Leadership, Beyond
Leadership, Beyond
Leadership, Beyond
Article information:
To cite this document: Prudence A. Clarke, (2009),"Leadership, beyond project management", Industrial and Commercial Training,
Vol. 41 Iss: 4 pp. 187 - 194
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of the need to understand the differences
between management and leadership within the project environment.
Design/methodology/approach First stage research involved data analysis from forum, workshops,
group to one, one to one interviews. Second stage research involves a five-year PhD study undertaken
by the author.
Findings The paper highlights the need not only to understand the difference between project
management and leadership, but also to use this differentiation in the identification, assessment and
development of project services providers and as an integral part of organisational and people
development for all companies involved in sponsoring, supporting or delivering projects.
Practical implications The premise is that the emphasis needs to be on project leadership to achieve
a successful project
Originality/value The paper includes research within a specific industry based on identification of a
market niche.
Keywords Project management, Assessment, Development, Management theory, Leadership
Paper type Research paper
DOI 10.1108/00197850910962760
VOL. 41 NO. 4 2009, pp. 187-194, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 0019-7858
PAGE 187
related (though distinct) differential constructs (notably personality and intelligence), and
pilot results and response grid (mainly non-parametric analysis of ranked attributes)
available from the PCR data base.
As a result, our items show high face validity and correspond to a robust theoretical as well
as methodological framework. A priori, we predict these items (or the ones to be retained) to
load on different, but oblique, composites, as well as an overall, individual, score of project
leadership which allows employers and managers to identify potential for project leadership
at an early stage, and maximise both the prediction of performance and sound allocation of
Based on the results of previous interviews, focus groups, and ranked-ordered attributes
provided by PCR, the analyses suggested the following traits would play an important role
in determining the structure of project leadership.
Profile: SAMPLE
A coding frame is drawn up and developed by close examination of the full set of
transcriptions. The interviews are then analysed using a computer package Atlas-ti which
will allow the prevalence and substance of each theme/attribute to be ascertained. If any
interviewee lacks a particular quality, this will be identified in the analysis and training can be
tailored accordingly, providing appropriate support for development outlined below.
In essence development and learning at the intrinsic and extrinsic level; inextricably integral
and interestingly (although not planned) interdependent because enlightenment evolved
organically over a number of years with leading academics and recognised practitioners
as summarised below (see Figure 2).
Ongoing development
Coaching and mentoring
There are almost as many coaching models as there are authors interesting though they
are, there is no specific PLACE model for coaching; more one of:
Figure 2
Similarly, there is no specific PLACE model for mentoring, except to differentiate from what
the coach performs; therefore the mentor:
The PLACE programme offers the distinction between coach and mentor backed-up by the
provision of both expert coaches and mentors with practical hands-on experience of
running successful and not so successful projects combined with academic rigour
relevant to complexity and culture of the project.
Alternatively, an internal coaching and mentoring development programme is delivered by
Professor Adrian Furnham, an organisational and applied psychologist and Professor of
Psychology at University College London, who has contributed to both the Psychometric
and five-day Project Leadership Challenge; not least in selecting the best tutors to deliver
the programme.
Biennial project leadership forum
The biennial forum raises awareness of the benefits of project leadership at both macro and
micro levels and is attended by 250 delegates from all industry-sectors ranging from CEO to
senior project staff. The forum purpose also keeps abreast of the changing environment
assessing and challenging the 7 12 attributes, rather than acceptance of status quo (an
inherent attribute of the leader).
To conclude, at this stage. a number of initiatives to ensure we keep the programme relevant
to different project environments (from film/media to petrochemical), allows enquirers to
complete the psychometric as part of the ongoing pilot and research process or if you
would like to join the next Project Leadership Forum, or attend one of the learning
programmes, do visit the PLACE web site at www.placeleaders.co.uk
Brown, R. (2000), Group Processes, 2nd ed., Blackwell, Oxford.
Construction Task Force (Sir John Egan) (1998), Rethinking Construction The Egan Report.
Furnham, A. and Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2004), Leadership review, British Journal of Psychology.
Rust, J. and Golombok, S. (2000), Modern Psychometrics: The Science of Psychological Assessment,
2nd ed., Routledge, London and New York, NY.