Study Guide Expanded
Study Guide Expanded
Study Guide Expanded
authentication than Telnet and supports the transport of session data using encryption. As a best
practice, network professionals should always use SSH in place of Telnet.
27. Know how the 3 cables are constructed and what they are used for
Straight Through Cable
Used for: -Switch to Router Computer to Switch Computer to Hub
Crossover Cable
Used for: -Switch to Switch Switch to Hub Hub to Hub Router to Router
Computer to Computer Computer to Router
Console Cable? MDI/MDX Selection? 10.2.2
28. Be able to compare TCP/IP and OSI models
Similarities: Both models have a lower layer that connects the upper layers to the actual
physical network. Both models have an application, a transport, and a network/Internet
layer. Differences: The TCP/IP model does not have a session layer (layer 5) or a
presentation layer (layer 6)
29. Default Terminal emulation software settings when configuring a CISCO device
through a console port
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: 0
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
34. Show version command: Displays information about the currently loaded software
version, along with hardware and device information. Some of the information shown
from this command are:
Software Version - IOS software version (stored in flash)
Bootstrap Version - Bootstrap version (stored in Boot ROM)
System up-time - Time since last reboot
System restart info - Method of restart (e.g., power cycle, crash)
Software image name - IOS filename stored in flash
Router Type and Processor type - Model number and processor type
Memory type and allocation (Shared/Main) - Main Processor RAM and Shared Packet I/O
35. How to calculate amount of RAM in a router*IN NOTES*