Genetic Algorithms For Object Recognition IN A: Complex Scene
Genetic Algorithms For Object Recognition IN A: Complex Scene
Genetic Algorithms For Object Recognition IN A: Complex Scene
This section gives a brief overview of genetic algorithm
fundamentals. Goldberg [4] gives a wonderful introduction to genetic algorithms, and the reader is referred t o
this source for further information.
A genetic algorithm i:: an optimization technique
that operates on a populrvtzon of individual solutions.
Each individual solution, also called a strzng in the population, represents a proposed solution t o the problem
being solved. The theories of natural selection are applied to i,his population, and subsequent generations
of the population are obtained by applying selection,
reproduction, and mutation operators (among possible others) t o the population. With these operators,
the population of solutions is gently pushed towards a
good-and hopefully optimum-solution to the problem.
The CA designer provides a fitness function t o evaluate the fitness of each individual solution; this fitness
function is used t o propagate good indiividuals into
the next generation. Some set of these fit individuals are chosen for a crossover operation, which recombines the strings of the parents into new children solutions, trying t o build up healthier strings in the process.
The mututzon operator randomly alters some element
of an individual in order to further enhance the population, though typically only rarely in comparison t o
the crossover operation.
Crossover is the name given t o a simple reproduction operation because of the way that the parent strings
are recombined Usually one or two common points in
a pair of parents are chosen at random. For a one-point
crossover, the portion of the parent strings t o the right
A central task of the computer vision module is t o recognize objects from images of the machines environment. Navigation systems require the localization and
recognition of landmarks or threats; robotic systems
must find objects t o manipulate; image retrieval systems require the localization and recognition of objects
in images in order t o find database records of interest.
Image segmentation is often a prerequisite to object
recognition [l]; various techniques have been proposed
which combine the segmentation step with the object
recognition itself [2] [3].
Genetic algorithms [4] have been used in computer
vision systems for such tasks as parameter tuning (e.g.,
[ 5 ] ) and feature extraction [6]; typically the actual image processing tasks have been handled by other standard methods.
This work describes using genetic algorithms for
object recognition, combining the image segmentation
task with the object recognition task to be solved in its
entirety by the genetic algorithm. Before the approach
0-8186-7310-9/95$4.00 0 1995 IEEE
image center
Figure 1: Layout of chromosomes. k is the number of bits required to store the maximum of {UL,, iU&, BR,}
constraints whatsoever were placed on the images or
the objects being considered for the recognition.
ple p is given by
where z , p are the MDF or the MEF subspace vectors, and C is a diagonal matrix where each diagonal
element d, is the variance in the i t h dimension of the
subspace being used. 0 < p is a penalty function for
illegal point combinations and ensures that invalid solutions receive little weight in the population of possible
strings. We do not wish t o simply remove these invalid
solutions because they may contain building blocks useful for obtaining fitter individuals in subsequent generations. c(z, p ) always falls in the range of [O,2], and is
maximized when the test probe most closely matches
a database sample in the feature space.
The experiments were performed using the Genetic Algorithm Optimized for Portability and Parallelism System (GAlOPPS) developed at the Michigan State University Intelligent Systems Laboratory [9].
Among the experiments performed was an unconstrained natural scene experiment. This experiment
allowed the genetic algorithm t o operate on a natural
scene t o try t o locate and recognize a face in a crowd.
The crowd image with the face located and recognized
by the genetic algorithm is shown in figure 2. The
genetic algorithm parameters used are shown in figure 3. As this experiment shows, the genetic algorithm
is capable of finding a valid segmentation in a complex,
natural scene.
Because the GAlOPPS [9] system does not re-evaluate individuals which have already been examined,
this genetic algorithm approach examined a total of less
than 750,000 subimages. For the brute force method
t o enumerate and examine the entire search space explored by the genetic algorithm, a total of four billion
( 2 3 ) subimages would need t o be checked. So, though
a large computational effort was expended, less than
0.02% of the possibilities were considered using the genetic algorithm sampling technique. Furthermore, no
[l] J. .J. Weng, SHOSLIF: The hierarchical optimal sub-
Figure 2: Face segmented and recognized by the genetic algorithm during the test phase.
Pop. size
Max gens
33 bits
Figure 3: Parameters used for the natural scene experiment. P, is the probability of crossover; P, is the probability for
mutation; 1 is the length of the chromosome used; Scale is the scaling factor used for the ratio of the best : mean individual
in the population. The mutation rate was set so that on average, three bits will be flipped per individual in each generation.
The crossover was restricted to crossing between fields on the chromosome.
D. L. Swets and J. J. Weng, SHOSLIF-0: SHOSLIF
for object recognition (phase I), Tech. Rep. CPS 9464, Michigan State University, Department of Computer Science, A714 Wells Hall, East Lansing, Michigan
48824, December 1994.
J. Weng, N.Ahuja, and T. S. Huang, Learning recog-
discovery and image discrimination, in Proceedzngs, 5th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms, (UrbanaChampaign), 1993.
[7] W. Punch, E. Goodman, R. Averill, M. Pei, L. ChiaShun, D. Ying, D. Redder, and V. Kureichik, Research applications using genetic algorithms, Tech.
Internatzonal Conference on Computer Vzszon, pp. 121128, May 1993. Berlin, Germany.
D. E. Goldberg, Genetzc Algorathms an Search, Optamazataon, and Machane Learnzng. Addison-Wesley,
B. Bhanu, S. Lee, and J. Ming, Self-optimizing image segmentation system using a genetic algorithm, in
Proceedzngs, 4th Int. Conf. Genetac Algonthms, (San
Diego), 1991.
W. A. Tackett, Genetic programming for feature