 Monitor structure investigations

As described in Parts 2.4.4 and 2.4.5, VicRoads has identified a number of different classes of bridges and major
culverts that are included in the category of Monitor structures.
Bridges with either full width or part width superstructures comprised of cast-insitu reinforced concrete tee beams, flat
slabs, 1950s and 1960s series reinforced concrete u-slabs and prestressed concrete planks without reinforced
concrete overlays have been categorised as having "Monitor" status. VicRoads BTN 2004/010 was produced to define
the specific components and areas to inspect on these bridges, based on extensive investigations into these forms of
structure. Bridges and major culverts that are constructed from brick or stone masonry or have principal components,
such as piers and abutments constructed from masonry are all categorized as having "Monitor" status. The technical
aspects of Level 3 investigations of these structures are based on Level 2 type inspections by experienced engineers in
the first instance. In addition, limited geometric surveys may be undertaken to confirm that wing-walls have not
settled or rotated significantly or that arches have not flattened. Significant cracks through the mortar and/or
masonry shall be recorded and mapped and areas of water penetration and efflorescence shall also be recorded.
These details shall be recorded and photographed using the Level 2 reporting format for reference in subsequent
inspections to determine whether any observed defect is stable or deteriorating. Further Level 3 investigations may be
implemented following the above initial inspections, that might include the use of Demountable Mechanical Strain
(demec) gauges, laser survey and other survey techniques, to monitor crack widths and lengths, settlements and
rotations of walls, abutments piers and arches and similar. Cores may be taken to determine mortar and masonry
material properties and condition, wall and arch thicknesses, backfill material properties and depth between approach
walls and similar. Limited backhoe exploration might also be considered. Such investigations may be undertaken in
conjunction with analytical analysis of the structure, using conventional structural analysis or specialised masonry
arch analysis software.
Corrugated metal pipe and arch structures are also categorised as Monitor structures. Reference is made to VicRoads
BTN 2007/001 Safety During Inspection and Repair of BCMS, which provides guidance on safety during both
inspection and repair of these structures. Reference is also made to BTN 2005/009 Buried Corrugated Metal
Structures, which provides guidance on investigating the condition of existing structures, including surrounding
backfill material, water quality and presence or evidence of water borne abrasive materials. The latter BTN also
provides advice on investigating culvert inverts and retrofitting reinforced concrete inverts. In other instances, where
culvert condition is poor and complete replacement is not practical or extremely expensive, such as under high fills or
beneath major highways and freeways, consideration may be given to use of a full perimeter concrete grout lining,
provided adequate waterway area is still provided. The above considerations provide a basis for developing the safety
and technical aspects of the Brief and Scope for Level 3 investigations into the condition and alternative repair and
replacement options for buried corrugated metal (steel or aluminium) arches and pipes.
Specific technical guidance still needs to be developed for the inspection of steel girder bridges retrofitted with noncomposite precast concrete deck panels or composite cast-in-situ or combination precast and cast-in-situ concrete
decks. In the former case, Level 3 investigations should include detailed inspection of the connections of the precast
panels to the steel I girder flanges. These connections may vibrate loose, corrode, suffer from fatigue failure, local
cracking or failure of the concrete slabs or pullout the steel connections or similar. Attention should also be given to
uneven seating of precast panels over multiple steel I girders. In the case of retrofitted composite, part precast deck
panels, attention should be given to uneven seating and signs of gaps between the steel girders and precast panels,
evidence of corrosion or fracture of connections, where visible, evidence of cracked or spalled concrete. In both
instances, consideration might be given to installation of instrumentation to investigate any differential movement
between the girders and the concrete deck slabs. The Brief and Scope need to consider the above technical aspects, in
conjunction with other features of the specific structure, in conjunction with other general considerations listed in
other examples, including access to undertake these investigations.
Large cantilever and gantry sign structures and high mast lighting structures have also been added to the category of
Monitor structures, because of the fracture critical nature of the baseplate connections to the arms and foundations.
VicRoads BTN 2010/001 Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High Mast Light Poles, provides
guidance on the design of new structures and gives some insight into potential problem areas of existing structures.
VicRoads TC Construction Materials Group shall be consulted when developing Level 3 investigations of these
This Manual provides guidance on visual inspection into the condition of the base plates, connection details, grout
pads and foundations supporting these structures. Level 3 investigations will generally include structural assessment
| Road Structures Inspection Manual


of the individual structure or a number of similar structures for the purpose of determining the adequacy of the
structure under prescribed (AS5100) loading requirements. The use of ultrasonic testing or other non-destructive
testing techniques will also commonly be required. This may be followed by design of details for strengthening,
replacement or modification of existing components. Level 3 investigations might also include instrumentation of
individual structures to monitor stress ranges over a period of time from the local environment (wind speed, direction,
gust frequency), wind loading from adjacent large high vehicles or similar parameters. The Brief and Scope of such
investigations may be part of a VicRoads or Austroads investigation into the performance of these structures given the
common interest of all road authorities.
As stated in Part 2.4.5, the classification of Monitor structure may be used to include any structure that has a
particular component or other feature that requires either short term or ongoing engineering surveillance. Such
structures do not include those that are considered to be sufficiently complex or unusual to justify inclusion in
Complex structures nor have features that justify classification as Heritage structures.
Such structures might include those with:

Difficult access and requirement for specialised equipment and/or traffic/railway control;

A problem with a specific component or components that requires engineering surveillance, such as moving
elastomeric bearings, fatigue susceptible steel components or connection details, hydraulic scour or similar
issues, geotechnical movement, concrete degradation requiring periodic testing and similar.
The technical aspects of the Brief and Scope for the Level 3 investigations or development of a management plan as
part of a Monitoring program should be developed taking into consideration all information known about the individual
structure under consideration and other similar structures, if any.
The Brief should include:

A background paper from the Principal Bridge Engineer that describes the basis for classification of the
structure (or class of structure) as a Monitor Structure, including the details of any known or suspected

If available, a description of how any known or suspected deficiency would manifest itself in the structure
(e.g. specific cracking, increasing deflection);

Definition of the parts of the structure that are to be investigated;

Prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing (e.g. all components
must be visually inspected close-up hands-on; two cores must be taken per pile);

Results of the most recent Level 2 inspection of the structure (or a representative structure for the class);

All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure (or a representative structure for the class);

Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure (or a representative structure for the class);

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

The Scope might include:

Investigate and advise how any known or suspected deficiency would manifest itself in the structure (if this
information is not provided in the brief);

Provide recommendations on the type of investigations are to be undertaken and an explanation as to how
these inspections will achieve the purpose described in the brief;

Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the inspection prior to commencement. The plan should include,
as a minimum:
the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be investigated;
method for recording the results of the inspection.

Undertake the investigations in accordance with the approved plan;

Report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period;

Provide a report with recommendations on the monitoring to be undertaken, including as a minimum:

the specific areas to be monitored;

the method of monitoring including specific recommendations on what to observe and/or measure;
the frequency of monitoring;
an explanation as to how the monitoring will keep an eye on the known or suspected deficiency.

Summarise the management plan in the form of a fully defined brief and scope to be used for future
investigations of the structure (or class of structure).

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


C2.2.2.3 Complex bridge inspections

The Principal Bridge Engineer is responsible for classifying a structure as a Complex Structure. Classification as a
Complex Structure is an acknowledgment that a Level 2 inspection is unlikely to provide sufficient information to form
an accurate opinion on the condition of the structure. Examples of structures that could be classified as
Complex include:

Structures with unusual structural details such as pin and hanger assemblies;
Cable-stayed or suspension structures;
Moveable bridges;
Structures where the location or configuration means that structure specific construction is required to
provide inspection access.

The Brief should include:

A background paper from the Principal Bridge Engineer that describes the basis for classification of the
structure as a Complex Structure, including any specific inspection requirements for the parts of the structure
that would not be covered by a Level 2 inspection;

Definition of the parts of the structure that are to be inspected;

Prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing;

All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure;

Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure;

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the type of inspections to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these
inspections will achieve the purpose described in the brief;

Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the inspection prior to commencement of any inspection activity.
The plan should include, as a minimum:
the extent of investigation, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
the type of visual inspection that will be undertaken (e.g. close-up hands-on inspection, remote
inspection by binoculars etc);
method for recording the results of the inspection.

Report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period. Provide a
management plan for inspection of the structure, including as a minimum:
an inspection plan for all aspects of the structure, including those within and outside the scope of a
Level 2 inspection;
a definition of condition ratings 1 to 4 for components that are not included in the this manual;
specific recommendations on what to observe and/or measure.
Summarise the management plan in the form of a fully defined brief and scope to be used for future
investigations of the structure;
Undertake the investigations in accordance with the approved plan.

C2.2.2.4 Heritage bridge inspections

It is envisaged that the inspection of unused or bypassed bridges will be undertaken as a Level 1 or a Level 2
inspection. However there may be particular circumstances related to heritage requirements on an unused or
bypassed bridge that require a specific inspection plan to be implemented. In this case the Inspection should be
undertaken as a Level 3 investigation
The Brief should include:

A background paper that describes the basis for heritage classification of the structure and a copy of the
protection requirements for the structure;

Definition of the parts of the structure that are to be investigated;

Prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing (eg all components
must be visually inspected close-up hands-on; two cores must be taken per pile);

All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure;

Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure;

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these
inspections will achieve the purpose described in the brief;

Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigations prior to commencement. The plan should
include, as a minimum:
the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be inspected;
method for recording the results of the inspection.

Undertake the inspections in accordance with the approved plan;

Report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period;

Summarise the management plan in the form of a fully defined brief and scope to be used for future
investigations of the structure.

C2.2.2.5 Handover bridge inspections

Handover inspections require cooperation between the project or organisation responsible for constructing or
delivering the structure, and the asset owner. The party accepting the structure should normally arrange the handover
inspection, however the party currently responsible for the structure should be given notice and invitation to attend.
The Brief should include:

Details of the contractual requirements for quality and completeness of the structure;

Certified as-built documentation of the structure that is to be handed over;

Details of any recorded defects and the dispositions of those defects;

What the investigation report will be used for (eg practical completion; close out of defects);

Prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing (e.g. all components
must be visually inspected close-up hands-on; hardness testing of metals);

An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these
investigations will achieve the purpose described in the brief;

Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigation prior to commencement. The plan should include,
as a minimum:
the extent of inspection, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure;
method for recording the results of the inspection.

Undertake the inspections in accordance with the approved plan;

Report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period.

C2.2.4 Detailed condition rating of a structure

The Brief should include:

A description, in as much detail as is available, of the proposed program of works;

What the investigation report will be used for such as:

Assessing the degree of physical and chemical deterioration of components, the structure as a whole or
categories of similar structures in different environments or subjected to different traffic volumes and mix;
Estimating the ongoing rate of deterioration and remaining life without intervention;
Assessing alternative intervention timings for various maintenance, strengthening or replacement options;
Determining the condition and material properties of components of the structure as part of undertaking a
load capacity assessment and possibly a subsequent strengthening design for the structure;
Assessing the importance of the condition of the components to be investigated to the structural integrity,
load carrying capacity and ongoing maintenance requirements for the structure.
Prescriptive requirements, if any, for visual, destructive and/or non-destructive testing;

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Results of the Level 2 inspections of the structure, over a period of time, with particular emphasis on
recent inspections;
All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure;
Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure;
An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the type of investigations to be undertaken and an explanation as to how these
will achieve the purpose described in the brief;.

Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the investigations prior to commencement of any activity. The
plan should include, as a minimum:
the extent of investigations, preferably defined by reference to a drawing of the structure.
method for recording the results of the inspection;
Report the results of the investigations in the agreed format and within a specified time period.
C2.2.5 Load capacity assessment of a structure
The Brief should include:

The loads that the structure is to be assessed and rated for (e.g. design vehicle loads design standard
vehicles, legal vehicles, permit vehicles);
The standard or guidelines that are to be used for the rating. The default standard is AS5100.7 Part 7: Rating
of existing bridges;
Any specified variations from the standard or guidelines such as:
Site specific load factors;
Site specific multiple vehicle loading requirements;
Structure specific fatigue assessment requirements;
Specific design or marked lane requirements to be used in the assessment.
Whether the structural assessment is to:
Be based on a desk-top analytical structural assessment only, using design drawings;
Include specified Level 3 field investigations to determine data to be used in the structural
What any load rating will be used for, including determining the adequacy of the structure for:
Current or future freight vehicles;
A specific permit vehicle; or
Class of special purpose vehicle.
Results of the most recent Level 2 inspections of the structure;
All available drawings of the relevant parts of the structure;
All relevant as-constructed information available for the structure including:
Structure geometry, such as span lengths, beam spacing, skew, asphalt thickness and similar;
Geotechnical information including bore logs, foundation levels and similar.
Any previous reports on the relevant parts of the structure;
Traffic data including traffic volumes and mix, weigh-in-motion data, projected growth estimates and other
relevant information;
An outline scope of the Level 3 investigation.

The Scope might include:

Provide recommendations on the method to be used for the load rating including:
Analytical methods and assumptions to be used for desk-top structural assessment;
Whether field and laboratory investigations are to be used for determining component dimensions,
properties or condition;
Whether field instrumentation and load testing of the structure is to be used as part of the structural
Where load testing is to be undertaken, submit for approval a loading and instrumentation schedule with an
explanation as to how load testing undertaken in accordance with the schedule will achieve the purpose
described in the brief;
Submit for approval a plan for undertaking the Level 3 investigations prior to commencement of any field
activity. The plan should include, as a minimum:

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


the extent of investigations, preferably defined by reference to drawings of the structure;
the type of visual inspection that will be undertaken;
the extent and nature of any destructive or non-destructive testing;
identification of any unique characteristics and features of the structure that must be inspected;
method for recording the results of the inspection.
Undertake the load testing (where required) in accordance with the approved schedule;
Submit a Design Report which contains, as a minimum:
drawings of the structure that were used for the structural assessment calculations;
condition information on the structure that was used for the structural assessment calculations;
details of the loads for which the structure was load rated;
reference standards that were used;
the design methodology that was employed;
the results of the load rating calculations.

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


Appendix D2
AS 5100 Bridge Design (2004)
Current Bridge Technical Notes, VicRoads website
AASHTO The Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2010), Washington DC
Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (2008), Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Canada
Bridge and Other Structures Inspection Policy, NZTA S6:2009, New Zealand Transport
Agency, Auckland NZ.
Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Manual, SP/M/016 (2001), New Zealand Transport
Agency, Auckland NZ
Inspection Manual for Highway Structures. Volume 1: Reference Manual, (2007), The UK Highways Agency, TSO
Online Bookshop
National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), CFR Section 23, Highways, part 650, subpart
C, (2011), FHWA, Washington DC
Review of Bridge Inspection Competence and Training, (2009), Research Project: UG637 for UK Bridges Board, W S
Atkins, London
Bootle K R, (1983) Wood in Australia, Types Properties and Uses, (1983), Bootle K R, McGraw-Hill, Sydney
Bridge Management Practice, (1991), Austroads
Guidelines for Timber Bridge Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, (1991), McGregor K, VicRoads
Guidelines for Concrete Bridge Inspection, Maintenance and Repair, (1991), McGregor K, VicRoads

| Road Structures Inspection Manual


| Road Structures Inspection Manual


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