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Knowledge Advisor

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Knowledge Advisor Preface What's New?

Getting Started Basic Tasks Advanced Tasks Workbench Description Quick Reference Case Study Glossary

Dassault Systmes 1994-99. All rights reserved.

A major issue that affects every industry in which products are developed is the retention and reuse of knowledge. While every organization produces data and information about its products, transforming that data into an accessible knowledge base is difficult. The tools used throughout the product development process typically do not help retain the knowledge of how and why decisions are made, nor do they provide convenient access to that knowledge. Knowledge is the embodiment of experience and data in a directly useable form. How you get home from your office is knowledge. A map showing the way is data that has to be interpreted. Through experience, you know to use different routes shown on the map depending on various conditions such as the weather or the time of day. You have used the map and other information to create knowledge. Likewise, in product development, understanding how a product is intended to function and how to apply that understanding to create an appropriate product is knowledge. The models and drawings of the product are part of the data that defines the product, but they dont convey how or why someone created the product in a specific way. It is difficult to embed knowledge in a design. It takes extra effort to write out or codify the decision process so that it can be passed as knowledge from one person to another. The tools that are most often used in product development also need to be capable of capturing knowledge, and they must allow product developers to apply that knowledge to their product designs. CATIA Version 5, in addition to embodying a significant new architecture that has been evolving over a number of years, also provides some very interesting capabilities that allow designers to drive their design processes from associative specifications and to integrate specifications into their product development processes. It gives product developers ways to create specifications and rules, save them, and reuse them.

The CATIA knowledgeware capabilities are based on special features that you add to a document to enrich its data with knowledge-based information. The features you are going to create and manipulate in a CATIA knowledgeware application are divided into three categories: the parameters the relations the behavior. Parameters and relations help you design a document with respect to a particular know-how. Once these features have been created, the Knowledge Inspector can be run on a document to determine impacts and dependencies. The behavior is a particular feature. It is written in Visual Basic language and executed only when a feature replies to a given event. Here are some highlights about the features you are going to manage with the Knowledge Advisor product. Parameters Parameters define the properties of a document. When used within relations, they act like arguments. Parameters are given a name, a type and a value. In place of a value, a parameter can be defined by a relation. The parameter is then constrained, you won't be able to modify directly its value. Parameters are divided into two categories: The intrinsic parameters: they are part of the document and depend on the application. The purpose of a knowledgeware application is not to create or delete these parameters but to specify how these parameters can be constrained by relations. The user parameters: they are irrespective of the document basic definition. They should be considered as extra pieces of information. Knowledgeware applications quite often use these parameters to add knowledge to a document and to define relations. User parameter capabilities are provided to all CATIA users. You can create and manage user parameters with the CATIA Infrastructure product.


Knowledgeware applications manage four types of relations: the formulas a formula defines how a parameter is to be calculated with respect to other parameters. Formula capabilities are provided to all CATIA users. the design tables data contained in tables referred to as design tables can be used to manage document parameters. Design table capabilities are provided to all CATIA users. the rules a rule is a set of instructions which conditionally executes a group of statements depending on a context or depending on the values of some parameters. the checks a check is a set of instructions whereby you are warned that some statements are fulfilled or not. Checks have no impact on parameter values. Rule and check capabilities are only provided to those of you who have the Knowledge Advisor product installed.

Knowledge The Knowledge Inspector is a tool to analyze impacts and dependencies when Inspector a number of parameters and relations have been added to a document. It offers two options: What If What is going to be modified if a given parameter is changed How To What parameters should be modified in order to modify a given parameter. The Knowledge Inspector requires the Knowledge Advisor product. Behavior A behavior is a set of operations associated with a feature. It is executed as a reply to an event. A behavior is defined by: the feature it is applied to a set of operations the event which triggers the list of operations. A behavior is written in Visual Basic language.

The CATIA Knowledge Advisor Documentation

This documentation covers the knowledgeware capabilities provided both in the Infrastructure and the Knowledge Advisor products. It is divided into the following parts: Getting Started Introduces the CATIA knowledgeware capabilities by working through a simple example. Little detail is given in this part. Its purpose is to give beginners a global idea of the concepts. Basic Tasks Provides the bulk of information needed by users building knowledgeware applications. Is mainly based on interactive tasks such as creating relations. Syntax rules to be used when programming relations are also detailed. Advanced Tasks Focuses on design table aspects and behavior. Describes programming functions which allow you to access parameter values in design tables. Explains how to write a behavior. Workbench Description Describes the Knowledge Advisor icons. Case Study Applies the CATIA Knowledge Advisor capabilities to a deep groove ball bearing. Quick Reference Summarizes the interactions to perform when manipulating knowledgeware features. Glossary Gives some useful definitions.

About Samples
The material provided in this documentation is mainly based on step-by-step instructions. Generally, the exercises are easy to complete because of the basic instructions provided. The exercise in Case Study is a little more complicated and requires a good knowledge of the Part Design and knowledgeware capabilities, especially if you want to redo it from scratch. To do the exercises which illustrate the knowledgeware principles, you should have installed a certain number of samples. These samples are listed below. Refer to the "Infrastructure" documentation for information on how to access these samples. Starting or Resulting Documents KwrStartDocument.CATPart KwrForRuCh.CATPart KwrParam0.CATPart KwrMaterial0.CATPart KwrImport.CATPart KwrFormula0.CATPart KwrFormula1.CATPart KwrFormula2.CATPart KwrProgramDT.CATPart KwrDesignTable0.CATPart KwrDesignTable1.CATPart KwrDesignTable2.CATPart KwrBallBearing0.CATPart KwrBallBearingResult.CATPart Infrastructure KnowledgeAdvisor Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure KnowledgeAdvisor KnowledgeAdvisor "Getting Started" & Basic tasks. Resulting document of "Getting Started". Basic tasks. Basic tasks. Basic tasks. Basic tasks. Basic tasks. Basic tasks. Illustrates how to program the design table access. Advanced tasks. Advanced tasks. Advanced tasks. Case study. Case study.

Tabulated Text Files TxCompanyFile0.txt KwrBallBearingImport.txt Infrastructure KnowledgeAdvisor Basic tasks. Case study.

CATIA Macro KwrMacro1.CATScript KnowledgeAdvisor Case study.

Microsoft Excel Tables KwrCreatedDesignTable.xls KwrBallBearing.xls ExCompanyFile0.xls Infrastructure KnowledgeAdvisor Infrastructure Advanced tasks. Case study. Basic tasks.

What's New?
Knowledgeware - Infrastructure
Functions to Access a Design Table Two new functions: CloserInfConfig, CloserSupConfig Tools->Options->Knowledge Copy/Pasting parameters - Parameters written in non-latin characters.

Knowledge Advisor
Programming Rules Temporary variables Using the Knowledge Inspector Enhanced: What If Mode, How To Creating a Behavior New task: Creating a Behavior

Getting Started: CATIA Knowledgeware at a Glance

We introduce the CATIA Knowledgeware capabilities by working through a simple example. Since many of the knowledgeware concepts are unfamiliar to you at this point, little detail is given. You just have to follow step-by-step the instructions described below to get a first appreciation of the CATIA knowledgeware principles. Before starting, check the following options: Tools->Options->Part->Display->Parameters Tools->Options->Part->Display->Relations Tools->Options->General->Knowledge->Parameter Tree View->With Formula. Parameters This task can be performed by all CATIA users. Its purpose is to give a brief outline of what parameters are and how you can manipulate them. For a fuller outline of the parameter-related tasks, see Parameters. 1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. This document is a hollow cylinder. The document parameter list can be displayed. New parameters can also be added to the existing ones.

2. Click the

icon. The "Formulas" dialog box is displayed.

3. In the 'New Parameter of type' list, select the Length item, then click 'New Parameter of type'. 4. In 'Edit name, value or formula', replace the Length.1 string with PadLength. Click Apply. A new parameter is added to the document parameter list both in the "Formulas" dialog box and in the specification tree. You have just created a user parameter. 5. Click OK in the "Formulas" dialog box to terminate the dialog. Keep your document open and proceed to the next task.

Formulas This task can be performed by all CATIA users. Its purpose is to explain how a parameter can be constrained by a formula. Go to Formulas for more information on formula-related tasks.

1. Click the icon. The "Formulas" dialog box is displayed. 2. In the parameter list, select the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius\Radius item, then click 'Add Formula'. The "Formula editor" is displayed.

3. Use the 'Wizard' button to help you type the 2 * PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter relation by selecting items from the dictionary list.

4. Click OK in the "Formula Editor" once your relation is typed. The Formula.1 relation is added to the specification tree. In the parameter list of the dialog box: a formula is now associated with the pad radius the new Relations\Formula.1\Activity parameter is added. 5. In the parameter list, select the PadLength item, click 'Add Formula' to create the formula below: PadLength = PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length + PartBody\Pad.1\SecondLimit\Length In the parameter list, the Formula.2 relation is now associated with the PadLength user parameter. In the specification tree, PadLength is also displayed with the value resulting from Formula.2. This is now what you should see in the specification tree under "Relations":

6. Click OK in the "Formulas" dialog box to terminate this task. Keep your document open and proceed to the next task.

Rules Unlike the parameter and formula capabilities which are available to all CATIA users, the rule and check capabilities require the Knowledge Advisor product. This task is a way to introduce the Knowledge Advisor rules without getting bogged down in details. For more information on rule-related tasks, refer to Rules. 1. Select the KwrStartDocument item in the specification tree, then access the Knowledge Advisor workbench (select Knowledge Advisor workbench from the Start->Infrastructure menu). 2. Click the rule icon. The following dialog box is displayed:

3. Replace the Rule.1 string with Cylinder_Rule and click OK. The "Rule Editor" is displayed.

4. Type the code below into the edition box or copy/paste it from your browser to the edition box. PartBody\Hole.1\Activity = true if PadLength <= 50mm and PadLength > 20mm { PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter = 20mm Message("PadLength is: # | Internal Diameter is: PadLength,PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter) } else if PadLength > 50mm and PadLength < 100mm { PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter = 50mm Message("PadLength is: # | Internal Diameter is: PadLength,PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter) } else if PadLength >= 100mm { PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter = 80mm Message("PadLength is: # | Internal Diameter is: PadLength,PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter) } else { PartBody\Hole.1\Activity = false Message("PadLength is: # | Internal Diameter is: PadLength,PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter) }





5. Click Apply. An information window displays the PadLength and Pad internal diameter values. Click OK in the Information window. The Cylinder_Rule relation is added to the specification tree. 6. Click OK to terminate this part of the dialog. Keep your document open and proceed to the next task.

Checks The Knowledge Advisor product is required. Refer to Checks for more information on checks and check-related tasks.

1. Click the icon. The first "Check Editor" dialog box is displayed. 2. Replace the Check.1 string with Cylinder_Check,

then click OK. The "Check Editor" box is displayed. It is similar to the Rule Editor. 3. Select the Information item in the 'Type of Check' list. 4. Enter a string in the message field (for example: Pad too short). This message is to be displayed whenever the statement specified by the check is not fulfilled. 5. Enter the following statement into the edition box: PadLength > 20mm 6. Click Apply. The Cylinder_Check relation is added to the specification tree. A green icon in the specification tree means that the check is fulfilled. No message is displayed. 7. Click OK to confirm the check creation. 8. Change the Pad limits so that PadLength <= 20 mm. You should be warned by an information window that the check

is no longer valid. The resulting document is KwrForRuCh.CATPart.

Basic Tasks
Here are the Knowledge Advisor features. Click the hyperlinks on figure below to display the list of interactive tasks whereby you can create and manipulate these features. The principles behind these features are explained in: About Parameters About Formulas About Rules and Checks. The Knowledge Inspector is a tool to study impacts and dependencies. It uses as input data the knowledgeware features described below. In figure below, click any of the links to display the related summary of tasks. Parameter Tasks

Formula Tasks

Rule Tasks

Check Tasks

Design Table

Advanced Tasks

The functions related to parameters and formulas are provided to all CATIA users. They are part of the CATIA Infrastructure capabilities. But you will make the best use of them in a Knowledge Advisor application. The functions related to rules and checks as well as the Knowledge Inspector require the Knowledge Advisor product.

About Parameters
When you create a part like the hollow cylinder of our "Getting Started" example, you often start by creating a sketch, then you create a pad by extruding the initial sketch, then you add other features to the pad created. The final document is made up of features which define the intrinsic properties of the document. Removing one of these features results in a modification of the document. These features are called parameters. Parameters play a prominent role in knowledgeware applications. They are features that can be constrained by relations and they can also be used as the arguments of a relation. In addition to these parameters, CATIA allows you to create user parameters. These user parameters are extra pieces of information added to a document. User Parameter Types User parameters can be of various types: Real Integer String Boolean Length Angle Time Mass Volume Density Area Moment of inertia Energy Force Inertia Mass flow rate Moment Pressure Angular stiffness Temperature Linear mass Linear stiffness Volumetric flow rate Frequency Electric power Voltage Electric resistance Electric intensity

User parameters are very handy in knowledgeware applications: they can be used to add specific information to a document they can be defined or constrained by relations they can be used as the arguments of a relation. A given relation may take as its arguments both types of parameters (intrinsic and user). User parameters can be assigned single or multiple values. Displaying Parameters in the Specification Tree The user parameters are displayed in the specification tree only if the Tools->Options->Part->Display->Parameters box is checked. The user parameter list contains at least the Material parameter. Its initial value is set to None.

The user parameter values are displayed in the specification tree only if the Tools->Option>Knowledge->Parameter Tree View->With Value box is checked. Copy/Pasting Parameters The Tools->Options->Knowledge->Pasting Parameters check boxes allow you to: paste a parameter without the formula which defines it. For example: Holeplus= 15 = Diameter + 10 will be pasted as Real.i = 15 (if the With Value box is checked) paste a parameter as well as the formula which defines it, but only if the parameters referred to in the formula are also selected in the copy. For example: Holeplus= 15 = Diameter + 10 will be pasted as Real.i = 15 if the Diameter parameter does not belong to the items selected for the copy but HolePlus will be pasted as Real.i = 15 = Real.j + 10 if Diameter is selected in the copy (use multi-selection). paste a parameter as well as the formula. Holeplus= 15 = Diameter + 10 will be pasted as Real.i = Diameter + 10 Parameters and National Support Languages CATIA users working with non-latin characters should check the Tools->Options>Knowledge->Parameter Names->Surrounded by ' oprion. Otherwise, parameter names should have to be renamed in latin characters when used in formulas. Importing User Parameters User parameters can be imported from an external file. This external file can be either an Excel file(on Windows NT) or a tabulated text file. Here are examples of import files in an Excel format and in a tabulated text format .

Here are the formatting rules to be applied: Column 1 Parameter names Column 2 Parameter values. Multiple values are allowed. Values should then be separate by a ";". The imported value is the one delimited by the "<" and ">" tags. Use the Tab key to skip from one column to the other in a tabulated text file. Column 3 Formula. If no formula is specified, the third column should be left empty. In a tabulated text file, just press the Tab key twice from column 2 to leave column 3 empty. Column 4 Optional comment.

About Formulas
Formulas are features used to define or constrain a parameter. A formula is a relation that you write with parameters, operators and functions. The left part of the relation is the parameter to be constrained, the right part is a statement. Once it has been created, a formula can be manipulated like any other feature from its contextual manu.

Displaying Formulas in the Specification Tree

Formulas are displayed in the specification tree only if the Tools->Options->Part->Display->Relations box is checked.

In addition, whenever a user parameter is constrained by a formula, the formula is displayed with the parameter it constrains if the Tools->Options->General->Knowledge->Parameter Tree View->With Formula box is checked.

The Activity Parameter

A formula is a feature which is assigned a parameter called the activity. The activity value is of boolean type and is defined as follows: Activity value Parameter value Relation icon in the specification tree If a formula is created for a parameter which not already constrained by another formula, the activity of the new formula is set to true by default. A parameter can be constrained by several formulas, but only one formula can be active at a time. Before activating a formula on a given parameter, you must deactivate the other formulas defined on the same parameter. false Does not depend on the formula true Is calculated from the formula

Importing Formulas
Parameters as well as the associated formulas can be imported from an external file. Refer to About Parameters and Importing Parameters for more information on how to import formulas.

About Rules and Checks

Rules and Checks are relations that can only be created and managed with the Knowledge Advisor product. A rule is a set of instructions whereby you can control certain parameters and events according to a context. A check is a set of instructions whereby you are warned that some statements are fulfilled or not. Once they have been created, rules and checks can be manipulated like any other features: Double-clicking on a rule or on a check in the specification tree displays an edition window Delete, Cut/Copy/Paste and Rename operations can be accessed from the contextual menu.

Displaying Rules and Checks in the Specification Tree

Rules and Checks are displayed in the specification tree only if the Tools->Options->Part->Display->Relations box is checked.

The Rule Activity Parameter

Like formulas, rules are assigned a parameter called the activity. The activity value is a boolean defined as follows: Activity value Relation icon in the specification tree false the rule is not executed true the rule is executed

The Check Parameters

A check is assigned three parameters defined as follows: Activity Value true the check is executed or false the check is not executed or Severity Silent See Creating a Check Information See Creating a Check Warning See Creating a Check Result true the statements specified by the check are fulfilled false the statements specified by the check are not fulfilled

Using the Knowledge Inspector

The Knowledge Inpector allows you to query a design to determine and preview the results of changing any parameters without committing themselves to actually changing the design. This "what if" analysis provides immediate feedback that helps you experiment and refine designs. While it is important to be able to determine what happens when one or more parameters are changed, it is equally significant for you to be able to see how a design can be changed to achieve a desired result. The Knowledge Inspector supports this by allowing you to query "how to" make a particular change. In brief, the Knowledge Inspector is a tool to study impacts and dependencies. What if (impacts) Helps you understand to what extent changing any parameter of your design (such as material, pressure, or a dimensional parameter) changes the operation or design of the product on which you are working. Can be used to examine interactions of parameters with each other and with the rules that make up the products specifications. A "Geometric Update" option enables you to visualize the result of your modification in the geometry area. How To Helps you determine how your design can be changed to achieve a desired (dependencies) result.

You shouldn't use the

capabilities with Knowledge Inspector.

Create a user parameter Select a type in the 'New Parameter of type' list, then click 'New Parameter of type'.

Edit/modify a user parameter Select the parameter to be edited in the "Formulas" dialog box, then modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula' . or or In the specification tree, double-click the parameter to be edited, then modify its value in the "Edit Parameter" editor. In the specification tree, right-click the parameter to be edited, then select the Parameter.object->Definition function from the contextual menu.

Add a comment to a user parameter In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Edit Comment...' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Edit comment...' from the contextual menu.

Add a tolerance to a magnitude type parameter In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Add Tolerance' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Add Tolerance...' from the contextual menu.

Specify lower and upper bounds In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Add Range' from the contextual menu.

Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Add Range...' from the contextual menu.

Specify an increment/decrement amount In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Change Step' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Change Step...' from the contextual menu.

Specify the Material parameter value

Select the Material parameter in the specification tree, then click

or or

Double-click the Material parameter in the specification tree, then enter the material value in the dialog box. In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the Material parameter in the parameter list, then modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Update the Mechanical_Property parameters Select the Properties->Mass option from the feature contextual menu and click OK.

Import parameters In the "Formulas" dialog box, click Import.... A file selection dialog box is displayed. Select either a .xls file(Windows NT only) or a .txt file.

Delete a parameter Select the parameter to be deleted in the "Formulas" dialog box, then click 'Delete Parameter'. or In the specification tree, right-click the parameter to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Creating and Editing a Parameter

A document is defined by features called parameters. When you create a document, you define interactively a number of parameters. In order to add information to a document, you can create new parameters that can be used later on when defining formulas, rules or checks (for those of you using the Knowledge Advisor). Refer to About Parameters for a further information. Here, we are going to create a time parameter (corresponding for example to the time required to machine the part).

1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. 2. Click the Formula icon . The "Formulas" dialog box is displayed. 3. Select the Time item with 'Single Value' in the 'New Parameter of type' list, then click 'New Parameter of type'. The new parameter appears in 'Edit name, value or formula'. Note that a parameter can be assigned multiple values. You just have to select the 'Multiple values' option at parameter creation and enter the values one-by-one to specify the value list. 4. Replace the Time.1 name with Machining_Time and assign the 1000s value to this parameter. Then click Apply. The Machining_Time parameter is added to the specification tree. The dialog box is modified as follows:

5. Click OK to terminate the dialog. 6. To edit the parameter you have just created, you can: either, double-click on the Machining_Time parameter in the specification tree. This will display an "Edit Parameter" box that you can use to modify your parameter value. or, in the specification tree, select the Machining_Time.object->Definition function from the contextual menu.

or, in the "Formulas" dialog box, select the Machining_Time parameter, then modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'. The resulting document is KwrParam0.CATPart. The parameter list displayed in the "Formulas" dialog box depends: on the current feature. For example, if you select Pad.1 in the KwrStartDocument.CATPart specification tree, the list will contain only the Pad.1 parameters. If you select the document global feature by clicking KwrStartDocument, all the document parameters will be displayed in the list. on the option selected for the Filter field of the "Formulas" dialog box. Setting the All option displays all the parameters of the current feature. Setting the User option displays only the parameters you have added to your document with the 'New Parameter of type' button. When editing a parameter, a number of functions can be accessed from the contextual menu of the value field(s). These functions allow you to add attributes to the parameter and to manipulate the formula which constrains the parameter (when this formula exists). In addition, when a parameter value is constrained by a formula, the "Edit Parameter" dialog box displays a formula icon that allows you to edit the formula. When a parameter value is driven from a design table , the "Edit Parameter" dialog box displays a design table icon that allows you to edit the design table. To display parameter values in the geometry area, you must have the "Formulas" dialog box open and select a feature in the specification tree. Selecting a parameter in the parameter list will highlight this parameter in the geometry area.

Parameter Comments and other Parameter Attributes

To enrich the definition of a parameter, you can add some attributes to it. The attributes you can add to a parameter depend on the parameter type. These attributes can be specified in two ways: 1. either from the contextual menu of any edition box. For example, if you edit a pad, the contextual menu of the value fields provides you with functions to add parameter attributes 2. or from the 'Edit name, value or formula' contextual menu of the "Formulas" dialog box.

The second method is described below.

Adding Comments
Comments can be added to all parameter types. 1. In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula'. 2. Select the Edit Comment... function from the contextual menu 3. Enter your comments in the dialog box which is displayed.

Adding a Tolerance
The tolerance attribute can only be added to magnitude type parameters.

1. In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula'. 2. Select the Tolerance function from the contextual menu. Then select Edit. A dialog box is displayed. The default values are those specified in the Tools->Options->Tolerance tab for the Length and Angle parameters. 3. Enter the maximum and minimum tolerance values.

Modifying the Increment/Decrement Amount

In the parameter value field of 'Edit name, value or formula', the arrow buttons can be used to increment or decrement values by a certain amount. You can modify the amount being incremented or decremented. 1. In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula'. 2. Select the 'Change step' function from the contextual menu. 3. Select one of the amount displayed. 4. If the new amount you want to apply to the value field is not displayed, select 'new one' and enter the new amount in the box which is displayed.

5. Click Enter to apply the new amount to the value field. Note that, in addition to the initial increment/decrement amount (1 in the figure above) and to the 'new one' option, the 'Change step' option displays the list of increment/decrement amounts which have already been declared.

Specifying Lower and Upper Bounds

Specifying lower and upper bounds provides you with a means to be warned whenever a parameter value is out of range.

1. Select the 'Add Range' function from the contextual menu. 2. In the dialog box which is displayed, enter the upper and lower bound values. 3. Click OK. If the current parameter value is out of range, a message is displayed. CATIA proposes to replace the current value with one of the bounds you have specified.

Specifying the Material Parameter Value

Whatever your document, the Material parameter is always displayed in the specification tree. By default, its value is set to None. The Mechanical_Property features are calculated from the Material value. You need to specify a material to set the values of the Mechanical_Property features. 1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. The Material parameter appears by default in the specification tree. Its value is set to None. Double-clicking the Material feature in the specification tree displays the following dialog box

: Here are the values displayed in the parameter list when clicking .

2. Click the KwrStartDocument feature in the specification tree. 3. Click the icon in the standard toolbar to display the available material library. 4. Select the Metal->Iron material.

5. Click Apply. The Iron feature is added to the specification tree. Now, double-clicking the Material feature in the specification tree displays the following dialog box

: And here are the values displayed in the parameter list when clicking .

6. Click OK in the "Edit Parameter" and "Formulas" dialog boxes. 7. Keep your document open and go to Valuating the Mechanical_Property Parameters.

Updating the Mechanical_Property Parameters

Once the Material value has been specified, the Mechanical_Property parameters are automatically updated when the Properties option is selected in the contextual menu. This is what you have to do to display the updated Volume, Mass and WetArea properties after you have assigned a value to the Material parameter.

1. Open the Properties dialog box from the contextual menu. 2. Select the Mass tab. The document mechanical properties have been updated from the value assigned to the Material parameter. 3. Click OK to go back to your document. 4. Click the Formula icon values are updated. . In the parameter list, the mechanical property

5. Click OK to terminate the dialog. The resulting document is KwrMaterial0.CATPart.

Importing Parameters
Parameters and parameter values can be imported from a text file or from an Excel file (Windows NT). See About Parameters for more information on the import file format. 1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart. 2. Click the Formula icon . The "Formulas" dialog box is displayed. 3. Click Import.... A file selection dialog box is displayed. 4. Select either the ExCompanyFile0.xls file(Windows NT only) or the TxCompanyFile0.txt file. Then click Open. The list of parameters to be imported into the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document is displayed.

5. Click OK to import all the parameters from the input file to the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. The imported parameters are now displayed in the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box and in the specification tree.

6. Click OK to terminate the dialog. The resulting document is KwrImport.CATPart.

Deleting a Parameter
The only parameters that you can delete in a knowledgeware application are those created by the 'New Parameter of type' button. You can delete a parameter: 1. either from the contextual menu. The Material parameter cannot be deleted. 2. or by using the 'Delete Parameter' button of the "Formulas" dialog box. To do so: 1. In the Parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter to delete 2. Click Delete Parameter. A message prompts you to confirm the deletion. 3. Click Yes. The parameter deleted should no longer appears in the specification tree. In the KwrParam0.CATPart document, the only parameter you can delete is the Machining_Time parameter.

Create a formula In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter to be constrained, then click 'Add Formula'. Enter the formula in the "Formula Editor". or or or In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter to be constrained, then enter the formula in 'Edit name, value or formula'. In the "Formulas" dialog box, double-click the parameter to be constrained and enter the formula in the "Formula Editor". When editing a parameter, right-click the value field(s), then select Formula->Edit from the contextual menu.

Edit/modify a formula In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter defined by the formula, then modify the formula in 'Edit name, value or formula'. or or or In the specification tree, right-click the formula to be edited, then select the Formula.object->Definition function from the contextual menu. In the specification tree, double-click the formula to be edited. In the specification tree, double-click the user parameter, then click the f(x) button in the "Edit Parameter" dialog box. When editing a parameter, right-click the value field(s), then select Formula->Edit from the contextual menu.


Activate/deactivate a formula In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter which is constrained by the formula to (de)activate and use the Activate/Deactivate check box right of the 'Edit name, value or formula' field. or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the formula/activity parameter and modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.


In the specification tree, right-click the formula whose activity is to be modified, then select the Formula.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. When editing a parameter constrained by a formula, right-click the value field(s), then select the Formula->(De)activate function from the contextual menu.


Import parameters and formulas In the "Formulas" dialog box, click 'Import', then specify the import file path. The import file should be either a .txt file or a .xls file. Delete a formula In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter which is constrained by the formula to be deleted, then click 'Delete Formula'. or or In the specification tree, right-click the formula to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu. When editing a parameter constrained by a formula, right-click the value field(s), then select the Formula->Delete function from the contextual menu.

Creating and Editing a Formula

CATIA Version 5 allows you to define a document parameter with respect to other parameters. The relation which defines how a parameter value is calculated from other parameter values is called a formula. This task explains how to create a formula specifying that the external radius of a hollow cylinder is twice its internal diameter. Make sure the Relations option is active in the Tools -> Options -> Part -> Display tab. Note that the radius of a sketch can be defined by a formula provided it is declared as a constraint ( ). 1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart. 2. Click the Formula icon . The "Formulas" dialog box is displayed. 3. Add the formula to the pad radius parameter. To do this, you can follow one of the three methods described below:
Method 1

1. Select the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius in the parameter list. 2. Enter directly the 2 * PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter relation in the right part of the 'Edit name, value or formula' field. Go to Writing Formulas for tips and tricks for writing formulas. 3. Press the Tab key or the Enter Key. 1. Double-click the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius parameter in the parameter list. The "Formula Editor" is displayed.

Method 2

2. Enter the 2 * PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter relation in the formula field. Go to Writing Formulas for information on how to use the Wizard. If needed, use the icon to erase a formula. 3. Click OK in the "Formula Editor".
Method 3

1. Select the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius in the parameter list. 2. Click 'Add Formula'. The "Formula Editor" is displayed. 3. Enter the 2 * PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter relation in the formula icon to erase a formula. Go to Writing field. If needed, use the Formulas for tips and tricks for writing formulas. 4. Click OK in the "Formula Editor".

At this stage of the dialog: the Formula.1 relation is added to the specification tree. in the "Formulas" dialog box: the formula is added to the parameter list in the parameter list, the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius parameter is now defined by a formula in the 'Edit name, value or formula field', the parameter value is now grayed out. The formula appears in the right part of the field. In the geometry area, a parameter which is constrained by a formula is indicated by an icon.

4. Click Apply to update the document in the geometry area. 5. Click OK to terminate the dialog. The resulting document is KwrFormula0.CATPart.

Activating and Deactivating a Formula

A parameter value can be defined by a number of formulas. But only one formula can be active at a time. By default, a formula is active at creation but, if a formula defines a parameter which is already constrained by another formula, you will be asked whether the new formula: should be activated and the other one deactivated (if previously activated) should be deactivated should be cancelled (no formula created). A formula can be activated or deactivated: either from the "Formulas" dialog box, or from the contextual menu, or by a rule execution. Here is a scenario illustrating how to activate and deactivate a formula. 1. Open the KwrFormula1.CATPart. Two formulas are added to the document. One defines the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius parameter with respect the hole diameter, the other defines the hole diameter with respect to the Pad limits. Both formulas are active. 2. Click the Formula icon , select the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius parameter, then click 'Add Formula'. 3. Enter the PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius = 4 * PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter relation in the "Formula Editor". 4. Click Yes. As the Pad radius is already constrained by the Formula.1 relation, a dialog box asks you: either to deactivate Formula.1 and to create Formula.3 as active or to keep Formula.1 active and to create Formula.3 as inactive or to cancel the Formula.3 creation. 5. Click Yes to create the Formula.3 relation as active and deactivate the Formula.1 relation. Deactivate Formula.3 by using one of the three methods below: Method 1 Set the Relations\Formula.3\Activity value to false

Method 2 Use the Activate/Deactivate check box

Method 3

1. Click OK to exit the "Formulas" dialog box. 2. Click the Formula.3 relation in the specification tree. 3. Select the Formula.3 object -> Deactivate option from the contextual menu. 6. Re-activate Formula.1 by using one of the three methods above. 7. Click OK to terminate the dialog. The resulting document is KwrFormula2.CATPart.

Importing Formulas
Formulas are imported with the parameters they define. See About Parameters for more information on the import file format. When a parameter is defined by a formula, units should be mentioned in column 2. Examples of import files with formulas are provided in the ExCompanyFile0.xls and TxCompanyFile0.txt tables.

Deleting a Formula
You can delete a formula in three ways: 1. In the specification tree, right-click the formula to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu. 2. In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter constrained by the formula to be deleted, then click 'Delete Formula'. A message asks you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes. The formula deleted should no longer appears in the specification tree. 3. When editing a parameter constrained by a formula, right-click the value field and select the Formula->Delete function from the contextual menu.

Create a rule Enter the rule name and comments. Then write your rule in the rule editor. To enter a parameter within a rule, you can: either click the parameter in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the editor dictionary.

Edit/modify a rule In the specification tree, double-click(twice) the rule to be edited. or In the specification tree, right-click the rule to be edited, then select the Rule.object->Edition function from the contextual menu.

Activate/deactivate a rule In the specification tree, right-click the rule to be activated or deactivated, then select the Rule.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the rule/activity parameter modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Delete a rule In the specification tree, right-click the rule, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Create a check

Enter the check name and comments. Then write your check in the check editor. To enter a parameter within a check, you can: either click the parameter in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the Dictionary.

Edit/modify a check In the specification tree, double-click the check to be edited. or In the specification tree, right-click the check to be modified, then select the Check.object->Edition function from the contextual menu.

Activate/deactivate a check In the specification tree, select the check to be activated or deactivated, then select the Check.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the check/activity parameter and modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Delete a check In the specification tree, right-click the check to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Creating and Editing a Rule

A rule is a set of instructions whereby you can control certain parameters and events according to a context. To create a rule: 1. open your document 2. access the Knowledge Advisor workbench 3. click the Rule icon . The Rule Editor dialog box is displayed. Now it is mainly a programming task. Refer to Programming Rules. When creating rules, remember that, if a rule is intended to constrain a parameter, other relations constraining this parameter will conflict with the rule to be created. To resolve the conflict, CATIA will ask you to specify which relations are to be declared active or inactive. To edit a rule from the specification tree, you can: either double-click the rule or right-click the rule and select the Rule.Object->Definition function from the contextual menu.

Programming Rules
The Knowledge Advisor script language provides you with a full range of operators, functions and keywords that can be used to program your rules. Rules are a multiple-line pieces of code that you can write either by typing directly the appropriate syntax in the editor field or by selecting items from the editor dictionary list. Here are some details about the rule syntax. Other dictionary components are described in Writing Formulas.

Tips and Tricks for Editing Rules

In the rule editor, to enter a parameter, you can: either click it in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the dictionary By default, the dictionary displays the list of all the parameters defining your document. But this list can be restricted to a single-type parameter list. For example. if you select the Length item in the "Members of Parameters" list, only the Length type parameters will be displayed. Using Temporary Variables Temporary variables can be declared by using the let keyword. A temporary variable does not persist as a parameter after the rule execution is finished. /*Rule created by CRE 08/23/99*/ let x = 5 mm if PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter > x { PartBody\Hole.1\Activity = false } Temporary variables should be declared at the beginning of the rule, before any conditional instruction is specified. Including Comments The /* and */ comment characters are supported.

/* Rule created by CRE 05/03/99 */ if PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius > 45mm { LaunchMacroFromFile("Macro1.CATScript") } else /* LaunchMacroFromFile("Macro2.CATScript") */ Message("No macro launched")

The Rule Dictionary

The dictionary components which are not already described in Writing Formulas are discussed below. Conditional Statements or Keywords Like in many languages, the if....else...else if statements are used to evaluate whether a condition is true or false and, depending on the result, to specify one or more statements to run. Usually the condition is an expression that uses a comparison or logical operator to compare one value or parameter value with another. Statements within a condition can be combined using the and or or keywords. Operators Operators provided are: arithmetical operators and comparison operators. Note that comparison operators should be only used in conditional statements. They can't be used as functions as they don't return any value.

Message and Macro Functions

The Rule editor provides you with the functions listed on the figure opposite: Message LaunchMacroFromFile.

Writing Formulas
The formula editor provides you with a full range of operators and functions that you can use with parameters to create formulas. A formula is a one-line statement that you can write either by typing directly the appropriate syntax in the editor field or by selecting items from the editor dictionary list. The formula syntax is easy to use and learn. Here are some details about how to use the formula editor. Tips and Tricks for Editing Formulas In the "Formula Editor", to enter a parameter, you can: either click it in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the Wizard. To use the Wizard, press the "Wizard' button in the "Formula Editor". The dialog box which is displayed looks something like this. By default, the dictionary displays the list of all the parameters defining your document. But this list can be restricted to a single-type parameter list. For example. if you select the Length item in the "Members of Parameters" list, only the Length type parameters will be displayed. Use the to erase a formula.

The Formula Dictionary

Here is a description of the language provided by the formula dictionary.

When a parameter name contains a special character, it should be delimited by back-quotes when used within a formula. No extra-space should be left after the first and before the last back-quotes. Example: Pad-2\MechanicalPartProperties\Density

Arithmetic Operators

The formula editor provides you with the operators listed on the figure opposite. Note that the "+" operator can be used for string concatenation.

String Functions
Here are the functions provided to manipulate strings: Search Extract Length ToString ReplaceSubText ToUpper ToLower.

Mathematical Functions
The full range of trigonometric functions is provided to you as well as some other usual functions. Note floor returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to the value specified in the argument. ceiling returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the value specified in the argument.

Design Table Functions

Here are the functions to access the design table: CellAsReal MaxInColumn CellAsBoolean MinInColumn CellAsString CloserValueSupInColumn LocateInColumn CloserValueInfInColumn


1. Pay attention to unit consistency when writing a formula. 2. When importing formulas, don't omit to specify a value (unit included) in column 2. 3. Units are written with an underscore instead of the usual "/" (example N_m2 instead N/m2).

The following constants are specified or recognized by CATIA when programming formulas. As a result, they can be used anywhere in a formula in place of the actual values. false - one of the two values that a parameter of type Boolean can have true - one of the two values that a parameter of type Boolean can have PI - 3.14159265358979323846 - The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. E - The base of natural logarithm - The constant e is approximately 2.718282.

Search Function

Searches for the first occurence of a substring in a String type parameter. Returns the index of the start of the substring. Returns -1 is the substring specified is not found.

Search(String) The Search function has one argument:

Argument String Example Description Required. Name of the substring to be searched for (should be put in quotes) or name of the String parameter.

Responsible = Cilas Evans = ... I1Search = 6 = Responsible.Search("EVANS") I2Search = 0 = Responsible.Search("Cilas") I3Search = -1 = Responsible.Search("CILAS")

Extract Function

Returns the substring starting at a given position with a specified length.


Extract(StartIndex, Length) The Extract function has two arguments:

Arguments StarIndex Length Formula Example Description Required. Index of the substring first character Required. Substring length

FirstName = Cilas Name = Cilas = Responsible.Extract(0,FirstName.Length()) Extract = la = FirstName.Extract(2,2)

Length Function

Returns the string length.


Length() The Length function has no arguments

Formula Example

FirstName = Cilas Name = Cilas = Responsible.Extract(0,FirstName.Length())

ToString Function

Converts an integer into a string.


ToString(Integer) The ToString function has one argument:

Argument Integer Formula Example Description Required. Integer to be converted into string.

RevNumber = 1 Revision = Rev: 1 = "Rev: " + ToString(RevNumber)

ReplaceSubText Function

Replaces a substring with another substring within a character string.


ReplaceSubText(InputString,SubString1,SubString2) The ReplaceSubText function has three arguments:

Argument InputString SubString1 SubString2 Formula Example Description Required. Input string. Required. Substring to be replaced Required. Substring replacing SubString1

Responsible = Cilas EVANS NewResponsible = Eazy EVANS = ReplaceSubText(Responsible,"Cilas","Eazy")

ToUpper Function

Changes all lower-case letters of a string to upper-case.


ToUpper(String) The ToUpper function has one argument:

Argument String Formula Example Description Required. Name of the string to be converted to upper-case (should be put in quotes) or name of the String parameter.

FamilyName = Evans FirstName = Cilas Responsible = Cilas EVANS = FirstName + " " + ToUpper(FamilyName)

ToLower Function

Changes all upper-case letters of a string to lower-case.


ToLower(String) The ToLower function has one argument:

Argument String Description Required. Name of the string to be converted to lower-case (should be put in quotes) or name of the String parameter.

CellAsReal Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for real values. Returns zero if the cell does not contain a real or if the function parameters are not properly specified (see remarks).

CellAsReal(DesignTableName, RowNumber, ColumnNumber) The CellAsReal function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. RowNumber ColumnNumber Remarks Required. Line or configuration number. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n.

The real which is returned by the function should be added to your document as a user parameter. The CellAsReal function returns a nil value: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

CellAsBoolean Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for boolean values. Returns false if the cell does not contain a boolean or if the function parameters are not properly specified (see remarks).

CellAsBoolean(DesignTableName, RowNumber, ColumnNumber) The CellAsBoolean function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table. Should be put in quotes. RowNumber ColumnNumber Remarks Required. Line or configuration number. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n.

The boolean which is returned by the function should be added to your document as a user parameter. The CellAsBoolean function returns a false value: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

CellAsString Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the contents of a cell located in a column. Returns an empty string if the cell is empty or if the function parameters are not properly specified (see remarks).

CellAsString(DesignTableName, RowNumber, ColumnNumber) The CellAsString function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. RowNumber ColumnNumber Remarks Required. Line or configuration number. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n.

The string which is returned by the function should be added to your document as a user parameter. The CellAsString function returns an empty string: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

LocateInColumn Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the index of the first row which contains a specified value. Returns zero if the value is not found or if the function arguments are not properly specified (see remarks).

LocateInColumn(DesignTableName, ColumnNumber,Value) The LocateInColumn function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. ColumnNumber Value Remarks Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Value searched for. Can be a string or a boolean

The LocateInColumn function returns 0: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

MaxInColumn Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the greatest of a column values. Returns 0 if the column does not contain numerical values or if the function arguments are not properly specified (see remarks).

MaxInColumn(DesignTableName, ColumnNumber) The MaxInColumn function has two arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. ColumnNumber Remarks Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n.

The MaxInColumn function returns 0: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

MinInColumn Function

Code sample Input design table

Returns the smallest of a column values. Returns 0 if the column does not contain numerical values or if the function arguments are not properly specified (see remarks).

MinInColumn(DesignTableName, ColumnNumber) The MinInColumn function has two arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. ColumnNumber Remarks Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n.

The MinInColumn function returns 0: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

CloserValueSupInColumn Function

Code sample Input design table

Scans the values of a column and returns the greatest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one. Returns 0 if no value is found or if the function arguments are not properly specified (see remarks).

CloserValueSupInColumn(DesignTableName, ColumnNumber, RealValue) The CloserValueSupInColumn function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. Should be put in quotes. ColumnNumber RealValue Remarks Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Value searched for. Should be a real.

The CloserValueSupInColumn function returns 0: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

CloserValueInfInColumn Function

Code sample Input design table

Scans the values of a column and returns the smallest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one. Returns 0 if no value is found or if the function arguments are not properly specified (see remarks).

CloserValueInfInColumn(DesignTableName, ColumnNumber, RealValue) The CloserValueInfInColumn function has three arguments:

Arguments Description

DesignTableName Required. Name of the design table you want to read. This name is the string which identifies the design table in the specification tree. Should be put in quotes. ColumnNumber RealValue Remarks Required. Number or index of the table column. Integer from 1 to n. Required. Value searched for. Should be a real.

The CloserValueInfInColumn function returns 0: q when the design table passed as its first argument does not exist q when the row or column numbers are out of range or not specified as integers.

Creating and Editing a Check

Like a rule, a check is a piece of code. But unlike a rule, it has no impact on parameter values. When executed, a check just gives you a clue as to whether some conditions are verified or not. There are three types of checks: the silent, the information and the warning checks. Depending on the type of check and the result of the check, you will be warned as follows: Check verified Relation icon in the specification tree Silent check Information check Check not verified

no message displayed no message displayed

Warning check

no message displayed

no message displayed the message specified at check creation is displayed in an information box the message specified at check creation is displayed in a warning box.

Creating a check is partly a programming task. But the check syntax is easy to learn. Refer to About Rules and Checks and Programming Checks. 1. Open the KwrFormula0.CATPart document and access the Knowledge Advisor workbench. 2. Click the Check icon . The first Check Editor dialog box is displayed. 3. Replace the default name with Cylinder_Check. If needed, add some comments into the Description fied.

4. Click OK. The Check Editor is displayed.

5. Select a type of check. Enter the message you want to be displayed in the information or warning box in case the check is not verified. 6. Enter the check statements in the edition window. You can simply Copy/Paste the following statements into the edition window: if PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius - PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter / 2 > 10mm then Relations\Formula.1\Activity == false 7. Click Apply to test your check syntax as well as the result on the document. The Cylinder_Check is added to the relations in the specification tree. Depending on whether it is verified or not, the light icon associated with the check relation is either green or red. 8. Click OK to terminate the dialog. 9. To edit the check you have just created from the specification tree, you can: double-click the check right-click the check and select the Check.object->Definition function from the contextual menu.

Programming Checks
The Knowledge Advisor script language provides you with a full range of operators, functions and keywords that can be used to program your checks. Checks are a multiple-line pieces of code that you can write either by typing directly the appropriate syntax in the editor field or by selecting items from the editor dictionary list. Here are some details about the check syntax. Other dictionary components are described in Writing Formulas and Programming Rules.

Conditional Statements or Keywords

Like in many languages, the if....then... statements are used to evaluate whether a condition is fulfilled or not and, depending on the result, to specify one or more statements to verify. Usually the condition is an expression that uses a comparison or logical operator to compare one value or parameter value with another. Statements within a condition can be combined using the and or or keywords.

Advanced Tasks
Among the knowledgeware capabilities, there are two which are not very basic at all. The objects you manipulate are a bit complicated and, in addition to interactive tasks, you will often have to perform programming tasks. Two features describe these knowledgeware capabilities : 1. the design table A design table is a tool mainly intended to ease the definition of mechanical parts. It is provided to all CATIA users. But you will make the best use of it in a Knowledge Advisor application. A design table can be created from a CATIA document, the document data is then exported to the design table. It can also be applied to a document, the document data is then imported from the design table. The Design Table tasks and concepts are described in the Infrastructure documentation. Refer to About Design Tables for further information on the design table principles. Go to Design Table Tasks for a summary of interactive tasks as well as a comprehensive list of programming functions. 2. the behavior A behavior is a set of VB Script instructions which are executed when a feature responds to a given event. Go to Behavior Tasks for information on this very particular feature.

About Design Tables

A design table provides you with a means to create and manage component families. These components can be for example mechanical parts just differing in their parameter values. Screws are a good example of mechanical parts that can be described by a design table. To simplify, imagine they all described by four parameters: the head width, the head height, the body width and the body height. The sets of four parameter values that can be assigned to a screw can be easily regrouped in a design table. This design table has as many columns as screw parameters and as many rows as sets of parameter values. In a design table, a set of parameter values is called a configuration and it is registered in a row. A design table is a tool mainly intended to ease the definition of mechanical parts. It is provided to all CATIA users. But you will make the best use of it in a Knowledge Advisor application. A design table can be created from a CATIA document, the document data is then exported to the design table. It can also be applied to a document, the document data is then imported from the design table. The purpose of the design table is to drive the parameters of a CATIA document from external values. These values are stored in the form of a table either in a Microsoft Excel file on Windows or in a tabulated text file. When using a design table the trick is to associate the right document parameters with the right table parameters. The design table columns may not all correspond to your document parameters and you may decide to apply only part of the design table values to your document. By creating associations, you declare what document parameters you want to link with what table columns. The design table becomes a more powerful tool when it is used with the Knowledge Advisor. You are provided with functions to read the design table parameters. These design table functions can be used when programming your checks and rules. Using these functions spares you all the association operations.

The Excel Sheet Format (on Windows)

The values mentioned in the sheet cells have to be expressed in appropriate units. Otherwise, the right values won't be associated with the document parameters. If no unit is mentioned within a cell: the unit taken into account is the one mentioned in the first row and if no unit is specified in the first row, the unit taken into account is the relevant MKS system unit. Here is an example of an Excel sheet:

The Tabulated Text File Format

Here is an example of a tabulated file format. You can use your favorite text editor to create this design table. Use the Tab key to skip from one column to the other. Unit rules are the same as for the Excel sheets.

The CATIA Design Table

Once it has been read and processed by CATIA, the design table looks something like this:

Design Table
Create a design table from the document parameter values Check the option "Create a design table with current parameter values". Select the parameters to insert, then specify the .xls (Windows) or .txt file where the design table is to be created.

Create a design table from a pre-existing file Check the option "Create a design table from a pre-existing file". Specify the file containing the design table data, then create the necessary associations.

Edit a design table In the specification tree, double-click the design table. or or In the specification tree, right-click the design table to be edited, then select the DesignTable.object->Edition function from the contextual menu. If a parameter is constrained by a design table, double-click it in the specification tree, then click the design table icon in the "Edit parameter" dialog box.

Delete a design table In the specification tree, right-click the design table to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Program the design table access

CellAsReal Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for real values. CellAsBoolean Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for boolean values. CellAsString Returns the contents of a cell located in a column. CloserInfConfig Returns the configuration which contains the largest values less or equal to the values of the given arguments. CloserSupConfig Returns the configuration which contains the smallest values grreater or equal to the values of the given arguments. CloserValueInfInColumn Scans the values of a column and returns the smallest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one. CloserValueSupInColumn Scans the values of a column and returns the greatest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one. LocateInColumn Returns the index of the first row which contains a specified value. MaxInColumn Returns the greatest of a column values. MinInColumn Returns the smallest of a column values. Question Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked.

Creating a Design Table with the Current Parameter Values

An external design table is created from parameters belonging to the current document. You just have to select the parameters you want to insert in the design table.

1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. 2. Click the Design Table icon in the standard toolbar.

The "Creation of a Design Table" dialog box is displayed. Enter a name (DesignTable0 in the example below) and a comment for the design table.

3. Check the 'Create a design table with current parameter values' option. Click OK. The 'Select parameters to insert' dialog box is displayed. 4. In the 'Parameters to insert' list, select the PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length then click Add. Repeat the same operation with the PartBody\Pad.1\SecondLimit\Length item. Both items are displayed in the 'Inserted parameters' list.

5. Click OK. A file selection box is displayed. 6. Specify the pathname of the design table to be created. Click OK in the file selection dialog box. The DesignTable0 feature is added to the specification tree and a dialog box displays the newly created design table. This design table contains only one configuration. By default it is active.

7. Click Edit table... to start an Excel application (under Windows NT) or open the text editor under Unix. Replace the PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length parameter value with 80mm. 8. Save your Excel or .txt file and close your application. 9. Click Apply into the CATIA design table dialog, the document is updated as well as the CATIA design table. 10. Click Cancel if you want to undo your last interaction. Otherwise click OK. KwrDesignTable0.CATPart is the resulting document. KwrCreatedDesignTable.xls is the design table created.

A design table can only be created from non-constrained parameters, i.e. from parameters which are neither referred to in an active design table nor used in any other active relation. If you keep the 'Activity' option checked for DesignTable0 and try to create another design table, you will have to select the parameters to add to your second design table among a restricted parameter list. Uncheck the 'Activity' option if you want to deactivate a design table and reuse its parameters in another design table.

Creating a Design Table from a Pre-existing File

A design table can be created from a pre-existing file: either by associating automatically the document parameters with the table columns. All the parameters common to your document and the input file columns are added to the design table or by associating one by one the document parameters with the input file columns.

Associating Automatically Table Columns with Parameters

1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. Design Table icon in the standard toolbar. 2. Click the The "Creation of a Design Table" dialog box is displayed. Enter a name (DesignTable1 for example) and a comment. 3. Check the 'Create a design table from a pre-existing file' option. Click OK. 4. Select the KwrBallBearing.xls file. Click Open. The following dialog box is displayed.

5. Click Yes. The Material parameter is the only one which is common to the document parameters and to the external design table. The following design table is created. The '<' and '>' symbols denote the current configuration.

6. Select the configuration you want to apply to the document (line 5 for example). Click Apply. The Iron parameter value is displayed in the specification tree. 7. Click OK to end the design table creation. KwrDesignTable1.CATPart is the resulting document.

Associating One by One Table Columns with Parameters

1. Open the KwrStartDocument.CATPart document. Design Table icon in the standard toolbar. 2. Click the The "Creation of a Design Table" dialog box is displayed. Enter a name (DesignTable2 for example) and a comment. 3. Check the 'Create a design table from a pre-existing file' option. Click OK. A file selection panel is displayed. 4. Select the KwrBallBearing.xls file. Click Open. The "Automatic associations ?" dialog box is displayed. 5. Click No. The following dialog box is displayed.

Now, you have to associate one by one the document parameters with the design table columns. 6. Click the 'Associations' option. The table design dialog box now displays side by side the document parameter list and the input file columns. 7. In the 'Parameters' list, select the PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter item. In the 'Columns' list, select the d parameter. Then click Associate. A parameter couple is now displayed in the 'Associations between parameters and columns' list. 8. Repeat the same operation for the Material parameter.

Selecting a parameter or an association in the list highlights the corresponding values in the geometry area. The parameter list can be filtered: either by clicking on a feature (either in the specification tree or in the geometry area). All the parameter values of the selected feature (and children) are highlighted in the geometry area. The parameter list displays only the parameters of the selected features (and children). by specifying a string in the 'Filter Name' field. For example, typing *ength* displays all Length parameters by specifying a type in the 'Filter Type' field. The 'Create parameters...' button allows you to create automatically parameters and associations for items of the 'Columns' list. The 'Rename associated parameters' button replaces the parameter name with the column name. 9. Click OK to end the DesignTable2 creation dialog. The DesignTable2 feature is added as a relation to the specification tree. Double-click DesignTable2 in the specification to edit the table. By default, the configuration <1> is applied to the document. A new material (Aluminum) is applied to the document and the hole diameter is modified. KwrDesignTable2.CATPart is the resulting document. You can select another configuration and apply it to your document. As long as a design table is active, the parameters which are declared in it are constrained parameters and you are not allowed to modify them. Double-clicking a design table in the specification tree displays the design table with its set of configurations and allows you to select a new configuration.

Programming the Design Table Access CATIA provides you with functions to access the values of a design table. These functions are described below. You will have to use them with other functions and parameters in formulas, rules or checks (for those of you using the Knowledge Advisor product). CellAsReal CellAsBoolean CellAsString CloserInfConfig CloserSupConfig CloserValueInfInColumn CloserValueSupInColumn LocateInColumn MaxInColumn MinInColumn Question You don't need to create associations interactively to use these functions. In the design table function documentation, you can access code samples by clicking 'Sample code'. Click 'Design Table' to display the related design table. When you find an interesting sample, you can Copy/Paste it to your formula, rule or check editor. The KwrProgramDT.CATPart document illustrates how to use the design table access functions. Values returned by functions must be declared as user parameters before being used in relations.

CloserSupConfig Function

Returns the configuration which contains the smallest values grreater or equal to the values of the given arguments. When several configurations meet this condition, the function sorts out the possible configurations with respect to the column order as it is specified in the argument list.

CloserSupConfig(DesignTableName, RowName1, Value1, RowName2, Value2 ... ) The CloserSupConfig function takes the following arguments:
Argument DesignTableName RowNamei Valuei Example Description Required. Should be put in quotes. Should be put in quotes. At least, one couple RowName/Value is required Required. You should specify the units.

Given the design table below: SketchRadius(mm) 1 2 3 4 120 130 120 140 PadLim1(mm) 60 50 60 50 PadLim2(mm) 10 30 25 40

The statement below returns 3:

CloserSupConfig("DT1", "PadLim1", 60mm, "SketchRadius", 120mm, "PadLim2", 20mm)

Question Function

Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked (true if Yes was clicked, false if No was clicked)

Question(String [# String1 # String2 ..., Param1Name, Param2Name, ...] ) The Question function takes one required argument and several optional arguments depending on whether parameter values are to be displayed in the message.
Argument String # String1, Param1Name... Description Required. String to be displayed in the dialog box (should be put in quotes). Optional. When parameter values are to be displayed within the message, the arguments should be specified as follows: q one string in quotes including a # symbol wherever a parameter value is to be displayed

as many [, parameter name] statements as parameter values declared with a "#" in the message.

Use the "|" symbol to insert a carriage return in a prompt.


Boolean2 = Question("SketchRadius is # | Do you want to change this value ?",PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.3\Radius )

Using a Design Table

A design table is a feature that you create either from your document parameters or from external data. No matter the existence of external data, you must create the design table in CATIA. The design table creation process includes the following steps: Creating a design table from a pre-existing file 1. select the pre-existing file containing the raw data. 2. create the associations between the document parameters and the external table columns. You can choose to create these associations automatically. 3. edit the CATIA design table generated. 4. select a configuration in the generated design table. You can modify the default configuration proposed by CATIA. 5. apply the design table feature to your document. or Creating a design table from current parameter values 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. create a table from the document parameters. select the parameters to add to the design table. specify a file to contain the design table generated. edit the CATIA design table generated. apply the design table to your document. A design table is a knowledgeware feature which behaves like any CATIA feature. For example, you can edit it from the specification tree by double-clicking it or by selecting the feature.object->Definition function from the contextual menu. When a parameter is constrained by a design table, the "Edit Parameter" dialog box which is displayed when you double-click it in the specification tree, gives you an access to the design table through the design table icon.

Create a behavior Click the icon and write your script in the editor which is displayed.

Manipulate automation objects You can only manipulate the objects which are below the Shape object in the automation object hierarchy.

Creating a Behavior
A behavior is a set of VB Script operations you associate with a feature. These operations are executed when the feature responds to a given event. At present, only a feature which is dragged and dropped can be assigned a behavior. This task explains how to proceed to create a behavior. 1. Create a box or a pad similar to the one below:

Select the Box item in the specification tree. In the Start menu, select Infrastructure-> Knowledge Advisor workbench Select the Hole2 feature either from the geometry area or from the specification tree Click the Behavior icon. The behavior dialog box is displayed. At present the list of events that can be referred to in a behavior is limited to the Drag & Drop event. 6. Enter a behavior name 7. Copy/Paste the code below from your browser to the edition box of the behavior editor. MsgBox("Hole2 has been dropped") MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Type = 2 8. Click OK. A behavior is added to the specification tree. 9. Go back to the Part Design workbench (double-click the document in the geometry area for example) 10. Drag and drop the Hole2 feature so that it gets closer to Hole1. The message box below is displayed:

2. 3. 4. 5.

This is what you can see now onscreen. The Hole2 feature has been converted to a type2 hole (i.e. a counterbored hole).

This example is a simple illustration of how you can create a behavior and how it operates when it is applied to a feature. To create a full-featured behavior application, you must have a good handle on the VB Script language as well as all the automation objects that can be accessed in VB Script.

Manipulating Feature Attributes

Not all the features can be accessed and modified in a behavior. You can only manipulate the objects which are below the Shape object in the automation object hierarchy. Here is an example which illustrates how to manipulate feature attributes. The feature to be dragged and dropped is a simple type hole. When the behavior is executed: 1. the following hole properties are displayed in a Visual Basic message box: the feature type, the feature name the hole diameter. 2. the user is prompted either to click OK to modify the hole properties after it is dropped. New property values will be: hole (type = 2 diameter = 10.0 head diameter = 20.0. or to click Cancel and just drop the initial hole without modifying its properties. 1. Create a pad with at least a simple type hole to be dragged and dropped. 2. Select the root feature and access the Knowledge Advisor workbench. 3. Select any hole feature either in the geometry area or in the specification tree 4. Click the icon. The Behavior editor is displayed. 5. Copy/Paste the code below from your browser to the behavior editor.
Dim FeatureType, FeatureName, HoleType FeatureType = TypeName(MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature) FeatureName = MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Name HoleType = MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Type Str1="The feature to be dropped" Str2=Str1 & vbCrLf & "is a " & FeatureType & " type feature" Str3=Str2 & vbCrLf & "Its name is '" & FeatureName & "'" Str4=Str3 & vbCrLf & "Its initial diameter is " & MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Diameter.Value & vbCrLf Str5=Str4 & vbCrLf & "Unless you click Cancel, it will be converted into a counterbored hole" Dim MyBox MyBox = MsgBox (Str5,1) if MyBox = 1 then MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Type = 2 MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.HeadDiameter.Value = 20.0 MyEvent.GetDroppedFeature.Diameter.Value = 10.0 End If

The behavior editor looks now something like this:

6. 7. 8. 9.

Click OK. The DroppedHole behavior is added to the Hole feature in the specification tree. Go back to the Part Design workbench (double-click the document for example). Drag and drop the Hole object. The Hole attribute values are displayed within a Visual Basic dialog box. Click OK to convert the dragged hole into a counterbored hole or click Cancel to drop it and don't modify its properties.

The Name property returns the name of the feature after it has been dragged. This name is not the initial feature name. It is the name that CATIA assigns by default to the dropped feature.

Workbench Description
The Knowledge Advisor Menu Bar The menu bar which is available in the Expert Knowledge workbench is the standard one. Refer to the CATIA Menu Bar for more information. The Knowledge Advisor Toolbar The figure below describes the Knowledge Advisor toolbar. On the figure opposite, click an icon to display the documentation of the task directly associated with the icon. Here is a brief description of each icon. The Rule Editor icon provides access to the rule editor. Click this icon to create a rule, write its code, test its syntax and apply it to your document. The Check Editor icon provides access to the check editor. Click this icon to create a check, write its code, tests its syntax and apply it to your document. The Knowledge Inspector icon allows you to query a design to determine and preview the results of changing any parameters without committing themselves to actually changing the design. The Behavior icon is a means to create a script specifying how to change some feature attributes when an event occurs. Clicking this icon opens a behavior editor. A behavior is to be written in Visual Basic language.

Infrastructure Menu Bar This section presents the main menu bar available when you run the application and before creating or opening a document.









The Start menu is a navigation tool intended to help you toggle between different workshops. The contents of the Start menu vary according to the confogurations and/or products installed. For more information about the Start menu, refer to "Accessing the Navigation Tools".

For... New... Open... Close Save Save As See... Creating New Documents Opening Existing Documents Closing Documents Saving Existing Documents Saving Documents For the First Time or Under Another Name Saving Documents In Other Formats

Save All Print... Desk... Send To

Saving All Documents Customizing Print Settings Before Printing Your Documents Using the FileDesk Workbench Transferring CATIA Version 5 Data

For... Undo Redo See... Undoing Actions Recovering Last Action Undone

Cut Copy Paste

Cutting and Pasting Objects Copying and Pasting Objects Cutting and Pasting Objects Copying and Pasting Objects

Delete Search... Selection Sets... Define Selection Set Links... Properties...

Deleting Objects Selecting Using the Search... Command Storing Selections Using Selection Sets Storing Selections Using Selection Sets Editing Document Links Displaying and Editing Graphic Properties

For... Toolbars Geometry Specifications Compass Reset Compass Overview Fit All In Zoom Area Zoom In Out Pan Rotate Modify->Look At See... Viewing and Hiding Toolbars Setting Document Window Layout Preferences Setting Document Window Layout Preferences About the 3D Compass Manipulating Objects Using the Mouse and Compass Using the Overview on the Specification Tree Fitting All Geometry in the Geometry Area Zooming In On An Area Zooming In Zooming Out Panning Rotating Looking At Objects

Modify->Turn Head, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Normal View

Turning Your Head To View An Object Zooming In Zooming Out Viewing Along a Normal to a Plane Using Standard and User-Defined Views Using Rendering Styles Navigating Setting Lighting Effects Setting Depth Effects Viewing Objects against the Ground Magnifying Hiding and Showing Objects Using the Full Screen

Named Views... Render Style Navigation Mode Lighting... Depth Effect... Ground Magnifier... Hide/Show Full Screen

For... Formula... Image Macro Customize... Options... See... Using Knowledgeware Capabilities Capturing and Managing Images for the Album Recording, Running and Editing Macros Customizing Toolbars Customizing Settings

Search Order...

Creating a Document Search Order

For... New Window Tile Horizontally Tile Vertically Cascade See... Using Document Windows Using Document Windows Using Document Windows Using Document Windows

For... CATIA V5.2 Help Contents, Index and Search What's This? User Galaxy About CATIA V5.2 See... Getting Contextual Help Accessing the Online Help Library Using the What's This? Command Accessing the Dassault Systmes User Galaxy Displaying Copyright Information

Quick Reference
Create a user parameter Select a type in the 'New Parameter of type' list, then click 'New Parameter of type'.

Edit/modify a user parameter Select the parameter to be edited in the "Formulas" dialog box, then modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula' . or or In the specification tree, double-click the parameter to be edited, then modify its value in the "Edit Parameter" editor. In the specification tree, right-click the parameter to be edited, then select the Parameter.object->Definition function from the contextual menu.

Add a comment to a user parameter In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Edit Comment...' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Edit comment...' from the contextual menu.

Add a tolerance to a magnitude type parameter In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Add Tolerance' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Add Tolerance...' from the contextual menu.

Specify lower and upper bounds

In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Add Range' from the contextual menu. Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Add Range...' from the contextual menu.

Specify an increment/decrement amount In the "Formulas" dialog box, right-click the value field in 'Edit name, value or formula', then select 'Change Step' from the contextual menu. or Whatever the edition box, right-click the value field(s), then select 'Change Step...' from the contextual menu.

Specify the Material parameter value

Select the Material parameter in the specification tree, then click

or or

Double-click the Material parameter in the specification tree, then enter the material value in the dialog box. In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the Material parameter in the parameter list, then modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Update the Mechanical_Property parameters Select the Properties->Mass option from the feature contextual menu and click OK.

Import parameters In the "Formulas" dialog box, click Import.... A file selection dialog box is displayed. Select either a .xls file(Windows NT only) or a .txt file.

Delete a parameter Select the parameter to be deleted in the "Formulas" dialog box, then click 'Delete Parameter' .


In the specification tree, right-click the parameter to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Create a formula In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter to be constrained, then click 'Add Formula'. Enter the formula in the "Formula Editor". or or or In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter to be constrained, then enter the formula in 'Edit name, value or formula'. In the "Formulas" dialog box, double-click the parameter to be constrained and enter the formula in the "Formula Editor". When editing a parameter, right-click the value field(s), then select Formula->Edit from the contextual menu.

Edit/modify a formula In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter defined by the formula, then modify the formula in 'Edit name, value or formula'. or or or In the specification tree, right-click the formula to be edited, then select the Formula.object->Definition function from the contextual menu. In the specification tree, double-click the formula to be edited. In the specification tree, double-click the user parameter, then click the f(x) button in the "Edit Parameter" dialog box. When editing a parameter, right-click the value field(s), then select Formula->Edit from the contextual menu.


Activate/deactivate a formula

In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter which is constrained by the formula to (de)activate and use the Activate/Deactivate check box right of the 'Edit name, value or formula' field. or or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the formula/activity parameter and modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'. In the specification tree, right-click the formula whose activity is to be modified, then select the Formula.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. When editing a parameter constrained by a formula, right-click the value field(s), then select the Formula->(De)activate function from the contextual menu.


Import parameters and formulas In the "Formulas" dialog box, click 'Import', then specify the import file path. The import file should be either a .txt file or a .xls file. Delete a formula In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the parameter which is constrained by the formula to be deleted, then click 'Delete Formula'. or or In the specification tree, right-click the formula to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu. When editing a parameter constrained by a formula, right-click the value field(s), then select the Formula->Delete function from the contextual menu.

Create a rule

Enter the rule name and comments. Then write your rule in the rule editor. To enter a parameter within a rule, you can: either click the parameter in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the editor dictionary.

Edit/modify a rule In the specification tree, double-click(twice) the rule to be edited. or In the specification tree, right-click the rule to be edited, then select the Rule.object->Edition function from the contextual menu.

Activate/deactivate a rule In the specification tree, right-click the rule to be activated or deactivated, then select the Rule.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the rule/activity parameter modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Delete a rule In the specification tree, right-click the rule, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Create a check Enter the check name and comments. Then write your check in the check editor. To enter a parameter within a check, you can: either click the parameter in the specification tree or click the dimension displayed in the geometry area or use the Dictionary.

Edit/modify a check In the specification tree, double-click the check to be edited. or In the specification tree, right-click the check to be modified, then select the Check.object->Edition function from the contextual menu.

Activate/deactivate a check In the specification tree, select the check to be activated or deactivated, then select the Check.object->(De)activate function from the contextual menu. or In the parameter list of the "Formulas" dialog box, select the check/activity parameter and modify its value in 'Edit name, value or formula'.

Delete a check In the specification tree, right-click the check to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Design Table
Create a design table from the document parameter values Check the option "Create a design table with current parameter values". Select the parameters to insert, then specify the .xls (Windows) or .txt file where the design table is to be created.

Create a design table from a pre-existing file Check the option "Create a design table from a pre-existing file". Specify the file containing the design table data, then create the necessary associations.

Edit a design table In the specification tree, double-click the design table. or or In the specification tree, right-click the design table to be edited, then select the DesignTable.object->Edition function from the contextual menu. If a parameter is constrained by a design table, double-click it in the specification tree, then click the design table icon in the "Edit parameter" dialog box.

Delete a design table In the specification tree, right-click the design table to be deleted, then select the Delete function from the contextual menu.

Program the design table access CellAsReal Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for real values. CellAsBoolean Returns the contents of a cell located in a column intended for boolean values. CellAsString Returns the contents of a cell located in a column. CloserInfConfig Returns the configuration which contains the largest values less or equal to the values of the given arguments. CloserSupConfig Returns the configuration which contains the smallest values grreater or equal to the values of the given arguments. CloserValueInfInColumn Scans the values of a column and returns the smallest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one. CloserValueSupInColumn Scans the values of a column and returns the greatest cell value which is the nearest to a specified one.

LocateInColumn Returns the index of the first row which contains a specified value. MaxInColumn Returns the greatest of a column values. MinInColumn Returns the smallest of a column values. Question Displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked.

Create a behavior Click the icon and write your script in the editor which is displayed.

Manipulate automation objects All objects below the Shape object can be manipulated in a behavior.

Case Study
A bearing is defined by parameters such as its principal dimensions, its basic load ratings, its limiting speeds and its mass. It belongs to a category which corresponds a certain range of its parameter values. In a catalogue, a bearing is referred to by a designation. Bearing types are described by tables which define the bearing parameter values including the designation. The bearing example has been chosen here because the bearing tables given in distributor and retailer catalogues illustrate quite well the design table principles. The bearing itself is a good example of how components within a mechanical part can be constrained by relations.

The Data you Need to Perform the Scenario

The required data is delivered with the Knowledge Advisor product. The starting document The bearing design table An import file A CATScript macro KwrBallBearing0.CATPart KwrBallBearing.xls KwrBallBearingImport.txt KwrMacro1.CATScript

When creating Rule4 in your own environment, you should replace the pathname given as the argument of the LaunchMacroFromFile function with the pathname corresponding to the file where the macro has been unloaded.

Some Explanations about your Starting Document

The document we start from in this case study is a part inspired by the SKF deep groove ball bearing with Designation 623. Our purpose here is not to design an industrial ball bearing but to use a ball bearing as a basis to illustrate the CATIA knowledgeware capabilities.

Here are some details about the part design, the document initial parameters and its relations.

The Document Parameters

The bearing rings are coaxial shafts created from the Sketch.1 and Sketch.2 features. The balls are shafts created from the Sketch.4 feature. To find out the role played by the various parameters, proceed as follows: 1. In the specification tree, expand the PartBody feature and slide the cursor on the Sketch.1 feature The sketch used to create the outer bearing ring is highlighted in the geometry area. 2. To identify the sketch.1 parameters: 1. double-click sketch.1 in the specification tree 2. click the formula icon 3. in the parameter list: select B. The B dimension is highlighted in the geometry area. Its value is set to 4mm. It defines the total bearing width.

select L2 The L2 dimension is highlighted in the geometry area. Its initial value is set to 1mm and you can note it is constrained by a formula. Repeat the same operation with L3. L2 and L3 play a symmetric role in the sketch definition. select D The D dimension is highlighted in the geometry area. Its value is set to 5 mm. D defines the bearing outside radius (or external radius of the outer ring) . Repeat the same operation with D1 which defines the internal radius of the outer ring. CentreAxe1 defines the groove center. 3. Use the same method for the other parameters.

The Relations
Take a look at the formulas and rules added to the document. The ball radius is constrained by the groove radius which is itself calculated from Sketch.1 parameters. The rules allow you to: define geometric parameters with respect to others ensure the sketch.1 and sketch.2 consistency and define the ball number. All these relations define the bearing geometry. At this stage of the exercise, it is not recommended to modify them.

The Step-by-Step Procedure

A design table is created from a pre-existing file. The data set contained in this pre-existing file is quite similar to the data set which identifies a bearing in a catalogue. The design table which is created defines a number of configurations. Applying a new configuration results in a bearing modification. 1. Open the KwrBallBearing0.CATPart document. 2. Click the Design Table icon in the standard toolbar. 3. Check the "Create a design table from a pre-existing file" option. Click OK. 4. Select the KwrBallBearing.xls file and associate automatically the design table columns and the document parameters. 5. In the "Design table" dialog box, select the configuration 8. Your ball bearing has changed. It is now a silver bearing. You can tell the difference when you look at the geometry area. The bearing width is also modified. Click OK to exit the Design Table dialog box. Keep your document open and proceed to the next task.

A Cost parameter is defined as a function of the ball number. Creating a check provides you with a means to be warned whenever the bearing cost is too high.

1. Click the icon. 2. Create a new user parameter of real type and constrained by the Cost = 3 * BallNumber formula. To do so: 1. Select Real in the type list and click 'New Parameter of type'. 2. In 'Edit name, value or formula', replace the Real.1 string with Cost, then press Enter. 3. Click 'Add Formula'. 4. Enter the 3 * BallNumber formula in the "Formula Editor". Click OK. 5. Click OK in the "Formulas" dialog box to add the Cost parameter. 3. Create a check warning you when the Cost value is greater than 80. To do so: 1. Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench 2. Click the icon. 3. Enter the CostCheck string in the Name field of the first dialog box. Click OK 4. In the "Check Editor", select the Warning type and enter the string "It is too expensive" in the message field. Then enter the Cost <= 80 relation in the edition box. 5. Click OK to create your check and exit the editor. At this stage, no particular message is displayed. 4. In the specification tree, double-click the design table and select the configuration 12. Click OK. The message "It is too expensive" is displayed. Keep your document open and proceed to the next task

A multiple value parameter is created. Depending on this parameter value, a rule displays a message or launches a macro. 1. Click the icon. 2. Create a new user parameter of string type and multiple values. To do so: Select 'String' in the type list, select 'Multiple values' then click 'New Parameter of type'. In the "Value List of String" dialog box, enter one-by-one the step1, step2 and step3 values. Click OK. In 'Edit name, value or formula', replace the String.1 string with Status, then click OK. 3. Create a rule which, depending on the Status parameter value, either displays a message asking you to import a file, or launches a macro, or does not modify anything. To do so: Access the Knowledge Advisor workbench Click the icon. Enter the Rule4 string in the Name field of the first dialog box. Click OK

Copy/Paste the code below into the rule edition box. if Status == "step2" Message("Import the KwrBallBearingImport text file") else if Status == "step3" LaunchMacroFromFile("e:/tmp/KwrMacro1.CATScript") Click OK to add the rule to the document and execute it. icon. In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the Status parameter and replace its 4. Click the step1 value with step2. Click OK. A message asks you to import the KwrBallBearingImport text file. 5. Click 'Import' and select the KwrBallBearingImport.txt file. Three parameters are then added to the document. Click OK in the dialog box displaying the parameters and formulas to be imported. 6. Select the Status parameter and replace the step2 value with step3. Click OK. The KwrMacro1.CATScript is executed and a rod is created. In the final document, double-click the Material parameter in the specification tree. In the "Edit Parameter" box which is displayed, click Material parameter. to display the design table which constrains the

The resulting document is KwrBallBearingResult.CATPart.

Glossary Many of the definitions included in this glossary are only pertinent within the CATIA knowledgeware context.

Nonalphabetic Terms
| (operator) Breaks a single line message into a multiple line message. Can only be used in the Message function when programming rules and checks. .CATScript The extension of a macro file generated by CATIA Version 5. A macro file can be specified as the argument of the LaunchMacroFromFile function which can be called in rules and checks. .txt The extension of a human-readable file composed of text characters. This file format can be used as an import file format when importing parameters and formulas. .xls The extension of an Excel file. This file format can be used as an import file format when importing parameters and formulas under Windows.

activity A property which defines whether a relation is applied to a document or not. The activity value is either true or false. It is indicated by an icon in the specification tree and can also be read in the document parameter list. association A link between a document parameter and its equivalent parameter in an external design table. Associations are to be created when the document parameter names do not correspond exactly to the parameter names read in the design table.

behavior A set of operations to be executed as a reply to a particular event occurring on a feature.

check A set of statements intended to give you a clue as to whether certain conditions are fulfilled or not. A check does not modify the document it is applied to. A check is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated and deactivated. Like any feature, a check can be manipulated from its contextual menu. configuration A row in the design table. A configuration is a consistent set of parameter values that can be applied to a document.

design table A table containing values to be potentially applied to a document to manage its parameter values. It can be created from the document parameters or from an external file. A design table is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a design table can be manipulated from its contextual menu. dictionary The set of parameters, operators, keywords, functions and other components that make up the language to be used to write formulas, rules and checks. The formula, rule and check editors provide you with an interactive view of the dictionary.

formula A relation specifying a constraint on a parameter. The formula relation is a one-line statement. Its left part is the parameter to be constrained, the right part is a relation taking as its variables other parameters. A formula is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a formula can be manipulated from its contextual menu.

knowledgeware The set of software components dedicated to the creation and manipulation of knowledge-based information. Knowledge-based information consists of rules and other types of relations whereby designers can save their corporate know-how and reuse it later on to drive their design processes.

Knowledge Inspector An analysis tool which helps users understand how changing any property of their design (such as material, pressure, or a dimensional parameter) changes the operation or design of the product on which they are working. The Knowledge Inpector offers two options: "What if" to examine interactions of parameters with each other and with the rules that make up the products specifications "How to" to see how a design can be changed to achieve a desired result

magnitude type parameter A parameter whose value is defined by a quantity expressed in specific units. Length, Angle, Time parameters are magnitude type parameters. Boolean, Real, String and Integer parameters are not magnitude type parameters.

parameter A feature defining a document property.

relation A knowledgeware feature which, depending on certain conditions: sets parameter values displays a message or runs a macro.

Knowledgeware relations are formulas, checks, rules and design tables. rule A set of instructions, generally based on conditional statements, whereby the relationship between parameters is controlled. In addition, depending on the context described by the rule instructions, CATIA macros can be executed and messages can be displayed. A rule is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a rule can be manipulated from its contextual menu.

wizard A form of user assistance that guides the user through a difficult or complex task within an application. The formula wizard helps the user typing formulas by picking up parameters either in the dictionary, or in the geometry area or in the specification tree.

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