The document lists various elite military units throughout history organized by number from 1 to 134. Some of the elite units mentioned include the US Marine Corps, British Forces in Zululand, Vikings, Soviet Bloc Elite Forces, Israeli Defence Forces, Crusaders, Zulus, Samurai, Spartan Army, and Napoleonic commanders. The list covers a wide range of time periods and locations.
The document lists various elite military units throughout history organized by number from 1 to 134. Some of the elite units mentioned include the US Marine Corps, British Forces in Zululand, Vikings, Soviet Bloc Elite Forces, Israeli Defence Forces, Crusaders, Zulus, Samurai, Spartan Army, and Napoleonic commanders. The list covers a wide range of time periods and locations.
The document lists various elite military units throughout history organized by number from 1 to 134. Some of the elite units mentioned include the US Marine Corps, British Forces in Zululand, Vikings, Soviet Bloc Elite Forces, Israeli Defence Forces, Crusaders, Zulus, Samurai, Spartan Army, and Napoleonic commanders. The list covers a wide range of time periods and locations.
The document lists various elite military units throughout history organized by number from 1 to 134. Some of the elite units mentioned include the US Marine Corps, British Forces in Zululand, Vikings, Soviet Bloc Elite Forces, Israeli Defence Forces, Crusaders, Zulus, Samurai, Spartan Army, and Napoleonic commanders. The list covers a wide range of time periods and locations.
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The Paras 194084 (Elite 1)
US Army Airborne 194090 (Elite 31)
The US Marine Corps since 1945 (Elite 2)
British Forces in Zululand 1879 (Elite 32)
The Vikings (Elite 3)
South-East Asian Special Forces (Elite 33)
US Army Special Forces 195284 (Elite 4)
Afrikakorps 194143 (Elite 34)
Soviet Bloc Elite Forces (Elite 5)
Early Samurai AD 2001500 (Elite 35)
French Foreign Legion Paratroops (Elite 6)
The Texas Rangers (Elite 36)
The Ancient Greeks (Elite 7)
Panama 198990 (Elite 37)
Israeli Defence Forces since 1973 (Elite 8)
The NVA and Viet Cong (Elite 38)
The Normans (Elite 9)
The Ancient Assyrians (Elite 39)
Warsaw Pact Ground Forces (Elite 10)
New Kingdom Egypt (Elite 40)
Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny (Elite 11)
Elite Forces of India and Pakistan (Elite 41)
Inside the Soviet Army (Elite 12)
The Persian Army 560330 BC (Elite 42)
US Army Rangers & LRRP Units 194287 (Elite 13)
Vietnam Marines 196573 (Elite 43)
The British Army in the 1980s (Elite 14)
Security Forces in Northern Ireland 1969-92 (Elite 44)
The Armada Campaign 1588 (Elite 15)
Armies of the Gulf War (Elite 45)
NATO Armies 194987 (Elite 16)
US Army Air Force (1) (Elite 46)
Knights at Tournament (Elite 17)
South African Special Forces (Elite 47)
Israeli Elite Units since 1948 (Elite 18)
Nelson's Navy (Elite 48)
The Crusades (Elite 19)
The Gurkhas (Elite 49)
Inside the US Army (Elite 20)
The Praetorian Guard (Elite 50)
The Zulus (Elite 21)
US Army Air Force (2) (Elite 51)
World Special Forces Insignia (Elite 22)
Wellington's Foot Guards (Elite 52)
The Samurai (Elite 23)
International Brigades in Spain 193639 (Elite 53)
The Old Contemptibles (Elite 24)
UN Forces 194894 (Elite 54)
Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) (Elite 25)
Marine Recon 194090 (Elite 55)
Tank War Central Front NATO vs. Warsaw Pact (Elite 26) Scottish Divisions in the World Wars (Elite 56)
Soldiers of the English Civil War (2) (Elite 27)
The Royal Marines 193993 (Elite 57)
Medieval Siege Warfare (Elite 28)
The Janissaries (Elite 58)
Vietnam Airborne (Elite 29)
US Marine Corps 194145 (Elite 59)
Attila and the Nomad Hordes (Elite 30)
U-Boat Crews 191445 (Elite 60)
The Guards Divisions 191445 (Elite 61)
US Army Frontier Scouts 18401921 (Elite 91) American Civil War Zouaves (Elite 62)
World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1) (Elite 92)
German Mountain & Ski Troops 194145 (Elite 63)
American War of Independence Commanders (Elite 93) Army Commandos 194045 (Elite 64) American Civil War Commanders (4) (Elite 94) Redcaps: Britain's Military Police (Elite 65) World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2) (Elite 95) The Spartan Army (Elite 66) American Frontier Lawmen 18501930(Elite 96) Pirates 16601730 (Elite 67) The Kaiser's Warlords (Elite 97) The Military Sniper since 1914 (Elite 68) British Commanders of World War II (Elite 98) Buccaneers 16201700 (Elite 69) Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 17921815 (Elite 101)
Elizabethan Sea Dogs 15601605 (Elite 70)
Santa Annas Mexican Army 182148 (Elite 102) Queen Victoria's Commanders (Elite 71) Vietnam ANZACs (Elite 103) Napoleon's Commanders (1) (Elite 72) American Civil War Commanders (1) (Elite 73)
Britain's Air Defences 193945 (Elite 104)
World War II Infantry Tactics (1) (Elite 105)
Privateers & Pirates 17301830 (Elite 74)
Wehrmacht Combat Helmets 193345 (Elite 106) The Indian Army 19141947 (Elite 75) Buffalo Soldiers 186691 (Elite 107) The German Freikorps 191823 (Elite 76) Spanish Guerrillas in the Peninsular War 180814 (Elite 108)
British Colours & Standards 17471881 (1) (Elite 77)
The British Home Front 193945 (Elite 109) World War I Trench Warfare (1) (Elite 78) Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224642 (Elite 110) The Royal Navy 193945 (Elite 79) Heroes of the Soviet Union 194145 (Elite 111) The US Navy in World War II (Elite 80) American Civil War Marines 186165 (Elite 112) British Colours & Standards 17471881 (2) (Elite 81) US Navy SEALs (Elite 113) Samurai Heraldry (Elite 82) Knight's Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 193940 (Elite 114)
Napoleon's Commanders (2) (Elite 83)
Napoleons Imperial Headquarters (1) (Elite 115) World War I Trench Warfare (2) (Elite 84) Napoleons Imperial Headquarters (2) (Elite 116) US Commanders of World War II (1) (Elite 85) US World War II Amphibious Tactics (Elite 117) Japanese Naval Aviation Uniforms and Equipment 193745 (Elite 86)
German Commanders of World War II (1) (Elite 118)
US Commanders of World War II (2) (Elite 87)
Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BCAD 1300 (Elite 120) American Civil War Commanders (2) (Elite 88) Ancient Siege Warfare (Elite 121) American Civil War Commanders (3) (Elite 89) World War II Infantry Tactics (Elite 122) Heroines of the Soviet Union 194145 (Elite 90) Knight's Cross and Oak-Leaves Recipients 194145 (Elite 123)
World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics (Elite 124)
Samurai Commanders (1) (Elite 125) Siege Warfare in the Roman World (Elite 126) Japanese Paratroop Forces of World War II (Elite 127) Samurai Commanders (2) (Elite 128) The Mycenaeans c.16501100 BC (Elite 130) Knight's Cross, Oak-Leaves and Swords Recipients 194145 (Elite 133)
(Studies in Military and Strategic History) Raffi Gregorian (Auth.) - The British Army, The Gurkhas and Cold War Strategy in The Far East, 1947-1954-Palgrave Macmillan UK (2002)