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“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.

E Historians of the Future, 2009





“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009


Historians of the future, All rights reserves, 2009

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

• About the worksheet ; Page 3
• Typical Examination Instructions; Page3
• For the students; Pages 3
• Section A: Module One Essay Questions (2003-2006) Pages 4-14
• Section B: Module Two Essay Questions (2003-2006) Pages 15- 25
• Section C: Short Answer Questions Module 1- 3 (2003- 2005) Pages 26- 40
• Bibliography; Page 40

About the Worksheet:

The worksheet is design to demonstrate how cape Caribbean Studies questions can be interpreted and
answered to achieve Maximum marks. From the Content, it is clear that it consists of THREE sections:

Section A: Module One Essay Questions

Section B: Module Two Essay Questions
Section C: Short Answer Questions

Typical Exams Instruction

1. The duration of Paper I is I hour 30 minutes. Candidates must answer 15 short answer questions.

2. The duration of Paper II is 3hours, which means that each question can get 45minutes of your
concentration. Candidates are asked to answer FOUR questions overall, Two from each module
presented on the paper.

3. You should NOT bring notes are other textual materials into the examination room for use during your

For the Students

Students are reminded that the questions set by the Examination Council are intended to assess the range
of content covered by the Syllabus. It is therefore important that a total coverage of the syllabus is done.
Candidates need to make their responses to questions informant and in doing so offer a high level of
analytical framework. It is therefore important for students to disregard their C.S.E.C. Level of
information. You are now older and should therefore know how to handle advanced questions. Just keep
in mind:

• Read questions carefully before you answer. The more you read the more you can highlight specific
details needed for the response.

• For this particular subject it is not necessary that students to recall over 7 or 8 points. Any four or five
points clearly explained can give you maximum marks.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009



1. CAPE 2003
Describe the factors that have led Caribbean migrants living in metropolitan countries to create a
“home away from home.”
(20 marks)

From the Post Independence Era, Caribbean people had seen it fit to migrate to the metropolitan
countries. Up to the 1980s, it was quite evident that more and more people migrate and the resultants are
seen on our families and levels of interaction among others. But, let us consider the factors in these
metropolitan countries that would allow these Caribbean people to create a “home away from home”, that
is to feel comfortable:

(a) For most parts, the Caribbean region is modeled off the metropolitan countries . We share
similar languages i.e. Spanish, English, Dutch and French, architectural styles, education, justice system,
crops, dishes etc. As such we can feel comfortable around the natives of the country we settle and merge
along with them over time.

(b) Many Caribbean people sought to promote the cultural activities of the region . They
organized carnivals, open Caribbean restaurants, introduce their means of entertainment e.g. reggae.
Literature, sports etc.

(c) Economic struggle is one of the main reason people decide to migrate, as such they are able to create a
home because there is the availability of employment . Since our educational systems are highly
similar, Caribbean people can apply and attain jobs in Metropolitan societies.

(d) Globalization makes the world smaller. Caribbean people are comfortable living away from home
because they can always know what is occurring in the region. For examples there is the availability of
Caribbean Newspapers (e.g. the stars and the Gleaner) through the internet.

(e) Many organizations are being formed throughout the globe which highlights current
issues in the Caribbean region e.g. The Caribbean Diaspora Organization.

(f) There are many factors that have caused them to move away in the first place. Such problems as natural
disasters, crime rates, over population and lack of technology among others. And there are factors in the
metropolitan countries that attached them in the first place, e.g. Technological advancement, low crime
rates, higher standards of living, better health facilities. It is therefore evident that another factor that
caused them to create “a home away from home” is the many pull and push factors existing in
the metropolitan and Caribbean region respectively .

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

2. CAPE 2003
Describe how the physical landscape has influenced settlement patterns in the region.
(20 marks)

As people of needs and wants we live in a society where “location” is a necessity. As such, the physical
landscape has influenced settlement patterns in the region. If one were to consider our history, it would
give an insight on the way we are influenced in contemporary Caribbean societies.

Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, Pre- Columbian society was very much organized and it revolved
around religion, agriculture, economy, and polities. The Indigenous populace (mainly the Caribs and
Tanios) settled in areas with much water and fertile lands as they sought out areas where they could have
plenty of resources to fit their nomadic lifestyle. The Europeans had come to the region in prospects of
exploiting such resources and in an attempt to do so have established the region into an economic unit
creating large scale plantations on the best suited lands. Hence from that we get most of our points.
Physical landscape influenced the way we settle in the region in the following manner:

(a) The availability of Physical Resources : People are included to live in close proximity to their
work place. Thus the availability of physical resources and the consequent development of industries
attract high population densities. For example. Mining of bauxite near Mandeville in Jamaica and the
refining of petroleum at Point- a – Pierre in Trinidad have resulted in high densities of population
(settlement patterns) in these areas.

(b) The physical Features of the Land : It is quite evident that the physical features of the land
determine the patterns of settlement. Flat or gently undulating lands are more attractive for settlements
than mountains or swampy areas. Little people settle in the Blue Mountains as opposed to the Liguanea
plains in Jamaica.

(c) People tend to live where there is the availability of Infrastructure . Infrastructure is determined
by the physical landscape. Good roads are ideal on flat lands; water, electricity, schools, medical facilities,
postal services and police stations are mostly found on areas that the physical landscape are capable to
fulfill their purposes. People tend to settle in areas where certain comforts are afforded. These therefore
influence the way industries are set out and as mentioned before people tend to live in areas near to their

(d) Some areas are prone to disasters and these are not considered ideal for settlement. In contemporary
society, people avoid settling in areas where volcanoes are (e.g. in Montserrat) or areas with much soil
erosion (e.g. in Haiti and beside any river bank).
“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(e) The fertility of the land is a great way that suggests how the landscape influences settlements. In an
economic driven society, agriculture is an ideal occupation. In Trinidad for example, the western half of
the island is rich and fertile and can be easily cultivated as opposed to the areas in the east which are much
drier. Areas which are swampy, densely forested or has prevailing winds hinder the way
people settle.

3. CAPE 2003
During the Past three decades Caribbean music and Caribbean Festivals have gained widespread
acceptance internationally. Analyze the nature of this impact for the Caribbean.
(30 marks)
From the days of Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley, International countries have seen the consciousness of
Caribbean music and they embraced it. They looked beyond our music as they realize the potentials of the
Caribbean region and they saw it fit to engage activity in our music (i.e. Reggae, calypso) festivals,
carnivals etc. This has brought quite a “spot light” on the region, and its impacts are widespread.
Positive Impacts
(a) It showcases the island’s diversity in cultures. As such it creates a market where people can come
and enjoy these cultures. More profits are therefore generated as more people want to come and experience
the music and festivals thus promoting Tourism. As one can recall, Tourism is one of the main
economic sectors of the Caribbean.

(b) As the growth of Tourism and the knowledge of Caribbean music circumnavigate the globe, more
people become interesting in the industries. This means that the region sees quite a lot of foreign

(c) More foreign investment in the Caribbean cultures benefits the overall Caribbean society. There is
development in technology, physical and human resources as well as many infrastructures e.g. roads,

(d) It gives the region an overall “Identity” as their music, festivals, and means of entertainment brings
them recognition. For example, Jamaica is known around the world as the Island of Reggae, Trinidad is
known for its Carnivals and festivities. Not only does this help with the image of the Caribbean but it
pumps pride and nationalism in its people to know that they are “unique”.

Negative Impacts

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(a) As the Caribbean showcase its music and festivals more and more people from aboard aims to utilize its
growing prosperity. The increase in foreign investors only means that people aim to benefit from it and
therefore is exploitation the region’s culture .

(b) To fulfill their economic needs and meet with the demand of music, the people who invest in the culture
of the Caribbean have to constantly promote it. Not only that, but to make it more appreciable with
people of different cultures they sometimes try to merge our music with other genres such as rock, R&B
and hip hop among other things. This increase in commercialization and intermixture with
other genres means that there is loss of pureness of the Caribbean Music.

(c) There is a constant question of: Who benefit more ? International Investors may bring a few benefits
to the region but they also bring a lot of problems with the people. For most parts most of the benefits
that come from the promotion of our cultures are going towards them and not the people of the region.
This sometimes causes tension as people believe that if profits ought to be made then the Caribbean
people are the ones to be given it.

(d) With the increase involvements of International investors and the growing levels of Tourism, the regions
see the introduction of new cultures and so this leads to “cultural plurality”. As such many individuals
(especially the younger generation) begin to lose their cultures due to inter-culturization.

4. CAPE 2003/2006
Discuss the challenges of Caribbean society as it seeks to achieve national unity in the context of
cultural diversity.
(30 marks)

The Caribbean Society has that similarity in history, geography, cultures and experiences which sets it apart from
other regions of the world and thus gives it its Identity. A shared identity and experience or the subsequent
embracing of different experiences that define the Caribbean will promote development as persons will be working
for the greater good of the region as opposed to the sole benefits of their community/ segment of society.
Historically, the Caribbean region had always sought to unite themselves into one main political, economic and
social body. This they see as importance as it would promote economic prosperity, as well as protect individual
countries of the region from the exploitation of bigger countries such as the U.S.A.
It is after all important to note that the Caribbean is still a very cultural diverse region as evident by its common
state of multiculturalism. This can be a hindrance to the uniting/ federating process if persons remain in segregated
groups based on their history as opposed to identifying themselves as a part of the general Caribbean and as such
will be hesitant to participate in the process which will lead to the development of not just a section but all of the
As such it is important to note the many challenges the Caribbean region has as it seeks to achieve national unity:

(a) There is still a high level of insularity and social tension among the Caribbean people. We all share
different cultures and experiences and this set us apart from each other. This cultural diversity and experiences
creates a frame of mind in the people. As such people see themselves as ‘Jamaicans” or “Trinidadians” instead of
“West Indians”.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(b) People still do not understand the concept of Caribbean Unity, nor do they see the importance of this unity. In
order for us to fully unity people need to have an ideal understanding of the concept. It is after all evident that
some sees it as purely economical, social or political. They should understand that uniting means enforcing all our
common experiences, cultures.

(c) One of the main reasons for our cultural diversity has to be with our geographical locations. Though the
Caribbean is located in one geographical area, the countries of the region aren’t. This distance between us create a
problem of merging as well as communication.

(d) The Caribbean is modeled off the government of their metropolitan countries. While Jamaica comes from a
British background, Guadeloupe is from a French framework. These political differences posed a problem of
relations. Furthermore, most of the countries that even share the same political systems have changed over time. For
instance, for the British West Indian Countries the government sought to change their appearance after their
independences. In the Post- Independence era different laws, rules precedents etc. are added which are unique to
that particular country. These political differences will create tension and problems if the region is placed under
one political system.

(e) Historically, the Caribbean aims of uniting have always been under threat because the people of the region do not
trust each other fully. This was evident in the West Indian Federation of 1958. Some countries believe that those
countries of a poorer nature are exploiting their economic growth, the level of competition allow some countries to
reject the freedom of movement, or common currency etc.

Try it yourself

CAPE 2006- 45 minutes

“All a we is one”.
Discuss the social challenges faced by Caribbean people in achieving Caribbean unity.
(30 marks)

5. CAPE 2004
Discuss the causes of Social Stratification in Caribbean Countries.
(20 marks)

Social inequality is the uneven distribution of wealth, power, prestige and influence (Tischler 2002). Social
stratification exists when this inequality becomes patterned and institutionalized. As such, social stratification is
structured social inequality. Haralambos and Halborn (2002) believes that social stratification refers to the
presence of distinct social groups ranked one above the other based on such merits as prestige, influence and power.

The social structure of the Caribbean has been greatly influenced by the impact of colonialism and its attendant
factors. Ascriptive factors such as Race and the complexion of one’s skin have contributed significantly in
determining the life chances of Caribbean peoples. These factors were quite evident during the periods of slavery
and Indentureship. Today, although social mobility is premised upon achieved factors such as education, there are
still vestiges of the past and ascriptive factors still continue to play a role.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(a) The Plantation Society/ colour : Caribbean Sociologists have linked the social inequality present in
contemporary society to the retention of the beliefs and activities that occurred during slavery. On the plantations,
planters taught the slaves that colour is the main determinant of their living standards i.e. they were slaves because
they have an inferior colour. Beckford notes that our system of Social stratification and population structure came
directly from the plantation system, where light complexion, and European physical features were considered better
than a black person.

(b) Indentureship/ race : The Indentureship period carries that notion of race and ethnicity as a main way to
stratify people. Out of slavery, Europeans and Africans were divided on their race, and then by the late 1800s, with
the introduction of new races and ethnic groups in the Caribbean we see a plural society based on Stratification.
Smith notes that the Indentureship creates a plural society where people “mix but do not mingle”. Both
Indentureship as well as slavery has created relatively small and racially ethnically fragmented societies.

(c) Education: In contemporary society, people are mostly stratified on basis of their education; this is mostly
because we are living in a meritocratic society. People use education to determine the type of jobs an individual
attains and thus determine the class on which an individual is placed. In is evident that an individual with an
education background would more likely be in the middle class than the lower class.

(d) Wealth: It is evident that economic inequality is the main cause of the formation of different stratus. One’s
wealth determines the class they are placed in society. The lack of wealth means that you are in the lowest class as
opposed to those in the upper class who are affluence. For instance in Trinidad, even though the proportion of
whites is small, they occupy some elite position in society because of their economic prosperity.

(e) Lack of fluidity in the social classes : As mentioned before the people of the Caribbean are still using the
ascriptive factors based on their history stratify them. As such even with the increase in wealth and education
people are still treated differently because of their colour, gender, race etc. There is therefore little flow of people
between two classes.

6. CAPE 2005
Explain how the tourist industry has helped to shape patterns of behaviour within Caribbean
(20 marks)

Positive Impacts of Tourism on Caribbean people’s behaviour

(a) Tourism is an important source of foreign exchange. It helps create numerous jobs in the Caribbean society with
respect to food, airlines, construction, entertainment etc These economic benefits have increased some persons
standard of living and has increased their consumption patterns of international consumer goods.

(b) There are rapid changes in the actions of the Government. Since tourism is such an important part of the
economy, the government must ensure the well being of the visitors as well as the locals. There is therefore
accelerated attempt by the local and regional government to decrease social illnesses because of fear that it might
decrease tourist arrival.

(c) There is the revitalization of unique cultural patterns that might help to market the region as a tourist

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Negative Impacts of Tourism on Caribbean people’s behaviour

(a) Prostitution and Immorality : What may be upheld as an appropriate standard of behaviour differ from one
country to another. Some segments of the population in the Caribbean view with serious reservations the impact of
mass tourism on the traditional values of the people. Resentment stem from the fact that homosexuals and lesbians
from foreign countries are brought to our shores. The level of unemployment also fosters the growth of
prostitution which seen by some nations as a viable economic option to poverty and hardship. The rise of
prostitution eventually leads to health problems with the consequential spread of venereal diseases such as HIV or

(b) Brain Drain: Sociologists are concerned about the influences that the thousands of tourist who flocked our
shores annually have on the behaviour of the social population. Tourists are seen as citizens of developed countries
who possess wealth and affluences. This contrasts sharply with Caribbean countries where unemployment and
poverty are widespread. It is interesting to discover the extent to which this fines the imagination of the average
person in the Caribbean who wants to get a piece of the “better lives.” In search of higher standards of living the
young people decide to migrate rapidly.

(c) Cultural plurality leads to the cultural erosion as persons try to mimic the cultural patterns of the tourists at
the expense of their local or regional cultures. As such there is the introduction of new fashion of behaviours in
Caribbean society with respect to fashion, language etc.

7. CAPE 2004
Discuss the view that a “Caribbean Identity” is more clearly evident among Caribbean nationals who
meet outside the region than it is among nationals in the Caribbean itself.
(30 marks)

(a) Caribbean people come from a very diverse background which does not help them to identify with each other
and as such there are differences due to: insularity, colonial heritage, the physical nature of the archipelago, social
stratification and ethnic separation. Hence as a people within the region we are unable to be fully united.
(b) Caribbean nationals overseas are nostalgic, lonely, meet through a celebration of Caribbean sports and culture and
organizations are more united than persons in the region.


“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(a) As Caribbean people are united as a region which is evident in: common history, high regard for sports especially
cricket, common inheritance of norms and values of plantation society e.g. Caribbean economic community and
Caribbean court of appeal. Hence despite our differences there are elements that unite us.

(b) Caribbean nationals overseas although they are nostalgic, lonely, meet through a celebration of Caribbean sports
and culture and organizations are not more united than persons in the region as the Caribbean events that they
partake in are seasonal.

Try it yourself
CAPE 2005- 45 minutes
Drawing on your own experiences, discuss the extent to which the concept of “Caribbean Identity” is a
myth or a reality.
(30 marks)
CAPE 2006- 45 minutes
“The notion of a “Caribbean Identity” is more a myth than a reality”. To what extent do you agree with
this statement?
(30 marks)

8. CAPE 2004
Assess the measures that Caribbean countries can realistically undertake to minimize the dangers posed
by earthquakes.
(30 marks)

An earthquake is a vibration of a series of vibration due to sudden movements of crustal rocks. In the Caribbean
earthquakes tend to originate in the seas and the earthquake zone extends from Grenada to St. Kitts and up to
Jamaica and West of Trinidad. In the Caribbean several hundred tremors are felt yearly, some too small to be
measured. It is after all important for us to understand that an earthquake cannot be stopped nor prevented from
occurring, however, many precautions are being developed. Such precautions include:

(a) Buildings in earthquake zones are being designed and constructed to resist earthquake shaking. Programmes are
also put in place to strengthen and tear down weak buildings. For examples, some hotels in the region are made so
as to shift along with the earth so as to prevent major damages.

(b) There is the selective use of lands to minimize the effects of hazardous grounds. There is therefore strict
enforcement of building codes. High- occupancy buildings or critical structures should not be placed or built near
the faults or on land- slide areas.

(c) The Government invests in the upgrading of monitoring technology which aims to predict future earthquakes
based on numerous environmental issues. Accurate predictions of earthquakes will permit timely evacuation of the
most hazardous buildings.

(d) There is increase public awareness of the natural disasters. One ought to know about the causes and effects of the
disaster. With increase education of the public about the issue, people would understand the best precautions suited
for them. This may achieve in writings in the newspaper, messages on the television (PSAs) etc.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(e) The government and the people of the region can organize regular earthquakes drills. There should also be the
securing and implementing of evacuation routes.

Earthquakes are one of those natural disasters that are quite difficult to predict or control. There is little we can do
when an earthquake should come; however, they are certain precautions that can be taken to ensure our lives, in case
of an earthquake.

9. CAPE 2004
Describe the value of coral reefs to Caribbean Society and Culture.
(20 marks)

(a) Tourism : Reefs are noted for their natural fish marine environment. In this way, reefs are valuable to tourism
e.g. sightseeing, snorkeling and serve as a foreign exchange money earner. Countries such as Barbados, Bahamas
Island, Bermuda Island and Jamaica depend greatly upon Tourism. Reefs draw hundreds of thousands of tourist
annually. This provides an essential foreign revenue source. The underwater scenery is attractive to look at e.g.
pristine coral reefs are located at Bucco Reef in Tobago and Coral Gardens off Salisbury in Dominica.

(b) Coastline Protection : Coral reefs are useful in shielding coastlines from the effects of wave erosion. Reefs
protect coastal villages, coastal lowlands and hotels from marine destruction. Fishermen are able to shelter their
boats in the calm water of reef lagoons. Reefs therefore create the natural breakwater for strong waves.

(c) Fishing : Reefs are important to fishing. Many coastal communities depend on the reef for fishing as a
livelihood. Fish varieties abound due to the natural coral habitat which provides an assortment of fish food. Reefs
are therefore the breeding grounds for fish and other marine life. The barrier reef in Belize, for example, is the
home of ten hard Coral and over 430 species of fish. Reefs provide Habitats, shelter and food for marine fauna and

(d) Beaches : Many sandy beaches are made up of coral materials and from other shell creatures living among the
reefs. Reefs not only prevent beach erosion but it provides aesthetic value to the region
beaches. These beaches form a major tourist attraction in the Caribbean.

(e) Medicinal Value : Corals consist of medicinal properties which under investigation are useful as anti- cancer
drugs, anti-biotics and anti- coagulants. The boulder corals are used as a model for bone implants.

10. CAPE 2005

Describe how education, as a social institution, impacts on Caribbean society and culture.
(20 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

John Macionis (2003) defines education as “the social institution guiding a society’s transmission of
Knowledge – including basic facts, jobs skills and also cultural norms and values to the members”. The
educational systems which evolved in the Caribbean were shaped in no small way by the region’s history.
Some of these events include conquest and colonization by powers, slavery, the Europeans dominated
power structure, a single export crop, East Indian Indentureship and the development of a stratification
system based largely on race and colour. It is evident that Education as a social institution impacts on
Caribbean society and culture. This is both positive and negative:

Positive effects of education on Caribbean society and culture

(a) Hallikay (1991) observed that education had a direct link to the political process. It is therefore an ideal
tool to foster the ideology of nationalism. Education is used to engender modernization of Caribbean

(b) Education acts as a vehicle of social mobility in the Caribbean and so help people to improve their
standard of living.

(c) Education enforces certain laws, cultures, values, skills and cultural patterns in the Caribbean People.
This transmission of information produces a common “Identity” among the Caribbean people, and
contributes to cultural retention among the people over time. Increase in educational campaign also serves
to revitalize some cultural patterns that are losing significance with the younger generation.

Negative effects of education on Caribbean society and culture

(a) It is evident that some ideas are enforced in education over others. As such, there tends to be an idea of
inequality in the educational system as the views of one group of people is more enforce in the teaching
process. Most Caribbean Sociologist identifies this as a “hidden curriculum”.

(b) Despite its good intentions, the educational system mirrors that of industrialized countries, which
discriminates to some extent against members of the lower social and economic classes in the selective
process. The educational system tends to direct the young towards educational and social choices that are
strongly linked to their social class background and which lead to the maintenance of the class structure.

(c) Education is one of the main ways in which people view each other and so it causes social stratification
in the Caribbean (given of course, that we are a meritocratic society). It legitimizes social inequality by
promoting the idea that people belong to a specific class because they refused to pursue education.

11. CAPE 2005

To what extent do European cultural institutions continue to dominate Caribbean society and Culture?

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(30 marks)

Cultural/Social institution represents an enduring organization or organized system of behaviourial patterns that
each society develops to meet its basic needs. Social institutions provide routine patterns for dealing with
predictable patterns of societal life (social life). Cultural/Social institutions include family, religion,
economy, politics, education, legal system, and mass- media .

Many people argue that the European cultural institutions continue to dominate the Caribbean society and culture.
To support their argument they claim that since the colonization of the Caribbean, the Europeans have settled the
region for our four hundred years until the region pursue its independence. As such, it is evident that the Caribbean
region is fashioned off our European counterparts with respects to our social institutions. In opposition quite a
number of people believe that though the European influence is still evident in Caribbean culture and society, it is
not true that they dominate them. This is mainly as we as a people, tend to change over time and as such change
our cultures rapidly. Specific social institutions will be discussed:

(a) Religion:
European religious beliefs are very much dominant in the Caribbean Society. Christianity (both Roman
Catholicism and Protestant) is the most influential and dominant religious body in the Caribbean society and it
influences our laws, values and beliefs. However, many Caribbean indigenous religions influence the masses as
well. Rastafarianism, Voodoo and Revivalism among others are important religious bodies that are unique to the
Caribbean. Over time they have merged their doctrines with those of the Christian faith. Other religious bodies
brought during Indentureship such as Hinduism and Buddhism have also becoming increasing popular. As such it
is not true that European religion continue to dominate the region.

(b) Education
The educational system is by far one of the most important cultural institutions of the Caribbean region. It is after
all needless to say, that the Caribbean educational system has greatly been shaped by the European system of
education. The way we spell, speak, communicate and teach others are directly fashioned off our European
counterpart so much so that even now, a Caribbean individual can apply and attain a job in European countries
using our educational background. However, it is important to learn how the Caribbean educational system is
changing. It is evident that the aim of education in the new politically independent societies was to foster equality
of opportunity, attain social mobility and engender development and modernization of economic. Nevertheless,
the European educational system is still dominant in the region.

(c) Government/ legal systems

European influences are still quite evident in our justice system. We as Caribbean people accept the government
model of our once parent country e.g. Jamaica is model off Britain and St. Martin is model of that of France.
Though we have more away from their system deeply using our own precedents and laws, be still use their system
for a platform. Furthermore, the Europeans still have influences in our government today. The French Islands are
still interdependent of France for example. Even so, the British Caribbean countries still use the Privy Council
which is court of English judges. Attempts have been made to change it to the Caribbean based Court.

(d) Economy
Europeans have surely left their marks on the economy of the region. We normally accept those left by our
experience with Plantation slavery and so to this day, the cultivation of sugar cane is still a very important

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

economical activity. However, it must be noted the dynamic abilities of the Caribbean people. We have diversified
the region’s economy significantly by the introduction of new crops, exporting of bauxite and oil etc.

(e) Family
European family structure as captured in the Caribbean during the Pre emancipation era was the master
with his wife along with their children; thus a nuclear family. Though it is evident that the Caribbean
has numerous emerging nuclear patterns it is evident that other family structures are emerging in the
region. Extended families which come out of Indentureship and the growing Matrifocal family are more
evident in society than the nuclear family. While it is evident that European influences have shaped most
of our social institution such as family, religion, education and political system, it is not significantly true
that their influences are still dominant in the region. We as a dynamic group of people have gotten
ourselves different internal and external factors that have changed their influences during the Post-
independence era.

Practice Essays Questions

It is important to note that a candidate needs simply a good introduction and at least FOUR
strong points along with a conclusion to get maximum marks. Though it is necessary for one to
have as much points as needed, a student should not waste time addressing all of them. Remember
you have a maximum of 45 minutes per question.

1. Describe the different ways in which extra-regional countries influence society and culture in the
(20 marks)

2. Describe, in reference to your own country, examples of the reassure and retention of cultural
(20 marks)

3. Identify FOUR values that are associated with education in the Caribbean. Explain how these values
have shaped your choices and behaviours.
(20 marks)

4. Describe the influence of religion on Caribbean society and culture.

(20 marks)


“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009



1. CAPE 2003
Describe how ONE art form or expression of popular culture has contributed significantly to the
economic development of Caribbean countries.
(20 marks)

One may choose to discuss on either an art form or expression of popular culture. As such
candidates may address Music, Dance, Drama or Art and Sculpture for art forms and for
popular culture one may choose Rastafarianism, Carnivals, Literature, Reggae etc.

For this answer we will look at the popular culture: Rastafarianism

Popular culture may include a range of expressions of creativity that are accessible to, produced by, and
enjoyed by, the majority of a society. Popular culture has been one important means by which, even in days of
colonialism and slavery, people were able to express their identity. Popular culture helped to preserve parts of
the heritage of various ethnic groups that were brought into the region. Caribbean popular culture in recent
years is being marketed all over the world. Calypso, carnival, reggae, literature and the steel pan, have not gone
unnoticed across the globe.

It is quite clear that many people in the Caribbean embrace their Rastafarian identity. Rastafarianism as a
popular culture is seen in our music, fashion and food among other things. This popular culture has
contributed significantly to our Caribbean society economically in the following ways:

(a) Rastafarians have greatly been associated to the rise and development to Reggae Music. Reggae has
set the pace for Caribbean music and is incorporated in many genres across the work. Bob Marley, being a
Rastafarian, during his days as one of the pioneers of Reggae popularity suggests the role played by this
popular culture in the music of the region. People from all over the world travel to Jamaica to experience
Reggae music first hands and this bring economic benefits to our country/ region.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(b) Rastafarians by themselves attract tourism to the region. People across the world love their idea of peace
and love and their careful attitude to nature. Jamaica is known for instance as the island of the Rastafarians.
Increase in Tourism means increase in foreign exchange for the region.

(c) Rastafarians are strict vegetarians and so there is the construction and operation of many ital restaurants
across the Caribbean, which brings to the people freshly grown vegetables and plants. These restaurants are
important attraction for vegetarians and sometimes tourists, thus being economical important for the region.

(d) Our fashions have been directly linked to that of Rastafarians. We have incorporated their natural designs
and their beliefs systems in out clothing and jewelry. These are recognized across the Caribbean and are
generating increasing profits.

(e) Our art and sculptures are deeply enriched by our Rastafarian cultures. Their love of the nature and
their beliefs in the use of natural objects to express art are ideal for art lovers. Sculptures of woods and
paintings of nature are instrumental in winning over the attention of both locals and foreigners. This is quite
important as the Art and Craft forms almost 20% of our Tourist sector.

2. CAPE 2003
Describe how political interference has affected the mass media’s ability to contribute positively to the
development of the Caribbean People.
(20 marks)

Media refers to the various means of mass communication including electronic e.g. television, radio, and print
such as: magazines and newspapers. The mass media is responsible for a rapid transmission of messages to a
diverse audience. Medias are the gatekeepers of information and images. Most Caribbean countries have
enshrined in their constitutions certain freedoms – freedom of the press, freedom of speech and expression.
These rights and freedoms have resulted in the existence of a vibrant and effective mass media.

The Mass media to a significant extent they, control what we see and know by deciding what programs to air,
what news stories to feature and which issues to represent. In order for the mass media to contribute positively
to the development of the people, they ought to bring to our attention all necessary information (news,
weather, disaster warning, advertisement etc.), educate us on a variety of topics, entertain us through films,
songs, comics etc and influence us (shaping of attitudes, values and behaviour patterns).

It is evident; however, that there are numerous occasions when the political sector of the region interferes into
the affairs of the Mass media. This affects the mass media’s ability to contribute positively to its audiences.
Political interferences affect the mass media in the following ways:

(a) One of the main aims of the Mass Media is to provide the populace of a country with the correct
information at all times. Political involvement can go against this role. At times shortcomings and inefficiencies
of the government or political system may not be given prominence.

(b) There is the selective publication and censorship of letters to the editors. A balanced picture of the views of
the population on economic, social and political issues may not be presented because of political interferences.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(c) There may be the victimization of employees of the media who refuse to tow the line of the government,
thus the evolution of creeping dictatorship.

3. CAPE 2003
“Sports have made a major contribution in the Caribbean.” To what extend do you agree with this
(30 marks)

The Caribbean region enjoys a wide base of sports including Cricket, Football, tennis, volleyball and
Basketball among others. In many cases Sports are important to the overall well being and development
of the Caribbean. Sports contribute significantly in the following ways:

(a) Sports are one of the main means of bringing the people of the Caribbean to integrate. It is evident that the
all the Caribbean countries share the same sports. This similarity helps them to relate to each other more and
as such acts as a breaking force of the level of insularity in Caribbean society. It increase competition among
the people as also bring to them recognition and identity in the International sporting world. One of the main
sports that suggest how integrated the Caribbean can be is Cricket. All of the Caribbean countries contribute a
play/ players to the West Indian Cricket Team.

(b) Sports are one of the most important pathways for educational pursue. An individual that has an active role
in Sports are able to attain scholarships from different colleges across the Caribbean and the world.

(c) Recreation is an important contributor to the total well being of an individual. A person occupied in a
particular career needs compensatory recreational activities that serve as a source of relaxation. This prepares
the individual with renewed strength, will and vitality to approach the next day’s work. As such sports as the
best recreational activities enhance the total well being of the people of the Caribbean.

(d) Sporting activities acts as one of the factors that determine the level of Tourism in the Caribbean region. It is
after all evident that the people of the region engage in numerous sporting activities. Most of our sports are
widespread in different foreign countries and so the people of different countries are motivated to visit the area
and engage in these different sports under a different culture.

(e) Since sports helped with the development of Tourism, it is fair to say that it assist with the improvement
and developments of many infrastructures across the Caribbean. For example, in 2007 with the ICC Cricket
series that took place in the Caribbean there was the improvement in the structure of roads, airports to
accompany the increase tourist visits, expanding of national stadiums as well as sporting arenas. With that
sport also help with the employment of constructors etc.

(f) Sports are now ideal occupations for many Caribbean individuals. People are engaged full time in football,
athletics, cricket etc. and these are their careers. As such they are productive members of the society that uses
their skills as a way of benefiting themselves and the people of their country.

4. CAPE 2003

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

“Imported technology has marginally improved the economies of the Caribbean.” To what extent do you
agree with this statement?
(30 marks)

In today’s society there is evidence of the globalization of technology. Technology with respect to computers,
phones, machines etc are constantly brought to the Caribbean as the people of the region demand them. In
many cases people argue that the large importation of technology in the Caribbean has only marginally
improved the economics of the region. In what way is this true ?

(a) Increase in technology poses quite a problem to the local industries. Because of additional technological
advances there is a variety of technologies that are introduced to the region and this fosters competition. The
fall in traditional goods due to this completion lead to the elimination of some industries.

(b) Increase in imported technology posed quite a few societal problems e.g. pollution which affects the people
of the society who are the ensuring factors of the economy.

(c) Increase in technology means that many industries would see the use of human labour as unimportant. As
such this affects the pattern of living in the society as well as the economy as the regular buying pattern of the
people is reduced because of unemployment.

Though technology has brought some marginal improvement of the economies of the region it is quite evident
that it also brought some positive effects as well.

(a) Increase in technological advancement in the Caribbean means that there are effective uses of the resources
found in the region. This increase productivity as there would be less waste of the resources and the recycling
of resources can help to prevent the depletion of them.

(b) Imported technology can improve the living conditions of the people and therefore the economy. One of the
main successes of the economy is the human resources and so in order to improve the economy one needs to
also improve the human resources i.e. its people.

(c) The Caribbean region creates a very diverse numbers of goods and services. These goods and services are in
constant demand. As such it is necessary for the constant production of such goods. Increase in technology
means that there is mass production of goods so as to meet the growing demands of the market.

In some cases the importation of numerous technologies amounts to nothing as it hurt our economy more than
it helps it. However, it is quite evident that the importation of numerous technologies can be beneficial to the
overall growth of the economies of the region.

5. CAPE 2004
Examine FOUR ways in which Caribbean countries can achieve high levels of productivity.
(20 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Productivity relates to efficiency and cost effectiveness in the production of goods and services. It is a ratio
used to measure how well an organization, individual, industry or country converts resources (labour,
machines, materials etc.) into goods and services.

(a) To raise productivity domestic savings and foreign finance must be mobilized to generate new
investment in physical capital goods and build up the stock of human capital through investments in education
and training.

(b) It is imperative that there is a great improvement the technology circulating the Caribbean region.
Private and Public sectors of the society should invest more in technological advancement. Not only would
this increase and improvement in technology assist with the mass production of goods but it would deeply
help the employees of business by making their jobs easier, more productive and more effective.

(c) Our human resources must be greatly developed . Human resources include the skills, talents and
abilities which individuals possess. A variety of human resources exists in the Caribbean such as engineers,
doctors, lawyers, scientists etc. The importance of the human resource is seen in the utilization of a variety of
skills to solve problems. Human resources are therefore important for the achievements of high levels of
productivity in the region. As such measures should be implemented to improve the human resources. These
1. Education: Since human beings are borned with certain innate skills, talents and abilities. Education and
training therefore tap these resources and develop them to the fullest potential.
2. Health : A healthy person may be described as one whose physical, mental and emotional capacities are not
affected. There is a direct link between a healthy nation and its productivity. Increase in health care help with
the productivity of the region.
3. There should be the constant protection of the human resources of the region . Individuals
may be healthy and educated but they are under constant threat from criminal activities such as drug abuse,
robbery, rape and murder.

(d) Productivity can be hindered if the persons who produce goods and services do not reinvest in their
local economies especially if the productive sector is saturated with multinationals, therefore resulting in
limited benefits for the country/ region. If the productive sector fail to invest in the human capital, sponsoring
and contributing to social amenities that will help a country to reach its full potential it will hinder

(e) One of the best ways to ensure the productivity of the region is by the integration of the
productivity aims/ efforts . Each country should try and develop each other so as to see the prosperity of
the entire region. This can be achieved through freedom of movement, investments, provision of resources and
loans etc.

6. CAPE 2004
Describe how globalization affects the prices of goods and services in Caribbean countries.
(20 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Globalization refers to the emergence in the twentieth century, of a global community, whereby cultural,
economic, environment and political events occurring in communities in one part of the world has quickly
come to be significant to people in other societies.

Positive Effects on the prices of goods and services

(a) Caribbean people have found that they are also able to access greater, more varied range of
services as a result of globalization. With the use of technologies like the internet, they can buy and sell
almost anything from almost any place on earth with just a click of a mouse button; sometimes for a fraction
of its cost had it been purchased locally. Furthermore, with policies -such as that of free trade - food
items, clothes, luxuries, educational equipment, and other products deemed necessary to maintain a particular
standard of living have also become more easily obtained because of its low value.

(b) It must be noted that the improvement in transportation due to globalization has also strengthened the
region’s ‘international tourist’ industry, as visitors find it more efficient and easier to arrive her by plane and by
ocean liner. The improvement of transportation technology around the globe is another important component
of globalization. In the Caribbean, traveling from one country to another around the region has
become less time-consuming and inexpensive . This is an advantage because regional tourists who
purchase food supplies, clothes and stock for personal use or for business from neighboring countries, are a
means through which governments in these countries generate revenue

(c) Improved transportation methods have also made it easier for the Caribbean to transport goods abroad to
regions where it would have been impossible before to transport them because of their distance or
inaccessibility, this widening of the regional market means an increase in export profits for the region’s nations.
There is also the related drop in transportation costs and the reduction in the loss of
profits due to spoilage of goods, for example, fresh fruits and vegetables traveling form the Caribbean to
Europe, because transportation methods has become speedier and more efficient.

Negative Effects on the prices of goods and services

(a) Conclusively, the process of globalization has had a negative impact on the prices of goods and services in
the Caribbean in some ways, because it is a process that requires governments to relinquish control of their
economies and allow free access to markets that were once protected, so that they find themselves open to
unfair competition with vastly larger neighboring countries .

(b) The Caribbean region and its respective economies are in a state that does not lend itself willingly to the
entire globalization process. The downturn of global economy , the economic and social panic caused by
the alarming rise in terrorist activity, the conflagration of countries such as those in Europe and the change in
the global balance of power due to such unions, have all impacted on the value of goods and services in the
Caribbean states. This means that globalization causes a certain inter-related attachment between the
Caribbean and its trading partners globally.

(c) Globalization causes corporations from different countries to invest in the goods and services of our region.
They are therefore the ones who determine the prices of our goods and services and therefore act to exploit the
region. They will ultimately increase the prices to generate more profits for themselves.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

7. CAPE 2004
Discuss the extent to which the inequitable distribution of wealth in Caribbean countries can be regarded
as a breach of social justice.
(30 marks)

Social Justices is based on the idea that members of a society regardless of race, creed, class, age, gender
should have minimal guarantee to access things / conditions that make a living. Social justice deals with the
recognition of the basic human rights of each person, good standard of living for all through the access of
basic services such as health, education, and fair treatment in the legal system. Social justice is manifested when
there is harmonious relationship among all the classes of society but based on the history of the Caribbean
there is still inconsistency in social justice.

The unfair distribution of wealth in the Caribbean is very evident. Many claim that the distribution of wealth
is disastrous to the development of the country. The wider the economic gap is between the rich and the poor
the longer a country will take to develop as the wealth and accelerated economic activity will be concentrated
to a particular group as opposed to being widespread. This can therefore be considered a breach of Social

Arguments for claim:

1. It leads to social stratification which is structured inequality

2. Only members of one specific class gain all the wealth
3. A person with wealth is more likely to have more influences in society than one that does not behave wealth
thus a level of inequality.
4. Only the persons with the most wealth can attain the best in health and education and thus a breach of social
justices for the masses of the region.

Arguments against claim:

1. We live in a meritocratic society and so a person’s distribution of wealth is determined by his work and
education and not based on social injustices.
2. A persons wealth is directly linked to their role in society e.g. a teacher will get more pay than a person who
works in a shop
3. There are many attempts to evade the poorer people of society from their state e.g. increasing in educational
pursue, the activities of UN and different welfare programs.
4. Social Justice suggests that an individual should have the minimal amount to have a standard of living;
therefore the distribution of wealth does not affect that, with minimum wages everyone has the minimal
amount to survive.
5. The government of the countries in the Caribbean has adopted many strategies to provide good health and
education for the masses that can suit their economic status.

8. CAPE 2005
For a named Caribbean country, describe the factors that may be hindering the process of development.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(20 marks)

Development can then be defined as the sustained level of economic, social, cultural, political and
environmental well-being of a country. For most parts, there is no real developed country. Each country
however has adopted different measures to develop that particular country. In the Caribbean region, we have
learned from experiences that real development begins from the home, and so it is necessary to develop our
human and physical resources thus achieving maximum productivity.

We have achieved many degree of development in the Caribbean and this is expounded in our growth of
physical resources such as bauxite and oil, our infrastructures and more importantly our people. In spite of this,
there are many factors that prevent maximum development in the region. These factors include:

(a) The Distribution of wealth : The distribution of wealth in the Caribbean is very unfair. Some people
will constantly be wealthier than others, and this wealth normally falls in the hands of those individuals who
control the means of production. This ultimately affects our development. The wider the economic gap is
between the rich and the poor the longer a country will take to develop as the wealth and accelerated economic
activity will be concentrated to a particular group as opposed to being widespread.

(b) Natural and man-made disasters : Natural and man-made disasters hinders development as it
contribute to the loss of infrastructure, life, crops and general hindrance of the development process as
development projects have to be diverted to immediate disaster mitigation needs. Hurricanes and to a lesser
extent earthquakes and volcanoes continue to wreak havoc on the region. In the event of these natural disasters
government have to use scarce resources to respond to disaster needs.
(c) An undeveloped human population : The Human Resources of a country is of vital importance.
Humans have varying talents and abilities that are constantly being used to harness the physical resources and
convert them into useful products. Therefore when the government refuses or is unable to provide the people
with better training through education, better health care, sponsoring of recreation activities and protection
from harm the main resources are not being developed. As such the overall development of a country is

(d) The changing class boundaries : The region has a strong history of social stratification. This hinders
development as if there are no avenues or scope for social mobility within a society then this can lead to
antagonism as people will see themselves as inferior as or less important than those who occupy higher status.
A rigid class structure breeds insecurity /mistrust and can have a negative impact on development. Avenues for
social mobility must exist to reward people who are industrious, visionary and productive.

(e) The Lack of Technological advancement : Technology is of vital importance for the development of
a country. Technology advances the resources of a country be leading to more effective uses of them and
greater mass production. It makes the duties and jobs of workers in all field of society whether education or
construction easier and more effective. Technology leads to the creation of products that can modernize all
areas of society and can be used as a springboard for economic development e.g. the availability of ultra sound
machines in the health sector, increased productivity as a result of automation.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

It is also important that technological advancement can also affect the development of a country.
Technology is used to replace humans in several fields and this lead to the lowering of the standard of living,
which means that the dependency rate on the government has increased. The side effects of pollution etc are
detrimental to the overall productivity of society. Additionally because of technological advance there is a
variety of international goods which flood our regional markets thereby, providing regional goods with firm

(f) Tourism: Tourism does in its own way developed some Caribbean countries economically, however, its
many backlashes sort of cancelled its development aims. Tourism leads to the depletion of our resources e.g.
fishes; it causes cultural erosion, beach erosion and pollution, damages to our coral reefs, brain drain,
prostitution and immorality etc. These are all disastrous to the development aims of our countries.

9. CAPE 2005
Describe how discrimination against women impacts on the development in the Caribbean.
(20 marks)

From the late 1900s, women have shown their true colours and they have exceeded in education, politics,
construction, agriculture, and sports among other things. In most cases they have moved away from the
traditional roles of women and have ventured in the fields that have usually deemed to be male dominated.
This has caused much attention on the gender, and it is evident that they are view differently from male
workers, or males, in general. The discrimination of women is still evident in Contemporary Caribbean society
and this of course has negative effects on the development of the region:

(a) One of the main ways to develop a country is to develop its human resources. Women are just as important
as men, as both of them offer special skills and services to the market. The discrimination of women affects the
total productivity and capacity of the human resources of a country.

(b) Discrimination of women will promote low esteems. Low esteems will ultimately impact negative on the
overall society as it would decrease the freedom of the women in society.

(c) Discrimination of women means that they are not given the best jobs and they are not allowed to pursue
certain fields without much opposition. As such, this means that they are not able to attain the best possible
position in society and thus their living standards are decreased significantly.

(d) Men tend to resent and resist having women work in jobs that are regarded as male jobs. This constant
discrimination of women may result in hostility towards women in these jobs. This means that the workplace
would lose productivity and effectively thus hindering development.

(e) The region has a strong history of social stratification and discrimination. This hinders development as if
there are no avenues or scope for social mobility of women within a society then this can lead to antagonism
as women will see themselves as inferior as or less important than men. Discrimination of women breeds
insecurity /mistrust among the genders and thus a negative impact on development

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Women are just as important as men to the overall development of the Caribbean society.
As human beings they have special innate skills and talents that when developed can be
put to good use. The discrimination of women first and foremost affects the overall
effectiveness of the human resources of the region and thus the level of development .

10. CAPE 2005

Suggest ways in which the tourism industry in the Caribbean can further advance development in the
(20 marks)

Tourism is an important economic sector of the Caribbean region. Such countries as Bermuda, Barbados,
Trinidad and Jamaica depend deeply on Tourism for the development of their countries. The climate and
weather, the people, the culture, the location of the Caribbean are all ideal and this provides an attraction
that allows tourists to flood our shores. Tourism is therefore important for further development of the
region in the following ways:

(a) Tourism is an important avenue for foreign exchange earnings . By the provision of services such
as travel, accommodation, food, and recreational activities, to tourists the region can rank tourism as a
major earner of foreign exchange to either bauxite or oil. The collection of this currency goes a long way in
helping to improve the balance of payment situations in the countries thus clearing our debts and can also
be used to invest in different development campaigns.

The Caribbean depends upon tourism to help minimize their adverse trade balance. The foreign revenues
accrued helps to alleviate trade imbalance. For countries that depend on agricultural earnings such as the
Eastern Caribbean and Barbados, tourism is of paramount importance due to the fluctuating nature of
their agricultural exports and earnings.

(b) The Caribbean Tourism Organization estimates that tourism provides direct and indirect
employment for hundreds of thousands of people in the region. Jobs are created in the airlines,
hotels/motels, through recreation, travel agencies, tourism bureau and advertising. Tourism has a ripple
effect on the manufacturing, industrial and service sectors of the economy. Linkages exist in many areas
such as agriculture, manufacturing, constructions, culture (music, dances etc).

(c) There is the development of many infrastructures throughout the Caribbean. In an effort to
sustain and improve on the gains from tourism, governments are encouraged to improve the quality of
infrastructure developments. These include the upgrading of airports, seaports, roads, and the provision of
reliable supplies of water, electricity and communication facilities. This redounds to benefit both the
tourists and the nationals.

(d) Tourism allows for the preservation and promotion of Culture . Caribbean countries having
their own indigenous culture promote tourism in this form and this enhances cultural preservation.
Cultural folklore such as the steel band, calypsos, limbo dancing and religious customs and traditions are

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(e) Tourists come to the region partly because of one of our natural resources, the beach. The promotion of
tourism means that water must be free from pollution such as oil spills or industrial wastes or seepages.
The landscape around becomes developed and there is a general enhancement of the area through
landscape preservation .

11. CAPE question

Describe FOUR challenges faced by Caribbean governments in their efforts to promote tourism
(20 marks)

Tourism is very important to the development of the region. However, there are many constraints
affecting tourism development in the Caribbean. These include:

(a) Capital: Most Caribbean countries suffer from a shortage of capital. Some experiences deficit budgets
and unfavorable balance of trade. Funds for the development of effective berthing facilities, large airports
and other infrastructures are therefore severely lacking. Under the circumstances loans from the Caribbean
Development Bank, Inter American Development Bank and the World Bank are sourced to upgrade
infrastructural developments. Foreigners are also offered incentives to invest in tourism in the region.
Interest on loans and repatriation of profits by foreign investors result in economic leakages.

(b) Marketing: Marketing of tourism is costly and expensive. This is a severe constraint in that Caribbean
countries cannot afford to effectively market their tourism products globally. With the advent of the
internet, however, it should become less expensive to market the countries worldwide.

(c) Local Access and Facilities : Caribbean countries offer a variety of scenic attractions. The unspoilt
countryside are particularly appealing to the eco-tourist. However, poor access roads, lack of reliable water
supply and electricity services in rural areas have retarded the growth of this aspect of the industry:

(d) There is the shortage of skilled labour in the Caribbean. Trained personnel to manage all aspects
of the tourist industry are of vital necessity. Some countries are unable to attract trained professionals,
particularly in the food and beverage sector, where there is a shortage of skilled chefs, bartenders and
waiters. These jobs are perhaps seen as menial and financially unrewarding.

(e) In order to effectively cater for tourism and maximize the benefits which the industry offers,
continuous and reliable information from research is necessary . Accurate data must be
obtained on the extent of linkages and leakages, job creation, positive and negative experiences of tourists,
the impacts, the attitude of locals etc. In the absence of comprehensive research on these topics the planner
may not be able to effectively plan to maximize the potential benefits of tourism.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Practice Essay Questions

It is important to note that a candidate needs simply a good introduction and at least FOUR
strong points along with a conclusion to get maximum marks. Though it is necessary for one to
have as much points as needed, a student should not waste time addressing all of them. Remember
you have a maximum of 45 minutes per question.

1. “The Caribbean region has little to gain from globalization”. To what extent do you agree with this
(30 marks)

2. To what extent do sports in the Caribbean provide educational opportunities for Caribbean people as
well as a people as a route to Caribbean nationalism?
(30 marks)

CAPE 2005
3. Examine how freedom of the press impacts on development in the Caribbean?
(30 marks)

4. Explain what is meant by “technology” and show the varieties of ways in which culture is being
influenced today by evolving technologies.
(30 marks)

CAPE 2004
5. Discuss the view that a major challenge to the integration movement in the Caribbean is the wide
disparity in levels of development among member countries of Caricom.
(30 marks)


“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009


CAPE 2003

1. (a) “Plural society” is a term used by some authors to describe society and culture in the
Caribbean today. Explain what is meant by plural society. (2 marks)
Sociologist M.G. Smith refers to the Caribbean as a Plural Society because it consists of more than one race or
ethnic groups (Africans, Europeans, Asians) who share the same geographical region but has nothing in
common. These groups create their own cultural institutions and follow their own customs and beliefs. In his
theory he argues that these races, “mix but they do not mingle.”

(b) “Plantation society” is another term used to describe Caribbean society and culture
today. Describe, briefly, TWO features of a plantation society. (4 marks)
(a) In a plantation society, agriculture has a very significant role to the economy. This is true of the Caribbean
whose main economical wealth comes from agriculture such as coffee, sugar and rice among others.
(b) A society characterized by much stratification where colour, wealth and education plays a very important role
in determining a person’s social standing.

2. (a) Outline TWO practices of people living in the Caribbean that have contributed to
accelerated soil erosion. (2 marks)
1. Poor farming techniques such as ploughing, shifting of culturation etc. There is the tendency to over graze
lands. Overgrazing is where animals are allowed to consume all the grass or vegetation of a particular land and
as a resultant of that it is left opened for wind and/or water to erode the now loose soil.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

2. There is a gradual growth in deforestation throughout the Caribbean. Men cut down trees in the forest for
use in manufacture and they sometime refuse to replant the trees. The soil becomes loose because the once
gripping force they had is removed.
3. Increase mining and quarrying

(b) Describe TWO methods of soil conservation that may be used to combat the problem
of soil erosion. (4 marks)
1. Farmers should be wise in controlling the grazing of their animals. They ought to move their animals from
one area to another rather than allowing them to stay in one place.
2. There should be reforestation where ever there is deforestation. Once a tree is removed, one should replace it
as soon as possible.
3. Crop rotation instead of monocropping, use of fertilizers, ploughing of hillsides along contours etc.

3. (a) Name TWO Caribbean territories where there are still significant numbers of
indigenous peoples living today. (2 marks)
Such Caribbean territories that still have a significant number of indigenous people are Guyana, Suriname,
Dominica and Belize.

(b) Give TWO explanations for the pattern of distribution of indigenous peoples in the
Caribbean today. (4 marks)
1. The arrival of the Europeans : With the arrival of the Europeans, the indigenous populace saw a very
forceful push away from their usual areas of settlement. Many of the Indians had to flee to the mountains, and
forest as the Europeans take the coast and plains to operate their businesses.
2. Their original migratory patterns from Asia, onto Central America and then into the Caribbean. Up
to this day, there are numerous indigenous people in the Lesser Antilles (i.e.) the Caribs and on South
American mainlands.

4. Describe THREE ways in which the education of Caribbean nationals abroad has influenced
Caribbean culture. (6 marks)
1. Increase education of Caribbean people abroad has created an open invitation for the introduction of foreign
cultures into the region. These people bring back with them different values, beliefs, way of thinking and ideas.
This therefore influence the way they relate to people within the region and therefore impacts on them as well.
2. It assists the Caribbean in bringing new technical and learning skills to its people thus developing the human
3. It leads to Brain drain- as more people more away to get educated, it influence the way others think. They
soon conclude that the best way to improve their standard of living is to go away from home
4. It brings us a more diverse work force as people have the chance to get better qualified for their jobs.

5. Describe THREE ways in which enslavement of the people in the Caribbean has contributed to the
erasure of their cultural practices. (6 marks)
“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

This occur in three important ways: SUPPRESSION, ACCULTURATION and INTER-
(a) Suppression: In an enslaved society, one person is the property of another. In the Caribbean, enslavement of
people led to cultural erasure because they were suppressed from practicing their cultures period. For examples,
Blacks were not allowed to beat drums or gather in groups.
(b) Acculturation: Acculturation is where one group is forced into acquiring another’s culture. Acculturation
therefore contributed significantly to the erasure of cultural practices. On the plantation estates, blacks were
forced to adopted European cultures even to the extent that practicing their own saw mass punishment. During
the encomienda system, also, the Indians were forced to stop their cultures and take their own. These groups
were told that their cultures are inferior and barbaric.
(c) Inter-culturation: When two different cultures exist in the same place, these cultures which sort of rub off
onto each other. This happened during plantation slavery as well as the encomienda system as well. The
enslaved because they were caught between learning one culture and practicing their own, merged both the
cultures that have influenced them.

Total 30 marks


6. (a) “Social and economic equalization” is one index of development. Explain briefly what this term
means. (2 marks)
This term refers to the difference between the social classes in a particular society in relations to the
amount of income earned and the quality of life experienced.

(c) “Increase in modern Knowledge” is also widely accepted as an index of development.

Explain briefly what the term means. (2 marks)
Being developed is normally linked with the Industrialization of society. Therefore this term refers to the
increase modernization of such institutions within society especially those that accommodate the spread of
knowledge which are thought to promote industrialization within society e.g. factories and schools among

(d) State the difference between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Gross
National Product (GNP). (2 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

GDP is the measure of a country’s capability to be self- sufficient in supplying the goods and services of
the entire population and is therefore the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country
in a year. GNP however, is the total domestic and foreign output produced by the residents of a country
regardless of their location.

7. Describe TWO factors, or relationships, in Caribbean countries that tend to maintain inequitable
patterns in the distribution of wealth. (6 marks)
1. Wealth is distributed by the persons who control the means of production and therefore in favour of the
ruling class. This means that it depends on who distribute it in the first place.
2. Endogamy aims to maintain the unfair distribution of wealth. Endogamy means that people only marry
in their class. For example, an upper class will only marry another upper class person and never one from
the lower class.
3. Our long history of exploitation and inequality in terms of encomienda, slavery, Indentureship etc. This
is therefore apart of our culture and it will not change.

8. (a) State what is meant by the term “urbanization”. (1 mark)

Urbanization is the massive movement of people from the rural areas of a country to its urban areas to

(b) Explain TWO positive effects that urbanization has had on development in the Caribbean. (4 marks)
(a) There is a more efficiency in the labour force as more and more people enroll in different industries in
the urban areas
(b) To evade the problems of Urbanization, there are many methods that have been adopted to improve the
rural areas, such as the building of industries in rural areas and the creation of many social facilities such as
health, education, recreation etc along with increase development of infrastructure e.g. roads, water

(c) Identify ONE negative effect that urbanization has had on development in the Caribbean. (1 marks)
The Overcrowding of cities, the growth of slums, rising pollution, rising unemployment levels etc

9. It is common complaint of sportsmen and sportswomen in the Caribbean that they cannot achieve the
full professional status that they seek in their various sporting disciplines. Suggest THREE factors that
prevent such individuals from becoming fully professional. (6 marks)
(a) There is little available sponsors in the Caribbean region who can adequately provide all the necessities
that sportsmen and women desire
(b) There are only a few reasonable professional coaches, this hamper the development of many sportsmen
and women
(c) There is little popularity of the sport to international investors.
(d) Many individuals have little education and this means that they are not able to continue their training or
receive scholarships to colleges aboard.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

10. Identify TWO examples of social injustice in the Caribbean and show how EACH can impact
negatively on economic growth and development. (6 marks)
(a) Gender Inequality - leads to self-esteem problems, underdevelopment of human resources
(b) Discrimination against minorities e.g. Rastafarians, homeless people, individuals having
Total 30 marks


11. (a) Define the term, “sampling” (1 marks)

Sampling is a popular procedure in research in which a researcher would select a particular group of people
from a population under study to represent that population.

(b) Explain why sampling is necessary in research. (1 marks)

Researchers sometimes want to know about a particular population that is extremely large. Instead of
wasting time and money to observe every one, they assume that a group of people experiences the same
circumstances and use them as a representation as a whole. Hence, sampling is necessary as it saves time,
energy, money and evades confusion.

(c) Give ONE reason why a random sample should be used in research project. (2 marks)
A random sample is one that is simple determined and not pre-determined or patterned by the researcher.
Hence, in a random sample, what you get is what you are going to observe. Hence, there is no
discrimination about a particular group in the population, or sameness in results thus contributing to the
validity of the data collected.

12. In writing up a research report, there are major elements or parts which must be arranged in a specific
order. Name TWO of those elements or parts, and briefly explain what you would include in EACH. (4
(a) Literature Review- provides background information upon the research at hand
(b) Interpretations of findings- suggest an overall understanding on all of the observations that had taken
place during the research and how it is relevant to the problem. It is description of the trends which are
revealed from the information collected.

13. (a) Explain the term “variables” as it is used in research. (2 marks)

Variables are those factor entities or groups on which a researcher wants to find information about.

(b) Formulate a hypothesis on ONE of the following:

- Sugar production and rainfall
- Tourism and high prices. (2 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

- The increased production of Sugar in the Caribbean is directly proportional to the amount of rainfall in
the region.
- An increase in Tourism leads to the increase in prices in Caribbean territories.

14. You are invited to research gender issues in the workplace in your country. Formulate TWO questions
that you would use in an interview. (4 marks)
(a) Should males and females have different roles in the workplace?
(b) How do you feel working alongside males/females?
(c) Do you agree that males should be paid more than females?

15. (a) State briefly TWO advantages of using surveys in research. (2 marks)
 Surveys are extremely valid because the data is collected from a large cross section of the population and
not just a few individuals.
 The research can be easily replicable by another researcher.
 Overall there is flexibility, a high response rate, and it can easily be administrated

(b) State briefly TWO disadvantages of using surveys in research. (2 marks)

 The data can be invalid if a representative sample was not selected.
 It may be biased as the interviewer’s might initiate a particular response with body language
 lack of obscurity is involved because the interviewer knows the identity of the respondents
Total 20 marks

CAPE 2004

1 (a) State ONE meaning of the term “culture”, supporting your answer with an example.
(2 marks)
Culture is “the way of life” of people. It is the blueprint of living in a particular society, notes Henry
Tischler, and can be either non-material or material. For example, our languages (English, French, Creole)
or our architecture (houses).

(c) Describe TWO ways in which Rastafarianism has had an impact on cultures outside of
the Caribbean region. (4 marks)
1. Rastafarian cultures are highly manifested in Reggae music. Many Caribbean national bring Reggae
music all over the world and people gravitate towards the messages. Reggae is also incorporated in many
music genres such as hip-hop, rock etc.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

2. Rastafarian fashions are widespread around the world as people gravitate to their colours and their many
significant symbols. Caribbean fashion industries have adopted Rastafarian cultures into their line of
clothing and these are sold all over the world.

2 (a) Explain what is meant by “social stratification”. (2 marks)

Haralambos and Holborn (2004) define social stratification as “the presence of distinct social groups
which are ranked one above the other in terms of factors such as prestige and wealth”. Social stratification
is therefore structured social inequality.

(b) Explain TWO ways in which education influences social stratification. (4 marks)
SEE SECTION A CAPE 2005 (negative aspects of education)

3 (a) Explain the meaning of “cultural pluralism” in the context of Caribbean societies.
(2 marks)
Cultural pluralism is the circumstances of having more than one cultural pattern within a given society but
these cultures do not mingle with each other. It is evident that the Caribbean is a region of “cultural
pluralism” as there are many cultural pattern fostered by our history of slavery and Indentureship.
Globalization is also another factor that causes much increase in different cultural patterns in the region.

(b) Describe ONE negative and ONE positive impact of emigration on Caribbean countries. (2 marks)
Positive Impacts: Unemployment is lowered, remittances sent by emigrants boosted foreign exchange,
less pressure on limited social service and resources
Negative Impacts: Brain Drain, government has to spend additional money to replace skilled
professionals etc.

4 (a) Explain what is meant by “Indentureship” in the context of the Caribbean experience.
(2 marks)
Indentureship was a system of labour, where people from all over the world (that includes Asia, Africa and
Europe) traveled to the Caribbean to fill the gap left by the African slaves on the plantations after
emancipation in 1838.

(b) State TWO ways in which Indentureship differed from slavery in the Caribbean.
(4 marks)
(a) Indentureship was a wage-earn system as opposed to slavery where the planters receive free labour
(b) Indentures had freedom of movement, religious freedom
(c) Indentureship was a contract system, where Indentures only had to work according to.

5 (a) Identify TWO ways in which music festivals staged by Caribbean nationals in the United Kingdom
OR North America influence the culture of EITHER society. (4 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

1. The love of Caribbean music influences these nations to incorporate Caribbean music in their genres of
music. For example, Reggae is seen in Hip-Hop, Pop music, rocks etc. Hence there is a system of
discovery and innovation of cultural patterns.
2. Enculturation occurs as different people starts to interact as these festival stagings.

(b) (i) Identify ONE cultural practice that is gradually being erased in the Caribbean.
(1 mark)
Cultural practices that are being erased in the Caribbean are

(ii) Suggest ONE reason why the practice identified in (b) (i) above is being erased.
(1 marks)
The globalization of people: As travelling become less expensive people starts to explore different areas
and bring with them their different cultures. People in the region for example love to imitate tourists.
Total 30 marks


6 (a) Identify TWO indicators of development. (2 marks)

- The economic indicators include: GDP, GNP, industrialization, purchasing power, employment level,
foreign debt, level of foreign receipts etc.
- Non- economic indicators include: life expectancy, levels of education, productivity, ratio of doctors to
population, urbanization rate etc.

(c) (i) Briefly explain how technological factors can influence development. (2 marks)
Technology advancement is one of the main means of development in the Caribbean society. With
increase technology there is the ability to mass produce certain products, there is the effective use of
resources, and there is the availability of better goods and services. All of these impacts on the lives of
people by giving them better standards of living thus cause development.

(ii) Briefly explain how environmental factors can influence development. (2 marks)
The environmental policies that a country adopts indicate the level of development that has occurred in a
country. The environmental awareness of a population can also be used to assess the level of development
that has taken place in a country. Natural disasters, the use of lands and the use of the natural resources
determine how much money is used to develop areas of society.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

7 Using examples, describe TWO effects that inappropriate land use in agricultural has had on
development in the region. (6 marks)
(a) Monocropping is bad for both the land and the economy. The planting of one crop and the replanting
of that crop constantly in the same area leads to the depletion of particular nutrients in the soil leading to
infertility. Furthermore if something should happen to the marketing of that crop it can reduce the
standard of living of people who depends on it.
(b) Overgrazing affect the lives of people as it contributes to soil erosions etc. Too much money is also
spent to conserve the soil when that could be used to maintain social institutions in the Caribbean.

8 (a) Identify TWO organizations OR factors that have facilitated globalization in the Caribbean. (2
Organizations include: WTO- world trade organization, WHO- world health organization,
Factors: (a) policies such as industrialization by invitations (b) Tourism (c) the desire for goods, services
and technology

(b) Briefly describe TWO ways in which globalization has affected Caribbean economies.
(4 marks)
(a) Caribbean people are able to access greater, more varied range of services and goods which brings about
better standards of living.
(b) Elvenkind notes Globalization has also provide Caribbean governments with a more efficient access to
pharmaceuticals, health aid apparatus and educational equipment
(c) Globalization leads to the exploitation of people, especially when a large more developed country is

9 (a) State ONE way in which a named Caribbean institution has contributed to development in the
region. (2 marks)
The University of the West Indies has contributed to the development of the Caribbean people by making
them better qualified for the working world.

(b) Using examples, describe TWO ways in which sport has contributed to development in the region. (4
(a) Sports acts as an integrative force within Caribbean society
(b) It enhances the well-being of the Caribbean people- physically and mentally
SEE SECTION B CAPE 2003- question 3

10 (a) (i) State what is meant by ‘industrialization by invitation”. (1 mark)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Coined and develop by Arthur Lewis, this refers to the process of inviting investors into a country by the
use of numerous incentives so as to improve technology and production.

(ii) State ONE way in which industrialization by invitation has benefited the Caribbean.
(1 mark)
Industrialization by invitation allows many investors to pay attention to the region. It therefore provides
employment for people of the region as these investors invest in the growth and development of industries.

(b) Describe TWO ways in which the mass media has contributed to development in the region. (4
(a) The mass media teaches certain cultures that are enforced by society and therefore it gives an identity
to the Caribbean people.
(b) There is the provision of vital information that can help promote changes in the Caribbean people.
The Provision of information about institutions, events, trends and changes in different countries in the
region and the global community helps with the development of people. It therefore cause economic
development as well.

Total 30 marks

11 (a) State TWO variables in the following research problem.

“Is the involvement of Caribbean women in cricket, in terms of regular practice and playing time,
related to family obligation?” (2 marks)
(a) Involvement of Caribbean women in cricket
(b) Related to Family obligations

(b) Explain ONE way in which hypothesis differs from a problem statement. (2 marks)
The hypothesis is a theory as is therefore what the researcher aims or hopes to prove by the end of his
research, while the problem statement is the issue that is going to be researched.

12 (a) You are required to carry out research into the games played by children in your country over
seventy-five years ago.
Name TWO valid sources of information for this research. (2 marks)
The use of the Internet (review of literatures, past researches), books about the past

(b) State TWO data collection methods that may be used for the research identified above.
(2 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

The use of the survey, especially interviews; the evaluation use of Secondary sources

13 The Ministry of Health has investigated for use of drugs among young persons between the ages of
thirteen and eighteen.
(a) State TWO formats in which the data collected may be presented. (2 marks)
- The use of charts
- The use of speeches

(b) List TWO topic areas that should be included in the conclusion of a study. (2 marks)

14 A researcher wishes to investigate the selling of drugs by teenage students at Drumbago College.

Briefly describe TWO ethical practices that must be considered in conducting the research. (4 marks)
(a) The getting of consents from the people involved in the study
(b) The information in the research may be presented to others but there must be a degree of
confidentiality- is the privacy of people maintained
(c) The harms that may be brought upon the respondents.

15 Give TWO reasons why it is necessary for a researcher to conduct a review of literature.
(4 marks)
1. It provides background information for the topic being researched
2. Highlights developments in the research area
3. Highlights gaps in the research process in relation to the topic.

Total 20 marks

CAPE 2005

1. (a) (i) Identify the geographical sub-region to which St. Lucia, Grenada and Antigua belong.
(1 mark)
The geographical sub-region is called the Lesser Antilles.

(ii) Name the chain of islands in the Caribbean which is located entirely in the Atlantic
Ocean. (1 mark)
The chain of islands in the Atlantic Ocean is the Bahamas Islands.

(c) (i) Explain what is meant by a “historical” definition of the Caribbean region.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Historically, the Caribbean is that region which is shaped and structured by the different cultures that
had came to the region and whose social institutions are characterized by different ethnicity which had
transformed its lands and resources into economical units. The region had seen the birth of the
encomienda system, the prolonging of plantations slavery, massive and Indentureship which has significant
shaped its social patterns today.

(ii) Identify TWO of the boundaries of the “geological” Caribbean. (2 marks)

Boundaries of the “geological” Caribbean include the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, the end of
Guyana in South America etc.

2. (a) Outline TWO different interpretations of the term “culture”. (4 marks)

(a) For some people, they refer to culture as an appreciation of literatures, music arts, food and other natural
and man-made things. Hence when some look at culture they look at its manifested in society.
(b) Others look at culture for what it is; culture is a “way of life”. It is everything that makes people who
they are, his values, beliefs, norms, behaviour etc.

(b) List TWO ways in which the term “society” can be defined. (2 marks)
There is one general definition of society: It is any group of people living together in group,
comprising a single community and whose members are interdependent, notes Mustapha
(2007). However it can be defined in different ways:
(a) Society can be defined with reference to a national community e.g. The Jamaican or a subsection of a particular
society e.g. that society is rural.
(b) Society can be defined in a way that link groups of people who share common interests e.g. The Horticultural
Society of Kingston.

3. Describe TWO problems that may arise in Caribbean society because of hybridization.
(6 marks)
(a) Hybridization causes much social stratification in Caribbean society as one group sees themselves better
than another
(b) Hybridization causes cultural erosion of some cultural values of a society as new cultures causes cultural
diversity/ pluralism

4. (a) Describe TWO responses of Caribbean people to oppression. (4 marks)

In our long history, Caribbean people have responded differently to oppression, in the past there was
active resistance in the form of rebellions, there was marronage, there was Riots as in the Morant Bay
Rebellion, and there was the rise in Garveyism and Rastafarianism .

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(b) Explain ONE way in which religion has impacted on Caribbean people. (2 marks)
 It shaped the way people look at or relate to each other, by the teaching of laws, values and beliefs from
the bible or other religious scriptures.
 It acts as a unifying force in society
 It is a conservative force that brings across social changes in the Caribbean society
 Negatively, some argue that religion is full of conflicts as religious groups differs from each other which
causes discrimination and tension.

5. (a) Describe TWO ways in which the Cuban residents in the United States impact on American
politics. (4 marks)
1. Over time these people can become citizens of the United States and so this means that they can
determine the political outcome of an election.
2. As new residents of the U.S. the government has to make laws that benefit them just as any other
American, hence, they influence law formations
3. As citizens of the U.S., Cubans can enter the government system as politicians

(c) Explain ONE way in which Caribbean migrant labour impacts on the economies of the countries of
North America. (2 marks)
 It help their output of goods and services to be more efficient as these people form a cheap, skilled and
effective workforce
 Caribbean labours mean that there is the creation of competition in the workplace which will benefit the

Total 30 marks


6. (a) (i) Explain what is meant by ‘development’.(2 marks)

Though development has always been link to the economy of a country, it consist of a wider base,
Development is therefore sustained level the political, economical, social and cultural well- being of a country.

(ii) List TWO indicators of development. (2 marks)

1. The economic indicators include: GDP, GNP, industrialization, purchasing power, employment level,
foreign debt, level of foreign receipts etc.
2. Non- economic indicators include: life expectancy, levels of education, productivity, ratio of doctors to
population, urbanization rate etc.

(b) Identify TWO factors that influence development. (2 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

1. Technological advancement
2. Political ideologies- esp. political stability
3. The distribution of wealth

7. (a) (i) Explain the term “globalization”. (2 marks)

Globalization refers to the emergence in the twentieth century, of a global community, whereby
cultural, economic, environment and political events occurring in communities in one part of the world
has quickly come to be significant to people in other societies.

(ii) Identify ONE international organization that facilitates globalization. (1 marks)

(a) IMF- International Monetary Fund
(b) The world bank
(c) WHO- world health Organization

(b) State ONE effect of globalization on EACH of the following.

(i) Labour
(ii) Trade
(iii) Ideology

8. (a) Identify TWO challenges faced by either CARIFTA or the West Indies Federation. (2 marks)
1. There was little level of trust among the countries within the West Indies Federation, some richer
countries felt that the others were sponging off their wealth and the poorer ones felt that the others are
exploiting them.
2. Lack of proper communication and transportation
3. There was little wealth to support the Federation

(b) State how EACH of the following institutions has contributed to development of the region:
(i) Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
The Caribbean Tourism Organization promotes the Caribbean region as a beautiful tourist attraction and
to fulfill the needs of the visitors educate and train the people in the tourism sectors.

(ii) University of the West Indies (UWI)

The University of the West Indies acts as the most important educational institution in the Caribbean. It
assists with the development of the region by providing the people of the region with the best level of
qualification to enhance the workforce.

9. (a) Explain the term “Pan Africanism”. (2 marks)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

Pan- Africanism is a political, social and cultural belief that spreads the idea of all people of African
nature (i.e. people in Africa, of African culture or African descendants) should act as an unifying force
regardless of where they may be across the world.

(b) Explain ONE way in which Pan Africanism has contributed to development of the region. (2 marks)
- Pan- Africanism acts as a means of displacing the inequalities of racism
- It also acts as an integrative force that bring blacks around the world together

(c) Explain the term “negritude”.

Negritude is an ideology originated among French speaking blacks who refused to tolerate the political,
social, cultural and moral domination of the West.

10. (a) Explain what is meant by “social justice”. (2 marks)

Social justice refers to the idea that members of a society regardless of race, creed, class, age, gender should
have minimal guarantee to access things / conditions that make a living.

(b) Explain ONE way in which development is affected by breaches of social justice.
(2 marks)
- Social justice is manifested when there is harmonious relationship among all the classes of society but
based on the history of the Caribbean there is still inconsistency in social justice. Breaches of social justice
will cause chain reactions which affect all levels of social and economic life. Affecting the levels of social
and economic life affects development.
- Social injustice is manifested in the unequal distribution of wealth which widens the gap between the
rich and poor. Increase in this gap affects development of a country.

(c) Identify TWO forms of discrimination that may lead to social injustice. (2 marks)
(a) Gender discrimination/ inequality
(b) Racial discrimination
(c) Discrimination against minority in society e.g. Aids Victims, Rastafarians, indigenous people, the
disabled, the elderly
Total 30 marks



11. (a) (i) State why the following statement may be classified as a hypothesis.
“The prevalence of smoking has increased among Caribbean girls in the past decade.” (1 mark)

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

This can be classified as a hypothesis because it is an assumption. An hypothesis is a prediction of the

outcome of a research.

(ii) Use the hypothesis above to formulate a problem statement. (2 marks)

Has the prevalence of smoking increased in Caribbean girls in the past decade?

(b) Give ONE reason why a person may want to research the hypothesis above. (1 marks)
(a) Smoking has always been linked to men and so it may be interesting to know that women are
becoming prevalent smokers which can be linked to the changing roles of women in society
(b) Smoking is a rude practice and so it is important to know, where and with whom smoking has
increased it is from that procedures can be made to stop it.

12. (a) State, in sequence, TWO stages in conducting research. (2 marks)

Statement of Problems----Create hypothesis----- Observation/ Research---- Interpreting/ analyzing of
observation----formulating one’s theory

(b) You are required to investigate the number of first formers at your school who eat a full breakfast
daily before attending school.
(i) State ONE method that you would use to collect your data. (1 mark)
The best way is the use of surveys--- especially questionnaires

(ii) Identify a suitable format that you would use for the presentation of the data.
(1 mark)
The best way is by the use of graphs and tables

13. (a) State TWO considerations that should be included in the “Conclusion and Recommendations”
section of a research report. (2 marks)
(a) This is usually a summary of the main findings in relation to the research objective.
(b) It may also include a restatement of the thesis or main idea of the study.
(c) It can propose areas for further study.
(d) The conclusion should not introduce any major topic that is new.

(b) Identify TWO ethnical principles to which the researcher should adhere. (2 marks)
(a) The consent of the respondents must be adhered. In cases where the consents are informed, it must be
documented in all cases.
(b) There should be an ideal level of objectivity. Researchers ought to keep their personal beliefs, values and
ideas out of their research.

“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009

(c) Researchers are not expected to ask personal and sensitive questions if they realize that respondents do
not feel comfortable about revealing such information.

14. State TWO characteristics of research objectives. (4 marks)

The goals to be achieved at the end of the research should be applicable, informed by sources, clear and
link directly to the research problem.

15. You are doing research on laws passed by parliament in your country. Identify TWO sources of
information for your research. (4 marks)
(a) The Internet now has precedents from courts and have specific laws made by parliament of Caribbean
(b) Newspapers reports are very relevant as the mass media usually brings laws to the attention of the public.
(c) One can use archival sources

Total 20 marks



1. Mustapha Nasser, Sociology for Caribbean Students, Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, (2007)

2. Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Urman, Modules in Social Studies, 3rd Edition, Caribbean
Educational Publishers (2001)

3. CAPE Syllabus and Past paper booklet 2003- 2005


“Foster”-ing Caribbean Studies C.A.P.E Historians of the Future, 2009



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