Levels of voltages, Electrical Insulation and Dielectrics, Importance of Electric Field Intensity in
the Dielectrics, Types of Electric Fields, Degree of Uniformity of Fields (Schwaiger Factor), Stress
Gaseous Dielectrics
Properties of atmospheric air and SF 6, Related ionization Process, Properties of vacuum, Related
ionization Process, Development of Electron Avalanche, Breakdown Mechanisms, Townsend's
Mechanism, Streamer Mechanism, Breakdown in Uniform Fields (Paschen's Law), Breakdown of
gaseous dielectrics in Weakly Non-uniform and the limiting value of , Development of 'Partial
Breakdown' (PB) in Extremely Non-Uniform Fields, Breakdown characteristics in air with stable
PB (corona).
Liquid and Solid Dielectrics
Classification and Properties of Liquid Dielectrics, Classification and Properties of Solid
Dielectrics, Permittivity and Polarization in Dielectrics, Insulation Resistance, Conductivity and
Losses in Dielectrics, Partial Breakdown Phenomenon in Dielectrics, Partial Breakdown
Phenomenon on the Surfaces of Soild and Liquid Dielectrics and degradation due to PB.
Breakdown in Liquid and Solid Dielectrics
Measurement of Intrinsic Breakdown in solid dielectrics, Thermal and other Breakdown
Mechanisms in extremely non-uniform fields, Comparison of the development of breakdown in
extremely and weakly non-uniform fields and the requirement of time for breakdown in solid
Generation of High Test Voltages
Methods of generation of Power Frequency high test voltage, Transformers in Cascade, Resonance
Transformers, Generation of high dc voltage, Voltage Multiplier Circuits and Ripple Minimization,
Sources of over voltages and Standard Lightning and Switching wave shapes, Impulse Voltage
Generator, Analysis of Single Stage Circuit, Multistage Impulse Generator and their Triggering
Measurement of High Test Voltages
Peak High Voltage measurement techniques, Sphere gap; Construction; Effects of earthed objects
and atmospheric conditions, Electrostatic Voltmeters, Principle and Construction, Potential
Dividers, their types and applications,
Non-destructive High Voltage Testing and Quality Control
Measurable properties of dielectrics, Measurement of Dielectric properties with Schering Bridge
and Megaohm meter, Parital Breakdown (PB) Measurement Techniques in Dielectrics/ Equipment.
1) Communication Systems by Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 5th
2) An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications by Simon Haykin, John Wiley &
3) Principles of Communication Systems by H. Taub and D.L. Schilling, McGraw-Hill,2nd Edition,
4) Electronic Communication Systems by George Kennedy, Tata McGraw Hill,4th Edition,2008
5) Principles of Communication Engineering by Anokh Singh, S.Chand & Company Limited,
Evolution of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Multiprogramming, Multi-user System, Batch
processing, Multi-tasking, Multiprocessor, Machine language, Assembly language, High-level
language, Modular programming, structured programming, Microprogramming.
8086 Microprocessor
CPU architecture, PIN diagram and signal description for 8086, operating modes of 8086, Minimum
mode 8086 based system, Maximum mode 8086 based system, instruction format, addressing
modes of 8086, instruction set of 8086, memory and I/O interfacing, interrupts, Assembler
directives, 8086 assembly language programming using loop instructions, jump instructions,
programming using conditional & unconditional jumps, compare, rotate instructions, addition,
subtraction, multiplication & division instructions etc.; Intel 80x86 Family of Processors: Intel
80186,Intel 80286, Intel 80386, Intel 80486,Pentium microprocessor, Advanced Pentium
microprocessor, Numeric Data Processor 8087, architecture and interfacing of NDP 8087 to
microprocessor 8086.
Micro Controllers
Introduction, functional block diagram of Intel 8051/8031 microcontroller, Memory organization in
Intel 8051/8031 microcontroller, Memory and I/O interfacing in Intel 8051/8031 based system,
Examples of memory and I/O interface in 8031/8051 based system, Addressing modes, Instruction
set of Intel 8051/8031, Assembly language programming, Assembler Directives; Peripheral devices
and interfacing, parallel data transfer schemes, Serial data communication in 8051 microcontroller,
DAC interface, ADC interface, Application examples of Intel 8051 microcontroller, Intel 8096
microcontroller, architecture and SFRs of 8096, Trends and developments in microcontrollers.
Microprocessor and Interfacing (Programming and Hardware) by Douglas V.Hall, TMH India.
Microcontrollers Principles and Applications by Ajit Pal, PHI , New Delhi
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers by A. Nagoor Kani , First edition, RBA Publications
Microcomputer systems: the 8086/8088 family by Yu-cheng Liu & Glenn A.Gibson, PHI
Microprocessor 8086 Programming & Interfacing by A. Nagoor Kani , First edition, RBA
6) 8051 Microcontroller by J. Aayla, PHI, New Delhi.
EEE-424 (a)
General Concepts
Review of general concepts, terminology, applications of process control. Simulation and Modeling:
Importance of simulation, Mathematical modeling, Process dynamics of fluid flow and heat transfer
systems, Mass transfer dynamics and distillation column, Reaction kinetics of chemical processes.
Advanced Control Schemes
Structure, analysis and application of Cascade control, Selective control, Ratio Control, Design of
steady state and dynamic Feed forward controller, Feed forward combined with feedback control,
Structure, analysis and applications of inferential control, dead time and inverse response
compensators, Concepts and applications of Adaptive control, Model reference adaptive control,
Self tuning regulator .
Design of Multi-loop Controllers
Interactions and decoupling of control loops. Design of cross controllers and selection of loops
using Relative Gain Array (RGA)
Real Time Control
Characteristics and classes of real-time systems, program classification: sequential, multi tasking,
real time, concurrency and synchronization, design strategies
Distributed Computing Systems
Distributed processing issues in distributed data base systems.
1) Process Systems Analysis & Control by Donald R.Coughanowr. Mc Graw Hill International
Editions,2nd Edition.
2) Design of feedback Control System by Raymond T. Stefani, Oxford University Press, 4th
Edition, 2002
3) Modern Control System Theory by Gopal M, New Age International (P) Ltd,New Delhi, 2nd
Edition, 2005
EEE- 424 (d)
AC to DC Converters
Harmonic analysis of output voltage and input current for 2-pulse and 6 pulse controlled rectifiers
and methods of reducing these harmonics, Multi-pulse rectifiers.
DC to AC Converters
Analysis of output voltage waveforms of single phase and three phase voltage source inverters.
Methods of reducing output harmonics.
Resonant Converters
Classification, basic resonant converter, loads resonant converter, resonant switch converter and
zero voltage switching.
Power Conditioners and UPS
Power line disturbances, generation of harmonics, harmonic standards and recommended practice,
power conditioners and uninterruptible power supplies, EMI & EMC related issues, mitigation
Motor Drive Applications
Converters for adjustable speed DC motor and induction motor drives. Methods of improving
voltage, current profile of an electric drive, latest trends in the drive performance control.
1) Power Electronics by
Nedmohan, Undeland and Riobbins, John Wiley India,
publishers,Delhi,3 edition,2006
2) Thyristorised Power Controllers by G.K.Dubey, Wiley Eastern, 1986
3) Modern Power electronics & Drives by B.K.Bose, Prentice Hall, PJR
4) Power Electronics by P.S.Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers, Delhi (4th edition)
5) Control of Electrical Drives by Werner Leonhard, Springer, International Publication,3 rd Edition,
6) An introduction to thyristors and their applications by M. Ramamoorty, Macmillan, 1978
Layout & Planning of Hydro Power Plant: Introduction, layout of power house, types of
hydro power schemes, stages of investigation, PFR, DPR, hydrology, water availability and
water conductor system. Penstocks, types, penstock supports, trash racks.
Power Potential Estimation of Hydro Power Plants: Head, dependability analysis, layout of
electrical equipments in hydro power station, selection of number of units, capacity of power
plant and energy generation, and economics of the hydro power plant.
Turbines: Introduction, types of hydraulic turbines and their suitability for power plant,
governing of turbines, electro hydraulic governors, time constants of governors and their
importance, testing of hydraulic turbines, cavitation, silt erosion.
Hydro Generators: Introduction, construction and types of hydro generators, specifications of
hydro generators, characteristics of hydro generators, general arrangement of water wheel
generators: large horizontal shaft generators, vertical and reversible generators, low speed
generators, umbrella type, brakes and jacks, losses, insulation and temperature limits, testing of
generators, generator cooling and ventilation, fire protection, design of auxiliary and grounding
systems, switchyard equipments, transformers and circuit breakers.
Stability of Hydro Power Plants: Special features of hydro power plant stability.
1) J. Guthrie Brown, Hydro Electric Engineering: Vol.I,II,III ; Blackie & Son Ltd., London.
Nigam, A Hand Book of Hydro Electric Engineering, Nem Chand Publishers, Roorkee.
2) B.R.Gupta, Generation of Electrical Energy, S. Chand & Co.
3) M.V.Deshpande, Elements of Electrical Power Station ,Design, Ah Wheeler & Co Ltd.
4) Kothari & Nagrath, Electrical Machines, TMH.
EEE-425 (a)
Modeling of networks and components under non-sinusoidal conditionstransmission and distribution systems-shunt capacitors-transformers-electric
machines-ground systems-loads that cause power quality problems-power
quality problems created by drives and impact on drives.
Harmonic Mitigation: Harmonic resonance, Impedance Scan Analysis- Passive
filtering. Introduction to active power filtering. Control methods for single phase
Grounding: Grounding and wiring introduction-NEC grounding requirementsreasons for grounding-typical grounding and wiring problems-soklutions to
grounding and wiring problems.
1. Electric Power Quality, G. T. Heydt
2. Power System Harmonic Analysis, J. Arrillaga, B. C. Smith, N. R. Watson & A. R.
3. Understanding Power Quality Problems, Math H. Bollen.
4. Power System Quality Assessment, J. Arrillaga.
5. IEEE standard on electrical grounding
EEE- 425(b)
3 1 0
Pressure transducers, body temperature transducers, pulse sensors, respiration sensors, bioelectric
potentials, bio-potential electrodes.
Biomedical Recorders and Display Systems
Block diagrams of electro cardiograph, phonocardiograph, electroencephalograph and electromyograph.
Patient Monitoring Instruments
Block diagram of patient monitoring system, Basic cardiac arrhythmias and ambulatory monitoring
instruments, measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and respiration rate.
Patient Safety
Physiological effects of electric current, electric shock hazards from electrical equipment, methods
of accident prevention.
Biomedical Telemetry
Single/multi-channel telemetry system and applications of telemetry in patient care.
Modern Imaging Systems
X-ray machine and X-ray computed tomography, basic magnetic resonance imaging components,
basic ultrasonic imaging system, computer applications in biomedical instrumentation.
1) Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements by Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell and Erich
A. Pfeiffer, (PHI) New Delhi,2nd Edition,1980.
2) Hand- book of Biomedical Instrumentation by R.S. Khandpur (TMH) New Delhi,2nd
Edition, 2008
3) Biomedical Instruments: Theory and Design by Walter Welkowitz, Sid Deutsch and Metin Akay,
Academic Press, 2nd Edition,1992
EEE- 425(c)
EEE-425 (d)
Optimal control problem, classification of optimal control problems, performance measures for
optimal control problems, selection of performance measures.
Static Optimization
Static optimization problem formulation, direct method, Lagrange multiplier method,
optimization without constraints, optimization with equality constraints.
Calculus of Variation
Fundamental concepts, Euler-Lagrange equation for different two point boundary value problems
with free or fixed final condition, Dynamic optimization with equality and nonequality
constraints, Pontryagin minimum principle, optimization using gradient method and steepest
descent method.
Linear Quadratic Regulator Problem
Problem formulation for continuous time systems and discrete time systems, Matrix-Riccati
equation, output regulator and tracking problem.
Multistage Optimization Process
Introduction to multistage decision process, principle of optimality, Dynamic Programming
based optimization, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman principle.
Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Time optimal control of LTI systems, problem formulation, solution of time optimal control
problem, Bang-Bang control, Fuel optimal control problem, Energy optimal control problem.
1) Modern Control System Theory by Gopal M, New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2nd
Edition, 2005
2) Optimum Systems Control by Sage A. P. and White C.C, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition,1977
3) Optimal Control by Anderson B.D.O., Moore J.B Prentice Hall 1971
4) Optimal Control Theory by Kirk D.E, Courier Dover Publications, 2004