Assesment of Risk
Assesment of Risk
Assesment of Risk
To help set microbial standards for drinking water supplies that will give
tolerable levels of illness within the populations drinking that water.
Epidemiological methods.
What is risk?
Risk can be defined in the simplest form as the possibility of loss, harm or
injury. This definition includes two separate concepts; the probability of an
event and the severity of that event. These two concepts are illustrated in
Figure 3.1, and this model helps the prioritisation of risks for any risk-reduction
action. Clearly those risks that need most urgent action are high probability
high severity risks (upper right quadrant). Those that need little, if any, attention
are low probability low severity (lower left quadrant).
Severity of harm
Probability of occurrence
Types of evidence
When assessing the risk of disease due to drinking water it is very important to
consider the overall body of evidence, weighing each piece of evidence as to its
quality. Given the uncertainty inherent in all epidemiological studies reliance on
a single study, even an extremely well conducted one, may be misleading.
Absolute risk
Attributable risk
Relative risk
Odds ratio
Table 3.2. Types of epidemiological study that have been used in risk assessment
of waterborne disease
Study type
Time series
Cohort study
outcomes that are less defined and are more difficult to link with specific
exposures (e.g. malignant disease). However, use of gastrointestinal disease as
an index of water-related disease impact has a number of limitations. Depending
on how gastroenteritis is measured estimates of disease burden can vary
substantially. Since the disease may be considered mild, especially amongst
adults, relatively few people seek medical attention and even if they do they
may not have faecal samples taken for laboratory investigation. Consequently,
disease burden estimates based on national surveillance systems of laboratory
reports can substantially underestimate disease burden (Wheeler et al., 1999).
This has led to the use of self-reported gastroenteritis in several studies
(discussed below). There are, however, problems with the use of self-reported
gastroenteritis as a marker of disease, as depending on how gastroenteritis is
defined rates can vary substantially. How the data is collected can also
markedly affect estimates of disease burden. Retrospective studies, where
individuals are asked whether they have had diarrhoea in the previous month
can over-estimate illness by about three times when compared to prospective
studies where volunteers maintain a daily health diary (Wheeler et al., 1999).
This overestimate may be greater in outbreak settings (Hunter and Syed, 2001).
Furthermore, since gastrointestinal disease is relatively common and may be
transmitted by various means, it may be difficult to distinguish the waterborne
contribution from the background noise.
The link between substandard drinking water and disease is relatively easy
to demonstrate. Such a demonstration becomes more difficult to make as the
quality of the water improves towards the current World Health Organization
(WHO) Guidelines (WHO, 1993; 1996; 1997). Indeed, the link between highly
treated drinking water meeting local regulations, as found in most industrialised
countries, and microbial illness has only been reported relatively recently. For
example, both waterborne Giardia and Cryptosporidium infection have clearly
been linked to drinking water meeting or exceeding current standards, thereby
challenging the value of the traditional microbial indicator parameters as well as
the efficacy of treatment procedures (Gostin et al., 2000).
streptococci counts are the main indicator parameters that have been shown to
have independent association with actual levels of disease in populations.
Problem formalisation
To describe the overall environmental setting and
and hazard identification relevant pathogens that may cause acute or chronic
effects to human health.
Dose-response analysis
Exposure assessment
Risk characterisation
To integrate the information from exposure and doseresponse, to express public health outcomes, taking into
account the variability and uncertainty of the estimations.
While the conceptual framework for both chemical and microbial risk
assessments is the same, pathogens differ from toxic chemicals in several key
Whether a person becomes infected or ill depends not only on the health
of the person, but also on their pre-existing immunity and pathogen dose.
expertise of investigators and the routine practices of local laboratories can also
influence whether the aetiologic agent is identified (Frost et al., 1996).
Diarrhoeal stool specimens, for example, are generally examined for bacterial
pathogens, but not for viruses. In most laboratories, testing for Cryptosporidium
is only undertaken if requested and is not included in routine stool examinations
for ova and other parasites. Hence, it is not surprising that even in the USA,
with one of the most comprehensive registers of waterborne outbreaks, between
1992-1996 the causative organism was not identified in over 40% of
investigations (Levy et al., 1998).
The water quality data collected during and/or before the outbreak can be
useful in identifying the causes of the outbreak and in preventing their
reoccurrence. (Methods used for microbial water quality assessment are
discussed in Chapter 8 and their use in outbreak investigation is described in
Chapter 7). While background data on the level of faecal contamination, if not
sewage pollution in water is very valuable, care is needed in interpreting data on
finding or not finding pathogens. In particular, molecular epidemiology or
similar typing methods are necessary to confirm if the species identified from
water was also the agent present in the infected host (Chapter 7). There has been
considerable controversy over a number of species of opportunistic bacterial
pathogens with apparently non-pathogenic strains that may be found in drinking
water, versus different strains (and presumably non-water sources) causing
illness (Edberg et al., 1986; Havelaar et al., 1992; Khn et al., 1997).
Emerging pathogens
Dose-response analysis
Exponential model:
Probabilityinfection = 1 exp(-rD)
Equation 1
Equation 2
Where D = pathogen dose; and ID50 are parameters of the betadistribution used to describe variability in survival.
Given a set of dose-response data, i.e. exposure of populations to various
doses of microorganisms and measurement of response (such as infection), the
best fitting parameters of a dose-response relationship may be computed via
standard maximum likelihood techniques. The method has been used for human
viruses, parasitic protozoa and some bacterial pathogens (Haas et al., 1999).
Confidence limits to the parameters can then be estimated, and used as a basis
for low-dose extrapolation (Kang et al., 2000). It should be noted that, in
general, dose-response studies have been conducted on healthy adults and may
not reflect the response of the general population or of more susceptible
population segments.
During an outbreak, individuals are exposed to different levels of the
pathogen(s): the volume of water ingested may be coupled with data on the
level of contamination of the water. These data can provide a dose-response
relationship confirming volunteer studies. Furthermore, information on
susceptible sub-populations (such as children and the immuno-compromised)
may also be forthcoming. For example, waterborne outbreaks of
cryptosporidiosis indicate that the general population may contract watery
diarrhoea that lasts up to several days, whereas HIV-patients may be untreatable
and die, thereby creating a much more significant health burden if the latter are
included in a risk assessment (Perz et al., 1998).
Volunteer feeding studies have provided data on the dose-response curve
for several pathogens (Haas et al., 1999). It is, however, often difficult to obtain
data on low doses as large numbers of volunteers would be needed to define the
lower bounds of the dose-response curve. It is also difficult to extrapolate from
a single strain to give a generalised model for a pathogen. Virulence differs
from one strain to another and the outcomes are often very different (e.g. E. coli
enteropathogenic versus non-enteropathogenic strains). The debate around the
human health significance of exposure to human versus animal strains of
Cryptosporidium parvum is another example. Feeding trials with three different
bovine strains of C. parvum have generated 50% infective doses (ID50) for
oocysts in healthy human volunteers ranging between 9 and 1 042 (Okhuysen
et al., 1999). Such a wide range is potentially problematic as the ID50 is the
parameter defining the slope of the dose-response curve in the beta-Poisson
model. A further complication is that pre-existing immunity may provide
protection from infection and illness at low oocyst doses (Chappell et al., 1999),
thereby changing the low dose-response extrapolation in a manner not
accounted for by any current model.
Relatively few data points are used to generate the curve and the degree of
uncertainty over the position of each data point is high. Each data point is a
sample mean of the probability of illness for people exposed to a set dose of
pathogen. The confidence intervals for each sample mean will be wide. It is
unlikely that all the measured points exactly correspond with the true population
means for each dose. In such circumstances it is impossible to be certain about
what dose-response model would best fit the actual curve (as opposed to the
curve of the sample means). There is, therefore, considerable uncertainty in
which model best fits the actual dose response curve and what its parameters
should be (Coleman and Marks, 1998). The impact of these uncertainties is
most marked at low doses (i.e. at the dose that will most frequently be
experienced in real life). Therefore, the predicted number of illnesses following
low dose exposure can vary by several orders of magnitude (Holcomb et al.,
Exposure assessment
consumed in hot drinks or used in the preparation of cooked food would not be
a risk factor.
Viruses and parasites have been detected in drinking water, which was
otherwise apparently safe, without any detectable health effect being seen in the
receiving population (Bouchier, 1998). Possible reasons for this include false
positive detections, the presence of non-infective pathogens and the pathogen is
present in a concentration below that which would be expected to cause
detectable disease in the population. On the other hand, unrealistically large
volumes of drinking water would need to be sampled for example to meet the
USEPAs level of acceptable waterborne risk (<10-4 infections per annum see
1.5.1). Translating this for Cryptosporidium parvum would mean that 500
samples of 2 000 litres each would be needed to make a reasonably accurate
estimation of the allowed concentration (7 10-6 per litre) (Teunis et al., 1996).
Furthermore, depending on the detection method used, an unknown proportion
of pathogens isolated from the environment may be incapable of causing
infection. Therefore, alternative strategies are recommended to estimate
pathogen concentrations.
The applications of coliform bacteria to index the pollution of source
water, or as an indicator of water treatment efficacy or recontamination of
treated water have provided little information on health effects in developed
regions. Nonetheless, these organisms can play an important part in estimating
pathogen numbers for a screening-level or first tier of a QMRA. For example,
direct measurement of viral, parasitic protozoa and bacterial pathogens is
possible for sewage effluents, as is the estimation of pathogen prevalence data
for the faeces of some domestic animals. Hence, predictions of pathogens in
source waters can be made if the relative proportion of human and animal faecal
load is determined by, say, the analysis of faecal sterols (Leeming et al., 1998).
For environments where sewage is the primary faecal contaminant, then
pathogen dilutions in source waters can be estimated directly by the dilution of
thermotolerant coliforms (index for bacterial pathogen contamination) and
spores of Clostridium perfringens (index for the hardier viral and protozoan
pathogens) (Medema et al., 1997).
For physical treatment barriers, such as sand or membrane filters, and for
disinfection by chlorine, ozone or UV, surrogates for pathogen removal are also
generally accepted. Total aerobic spores or spores of C. perfringens are
reasonable surrogates for the cysts and oocysts of parasitic protozoa and
coliphages may also be appropriate for human enteric viruses (Facile et al.,
2000; Hijnen et al., 2000; Ndiongue et al., 2000; Owens et al., 2000). Note that
while coliphages make good models for human virus removal by physical
means, that may not be the case for mixed oxidants (Casteel et al., 2000).
Dose = C
I 10 DR V
Equation 3
In many cases, risk evaluations start from the assumption that the doseresponse relationship is approximately linear at low doses. Therefore, at very
low doses, calculation of the risk of infection simply consists of multiplying the
dose estimate with the slope of the dose-response relationship. Estimates of
daily risk may be extrapolated to yearly risk. When P1* and Pn* are the
probabilities of infection after a single (e.g. daily) exposure and after repeated
exposures (n times a daily exposure) respectively:
Equation 4
The latter simplification is valid as long as P1* << 1 (Haas et al., 1999).
From the above discussions it would seem that microbial data, whether
relating to indicator parameters or pathogens, have most relevance to the
exposure assessment phase of QMRA. These provide estimates of actual levels
of pathogens in water or the likelihood that water is exposed to faecal pollution.
However, caution must be exercised in assuming a direct relationship between
this level and risk to health. Despite the use of numbers and mathematical
equations, QMRA is not yet an exact science.
1. Hazard scenario
Identification of hazardous scenarios, such as massive rainfallinduced contamination of source water, filter breakthrough or
loss/breakdown of chemical disinfection system (i.e. not
necessarily limited to a single pathogen).
2. Likelihood
3. Consequence
4. Scale of effect
5. Risk score
6. Rank
Almost certain
An example of the descriptive terms that can be used to rate the likelihood
and severity for calculation of the risk score is given in Table 3.6.
Septic Tanks
Algal Blooms
Urban Runoff
Figure 3.3. Generic flow diagram for sources of microbial risk in a drinking water context
Almost certain
Once a day
give a better understanding of the risk to the water supply system and the
sources of contamination.
Coliform bacteria in treated water may give an indication that water
treatment systems are not operating satisfactorily or that water is becoming
contaminated within the distribution system. However, coliform bacteria alone
are not good indicators of risk from chlorine-resistant pathogens such as
Cryptosporidium. Some indicator organisms may be naturally present in the
source water or can be deliberately seeded into the inlet to a water treatment
works and monitored at various stages in the treatment and distribution in order
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the whole system.
Microbial and other indicator parameters play an essential role in all the
models used in the assessment of risk discussed in this chapter. However, the
exact relationship between these indicator parameters and risk to health is still
far from clear. Although studies have shown that turbidity and faecal
streptococci are independent indicators of health risk there is no clear-cut
predictive relationship. Even where information on pathogens in potable water
is available, current quantitative risk assessment models have considerable
uncertainty in their calculated risk. Perhaps the real value of such indicator
parameters is in qualitative risk assessment where they can be used for
identifying where failures may occur in the water extraction, treatment and
distribution system.
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