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1. Enable Password Cisco

A: Enable password protection, password = cisco (or whatever is entered after password
in the command line)
2. Enable Password Secret
A: The enable secret command uses a very secure MD5 cryptographic hash algorithm. It
is impossible to recover an enable secret based on the contents of a configuration file
(other than by obvious dictionary attacks). Password security relies on the password
algorithm, and the password.
3. A router needs to provide address translation to allow internet access from hosts
4. Q: When computer D sends a frame to Computer A, what computers receive the
5. A: Computer A receives the frame only because it on a switched network
6. Q: What are 2 transport layer protocols for TFTP?
4.1.2 Segmentation and Reassembly/Conversation Multiplexing?
Router#copy running-config startup-config
A: Saves to NVRAM and saves startup config
7. Serial0/0 interface is up but line protocol is down
A: You must provide clocking and in turn be of the DCE type. Clock rate command has
not been entered on the DCE interface.
Interface Serial0/0/0
Encapsulation frame-relay
clock rate 6400
frame-relay intf-type dce
8. Router(config)#Interface serial 0/0/
9. Router(config-if)#
A: Used to config individual interfaces
10. 10.2.2. Making LAN Connections
Cable writing diagrams
11. Functions of a Switch, Router and Hub:
12. Switch: enables a host to communicate with another host on the same network
13.. Router: enables host to communicate with another host on a different
14. Hub: enables a host to communicate with another host on the same network
15. Know the parts of a URL
HTTP (the protocol or scheme) (the server name)
Web-server.htm (the specific file name requested)
The browser then checks with a name server to convert into a numeric address,
which it uses to connect to the server. Using the HTTP protocol requirements, the browser sends
a GET request to the server and asks for the file web-server.htm. The server in turn sends the
HTML code for this web page to the browser. Finally, the browser deciphers the HTML code and

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formats the page for the browser window.

16. Know the functions of the OSI Model

Layer 1 (Physical): Conveys bit stream to light or radio signal
Layer 2 (Data-link): Data packets are encoded and decoded into bits.
Layer 3 (Network): Switching and routing for transmitting data and packet sequencing
Layer 4 (Transport): Transfer of data between end system (hosts) and is responsible for
end-to-end error recovery and flow control. Ensures complete data transfer
Later 5 (Session): Manages and terminates connections between applications
Layer 6(Presentation): Works to transform data into a form that the application layer can
Layer 7 (Application): Communication partners identified, QoS is identified, user
authentication and privacy are considered. Provides application services for file transfers,
e-mails and network software services.
17. Section 2.5.3 Getting Data through the Internetwork
Section 2.5.4 Getting the Data to the right application
18. Router will route packets to a remote network
20. Ping With 4 replies
21. Test the Stack 11.3.1
Hub to Hub
Switch to Hub
Switch to Switch
Q: Which one will provide full media bandwidth
A: Switch to Switch because of the dedication line
22. HyperTerminal
Capture text: It is often necessary, and always handy, to save the configuration file to an
off-line text file. One way to save the configuration file is to use HyperTerminal Transfer
menu option Capture.
23. Difference between peer-to-peer and client server networks
Peer-to-peer: two or more computers are connected via a network and can share
resources (such as printers and files) without having a dedicated server
Client/Server: the device requesting the information is called a client and the device
responding to the request is called a server.
24. Q: What is a point-to-point logical topology diagram?
A: Logical Topology: the way a network transfers frames from one node to the next.
(point-to-point, multi-access, ring)
B: Physical Topology: arrangement of the nodes and the physical connections between
25. How many host address may be assigned when using the network
address with a subnet mask of *IN NOTES*
26. Q: What is Telnet and SSH?
A: Telent: Rather than using a physical device to connect to the server, Telnet uses software to
create a virtual device that provides the same features of a terminal session with access to the
server command line interface (CLI).
A: SSH: provides the structure for secure remote login and other secure network services.
Provides stronger

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authentication than Telnet and supports the transport of session data using encryption. As a best
practice, network professionals should always use SSH in place of Telnet.

27. Know how the 3 cables are constructed and what they are used for
Straight Through Cable
Used for: -Switch to Router Computer to Switch Computer to Hub
Crossover Cable

Used for: -Switch to Switch Switch to Hub Hub to Hub Router to Router
Computer to Computer Computer to Router
Console Cable? MDI/MDX Selection? 10.2.2
28. Be able to compare TCP/IP and OSI models

Similarities: Both models have a lower layer that connects the upper layers to the actual
physical network. Both models have an application, a transport, and a network/Internet
layer. Differences: The TCP/IP model does not have a session layer (layer 5) or a
presentation layer (layer 6)
29. Default Terminal emulation software settings when configuring a CISCO device
through a console port
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: 0
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
34. Show version command: Displays information about the currently loaded software
version, along with hardware and device information. Some of the information shown
from this command are:
Software Version - IOS software version (stored in flash)
Bootstrap Version - Bootstrap version (stored in Boot ROM)
System up-time - Time since last reboot
System restart info - Method of restart (e.g., power cycle, crash)
Software image name - IOS filename stored in flash
Router Type and Processor type - Model number and processor type
Memory type and allocation (Shared/Main) - Main Processor RAM and Shared Packet I/O
35. How to calculate amount of RAM in a router*IN NOTES*

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36. Q: What is a backoff algorithm? A: When a collision is detected each sender will delay
before transmitting. Each sender chooses a random delay between 0 and d (delay
value). If another collision occurs, each computer doubles the rand from which the delay
is chosen, meaning the random delay will now be between 0 and 2d.
37. Q: What happens when a collision occurs?
A: If a collision is heard, both of the senders will send a jam signal over the Ethernet. This
jam signal indicates to all other devices on the Ethernet segment that there has been a
collision, and they should not send data onto the wire. After sending the jam signal, each
of the senders will wait a random amount of time before beginning the entire process
38. What is the broadcast address for the network *IN NOTES*
39. Static and dynamic and broadcast address
Static Address: With a static assignment, the network administrator must manually
configure the network information for a host. At a minimum, this includes entering the
host IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Advantages: Useful for printers,
servers and other network devices that need to be accessible to clients over a network.
Can provide increased control of network resources. Disadvantages: 1. Time consuming
Dynamic Address: DHCP enables the automatic assignment of addressing information such as IP
subnet mask, default gateway, and other configuration information. Uses address pool
Broadcast Address: A broadcast address is a logical address at which all devices connected to a
multiple-access communications network are enabled to receive datagrams. A message sent to
a broadcast address is typically received by all network-attached hosts, rather than by a specific
40. Terminal Emulation Software*IN NOTES*
41. Network admin wants to subnet into 4 subnets
Example given:
Borrowed 2 bits so add /24 + 2 and look for /26 in the answers
Find the IP in second subnet: .65-.126 range


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