Black Jesus White Washed
Black Jesus White Washed
Black Jesus White Washed
Buddha was Black, that's why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls,
pepper corn style or corn rows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid
features ...wide nose and full lips. So was Zaha of Japan, Fu-Hsi of China, Tyr of
Scandinavia, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Sommonacom of Siam and Isis of Egypt and Rome.
Krishna of India was "blue-black," in fact his means black, or the Black One! (see
dictionary). He is always portrayed with
blue or blue-black skin. Mohammed, founder of Islam was also 'bluish' in color with
'frizzy' hair. His grandfather was "black as the night."
Moses was Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits. His hand
would turn white, then back to his "other flesh" when God wished to give him a sign.
(Ex. 4:6,7). Lao Tse of Taosim was "a divine incarnation ...born of a virgin black in
complexion and as beautiful as jasper." (Thorton: History of China
Vol. 1)
The chief title of Osiris, the greatest of Egyptian gods means "Lord
of the Perfect Black." He was also called "The Great Black," similar to Krishna.
The chief title of Zeus, greatest of the Greek gods was "Ethiops" which means "burnt
faced." Early statues of gods in India have Africoid features and woolly or locked hair.
The name of the Mexican god Ixtliton means "blacked faced." In fact, many ancient
Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features. Once banned, The World's
Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves reveals remarkable knowledge on this
subject, along with
Anacalypis by Godfrey Higgins and African Origins of the Major World Religions by Amon
Saakana, ed. Many Bible stories are borrowed from ancient Egypt, Sumer and India, as
documented in John Jackson's Christianity Before Christ.
Nappy hair is 'divine' - the choice of God!
Like Christ, "His son" and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has kinky,
nappy hair -according tot he Bible, where God or the "Ancient of Days" is described as
having "hair like the pure wool." (Dan. 7:9) The Power that causes galaxies to spiral,
and planets & atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the DNA molecules
-this same spiraling power causes spiraling
hair... otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair!
Did Jesus have dredlocks?
Jesus was a Nazarite: a vow of Nazarites was to never cut his hair but "let the locks of
the hair of his head grow." (Nm. 6:2,5, Lv. 19:27; 21:5) The word Nazarite is from nazar,
meaning unshorn. Wolly nappy hair, if simply washed & dried but never combed or
brushed, will naturally entwine into long locks as it grows. Samson, the most famous
example of locked hair, had seven locks.
Hair is really antennae
which can receive and transmit energy! A Rastafarian explains that dredlocks are a
quality of Black people; they "are high-tension wires," which transmits divine energy
and inspiration from Jah [God], the creator, to Rasta, the mirror." (Nicholas/Sparrow:
Rastafari -A Way of Life)
As we awaken to true self-knowledge and self-acceptance this brings, the negative
racist conditioning with respect ot their natural spiraling, nappy hair as "bad" and
straighter hair as "good" will cease!
Re: Yeshua
original cross used by the early Christians was the Egyptian ANKH, a
looped cross which symbolizes everlasting life. The white man's false
replacement - the crucifix, is a symbol of death. (see page 27)
Other revealing books: I Barashango: God, The Bible & The Black Man's
Destiny, T. Doane: Bible Myths, G. Higgins: Anacalypsis, Ysuef
ben-Jochannan: African Origins of Major Western Relgions, D. Dudley:
History of the First Council of Nice. The Losts Books of the Bible & the
Forgotten Books of Eden.