Eo-0531-Gma Pagc 2006
Eo-0531-Gma Pagc 2006
Eo-0531-Gma Pagc 2006
The Chairpersonof the Commissionshall have the authority to appoint, promote and
discipline the personnelof all operatingunits, subjectto the rules and regulationsof the
Civil ServiceCommission.
The Commission may hire new personnel; provided that the organization structure and
pattern of the
and subsequentchanges in the
by the Department
of Budget
and Management.
. same sha!l be approved
SECTION 2. Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions. -(a) The Commission shall have the
power, on complaint or motu proprio,.and concurrent with the Office of the Ombudsman,
to investigate, receive, gather and..,;\...evaluate evidence,mtelligence reports and
on or hear administrative cases against all Presidential appointees in the Executive
Branch of the government and any of its agencies or instrumentalities occupying the
position of Assistant Regional Director or an equivalent rank, and higher, otherwise
classified as Salary Grade "26" and higher, under the Compensation and Position
Classification Act of 1989 (Republic Act No. 6758) including members of the governing
board of any instrumentality, regulatory agency, chartered institution, and directors or
officers appointed or nominated by the President to government-owned or -controlled
corporations or corporations where the' government has a minority interest, or who
otherwise represent the interests of the government, hereinafter referred to as "covered
Presidential appointees," as well as other public officers and employees, and private
persons, in conspiracy or connivance with covered Presidential appointees, for acts or
omissions constituting violations of any of the following:
(1) Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the "Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act";
(2) Republic Act No. 1379 on the unlawful acquisitions of property by a public
officer or employee;
(3) Republic Act No. 6713,otherwise known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees";
(4) Any provisions under Title Seven, Book Two of the Revised Penal Code;
(5) Executive Order No. 292, Series of 1987, otherwise known as the "Administrative
Code of 1987", whenever it defines and imposes administrative sanctions on acts
and omissions constituting violations of the foregoing laws and issuances;
(6) Rules and regulations duly. promulgated by competent authority to implement any
of the foregoing laws and issuances;and
(7) Other violations as may be refen:ed to the Commission by the President of the
(b) The Commissionmay enlist the aid and supportof any law enforcementagencyof the
governmentin the exercise of its functions. It may also call upon all government
agenciesand instrumentalities,including government-owned
and -controlled corporations
for assistance,whether for acquisitionof documentspertinentto its investigationor to
participatein the investigationitself. The Commissionmayrecommendthe admissionof
vital witnesses into the Witness Protection Benefit Program administered by the
Departmentof Justice.
(c) The Commission shall, on complaint or motu proprio, have the authority to
administratively adjudicate all cases falling within its jurisdiction upon sufficient cause.
All decisions of the Commission shall be in the form of resolutions and recommendations
to the President or the Executive Secretary rendered en banc" and shall state, among
others, the factual findings, legal conclusions and appropriate administrative penalties
Holog,.m/I 35719
f\'d~~1 a.
H 35720
SECTION 3. Power to Summon GovernmentPersonneland Administer Oaths. Pursuantto its powerto investigateand adjudicate,the Commissionshall havethe power
to administeroathsand summonor subpoenagovernmentpersonneland records.
SECTION 4. Effect of Non-Compliance with Summons -Any unreasonable delay or
refusal of a Presidential appointee to comply with the summons or subpoena issued by
the Commission shall constitute a ground for administrative disciplinary action to be
recommended by the Commission en banc against the Presidential appointee to whom
such summons or subpoena was addressed. The Commission en banc may, for this
purpose, also file the appropriate criminal charge or complaint against the erring public
officer or employee with the civil courts, Civil Service Commission and other appropriate
SECTION 11. Repealing Clause. -, All orders, rules and regulations and issuances or
parts thereof inconsistent with this Executive Order are hereby repealed, amended or
modified accordingly.
SECTION 12. Effectivity. -This ExecutiveOrdershall take effect fifteen (15) 'daysafter
its publication.
DONE, in the City of Manila this3-1-sJday
of May, 2006.
By the President: