Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter September 2009

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter September 2009 http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-sep-consumer-newslette...

September 15, 2009 The Beat Goes On ...

Limor Raz, a fourth-year Ph.D. student

Study and News Media Causes Alarm: It
New Research:
was NOT About Bioidenticals
Estrogen Halts
Stroke Damage Once again we are on the defense against a new study published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association reporting an association between hormone use and
Estrogen can halt stroke
ovarian cancer.
damage by inactivating a
tumor-suppressing protein
known to prevent many You may have heard it in the news when CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported the study
cancers, Medical College of results. The problem is: the study is NOT talking about bioidentical hormones. It refers
Georgia (MCG) researchers to synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormone replacement, not balanced, with
say. progestins, is harmful. Here’s the reality of what you need to know, understand,
remember and explain to both doctors and other women alike.
Limor Raz, a fourth-year
Ph.D. student in the MCG This particular study culled the health records of nearly 1 million Danish women, and
School of Graduate Studies, researchers found a 38 percent greater risk of ovarian cancer among women who
found estrogen can were currently taking hormone therapy.
chemically alter p53 and
attenuate the cascade, What’s the bottom line? 900,000 women studied over 10 years showed that ovarian
therefore leading to reduced cancer was up 30 to 40 percent whether women were on hormone replacement
stroke damage. therapy (HRT) for six months or 10 years.

The protein found in the Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, the makers of PremPro, made this comment: The findings in
mitochondria, or powerhouse, the study do not change what we already know about the benefits and risks of HRT
of the cell, is known as "the which is based on data from multiple studies. HRT remains a good health care choice
guardian of the genome" for the appropriate woman seeking relief from moderate to severe menopausal
because it regulates the cell symptoms.
cycle and prevents genome
mutation. It also can prevent T.S. Wiley says, "This statement may have made sense years ago but it doesn't now.
cancer by suppressing tumor It wasn’t just the chemical composition of drugs in PremPro that made us sick. It was
growth. the dosage too. And there is no doubt Wyeth knows this and still will not withdraw the
Global cerebral ischemia, the
drug from the marketplace." Read the entire article...
most common type of
ischemic stroke, in which
Biomimetic Hormones
blood flow to the brain is
T.S. Wiley talks about hormones as being are dose dependant and how
disrupted, was induced,
estrogen and progesterone require peaks for receptor activation.
damaging primarily the Click video to watch.
hippocampal CA1 region of
the brain. In this study, a

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter September 2009 http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-sep-consumer-newslette...

group of female rats were

treated with estrogen versus TESTIMONIALS
placebo for seven days and
estrogen’s effect on p53 Read testimonials on Wiley Protocol bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
signaling was examined. T.S. Wiley and team have a Bioidenticals network on YouTube where you will find more
than 102 videos featuring statements from doctors, pharmacists, and women and men on the
Wiley Protocols. Below are just a few:
Raz says, "This part of the
brain is extremely important Dr. Mitchell Fleisher sees dramatic results in autoimmune
because it is where our diseases with the Wiley Protocol.
memory and learning occur."

"During a stroke, you have all Melinda Renna on how she decided on the
these things happening in Wiley Protocol bioidentical hormone replacement.
your brain, and we've
found estrogen treatment
effective in reducing some of
the damage."
Source: http://www.mcg.edu Dana Nelson, Pharmacist in Charge of the Wiley Protocol,
talks about hormone receptors. Click video to watch...

Mindful Eating: A guide to
rediscovering a Healthy and
Joyful Relationship to Food by
Jan Chosen Bays, has been
getting excellent reader reviews. Dr. Christian Renna, DO, Santa Monica, CA

J. Lin on Symptom icons help women report back to their doctors using a
Amazon daily chart for how they feel once they go on the Wiley Protocol.
wrote, This helps them keep track of prior ... Click the video to watch.
“…I was
intrigued Q: Why would a woman want to try the Wiley Protocol, as
by how opposed to other bioidentical hormone therapies?
was it
possible A: My familiarity and experience with the Wiley Protocol dates back four years, and
that our body would know the what I have seen - not just in my practice – but widely throughout the community, is
foods that we need at a that the demand for the Wiley Protocol is growing from the women who want and need
particular point in time? I eagerly it.
plunged into the book and read
all about the seven kinds of It doesn’t matter what the medical community has to say; it doesn’t matter what critics
hungers. I was very pleased for of medical protocols have to say or what commentators, newscasters or talk show
the insight I gained from the hosts have to say … it really doesn’t matter. When something works and offers
reading. This book inspires. The women this much benefit, they are going to get it, and they are going to promote it and
writing is lucid and thoughtful.” popularize it.

Food, Inc., the movie, opened to Without question it is a better solution than women have in any other protocol.
sensational reviews everywhere.
Wiley Protocol Thyroid™ – Biomimetic Thyroid Hormone

For men and women that require thyroid medication, doctors and their patients may
now choose rhythmic dosing using Wiley Protocol Thyroid instead of static dosing in

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter September 2009 http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-sep-consumer-newslette...

Click to read complete review. pill form. The Wiley Protocol Thyroid is the only Biomimetic thyroid therapy on the
market today. It uses the rhythms of nature to mimic the manner in which thyroid
The Gift of Forgiveness, a hormone occurs in a healthy body.
video by the Humanity Healing
Network. T.S. Wiley is the pioneer of the standardization of the patent
pending Wiley Protocol bioidentical hormone restoration
therapy formulations using unique, standardized
We're on Twitter: compounding procedures and color coded packaging,
@WileyWatch available to physicians and patients. The company’s
biomimetic hormone protocols must be formulated by a
trained and registered compounding pharmacist.
Facebook: T.S. Wiley's
Rhythmic Living

Doctor Pamela Wible, who claims to have been a burned out M.D., went to her
YouTube: The community in Eugene Oregon and asked what they wanted in a health care
Bioidenticals Network clinic, and then built it. Here are her tips for a good doctor visit.

Imagine: Visualize the most amazing appointment. You deserve it.

Humanize health care: See your doctor as a real human being.
Eye contact: As your doctor to look into your eyes.
Share your soul: Express yourself deeply and fully. Be real.
Have fun: Tell a joke. Bring a balloon, or share a cookie.
Smile: Everything looks better with a smile.
Give feedback: Send a thank-you note.

Let your doctor know how to make your next visit even better.
(Source: Spirituality & Health Magazine; July/August.)


Our mission in this newsletter is to inform everyone on the Wiley Protocol about issues and concerns
pertaining to our collective future.

Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved. Wiley Systems, Inc.

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