Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
This template helps you write the Problem Statement, Business Environment, Business Problem, Requirements
Statement, Business Drivers, Feasibility Assessment, Feasibility Ranking, Ranking Criteria, Ranking Scores, Proposed
System, Cost Analysis, and Recommendations.
Introduce the process and outline its purpose, goal, and outcomes
Identify the fundamental assumptions behind this process. For example, what assumptions does the process
audience have in relation to this process and how does the process support those assumptions
Identify where and how the process interfaces with other processes or whether it is a component or subcomponents of other processes
Use Visio flowcharts to illustrate process activities, including inputs and outputs, decision points and user
Identify data to be collected, such as reports, forms, and policies
Identify reporting requirements associated with the performance of the process and the format it must be
delivered in
Identify the audience, role, and individuals who will use the process definition, and the responsibilities of
these roles