Black Jesus White Washed

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Blacked out Through Whitewashed


Exposing the Greatest Coverups in "His-Story"

You probably already know that Christ was a Black man....
according to the Bible, called the "Lamb" of God, with kinky hair compared with lamb's
wool, feet the color of burnt brass (Rev. 1:14,15) and a likeness resembling jasper and
sardine stone (sard / sardonyx), which are commonly "brownish" stones. (Rev. 4:3). ALL
the earliest pictures and statues of Christ depict him as Black.
In the catacombs of Rome where images of Jesus appear for the first time, black
paintings and statues of Christ, the Madonna, Apostles and Biblical characters still
survive from early Christian worship.
The most sacred icons of the Catholic Church and also, prominent cathedrals in Europe
are the Black Madonna and Christ child. In the British Museum, a gold coin struck in the
time of the Roman emperor Justinian II, shows Christ wittightly curled, wooly hair. J.A.
Rogers reports in Sex & Race Vol. 1, p292 that the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co. says
that this coin places beyond doubt
"the fact that Jesus Christ was a Negro." How many white Christians in America would
remain Christians if they knew the truth about Jesus?
William Mosely supplies additional evidence in What Color Was Jesus?
Like Christ, ALL founders of world religions on ALL continents were BLACK and "woolly"
haired, including the earliest gods.

Buddha was Black, that's why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls,
pepper corn style or corn rows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid
features ...wide nose and full lips. So was Zaha of Japan, Fu-Hsi of China, Tyr of

Scandinavia, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Sommonacom of Siam and Isis of Egypt and Rome.
Krishna of India was "blue-black," in fact his means black, or the Black One! (see
dictionary). He is always portrayed with
blue or blue-black skin. Mohammed, founder of Islam was also 'bluish' in color with
'frizzy' hair. His grandfather was "black as the night."
Moses was Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits. His hand
would turn white, then back to his "other flesh" when God wished to give him a sign.
(Ex. 4:6,7). Lao Tse of Taosim was "a divine incarnation ...born of a virgin black in
complexion and as beautiful as jasper." (Thorton: History of China
Vol. 1)
The chief title of Osiris, the greatest of Egyptian gods means "Lord
of the Perfect Black." He was also called "The Great Black," similar to Krishna.
The chief title of Zeus, greatest of the Greek gods was "Ethiops" which means "burnt
faced." Early statues of gods in India have Africoid features and woolly or locked hair.
The name of the Mexican god Ixtliton means "blacked faced." In fact, many ancient
Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features. Once banned, The World's
Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves reveals remarkable knowledge on this
subject, along with
Anacalypis by Godfrey Higgins and African Origins of the Major World Religions by Amon
Saakana, ed. Many Bible stories are borrowed from ancient Egypt, Sumer and India, as
documented in John Jackson's Christianity Before Christ.
Nappy hair is 'divine' - the choice of God!
Like Christ, "His son" and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has kinky,
nappy hair -according tot he Bible, where God or the "Ancient of Days" is described as
having "hair like the pure wool." (Dan. 7:9) The Power that causes galaxies to spiral,
and planets & atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the DNA molecules
-this same spiraling power causes spiraling
hair... otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair!
Did Jesus have dredlocks?
Jesus was a Nazarite: a vow of Nazarites was to never cut his hair but "let the locks of
the hair of his head grow." (Nm. 6:2,5, Lv. 19:27; 21:5) The word Nazarite is from nazar,
meaning unshorn. Wolly nappy hair, if simply washed & dried but never combed or
brushed, will naturally entwine into long locks as it grows. Samson, the most famous
example of locked hair, had seven locks.
Hair is really antennae

which can receive and transmit energy! A Rastafarian explains that dredlocks are a
quality of Black people; they "are high-tension wires," which transmits divine energy
and inspiration from Jah [God], the creator, to Rasta, the mirror." (Nicholas/Sparrow:
Rastafari -A Way of Life)
As we awaken to true self-knowledge and self-acceptance this brings, the negative
racist conditioning with respect ot their natural spiraling, nappy hair as "bad" and
straighter hair as "good" will cease!

Re: Yeshua

Whites have done to "Original Christianity" what they've done to true

Like HIS-story, the white man's Christianity is False Christianity!
* The Christian Madonna is copied from the Egyptian Madonna. Worshiped
in Egypt & Rome, Black Isis & Horus her son was the model for the worship
of the Madonna & Christ. Millions of whites worship the Black Madonna &
Christ, found in Europe's most venerated shrines (formerly the sites of
temples of Isis). Titles such as Our Lady, The Great Mother, are the
same titles attributed to Isis. The word "Madonna" itself is from the
mater domina, a title used for Isis!
* The word Christ is from Krishna (Christna). Krishna was a great avatar
(savior) in India 3000 years before Jesus. The name of the historical
man was Jehoshua (or Jeshua), not Jesus.
* Jesus, the Panther? An original name for Jesus was "Jehoshau Ben
Pandira" which means "Jesus, son of the Panther!" (Blavatsky: The Secret
Doctrine) Even the Bible refers to him as "the Lion of the tribe of
Juda." (Rv. 5:5) Jesus in fact, was a "Black nationalist freedom
fighter.. whose goals were to free the Black people of that day from the
oppressive ... white Roman power structure and to build a Black nation."
Original Christianity of the Original Christians and Original Biblical
Books has been greatly changed, distorted, censored and reconstructed by
whites into a Fals Christianity which serves as a "weapon" and the
primary pillar of global white supremacy. (See page 27) Consider these

* Major altering and censoring of Biblical books were accomplished at the

Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. In addition, whole books were deleted from
the Bible. Evidence of missing Biblical books exists within the Bible
itself! These inclued the books of Jasher, Nathan, Shemaiah, Iddo and
Jehu -referred to in Nm. 21:14 /Josh. 10:13 / II Sam. 1:18 / I Chr. 29:29
/ and II Chr. 9:29, 12:15, 20:34. The Bible in its original form was the
product of an African people. Though it has been greatly "messed" with
by whites, much truth is still available when you know true history.
* The original early Christians were the Essenes, a Jewish sect in Palestine.
Jesus was an Essene. The earliest images of Jesus, his Mother, disciples
and Biblical characters, appear for the first time in the catacombs of
Rome where these early Christians (Essenes) buried their dead. They are
portrayed Black. These Essenes in fact, were the "early Christians" who
were brutally persecuted by the white Romans and often fed to the lions
for entertainment!
* The Original Christians Church was also African (Ethiopian). Its
original African founders and early saints were often martyred when this
church was usurped by the whties who replaced it with their counterfeit
Roman Catholic Church.
* The Dead See Scrolls exposes knowledge concealed by white False
Christianity. They prove that Christianity was an outgrowth of
Essenism. In The Dead Sea Scrolls & the Life of the Ancient Essenes, Dr.
R. Bernard writes "These scrolls reveal knowledge hidden from the world
ever since the Alexandrian library was burnt by the Toman churchmen in
order to purposely destroy it, because they considered it dangerous to
the existence and survival of the new religion (False Christianity) which
they eleaborated by alteraion of the original doctrines taught by the
Essenes centuries previously."
* Jesus "lost" years were deliberately concealed by Roman churchmen,
along with most of the deeper, esoteric teachings of Original
Christianity which inclued reincarnation & karma. Fragments of these
teachings remain in the Bible, for example: John the Baptist was the
reincarnation of Elijah (Elias) the Prophet (Mt. 11:11-14, Mal. 4:5).
Reincarnation & karma explain much of the seeming unbalances in teh
world. Other Biblical references for both: Job 1:21, Jn. 9:2, Mk. 8:27,
28, Rv. 13:10, Oba. 1:15. A book providing most of the Biblical
references is Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation (also see Montogomery: A World

Beyond) There is evidence that during Christs's "lost" years, he

traveled/studied in Egypt & India where the early Christians went for
advanced education. For light on Jesus' hidden years/teachings; Levi:
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
* The Christian Madonna is copied from the Egyptian Madonna. Worshiped
in Egypt & Rome, Black Isis & Horus her son was the model for the worship
of the Madonna & Christ. Millions of whites worship the Black Madonna &
Christ, found in Europe's most venerated shrines (formerly the sites of
temples of Isis). Titles such as Our Lady, The Great Mother, are the
same titles attributed to Isis. The word "Madonna" itself is from the
mater domina, a title used for Isis!
* The word Christ is from Krishna (Christna). Krishna was a great avatar
(savior) in India 3000 years before Jesus. The name of the historical
man was Jehoshua (or Jeshua), not Jesus.
* Jesus, the Panther? An original name for Jesus was "Jehoshau Ben
Pandira" which means "Jesus, son of the Panther!" (Blavatsky: The Secret
Doctrine) Even the Bible refers to him as "the Lion of the tribe of
Juda." (Rv. 5:5) Jesus in fact, was a "Black nationalist freedom
fighter.. whose goals were to free the Black people of that day from the
oppressive ... white Roman power structure and to build a Black nation."
(I Barashango) Schoenfield reports in The Passover Plot p 194: "Galilee,
were Jesus had lived... which wasthe home of the Jewish resistence
movement, suffered particularly. The Romans never ceased night and day
to devastate... pillage [and kill]." In The Black Messiah p91, Rev. A.B.
Cleage Jr. writes that Jesus was a revolutionary "who was leading a
[Black] nation into conflict against an [white] oppressor... It was
necessary that he be crucified because he taught revolution." Jesus
states "I have not come to send peace, but a sword." (Mt. 10:34)
* The world has had sixteen crucified saviors, all with virgin births,
accompanied by stars and other wonders. These saviors PREDATED Jesus by
thousands of years! Read The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviros by Kersey
* Christianity existed long before Christ! - well documented in John
Jackson's Christianity Before Christ. Many Bible stories, traditions,
special words were copied from Egypt, Sumer, India & other cultures.
Examples: The word hell is from "hel" (in dictionary), the underworld of
the Norse myths. The word Amen is from Egypt. The word EL or Al (in
Michael, Gabriel, Daniel, Elohim) was the Canaanite name for God. The

original cross used by the early Christians was the Egyptian ANKH, a
looped cross which symbolizes everlasting life. The white man's false
replacement - the crucifix, is a symbol of death. (see page 27)
Other revealing books: I Barashango: God, The Bible & The Black Man's
Destiny, T. Doane: Bible Myths, G. Higgins: Anacalypsis, Ysuef
ben-Jochannan: African Origins of Major Western Relgions, D. Dudley:
History of the First Council of Nice. The Losts Books of the Bible & the
Forgotten Books of Eden.

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