Pathfinder Draenei Template

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Draenei in Pathfinder (22 RP)

Medium Outsider (Native) (3 RP)

Avg Height
7'5" - Male
7' - Female
Avg Weight
292-508 lb
206-314 lb
Advanced (4 RP) + Enhanced Charisma (4 RP)
+4 STR
+2 INT
+2 WIS
+4 CHA
-2 DEX
(Language Quality)
Standard (0 RP) - Common and Draenei, as well as high intelligence
characters can
between celestial, orc, abyssal,
auran, aquan, ignan, terran.
(Inspiring Presence)
Nereid Fascination (3 RP) 1/day - Can inspire all allies within 20 feet and can pay attention
to , the draenei (as bardic performance), gives +1 morale
bonus against charm
and fear, +1 competence bonus on attack
and damage, lasts until the Draenei
is wounded below 50%
(rounded up) of current maximum HP.
(Shadow Resistance)
Deathless Spirit (3 RP)
Benefit: Members of this race gain resistance 5 against negative
damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain
a negative level, and they
gain a +2 racial bonus on saving
throws against death effects, energy drain,
negative energy,
and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school.
Craftsman (1 RP)
Benefit: +2 Craft or Profession on anything involving gemstone
(Gift of the Naaru)
Draenei (Gnome) Magic (3 RP)
Benefit: +1 to the DC of spells of Conjuration school. Also,
Draenei with a
charisma score of 11 or higher gain the
following spell like abilities (caster
level equal to the user's
character level)
1/day -- Draenei (Infernal) Healing (Good version), Remove Sickness
(Weapon Familiarity)
Draenic Glass (1 RP)
Benefit: Draenei are all proficient with all draenic weapons
(exotic), and
all hammers.
Special: This does not give proficiency with the relevant weapon
made of draenic glass. This does give the draenei the exotic proficiency

needed to forgo the Fragile quality of the material.

Alternate Racial Traits:
Arcanist at Heart: Where some draenei favor being in the thick of the battle
alongside many allies, some are just not built that way. Staying indoors and
spending more time on studies and faith, they cultivate a different lifestyle.
Draenei with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus to cast arcane spells
defensively, and are immune to light based blindness and dazzle effects.
They are treated as one level higher when determining effects of any light
based spells or effects they cast (including spell like abilities). If they have an
intelligence of 10 or higher, they gain the following spell like ability.
At Will - Light
Replaces the +4 Racial to Strength
Eredar Taint - The draenei are a subset of a parent race, their cousins are the
evil eredar, where
the Draenei fight for and worship light, the Eredar bend fel magics to their
will, becoming scions of darkness in stark contrast to their beacon of light
counter parts. Draenei with this racial trait gain +1 to the DC of any
necromantic spells they cast. Any draenei with 11+ wisdom can also cast:
1/day : Bleed, Chill Touch, Detect Poison, Touch of Fatigue
This replaces Touch of the Naaru
Guardian at Heart - Some just don't follow the faith as strongly as the others,
and train their bodies and talents to be the best they can be. Usually more fit,
larger, and iconic adonises of their race, the Guardians strive to succeed in
the ways of the body. Draenei with this racial trait are treated as having +10
racial bonus to their speed to charge, run or withdraw. They also have a long,
flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons
with their tails, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their
persons as a swift action. And finally, they gain a secondary natural attack in
the form of two sharp hooves (1d4).
This replaces the +4 bonus to Charisma
Hero of the Draenei - While all draenei are capable of rousing allies to great
fervor, others seek to inspire through their actions alone, and gain great skill
at that very thing. Draenei with this racial trait, in a campaign using the
optional hero point system, gain 2 points a level instead of 1. Draenei with
the blood of heroes feat gain 3 points instead of 2.
This replaces either the +4 bonus to strength or the +4 bonus to
Intense Sigil - Favored by messages conveyed in holy private between their
godlike benefactors and themselves, these Draenei's sigils can glow brightly
on command. Even when quashed, they give a slight luminsescence. Draenei
with this racial trait can create light centered on their forehead at will as a
spell like ability. When using the sigil, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on
intimidate checks on evil creatures and saves against blindness and dazzled.

This replaces Darkvision

Pariah to Naaru-light - Some who aren't quite Eredar still don't embrace the
light as vicariously as their brothers and sisters. While still fond of their kin in
some ways, they find out they can shut out their benefactors in order to feel
the connections deeper inside, and try to make way for Eredar magic.
Draenei with this racial trait can, as a free action, be treated as an undead for
purposes of effect of positive and negative energy (positive harming, and
negative healing), this lasts for one minute.
Draenei who take this trait receive only Draenei as a base
language, and those
with a higher intelligence can only pick between Common, Orc,
and Abyssal
Shield of Light - Some draenei learn to call upon their benefactors with
greater skill. While their innate fortitude suffers as they learn to rely on their
masters, their loyalty is unwavering, as is the service of their patron. Draenei
with this racial trait gain spell resistance 6+ their character level against
spells and spell like abilities with the evil descriptor.
This replaces Shadow Resistance
Trained against the Dark: Some draenei put all other worries and studies
behind their innate skill to combat the beings of the dark. Draenei with this
racial trait have their negative energy resistance increased to resist 10 points
of negative energy damage instead of 5.
This replaces Weapon Familiarity and Jewelcrafting
World Traveler - Many draenei find their ways to far off places. While they see
and learn new things and grow distant to their faith, they always remember
what drives them on, and are hardy in spirit and body. Draenei with this
racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair
effects. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, draenei with
this trait may immediately reroll and use the second result. They also gain
low light vision.
This replaces Jewelcrafting and Darkvision.
Draenei Favored Classes:
Cleric - +1/2 healing per die to spells and spell like abilities
Alternate Subdomain:
Replaces the Healer's Blessing power of the Healing Domain:
Spirit of Redemption:
Upon reaching their negative con rating of Hit points, the cleric may as an
immediate action, form into a Spirit of Redemption. The spirit of redemption

is an immobile spirit that forms out of their body (the body vanishes during
this time), huge sized and glowing with white-blue light. They may speak as
normal in this form, and cast any spell or spell like abilities with the healing
descriptor, but tasked only to heal (Not to harm). All of these spells or spell
like abilities are treated as Empowered (As empower spell), Reach (As Reach
Spell), and Quickened (As Quicken Spell, limit 2 spells per round). These heals
can be any known by the cleric, and nor does the cleric require to have any
spell slots left for the day to cast them. However, this is not without cost. The
effect lasts 3 rounds, and after the cleric is dead, and cannot be revived by
immediate means such as Breath of Life. (Resurrection works normally).
Replacement Domain Spells - 2nd - Soothing Word, 6th - Banishment, 7th Bestow Grace of the Champion
Draenei Feats:
Arcane Brilliance:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Arcanist at Heart, Caster Level 6th
Benefit: Choose one metamagic feat that increases spell level and
casting time by 2+, and reduce that number by one.
Draenic Glass Expertise:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Draenic Glass Proficiency
Benefit: As a swift action, before the attack is rolled the draenei can
lower the Critical threat range of their weapon by half rounded down(18-20
becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 20, 20 cannot be lowered), in order to
increase their critical multiplier by one.
Special: As an immediate action after a critical is confirmed, a draenei
with this feat can shatter their weapon, embedding the gems in their foe's
flesh. The foe is afflicted with a bleed equal to the critical multiplier of the
weapon + the enhancement bonus. Any relevant enchantments can modify
the type of damage or enhancement bonus, but otherwise cannot add
damage. (Flaming enchantments would let the damage benefit from fire
vulnerability, Bane would increase the damage by the enhanced
enhancement bonus, but the bonus dice from it or an effect such as
Wounding do not apply)
Undeniable Valor:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Inspiring Presence
Benefit: You may use your Inspiring Presence once more per day. This
feat stacks.
Inspiring Aura:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Inspiring Presence
Benefit: Increase your Inspiring Presence Range by 20 ft. This feat
Special: Upon taking this feat, the Draenei also gains a special link with
those within it's
range, you can always succeed on a check to
convince an ally that you are
indeed their ally (if in fact you are,
bluffing is impossible). By the same means,
no foe would falsely find
you to be their ally (if in fact you are their foe). This is
a mind-

affecting effect.
As a free action, you can announce your position by this effect to
allies and
enemies, as a beacon of hope for allies, or a symbol of
dread to foes.
Powerful Presence:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Inspiring Presence, Character Level 8th
Benefit: Increase the bonuses of your inspiring presence by +1
Special: You may take this feat again at 16th Level
Call of the Naaru:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Inspiring Presence, Naaru Subdomain, Spirit of
ability, Character Level 14th, Must be Good
Benefit: As an immediate action any time you would , you may
sacrifice your life for that of your allies in a burst of light. You may take your
remaining HP and divide it as you see fit between a warming light of healing
for allies or searing light to your evil enemies. This hp can be split in any way
between allies, or done as an attack to any undead or evil outsider (Will save
for half, DC 10 + Character Level + Charisma). You may immediately go into
Spirit of Redemption healing after this explosion as normal. Any targets
chosen by the heal or attack must be within range of the Inspiring Presence.
Special: Your Spirit of Redemption duration is increased by 3 rounds,
plus 1 for each Feat involving Inspiring Presence you have.. This applies any
time you would use the power.
Loved by the Light:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Gift of the Naaru racial trait.
Benefit: Once per day, on any spell or spell like ability of the healing
school, or that heals ability point damage, after the roll is made but before
results revealed, you may reroll the dice used in the heal. You must take the
results of the re-roll.
Hand of the Naaru:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Gift of the Naaru racial trait, Loved by the Light
Benefit: You can channel 1d6 of positive energy once per day as a
supernatural ability.
Fast On Their Hooves:
Prerequisite: Draenei
Benefit: Increase your base land speed by 10 feet.
Special: This stacks with fleet. However, the bonus increased by fleet is
affected by
load, the 10 feet by Fast Hooves is not.
Shackling Spell:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Able to cast Consecrate
Benefit: An evil outsider or evil undead affected by a shackling spell is
subject to
being entangled equal to the level of the spell. Any
creature already under the effect of one shackling spell and struck by
another, is given a will check (DC equal to Caster DC of spell that level), and

upon failure, is subject to a trap the soul spell, duration equal to twice the
spell level in rounds. The body will appear to be trapped in chains of light, but
in truth is inaccessible, and immobile while the spell is in effect.
Level Increase: +3 (A Shackling spell uses a spell slot three higher then
the spell's actual
Soulbinding Spell:
Prerequisite: Draenei, Must be Evil, Able to cast Desecrate
Benefit: Functions as Shackling spell, but works on Good outsiders,
Humanoids, and Monstrous Humanoids. Targets appear to be in tendrils of
Level Increase: +4
New Spell:
Totems (Not Draenei specific but can be made, summon creature, creature is
immobile and has crap ac and hp, but at will buffs a single spell)

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