Where Two Worlds Meet - Arthur Finlay
Where Two Worlds Meet - Arthur Finlay
Where Two Worlds Meet - Arthur Finlay
Arthur Findlay
who, for fifty years, has given to mankind, without thought of
reward or of his own convenience, the use of his body to supply the
substance necessary to enable those who have died to vibrate our
atmosphere with their voices and so speak to us.
DURING the Second World War, Mr. John Campbell Sloan kindly gave
his services from time to time, without charge, at the houses of
different people, so that they and their friends might obtain the
phenomenon known as the Direct Voice. Miss Jean Logan Dearie,
who lives at 16 Atholl Gardens, Glasgow, W2, attended some of
these meetings and took verbatim shorthand records of all that took
announce in this book that they were satisfied that everything she
recorded was accurate, and that nothing had been omitted or added
which did not happen.
"Miss Dearie's notes were well arranged and singularly clear. She
never omitted anything. My own notes which I took were almost
identical with those she sent me. She is a woman of great integrity."
"I sat at most seances when Miss Dearie was present taking notes.
She sent me all the records, which I read over, and I found her to be
so accurate as to be word perfect."
"I wish to state that Miss Dearie's records of Mr. Sloan's séances are
accurate in every detail, and were taken down by Miss Dearie
exactly as they came through from the other side."
I much regret not being able to give Mrs. Lang's testimony, but she
has passed on. She and her husband were regular attendees at
Sloan's circles when, between 1918 and 1924, I was also a regular
sitter. For them both I had a high regard and they were held in much
esteem by everyone. She joined her husband and son in 1948.
"I started off with a new notebook for each seance, which I held on
my knee, and put my thumb (left hand) at the beginning of the top
line before the light was turned out. When I reached the end of a
line, I moved my thumb down a space, and continued doing this
until I felt I was at the foot of the page, when I turned over and just
guessed where a line started on the next page. I was not always on
the line, but my notes were fairly straight and regular, and the
writing always legible. I never looked down at
my notebook while I was writing, but looked about me just like the
other sitters, and so was able to see all the spirit lights and
phenomena that occurred. I never felt it tiresome taking the notes,
and have no doubt I received help from the other side with that
In the evenings, after each seance, she transcribed her notes on her
typewriter, but they were on thin wartime paper, single spaced, and
not easily grasped. No differentiation in type or colour was made
between those who spoke on earth and those who spoke from the
other side. Every page, therefore, had to be gone through carefully,
paragraphed and re-typed to make
this quite clear, so that the printer could put what each side said in
different type. This exacting work took me and my secretary over
three months to complete, and only then was it possible to realise
the value of these documents.
time and energy only to spread the truth and increase knowledge. I
have made no money from this work, as my books have never been
sold above the cost of printing, binding, selling and advertising
Stansted Hall,Essex.
July 1951
MR. JOHN S L O A N is a unique man, an individual which nature
seldom produces, and all his life supernormal occurrences have
taken place in his presence. When he is present in a dark room with
other people, voices speak which claim to be those of individuals
who have once lived on earth and who were known by the names
they give. When Sloan is not present these voices are not heard. He
is called a Medium, because he supplies unknowingly something
from his body which unseen people can use to make themselves
heard on earth. This something is the nexus between this world and
Etheria, usually known as the Spirit World.
This substance is called Ectoplasm, and will be explained later, but,
besides having this to a much greater degree than have ordinary
people, he can see men, women and children who are unseen to the
majority of people. This is called Clairvoyance. Besides this, he is
clairaudient, because he can hear them speak when other people
beside him do not. In the seances recorded in this book everyone
heard what the voices said, they were objective, and this
phenomenon is known as the Direct Voice. When only the Medium
hears voices it is called Clairaudience.
But that is not all, because he can become entranced, a condition
similar to a person being under
your hand," when something was heard to slide down the inside of
the trumpet into my hand. It was the same gold match-box that I
had put into the ticket pocket of my overcoat. When the seance was
over I found the window still tightly shuttered, the mat was at the
door as I had placed it, and the door was still locked. That is what is
called an apport.
Finally, Sloan is unique because these gifts, if they may be called so,
do not interest him. He has never exploited them for money; in fact,
he is quite indifferent about money. Consequently, he has given
seance after seance over the past fifty years, and never received a
penny. He was paid nothing for attending the Meetings recorded in
the pages which follow. Instead of gaining anything from them he
put himself to both trouble and expense to be present. He has
received gifts from grateful sitters from time to time, but he never
asks for anything and never expects a reward for his services.
Sloan's home town is Dalbeattie in Kirkcudbrightshire, and when
quite a youth he went to sea, to return to take up drapery, and later
tailoring. Then he went to Glasgow, to return home to Dalbeattie,
and there he married. His wife, whom he had known since
childhood, was a clerkess in the Post Office at Edinburgh. After that,
he settled down in Glasgow to follow different occupations. He was
employed for several years in various departments of the Post
Office, then as a packer in a warehouse, and in middle life he again
went to sea for some years, returning to Glasgow to open a small
newsagent's shop. This was followed by other forms of employment,
and then lie settled down in a cottage at West Kilbride in
Ayrshire, where lie spent the happiest years of his life until his wife
passed on.
Later on I shall have an opportunity of referring to the fine character
of Mrs. Sloan. In his early days she called him Jack, when the
children came he became Daddy to her, and finally she always
called him "My old man," a name which he loved so well to hear
from her. It was the name she called him with her last gleam of
consciousness before she passed on, and now she returns and uses
the same name in the same affectionate way as she did on earth.
All his life Sloan has worked honestly and well for his living, which
was never more than that obtained by an average working man. In
character he is modest, humble and retiring, straightforward,
upright, and has high principles, though he himself admits that
sometimes he grumbles and can be somewhat stubborn and dour.
Never a whisper has been uttered detracting from his uprightness
and honesty of purpose. He has a quiet manner, is of slight build,
has read very little because of poor eyesight and has rather a
dreamy expression. His kindness and unselfishness can be seen by
his willingness to sit at these séances, because he knew the comfort
and upliftment they meant to his many friends, and the friends they
brought with them. No one was ever unwelcome if he was a genuine
enquirer into the life beyond.
So much for Sloan, the Medium, but how is it that these voices,
which this book records, are produced, and heard though the
speakers are unseen? As we proceed it will be told how it is they
speak to us, but we must accept what they have to tell us
What is the cause of a tree in full bloom retaining its shape and its
leaves, while another, which is called "dead," breaks in pieces at a
touch and crumbles away into dust ? There must be a something, to
which we give the term "life," which animates the living organism,
and is absent in the dead organism. That something has the power
to give the substance form and expression, whereas, when the
something is absent, form and expression go, and the substance
which was previously animated returns to form part of the earth.
Evidently there is something we cannot see or handle, which is
nevertheless real and powerful, besides having this faculty of
creating forms out of inanimate earth. I say it must be powerful,
because it is capable of raising matter against the force of gravity,
and retaining matter in an erect position, as, when it leaves the
substance, the force of gravity again assumes control and the
substance in question is affected by all the forces of nature.
A man, an animal, a tree, can stand erect when this life force
permeates them, but when it does not they fall to the ground. Life,
therefore, is an organising force which can counteract the tendency
in matter to disorganise itself. Life is a formative, thinking force,
entering matter and arranging it, whereas matter without it is inert
and devoid of personality. Life, therefore, cannot be a part of matter
any more than the potter can be a part of the clay he uses in his
moulds, and, besides this, it has personality. Every living thing has
personality, because every thing alive is different from every other
living thing. This life force, by this process of arguing, has powers
quite beyond the powers attributed to matter. It is more powerful
than matter, it can organise matter, and therefore thinks. Besides
that it has individuality.
Consequently we can safely take a further step forward, and say
that this organising force is influenced by mind and that what we
call Mind must be the living, active, dominating, controlling force in
the Universe. Mind controls life and life controls matter. Death can
therefore be described as a severance of mind from its association
with matter, and it would be illogical to conclude that mind and its
life-expressing vehicle, the etheric body, which have such power
over matter, cease to exist when we lose sight of their organising
Though we do not see mind at work, it is logical and reasonable to
assume that what can control matter cannot be destroyed. This
general argument, had we not direct evidence, might never lead us
to anything tangible. We might always be right in assuming the
indestructibility of mind, and its expression, life, but had psychic
phenomena not come to our aid we would have been only half-way
to our goal. The goal, however, has now been reached, and the path
has been prepared for the human mind to travel the whole road.
Logically, it is a reasonable assumption that mind should continue to
exist after death apart from its association with matter, but now we
have the proof from psychic science that this does happen and that
the etheric body, which survives, is the real body
and the one which holds the physical body together during life on
earth. Death, I am told, is as easy and as simple as going to sleep
and then awakening. Our duplicate etheric body, each etheric cell a
duplicate of each physical cell, slips out of the physical body,
carrying the mind with it, and we awake to our new surroundings to
find our friends and relations ready to help and instruct us in our
new life.
Death is simply the severance of this etheric body, or structure,
from the physical body. The physical body returns to earth, and the
etheric body, controlled by the mind, continues to function in
Etheria, which, though within and also without the physical, cannot
be appreciated by us so long as we are inhabitants of the physical
body. Our range of sight and touch is too confined for us to
appreciate these finer vibrations.
Our individuality therefore continues apart from physical matter,
and we still think apart from the physical because the same mind
which functioned, when associated with the physical body, now does
so through the duplicate etheric body. We therefore continue to
exist as separate thinking units in Etheria, much as we do to-day,
but in new surroundings. With the same capacity for expanding
thought as we have here, our minds develop, and seemingly
develop more rapidly apart from physical matter. Our etheric bodies
are similar to our present bodies, cell for cell, and that is the logical
conclusion when we admit what has been said before, namely, that
the etheric holds the physical particles together.
This etheric body, moreover, has weight as well as form, as weight
is only a question of degree. In the etheric world weight, which in
the physical is
ever baffle us, and only by including the etheric, and mind, will the
Riddle of the Universe ever be explained. Mind is the common factor
between this earth and the other etheric planes of existence.
Physical and etheric substance, governed by mind, thus comprise
the Universe, and so far as is known there is nothing beyond or
above. Wherever mind is, there will be
found physical or etheric substance, and so it becomes impossible
to imagine a limited Universe because it must be as unlimited as is
mind. Mind cannot operate on nothing. Mind and substance must go
together, because, if there is no mind there is no substance, and if
no substance no mind.
through physical matter it takes ever greater control of its surroundings in Etheria,
until ultimately we, as represented by our minds and our surroundings, become just as
we think. Each individual mind, the highest vibrational frequency we know, is
therefore trained in creative thought through contact with earth, which training
conditions our surroundings here and hereafter. The mind evidently never dies, but
continues developing, and, with its increasing command over its surroundings, both
space and time become of less and less account. My mind is "me" and your mind is
"you." It has been in existence for all eternity, though not so individualised as now.
When it starts its earth experience it enters on a road which enables it to mould its
surroundings more and more as it thinks, and its destiny, my destiny and your destiny,
the destiny of every individualised mind, is to become just as it thinks. Our minds will
ultimately be in complete control of our surroundings, and, as we think, so shall we be
and do. This, I am told by learned Etherians who have spoken to me, is our destiny,
and our first step towards reaching this control over our surroundings, over time and
space, is our time on earth, it being to achieve this end that we, as individualised
minds, pass through our earth experiences.
At a seance we meet those who have gone round the first bend of this road, but they
are able to come back and speak to us for a limited time. The conversations we have
with them, as will be revealed in
It should also be remembered that these Meetings were not the first
the regular sitters had attended, they had been to others before,
some had sat with Sloan for years, and they were well aware of how
to make the conditions for reception as perfect as
possible. So, when the voices spoke at the séances recorded here,
and some gave only their first names, the sitters knew who they
were and consequently questions were not put to establish identity.
When, however, newcomers speak who have never spoken before,
they have to be identified, and this is done by asking questions
about their lives on earth, which the
speakers must answer correctly if they are to be accepted as the
persons they claim to be.
With most of those who spoke at the Meetings recorded in this book,
this screening process had been
gone through at previous sittings, and this explains
The next best thing to this is to read about what these fortunate
people experienced, and I know of no longer, or more informative
and consecutive, record than the one which is contained between
the covers of this book. This comes from the invention of shorthand,
which enabled a continuous and correct account of all that
happened to be recorded. This record
is now set up in book form for those who wish to read it.
was unknown, few became aware of what the etheric voices said,
and all that we know about them is the report, which occurs so often
in ancient literature, that voices spoke out of the void. Consequently
organised dogmatic credal religion flourished, and
ignorant humanity were told by the priests what they were to
believe, or suffer the consequences of thinking for themselves.
This book is none other than a tale of discovery, and most people
can be thrilled by such a story. The country discovered is not
imaginary but real, not one you will never see, but one which
everyone will reach within a comparatively short time from now,
within the next sixty or seventy years for some, and for others much
less. This book is the story of what has been told by some of this
country's inhabitants to the people to whom you will shortly be
introduced. It has been told by their own voices in clear audible
English, and now we know what their land is like, where it is, how
they got there, how they feel, what they look like, and how we
should live on earth to become adjusted quickly to the more intense
conditions we shall there experience. There we must be able, if we
wish to be happy and contented, to adjust ourselves to a new
society of high ideals, and the foreknowledge they give us puts us in
a privileged position, because, to the vast majority of mankind, it is
quite unknown.
To make this book more easily read and understood I have had
printed what comes from Etheria in different type, and this
distinction makes the conversations simple to follow. This use of
different type, and the understanding of what this introductory
Consequently I shall now take you over to the little gathering which
has assembled in a small room in the house of Mrs. Bowes on 11th
April, 1942, along with the medium Mr. John Sloan. They take their
seats, which have been placed in a circle, and on
the floor are two upright aluminum trumpets about two feet in
length. When everyone is settled, the light is put out, and the room
is in complete darkness because the window blind is down and the
heavy curtains are drawn.
So we shall now commence the next chapter and read Miss Dearie's
report of what took place.
Saturday, 11 th April, 1942
"I will not satisfy you again, Sloan, with my singing, you do
not appreciate it," and he then turned to Mrs. Moritz:
" We then started talking about rations, and how difficult it was to
get things in the shops, how people with a large family got coupons
even for infants and were not able to use them all. A child's voice
chimed in here and said
We laughed and asked who was speaking, and the reply was:
Miss Dearie then remarked: "I was just going to suggest that we sing
something bright," when the voice replied:
"Hear, hear, but tak' care of yourself, Sloan. I did not mean
what I said the noo-no, no. I didna mean it, I just wanted to
get you off the ration business."
We sang O God of Betbel, by Whose hand, and a voice from the
other side sang along with us. While singing this we saw lights
moving about; one about the size of a pencil was extremely bright,
and others more cloudy.
One of us then started to tell what had been in the newspapers
about a poltergeist who had done damage at a country mansion,
flinging things about, and setting rooms on fire, and how the
Insurance Company had paid up on the grounds that the fires had
been caused through unknown forces. A voice from the other side
said at this point
Mr. Sloan replied: "Na, na, I'll stick to my old things. They will dae
me fine, but you should be ashamed of yourself making a remark
like that."
The reply came:
Mr. Sloan remarked, "Well, you have come to a fine house anyway,"
and received the reply
The unknown voice left off baiting Sloan and went on:
Miss Colquhoun said: "My name does sound like Cohen, but it is
Colquhoun (pronounced "Cuhoon") all right."
"Don't you know the history of your own Clan ?Well, well,
well; I did not think that of you."
The trumpet then touched Miss Dearie and patted her all over the
head and face. She asked who it was, and a voice said
Miss Dearie said: "But I am afraid I do not know who James is."
Mr. Sloan then said: "Miss Dearie, had you not a James connected
with you in early life? You will have to go back to your school days
or earlier."
Miss Dearie said: "I may have, but I cannot recall any close
connection of that name. If he would tell me his second name that
might help."
Mr. Moritz remarked: "Yes, or where he came from; that would help
you to place him."
We got no reply to that, but the trumpet again caressed Miss Dearie
all over her head and face. She said: "Thank you, James, whoever
you are. I will try to remember you later."
myself-not able to place someone who spoke to me, and then later
on it has all come back who the person was."
Someone said that James could be a surname, or even a middle
name, but this drew no response from the other side.
"Hello, are you all out, Sloan ? You are much more particular
today. I don't know what is the matter with you." (Then, as if
speaking to someone else on his side, he said): "Come in," (as if he
was inviting someone into the room).
He then asked:
Mr. Moritz remarked that he was sure he had seen the name of
Crosher in the obituary notices a short time ago, but no one knew
Mr. Crosher or anything about him.
Mr. Sloan replied that he was a very fine fellow, and Mrs. Galloway's
name was mentioned, when a man's voice said
"I have met you many times at Mrs. Lang's since I came over
here, and I knew you well while I was in the body. I
remember all my earth life-ah yes-it is not a very nice
record. It could have been better."
Mr. Moritz asked: "But cannot you tell me who you are?", and
received the reply:
"Oh yes, I am very happy to do that. I am Robin Howat."
Mrs. Moritz then remarked to us in the circle "I got the impression
that it was Robin Howat even before he told us his name. Isn't that
strange?-I don't know what made me think of him."
Mr. Howat said:
"I came to give you good news. I have seen your son and he
is well. I went down to the coast with a friend. You know
how I liked the sea. I did not live at the sea but I was always
interested in seafaring men. I just asked to be put in the
way of finding somebody (on earth) that I knew, so I went a
long journey and visited a ship; not a very large ship.
I saw your son. They (my friends in Etheria) pointed him out to
me and said : `There is a young gentleman whose father and
mother you will be speaking to today.
Of course, he should have said "Mrs. Moritz", but this mistake was
cleared up later. Continuing, Mr. Howat said:
"I wanted to let you know that he is all right. It will satisfy
you to know, Mr. and Mrs. Moritz, that this faith which you
have embraced yourselves, and which you have talked about
with your boy, has been a great help to him in trouble and
and it will also please you to hear that he is passing this
knowledge on to others whenever he has the opportunity.
He has benefited very much from the tuition you have given
him in this certainty of the continuity of life."
Mrs. Moritz remarked that her son had told her he had heard some
of the boys at sea discussing the subject, and one of them had said
that he accepted it because of his Mother's experiences.
A new voice then said:
"I cannot help hearing what you are saying just now, Mrs.
Moritz-`from his Mother's experiences'. You know how a
Mother's word goes with a boy. We may go against the old
man sometimes, but never against Mother. There are times
when we are all
prone to think of serious things, and I know that you are
thinking about me at present, Mother dear. It is Arthur."
(Arthur Lang, who was killed in the First World War.)
Mrs. Lang replied: "I was just thinking, Arthur, about your birthday
and wishing you were still with me."
Mrs. Lang replied: "No, dear, next week-the 16th -I could not forget
that date, you know, Arthur."
To this his reply came:
"I have lost count of time but I know it was the 16th. It was
'92 ; was it not ?-the 16th of April,1892."
His Mother replied: "Yes, that is the date," and then Arthur said:
"Do you know, Mother, I don't look fifty now. You know that
photo you have of me, Mother ?- well, I am just as youthful-
looking as that now, but minus the regalia, of course."
(Referring to his uniform.) "I see you looking at it sometimes,
dearest Mother, and I kiss you, but you do not know."
Mrs. Moritz said: "Have you brought someone with you, Arthur?",
and he replied
Mrs. Lang said: "Arthur, you would have been such a stand-by had
you still been with me," and to this he answered:
"Yes, dearest, but I am ever standing by you, and I know you
are aware of that fact."
"And how are you, Miss Colquhoun ? just tell the company I
do not want my talk to upset you at all, but it gives me great
pleasure to speak to Mother and to those present. Did I
know you in earth life, Mrs. Moritz ?"
Arthur said:
Mr. Sloan said: "Well, Arthur, I dinna ken (know) about too much
butter, but I canna even get margarine the noo."
Arthur replied:
"It is not that kind I mean, and I will tell you what I think of
you when I get you over on this side, my boy. You won't
want butter either. When you come over here there is a
great joy and satisfaction in meeting with friends whom you
have known in the stony path of life, who have stumbled
perhaps and gone a little under, but who have always pulled
up again and tried to march steadily onwards until the old
tenement of clay is left behind, and the spirit, the real man
and real woman, emerges to live a nobler, higher and more
perfect life."
Mrs. Sloan (or Mammy Sloan, as she called herself), who passed on
in January 1940, next spoke to Miss Colquhoun and to Dad (Mr.
Sloan). She said:
"You always get a beautiful vibration from Arthur, don't
you ? I often think about you all in these terrible times ; I
came through it all. (1914-1918 War.) Dear Bob (Bob Howat)
has been a splendid help to me since I came here. He is one
of the best, Dad. Don't you worry about him; he is all right,
and the beautiful testimonial he gave me is much more than
I deserve."
Mrs. Moritz here said: "You must all be very busy just now with so
many coming over due to the war,"and Mr. Howat replied, saying:
Mr. Sloan said: "I wonder, Bob, if you could tell me if you ever see
wee Tommy."
A lady on the other side then spoke to Bob Howat so that we all
could hear, and said:
Mr. Sloan then exclaimed: "Myra, my, but I'm real glad to hear you
speaking! You were an awfu' bonny lassie, Myra; nae wonder Bob
wanted to get over to your world to be beside you; aye, you were
awfu' bonny!"
Myra replied:
"You are not to get too serious, you people. This will never
do at all, you know. You are not in any melodrama. You have
not lost your friends at all, and we want to keep you happy,
and when you smile we are happy too."
"No, but I am his father, and I tell him I was a better man
than ever he was."
"I do not know this house, but I saw the light,and was
enabled to come in. Do any of you know Sir John Hunter? I
know he would help me if he could. I feel rather strange. I do
not seem to be able to get away from the vicinity of Albert
One of us asked: "Did you live in Albert Drive?", and Mr. Crosher
"Yes, that is my home. I saw this man get off the tramcar,
and followed him here. (Probably Mr. Sloan.) I must go now.
I am afraid I have overstayed my welcome."
We all said: "Oh, no, we are very glad you are able to talk to us,"
and Miss Dearie asked: "Do you wish to get away from Albert
He answered:
"Yes, I am glad you can hear me. They do not seem to hear
me at home. They are so vexed and I cannot talk to them."
Miss Colquhoun said: "No, they will not be able to hear you there,"
and then Miss Dearie said: "Do you want any message given to
those at home, Mr. Crosher?", to which he answered:
The trumpet had fallen once or twice while he was speaking, and
Miss Colquhoun had lifted it up again.
"I thank you very much, Miss Colquhoun, for your kind
assistance. I bow to you, my dear. I was trying to use that
little trumpet, but could not manipulate it properly. I seem
to get on better with the big one."
Being interested in what had been said by Mr. Crosher, Miss Dearie
went to the Glasgow Herald office and looked back the obituary
notices, and found the notice of his death as follows:
"CROSHER. At 350 Albert Drive, Pollokshields, on 30th March, 1942,
William Crosher, Managing Director of Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co. Ltd.
Funeral today (Wednesday) at the Crematorium (Western
Necropolis) at 12 noon."
Another voice then spoke with rather a foreign accent. We asked
who he was, and he replied:
"Jim (on earth) will get on all right. I am not able to say much,
but it will be nothing serious, I think. Tell my dear wife,
though I think she will know herself by this time, that there
is nothing to be alarmed about. I am not allowed to get close
to him. I am William Bowes." (Jim recovered.)
Mrs. Bowes' Dutch friend then spoke with a foreign accent, saying:
Mr. Sloan then remarked: "I think you should go now, friend, and let
some of the folks' own freens (friends) come; this is an awfu'
"I am deputed to tell this man in the chair (Mr. Sloan) that
he is an ungrateful man."
Mr. Sloan replied: "I am sorry, friend, I did not mean to say one
disparaging word to you. Only you talked so long, but I did not mean
anything against you."
Mr. Sloan said: "There are some things in life, Dutchman, that I can
never understand, and what the solution will be perhaps I shall know
by and by in His good time."
Mr. Sloan replied: "Yes, I remember the Sitting she had with me, and
oh, she was so bonny (beautiful) and looked so young; you would
have taken her for a young woman in the thirties, and Sir William
Barrett told me she was over seventy years at that time. My, but
she was bonny, and so nice. She told me she was a little deaf and
asked to be allowed to sit on my other side so that she could hear
better "
We asked: "Who else was at that Sitting, Mr. Sloan?", and he replied:
"Let me think" (and Mrs. Lang helped him to remember)-"Sir William
Barrett was present; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Thomas Lipton, Dr.
Abraham Wallace, Marconi, Sir Oliver Lodge, and Mr. Byrd, the
American scientist. Mr. Byrd did not believe in this but came with an
open mind, and I remember his astonishment when a friend of his,
who had passed over, spoke to him, reminding him how they had
been together on Brooklyn Bridge, and repeated some parts of the
conversation they had had there. I mind fine (well remember) that
Mr. Byrd said to his old friend: `That is all true, but how can you
speak to me when you are dead?' "
One of us asked: "Are you Mrs. Campbell's friend?", and the voice
"No, this is Shankschienne." (The name sounded something like
Mr. Sloan said: "Is it Chassie? (what she was called). My, I am glad
to hear you! You have been my dear one's Guide (Mrs. Sloan's)
since she was a wee lassie, and you are such a nice wee lassie
Mrs. Sloan then spoke from the other side, saying "She is a lady,
a beautiful lady now, Dad, lovely in her speech and lovely in
her ways."
and also the path by which you should have come. I am sorry
to say I did not always walk in the right path, Miss
Colquhoun, but that is for myself only, as I do not wish to
speak of any other."
Miss Colquhoun asked if she might know who was speaking, and he
Mr. Moritz agreed that that was so, and expressed himself as
delighted to know who was speaking and to have a few words with
"At times it was not just a boon to get your words, though
they were always words of wisdom."
Mr. Wink also mentioned the centre of the City, Saint Vincent Street,
and ended by saying:
(Mr. John D. Wink, who died in June 1936, was the Head Office
Manager of the Union Bank of Scotland, 110 St. Vincent Street,
Glasgow, and succeeded Mr. Moritz, who previously held that
(Mr. Wink went on, but as his remarks were of a private and
personal nature they have been omitted.) We then started talking
among ourselves about someone on the music halls who claimed to
be a Mind Reader, and what the doctors had said on the
subject, when a voice from the other side said:
Miss Colquhoun replied: "God bless you, Father darling; is Mother all
before you come over here. You are going to have a good
long time, and the world will smile on you yet."
Mrs. Lang then said: "Are you not going to get any of Miss Dearie's
friends to speak to her?", and this was the reply:
"I am all right, Jeanie. How are the others? Are they all
right ?"
Another voice then spoke, saying "Mary, Mary," and Miss Dearie's
sister spoke to her:
"Jean, I cannot see you."
Miss Dearie said: "I cannot see you either, dear, but I can hear you,"
and this is what her sister said "Where are you, Jean ? I do not
know this house."
Miss Dearie said: "No, you do not know the house, but I am at a
friend's. Are you happy, darling?", to which enquiry Mary replied:
"Yes, Jean, but I just wish I could see you." Then the trumpet
fell on the floor, and Mr. Sloan remarked: "Well, you have knocked
the trumpet ower, lassie, whether you can see or no."
Miss Dearie followed on, saying: "Thank you, Father dear, but I am
getting along very well. I am quite sure I will be looked after," and to
this her Father answered:
"We are often with you. Cannot you sense our presence at
times ?",
and she replied: "Yes, I can-very often at home," and then her
Father repeated:
Miss Dearie asked: "What are you doing, Father?", and he replied:
Miss Dearie then asked: "Father, have you got a message to send to
Tom?", and he replied:
Miss Dearie replied: "Oh, I think he would love to get a message all
the same, Father," but he repeated his refusal in these words:
Miss Dearie said: "You sound very young, Father -your voice I
mean," and Mr. Dearie replied:
Miss Dearie answered: "No, dear, quite the reverse. You sound as if
you had taken them off," to which remark he replied:
Mrs. Lang remarked that it was also a pleasure to us to hear his nice
Irish brogue, and would he please get someone to come and close
the Meeting, to which he replied:
"The time will come when we will all meet again in this land
so bright and free from pain. God bless you all. I am Mrs.
Taylor. Please tell Mary and Jean that I was here. I think of
them all the time, and of my beloved boy who is here."
Mr. Sloan said: "Aye, that was Robert Taylor. He was killed."
before your dear wife had it not been for the attention you
get from your friends on this side."
A voice then said:
"Good tidings for you, Mr. Moritz. I don't know what the
news is, but I see the light above your head. Good news, and
don't worry about your boy. He will be all right." Then,
addressing Mr. Hart, who is a schoolmaster, it continued: "The
earth is a beautiful schoolhouse. You do what you call the
curriculum-is that what you call it, Mr. Teacher? for the
wider life, and, if you pass fairly well, it will be all the better
for you when you come to this side of life. The Peace of the
Great Father be with you now and in the time to come, and
may the Great Master guide your thoughts, each one of you,
so that you will be glad you have pursued the path of duty
and worked for the good, not of yourself only, but for one
and all-your brothers and sisters on the journey."
A woman's voice then said:
"Miss Colquhoun, from your cradle days of life I have been
your Guide, my dear little sister. I am the Indian girl, who
speaks to you now. I have been a sister to you all through
life, watching you in your career, your joys and pains,
helping you when you knew it not, in your trouble and care,
in your trials and your sorrows, and will be with you to the
journey's end. God bless you, from Dewdrop. Have you ever
felt influences when you were going to do something, and
you stood and thought-'I will not do that just now,' and you
afterwards found that that intuition was the correct thing ? I
was behind you there, and I will not disappoint you. 'I will
shelter you in the shadow of my wings.' This is Dewdrop."
Miss Colquhoun said she felt what seemed like tiny wings fluttering
through her hair.
A man's voice now spoke, saying:
"That you may all be kept in the straight path and the broad
highway which leads to the light, and the Shining Light
beyond, is the wish of Pathfinder. I am Pathfinder, and I
shall take the responsibility of keeping watch now. I wish
you 'good night', and may God bless you. May you be safe
from all harm, your dreams pleasant, and your rest secure. I
am Pathfinder. May the blessing of the Great White Spirit,
the only true God, keep you in His way of truth and love, all
along your path of life unto the end, which is the beginning."
Another voice then spoke, saying:
"I am so glad to be permitted to speak to you today, friend
Mr. Sloan said: "Who are you, please?", and the answer came:
"Charles Robertson."
Mr. Sloan replied: "Charlie, I'm real glad -to hear your voice again.
Do you mind (remember), Charlie, what happened before you went
away to the Foo Chow Mission?-but I'll no say what it was."
Mr. Robertson said:
"Yes, I remember very well, and you may as well say it out."
Mr. Sloan told us that Mr. Robertson had always liked evening
prayers, and when he had been staying with Sloan's family before
going abroad, he wanted him (John Sloan) to put up the prayers.
bluntly refused: " 'Deed, I will not; I may read the Bible but I'll no
give a prayer." His father had said to him: "Surely, John, you will do
that to please Charlie?", and he had replied : "'Deed, I will not --
even to please Charlie."
Mr. Robertson then started singing From Greenland's Icy Mountains,
and we all joined in. Then he spoke about Jeanie, his wife.
Mr. Sloan was telling us what a fine man Mr. Robertson was and
what a record he had left behind him, when Mr. Robertson spoke
and said:
"Never mind, John, you also are leaving a record behind you,
a record which has brought joy to many sad hearts ; hope to
many hopeless ones, and not just hope, but the assurance of
eternal life beyond. God bless you all. C. R."
Mr. Sloan now told us that Charlie Robertson was an old school
friend, who had gone into the ministry, and had been out at the Foo
Chow Mission in China for many years ; that he had a son, Dr.
Gladstone Robertson, who was practicing in Newlands, and that he
(Mr. Sloan) had always intended to visit him and tell him about his
old friendship with his Father.
After this was said, Mr. Sloan went into trance for a few moments,
when the trumpet gave him what sounded like good hard knocks on
the head, and then a voice said:
"Wake up, Sloan, wake up."
Mr. Sloan came out of trance with a start, saying: "What's the
matter-what's the matter?", to be told by a voice:
"Close, close."
So we sang the Doxology, and the Meeting ended.
You have now been introduced to the Medium, Mr. John Sloan, to the
six sitters who were present at this little Meeting, to the way it was
conducted, and to what took place. The room used was a small one
so as to conserve the ectoplasm, and a hymn started the
proceedings, to vibrate the atmosphere and make everyone feel
comfortable and harmonious, because tension and disharmony
inhibit the phenomena. Anything can be sung, hymns and songs,
but Mr. Sloan preferred hymns, and their well-known words and
tunes made them the most popular.
The sitters had not to wait long. In the midst of their conversation,
after the hymn was sung, a voice broke in, and addressed Mr. Sloan,
and then Mrs. Moritz. The voice, which could be heard by everyone,
was quite loud and natural. Sometimes a voice was recognised as
like the earth voice of the person speaking, or it was recognised
because it had the same sound as had been heard on previous
occasions from the same speaker. Male, female and children's
voices were recognised as such, and the conversations which took
place were quite natural, except for the fact that the Etherians who
spoke could not be seen. On the telephone we can carry on a
conversation without seeing each other. They, however, can see us
but we cannot see them. When speaking, the Etherians do not
hesitate, their speech flows smoothly, and they speak clearly and
distinctly so that all can hear.
At most séances, lights, the size of half-a-crown, float about the
room, the trumpets rattle against each other, and move about at
great speed. A band of luminous paint on them makes it possible to
follow their movements, but, without that, the swish they
It will be noticed that they can keep in touch with distant friends of
ours on earth, and report to us at these Meetings as to how they are
and where they are. During the War this was most helpful and many
were comforted by the news, especially those who had relations and
friends in the East. Many instances of this form of news service
came to my notice during the War, and its accuracy was
Another point that comes out in the seance under review is that
there we grow to maturity but never get old, and, if we die old on
earth, we go back to maturity. This is emphasised by Etherians on
many occasions in the talks which follow.
Affection for those they loved on earth is as strong as it was when
they lived here with us, and their memories bring back earth events,
especially when they get close to this earth's vibrations at these
séances. It seems clear that it gives them as much pleasure to see,
touch and speak to us as it gives us to speak to them.
Here I would refer to what was said about Queen Alexandra being at
one of Sloan's séances, and, if reference is made to the after-war
editions of On the Edge of the Etheric, the reason will be found.
Therein I told of the wonderful evidence received from her husband
by the Controller of her household, whom I took with me to sit with
Sloan. What was more natural than that she also wished to speak to
him who on earth was known as Edward VII, and where better could
she go than to the Sloan circle, where the evidence that he still lived
was so clearly given?
We shall find as we go on that men and women of different
nationalities spoke, and some spoke in their
Wednesday, 20th May, 1942
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
afterwards repeated The Lord's Prayer, a voice from the other side
saying "Amen" along with us.
One of us remarked: "It shows there is someone in the surroundings
at any rate."
Mr. Sloan replied: "Maybe that is a' that will happen the nicht."
A man's voice from the other side said
"Take no heed of him."
Mrs. Sloan from the etheric world then spoke and repeated a verse
of a hymn:
"Not now ; but in the coming years,
It may be in that better land,
We'll read the meaning of our tears,
Some time, some time, we'll understand."
Mr. Sloan, her husband, started to weep, and Mrs. Sloan said to him
Mrs. Bowes said : "You speak very beautiful English," and the
answer came:
"I have been in America-I am a North American Indian. My
son has been with you many times in the old days."
Mrs. Lang asked: "Who was that? Would you tell us his name?", and
the voice replied:
"I am sure you know his name-Wallaho. I am Wallaho's
Mr. Sloan said : "I remember Wallaho fine-he was the best
Indian I ever had."
The Indian replied:
"Thank you, friend. I have been a long time in the spirit life
mixing with those of your country, and have steadily set my
mind to acquire fluency in your language. I may be taking
undue credit to myself, but I do the best I can."
Mrs. Bowes asked the question : "When we come to your side of life,
are we freed from this lack of memory that we really are so troubled
with in the body? You speak of learning our language. Did you retain
all you learned without any effort? Do we remember everything
when we pass on?"
The reply was:
"Yes, to a certain extent, but things which happened in the
body, and are not to your benefit on the spirit side,
gradually fade away."
Mrs. Bowes explained that what she meant was "If we are wishful to
learn anything new on the spirit side, could we retain the knowledge
received and not forget things as we do in earth life?"
To this she received the interesting reply:
"Forgetting things you have been told, or taught,
he does not always know it, and we do our best to cheer him
up. He leads a pretty lonely life now, you know."
Mrs. Sloan (called Mammy Sloan), to whose death the above remark
refers, then spoke, saying:
"I do not want to take him away from you yet. I want him to
stay for a little while beside you yet."
Then there was silence, when a man with a very powerful voice said
to Mr. Cameron:
"You are a very thoughtful man, Mr. Cameron. I am very
pleased to speak to you. You weigh everything up and take
it to the seat of reason, allowing room for what the other
man has to say. You put two and two together, and out of
the two you make the whole. I have been listening
interestedly to what you have been discussing. It is very
beautiful to see you all sitting there so happily together."
Mrs. Lang answered : "All in harmony," and he replied
"I am afraid that is a phase which cannot be acquired
completely on your side of life. Here we have complete
harmony which knows no barrier; that love which never dies.
That is one thing God brings into your heart in the earth life,
and, if it is true love, it will never die. It may dwindle a little,
or twinkle like a little star, but at the end of the road, when
you meet again, it will be illuminated once more and bright,
when the trammels of clay have been thrown off, and you
are received bright and beautiful into this glorious land. I
am one of the Indian friends."
A child's voice then broke in saying
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Telling us we never die."
A Scottish voice then said:
"I doot (doubt) your clock has lost its voice tonight." (The
clock had just struck but sounded rather faint.) "I wonder at you
keeping a thing like that."
To this rather tactless remark Mrs. Lang said: "Well, it is very
difficult to get these things mended just now."
The voice replied
"Are you no mechanically minded, Mr. Hart ? Could you no
dae something with it ?"
Mr. Hart laughed and said : "Not very, so perhaps I should leave it."
We asked who was speaking, and received the reply
"We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns." (His usual introduction.)
Mrs. Lang said: "Oh, it is you, Mr. Lamont; we are pleased to hear
from you. Tell us what you are doing, and how you are getting on."
Mr. Lamont replied
"Ah weel, ye ken I am dealing with things in the physical the
noo ; you are all looking fine."
We asked: "Can you see us?", and he replied:
"I see you sometimes when you would not want me to see
Wallaho now spoke first to Mr. Lamont on his side, and then to us
"That is one thing, Mr. Lamont, which the spirit side has
guarded against; anything done by friends in the earth life
who have erred, if it would hurt those who love them who
have gone before, a veil is thrown across, that they do not
know about it. If it is conducive to their happiness this veil
will be thrown, and they will not be permitted in the
surroundings if it is going to make them sad and hamper
their progress on this side of life. The Great Spirit of all Love
is too far-seeing and too loving to have it otherwise. The
higher ones know all, but they guard such knowledge from
those it would hurt. I am Wallaho. I have just come in
because I got a thought message from my father who has
just left you. It is a long time, I think, as you count time,
since I heard your voice, Mrs. Lang."
Mrs. Lang replied: "Years and years."
Wallaho said:
"It seems such a little space to me here. Yet it must be long
to you, and some of these years were weary and sad ; but
there was something said tonight while I was standing near
you. I listened to my dear little friend repeating these words
: `Then, ah, then, you will understand.' I am just going to
stand by. I am not going away, and may have the chance
tonight of talking to you again. You must pull yourself
together, friend Sloan ; loving friends are watching you
here, and loving friends are watching you on your side as
well. I am sure you will not shirk your duty if we can use
you. Try your best to be patient. Don't wish for the time to
come when you can be over here; it will come by and by
when you hear the Master's voice. I am Wallaho."
Mr. Sloan was now out of trance, but before he could reply to this
advice another voice spoke
"I was going to ask you to sing."
So we started singing They are winging, they are winging. During
this hymn, and immediately after, we heard a little bell tinkling;
such a sweet, silvery sound. It was Mr. Hart's little friend, letting us
know she was present.
A man's voice (which turned out to be that of Pathfinder, an
American Indian) then said
"Up above the stars you see, there are other realms of light.
Don't you bother about where the Spirit World is, you will be
there all right when the time comes, the whole lot of you.
What I would like to tell you is to prepare yourself on your
side of life, so that you will be fitted and able to take a
reasonable place and a reasonable responsibility on the
spirit side when you do come over.
"Had I lived a better life in the material I would not have
been so sad when I first came over here. That was a
beautiful illustration of a veil being drawn so that dear ones
on this side do not always know what is going on among
their friends on earth. It is only the grosser things that are
hidden from them. I hope you will understand. I am a very
plain fellow and I am only putting my own thoughts through,
which I have gathered from experience, and which I know to
a great extent to be true on this side.
"We only know to a limited extent what is going on on the
Earth Plane. Those in the high planes-the Ministering Angels
and Shining Ones do, however, know all, and shade certain
things off that would spoil the happiness
"No, on both sides-on the Earth Plane and also on the lower
planes on this side. I have progressed to a higher plane
myself, but am doing this work for the Master's sake. The
fields are ripe for the harvest, but sometimes the reapers
are few. In God's Garden of Life, however, there are many
helpers and workers in the fields of Paradise who go out to
help their weaker brothers and sisters. It is one of the Indian
friends speaking, I am Pathfinder. I have found a path that
led me to higher heights, more beautiful and glorious
heights, my lovely home, but I thought of those left behind
and prayed that I might be allowed for a little time to act as
pathfinder for my brothers and sisters who need help when
they come to this side of life."
The trumpet then touched Miss Dearie and Pathfinder continued
"I have a message to deliver to you from your Mother. The
lady says: `Tell Jeanie I am watching over her and loving her
all the time.' She says you are her darling daughter, her own
wee girlie. She will keep near you ; helping you over any of
the difficult parts of the road which you may still have to
pass. It is the Indian Chief who delivers this message to you
from your beautiful Mother. I am Pathfinder."
Miss Dearie said: "Oh, thank you, Pathfinder; that is a beautiful
message. Please thank my Mother for sending it to me."
Pathfinder said
"I will do so. Mary is here now, your sister."
Miss Dearie said: "Mary, are you there?-come and speak to me,
Mary said
"Jeanie, Jeanie, I can see you so well-I can see you all ; you
are so beautiful."
Miss Dearie remarked : "I just wish I could see you, Mary-I hope you
are very, very happy, and that you will now get joy for all your past
troubles, darling."
Mary replied
"I have no troubles now. I have left them all behind, and now
I will try to help you, Jeanie."
Miss Dearie said : "Yes, do, dear, and Tom too, won't you?"
Mary said
"Yes- if I could caress you I would love to do so, darling."
Several voices now spoke at the same time and it was very
confusing. A Scottish voice from the other side then said
"We seem to be a bit jumelt(jumbled) together."
Mr. Sloan said: "That is a new one to me-I have never heard that
word before."
The voice replied
"Where were you brought up, Sloan ? That is a good Scotch
and Mr. Sloan replied : "Well, I am Scotch enough, Guid kens" (God
The voice retorted
"You are only half a Scotsman-your mother was a Highland
(Scotland is divided between the northern Kelts and the southern
A lady's voice then said
"Yes, I was a Highland woman," and Mr. Sloan's Mother spoke,
Mrs. Bowes said: "When we think of those who are suffering from
oppression and cruelty it makes us very sad; and the boys passing
over in agony and pain."
To this remark he replied
"Yes, that distress is also felt here very acutely, but you
need not worry about those who are passing over. There is
not a battle area on the whole of your plane, either on land
or sea, that has not thousands of Ministering Angels to help
those who suffer. Even those who are very badly mangled
feel no pain. Very gently they are carried over to the other
side by those who are engaged in this merciful work. They
will not be allowed to suffer or sorrow. It is those who are
left behind to mourn for them we are so sorry for, more
particularly for those who have not the bright hope and
knowledge which you have here, who know that dear ones
gone are out of all care and trouble, their struggles over,
and they are home at last, among friends."
We asked who was speaking, and he replied:
"Just an old pioneer-Jock is one of my names. I have never
been here before. Most of the friends who usually speak to
you are otherwise engaged at present, and I have been
honoured by being allowed to step into the breach and do a
little for the Master's sake. God bless you."
Another voice then said
"The regular friends are engaged in other work. I would like
to ask your opinion, friend Cameron. Who is responsible for
the condition in the world today ? I would like your opinion,
and yours too, Mr. Scribe"
Mrs. Bowes said: "He must still be in the body, they have been
enquiring. Thank you, friend." The Dutch speaker replied:
"He is still with you, but many of my countrymen have come
Then another voice spoke
"There is a sweet home where wondrous beauties await you,
that Home is my portion now. I have gone on beyond this ;
excuse me saying so, but it means coming back to get into
your surroundings. There are sheltering arms outstretched
to shield and guard you and those who are dear to you,
bearing them up with supplication and prayer, and we will
do the best we can for you all the way. It is one of the Indian
Chiefs who brings this message to you. You know something
of the power of what you call prayer, but it has a much more
wonderful power than you realise, so you know what to do."
The trumpet then touched Mr. Cameron, and went all over his head.
A lady's voice said
"Don, Don, my darling, I would like to caress you. Don, can
you hear me speaking? If I could use my hands, my beloved,
I would caress you."
Mr. Cameron thanked her, and asked who it was. We thought we
heard the name "Mary" (his wife), but were not sure.
A man then spoke, and Mr. Cameron asked: "Who was that who has
just spoken?", to receive the reply
"I do not know, but a very beautiful spirit at any rate, a
The trumpet then touched Miss Duff, and she asked who it was,
when a voice said:
"Come right in, William, and speak to the friend you want to
speak to."
Miss Duff said: "Is it Willie? I am awfully glad to speak to you. How
are you, Willie?" He replied
"I am very well. If you were just in as good health as I am
now, I would be very happy, my beloved."
Miss Duff replied : "I am so glad about it. Did you think, Willie, that I
might have done more at the time of your passing?", to which he
"You did super-humanly,"
and then Miss Duff said: "Oh, no, Willie dear, not that," but he
"Oh yes you did, I know. I have thought of you so often
Miss Duff asked: "Are you all right, Willie? I am so pleased that you
appear to be less shy than you were."
He replied
"Yes, I left that behind, but now, on coming into these
surroundings, I feel my shyness coming back."
Miss Duff said: "You must not let that happen. You do know how
glad I am to hear you speaking to me," his answer being
"I know that, and all your dear friends here are sending out
their loving thoughts to me. God bless you. It is my supreme
delight to hear you. I am often near you at home and
elsewhere, but I hear you speaking better here."
Miss Duff said: "Thanks very much for coming," and then enquired :
"Have you seen my Mother, Willie?"
He replied
"I have just left her, she is here beside you. We all hear your
voice, and we bring you all our love, and David's too. Do you
still like me, darling?"
Miss Duff answered : "I do, very much," and to this he replied:
"I am going now, but I shall meet you at the Golden Strand,
and the years will not be long. I shall wait for you, beloved.
God bless you."
He then concluded:
"You are not to cry, darling. Before I go I will tell you I am
very glad I have shaken off my shyness and am able to talk
to you like this. It is a beautiful thing, the passing; to come
to the crucial point, and then be speedily with your loved
ones on this side."
Miss Colquhoun's Mother then spoke to her, and seemed a little
"Crissie, I am so worried about you."
Miss Colquhoun replied: "Now, Mother dear, you are not to worry
about me. What are you crying for?"
Mrs. Colquhoun answered
"Because you miss me so much and I do not want you to be
left alone. You must have somebody for a companion.
Miss Colquhoun said: "I have lots of friends, Mother dear, and I am
not really lonely. I am sure the neighbors think I am never in."
Mrs. Colquhoun then warned her
one side of the room, and someone to Mrs. Bowes on the other side.
It was difficult to follow the conversations, but the one near Mrs.
Lang said:
"David-it's Dave, just trying to speak through this 'phone of
Mrs. Lang said she was very pleased to hear him, and asked how he
was getting on. He replied
"I am getting on very well. I can see you all."
Mrs. Lang mentioned "Tom", and received the reply
"He is in a much further advanced sphere than I am
The name "Letitia" was also mentioned, and then Mrs. Lang's sister-
in-law spoke to her:
"You have altered, Crissie, but you are nearer home, a
beautiful home. I was afraid to go over, Crissie. It is Nellie. I
do not need any stick now."
Mr. Sloan said : "Yes, lassie, when I last saw you, you needed a stick
and I was fine, and now it is me that needs a pair of stilts and you
can dae without your stick."
A man's voice replied to this
"It will be many a long day before that happens, Mr. Sloan.
You have a lot of work to do, and the joy you have given
others will scatter far and wide."
Mr. Sloan enquired who spoke, and got the reply:
"Robert Barr, of Carlung."
Mr. Sloan exclaimed: "Mr. Barr, I am real glad to hear you speak,
though you did not agree with me at all in the old days."
Mr. Barr replied
"We will let that fly stick to the wall."
Mrs. Bowes then said: "What about the daft Spiritualists now, Mr.
Barr? Yes, that was what you called us."
Mr. Barr replied:
"I was a complete imbecile in those days."
Mrs. Lang could not let that pass and remarked "Oh no, not that, Mr.
Barr," but he maintained
"Well, Crissie, I was stupid. I might have known that sensible
people like you and Bob (Mr. Lang) would not have told me
Another voice on the spirit side then spoke to Mr. Barr, and we
heard him saying
"Just wait a bit, Robson, I will see you later; I am engaged at
and then Mr. Barr said to us
"That was Robson-one of my own tenants (on earth). How are
you getting on, Crissie ? You ought to get on well because
you know far more than I do about it. I have a lot to learn,
but I am quite willing to learn, and that is why I am getting
Mrs. Lang enquired : "Can you not get into touch with Bob? I know
he would be very pleased to help you."
He replied:
"I get more help from Arthur (Mrs. Lang's son) than from Bob ;
he can get at me easier." Another voice then said
"You are here yet, Sloan. What do you think of Barr ?"
Mr. Sloan replied: "That is an awkward question to ask. I always
thought a lot of him." Mr. Barr then said
There was no hallucination about what took place, what one heard
all heard; in fact this has been proved at other séances, from time
to time, by recording what was said on gramophone records or on
the dictaphone. I remember on one occasion a voice shouted so
loudly that a man living on the other side of the street came across
to ask what was wrong.
The Direct Voice needs no scientist to prove its claims. No Biologist,
Anthropologist, Physicist, Chemist, Astronomer, Psychologist, or
other expert in his own line of research, is needed to tell the people
what is true or false about it. We do not call in these learned men to
find out whether we hear each other speak or not. Likewise we do
not need their help to fathom the mysteries of the Direct Voice,
because there is now no mystery, it has been explained to us by the
Etherians themselves, and we in turn ask them the necessary
questions about what we wish to know, and get satisfactory
So let the scientists go on sleeping in their own physical
wonderland, believing, as so many do, that nothing but physical
matter exists and telling B.B.C. listeners, most of whom are as
ignorant as they are, that the brain is a physical mechanical
organism and nothing survives the death of the body. The
Anthropologist may know everything there is to know about the
physical body and brain, but his knowledge ends there. When I told
an eminent Anatomist that we have a duplicate etheric body and
brain, which is controlled by an immaterial mind, he ridiculed such
an idea because he is blankly ignorant of a subject about which he
has never gained any experience.
The so-called stupid, credulous and deluded Spiritualists have
adopted the true scientific attitude, which is to explore
the absence of illness and the freedom from pain and discomfort
enabling the vitality of the body to have full play, so that it does not
tire or weary.
Mention should also be made that Etherians, when they come down
to our level of vibrations, can see in our darkness which is no
darkness to them. They can tell the time on our clocks or watches,
and I have never known them to make a mistake. Moreover, they
can touch any part of us with the trumpet or their materialised
hands, and never make a mistake. Often have I asked to be touched
on different places, and it was done at once without hesitation or
fumbling, right on the spot. I have held my hand and fingers in
many different positions, and asked that different fingers be
touched and this was done, all of which shows that intelligent
people were present who could hear me speak and do as they were
As these séances were held during the Second World War much is
said about the help the Etherians gave to those who passed over
during its tragic years. I remember being told by an informant from
Etheria that some Etherians were always commissioned to follow all
our 'planes crossing the sea, so that their occupants would be easily
found and looked after if they were killed or drowned.
Monday, 1st June, 1942
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
then repeated The Lord's Prayer.
Nothing happened for a few minutes, and Mr. Sloan said : "I don't
think anything is going to happen the night-I am just done now."
A Scotch voice suddenly said
"Dinna heed him; he is no done yet. Ye all feel doon at
times, ye ken, and at ither times you feel as if you could
loup (jump) ower a dyke (wall). What kind of cullivant is that
you are using, Mr. Teacher ?" (Mr. Hart.)
We asked him what that word meant, and he said
"A pencil, a pencil ; that is a new kind of pencil for me, Mr.
Dominie (schoolmaster). There is a wee girlie here who wants
tae speak to the schoolteacher lady; come awa in, my dear."
A child's voice then said
"Auntie Isobel."
Miss McRobbie said: "Come away, dear, and speak to me; are you
adopting me as your Auntie? That is nice."
have not heard anything about the child. I have just been
with Mother and the two Fathers. I am very happy with both
of them ; we have just had a nice talk together."
Miss McRobbie explains the meaning of the Mother and the two
Fathers. Mrs. McRobbie, her Mother, was married twice, first to Mr.
Thomson and then to Mr. McRobbie. Miss McRobbie was the first girl
of the second marriage. Before Mrs. McRobbie passed on, she and
Miss McRobbie had a Sitting with Mrs. Helen Hughes, the well-known
Medium, when Mr. Thomson, Mrs. McRobbie's first husband, came
through and said that he was going to adopt Miss McRobbie as his
daughter. From that time onwards, whenever Miss McRobbie was in
contact with the other side, she has been addressed by Mr.
Thomson and by her own Father, Mr. McRobbie, who is also in
Etheria, as the one with the two Fathers. Moreover, it seems that
Mrs. McRobbie and her two husbands are on friendly terms, and this
disposes of the old question about a wife in Etheria with more than
one husband and a husband with more than one wife.
The little girl spoke again, saying
"Nobody knows me; they did not think I was there at all. I
am Willie's little girl, and you are my second Aunt Isobel."
Miss McRobbie said: "Of course I am. God bless you, darling. You will
come again to speak to me, won't you? Will you come and see me at
my home?"
The little voice replied
"Oh yes, I will come to your home," and gave some kisses.
The door-keeper with the Scotch voice then said
and they do not fade. They bloom all the time, and, when
you pick them, others just seem to come in their place. What
beautiful perfumes they have, and, Jean, there is
honeysuckle growing up at each side of my door, masses of
it. I just wish you could see it, it is so lovely, but you will see
it some day, dear. I will show it to you."
Miss Dearie replied: "I am so glad, dearest, that you are in such a
lovely place."
Mary continued
"And now I am going to help you, dear, all I can. Isn't it fine
that we can speak to each other, and that you got to know
about this ?"
Miss Dearie said: "Yes, dear, I have known about it for some time,
but you did not know before you passed over."
Mary replied
"Mother and Father told me, and it was my first earnest
endeavour to find a means of returning to speak to you."
Then Miss Dearie asked: "Give me a wee message of love for Tom,
will you, dear?", to receive the reply:
"Tom knows he has my love. He has always had it. You have
both been in my heart all the time."
Miss Dearie said: "Yes, dear, I know."
Mr. Sloan then remarked : "I see your sister quite plainly-building up
beside you," and Miss Dearie said
"I hope you will be very, very happy, Mary, and that you will get joy
for all your sorrows, dear." Mary concluded
"They are as nothing to me now. I am glad to be away from
it all. I am so happy here. I love you,
darling, and will do all I can to help you and keep you
company, for you are lonely sometimes."
Miss Dearie said: "Yes, dear, sometimes, and I know you will help
me all you can."
A man's voice then spoke
"I wonder who amongst you realises what a comfort to each
other two lonely people can be when they meet and can
understand and sympathise with each other."
Mary's voice was then heard in conversation with this man on her
own side of life, and we heard her say to him:
"I know what you mean exactly-you must mean that when
lonely and sad and an understanding friend comes in to see
you, it relieves your weight of sorrow."
He replied to her:
"Thank you, my dear, that was beautifully put, and
expresses what I meant to convey. Miss Dearie, you have a
beautiful sister here ; she is so bright and happy."
"Thank you," said Miss Dearie.
Mr. Sloan then went into trance and was controlled by one of the
Indians. He came over to Miss Stove and took her hands, saying
"Miss Stove, it is the Indian Chief speaking to you. It is Bobo.
I was asked by your friend here to try to help you ; to
stimulate you."
Another voice spoke at the same time to Miss Stove, saying
"Just listen to what he tells you, and do as he tells you."
Bobo went on speaking
"I am not able to tell you much, because your friend made
me understand that you were not well, and I find you most
robust. I thought he meant you were not well, and I see
beautiful complexion, good circulation, and strong heart-
beat. You are in quite good health ; many people would be
pleased to have your vitality."
Miss Stove said : "I did not think I was so well as all that; I have been
so worried lately."
Bobo replied
"I am not able to define worry. I had plenty of worry in my
earth life too, you know what I mean from my past record. I
have got over it now, and I am trying to relieve other
people. Could you not shake the worry off ?"
Miss Stove said: "I will try," and Bobo went on to say:
"You must do more than try-try double hard, and put your
faith forth very strong."
Another voice broke into the conversation "I will help you all I
Bobo went on
"Do what the friend behind me impresses you to do and all
will come right. Give me your hand; I know my hand, the
hand of the Medibox (his name for Sloan), is cold, not like
that other man who shook hands with you before. I wish you
God speed ; I wish you well. God bless you, from Bobo."
Miss Stove replied: "Thank you, dear friend, thank you very much."
He then came over to Miss McRobbie, and put his hands on her
head. Miss McRobbie said: "Thank you, Bobo, that is lovely. I have
spoken to you before."
He replied
"I know you know Bobo. You are not like the other little lady
I have just been speaking to; you are not so robust."
Someone remarked : "Oh, but she is wiry." He replied
"I do not know that word, but you are not able to stand up to
much. You take it easy. I know by the touch of you that your
physical constitution is not able to stand very much. You are
wiry perhaps -but what wiry means I do not know."
Miss McRobbie said: "Bobo, could you help Mrs. Temple? She is so
very seriously ill; she is the lady I am living with at present."
A new voice broke in
"Tell her John is keeping near and will help her." Miss
McRobbie promised to do so, and then Bobo asked
"Is she able to walk about ?",and Miss McRobbie said: "No, she is
very, very near your side, my friend."
Bobo went on to say:
"I do not want to make what you call flatteries, but I mean
it. You have a firm will, and when you make up your mind to
do anything you will go through with it. You have made a
good change from where you were, you will be better, but
you must feed more. You know what I mean."
Bobo then went over to Mrs. Bowes, and said
"Bobo likes to come to Mrs. Bowes. Your Dutch friend-he tell
me to come."
Mrs. Bowes said : "Thank you, dear friend. Oh, that is lovely."
and felt hands on her head. She said they felt warm and very
natural. Bobo then spoke to Miss Duff:
"I thought, Miss Duff, when your Father was here that Bobo
would just let him speak himself and give you the intimate
Miss Duff said : "Thank you, Bobo, that was nice of you." He then
seemed to stand in front of Miss Dearie, and said
"I do not know how to address the lady here. It is the name."
Miss Dearie replied : "It is `Dearie'," and Bobo continued
"I know that, but that name is sometimes used in an
affectionate way, and I did not know if I might be allowed to
use it."
Miss Dearie said: "I will be very pleased if you like to use it in that
way too."
He then took Miss Dearie's hand, and said:
"Could you give me your other hand, please ?"
Miss Dearie said that she seemed to feel a sort of vibration or power
coming from him, and she heard a voice which seemed to be
speaking from just behind him, saying
"Jean, dear."
Miss Dearie said: "Oh, is it Mary back again?" But Bobo explained
"It is your Father; he is standing behind me so that
vibrations may pass from him to me, and through me to you,
and you will get our combined vibrations."
Miss Dearie said : "Oh, thank you, Father dear," and she felt hands
on her forehead.
Bobo continued
"You are worried, but you should not be."
Miss Dearie said: "I am not aware that I am worrying," and he
"You do not sleep very well-is that not so ?"
Miss Dearie answered : "Yes, that is so-sometimes.I take a long time
to get off to sleep."
Bobo replied:
"That is because you are worrying-subconsciously, perhaps.
You want to do many things you feel you are not able to do,
but do not worry ; everything will work out all right. You
must sleep better, and then you will feel better and
Bobo then took Miss Dearie's hands, placed them palms together,
and slowly opened them, saying
"Everything will go well with you ; things will open out to
you just like a flower; like this."
Bobo then patted Miss Dearie several times on the hands, and went
away saying
"I must be going now, but I will first get this old Medibox
back into his chair," and we heard him moving about the room,
saying "He will be all right; I can leave him if I get him seated
in his chair."
Someone said: "Bobo, are you not going to say something to Mrs.
Lang?", and he replied:
"Mrs. Lang, you are all right. You have such beautiful friends
who are able to help you on the spirit side of life. When you
are in a quandary they will help you on the instant. Who said
the landlady (Mrs. Lang) had need of Bobo? She is wonderful ;
she would put the lot of you in the shade. The vibration I get
from her is very, very good."
Mrs. Lang said: "Thank you, but I have a very sore knee all the
He said "What is the matter with your knee ?"
Mrs. Lang replied: "I think it is a nerve; I have been told so, but,
whatever it is, it is very painful." Bobo suggested
"Could you not get someone to massage it for you ? Could
you not bathe it ?"
Another spirit voice spoke, and Bobo said to him "What do you
want ?"
The voice replied
"I want Mrs. Lang to get that knee cured. I shall get Dr.
Barrie to look at it, or you might get Dr. Laidlaw on your
side; he would be all right."
Bobo replied "When I leave my Medibox I will get into touch
with this Dr. Barrie."
Another voice then spoke "Get Charles Laidlaw, Mrs. Lang, he
was a friend of mine."
Mrs. Lang asked: "Is he in Glasgow?" He replied
"I cannot just place him now. He was in Dumfries Infirmary
the last time I heard."
Bobo spoke again, saying:
"I will now say good-bye to Landlady; Bobo does not want
any doctors. I do not know them. I help with my healing."
We then sang the hymn They are winging, they are winging, and
heard the little bell tinkling very clearly. This ringing went on during
the singing, and for some time afterwards. It was Mr. Hart's small
Mr. Sloan said: "Who is that? You have an awful nice voice," and
received the reply
"You do not always have such a high opinion of me ; it is
Whitefeather speaking. John Sloan-you must look after
yourself better. He is just what I would call it, Mrs. Lang, a
little eccentric in his ways. If you ask him to do a thing, that
is the very thing he will not do. He is a little contrary. I am
sorry for him."
Mr. Sloan said: "Now, Whitey, I am not as bad as all that, surely?"
Whitefeather replied:
"I do not say it in disparagement. You have a record which
has gone before you, my brother Sloan, and when life's
journey is over you will surely get your reward."
Mr. Sloan said: "I am not wanting any reward, Whitey. I have done
nothing to get a reward." Whitefeather said
"Every service gets a reward. The reward which I have
received, Mrs. Lang, for what I have tried in my humble way
to do on your side of life is that I have a little more
knowledge of your language, and can talk somewhat in the
way Mrs. Lang's son can talk; not at all in the same way, of
course, but I can now make myself understood better. You
always said that you understood me before, but it was a
difficult thing sometimes to understand my way of talking.
"If I could carry each and every one of your burdens, the
little worries and the big worries and cares that sadden your
hearts today, I would take them all away, and it would be
another jewel in my diadem, another bright jewel in my
girdle, my reward. So call on me at any time,
By your faith and the knowledge you have now gained, you
know that it is not really a parting, it is only just a little step
"Some day the veil will be drawn aside, and I hope it will be
drawn aside in a beautiful way, that will usher each of you
into the spirit land beside those you love. May the Peace,
the Joy, which cometh from the great 'I Am,' be in your
hearts and minds, and your souls today, and guard your
steps all through your journey in life, preparing the way to
your beautiful home, and making those on this side rejoice
in your efforts and successes, and give you a joyous entry
into your life on this side."
Someone on the other side then sang
"There is a light in the darkness for you, There is a light in
the Valley, There is a light in the darkness for you, If you
nurture the light that is in you."
We were not sure of the last few words, and asked the singer if he
would repeat them. Whitefeather replied
"That was just extempore, and I do not think we could ask
the friend to repeat it at present."
Mr. Sloan remarked : "I don't know what you are talking about,
Whitefeather replied
"You are so dense, my dear old friend ; you used not to be
so dense, you know, but there is a beauty in your
denseness-God bless you."
Mrs. Lang mentioned that "We twa" (Lord and Lady Aberdeen) had
been speaking to them at a
previous sitting, and also some of the Generals from the Boer War,
including Lord Kitchener, and how nicely "Ishbel" (Lady Aberdeen)
had spoken. A gentleman then spoke from the other side, saying:
"Just like yourself, my dear. I like to hear you speak of my
Ishbel like that. I like to dispense with decorations and
titles, prefixes and affixes, and just to be content with 'We
Twa' (or `We Two'). `We Twa' are working jointly to lighten
and alleviate the sorrow and suffering in the world to-day,
to the best of our ability, and trying to impress upon the
hearts of those in authority the right thing to do, so that
this strife may be ended. It will, however, take a little time
After Lord Aberdeen ceased speaking he was followed by a very
clear, distinct, manly voice:
"I fought for peace in my lifetime-both on the Home Front
and elsewhere. It lies in the hearts of men."
We asked who was speaking, and he replied
"I speak at a distance. It would not be conducive perhaps to
your happiness if you were to say to anybody who had been
speaking to you tonight. They would only laugh at you, most
of them, and say `You fool'."
Mrs. Lang replied: "But we will not say it to those who would be
likely to call us fools, and we would very much like to know who is
To this request the reply came
"I am William Ewart Gladstone, and have come along with
`We Twa'."
Miss McRobbie remarked: "A grand old man," and he replied
"I cannot say whether you will all know me in this little
company of friends, as it is composed today. It is Blue Moon
who is speaking. I am so delighted because I have learned to
speak in your language, and am able to come to the home
(Mrs. Lang's house) of my dearly beloved friend and brother
(Arthur Lang), with whom I am a co-worker on this side of
life. God bless you, my little hostess, and give you joy. They
are all waiting at the Golden Gate, and when the sun shines
bright on it earth will fade.
"I use the name `Golden Gate' as an expression symbolical,
as the entrance from the physical to the spirit side of life ;
where you shall all meet again and there is no more parting;
where all misunderstandings are cleared away, and the little
pin-pricks prick no more, and every tangled thread is
straightened out for ever; where we are all brothers and
sisters, helping and cheering each other on our eternal
journey through life. This is Blue Moon. It is so true, as I
have said before, that, when it comes to the parting of the
ways, you cannot but have a feeling of sorrow at leaving
friends on earth. As I tried to put it to you before
`One last fond look from the friends who stand, One last
hand-clasp of the parting hand, Ere the barque slips out on
the evening breeze, For the shores of God's Summerland.' "
Another voice then spoke to Miss Stove, saying:
"Miss Stove, it is Faithful speaking. I have been asked by
friends, John number one and John number
from the cares and troubles of the world, for when you feast
your eyes on the Spiritland beauties, earth fades into
insignificance, except for the loved ones left behind. There
is nothing to fear; the only thing I would advise you to do is
to prune your earth plumage by good deeds and actions in a
quiet unassuming way. You will find that not one of these
little actions will be forgotten on this side; gems for your
raiment, diamonds for your home. Everyone is reaping the
labour of love which you have sown on earth life helping
others ; it will all go to your heritage in the land of spirit."
Then came silence. Faithful, in a loud clear voice, without hesitation,
had told us of the beauties and happiness in store for us, but we
were soon to be brought back to everyday present realities by Mrs.
Lang asking if some spirit friend could tell us the time. She
explained that she did not want to have people hurrying away
without tea as they did last time. In a few seconds someone from
the other side said
"It is exactly twenty-five minutes to ten."
A very powerful voice then spoke. He said to Miss Colquhoun
"Now keep of good heart and keep cheerful, Miss Colquhoun.
There are many good friends helping you, and cast your care
and your worries on the spirit side of life."
Then, addressing Mrs. Bowes, he said:
"Think of your big chief - if I may say William, whom you love
so much; he is still anxious and willing to help you. You
cannot load him too hard, it is the price he wishes to pay."
Take, for instance, the return of Lord and Lady Aberdeen and Mr.
Gladstone. How natural it all is when we know what went before.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen were both Spiritualists and I knew them
well. Lady Aberdeen told me that Lord Aberdeen, the first Marquis,
died in his chair while reading On the Edge of the Etheric. Later on
my brother took Lady Aberdeen, who was unknown to Sloan, to a
sitting with the Sloan circle when Lord Aberdeen, Lord Goschen, Mr.
E. Gladstone, Lord Rosebery and Mr. Bonar Law spoke to her. In my
brother's book Reunited he tells how Mr. Gladstone made a number
of correct references to his home, Hawarden, about which only Lady
Aberdeen could have known, as she had stayed there.
Then Lord Aberdeen said to his wife, "Do you remember, Ishbel, the
25th of July? That was a very happy day. Mrs. Gladstone sent you a
picture." This was the day they became engaged to be married, and
on the same day they were driving down Bond Street in London
when they saw Mr. Gladstone on the pavement. They stopped and
told him of their engagement, and that evening a letter of
congratulation, and a small water-colour picture, were received by
her from Mrs. Gladstone. The two families are still friends, and
Gladstone said that he was brought to the séance we are now
considering in this book by "We Twa," the name Lord and Lady
Aberdeen gave themselves from their book of that title recording
their happy married life.
WE opened with the usual hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee, and then
repeated The Lord's Prayer. A voice from the other side joined in the
We were talking about gardens, and Mr. Sloan asked Miss Dearie if
she had a garden.
Miss Dearie replied: "No, just a small patch at the back which could
hardly be called a garden."
He asked Miss Duff if she had one, and Miss Duff replied
"Oh, it is just a little patch, but I have been trying to grow some
vegetables on it."
A voice from the other side broke in
"You are just a sweet little patch yourself."
We laughed, and Miss Duff said: "Thank you very much, friend."
Miss Milne then said she was getting a lot of names through-both of
places and people, but she did not know who they were for.
A voice said
"Well, if you give them out, it might bring some other person
who could explain, my dear."
Miss Milne replied : "Well, I am getting the names Benjie and John,
and someone is saying `the Colonel is here'."
No further explanation was given at this time, so we sang The Lord
is my Shepherd.
After this we heard two spirit voices talking to each other in a
foreign language, and the trumpets touched Mrs. Bowes, who said:
"Oh, thank you, friends. Have you a message for me? How kind of
you. How I wish I could understand what you are saying. Can you
understand what I am saying to you?"
A voice in very broken English then said:
"I am your friend. I Indian."
Mrs. Bowes said: "Oh, thank you, friend. Were you a North American
The voice replied
"No, no, East Indian. I say : `All right-all well with Bill'," who
was abroad in the Forces.
Mrs. Bowes said: "Oh, that is lovely, friend. Thank you very much.
Are you the Indian who is attached to my Bill?"
He replied:
"Lady, I that man. I help Bill all can. India very troubled and I
do all can to help. Good day."
Mrs. Bowes said: "God bless you for what you are doing."
He replied:
"Thanks." (Pronounced "tanks".)
To this he replied
"God bless you for saying that. I thank you. I am indeed
privileged in being allowed to be a spectator here, and it
gives me joy and lightens my soul that the possibility will
come my way of getting through to the one I love."
The other voice said to him "It will come, my brother," to which he
"I am willing to let my case stand over for a little while until
those who know better than I do think I am more fitted to let
my case come forward again."
Miss Milne said: "He sounds as if he had been a lawyer. His speech
has a legal sound about it."
We then heard what sounded like the name "Robert", and asked if
that was right.
The reply came
"It is Robert. How are you getting on, Mrs. Moritz? Your
responsibilities are growing all the time."
Mrs. Moritz said she understood what was meant by this message. A
voice then spoke to Mr. Sloan, and he asked who was speaking, to
get the reply
"It is just your old friend, and if I were to tell you, you would
just say `Your are an auld nuisance.' It is Downie."
Mr. Sloan said : "I wouldna say that, Mr. Downie, though you were a
bit cranky." Mr. Downie replied
"Cranky-well, what about yourself? We would not be human
if we were not all a bit cranky at times. I do not like anyone
thinking they are so perfect that they are not touchy
sometimes. The
Another voice from the other side then said rather loudly
"You must be brief, friend."
Mr. Wink said
"How are you, Mrs. Moritz ?"
Mrs. Moritz replied that she was very well, and glad to hear him
speaking. One of us asked if the name was Wink or Winks, and got
the reply
"Wink, Wink. I would not carry such a name as Winks."
The trumpet fell suddenly and Miss Colquhoun lifted it up as Mr.
Wink remarked
"Your speaking-tube went away and I could not speak. Thank
you, Miss Colquhoun, for assisting me to get it back."
A voice then broke in:
"It was not the old fellow's trumpet so he need not get riled
at me."
Mr. Sloan said: "It does not matter to me, freen, which trumpet you
are using," and to this the same voice replied
"It was not Mr. Wink who said `the old fellow's trumpet.' It
was me."
One of us asked, "And who is me?", to get the reply
"I am I ; that is all you are going to be told meantime."
Mr. Cameron remarked that he had a dominant voice, and received
as the answer:
"If you were feeling `I am it,' you would have the same voice
yourself, friend Cameron."
Miss Duff passed the remark that he sounded very well pleased with
himself, and he replied:
You just hunt up `Mammy' (Mrs. Sloan). She was real fond of you
and will help you to look after your Mother."
Billie replied:
"We were speaking to her not long ago." A voice then said
"Margaret; good evening, friends."
We asked who she was for, and got the reply:
"It is Margaret Cochrane speaking. I bring a message for
Isobel McRobbie. All our love to her. She will know who it is-
James and Margaret Cochrane-and our love to Jim too."
The message was sent to Miss McRobbie, who afterwards mentioned
that James and Margaret Cochrane were brother and sister, and her
close relations, Jim being her eldest brother and still on earth.
A lady then spoke to Mrs. Lang, and said:
"Mrs. Lang, will you give Bessie a message ? This is her
Mother speaking. Tell her I heard her asking for a message,
and please let her understand that I am here tonight. I am
often with her, and in all the turns and twists on the road of
life my hand will guide her. Tell her that from Mother."
Mrs. Lang promised to do so, and received the reply
"Thank you so much. I may be able to do something for you
some day. You spoke to Bessie on the 'phone one day as
well. I tried to chip in but I could not do so. Tell Bessie to
keep her spirits up. Tell her, Mother thinks she has done
nobly. God bless her. She must keep going. None of you will
go away until your duties on earth are completed,
and may God give you grace to say to the end `Thy will be
done.' It takes a big heart and a big fortitude, sometimes, to
say `God knows best,' but you will see that this is so when
you come to this side. God bless you.
Mrs. Lang said : "Bessie will get your message, Mrs. Stevenson, as
soon as I can get into touch with her in the morning."
A man's voice then said:
"Well, Mr. Cameron, what do you think of that now ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "It was very interesting and very nice," and to
this the voice replied
"Was it not very lovely to hear that beautiful message sent
from a mother to a daughter ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "Very nice indeed," and the voice went on
"As I heard one of the Indians say to you recently `If once
perfect love has flowed in your heart, nothing can eradicate
that love. It will burn through all earth life and through
eternity.' "
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Who is speaking?", and the voice replied:
"You should know who it is, Crissie."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Is it Father?", and he replied
"It is Father. You know my love for you will never die, my
darling. It is stronger than ever. Now bear up, my darling."
Miss Colquhoun said : "Thank you, Father dear, and how is Mother?
Is she not with you as usual?" Mr. Colquhoun said
"No, Crissie, she is doing other work tonight,"
and to this Miss Colquhoun asked: "Is she getting on, Father?", his
reply being
He then placed materialised hands on his daughter's head as
though blessing her, and then clasped her hand. Mr. Cameron asked
a question about this, and then he too felt hands on his head.
Mr. Colquhoun asked:
"Can you feel my fingers, Sir ?"
and Mr. Cameron replied : "Yes, I do, Sir, and quite strongly too."
Mr. Colquhoun said
"You know the saying-'Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand.'
Well, you have got that tonight."
Mr. Cameron replied : "Thank you, my friend."
Mr. Cameron remarked that he wondered why there was often a sad
condition brought along when friends were speaking to us, and
received the reply:
"We are not sad. Some day we may make the meaning clear
and you will understand."
Mr. Cameron said : "I was asking a very natural question just now: is
it that you take on something of the Medium's condition when you
appear sad at times?"
A new voice replied
"We are not sad-quite the reverse ; it is only when we see
and feel the unhappiness of others on contacting this plane
that we take on a kindred feeling. You would not be human
if you did not feel sad and sorrowful for others at times. We
would not be brothers and sisters to each other if we did not
get this mutual sorrow, and this applies not only to your
own friends, but to all those ministering angels who watch
over you. They have kindred feelings with you, and enter
into all your sorrows and all your joys, and try to help you at
all times. You know in your heart. I am an Indian speaking to
"Each individual heart in this little gathering today has some
little care and worry at times that you cannot talk about to
anyone. Then the flight of memory goes out and you think of
one you have loved very much, and you say-'Oh, if I had only
Jeanie, James, Mary, or John here, I could tell them all about
it,' and probably the one you are thinking of is standing
beside you at that time, trying to help you and sending out
love to you. God bless you all."
We heard another voice speaking apparently to the Indian who had
just spoken:
"That was fine-good for you."
Then came a strange noise through one of the trumpets, like a
rocket going up, to be followed by tapping like a morse code
message. Then came the word
This was repeated twice and then stopped. We were not told what it
meant, and Mrs. Moritz could not catch the morse message-if it was
We sang the hymn Count your Blessings, and after singing it a voice
said very gently
"Count your many blessings, count them every one, and it
will surprise you what the good God hath done. I am Walter
Mr. Sloan said: "Mr. Howell. I am so glad to hear you speaking. I was
always so fond of Mr. Howell. He was always so kind and gentle. A
good man."
I have found it, and all of you will experience these good
things if by faith you cling to the good old way."
The trumpet then touched Mr. Cameron and a voice said:
Mr. Cameron said : "Yes, I know Jim, come away.
The voice said
"What have you got to say to me ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "I am very interested in you, Jim, and I am
very pleased to contact you here. You are Jim Black, are you not?"
The voice answered
"Yes, and John is here also. We are both beside you."
Mr. Cameron replied: "John, I am delighted you have come. How are
you getting on?" John said
"Throw out your thoughts to us sometimes, and if you are in
trouble. I don't want trouble to come to you but, if it does,
don't be above letting a little message go out to us. It would
make us so happy to be allowed to help you in any way."
Mr. Cameron remarked : "Thank you. Would that be helpful to you?",
and received the reply
"It would be beneficial to both sides."
Another voice addressed Mrs. Lang:
"You know, sweet lady, there are so many in trouble today
on your side of life. I tread the path of your earth way at
times and my heart is sad. I know you are wondering at me
saying `My heart is sad', but I take on the feelings of
sadness, distress
and sorrow which are around, and I just wish I could lift
them all away. I just wish all in the Earth Plane could get
into harmony with divine love and leave their cares and
sorrows behind them. Yes, friend Sloan, I see you sitting
there moping. I know you would not listen to me if you knew
who was talking."
Mr. Sloan replied: "Oh yes, friend, I am always pleased enough to
listen, and I suppose if you are talking I will have to listen to you
whether I want to or not, but I will not promise to do what you tell
A girl's voice then broke in:
"Daddy, my own dear Daddy!"
Mrs. Lang asked: "Is it Nessie or Peggy who is speaking?", and the
voice answered:
"I did not know my Daddy well in the earth life, but, oh, how
I love him now. It is Nessie, Daddy. I saw you looking at the
only photograph you have of what was my little frame."
Mr. Sloan said: "God bless you, my wee girl. I was just looking at it
Miss Dearie asked Mr. Sloan how old Nessie was when she passed
over, and he replied : "One year and a day."
Mr. Sloan continued: "I was looking at a lot of photos the other day,
and that one I have of Mr. Lang. It is not very clear, Mrs. Lang "
A voice interrupted what he was going to say:
"You lost the negative and it was taken off an old photo."
Mr. Sloan replied : "I dinna mind (I don't remember) losing any
negative," but the voice insisted
"Yes, you lost the negative and it had to be taken off an old
Mrs. Lang exclaimed : "Yes, that is right, Mr. Sloan. I remember you
lost the negative and hunted all over for it. Who is it that knows all
about the photos? It must be someone who knows me very well."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Yes, and he is a very clear speaker."
The unknown voice replied:
"Thank you, my dear. It is very difficult to tune in to your
conditions just now. The vibrations around you are so
difficult to manage, and more energy is taken from our
reserves to try and ease the pathway, to show the light, to
open the way to those who are making the crossing through
this War, and that is a beautiful duty-to feel that we can
bring comfort to someone, to convince them that they are
no longer the tenants of their earth body.
"The most surprising thing to many is to find that they are
just the same and that they are not in Heaven and they are
not in Hell. They are just where the good God has meant
them to be for the time being. It is a beautiful world. Those
they have left behind are their chief anxiety, and their
greatest desire is to get into contact with them and let them
know that they are still alive. That desire will be granted in
time when they get a little rest and have recovered from
their crossing.
"I wish I could portray to you the startled look on some of
the faces of those who have made the change and find they
are standing, firmly grounded. We try to explain to them
that they have passed from the earth life into the Spirit
World. As one
You are all weaving the web of life for yourself. You are all
weaving personality and character on earth. You are living a
life that will go with you when you pass the barrier, and fit
you into the condition on this side that you have prepared
for yourself here on earth. This is an Indian not known to
you who is speaking."
We asked: "Do you know anyone here?", and received the reply
"I am not known to anyone in your immediate association. It
is a doorway where I saw the light and came in. I call it a
doorway; there is no door; I saw the doorway, Ladies and
Gentlemen. I know you will understand what I mean by that ;
a beautiful doorway where I can step through and be in the
presence of kindred spirits. We love to mix with the old
fellowships which on earth used to be ours, and we strive
and yearn to be of some comfort."
Miss Milne said: "Don't you know me, friend?"
He replied
"I have been with you many times. I have been attached to
you for some time, and when I saw that I could get into
contact with you here, I came. It is difficult for me to speak
in a language which you may be able to follow. I am Blue
Miss Milne said that "Blue Mist is what his name signifies. He used to
talk to my Mother and me. He had to go away for a time but he said
he would come back, and that I would develop but I was not to let
myself go until I saw Blue Mist in front of me."
Blue Mist said
"I wonder if you realise what a beautiful word that is you
used just now-'Mother'-'My Mother'
Another voice spoke, and we heard the name " Winnie". Mr. Moritz
said this would be his sister. She spoke again though not very
clearly, and Mr. Moritz asked if she could not speak a little louder as
she had managed to do last time. We heard her reply:
"I had the help of such a fine friend last time, but I cannot
get into touch with him just now."
Mr. Moritz said : " Winnie, I have written to Fred about this in my
letter, and gave him your message."
Someone in the company asked if he (Fred) accepted this truth, and
Mr. Moritz replied : "Well, he is interested and said he had an open
mind on the subject."
Here Winnie exclaimed
"Dear Fred, but it would need a great demonstration to
make him believe it."
A man's voice then said:
"It will be opened up to him, we shall see to that. Is it Geo. ?
Forgive me for calling you that, but I have heard them here
speaking about Geo. so often. I only know you, Mr. Moritz,
by 'Geo.'."
Mr. Moritz replied : "I am well known by that name amongst my
friends," and to this came the reply:
"I am pleased to hear that you do not take offence at me
using it. Love seems to emanate from the one here who uses
the word 'Geo.'; she is a beautiful lady with lovely hair, and,
above all, she has a beautiful soul. She passed in Los
Angeles, I think-if I am not mistaken, your beloved sister,
Mr. Moritz."
"That is true," remarked Mr. Moritz.
Then we heard what we took to be the name "Edward", but the
voice repeated more distinctly:
Mrs. Bowes now enquired: "Whitefeather, I notice you said `all may
be well' and not `all will be well', as you usually do. Had you any
special reason for saying that?"
Whitefeather explained
"It cannot be `All well' for everyone ; if it comes `All well' for
certain on this side of your plane, it cannot be `all well' for
the others. There would be no unification, but I am indebted
to someone for giving me that word. I do not know what it
means myself but perhaps what I was going to say will
explain the matter. There will be no unification of the
peoples of the world until they all reach this plane of life,
where no enmity, no jealousy or hatred to anyone can
intervene. That is what I meant by unification, and then all
will be well for all, but until that time be up and doing, by
prayerful thoughts and kindly deeds, to help to bring
comfort and cheer to the lonely ones. Good day."
A long weird Indian call then came through and 222 spoke:
"I regret I have not been able to come to you at an earlier
stage of your gathering ; other things prevented me but my
thoughts were with you. I hope you hear me, friends, and I
also got the thoughts that were coming through your minds
tonight, or what you call tonight-this space, I call it. Time
does not count with us here. I have sensed your feelings,
your desires, your thoughts and aspirations, and you, little
lady (Miss Milne), I have also got a strong impression to say
to you--'Walk warily'-I think you understand what I mean.
There is something, but don't decide too quickly. I will leave
caught, are to dance about the room, and any part of the body must
be touched on request. Moreover, a sitter has only to ask the time
to have it correctly told. All this is accompanied by a regular flow, of
intimate conversation and takes place in the dark, where nobody
can even see the person sitting next to him.
Finally, the actors and actresses must be present in the room
whenever the light is put out, and disappear from the room just
before the light is put on again. How they would manage to do this it
is impossible to imagine, as in a small room, with the Sitters
present, movement is difficult. However, all this shows the absurdity
of attempting to explain the phenomena as if it were produced by
material beings. This can be definitely ruled out, and every time we
come back to the fact that what happened was not produced by any
individual living on this earth.
There can be only one explanation of all these various supernormal
phenomena, namely that unseen intelligent individuals are at work
at the Sloan Circle. Anyone who believes that these occurrences can
be produced by ventriloquism, conjuring, faking or any such
fraudulent means, must either have a warped mentality or be an
irrational thinker. That is why I say this book must be judged as a
whole, and, as its contents rule out a normal explanation, a
supernormal one is all that is left. So read on to the end, keeping
the foregoing considerations in mind, and you will, I am sure, come
to the same conclusion, when a new world will have been revealed
to you, one in which you will some day dwell.
Nevertheless, when we reach that world, we shall get many
surprises. When we were born into this
body and realise that it is perfect, and the same in every respect as
the old one from which you have just parted. For those who were
blind to see again, for the deaf to hear again, for those who have
lost arms and legs, or were infirm, helpless, maimed and diseased
to find themselves strong and well with active minds and perfect
healthy bodies, in no way misshapen, will be a great and wonderful
satisfaction. It will be noticed that throughout these Meetings the
Etherians mention nearly every part of their body, their hands,
fingers, face, lips, mouth, tongue, throat, legs, arms, feet, heart,
head, hair, eyes, tears and internal organs, thus confirming that the
etheric body is a duplicate of the physical body.
To find everything real and objective, to look about and see friends
and relations as they were in their prime of life, living a life much as
was lived on earth, visiting each other, living in houses, and going
out and about just as we do here on earth, must be a great surprise
and pleasure. To find that our neighbours are neither angels nor
devils, that there is no judgment, and that each individual judges
himself justly and finds his right place, will be a great relief to
everyone. To discover the absence of money, that it is unnecessary
to earn it and that our needs and desires are free to all, will be a
great satisfaction to many. To be able to live in a delightful climate
and look upon the rich verdure of the countryside, the beautiful
mountains, hills and valleys, to see and bathe in sparkling rivers,
lakes and seas, and be surrounded by beautiful birds, trees,
animals, and exquisite flowers, which bloom, dematerialise but
never decay: to be able to move from place to place
with speed and the utmost freedom, to be able to eat and drink and
enjoy life to the full, must be welcome and surprising.
Equally surprising must it be to see stately buildings, comfortable
homely houses to live in, garden cities, to be able to continue those
things which were of interest to us in earth life, to have pet animals
like the ones on earth, to be able to ride horses, enjoy all kinds of
games, sports and amusements, and experience the pleasures that
science, art, music and literature can give, besides being able to
cultivate and enjoy a garden producing fruit, vegetables and
This life of harmony and happiness will come to all who are not
overburdened with the memory of a life of selfishness or wickedness
on earth. For these latter, whose evil deeds on earth have fitted
them for something very different, the outlook is gloomy but not
hopeless, as even the worst can progress and work his way into the
company of the good. After much mental suffering, contentment
and happiness can be attained.
However, for all who live honest, decent, upright lives we shall
discover, as we read on, that happiness is in store for them. Why,
indeed, should we not be the inheritors of a great and glorious
heritage after the trials of earth life, which are for the purpose of
fitting us for this happier and more harmonious life we shall some
day experience?
For some inscrutable reason a part of the Universal Mind became
associated with physical vibrations and, for a time, was conscious of
them only. Consequently, as it developed individuality and produced
individuals, we human beings have been blinded to this intenser
land of greater delight.
Uncertain faith has helped us, though it came largely from instinct
and seldom from reasoned proof.
Why we are unable to see the other world around us during our
physical life, is because we live within a range of vibrations which
confines our senses to material things, and these make up our
earthly life. In consequence much of reality, truth and beauty are
withheld from us during our life on earth, and none can deny that
this book reveals a new and enlarged vista of what will be ours
some day. The wonder of wonders it reveals has been denied to
mankind during his earth life, and moreover, nature has misled us
into thinking that death was the end of conscious thought, We have
been cut off from the joys and beauties in store for us by our limited
range of sight, and the majority of us and our ancestors have lived
under a pall of doubt and uncertainty.
Today these doubts have been cleared away, a new world around us
has been discovered, and we can take heart in the knowledge that
one of life's great certainties is the fact that life and consciousness
do not end at death. Far otherwise, because we are ushered into a
new world, much more beautiful and much easier to live in than we
experience here on earth.
Wednesday, 26th August, 1942
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
then repeated The Lord's Prayer. A voice from the other side joined
in the "Amen".
We were talking about Barrie's plays, and one of us said he must
have understood this truth or he could never have written such
plays as Mary Rose, The well-remembered Voice, The Boy David,
etc., when a voice from the other side said
"Did Barrie write them, or was it McConachie ?" (Barrie's
name for his unseen guide.)
Mrs. Lang remarked that she thought most people had a
"McConachie" somewhere, and Mr. Sloan said "I never could
understand this McConachie business at all."
A voice from the other side said
"It would be difficult to find the double of you in some ways,
We then sang O God, our help in ages past, and, when we finished,
a voice from the other side remarked:
It was Mrs. Sloan who was speaking. A lovely light floated about
while Mrs. Sloan spoke, and one of us asked : "Is that your light we
are seeing, Mrs. Sloan?"
She replied
"I did not know whether you could see it or not; it is my
light. I try to make Daddy see it at home, but I cannot
manage it. Sometimes I manage to show it better than at
Mr. Sloan answered : "I cannot see the light at all, Mammy, but I
hear your voice and that is enough." Mrs. Sloan continued
"You are not tired of me, are you, Daddy God bless you."
Mr. Sloan replied: "Tired of you, my dearie? Never, never," and then
he started to weep. Mrs. Sloan went on
"I am so sorry, Daddy. I did not mean to hurt you," and she
gave him some kisses.
Mr. Sloan said : "You would not hurt me, Mammy, whatever you
said; it's all right."
Mrs. Sloan then spoke to us all:
"Daddy calls his home his `Internment Camp' -where he lives
just now, I mean."
Mrs. Lang started to tell us about Mrs. Culme Seymour (an old
friend) who was coming to a Sitting shortly, and spoke about her
daughter, Marjorie, who had been drowned at Fairlie in 1934.
Miss Colquhoun remarked that the people she had been staying with
must have felt it very much, when a voice from the other side said
"It is all right now, they were not to blame, you know; it is
Marjorie speaking.
Mr. Sloan asked: "Who was that speaking?" and was very surprised
when he was told it was King George V.
We were speaking amongst ourselves, saying what a good king the
late King George had been, and what a good man our present King
is and how well he worked for his country, when a voice from the
other side said
"That is quite right and as it should be. It would not do to sit
and let others do the work for you. You want to do a little bit
of service while in the world no matter what station the
great Spirit God may have placed you in. Each one should be
willing to help those around in need of assistance and not
allow it to fall on one shoulder only. Also, you must not
allow anyone to impose on you too much ; just see that they
take their share of responsibility. It is a good lesson to each
one of you to accept your share of responsibility and it helps
to prepare you for the journey here, enabling you to take
your proper place in the fuller life which awaits you. I am
just one of the stragglers who has come through it, and I
wish I had done my duty better in the earth life."
Mrs. Lang asked if we knew him, and if he had spoken to us before.
He replied
"I have never had the honour of being in your company, this
beautiful company, before tonight. I have been in the
vicinity of such a Meeting but have never spoken. Tonight,
however, the light was so bright and the conditions so
favourable, that I took the responsibility of asking the door-
keeper if I might come in. He told me I might do so but I was
Miss Duff asked if she might sing four lines of a hymn, and Sir James
Barrie replied:
"Yes, sing, my dear, and I will join in-that's old McConachie
Miss Duff then sang a verse of the following hymn
"Then day today along life's way,
The seeds of promise cast,
And ripened grain from hill and plain,
Be gathered home at last."
He then said
"God bless you, my dear,"
and the trumpet came and tapped Miss Dearie all over. She thought
this was meant for Miss Duff in answer to her singing, and said:
"Who is it? Is that meant for Miss Duff?", when a voice replied in
broken English
"It is for you, my little lady. Be not afraid. I will be with you
all the way; all the way. Though the way may be dark, and
the road may be twisted at times, I will never leave you. I
will support you. I will guard you to the best of my ability,
little dear. I have been with you helping you for a long space
Miss Dearie acknowledged this by saying : "Oh, thank you, friend.
How nice of you. Where did you live on the earth plane?"
He replied
"I am African."
Miss Dearie enquired: "Can you tell. me your name?", and he
many calls on us, and we here are all so busy. I think about
you very often, and I love you still. I love you all. Tell my
dear old Chief I would like to stay but I cannot."
Mrs. Lang said : "The perfume is not so strong as it sometimes is,"
and Nell replied
"It is not the liquid. You will get it by and by when I have got
A lovely light floated about the room and then seemed to spread
A voice exclaimed
"Can you not see what that is meant for ? It is the `V' for
Victory. I hope it will come soon."
Mrs. Bowes inquired : "Can you tell us, friend, when it will come?",
and received the reply:
"I wish I could tell you, but keep your hearts up. Keep
At this point Mr. Cameron had to leave the Sitting because of an
urgent business telephone call, and Mrs. Lang remarked : "I hope
Mr. Cameron has some kind friend with him."
A voice replied
"I know the meaning of the vacant chair. The gentleman who
occupied it has been accompanied by a helper who will do
what he can."
The trumpet then touched Miss Duff, and a lady spoke, saying
"My darling, it is Mother. I got a good vibration tonight, and
I am speaking a good deal clearer, am I not ?"
Miss Duff replied : "You are speaking very clearly, Mother darling. I
was just thinking about you." Her mother said
"I get all your thoughts. I get them very, very often."
Miss Duff continued: "You know how much I love you, darling," and
her Mother replied:
"I know, and you have all my love in return." A man's voice
then said
"And I am thinking a lot about you too. It is Grandfather
speaking, Grandfather Dodds."
Miss Duff replied : "It is very funny to hear you say that, because I
was thinking about you yesterday, Grandfather."
He answered in broad Scotch:
"I ken (know) that because I was gie (very) near you. You
have some ticklish jobs to do sometimes. I am nae doctor,
you ken, but I try to help you. I get the inspiration here to
pass on to you, and your wee nimble fingers are gie willing
to tak' it up. I am no' deid (dead), ye ken--there are nane
(none) of us deid. We have just reached the land of light
supernal that gleams so bright afar. We have reached our
home eternal. We have met our loved ones there. Now,
ladies, and you too, friend-but I should have said gentlemen,
there are two of you."
Mr. Sloan replied: "You dinna need to mind me, my boy."
Mr. Dodds replied
"My boy ! That is good ; that is a compliment you have paid
me, sir."
Miss Duff said: "I am very glad to hear you speaking to me,
Grandfather. You know I have not spoken to you very often before,"
to which he correctly answered:
"I have spoken to you exactly four times, my dear.
I hope you will get a wee bit inspiration from me. It will not
be muckle (much), but it will help."
Miss Duff replied: "Thank you very much, Grandfather," and then he
"I know how hard the little worries pinch at times. There are
some worries which are met with on life's road that are gie
(very) difficult to deal with, but, remember, the corner is not
far away. Take it from me, you cannot see round and it is a
case of contemplating what is round the corner: what is
round the corner will be very bright for you, my lassie. I
must watch you with the greatest of care, but I am afraid I
am taking up too much time. The atmosphere in this home
tonight is very congenial to me."
Mrs. Lang then assured him: "You are not to think you are taking up
our time. We are very pleased to hear you," and Miss Duff
remarked: "My dear, I am very glad indeed to hear you speaking to
He replied
"I would like just to say to you all you are very dear to me
and dear to others in the spirit side of life, because you help
us, when we come to the borderline, to get into touch with
those whom we love. Without your help that wee (small)
door would remain steekit (shut) and unopened. You ken
what I mean. It is the blending of the thoughts, the
sympathy received, that lifts the latch and enables us to get
through to you and let you know that we still live-still love
you. God bless you."
Miss Duff said: "I have never heard my Grandfather speak at such
length to me before. As he told you, I have only spoken to him four
times and he had to wait seventy long years
before he could get a contact to enable him to speak to anyone on
this side." Her Grandfather replied:
"I am laughing at you, my dear, hearing you talk about
seventy long years. It is only a span ; just a wink on this
side. It seems no time since you were a wee bit birkie (smart
kind) of a lassie running around with your wee short skirts. I
feel very happy that I have managed to get the conditions
which are present here tonight. I heard about the vacant
chair. I do not know the worthy gentleman who left, but
friends have been sent to look after him and all is well."
A lady then spoke to Mrs. Bowes, saying:
"My dear, I want to talk to you about dear Jim. Don't let his
spirits get down. Don't let him get down. He will be all right
again. It's Granny speaking."
Mrs. Bowes replied : "Thank you, Granny dear. Jim always loved you
so much."
Granny replied
"Jim was always my boy. It is such a delicate question-you
understand what I mean, my dear. I hope, friends, you will
forgive me for speaking to you as I am doing because it does
not appeal to you, but I know it appeals so much to you, my
dear. God bless you. What I can do I will do to help you. Give
dear Jim my love. He was my boy. They were all my boys,
you know, but Jim especially. My dear, it is so difficult. I will
say no more. Keep a good heart. We will help to smooth
things out for you, and I thank you all for making the
conditions so that I can speak to my lassie."
Mrs. Bowes agreed with everything and said she was very grateful.
Then the trumpet touched Miss Colquhoun on the head and a voice
"Pardon me, I hope I did not hurt you."
Miss Colquhoun replied : "Oh no, you did not hurt me at all, friend; I
like to feel you touch me." A man's voice replied
"I will do it again, then, but more gently."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "May I ask who is speaking?", and he replied:
"It is only a voice from the other shore towards which you
are all traveling, but you are more fortunate than some of
us. We made the journey in bygone days without your
knowledge and understanding. Nearly all of you have some
understanding of life on this side. I do not mean those
present, but people in general do know more positively that
there is something beyond the terminus. To me it was a
problem. I did not disbelieve it, but I could not fully grasp it.
Oh joy of joys, when the time came when I reached the end
of the road, little lady ! I had no doubts, no dubiety, about
the other side of life then.
"That shining light which greeted me as I left the old
tenement of clay dispelled all doubts, and that lovely face
which I had loved so long, long ago, was the first to smile on
me. I saw the light from the other shore while in the body. I
was hoping for it, but I had no certainty. I was hoping and
dared to think that my hopes would be realised, and, oh joy
of joys, just the one I wanted most was the one dear face
that through the mists looked down on me."
The Etherian in control then said to the one who had just spoken:
Miss Colquhoun said: "Oh, please do, friend-say whatever you like."
So he rather timidly remarked
"I was just going to say she is much nicer-looking than you
are. I mean much more youthful-looking. You would not
believe what a beautiful straight form she has now."
Miss Colquhoun agreed: "I am sure she has and I am delighted to
hear that, friend. How I wish I could see her!"
Her Mother continued
"I have my little girl now and I can look right down into your
heart. I just put my arms around you and I love you so much,
my darling, but you have nobody now. You are alone with no
one to help you."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Oh yes, dear, I have lots of good friends,
though I miss you very much, my darling," and to this her Mother
"You have lots of things but you have not me" ;
and then she said to Mr. Sloan
"You are just as bad, Mr. Sloan. You feel alone too."
Mr. Sloan replied : "The world came to an end for me when I lost
A man's voice then spoke
"The world is just beginning for you, my dear old friend. A
beautiful world is just beginning. Though your friends are
lost to sight, they are just starting afresh in a new and
glorious experience of life. You will all have that experience
by and by. Don't worry, don't faint by the way. Take up all
the little crosses you meet on your journey. Shoulder them
nobly. They are the stepping-stones to the brighter day and
the brighter
world beyond, when, duty achieved, labour done, you come
home at last. God bless you. I am Pathfinder."
Mrs. Lang said: "Thank you, Pathfinder. Could you tell us the time or
get someone to do so, as Mr. Hart has to catch a train?"
Pathfinder replied
"I hear someone making a request to Pathfinder," to which
Mrs. Lang said: "It was just to tell us the time."
Pathfinder answered:
"I am going to look at a clock."
Mrs. Lang suggested: "Not the one in here-the clock outside."
In a moment or two, Pathfinder said
"Is it the big one ? Is it correct ?"
Mrs. Lang answered: "Yes, it is correct." Pathfinder explained
"Well, you know where the hands go round, the quarter
round, to the bottom, and then three-quarters round. Well,
the big hand is there, and the little hand almost under it."
From this we gathered it was a quarter to nine, which proved to be
Pathfinder concluded
"We have had difficulty in getting the right one to look after
your door today. Not that there is any need, but we have to
guard the portal-that is all."
The voice of a Red Indian then said
"This is what you would call a minor duty. Lady of the house,
the open door has to be guarded, you know, and I am not
just proficient in the duties thereof unless I see some
guiding light to help me.
Mrs. Lang replied: "I can just think of you sitting in that vacant chair,
Mammy. It was just there you used to sit."
Mrs. Sloan replied
"I have looked at it also. I have had some vacant chairs too."
Mr. Sloan said: "Your old chair is not vacant very often, Mammy, for I
sit in it a lot, my dearie." Another voice then said
"Mrs. Lang, is Mother coming here (to this house) soon ? It is
Roy Richardson. I heard you speaking tonight about some
old friends coming soon."
Mrs. Lang said: "Your mother is not here, Roy, but I will tell her you
were speaking. How are you?" Roy replied
"Thank you, I am very well and very busy."
Mr. Sloan remarked: "Roy is not speaking so clearly as usual."
Roy replied
"My dear old friend, you must remember that the power is
used up pretty well now, but I am still Roy. Also, I have not
my special lodestone here drawing power for me-I mean my
Mother. I know she is picking up nicely. What a Mother!"
Miss Colquhoun interjected: "What a son!", and he replied
"Yes, she has that as well but she certainly is a great
Mother, and God bless you too for your sympathy, kind
thoughts, and kind words. I pray that peace may soon come
again into your troubled world. When you see Mother, Mrs.
Lang, just give her Roy's undying love, and any sad thought
or any little care she has at times, tell her just to think of
Roy, and
that will ease the tension ; the lever will be used at once. I
have such a strong lever when I come to work for Mother.
Good night."
A new voice broke in:
"It is only a step over here, and you will have no difficulty in
finding the door. We will be watching, and loving hands will
welcome you on the shore. You know we love you and will
always stand by you."
We asked who was speaking, and he replied:
"I am not permitted to say. I think you will understand ;
heart talks to heart."
A voice from the other side then started the Doxology, but it was far
too high for us, so Mrs. Lang re-started it on a lower key. A lovely
light floated about while we were singing, and then a voice said
"God bless you all. It is Pathfinder wishing you good night
and shining his light on you. May the path be a shining road
to you, all the way as you travel on straight and true to
journey's end, and you reach home at last. I am Pathfinder."
A voice with a Scotch accent then said to Mr. Hart
"You from Sugaropolis (Greenock), I think you go a wee bit
further than Sugaropolis. You will need to put a spur to your
steed, sonny."
(Mr. Hart lives at Gourock, a few miles beyond Greenock.)
This ended the sitting.
We were born into, and live in, what is termed the physical world
made up of matter which we can see and touch. That makes it real
and tangible to us, and
the reason is that our body is likewise physical and in tune with the
earth and the physical universe. Besides our physical body we have
a duplicate etheric body which is unseen on earth, and this invisible,
intangible body is guided by our immaterial mind. This trinity of
three in one, these three parts which constitute the individual on
earth, are all necessary for our earth life, but nature has so ordained
things that a time comes when a separation takes place and the
mind and the etheric body leave the physical body and function
To us, with our physical senses, this is difficult to grasp. What we
cannot see we find difficult to understand, and what is not
understood we term mysterious and relegate it to an aspect of
thought apart from our every day practical life. The unknown and
the mysterious in life we put away in a special section of our mind
under the label Religion, and with it is associated Mysticism and
kindred beliefs. Many have been helped and comforted in life by
what are called religious beliefs, ritual and ceremonial. On the other
hand others are quite indifferent and largely ignore that aspect of
thought, and live as if nothing exists beyond our sense perceptions.
Since sub-man became primitive man, to develop into the human
being we now know, religion has greatly influenced the life of most
individuals, and anthropologists have only occasionally found a tribe
entirely wanting in religious feelings. Until modern times mankind in
general has believed that he was guided by the gods, the saints or
the spirits of the dead, and nothing could be done without
consulting them by means of oracles, priests, divination or
prayer. Man has often inwardly felt that he was something more
than a material being, and his psychic sense has flickered, and
sometimes flared to guide him onwards on a road which was dark
and difficult to walk upon without stumbling.
Nowadays the road is smoother, the light guiding us is brighter, and
the knowledge we have gained by the revelations of physical and
psychic science makes much that was hitherto mysterious no longer
so. Physics, by its discovery of the atom and the electron, and by its
discovery of radiation, has reduced matter to nothing more than
vibration of the ether, that something which pervades all space. All
space, including physical substance, is vibration, but we only sense
that small portion which vibrates in harmony with the physical body.
That which is beyond, or is of a greater frequency than the material
universe, Spiritualists term the Etheric, which contains unseen
worlds around and interpenetrating this planet, and probably
elsewhere in space.
The one next in vibrational activity to our earth we call Etheria, and
there lives, or from it has passed onwards, everyone who has died
on earth and slipped out of his or her physical body. They live,
guided by the same immaterial mind which was theirs on earth,
each with an etheric body (unseen but interpenetrating the body
when on earth) which is in harmony with the higher range of
vibrations. So the etheric body feels solid and real to those who
have made the change, and consequently their surrounding
conditions feel solid and real because they are made up of
substance vibrating at the same frequency as the etheric body.
which, when put on the human body, helps to heal what is wrong.
The Apostle Paul was a healing medium, and we read in The Acts
that he held handkerchiefs which were then applied to the sick. So,
when Mrs. Bowes said in the foregoing séance that she felt that she
was being charged with some electric current through the trumpet,
she was told that she was getting vibrations to pass on to her son,
Jim, who was suffering from a mastoid.
We pass into the Etheric World naked and are met by friends who
welcome us sometimes before we are clothed, which is rather
embarrassing. Our memory makes us think of clothes, and in Etheria
the vibratory power of the mind can mould substance in conformity
with our thoughts. So Etherians clothe themselves by thought. As
we progress, our earth-like clothes change to beautiful robes, but,
when we return to earth, our robes again become like earth clothes.
That is why so many ghosts are seen in clothes similar to those
worn in the period in which they lived on earth. This matter of dress
was clearly told by an Etherian in this chapter.
Etherians always claim that they help and guide us, and this will be
found repeated in their conversations recorded in this book. Certain
psychically endowed people of the past have acknowledged this
guidance, Socrates always emphasising that the voices he heard
never misled him. Joan of Arc followed the guidance of the voices
she heard, but her tragic end was not due to their misguidance. If
she had retired from public life after she had seen her king crowned,
she would have accomplished her mission, and we have no
evidence that her voices urged her to go to
something. You must have extra good sight if you can see
We all laughed, including Mr. Sloan.
Mr. Cameron remarked : "That was a very fine voice which joined in
the singing along with us," and Mr. Sloan said
"I didna hear it. It couldna have been much of a voice.
Miss Millar disagreed : "Oh yes, Mr. Sloan, it had a fine bell-like
The voice replied
"Thank you, my dear."
Miss Colquhoun started to tell us about a house in Clydebank where
continuous knocking was heard which no one could account for, and
that no one would live in it.
Mr. Sloan remarked : "I often hear knocking in my internment camp
(his room), but I just let them knock away and tak' no notice of
While we were speaking knocks started to sound all over the room,
on the walls and under the chairs. Miss Dearie heard knocks under
the chair she was sitting on, and so did most of the others present.
Miss Colquhoun remarked: "It must be someone wanting help. Can
you speak, dear friend? Can we help you in any way?"
A voice replied
"It is my own fault. I did not want to go away. I was trying to
get near them."
Mrs. Bowes asked: "Do you mean those you left behind? Can you
not make them hear you?" He replied
"I have been near them but nothing can be done
"I have never been away from you for many nights now, my
brother. It is Whitefeather speaking. I know you, and
understand you better now than I ever knew you before. I
hope I understand you all a little better, and I thank you for
your kind consideration in bearing with me in the old days.
May the God of peace be with you all. May the shadows of
life go past thy dwelling and may the Angel of Love
overshadow you during the dark times you are passing
through at present. Trust in the God of all might, and leave
your loved ones in His keeping. Nevertheless, not our will
but Thine, 0 Father, must be done. It is Whitefeather."
Miss Duff then sang a verse of a lovely hymn: He doth Understand,
and a voice from the other side said
"How true. If you could just realise that in the midst of all
your trials and your cares and troubles `He cloth
understand' ; that those you love most and who have passed
into the beyond are still near you in every moment of life,
trying at all times to help you to understand the way of life,
how much happier life would be. You cannot but have your
ups and downs during earth's journey, but fight on bravely.
In His strength you will find a never-failing power. I will not,
however, detain you further."
Mrs. Lang asked who was speaking, and he replied
Mrs. Lang said: "Oh, 222, we are very pleased to hear you. We
would like to have heard your `Peace call', but perhaps we may hear
it at the end."
Mr. Sloan was coughing a lot, and Miss Duff
remarked : "Poor Mr. Sloan," when a voice from the other side said
"With such a heritage, such a great gift, how can you say
`poor' ?"
Miss Duff explained: "I did not mean it in that way, friend. I said
`poor' because I was sorry he had such a bad cold."
Mr. Cameron remarked that he had heard it said that people with
psychic gifts, like Mr. Sloan, were used in a similar manner on the
other side, but the voice did not agree.
"I do not follow you, friend Cameron."
Mr. Cameron said: "My question was-does that great gift which the
Medium has follow him to the other side of life? Can he be used on
your side as he is used here?"
The voice replied
"I have not heard of that. Oh no, oh no, he may be able to
impress others from this side to take up the mantle that he
left behind but it is not needed here ; that is a physical
Mr. Cameron replied : "Quite so," and the voice went on
"We cannot come back and go through the same again. Any
time I come to you in these surroundings I am dependent on
the human element-the friend whom you call John Sloan.
Without him, or one equally gifted, we could not make you
hear us, but although you do not hear us unless he is
present, we do come back and watch over you from time to
time. He is just the vehicle for the transmission of sound. I
could not speak to you if I could not draw from you
collectively. I am not Whitefeather."
Mr. Cameron remarked: "I do not think you quite got my meaning,
friend, but that does not matter." The voice replied
"Well, let me have it again and I will try my best."
Mr. Cameron said: "An individual when he develops the power or gift
of Mr. Sloan, if he proves himself a worthy instrument here, would
he be used in the next condition of things in the same way?"
The voice asked:
"To come and function in the Earth Plane again ?"
Mr. Cameron said: "No, but I understood that in some of the earlier
planes you use the same kind of communication to contact those on
higher planes."
The voice replied:
"I have not found that to be the case so far as I am
concerned. It is not needed here. We use our own thought
vibrations to reach the higher planes, but it may have been
explained to you in that way to let you understand, or to
clarify to some extent the method of communication which
is used here. I, however, have not heard of it. You know
there are planes and planes on our side of life that I have
not evolved to yet, and to which I cannot hope to attain for
along time to come, but I have had conversations with, and
the company of, those who live on these planes. They are
able to come to us but we cannot go to them till we evolve a
little higher.
"Those who love you on your side of life and come here
before you, will cling around your plane and will try to pick
you up just as they left you in the old days, and then you
will all progress together. There is nothing lost. It is only a
case of `gone before'
Mrs. Lang asked if we might know who had spoken, and he replied
"You do not know me, and I do not know you personally,
although I am in your surroundings often. Mr. Cameron, you
have a keen sense, my friend, more acute and more keen
than even you understand yourself. Apply it well, my
brother. Listen for the voices which are guiding you in all
crucial matters."
After a silence Mfr. Sloan remarked here : "This is awful. Do you
hear the clock ticking, freens (friends), and there is nothing doing
yet. Can you not bring some of the folks' ain (own) freens?"
To this doleful remark Miss Colquhoun's Father replied
"Can you really understand that man, friends But he does
not really mean it. Don't you get so exalted, my friend, and
think that we are all dependent upon you, but, of course, we
are really the better for having you, you know. You are so
very anxious to shine that unless every minute is occupied
you think there is nothing doing."
Mr. Sloan replied : " I think you are a bit sore on me, freen."
Mr. Colquhoun replied
"The brilliance of your gift has quite overcome you, and,
because you consider it is not so brilliant as it was formerly,
you really have come to the conclusion that you have
nothing further to give. I know you, friend Sloan, but let me
tell you, my dear brother-I mean what I am saying now, and
am no longer joking-you are just beginning to get the cream
of the best of everything to give to those you love about
you. You are reaching a phase of your
life where you will come into contact with those who have
been over here for a long, long time, and, of course, with
what we know of your wonderful gift, we are going to do
something for you.
"The messages you will get, although they will not be in the
obscure form of the Indian friends, will be from Indian
friends and others long out of the body, attuned more to the
brightness of spirit where they have attained their
knowledge. After all, have you ever thought that life is a
noble thing ? The possibilities you have in your journey
through life to do good, grasp them with both hands, for
every one of them is accounted for, my brother, and will
assist you when you come to this side.
"Your garments will shine with a greater brilliance and place
you in the 'Advance Guard', girt with the armour of
righteousness, for all you have done to help those stragglers
by the way as you go through life. Those records cannot be
hid when you come to this side. You will bear the imprint of
your actions in earth life, and those which are good will help
you all the better when you come to this side of life-every
one of you. See, then, that you do all the good you can,
while you can. Life is earnest. Life is real and unending. It is
merely a changing scene from one phase to another. How
readily you all could pick up the connection ; the threads of
those that sometimes you thought had gone for ever. Are
you learning, Miss Colquhoun, to pick up these threads ?"
Miss Colquhoun replied: "These few lines you spoke brought back a
memory to me." Mr. Colquhoun agreed:
is easier then. Have you your letter sent away, my dear ?"
Mrs. Lang said : "I don't think it is posted yet. I will open it, Roy, and
give your Mother your message."
Roy replied
"Thank you, Mrs. Lang, that will make Mother very happy.
She is a cheery soul, you know. And how are you, Miss
Colquhoun ? You are a cheery soul too, and you speak to the
point when you do speak. I must congratulate you, Mr.
Cameron, on the lucid way in which you explained to me and
to my friends on our side, things that you know better than
we do. I understood you very well, but I will not disturb you
further tonight."
(This refers to a subject discussed at a previous seance but not
included in this series.)
Mr. Sloan remarked that he had been looking over a lot of photos
and had seen one of Roy, and that he often looked at Mammy's
photos when he was alone.
This remark brought Mrs. Sloan back:
"Now, Daddy, you are not to do that. It just vexes you."
Addressing Miss Anderson she said
"Lottie, dear, you are very quiet."
Lottie replied: "I am just enjoying myself,
Mrs. Sloan then addressed Mrs. Potter:
"Mammy Potter-I see you have Marjory with you. Do you
remember me, my dear ?"
Marjory Millar replied: "I remember you very well, Mammy," and
Mrs. Sloan went on:
Gertrude replied
"There is nothing I can say nice to you. No I cannot say
anything nice, except that you are all so kind."
Mrs. Lang replied : "Well, I think you have said a very nice thing just
now in saying that."
One of us asked: "Are you a little girl, Gertrude?,, and she replied
"I am not just little, and I am not just big. It is beautiful to
see the light that shines around you all. It was that which
drew me close to you. I want to find my Mother."
One of us said: "Have you been looking for her, Gertrude? Where is
your Mother?" She replied:
"I do not know. I have often looked in at different people's
homes, but I could not get them to hear me, and I do not
understand how you can hear me now. Where am I ? What is
the name of this place ?"
Mr. Cameron said : "We are in the town of Glasgow at present,
Gertrude. Did you know it at all?"
She replied:
"I have a faint memory of hearing of Glasgow when I was in
school. I do not belong to Scotland. I have been a good long
time on my side, but I did not live in England."
Mr. Cameron said: "Can you not sense any of your people,
Gertrude?", and she replied:
"I can sense them but not just here, though I can sense that
you are all friends here. I can always sense immediately
whether I am accepted as a friend."
Miss Dearie said: "I hope you will be very happy Gertrude," and she
The basic substance needed for the production of the Direct Voice is
Ectoplasm. It might be called the connecting link between the
physical and the etheric, as it is the substance supplied by our body
which, when mixed with etheric ingredients, can be handled by
Etherians. It is the thing which is half-way between physical and
etheric substance, and it acts as a bridge between the two worlds.
Those rare men and women, called Direct Voice mediums, have this
ectoplasm in much greater abundance than the rest of us, as we all
have it in a lesser degree, and this being so their presence is
necessary before the Direct Voice can be produced from Etheria.
So intrigued was J. Gilbert E. Wright, an American research chemist,
with this elusive stuff, that he set about making a study of it, to end
in setting down ninety-six different observations on its effects and
behaviour, but only the most important will here be mentioned.
When under the influence of Etheric chemists, the medium's body is
used as a supply basis for the ectoplasm, and they take what they
can from the sitters, but under normal conditions it cannot be seen
or tasted and it gives off no smell.
This stuff seems to diffuse through the tissues of the body like a
gas, and emerges through the orifices because it passes more freely
through mucous membrane than through the skin, to become, by
treatment from etheric chemists, an amorphous (shapeless), viscous
(sticky) liquid which can be seen at times in red light. It has now
some of the properties of matter, as it occupies space and can be
seen. Its weight is difficult to determine, but, if the medium and
sitters sit on weighing machines during the séance, their weight will
decrease, especially that of the medium, to become normal when
the sitting is over. This has been proved by experiment.
In my book, On the Edge of the Etheric, I tell what was told to me by
the Etherians present at the seances I had with Mr. Sloan, for the
purpose of learning something about Etheria, and the means its
inhabitants adopt to speak to us on earth. When I asked how it was
that they could speak to us I was told by Greentree, a Red Indian
chief on earth, a cultivated gentleman, from whom we shall be
hearing before this book ends, the methods they adopted, and I
cannot do better than give the explanation in his own words which
were taken down in shorthand by my secretary, who was present
when he spoke to me
"I shall do my best to make you understand how this is done, but
remember you cannot get a proper grasp of the difficulties we are
faced with until you yourself come across to our side. However, I
shall explain our methods as clearly as possible. From the medium,
and those present, a chemist in the etheric world withdraws certain
ingredients which, for the want of a better name, is called
ectoplasm. To this the chemist adds ingredients of his own making.
When these are mixed together a substance is formed which
enables the chemist to materialise his hands. He then, with his
materialised hands, constructs a mask resembling the mouth and
tongue. The spirit wishing to speak places his face into this mask
and finds it clings to him, it gathers round his mouth, tongue and
throat. At first, difficulty is experienced in moving this heavier
material, but by
practice this becomes easy. The etheric organs have once again
become clothed in matter resembling physical matter, and, by the
passage of air through them, your atmosphere can be vibrated, and
you hear the speaker's voice."
When the supply of ectoplasm is abundant an Etherian can
materialise part, or the whole, of his (her) body, which can be seen
in red light, and touched. This is called a full materialisation, but for
the Direct Voice a partial materialisation is sufficient, namely the
materialisation of the vocal organs, and they use either the floor to
build up on, or the large opening of the trumpet which is supported
from the floor by one or more ectoplasmic-etheric rods. Both the
mask and the rods have been photographed in infra-red light, and I
and others have seen the rods occasionally. What seems to us to be
cold breezes are often felt by the sitters, and this may be the effect
of the removal of ectoplasm from their bodies.
No natural laws are violated, and what is taken from our physical
bodies is used by the Etherians and then returned to us, but this
must take place in darkness as our light waves, above the infra red,
break up the ectoplasm so that it cannot be used by the chemists
on the other side. Much more could be told about this elusive, yet
very real, stuff, but sufficient has been said to give an idea of what
takes place, unseen to us, at a Direct Voice séance. We on earth are
the passive suppliers of ectoplasm, while they on their side do all
the process work to make speech with us possible.
Many people believe in Reincarnation, but in all my many talks with
Etherians I have never found one
who knew anything about it. What they talk about is progress, but
never about returning to earth to take up a new physical habitation.
Anyone who knows anything about genetics will realise the
absurdity of the idea, and why this Eastern belief has such a hold on
many people in the West is difficult to understand. In the séance
given in this chapter we notice that Mr. Cameron was told: "We
cannot come back and go through the same again."
Finally, let me draw attention to the fact that in Etheria it seems
possible to live and love without the jealousies caused on earth.
Affection in Etheria seems more general and less individual, men
and women there seeming to have this devotion in greater
abundance than we have on earth, and consequently greater
happiness follows when there is love devoid of possession and
selfishness. Jimmy, who spoke to Miss Anderson, made this quite
19th December, 1942
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn, Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
afterwards repeated The Lord's Prayer. A lady's voice from the spirit
side joined in the "Amen". We then heard spirit voices talking to
each other, and asked who was speaking.
A man's voice answered
"I am just visiting Miss McRobbie."
Miss McRobbie asked who was speaking, and the voice answered:
"It is all right, you know, my dear."
We then heard a strange sound through the trumpet, almost like a
bird whistling. This went on for some considerable time, and
sounded all around the room. Mr. Sloan remarked that he had had
trouble in getting up the road today, and a voice said
"You all have trouble with your feet, you folk.
Arthur replied
"They are all specially engaged. I just got away to-day as I
had not spoken to you for some time, and now I will just say
good night, Mother darling.
Another voice then said very loudly and clearly:
"Hang on, Arthur, hang on."
Mrs. Lang said: "Is that you, John Inch?", and he replied
"Yes, Mrs. Lang, but how did you know it was me ?"
Mrs. Lang replied : "I knew your fine, clear voice. How are you
getting on, John?" John replied
"Very well, Mrs. Lang, and very busy, and how are you, Miss
Colquhoun ? I seem to know you of old. You are one of the
stalwarts who used to come here."
Miss Colquhoun replied : "Oh yes, Mr. Inch, but I do not think I ever
really met you in the flesh." He replied
"No, but I heard of you when I used to come about Cowglen
House, and who is this doing some writing over here ? Well,
I am afraid we are not giving you much that you can put
down in your record."
Miss Dearie said: "Do please give me a little message to put down,
Mr. Inch. I would like that very much."
He replied
"Well, my dear, I would like to say something nice to a lady
at any time, you know, but I hardly know what to say. I do
not see anyone who is closely connected with you in the
surroundings meantime."
Miss Dearie replied: "If you do see them, Mr. Inch, please give them
my love."
A voice then said:
"Jenny, it is Jenny speaking. Oh, where is he ? I have been
looking for you, Alex."
This was for Mr. Hart, and then another voice said
"You have been such a wonderful help to me, Alex. You are
my comfort on this side. It is Mother speaking. I think you
sensed the feeling, Alex, that I was not far away from you."
Mr. Hart replied : "Thank you, Mother," and she continued
"I spoke to you before, Alex, but you did not hear me. I do
not think I had got the right vibration."
A man's voice then said
"That is so. When we speak to you the right conditions are
required. I find the weather has a lot to do with the
conditions. I am never so able to contact in this way if it is
very stormy."
Mrs. Lang said: "Well, we hear you very well at present. Will you
please tell us who is speaking?"
He replied
"I did not think you were hearing me at all clearly. I know
you by coming to these Meetings occasionally. Sometimes I
act as your door-keeper, if I get promoted to that position."
Mrs. Lang asked: "Are you our door-keeper to-day?"
He replied
"Oh no, I just came in like the wind of the morning. I just
blew in, and how are you, my dear ? (addressing Miss
Colquhoun). "You are not walking
advanced. I am sure I don't know why Whitey keeps near you at all.
The things you say about him."
Mr. Sloan replied : "I didna mean ony disparagement, I am sure, but
they have changed. However, I do think Whitey has been near me
for the last week or two. I seem to know he is here."
Whitefeather then spoke, saying:
"Oh yes, I was with you, my brother. I saw you when you
were polishing up the little figure which Mrs. Bowes sent
you, brother Sloan."
Mr. Sloan said : "That is right, but I was only dusting it, Whitey. I
wasna polishing it."
Whitey said
"You say that is right, and yet you say I am not near you.
Where did you get the other figure? Oh yes, there is another
one which I did not understand very well from the other
Mr. Sloan said : "Oh yes, that is the wee man with the heid (head)
that comes off. I don't know where Mammy got that yin (one)."
We laughed, and Whitey said
"I think you should try and sing a little."
He then remarked to someone on the other side
"You cannot come in here just now. You will get in some
other time. Just be patient and wait a little."
We then sang the hymn, Count your blessings, and afterwards Miss
Duff said : "I have been thinking so much about a little Indian friend
who passed over a short time ago with her baby. She was such a
lovely young girl, and she and the little baby passed over. I was
hoping that she might get some help."
A girl's voice then said to Miss Duff:
pleased to hear you. Are you going to tell us anything? Can you give
us any information?" Lady Nona replied
"I am not inclined for that to-night-to give any musical
information, I mean. Some other time I may have the
opportunity to do so."
Mr. Colquhoun now spoke
"I know Miss Stove, and I know that she sits in the window-
seat. It is drawing near the time when she will need all the
support she can get. It is coming to the anniversary of the
time of her friend's passing. There is always a sadness at
such a time, even when you know this truth, but if you could
just understand the beauty of our anniversaries you would
not be sad about us.
"You are also coming to the sad time of the year for you,
Crissie Colquhoun. I am sorry about your ankle but it will
come all right. You are right in what you are thinking. It is
Father. Your Mother is all right, you know, and just you
think this when you are sad and mournful-it will react on
Mother and she wants you to be happy and cheerful. Never
you mind, dear, you know the happy day will come to all of
you, to everyone in this beautiful room to-night, when you
will step over the border-line, and then you will understand
more about all this."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Mother is happy now, isn't she, Father?"
Her Mother then spoke and said:
"Quite happy, Crissie. I am quite happy. We are both
together, your Father and I, but not all the time. I would not
wish that, as I could not just go into all the pursuits that
Father likes and joins in, but
I have found many friends here, people whom I did not know
in earth life, but who claim kinship with me. We are all more
intimate with one another on this side."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Mother, do you ever see Aunt Agnes?"
Her Mother replied
"I have met her often. She is in a different place, but is
happy, and we are often together."
Miss Colquhoun said: "And the boys? How are they?"
Her Father replied to this question, saying:
"All pulling their weight, my dear."
One of Miss Colquhoun's relations in Etheria then asked
"Who is to give a message to Aunt May? (on earth). We are all
here, you know."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Any of you-it does not matter."
Her Father replied
"But which one would she like best to get a message from ?"
and Miss Colquhoun replied : "I think she would like a message from
her husband best."
So this is what her husband said
"Willie is speaking-her Willie. I was speaking to you before
to-night, but I do not think you heard me, Crissie. Tell May I
am dwelling on the memories of all the love and wonderful
times she gave me. These are memories which will never
fade and will never pass away. We often go long walks-it is a
beautiful country. I wish I could explain to you the scenes
beyond scenes which open to one's view,
Miss Dearie said : "Is it my little Mother?" She replied
"Jeanie-it's just Mother. How are you getting on ?"
Miss Dearie replied : "I am all right, darling. How are you, dear? Tell
me something about yourself. Are you living in a nice home over
Her Mother said
"Yes, but I have not seen much of my own home recently. I
have been on a round of visits-staying with different people-
sometimes for such a long time that I hope I do not overstay
my welcome."
Miss Dearie said: "I am sure you will never do that, dear."
Her Mother replied
"I do not seem to, for they are all so glad to see me. I have
met many people here I knew long ago and had almost
forgotten about, but they all knew me and are so anxious to
have me with them. I have a wonderful body now, Jeanie. I
am not aged now, you know, and can enjoy going about."
Miss Dearie said: "I am sure you do, dear. Are you often with
Grandmother Hunter?"
Her Mother replied
"I just left her before coming here to speak to you. I see her
Miss Dearie inquired : "Do you ever see Uncle John, Mother?"
Her Mother said
"Oh, John Hunter. Yes, I see him, but he is just a nuisance
sometimes. I don't mean anything against him when I say
that, but you know what he
"I beg your pardon, Sir, I do not think I knew you before.
What is your name ?"
Mr. Cameron answered: " My name is Cameron," and Mr. Potter
went on
"Mr. Cameron, there are myriads here who do not know
about this means of communication at all. I did not know
much about it for a time on your side until I lost my boy, and
my boy, Eleanor, you know what he meant to me, and that
day at Mrs. Motion's, when I first heard my boy speaking to
me, the world opened afresh. For all that I owe thanks to my
dear old friend, Daddy Sloan." (Correct.)
Another voice then said:
"Are you there, Lottie dear ? Will you tell Mother that Charlie
is here and spoke to you ? How is George ?"
Lottie Anderson said: "George is in the army," and Charlie replied
"I know. He was home recently and I know you gave him a
great reception in your house. You two girls were so very
kind to him. I have been sitting beside Jean and she is
getting on all right, you know. Tell Jean I was with her often
since she went into that medical place, and when she gets
out she will be in better health than ever she was in her life
before. Good night, Charlotte Pegott Anderson. Good night."
Miss Anderson agreed that the foregoing statements are correct,
and then another voice spoke to her, calling her "Lottie".
He said
"I am Willie--your Father knows I am living. He understands
a lot more about this subject since
Mrs. Bowes replied : "I don't think so, but that is just what I have
been dreading."
Another voice with a foreign accent said
"It is Foo Choo speaking, Mrs. Bowes. Cheer up, dear lady.
Yes, yes, all is well, letter following. He is not in Shanghai,
but is there not someone else you know about there-a friend
of your brother Jim ?"
Mrs. Bowes said : "Yes, Foo Choo, a friend of my brother is there
with his wife. If you could get near them, it might help them."
Foo Choo said
"I have been deputed to look after them as they are friends
of yours and of your brother Jim. They are prisoners, and in
their loneliness they talk about the old times. Foo Choo will
ring off now."
Another voice then spoke
"We hope we have been able to bring you a little further
knowledge of life on our side and a little blessing to
yourselves as well. We are not in a position to do unto you
all that we would wish, but we are in a position to open up
the path a little ahead of you, and our wish is that in every
day of your earth life you may progress in the knowledge of
truth-the knowledge that beyond these passing scenes there
is the Eternal Reality, because, as you all know, you will
come to the passing, the demarcation line, when you will
say good-bye to earthly things and pass to the more
beautiful, lasting, and abiding things of the world which lies
beyond, where all you love and are dreaming of will be there
at the end of the road.
"I often think of that which is supposed to be a comedian's
been had he known what awaited him. The Indian spoke about:
"The joy of knowing that there is no death, and that those you loved
are alive for evermore and very near to you."
He went on to say what a wonderful future was before mankind, and
yet how few give the subject intelligent thought, largely because of
Organised and orthodox religions the world over have very hazy
beliefs about the other world, their Bibles are contradictory and
unsatisfying, the Christian sacred book for instance declaring in one
place (Ecclesiastes ix, 5) that life ends at death, and in The
Revelation that believers reach a fantastic Heaven and are for ever
singing praises and playing musical instruments to the glory of God.
But for the great majority, the world over, of all creeds, races and
languages, their belief can best be expressed by the short line so
common in every Christian churchyard "Rest in Peace."
Even that would be better than the realisation of the theological
beliefs which priestly minds have wound round the mysterious
subject of death. The doctrines of the long wait of the body in the
grave, its reanimation at some future uncertain date, the Judgment,
when a few are destined for Heaven and the majority for Hell, and
last, but worst of all, the damnation of all unbaptised infants whose
"bones pave the streets of Hell" are all revolting and contemptible.
Orthodox religious beliefs have certainly comforted many, but, on
the other hand, the firm idea of Hell for unbelievers has caused
much unnecessary fear and misery, the intolerance this has
Saturday, l0th February, 1943
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
while we sang it a little bell tinkled, keeping time to the music. We
then repeated The Lord's Prayer, in which a voice from the other
side joined in and repeated it with us. Another voice accompanied
us in saying "Amen."
The trumpets were heard flying around the room, and one of us
remarked: "The trumpets are busy early to-day."
A voice from the other side said
"If the trumpets are busy, what about the people behind
them ?"
Mr. Sloan remarked : "It's time you were doing something, anyway."
We sang The Lord is my Shepherd, and voices from he other side
again sang with us. A man's voice then said
Mr. Hart said: "What is your second name? I know a lot of Jimmies."
The voice replied
"James, Jimmie Fergie. I was in your class."
The trumpet then touched Miss Dearie, and Jimmie Fergie, being
rather out of his natural element, spoke at random:
"You are writing. Just tell the people how much I love them,
if they like to look at your copy."
Mr. Sloan said: "This is terrible-just a lot of blethers (nonsense). Can
you no bring through someone we know?"
A man's voice replied
"What can you make of him at all ? He is the most impatient
man I know."
Miss Duff asked: "Might I ask if there is someone standing in the
middle of the room? I get the impression of a presence there, very
peaceful and soothing.
A man's voice replied
"Thank you so much for giving me the thought. I try to bring
peace, harmony and love to all people, and I get the
vibration much better when I come into the middle of your
surroundings. Mr. Cameron, your brother Jim is here wanting
to speak to you."
Mr. Cameron replied : "I have not got a brother Jim. My wife's
brother was called Jim."
The voice replied:
"He will be your brother too, although he is your wife's
but things were not straightened out, the vibrations were not right,
and then a lady's voice said:
"My dear friend, Miss Dearie. I am so glad to see you."
He replied
"I may be more advanced now, but I was further back than
he was to start with. We are both in beautiful surroundings,
but they are different. I have much to thank God for,
especially those who helped me when I first came over,
because I was not sure, friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
where I was going. It is a lovely land I am living in.
"Most people who come to the spirit side of life expect to be
in the same surroundings all the time as the ones they loved
on earth. That certainly is so in many instances. It all
depends on how spiritually you are akin to each other, but
often those we have loved dearly are too far advanced for us
to reach them. They can be with us certainly, but cannot
take us with them. We have just to wait a little until we
attain the condition whereby we can travel and understand
the surroundings where we are going. God bless you."
Another voice said
"This is Jimmie speaking -- Jimmie Cameron." Mr. Cameron
asked: "Are you a relation of mine?", and Miss Millar said
" I know a Jimmie Cameron-a friend of my Father."
The voice said
"Of course, I am a friend of Jimmie Millar. I have just come to
say `My love to you, my dear'."
A lady then spoke to Miss Colquhoun, and said: "Crissie, I do not
like to see your hair getting grey. What did you do with that
painting of me ?"
"I would fain have you see the beautiful home where I dwell,
far superior to anything I knew in earth life, Mr. Cameron. I
was in a humble position in my earth life, but the Good
Father, as I was told, had prepared this place for me, which I
attained to in a short time. I listened patiently to all the big
teachers had to say in the Auditorium, and I found the way,
the pathway that led to my beautiful home on the spirit side
of life. It is just the place I would have desired had I chosen
it for myself."
Mr. Cameron said: "I understand you build your home by deeds
done in the body?"
Mr. Telfer replied
"Yes, I was trying to explain that to you. Any little good I
had done in earth life which had been a bit of a sacrifice to
me, made my home, my beautiful home, more beautiful, and
any kind thought I had, any kind action I did, all went to the
beautification of my Paradise of Peace, my home, my
garden, in all its beauty, and the flowers I love tending as I
used to do in earth life. They grow from the little plants to
the full fruition of all their beauty and fragrance, and then
they just vanish and others grow in their place. There is no
decay; no toil in gardening. I have such a wonderful home
and I just came in to tell you about my house and my
Mr. Cameron said : "I understand you can be with the friends you
love immediately you arrive those you loved here can be with you
Mr. Telfer answered, and continued his interesting talk with these
"Yes, if you are in the same vibration spiritually that is so. If
not, they can be often with you, but
He replied
"Yes, it is Telfer."
Mrs. Lang asked: "Are you long over in the spirit world?"
He replied
"I could not exactly tell you. It is difficult to reckon time
here, but it was before your time. I lived in Montrose. Mr.
Cameron, I think there is good news coming for all in the
world before long. Of course, there will be sad hearts before
it does come, but it will come speedily now. What saddens
us here so much is to see the young, the noble, and the
good, ushered into this side of life just when they would
have been of so much help to humanity. You know what I
mean. They will, however, still react and affect you from this
side when they come here. I am going now, good day."
Miss Duff started to sing: There comes to my heart the one sweet
strain-Sweet Peace-the gift of God's Love.
A lady's voice then said
"Mary (Miss Duff's Mother), my beloved girl; it's Mother. My
beloved girl, can you hear me ?"
Miss Duff replied: "My beloved Mother, I can hear you very well. I
have not heard you for a long time, darling."
Her Mother said
"I often speak to you but you do not hear me. It is all right. I
will show you my light."
A beautiful light shone in front of Miss Duff, and she said : "Oh,
Mother dear, I can see it. Oh, thank you very, very much."
A man's voice then said to Miss Duff:
"Have you left the old house ? It is Grandfather.
friend. Thank you very much for coming. Will you help us?"
He replied
"That was my object in coming to speak to you here. We do
the best we can for you. I know how difficult it is with
conditions such as you are working under at present, and I
know how difficult it is to--well, what shall I say ?-take it all
without grumbling."
Miss Duff asked: "Is it possible for me to know your name or would
that not help?"
The speaker lost the right vibration and she got no reply, but
another voice said
and Miss Duff asked: "Is that you, Father?" He replied
"It is Father speaking. That will always be your Father's
name. I was just a wee bit cranky and crotchety in the old
Miss Duff said : "Oh no, Father dear," and he replied
"Well, though I did not always see eye to eye with you, I
used to enjoy having differences of opinion."
Miss Duff remarked: "You do know I love you, Father," and he
"I never doubted that, my dear daughter."
A new voice broke into the conversation
"Love is something which is branded on the heart of
humanity and can never be eradicated. It lives through all
eternity, it never dies, the love which is in the heart for each
other grows brighter all the time. Indian Chief is speaking to
you as he can explain it."
Miss Millar remarked : "That was a very beautiful message," and the
Indian said
"What did you say, little lady? It is so satisfactory for me to
hear you speaking to Indian Chief in that manner. Indian
Chief would like to put this little message so lucidly before
your understanding that you would know and understand all
that I mean. There is one little episode in your life to which
you cling with a fervent clinging, a thought which you would
like to mature. Indian Chief tells you that if you do have
patience all will be well. You know what I mean. It has been
a dark road to walk but you are nearer the goal where you
shall acquire the object of your desire which will bring you
much joy."
Miss Duff asked : "Are you still there, Indian Chief? Will you please
give my love to my little Indian friend and her baby?"
The Indian answered
"It will be recorded for you. God bless you all for giving me
your ear, the hearing ear of understanding, and Indian Chief
would like to say to landlady (Mrs. Lang), there is a message
which it will give you pleasure to pass on to the lady-Mrs.
Bowes-'All is well'. All we can say in the meantime is-all will
be looked after for her. I mean the boys."
Mrs. Lang thanked him and promised to pass on the message.
John Campbell, speaking from the other side, had also news which
he wished to have passed on to his wife
"It is John Campbell speaking, Mrs. Lang. I am so happy, so
glad that I can, with clear perception, tell you that I know
what I am speaking about. Both
the boys are well. Tell my wife she will be hearing from
Ralph before long, and Peter is well too. You know, Mrs.
Lang, it did not take much to please me. I was always a
contented chap."
These names of Mrs. Campbell's sons are correct, and Mrs. Lang
promised to deliver his message.
Then one of us on earth asked when did Mr. Campbell pass over, to
be immediately answered by Mr. Campbell himself
"I think it was on 21st October, 1942." A man's voice now
"Have you any special photograph in your pocket just now,
Mr. Cameron ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "Yes, I have." The voice asked
"Why did you put it in that particular position ? Has the
result been achieved ? Have you got satisfaction ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "I hardly follow you, Sir. It is simply a
photograph of my wife and my grandchild which has been in my
pocket-book for some time."
The voice said
"Yes, I checked you over for that photograph and looked into
your pocket-book."
A lady's voice then exclaimed
"Donald, Donald, it is Mary. Can you hear me ?" Mr. Cameron
replied : "Yes, dear." Mrs. Cameron assured him:
"You are sweeter to me than ever,"
and Mr. Cameron replied : "And you are equally so." Mrs. Cameron
went on:
"I know, Don. We are twin souls in many things. You know
what I mean, and the great
He replied
"Sure now, and you have struck it right away-a
Mr. Sloan inquired: "What did you come in here for if you don't know
Mrs. Potter remarked : "I wonder if he is any relation of the Arrols in
this country. My husband knew Sir William Arrol."
He replied:
"I am a brother of Sir William Arrol. Sure, that is how it is. I
am John Benjamin Arrol, and I went to the States and spent
most of my life there. We are working together now-the two
Later inquiries confirmed all that Arrol had said.
An American Indian now spoke
"It is all right, Mrs. Lang. I know what you are thinking; that
the night is far on. Well, as far as I can make out from your
clock outside, it is ten minutes to six, but I am not sure. I
was also an American, though I did not speak in the way
that other American has spoken. I was a North American
Indian Chief."
Mr. Sloan said : "I wonder where all the Indians are who used to
come and speak. Whitey has deserted me; at least he comes
sometimes but he is not the same as the old Whitey."
Mrs. Lang said : "But he has advanced, Mr. Sloan."
Whitefeather, who must have been in the neighbourhood, now
justified his increased culture:
"My brother Sloan, you surely do not desire that
Whitefeather should maintain the same old circumscribed
existence which I had when I came to you in
are our constant but unseen visitors, who still take an interest in us
and keep in touch with what we do and think. This subject is made
clear by diagrams in my book, The Unfolding Universe.
From early historical times these visitors were known as gods and
goddesses, to whom was credited the management of this earth
and the heavens. Nothing, it was believed, could happen without
their sanction, and the phenomena of nature, when pleasing to us,
were attributed to the good gods and that which was harmful to
mankind to the evil gods. From what transpires at the séances
recorded in this book it is evident that Etherians are subject to
natural laws, just as we are, and that they are not its masters as has
hitherto been thought.
"I cannot explain it at all why this should be,"
was the reply Mr. Hart received from his Father who was speaking to
him about all the suffering and tragedy caused by the war. To me,
the obvious answer is mankind's ignorance of the right way to live.
War seems to be confined to this earth, and the power of the mind
in Etheria over etheric substance seems to be the reason why this is
so. When it is possible to obtain our desires by thought, when, by
thought, we can get what we want, when, by thought, we can be
where we wish to be, and move freely between our own surface
down through lower surfaces back to earth, organised regimented
fighting seems impossible. Moreover, a higher ethical standard, and
ample space for everyone to move about in at will, are two other
factors making for peace and harmony.
There, mental development plays a much greater
Bob Telfer, as related in the foregoing séance, was able to meet his
Mother from time to time, but could not permanently live with her.
Bob Telfer described this grading of Etherians by the word
"classification", and perhaps this is as good a way to describe it as
anything else. Take, for instance, a school, in which are children
being educated from all ages up to, say, eighteen. The children are
divided into classes according to their mental development. Those
in the lower classes are not mentally capable of being educated
alongside of those in the higher classes, but the children in the
higher classes can go down to the lower classes and understand
what the less developed are being taught.
This, however, would only be in the form of a visit as they would not
stay long, but return to the class for which they are mentally fitted.
This classification, under the influence of mental development,
evidently takes place in Etheria, where everyone sorts himself or
herself out according to his or her mental standard. Everyone,
therefore, is fitted for the place occupied, and it is accepted without
question just as children accept their position in school. The children
are happy wherever they are placed, and so are the Etherians, as
happiness does not necessarily come from mental development but
from mental contentment.
It does not, therefore, follow that Etherians on the lower surfaces
are less happy than those further on, the probability being that they
are just as happy, and, in many instances, just as good ethically.
Those on the lower surfaces say that they live in beautiful country,
but that it becomes more and more beautiful as they advance. This
is reasonable, because on earth
the more developed the mind is the more it can appreciate.
Historically this is so, as our ancestors did not appreciate beauty as
the cultured do to-day, and we would not expect a yokel to become
as enthusiastic over a beautiful scene as one with artistic tastes.
Consequently, it comes to this. Those anxious to advance, and reach
higher realms of thought, attend Universities, Colleges and Schools
where come the Masters from the higher spheres to teach them in
the arts, the sciences and about the advanced way of life prevailing
in the realms in which the Masters live. The more developed minds
of the Masters greatly influence their students who, in turn,
influence their companions and neighbours, and, by this means, law
and order is maintained. The influence of the Masters thus reaches
down to the lower spheres, because in each the people are
educated and helped to advance.
A united mental concentration against unrighteousness makes it
difficult to perform an action contrary to the welfare of the
community. Those having a criminal mentality, and those who
disturb the peace and harmony of the people, can be willed out of
their midst, and these backward people consequently congregate
together on a surface in harmony with their mental outlook, to be
visited by missionaries and teachers, who devote their time to their
advancement. As the people and races of the earth are at many
stages of development, and the people of each race are more in
harmony, one with the other, than with other races, Etheria, on the
lower surfaces, is consequently populated much as is this earth, the
people of each race living together, and above in space where dwell
their fellow countrymen on earth.
Mrs. Bowes took a trip to Canada in 1939 to see her sister, and her
son Bill and her daughter Margaret accompanied her. At a sitting
with Mr. Sloan some time before she sailed, an Etherian, who gave
his name, spoke to her and said that in earth life he had had a
Sitting with Mr. Sloan. He was often in the surroundings when
Meetings were being held, and had heard the conversations about
Mrs. Bowes' trip to Canada.
Mrs. Bowes had never previously heard of him and knew nothing
about him. He said his wife lived in Canada and gave her name and
address. Mrs. Bowes promised to get in touch with her, and he said
it made him very happy to hear that she would do so.
Mrs. Bowes, as promised, wrote to his wife in Vancouver, to the
name and address given her by her Etherian communicator. She
explained to her how she obtained her name and address and asked
if she would like to arrange a meeting when Mrs. Bowes reached
The lady in Vancouver was very thrilled by what she read, and
replied she would be delighted u to meet Mrs. Bowes on arrival. This
she did at an hotel in Vancouver, and they spent a very happy day
together. Everything stated by the husband from the other side
proved absolutely correct in every way. Mrs. Bowes thinks it is wiser
not to make public the lady's name and address without her
The other incident happened when her son, Mr. Bill Bowes, was on a
trip round the world just before the Second World War in 1939. On
his world trip Mr. Bowes went via Alexandria to visit Japan, and then
around the Pacific, visiting many places. While he was away, etheric
friends came through to Mrs. Bowes at Mr. Sloan's weekly Meetings,
told her where Bill was on the date of the Sittings, what kind of
weather he was having, what he was doing and the place he was
going to next.
All the information given, including the statements as to where he
was on each date, was confirmed later when letters came to Mrs.
Bowes from her son. Everything was correct.
Lastly, with regard to Bob Telfer's disappointment about not being
received into Heaven as he expected, this reminds me of the first
return of my Mother to earth, a week after she had passed over. She
died an orthodox Christian, and expected to be met at the gates of
Heaven by Jesus the Christ. She came back and gave me and my
brother 188 facts as evidence, every one of which was correct, not
one being known to the Medium, and, besides this, she made the
following interesting remark: "When I woke up here I saw a bright
figure standing beside me, and I thought it was Christ who had
come to welcome me, but soon I realised that it was your Father,
and that made me very happy."
We shall now proceed to receive further enlightenment.
Brian replied
"Sure, now, I can say that without doing a lot of blowing.
Any notion of a job, Mr. Hart? There are a lot over here who
could be doing with the eye of a teacher on them, and I
would keep my eye on you.
He laughed heartily, and Mrs. Potter said : "It is nice to hear you
laugh, Brian."
He replied
"Sure, I laugh. Why should I not laugh ? The world is full of
sorrow, but why should those who feel like laughing not
smile ? Always remember that a smile from you may lessen
the sorrow of some weary soul."
Another voice said:
"We have all but a short time on the Earth Plane, and it is up
to you who are there to make the best of your opportunities,
walking that pathway in such a way as to bring satisfaction
to your own soul and joy to those about you, and, in the
everlasting time, rejoicing will be yours, yours when you
reach Paradise at last. May the great good Father bless you
all. I am Pathfinder."
Addressing Mrs. Harvey, Jun., a man's voice said:
"Mary, I am with you. I have difficulty, Mary, after such a
transition. My love, my love. I am never far away but you do
not seem to realise it. You are sometimes sad too. Were you
very happy this morning ?"
Mrs. Harvey replied: "Yes, I was quite happy." Her husband replied
"I know. I saw you. I will always be with you. I am speaking
now from a great distance, but there
sympathise with you. And how are you, Mrs. Potter ? Thank
you for all your goodness to Daddy. I know he is now in the
care of Isa, but I thank you for all you have done for him. I
have not had an opportunity of speaking to (correct name
given but omitted by request) lately, but just tell her that wee
Mammy is keeping a watchful eye on her."
Mrs. Potter replied : "Thank you, Mammy dear. I always feel that you
are looking after them all." A man's voice said to Mrs. Potter:
"God bless you, my Mother, my darling. Can you see me,
Mother ? How I would like if you could just look and see me
as I am. It is lovely to be able to see you all when I contact
you as I do now. Are you keeping all right, dear ?"
Mrs. Potter replied : "Yes, dear. I am in another house, you know,
Bobbie, evidently referring to Mrs. Lang's house, remarked
"I am in a beautiful house now, Mother dear, and the best
corner of that house is where I meet with my beloved
Mrs. Potter replied : "God bless you, Bobbie. Is Father with you?"
Bobbie replied
"We are both together."
Mrs. Potter's husband then spoke, saying
"The Lord has been my Shepherd. Cheer up, Eleanor, but I
am a wee bit emotional myself. That comes yet, you know,
when we get near you like this."
Mrs. Potter said: "God bless you, Daddy. I know you are doing good
Mr. Potter said no opinion but my own, and I was right, of course.
How foolish that seems to me now.
sympathise with you. And how are you, Mrs. Potter ? Thank
you for all your goodness to Daddy. I know he is now in the
care of Isa, but I thank you for all you have done for him. I
have not had an opportunity of speaking to (correct name
given but omitted by request) lately, but just tell her that wee
Mammy is keeping a watchful eye on her."
Mrs. Potter replied: "Thank you, Mammy dear. I always feel that you
are looking after them all."
A man's voice said to Mrs. Potter:
"God bless you, my Mother, my darling. Can you see me,
Mother ? How I would like if you could just look and see me
as I am. It is lovely to be able to see you all when I contact
you as I do now. Are you keeping all right, dear ?"
Mrs. Potter replied : "Yes, dear. I am in another house, you know,
Bobbie, evidently referring to Mrs. Lang's house, remarked
"I am in a beautiful house now, Mother dear, and the best
corner of that house is where I meet with my beloved
Mrs. Potter replied: "God bless you, Bobbie. Is Father with you?"
Bobbie replied
"We are both together."
Mrs. Potter's husband then spoke, saying
"The Lord has been my Shepherd. Cheer up, Eleanor, but I
am a wee bit emotional myself. That comes yet, you know,
when we get near you like this."
Mrs. Potter said: "God bless you, Daddy. I know you are doing good
Mr. Potter said
When this was recorded Mrs. Sloan had been in Etheria for just over
three years. She passed over in 1940. She never knew Arthur Lang
on earth. Mrs. Lang now wondered what time it was, and someone
on the other side said
"According to the clock outside it is a quarter to ten at
This was correct.
So we sang the Doxology, and the Sitting ended.
I wonder why it was that no one amongst the sitters at the Meetings
recorded in this book ever asked how it was Etheria obtained its
light. They were told about its beauties, its fine houses and noble
buildings, its delightful countryside, its garden cities, its exquisite
flowers, its dazzling colours, its wonderful vistas and marvelous
fruits. The sitters heard about its magnificent scenery, its rivers, its
lakes, its seas and its trees, in which lodged birds of striking
plumage. All this is impossible to imagine without light, and, as they
never asked, all that they were told was that there is no darkness in
Etheria is a land of varying light. One surface differs from another.
There is shade and shadow, brightness and dullness, the hills are
brighter than the valleys, and this light comes from an etheric sun,
not our physical sun, but its counterpart, vibrating at a greater
frequency than our sun. The sun, like our world, is made up of
vibrations of ever greater frequency. Its physical vibrations are seen
and felt on earth, and its radiation, of increased frequencies
Wednesday, 27th October, 1943
A s soon as we were seated in the room, voices from the other side
started speaking through the trumpets before we had sung the
opening hymn. One of us remarked that our friends had come into
our surroundings very quickly, and a voice asked
"Do you want us to go away ?"
Mrs. Lang said: "Oh no, friends. Do stay and talk to us."
We then sang Nearer, my God, to Thee, and afterwards wards
repeated The Lord's Prayer. A voice from the other side said
"Amen" very fervently along with us.
Mr. Cameron remarked that the room was a perfect blackout and
that there was no light showing at all.
A voice replied
"Let the light shine in your souls and you will see the beauty
of all the beauties which are round
He replied
"This is an experience which I appreciate very much, Mrs.
Lang. I am watching the various phases which you are going
through now, all of you in this little gathering, much of
which is strange to me. I refer to the beautiful auras
surrounding you. I have traversed a great many spaces since
coming to this side of life, and I thank the great Spirit God
for allowing me to have that great joy and privilege.
"I have now been appointed to operate on your Earth Plane
for some considerable time, trying to alleviate the sadness
and take away the sorrows of those who are on the Earth
Plane needing help. I try to help those who are grieving for
dear ones through this war, and impress upon them that
there are myriads of souls who come to alleviate the
suffering of those who are passing through war to this side
of life. They do so by taking the consciousness away. I will
stand aside now, Ladies and Gentlemen, for a little while,
but with your permission I may come in again later if I get
the opportunity."
Mrs. Lang said: "Perhaps you will help some of our friends to come
through and speak to us."
He replied
"I have not the power to do that, dear lady, but I will try to
contact those who can do so."
After a short silence Mr. Sloan remarked : "I am perfectly hopeless
now. I am nae use at all."
We replied : "Nonsense, Mr. Sloan, we are all very happy."
Mr. Cameron, addressing the speaker, said: "Will you tell us who you
are, Sir? It would be interesting to know."
Mrs. Richardson was looking for a house. Then another voice, just in
front of Miss Dearie, said:
"Miss Dearie, the lady beside you, Mrs. Clarke, have you not
another name ? Have you not three names ? Who is Annie ?"
Mrs. Clarke replied : "Annie is my sister." The voice said:
"Yes, well, have you been worrying about your sister on the
earth side ?"
Mrs. Clarke replied : "No, not worrying." The voice asked:
"You have an Annie on the spirit side-a relative. I think it is a
sister of your Mother."
Mrs. Deans here interposed to say she could understand the
message. She thought the message was for her, and that Mrs.
Clarke had been mistaken for her. Probably it was a messenger,
passing on a message for someone else. However, nothing more
was said, and then we heard
"Jim, Jim. It is Jim speaking."
This voice died away and nothing more was said. So we sang They
are winging, they are winging, and a voice from the other side sang
along with us.
Another voice then said
"Hello, we will put him away for a little while," meaning Mr.
Sloan, who then went into trance for a short time.
Roy Richardson spoke again, and said
"I am not away, Mother. It is Roy."
His Mother said: "Yes, Roy dear, have you any message for Nancy? I
think she would like to get one."
His rather cryptic answer was
to-night when you sang that beautiful little hymn you have
just sung. That friend of yours, and of mine, John Sloan,
through whose gift I am enabled to speak to you, I send him
my grateful thanks. My voice may sound different to you,
but I know when I see your face lit up with that recognising
smile that you know who I am. Good night, my dear."
Another voice, a lady's, then said to Mrs. Richardson
"Oh, Janie, my darling, it is Mother. God bless you. This is
the first time I have been able to speak to you."
Mrs. Richardson replied : "Yes, dear, and I am so glad to hear your
voice once more."
Mrs. Lang remarked : "We are very pleased indeed to hear you
speaking, Mrs. Chalmers. Mrs. Chalmers asked
"Is that Mrs. Lang ? God bless you. I have tried to speak at
different times, and I am so pleased that I have managed it
Another voice then said
"Willie Chalmers. Can you hear me ? Hello."
Mr. Sloan then came out of trance and said: " I think I have been
asleep for a wee while." Mrs. Deans was then spoken to:
"There is a Robert Smith who wanted to speak to a lady
here. I do not know who it is. Your Mother spoke to you the
other night. I am sent by her to speak to you. The road has
been stony for you sometimes."
Mrs. Deans said that she could follow the message. We next heard
her Father calling for Anne, his wife, on his side
"Well, you know what I mean, Crissie. We are just in the way
sometimes when we get old. We feel ourselves in the way. I
know, Crissie. Another thing-I know now that it was very
difficult for you when I lost my memory a bit.
"Excuse me, but I see a beautiful light over that friend's
head. You are a very thoughtful man, Mr. Cameron. You go
deep into the study of those things which belong to the
spiritual side of life. It is rather funny, Crissie, for me to be
speaking in this way, but I saw the light and felt I had to say
Again addressing Mr. Cameron she said
"Have you a Janie on this side of life, Mr. Cameron -a Janie
Cameron ?"
Mr. Cameron replied : "I am not sure. My parents died when I was
young, and I do not know the family connection very well."
Mrs. Colquhoun said
"It is on your Mother's side. I am getting the name Janie. I
shall ask help to get a vibration that she may speak to you."
Mr. Cameron thanked her.
Mr. Sloan remarked here : "This is an awfu' slow Meeting. No worth
coming to. I am nae guid (good) at a' (all) now. There is nothing
much I can dae (do) except grumble."
Mrs. Lang said : "Now, Mr. Sloan, that is nonsense. You are better in
health now than you were."
Mr. Sloan said: "I do the best I can but there is nothing much I can
dae noo" (do now). Mr. Sloan's memory was, however, becoming
very poor.
"I could not have been anything else but a good Mother to a
good boy."
A man's voice then said:
"John-he went to Africa, Durban. Hello, Mr. Cameron, old
friends meet again."
Mr. Cameron asked : "Who is speaking? Are you John?"
John had evidently lost touch with the earth's vibrations and a new
voice spoke for him.
"I am speaking for him. I brought him to you, friend. He
passed out in Durban and this is the first contact you have
had with him in this way, is that not so ?"
Mr. Cameron replied: "That is so. Thank you for bringing him
through to speak to me."
John then made contact once more
"Durban does not hold me now, though I have a very dear
interest there still."
Mr. Cameron said: "I am glad to hear you say that, John," to receive
the reply:
"Very, very dear. I am afraid it is only when we part
sometimes that kindred souls beat as one. I am building a
home, a paradise, for the one I love. I was not understood
sometimes in that line, but the knowledge I have gained
here has enlightened me."
Mrs. Sloan now spoke.
"Is that you, Mrs. Lang ? I just want to thank you again for
all your kindness to my dear old man, and God bless you,
Crissie (Miss Colquhoun). I am with your Mother and had such
a lovely walk with her before we came here, through a very
beautiful part of Paradise. Do you know what we were
talking about? Your Mother said to me: 'If Crissie just
knew how happy I am, I am sure her heart would be glad and
she would not worry about me.'
"Thank you for all your kindness to my old man because he
is just a difficult old chap to get on with. Yes, I know all
about it, Daddy dear. Please, please remember you have
tried to live a useful life, and I know you have done well, and
I am sure the friends here will bear me out in this. Don't let
it be spoiled by letting your temper get the better of you.
There is an old saying in the dear old Book-'The mills of God
grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.' Leave the one
who is giving you so much trouble in His hands. God bless
you, Daddy."
The quotation is not from the Bible, but from one of the poems of
Friederich von Glogau, a German monk who lived about 1650,
translated into English by the American poet Longfellow.
Mr. Sloan said: "Can you help me, Mammy? What is going to happen
Mrs. Sloan answered
"I do not know how it is going to go myself, dear, but try not
to be bitter. He (Mr. Sloan) has always had a great regard for
the purity of this beautiful truth, and it vexes him, Ladies
and Gentlemen, to see it degraded. Many of you have had
the experience of meeting those on your own side who were
instruments in God's hands, of letting you know there is a
life beyond the earthly scene. God bless you, and if a kind
thought for those who go off the line can help them, try to
give them a helping hand.
"We are all human and we are all liable to err, but it is, I
think, the biggest sin to degrade a spiritual gift. To sin and
cloak it over with this beautiful
"James Hodgson."
Mr. Sloan said: "Well, tak' this message from me, freen-that you are
letting us down terrible. You might get someone else to come and
help to cheer us up a little. I am sorry, Mrs. Lang, I'll just have to
apologize for them, but maybe we canna blame our spirit freens too
much when we think of the terrible state of the world and they may
have their difficulties in getting through."
Mrs. Lang replied : "There is no need to apologize, Mr. Sloan. You
are the only one who is saying anything. We are all quite satisfied."
A voice then said:
"I am not a doubting Thomas now. Are you there, Mrs.
Lang ? May I be permitted to speak to you ? It is John
Campbell. In the absence of my dear wife, I would just like
to speak to you and thank you for your kindness to my wife."
Mrs. Deans asked : "Did Mr. Campbell, when on earth, never come
in to any of the Sittings, Mrs. Lang?", and Mrs. Lang answered: "No, I
do not think he ever came in."
Mr. Campbell spoke again and said
"I could never brace myself sufficiently to come into a
Meeting. It would have been better for me if I had because I
could have got contact more rapidly when I came to this
side. Tell my dear one not to worry about me. The passing
had no detrimental effects on me at all. I can hardly explain
why I never came into a Sitting. I had a great inclination to
come, but somehow I could not get the force of will to go in.
The boys are both well and doing well, Peter and Ralph."
Mrs. Deans asked: "How are your Father and Mother, Jack?"
Mr. Campbell replied:
"Who is speaking ?"
and Mrs. Deans said : "May Nisbet" (her maiden name).
Mr. Campbell said
"Oh dear, dear, May Nisbet. May Nisbet in this Meeting."
Mrs. Deans replied: "Well, Jack, I have spoken to you here before,
bless you."
He replied to her:
"Yes, I know, but I did not know you were present just now.
Bless you, my dear. I am very pleased to speak to you. God
bless you, and you also, Mrs. Lang."
Mrs. Lang replied: "Thank you. We will pass on your message."
Then came silence. Mr. Sloan, who as the time passed was getting
more and more bored with the proceedings, and familiarity breeds
contempt, could contain himself no longer. After an interval of
silence he impatiently exclaimed : "This is hopeless. We might as
well close the Meeting."
Mrs. Lang said: "Well, in any case we will have to watch the time to
allow the people to get home. Will someone start the Doxology for
us?" A voice then ran over the scale, and Mrs. Lang said: "Oh, is that
you, Father? Don't start too high."
Mr. Greenlees, her father on the other side, then started to sing
"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow," and we all joined
not by the gods, science has become ever more materialistic in its
outlook, to reach its climax in our own time when the British
Broadcasting Corporation broadcast in 1950 a series of scientific
talks which made man out to be a highly specialised robot, his
thoughts and memory being no more than electrical impulses.
This pitiful attempt to turn man into a machine, to which no
Spiritualist was allowed to reply, and to which the Church was silent
because of ignorance, had doubtless a depressing effect on the
majority of listeners, who knew as little about man's psychic
makeup as did the professors of anthropology and biology who gave
these talks. This state of ignorance comes from science ignoring the
basis on which it rests, namely observation and experience of all
things in nature, and being turned aside from the search for truth by
prejudice. Unfortunately the discovery of natural law, and the
dethronement of the rule of the gods, ushered in the Materialistic
Age, and the Universe has come to be looked upon as only a
machine, and life as like a flame which is extinguished at death.
Materialism has an answer for everything. Nothing exists apart from
physical matter which is all and in all, omnipresent, omnipotent and
omniscient. Physical matter is the Universe, and nothing exists
beyond what our senses can perceive. Ernest Haeckel, in the 19th
century, pursued the task begun by Darwin, and propounded his
conclusion that the whole cosmos could be expressed in one word:
"Monism", and that man himself is no more than a material unit.
Consequently it is a delusion to believe that the soul in man
disappointed but angry. That ended the matter and nothing was
ever done. My reaction was to resign my membership of the
Society, and, since then, I have looked on, during these intervening
years, with regret that its leaders have shown such a lack of
enterprise, confining themselves too much to only one narrow
branch of research, and are so far removed from the true scientific
outlook which animated its founders.
What Spiritualism stands for will not come to the people by the
enterprise of our Universities. Spiritualism some day will become
generally accepted as true, not because of what official science
discovers, but because the people, by their séances, and by their
reading, are educating themselves in one of the world's greatest
discoveries, namely, that we have found our dead, have talked to
them and found them to be very much alive and like ourselves.
Mediumship, and those who write books about it, are educating a
wondering incredulous public, and Spiritualists are carrying their
discovery throughout the world, far and wide, amongst their fellow
men and women.
They only have adopted the true scientific attitude, to observe, to
inquire and to investigate, without preconceived notions as to what
should or should not be. They have laid down a firm foundation of
scientific facts, but future historians, if they keep to what is true, will
give no credit to official science. Instead, its obstructionist negative
attitude towards this all embracing subject will be universally
The scientists' excuse is that Spiritualists are dealing with
phenomena which cannot be repeated at will, that what they - the
scientists - are interested in is something which they can prove does
happen at any time of
1st December, 1943
WE opened the Sitting with the hymn Nearer, my God, to Thee, and
afterwards repeated The Lord's Prayer. A voice from the spirit side
joined in the "Amen" along with us. Something dropped on the floor,
and Mr. Sloan said : "Some of our spirit friends have pulled the
pencil out of my pocket and dropped it on the floor."
A voice said
"What are you doing with a pencil, anyway? You can't write
Miss Dearie said: "Perhaps he was keeping it for me in case mine
broke." The voice said
"And can you always see the point, my dear ?" Miss Dearie laughed
and replied : "Oh yes, I think I usually see that."
He replied
Mrs. Lang asked: "Who is speaking, friend? Have you been here
He replied
"Jim, Jim, or James. I liked the name and took it for my own. It was
not the name I had in earth life."
Mrs. Lang said: "But you have been here before, have you not,
He replied
"Many times. I have tried for a long time to find means
whereby I could get the vibrations to speak to you, and
others are helping me. I am not able to speak as you hear
me speaking. I am registering the sound of those who are
above me and showing me the way. I love you all. I am only
the dictator (intermediary) speaking the words which I am
getting handed on to me."
Mr. Cameron said: "I understand your thought is instantly turned
into sound."
He replied
"A thought on the Earth Plane is turned into sound on our
side of life. (Probably he meant our thoughts are sensed
telepathically.) If you are in coequal love and sympathy with
each other, that is a cord which never loosens and never
Mr. Cameron asked: "Do you ever receive our thoughts in colour?"
The voice replied
"I receive them in impression first, and then I hear. I seem to
understand you very well. You are very lucid in your
explanation, friend. I love to hear you. I dropped in to your
Meeting and am delighted at the way you have received me.
Sometimes I drop
"No, at least not all the time. I do not know any of you
Mr. Cameron said : "Tell us something about yourself."
Harry replied
"Well, I am not inclined to do that. I do not like to talk about
myself. This is Glasgow, is it not ? I have been a long time on
the spirit side of life. There are descendants of my family
who are still in England. There is a Dr. Wincombe. Do any of
you know him ?"
One of us asked: "Is he in Glasgow?" He replied
"If I knew that I would not trouble you by asking. I thought I
might learn something about him here. I have been some
time in spirit life, and found it very difficult to be persuaded
that I had finished with the old world. I found it difficult to
realise that I had left the physical body behind when I found
myself possessed of a body as real as the one I had had. One
that I could travel with and could go and see people who
were still in earth life, until I realised that they could not see
me. I thought it was such a funny thing, and at first I found
it difficult to be happy on the spirit side of life. It was a very
hard struggle for me at first, but I ultimately came on
someone who showed me the way whereby I could get into
contact with those left behind, and from that time I made
progress. I have not progressed very far, but I am now on
the right way, and am happy."
Then a man, who turned out to be Thomas Armstrong, addressed
Mrs. Bowes
"It is Thomas speaking now. Do you know me ?
Mrs. Richardson asked: "Do you come across your Father at all,
He replied
"Oh yes, sometimes. You know he is on a different sphere,
but we meet now and again, and are very happy, very joyous
together. We also see James."
Mrs. Richardson asked: "James Chalmers?" He was beside Roy and
now spoke
"James Chalmers is speaking. I met you, Mrs. Lang, in some
other person's house when the Indian was speaking to you. I
did not like them very well, you know. I mean the Indians. I
did not pull with them but I have since discovered that they
are wonderful people."
A new voice continued the conversation:
"We pull together, my friend, my worthy Scotch friend. The
Indian people are always trying to help you as far as we can.
We all pull with a strong pull and a long pull, and all pull
together, and we pray that you and we together may get a
blessing from the one Great Spirit God."
We then heard a voice speak rapidly in a foreign language. A long,
strange cry then came through the trumpet, like "Boo-booo" and a
voice said
"I am able to speak to you now, Sister Colquhoun, in your
own language. I have studied with much assiduity and am
able to perform the duties to your dear soldiers. I am
working with them on your side just as they pass over."
Miss Colquhoun said : "Well, Bo-Bo. I wonder if you could help me to
find out about a boy called
Roy Mc--? (Full name given, but omitted by request.) He is missing,
and his Mother is in great distress about him, and I wonder if he has
passed to your side."
Bo-Bo replied
"It is in the hands of the Great Father to find that out. I got
your thoughts and have tried to locate him. He is not a
prisoner of war at all. I fear; I fear for the Mother's sake that
he is with us, but I have not found him. Bo-Bo, working all he
can for you. There is not much hope that he is in the
physical. He is not a prisoner of war, yet I cannot see him. It
was the long time on the water in which we lost trace of
This boy's aeroplane crashed in the sea. Another voice said
"William-William Coltart."
Miss Colquhoun asked if he was any connection of Coltarts, the
drapers, in Queen Street. He replied
"One of the firm. I do not know how long I have been over. I
am not able to speak to you very plainly. I am passing my
thoughts through another channel so that you may get
them. I am passing my words through an intermediary
source to get through to you. It is a great joy to me that,
after having finished my earth life, I have been able to be of
some service to my Maker, and be allowed to put a message
through from this side to you. When you leave the body you
will find, if your life has not been a onesided service for
yourself alone, but of service to God as well as man, not by
lip service but by a conscientious striving to help others, all
will be well
with you when you make the crossing. These are the things
that count."
A pause, and then Mrs. Colquhoun spoke to her daughter
"Hello, is that you, Crissie ? A Mother's love is always with
you. I feel so happy, and I have the clear recollection and
memories of all our happy times together. It is coming near
to what has been a trying time for you, my dear. I wish you
were just as happy as I am. When the end of the year comes,
just think it is the opening of a new year, and I will always
be with you to look after you and hold your hand. I have
been with you in your sleep-time.
"It is coming near the anniversary when I know you will be
thinking of me, dear. God bless Archie. He is always so good
to me. He was a good father, you know, and he loved you
too. He had got such a beautiful home for me. Mrs. Lang,
thank you for your kindness to my girl. I cannot see all who
are here, but God bless you all. I know Mrs. Bowes. I know
what it is, Mrs. Bowes, to have an anxious heart for those
you love, and I will remember you in my prayers on this side
of life."
Mrs. Bowes replied : "Thank you very much, dear Mrs. Colquhoun."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Do you remember Nellie McWilliam? I was
asked about her."
Mr. Colquhoun then answered his daughter:
"Of course, I remember her. She was my friend too. Nellie
was always good and kind to me. Well, I suppose you will
forgive me speaking just now. I do not think you will object,
friends, although it has taken a little time up. God bless you,
same for all that. God bless you. If at any time you are in
difficulty or trouble, or upset, just think of Pathfinder, and I
will try, if I get the condition, to get into touch with you.
"If any of you call me, I shall try and show a little light to let
you know that I am near. I do not say that I shall succeed,
but some day I will. In any case, you will get an impression
that will bear upon you. I will find some way to let you know
it is Pathfinder. I have seen the hand, the beautiful fingers,
writing the words portraying what has been said, on the
paper. Pathfinder is speaking to Miss Dearie now. Pathfinder
watches your labour of love and you will be blessed, my
Miss Dearie replied: "Thank you, dear Pathfinder." Another voice
then addressed her:
"Robert Dearie speaking."
Miss Dearie said: "That is not Father, for his name is not Robert."
The voice replied
"No, it is not Father. It is an ancestor, not your Father's
Father, further back still. God bless you. No, Miss Dearie, I
do not know what beautiful name is affixed to that."
Miss Dearie replied: "My name is Jean." He said
"That is a family name. I shall come again. Yes, yes, I hear
the clock in the hall all right, but it does not bother me now.
I am just watching you and I would like to get a message
through to you that you can understand, because you do not
understand half of what is coming through. It is not lucidly
explained to you."
is the result of deranged minds, that they suffer from illusions, and
that they have neither proof nor reason for their beliefs, is so
ignorant and prejudiced that it is impossible for him to think
rationally. Equally unbalanced is the religious zealot who thinks that
the Devil has sent his angels, or messengers, to misguide us, and
delude us so as to secure more souls to burn in Hell. All such people
are unworthy of notice, and should be treated with the contempt
they deserve.
At one time, not so long ago, there were many such stupid people,
because of so much ignorance and prejudice. Slowly knowledge is
overcoming ignorance, but the truth will take a long time to
penetrate through the hide of religious orthodoxy and materialism,
as it prevails to-day, supported by both the Church and science. We
have a material body, and we live on a material world, our senses
being adjusted to physical conditions. Only by attending séances,
sitting privately with mediums, or by reading about the subject, can
those who lack the psychic sense appreciate the conditions beyond
our physical environment. Otherwise they cannot imagine anything
to exist apart from what their physical senses perceive.
Spiritualists can understand why it is their opinions receive so little
consideration-the reason is ignorance and prejudice-but that is no
excuse for all the abuse and persecution they have received in the
past. At least they have a right to be heard, and, until they are, they
should not be judged. They have such a very strong case to put
over, but the vested interests in favour of theological and scholastic
ignorance are so strong that neither the B.B.C., nor the Press in
general, will give them a fair hearing.
The cry of humanity down the ages has been "If a man die, shall he
live again?" (Job xiv, 14), and when Spiritualists come forward and
say that they have found the answer to this question, it is surely
sensible to examine and discuss their reason for this statement.
Instead of discussion the past history of the injustice meted out to
Spiritualists is deplorable, and until 1951 they were classed as
rogues and vagabonds in the criminal law of Great Britain and
treated accordingly without recourse to a fair trial.
In the Meeting just reported we have another case of mind reading
when Mr. Sloan thought of something. Mrs. Sloan saw this picture-
making taking place in his mind and asked him not to speak about
it. Sloan agreed that she was right in telling him to keep quiet but,
as he said to her: "I was just thinking it." By attending séances like
those recorded in this book psychologists would discover how our
mind works, because, to understand what the mind is, and how it
thinks, they must consult, as I have done, with the Etherian
scientists-who can see it working and who know all about its
behaviour. The mind is immaterial and not to be discovered by
material instruments. The testing of the brain's electrical impulses is
only dealing with the physical effects and not with the primary
cause of these effects.
I hope these few words of advice will be taken seriously in the right
quarters, and that some day, when scientists discover the mind in
the only way it can be discovered, they will make grateful
acknowledgment to the Spiritualists who put them on the right road
to find it.
Tuesday,11th July, 1944
WE opened the meeting with the usual hymn, Nearer, my God, to
Thee, and, while we were singing it, the trumpet came round to
each of us in turn and gave us gentle pats. We then repeated The
Lord's Prayer, and a voice from the other side joined in the "Amen".
A man's voice then enquired
"Are you still seeing these French boys, Mr. Hart ?"
Mr. Hart replied : "They are all away now." He continued
"There are so many passing over at present, Mr. Hart, and a
great number of them are in a state of bewilderment-yes,
the boys that are being thrown over at present."
Nothing more was said for some minutes, and Mr. Sloan said :
"Nothing will happen to-night. I just thought that before I came, that
nothing would happen, and this might as well be my last time."
Miss Colquhoun rebuked him: "Now, Mr. Sloan,
you are not to say that. What would Mammy say to you about that?
We are perfectly happy just to sit and wait awhile."
A voice from the other side then spoke:
"Thank you, Miss Colquhoun. My dear friends, you cannot
command, you know, Ladies and Gentle men. The door is
open, and that is all that we can do. The world is in a
terrible state meantime. Just put out your thoughts, then, to
those who are in a terrible predicament. Put yourselves in
the place of those who have dear ones away and do not
know what has happened to them, and send your prayers,
for these are needed as well."
Miss Dearie remarked that it must be very difficult for those on the
other side to contact us at all at the present time, when they were
so busily engaged helping the boys who were passing through this
A voice replied
"Thank you, Miss Dearie, for that beautiful sentiment,"
and Mr. Sloan remarked: "Fancy, he knows your name."
The voice answered
"Why not? I know your name as well as you know it, John
Campbell Sloan."
Mr. Sloan asked : "Are you the door-keeper?", and the reply came
back at once
" 'It is better to be a door-keeper in the House of God'-oh,
well, you know the rest of it.
"Well, Mrs. Richardson, you were in the Poet's Corner."
Mrs. Richardson inquired: "The Poet's Corner, and he explained
them last, and then they will come to you in the buoyancy of
their youth as they are now."
Pathfinder now joined in:
"They will come in the stature and the bloom of manhood,
the beauty of womanhood. This is Pathfinder speaking to
you now. I saw you were rather in difficulties to-night, and I
thought I might be able with my humble words to cheer you
a little."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Is the room too light, Pathfinder? Is that
what is making it difficult?"
Pathfinder replied
"Light detracts a little, but it is not that. It is the troubled
state of your world to-day. I am sure, the way you all have
to go, each and every one of you has your varied worries
and anxieties, but trust to those who have gone before.
They will help you and they will look after those you love
who are away from you. The path which you have to tread
on earth, do so with steadfast steps, firm and true ; an
example to those who falter by the way, remembering
always there may be a weaker brother taking an example
from you, lest you detract from the straight path that leads
to the light. Keep the light ahead, and the course straight,
and the goal will come in sight when all you love so well will
be with you, and eternal peace. Good night. I am
Miss Dearie remarked : "That was a beautiful message of
The trumpet then touched Miss Dearie, and Pathfinder went on:
"What an understanding mind you have, Miss Dearie. This is
just a message to cheer you. You
were very happy before you came in here, and you will
shortly have greater cause for happiness."
Miss Dearie understood and said: "Thank you very much,
A new voice now asked us to sing From Greenland's icy mountains.
So we started to sing this hymn, and the man who had spoken sang
with us.
He then said
"Charlie Robertson speaking. God bless you, John, my old
Mr. Sloan replied: "Yes, you were, Charlie-just my dear old pal."
Mr. Robertson said
"John, you promised time and again on your soul to go and
see my wife."
Mr. Sloan replied : "But I dinna ken where she is, Charlie. Was it no'
your son I promised to go and see, but I have never gone yet? Aye,
folk, I remember Charlie came from the other side, and told me that
he had passed over and left his wife and three little ones, and the
next day there was a cable from China saying that Charlie had
passed out in the Foo-Chow Mission, and left Jeanie and three wee
Another deep voice then spoke
" `Lead, kindly light, lead Thou me on.' It is Fergus Ferguson
He said no more and Mrs. Cuthbertson remarked that Dr. Fergus
Ferguson had been her minister. When Miss Colquhoun's sister
Paton died, they had had a white casket and Dr. Ferguson had
remarked about it in his sermon. Dr. Ferguson spoke again and said:
"Yes, but you did not see the beautiful soul that
left the bodily casket, a soul full of purity and love. She
comes back and speaks to you at times."
Miss Colquhoun remarked : "Oh yes, very often."
Paton then spoke herself, and said
"God bless you, Crissie. It is Paton. Yes, you have always
had my presence. I have never been very far away from you.
Some day
'At the dawning of the morning Of that bright and happy
When the mists have all departed And the shadows rolled
we shall meet again, and Mother and you and I shall part no
more. God bless you, dear."
Miss Colquhoun asked : "Do you see Aunt May who is sitting beside
Paton answered:
"I remember my Aunt May. God bless you, dear," and she
gave a lot of kisses.
Miss Colquhoun asked : "How are Father and the others?"
Paton replied
"They are very busy just now. You will just have to excuse
them meantime, Crissie, because there are so many coming
over here, and I am sure you would never ask us to step
The trumpets came and patted Miss Dearie all over her head and
face, and a voice said
" 'And the Spirit said unto me, write, and I wrote.' When the
Spirit speaks to you, Miss Dearie, don't hesitate to write."
Miss Dearie replied : "Thank you, dear friend."
Miss Colquhoun wondered if that message might be for her, and the
voice said
"Miss Colquhoun, the writing you do will bring you a reward
in the after-life, my dear."
Dr. Ferguson spoke again, and said
"You have not sung my hymn yet, Miss Colquhoun. It is
Fergus Ferguson speaking. You have not sung my hymn
and he named an old forgotten one ; evidently his return to earth
brought back old recollections. We tried to sing the one he asked for
but no one knew it or the tune. So that did not last long.
Mrs. Bowes asked: "Is no one there for the Misses Douglas?"
One of them replied: "Oh, it is all right. We are really quite happy
just sitting listening." A voice said
"It is very nice of you to say that, Sister, because, with the
condition in your world to-day, we have not time to come
and cater for everyone."
Miss Colquhoun remarked: "I often wonder if we should have these
Meetings in these times, or do we help by having our Meetings?"
The voice replied
"We are all, every one of us on this side, delighted to come,
but it is a difficult matter to get through under present
conditions. If we cannot speak to you properly at the
present time, we shall try and return at some other time."
The trumpets then touched Mrs. Bowes, and a voice said
"Were you not thinking about Jim just now. Yes, you have a
Jim, and you have a William."
good Father will look after your dear friends, and all will be
We sang the Doxology, and the Sitting ended.
At the foregoing Meeting several remarks were made as to how the
Etherians conducted a séance from their side. We know by now
what takes place on earth when we wish to get in touch with our
friends in Etheria. We sit in a small room to conserve the ectoplasm,
shut out the light to prevent the ectoplasm being dissipated, and we
have a medium with us who supplies this ectoplasm. The trumpets
help the Etherians to direct the voice to the person spoken to, and
sometimes they use them for building up the ectoplasmic mask
which they enter so as to reduce their vibrations. This is necessary
in order to bring their vibrations down to a point where the
speaker's mouth and larynx can vibrate our atmosphere, which, by
wavelike motions or vibrations of the atmosphere, carries the
spoken word on earth.
Let us now consider the position from their point of view, and this is
only possible by hearing what an Etherian present at a séance has
to tell us. During my many sittings with Sloan I asked what séance
conditions were like on their side, and I have beside me the notes I
made of the answers given to me. We are the passive and they are
the active co-operators with us. One side cannot do without the
other, both sides are necessary, but, after we provide the small dark
room, the medium and trumpets, they do the rest.
That constitutes our part in the proceedings, while the rest is done
by those who are working
way as in earth life. The vocal organs vibrate their atmosphere, the
tongue moves, the lungs draw in and expel the equivalent to our air,
everything proceeds as it proceeds here on earth, the only
difference being that it is all taking place in substance of a much
finer structure and at a much more rapid rate of vibration.
Thus their vocal organs, though they can operate in their etheric
world, cannot do so in our grosser world. Their texture is too fine for
them to have any effect on our atmosphere. New conditions must
be created in which vibrations are slower. To obtain these, absolute
darkness, or subdued red light, is necessary, as the rays of white
light break up and disintegrate those finer forces and substances
with which they work. The best results are obtained when the nights
are clear, and the atmosphere is free from moisture. At the best the
conditions permitting speech are very finely balanced, and, besides
the foregoing, the sitters must be in good health and harmonious
amongst themselves.
Now let us imagine that we are sitting in a circle, the medium being
with us, that by singing we have vibrated the atmosphere for about
five minutes, when suddenly a voice, clear, distinct and away from
the medium, breaks in upon us, and, after giving name and earth
address, engages one of us in conversation. What has actually
happened? It was this question that was always uppermost in my
thoughts after I became accustomed to these strange conditions.
Was it the medium impersonating someone, or an accomplice
among the sitters? For many reasons I became satisfied that this
voice did not proceed from any human being, but that there was a
personality behind it, which was not one of this world, present in the
I therefore set myself to find out what actually was the cause behind
this effect, and, by a series of questions and answers, over a period
of time, was told the following, which, for the sake of brevity, I shall
put in my own words.
The chemist, to whom I have already referred, after mixing the
substance he obtains from the medium and sitters with his own
ingredients, takes the finished preparation and with it first
materialises his hands and then forms a rough mask in the likeness
of a mouth, throat and lungs. This, when finished, is placed in the
most suitable part of the room, often in the centre of the circle. The
Etherian wishing to speak then presses into this mask, slow in
vibration, and with it clothes or covers his mouth, throat, tongue
and lungs. These organs then take on a thicker or heavier condition,
the tongue requires more exertion to move, but with a little practice
it all becomes possible. The speaker then, for the time being, has
taken on the necessary conditions to make himself once more such
as we are, so far as his capacity is concerned, to form words which
we can hear.
He is again to this extent an inhabitant of matter, slower in
vibration, so that when he speaks he produces the same effects on
our atmosphere as we do when we speak. He and we are in the
same room, within a few feet of each other, he standing speaking to
us, and we sitting, answering.- He hears us and we hear him. This
condition lasts only for a short time, not often for more than ten
minutes. When dematerialisation begins the material falls away,
and, though his mouth may continue to speak, he
is not heard. This, briefly, is what they mean by saying that they
take on earth conditions from our surroundings.
All Direct Voice mediums possess a certain vital force, or substance,
all sitters have it in a lesser degree, and to this is added, by the
etheric chemists, other etheric forces or substances, the
combination of which is a material sufficiently slow in vibration to
vibrate our atmosphere. The only thing we cannot understand is
how the speaker clothes himself with it, or absorbs it. What is the
exact chemical effect which is produced when he presses into it,
and becomes covered with it? Some day we shall doubtless find out
the explanation, but what I write is in substance all that has been
told me, and it is enough to give us an intelligent idea of what takes
Finally, let me emphasise the difficulties Etherians find in getting
down to the level of physical vibrations. The ectoplasm with which
they coat their vocal organs requires adjustment and, if several are
tuning themselves in to our wavelength at the same time, we need
not be surprised at the number of interruptions. They speak and are
not heard and then suddenly they get the right wavelength and are
heard. So they go on talking, sometimes two at a time, but the
previous speaker usually stops, and at times just at a point when
everyone is anxious to hear what he is about to say.
I hope that this explanation makes clear the reason for these
interruptions which occurred from time to time, and which must
have been as disappointing to the Etherian who was interrupted as
they were to the sitters on earth. Our friends and relations are just
as anxious to prove to us that they still live, as we are to know that
they are not dead and that we shall meet again.
Tuesday, 25th July, 1944
WHEN we entered the room, one of us remarked that the blackout
Mrs. Bowes had made was perfect.
Mrs. Bowes said : "I was busy at it this afternoon, and wondered if I
had got it right," when a voice from the other side said
"I was helping you,"
Mrs. Bowes replied: "Thank you for your help, dear."
We then opened the Meeting by singing the hymn Nearer, my God,
to Thee, and afterwards repeated The Lord's Prayer. A man's voice
from the other side joined in the "Amen".
Mr. Sloan said : "We will need to watch the time to-night, and finish
up so that Mr. Hart will not be running for his train."
A voice from the other side said:
"It is not for you to dictate when we should finish. It is the
hostess of the house who should do that."
Mr. Sloan said: "Weel, freen', I'm sorry. I apologise."
The voice replied
"It is accepted."
Miss Colquhoun remarked that she had received a letter from Mary
Stove, and it would be nice if there was a message for her to-night.
A voice said:
"It is very beautiful at Stromness at the present time. John
Hardman speaking, at your service."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Oh, that is splendid. Have you a message for
Miss Stove?" He replied
"I will have to think a little. I have some sweet things to say.
You understand."
Miss Colquhoun said: "She will be delighted when she hears you
have been here and thinking about her." Mr. Hardman replied
"It is also beautiful to know that you also should think about
her. That is for Mrs. Bowes, and the rest as well. My
gratitude to Mr. Hart, and to Mary's friend, Mrs. Lang. There
is difficulty just now in getting close to this plane. I would
just like to tell you, friend Moritz, that conditions are very
hard at the present time. I think you will understand. I know
you have some friends away, and all of you are thinking
about your own, but you also have a fine regard for the
other fathers and mothers who have boys away.
"At the last meeting you had here, Mrs. Bowes, I could not
get in. You were engaged, and the others
who were round you were so strong, I could not get through.
It is all right. I can wait, and Mary can wait. I know she has
patience. Good-bye just now. There are some friends waiting
to get through. I am John Hardman, but I am not just away
yet. Tell Mary, in a note, someone will transcribe it for you
and send it on, tell her that I am waiting at the Golden
Gateway until the day dawns in God's good time when her
little pilgrimage is finished. I will be there with outstretched
hands to meet my Mary. God bless you, Mary, from John
This was a message for Miss Mary Stove, his fiancée.
Mr. Sloan now passed some remark about how long it was since Mr.
Hardman had died.
Mr. Hardman spoke again, and said
"Not dead, John Sloan, but alive, and I was very much in the
land of wonder for some time. I will explain it to you, and I
hope you will forgive me for taking up so much of your time.
You see, I did not believe in the after-life, and when I came
here I was bewildered with the wonder of the knowledge
that it was all true. I did not deserve the kindness showered
upon me by those who came to help me. I knew then that I
had made a mistake. It is all over now, and I will try to help
you, all of you who come here, if the opportunity comes,
now and again.
"I know what it is to be lonely. That is how I felt when I first
came over, until some friends took me in hand and led me
kindly along. Thank you for your kindness and consideration
in listening to me. I will not interrupt you further now. When
I say 'God bless you', it is not lip service. I mean it.
Mr. Moritz then said: "I do not think that is a Red Indian. I think he
must be from India, a Hindu, from the way he speaks."
The voice replied
"Hindu. I greet you, Sir, for recognising me."
He then spoke some words rapidly in a foreign language, and,
touching Mr. Moritz, said:
"I saw you coming from 'Apnaghar.' "
Mr. Moritz agreed and said: "By the way, Ap-naghar is an Indian
name, you know. It means `my own home.' My Father was out in
India for a time, and he said: `If ever I buy a house I shall call it
'Apnaghar,' as it means `my own home,' and he liked it."
A very clear distinct voice said:
"Yes, but it is not your home now, George, my beloved boy."
Mr. Moritz said: "Is that you, Father? Thank you very much. This is
remarkable." His Father replied
"I am very busy looking after one you know your boy. He has
had what one might describe as very close shaves,
remarkable escapes from danger, and I am doing my best to
look after him. The country I love. It is desecrated now,
Mr. Moritz replied: "In the meantime, very much so."
His Father, who was born in Poland, said "We shall hope for
better times by and by." A voice said
"Jim" and Miss McKinnon said the trumpet was touching her. Mrs.
Bowes asked
and Mrs. Sloan from the other side said to Mr. Sloan:
"John, John. It is Tommy speaking."
This was a friend of Mr. Sloan. Mr. Sloan exclaimed : "My -Tommy
Douglas, I ken't (knew) him fine!" Nothing further was said by Mr.
Douglas just then, but he returned later.
A new voice then said to Mr. Moritz
"I am Henry, I come from a line away back. Henrique would
be our pronunciation. I am one of your ancestors in many
life stages back. I see and applaud the heroism of your boy.
Many close corners has he come through. God bless you,
Mother Moritz. Keep that beautiful spirit bright and he will
safely return. Guard him with thoughts of prayer and that
the Father of all mercies will keep him safe. We will help as
far as we can. God bless you. We saw you two nights ago in
what we would call the distress of the doldrums, you know
what I mean. We tried to keep near to you and articulate so
that you could hear that all would be well. I apologize for
the awkwardness of my explanation. I go away saying `chins
up,' and I make what you call the Churchill V sign. The day-
star will shine for you all. I am going away now, and leave
my parting blessing with you all, everyone. Good night, and
God bless you."
Mr. Moritz understood all this, and we had not long to wait before we
heard the voice of Pathfinder:
"In all the stress and turmoil of the war, we know your
sorrows, but you are reaching out to the calm sea, to peace,
light, and sunshine, and all will be well. Indian chief,
Pathfinder, talks to his brothers and sisters. All the turmoil
which your old world has
come through, the sorrow, the suffering, the grief and the
pain, God grant that the sun may soon shine on each one of
you who listen to the Indian Chief's voice, and the path that
you travel henceforth be in the light of love and the
sunshine of joy, bringing cheer and comfort to your souls.
May it comfort you to know that, although there are
thousands upon thousands coming over at the present time,
there are multitudes of ministering spirits working to help
them into the pathway of peace. Give out your thoughts and
your love, and we will do all we can to help. I am
The trumpet now touched Miss Dearie, and a voice said
"Is that Miss Dearie ? I have often admired you for your
painstaking efforts and care in transcribing the thoughts
which come from the spirit side of life. I did not realise at
first how much they are worth. I know they are worth a lot
to all of you, but I did not grasp in full that they are looked
upon as heirlooms by those who will keep them in the
future. God bless you. Things are brightening on the Earth
Plane. I see and feel, by conversing and mixing with dear
ones on this side, that the star of peace will shine for you
all, and I hope and pray most fervently that it shines soon.
God bless you all. Good night."
Mrs. Sloan spoke again, and said:
"My dear Mrs. Bowes, and my dear Crissie, I know what it is
to be separated from dear ones. Never mind about the old
knees, Daddy, they will be better soon."
Mr. Sloan replied : "They are not sore, Mammy, but they are just no
(not) working properly."
Mrs. Sloan then spoke to Miss Dearie, and said: "Miss Dearie,
talking about Daddy's weak legs, he told me once, when I was
with him, that he would live till he was a hundred and ten."
Miss Dearie replied : "I am sure he would want to,dear, if you were
here, but not now." Mrs. Sloan said:
"I just wish I could have stayed a little longer with him for
his own sake, but I am quite happy, always ready to do
anything I can for any one of you, every one who comes to
these little gatherings. God bless you, Mr. Hart. You were
always my standby."
Mrs. Bowes said : "Mammy dear, you have not met my friend, Miss
McKinnon, before. This is the first time she has been here."
Mrs. Sloan said to Miss McKinnon
"You will find Daddy all right. Just bear with him a little
Mr. Sloan said: "That is right, Mammy dear, you ken what a crabbed
auld beggar I am." She replied
"I give you my testimony now, my dear old man. You are the
best man that any woman ever had. God bless you."
Mr. Sloan began to cry, and Mammy said:
"I did not mean to vex you, Daddy."
Mr. Sloan said: "You are not vexing me, dearie.
You were just always far too good to me, Mammy dear."
Mrs. Sloan then said:
"Mrs. Bowes and Miss Colquhoun, and my dear friends, Mr. Hart and
Mr. and Mrs. Moritz, I will try and get someone more apt and more
able to work for you than I. May everything which is in your hearts,
Mr. Bowes, her husband, replied "Have no fear. She will return
all right. We are watching over her."
Another voice said:
"Many a time I try to talk to you here, my dear. I was
wondering where you got the name of the house, 'Bonhard.'
Mrs. Bowes said: "Well, it belonged to Walter Munro, and I think he
gave it the name."
Mr. Munro now announced himself "Who is speaking of Walter
Munro ? Mrs. Bowes, have you got plenty of coal ?"
Mrs. Bowes said : "Mr. Munro was a coalmine owner, you know."
Mr. Munro broke in: "And a bone-hard one at that."
Mrs. Bowes said: "I thought you a very nice man. I think the house
was called after one of the mines, is that not so, Mr. Munro?"
He replied
"Do you m Bonhard in Fifeshire ? Yes, that is so. I had rather
a disagreeable way of doing a good turn myself, you know,
but I got more than a hundred per cent. interest, Mr. Banker
(Mr. Moritz), for any good I did on earth."
A lady's voice now spoke to Miss Colquhoun
"That is just what you do, lassie. You never let the right
hand know what the left hand doeth. It is just Mother."
Miss Colquhoun exclaimed : "Oh, I am so glad, Mother dear, that you
are able to have a word with me." Then a new voice spoke:
"I am James Bowes, how do you do ?"
"Well, you will just have to like away. I will tell you some
other day. There is not a weary soul on our side of life. If
there are weary ones when they first come over, there are
always those who help them and show them the way. It is
just about ten minutes to nine now. Have you the striking
watch, Mr. Moritz ? I think you will find it is just going on
towards nine. I am considering the long journey, which my
descendant, my friend Mr. Hart, has to take. I hear traveling
is difficult at the moment. We can get about with much less
trouble over here. We, what you might say, annihilate space
on this side, those who have advanced to any extent, I
mean. If we are doing our duty, and doing the Master's Will,
by one thought we can transport ourselves from the spirit
side of life, right down into your own homes. That is chiefly
by doing the will of the advanced spirits who are helping us.
We can only come so far, and then they take up the thread
and give us the necessary power. Good night."
The trumpets touched Mrs. Bowes again, and a voice said
"It is Mother speaking. My dear girl, God bless you. Oh, my
darling, it is the first time you have heard my voice. I know
the hard knocks you have had in life. I have a beautiful
home, and William comes and sees me many times. We will
look after them all for you, and I will come some other time.
Thank you, friend, for letting me speak."
This word of thanks was evidently said to someone on her own side.
Mrs. Bowes understood everything her Mother said. This is the first
time Mrs. Bowes had heard her Mother's voice as previously another
had spoken for her.
whatever name you may call Him by, who looks after you
and guides you, who expects you to do the right thing, to
take the right course through life. I did not believe in it
myself. You can tell my beloved when you write her that I
have found proof now, and I have come to this little
gathering to talk to you and give you a little cheer and
comfort. I was the door-keeper to-night. It is a London
friend who helped me to talk. I will say `au revoir' now. God
give you that which you desire, in purpose of heart, purpose
of mind. I am John Hardman."
John Campbell, a Glasgow business man, who has spoken often
before, now addressed us
"Good evening, Mr. Moritz. John Campbell speaking. I am so
glad to speak to you, Mr. Moritz. Out of the turmoil of life I
have reached that land which I, in a hazy way, knew existed.
I believed in it, but in a hazy way. I did not realise the reality
of it just so exactly as my beloved partner did, and as she
would have liked me to do. I had not the clear knowledge
that she had, but I know now that it is the right thing. I have
met those I loved so well.
"There is something intrinsically right and superbly precious
in doing one's duty in earth life. You understand what I
mean. Every little faithful duty performed which has been on
one's conscience, or one's mind, will be taken account of. I
recognize, through passing, how much I missed which you
dear people have from time to time been imbued with, the
knowledge of the contact with the spirit side of life."
Mr. Moritz replied : "That is true, Sir." Mr. Campbell said
"Not `Sir' to me, Mr. Moritz. I am John to you, and I shall just
say George to you as you will say John to me, when you
come to this side. God bless you, Mrs. Moritz. I am lending a
helping hand to those I love, and will try also to put out a
helping hand to those you love who are in the same
circumstances as mine are. As far as I can manage to help
them, it shall be done. George, when you come to my side of
life, it will be `How are you, George ? How do you do, John ?'
We are feeling exhilarated to-night, because we see on the
horizon brighter days in store for you all."
A voice broke in to say
"Now, dear friend, I must call you to halt." Mr. Campbell
"All right, I am coming, Sir. Good-bye, I am John Campbell. I
am not forgetting Skelmorlie."
This was understood, and a new voice then said:
"Hello, Mr. Moritz. Invermay, Skelmorlie. I am Tom Smith,
and have all the love and affection for the dear old friends in
Glasgow that I used to know."
Mr. Moritz replied : "God bless you, Mr. Smith."
Mr. Smith said
"I am coming again to have a long talk with you some other
Mr. Moritz replied: "We shall be very pleased to have you."
(Mr. Smith, an old friend of Mr. Moritz, was a well-known Glasgow
chartered accountant. He gave his correct home address.)
John Spence now carried on the conversation:
"I am John Spence speaking. The time draws near to close,
as Mr. Campbell has just said, and he
part in them on this side do believe in an after life, and, when they
reach the other side some day, they will not be bewildered and
surprised as was John Hardman. They have heard about Etheria
from the Etherians in their own voices, and, over the past hundred
years, thousands throughout the world have been enlightened.
Besides this, many people who have not themselves sat with a
Medium, have gained their psychic knowledge from reading some of
the vast Spiritualist literature now available.
Few, however, had the opportunity to have such direct clear
conversations as are reported in this book, in which all the
conditions surrounding the conversations have been fully and
faithfully reported, besides all that was said and done on both sides.
Only a few mathematicians have measured the distances between
our earth and the sun, moon and stars, but we believe their
conclusions to be approximately correct. Likewise, those who have
not had the experiences I, and others, have had should accept as
true what we have to say because, like the Astronomers, we are
honest, sane people who make accuracy our first principle just as do
other scientists.
I have had many talks with friends in Etheria about the Greater
World and my books, The Rock of Truth and The Unfolding Universe,
give the subject earnest and comprehensive consideration. This is a
vast subject, but here I shall greatly condense what I have been
told, because I have not the space available to consider the matter
at length. Until we are able to think in terms of vibrations, the
comprehension of worlds within worlds is difficult to understand,
and the enigma cannot be grasped all at once.
Only by study and thought can Spiritualism, and all it stands for, be
To take our own earth to begin with, by a slowing down of vibrations
it has reached a stage to which we give the name "physical", but
that is not out entire world. To physical people, yes; but theirs is a
very limited outlook. In the slowing down of vibrations, and the
forming of the earth, can we not imagine how it all happened?
Imagine a world at one time vastly larger than our globe as we know
it. Imagine this whirling mass of fine substance, let us say ten
thousand times the size of our earth. As it cooled the centre
vibrated with less frequency than the outer circumference, and so
the cooling process went on, a hard material centre forming what
we now call the earth. All around this core are various degrees of
substances which we cannot sense, but still they exist and are as
much a part of the greater world as we are.
The earth is the centre of the Greater World, but much the larger
part extends far out into space, and is quite unsensed by normal
physical beings. Heaven is no fantastic far-off realm, as it has been
painted to us in the legends of the past. It is an astronomical
locality, and, this being so, I give it the name ETHERIA, instead of
the name Spirit World, or Etheric World, which names have been
used in the past to denote the super-physical world.
It is not in some far-off region in space, but is part of our world and
goes round the sun along with this earth. Just as our earth turns on
its axis, so the etheric world turns along with us. It is all part of one
whole. The earth is like the stone in a peach and
Etheria is like the fruit surrounding it. Just like the stone, so the
earth is the life-giving seed to Etheria. Another good simile is that of
an onion, which, made up of different skins, makes one connected
The complete world is made up of an immense scale of vibrations,
but only a small range of these affects our senses. As time goes on
we shall go up the rungs of the ladder, leaving the physical for the
first plane beyond the earth, and so on, always appreciating the
surroundings in tune with our etheric body; but, though we shall
normally appreciate only one range of vibrations, yet, by thought,
we shall be able to lower our vibrations and come back and
appreciate the lower ranges through which we have passed.
To begin with, in the distant past, mind could only enter into contact
with physical matter in a crude state, but gradually the physical was
able to accommodate mind of higher and higher quality, or, in other
words, of finer and finer vibrations. It is logical to believe that we
shall return to the range of vibrations from which our mind originally
came, just as the beings below us will reach the range from which
their mind came. It seems as if part of the universal mind reached
down to the physical and, in each individual, is returning whence it
came, like to like. Thus can be understood the saying, "We are all
the sons of God, we come from God and we return to God." So also
can be understood the reason for all the beliefs, rites, ceremonies
and rituals of all religions.
Thus the action and reaction goes on, mind embedding itself for a
time in the physical and then leaving it, taking with it the etheric
body, which it has shaped
world to live in than is the physical world. As the mind is, so is our
happiness or unhappiness.
Mind always responds to the vibrations to which it is fitted, from the
physical to the etheric and from the etheric to the super-etheric. We
are told that there are eight known planes comprising the Greater
World, if we include this earth's surface, and that there is, moreover,
a region beyond it, quite apart from this greater world, which we
shall eventually enter. Then this world will cease to be for us, and
we shall cease to move with it. However, when we get thus far, all
earth memories will have faded, and consequently there are none to
return to tell us anything about it.
Wherever life is, all is natural, and so life on the next plane of
thought is a natural and rational one. Just as mind is attuned by its
body to conditions on earth, so it will harmonise with the more
brilliant, the more vivid conditions in the etheric. It is the same
mind, and it naturally attunes itself to the vibrations to which its
body responds. Nature makes all changes slowly, and the change
called death is no exception. It is little noticed by some. Many pass
on and hardly realise at first that a change has occurred, because
the mind at once adjusts itself to the new conditions, and these
conditions, to begin with, are very like those to which we are
accustomed in our earth surroundings,
A voice replied
"He is the instrument through whom we are able to prove
that we do not cease to exist although we are out of the
physical. Good day, Mr. Cameron, I like the way you express
your opinions. There is an amount of weight behind the
expression which you enforce it with."
Mr. Cameron replied: "Thank you, Sir, we just have the desire here
to get a little further information about life on your side."
The voice replied
"We all have desires on this side as well, you know, but I
may tell you that I do not get all the desires, which I have on
this side, fulfilled or granted. Far from it, and, I have no
doubt, neither will you. I got more than I deserved, all the
same. Had I got my deserts, God knows where I would have
been to-day."
Mr. Cameron replied: "Well, friend, you must have early accepted
the natural law."
The voice replied
"Well, you know, it was taught me on this side of life. I did
not believe or think much about an after-life while I was in
earth life, but dear friends early taught me the way in which
I must go in order to progress here. I do not know any of you
personally. I was drawn here by the auras around you. I like
the aura round about each and every one of you. Good
Miss Deans remarked: " I thought at first that was Grandfather. It
sounded rather like him, but he always used to 'pull my leg', I
remember that."
The voice said
"What was that you said, my dear ?"
"I am not permitted to say. You will find some funny reasons
when you come to my side, my friends. There is a sort of
censorship, if you understand what I mean, but we are all
brothers and sisters on this side, willing to help each other
in every way possible."
A voice said
"Anne, it is Grand-dad. May, it is Father."
Anne replied : "Hello, Grand-dad." He replied
"You make me out a very old man when you say 'Grand-dad'.
If you saw me now, you would be surprised. I always had a
buoyant outlook. I was always a boy amongst the boys, and,
of course, a boy amongst the girls, amongst my own girls, I
Mrs. Deans asked: "Is Mother with you, Father?", and he replied
"She is here."
A lady's voice then said:
"My dear, and Anne, it is Granny, bless you. What a lovely
big girl you are."
A man with a very loud voice then said to someone on his own side
"Come along this way, Nisbet, along this way," and another
voice said to Mrs. Deans
"My dear, it is your Grandfather, Hay Nisbet. (Correct.) I am
not so frail as my voice makes me appear. Yes, I thought I
knew a lot before I came here, but I have a lot to learn yet,
friend Cameron. You are a man of pretty good intelligence,
and have assessed fairly well the conditions of earth life,
and also the conditions you expect to find here. You
are a scientific sort of man, weighing the pros and cons. You
don't just swallow everything until you can digest it
properly. Well, God bless you all, and God bless you both,
my dears." (To Mrs. Deans and Anne.)
Mrs. May Deans is Grand-daughter and Miss Anne Deans is Great-
grand-daughter of Mr. Hay Nisbet who spoke. He was a Glasgow
publisher, and in 1875 he finished the recording of the well known
book Hafed, Prince of Persia, from the trance utterances of David
Duguid, the famous Medium.)
A lady's voice now said
"Crissie, it is Mother speaking. Bless you, my lassie."
Her voice died away again, and Mr. Sloan said: "Come on, friends, I
ken (know) I am useless, but just come on."
A man's voice said in reply
"I am sure you would not wish us to do your work for you. If
we happen to be able in any way to drop a little word that
would be helpful to you, we are always willing to do so, but
we are not in a position to impress some of you, because
your thoughts are just rather lofty for us. I am speaking for
myself, of course. There are many here far above me, who
could help you in that way. You have to realise that in your
world it is all `cause and effect', and there are certain things
that I cannot explain to you, friend Cameron. That is a real
nice Scotch name."
Mr. Cameron asked: "Can you see us?", and received the reply:
"I should think I can see you. You are a very handsome
Mr. Cameron asked: "Can you see us as we are in the physical body,
or is it our auras that you are referring to?"
He replied
"I see you just as you are yourself, but you cannot see me as
I am."
Mr. Cameron inquired: "Can you tell me this? Supposing you went to
a theatre with me, would you see all that was going on, through
seeing the pictures made by my mind?"
The reply was
"Well, I have not studied that point, Mr. Cameron, so I would
not like to say. I have not been in contact with a theatre for
some time, except when I get in touch through this little
lady here. (Miss Deans.) I would like to say to you, Anne, you
have a little bit to go before everything comes out to your
satisfaction. I think you follow me. It has given you a little
trouble for some time, but keep a good heart. I am referring
to what is closest to your heart, you know, the thing that is
uppermost in your mind. It will right itself in the long run.
Just wait a little. You understand what I mean ?"
Miss Deans understood.
Mr. Cameron then said: "I wonder if I might ask a question. How do
you sense that? You are giving this young lady a direction of
thought which will hold her interest, and you are able to say to her
that the ultimate result will be to her satisfaction. How do you arrive
at that?"
The reply came:
"I was close a few evenings ago and heard her and her
Mother conversing together, so just thought I
Miss Deans asked who was speaking, and received the reply
"You would have to travel back a long way to know who it is.
I find it rather difficult to articulate again after being such a
long time over. I am not the person who is giving that
message. I am only passing on the thoughts conveyed to
me. I do not know your friends."
Mr. Cameron said: "Is it thought transference?", to receive the reply:
"It is generally the passing of messages from one to
another, through channels, communicating cords. It is only
when the person who wishes to speak gets into rapport with
the one to be spoken to that you get the Direct Voice."
Mr. Cameron remarked : "It seems we have a lot to learn yet even
with the knowledge we have acquired."
The voice replied
"And you will be studying for many years yet before you
fully understand. You will never begin to understand
properly until you come to this side yourself."
Mr. Cameron asked if he might know who was speaking, and this is
what he heard
"I am Bob Hannah. I do not know any of you. I was just going
around and thought I would come in when I saw the lights,
the very bright lights, that surround you, to see if I could be
of any help to any of you. I do not say that with any sense of
exaltation, but I can see a wee bit further sometimes. I liked
your auras and the conditions felt so harmonious that I just
thought I would like to come in. I liked the
That greatly pleased Mr. Sloan, and then a new voice spoke
"It is a great gift, Mr. Cameron, to be able to open the door,
and enable the friends who are around you to exchange
thoughts and opinions which may be beneficial to you and to
your further progress in life. Whenever you put out a
thought, we try to help you in every way we can. You are all
friends whom I have met here from time to time and I have
met a goodly number of people of different outlooks on life,
but they are all very willing to give an open ear to anything
we may say to them, and what we tell seems to be
acceptable. We can assure you it is the truth.
"We are only telling you of our own experiences, which we have had
since coming to spirit life, and which may help you when the time
comes for you to make the crossing to this side of life. That is one
thing that makes me very happy, Mr. Cameron, the thought that
those on earth life are still able to come and talk to us, and enable
us to help you all in the difficult way of life, to help to carry the
burden which is near to your hearts and which you may not care to
tell to anyone."
We then heard voices speaking together, and one said
"It is not permissible just now." A lady's voice then called
"Crissie, Crissie, you know me quite well. I am not allowed to
say anything just now. God bless you,"
and she gave a lot of kisses. A man's voice was then heard to say:
"It is all right, Sister. Just come away. I cannot allow it. You
must just come along with me." We heard her reply:
"I am coming," and then she said
"You know me, Crissie. It is Nellie."
Miss Colquhoun said: "Oh, is it Nellie McWilliam? Dear friend (to the
man who had told Nellie not to speak), do help her, please."
Before leaving, Nellie was able to say:
"Oh, Crissie, oh, my dear, it is awful to be alone" (and she
seemed to be crying).
The man's voice again spoke to Nellie
"You cannot speak just now. It is going to vex them. You will
come away with me, my dear, and I will take you to your
friends. You will be all right in a little while. Don't worry any
more, Miss Colquhoun. I am glad you recognized your friend,
and we will take care of her. Yes, here is a William
McWilliam who has just come to meet her now. I sent out my
thoughts for some friends of hers, and this William
McWilliam has come and is taking her away with him."
So ended this little drama, and then another man spoke
"You are doing wonderful work, Miss Dearie. It is quite a
delight to watch you with your pencil again. Some beautiful
messages have been brought through you to someone I love
very well."
Miss Dearie replied: "I believe I know who is speaking. It is Mr.
Hardman, is it not?"
He replied "Thank you, Miss Dearie, for recognising me.
I am John Hardman. Will you write and tell my dear one that
I have been speaking to you directly, Miss Dearie, without
any trumpet, just directly to you. Tell my beloved that, and
that I send my love to my Mary. I had difficulty in
remembering your name, but for all your kindness to Mary,
bless you, and accept my thanks."
Miss Dearie replied: "Thank you, Mr. Hardman. I am delighted if I
have given her any pleasure."
Mr. Hardman continued
"I have to thank you also, Miss Colquhoun, for all the love
and kindness you have given my Mary."
Miss Colquhoun replied: "It is just a pleasure to me to do all I can for
her. I had such a lovely letter from her to-day, and she was so
delighted with the beautiful message you sent her from the last
Mr. Hardman said
"Tell her I am now trying to do God's Will as far as I can. I do
not know exactly what the Will of God is. We never fathom
that even on our side, but we reach forward, stage by stage,
doing the Father's Will as far as we can grasp it, doing our
best to follow the pathway which is directed to us by the
Shining Ones above us, knowing that the only road to
progress is by doing the will of the Great Ones.
"Have you ever taken into consideration, my friends; of
course, I cannot go into details about it, but you speak
about the Word of God. When you say that, are you speaking
about the Bible ? If not, I am afraid I have misconstrued your
meaning. The Word of God was far before Bible times. You
must not have your own understanding of God's Will. I am
not speaking about what you believe, it is what
you are. (Emphatically said.) May I say this, it is not what the
world thinks you are, not what your friends around you think
you are, it is what you are within yourself.
"Immediately on passing to this side, and friends have got
you really wakened up, you land in a condition suited to
your spiritual development, at the stage which you left on
the Earth Plane. It is up to your own self, and those who are
working with you, how you progress thereafter. For every
one who passes over there are some dear ones waiting to
receive them, but they cannot take them to the condition
which they have not reached. They can only meet them at
the `Gateway,' and then they have got to say good-bye until
those who have just passed reach that condition which they
have attained. It is service that is the lever which lifts us all
up through the spirit planes. The Church is just a symbol of
those who attend it, you know. Of course, it is quite all right.
It does a lot of good."
Mr. Cameron replied: "Yes, for those who cannot think for
Mr. Hardman replied
"If all who go would take the advice that they sometimes get
from these churches, it would be better for them in their life
After a pause, a man's voice said
"Mrs. Campbell, is my wife present with you ? It is Swan
Mrs. Campbell replied: "No, Lady Swan is not with me to-night. Have
you got a message for her?" He replied
"Someone tells me I am not to send a message. Thank you,
Mrs. Campbell, for all your kindness to her."
Mrs. Campbell said : "But have you not a message that I can pass on
to her? I know she would be so delighted to get one."
He replied:
"Let me think now. She is rather unsettled meantime, in her
thoughts, you know, and I hesitate to say anything which
would upset her in any way. She knows about this, of
course. She knows where to go to get the information, and I
do not want to disturb her at present. You know what I
mean. I think it would be wise not to say much about this
subject unless she comes to you herself. I would like her to
take a special interest in it."
Mrs. Campbell said : "She is rather worried at present."
Sir Alexander Swan replied
"Well, we have all to carry our burdens, you know. I had my
cares as well, and so have you, but now you have someone
to help you through, my dear. You also have lost one who
has come to my side, and he is a great help to you. Come
away, John."
Mrs. Campbell's husband then spoke to her
"God bless you, my dear, it is Jack. I am just so pleased to be
near you, and have been especially near to you for a little
time past. It has been given to me to understand that I have
to be a shield to you and keep near you just for a little time
now, and no harm will come to any of ours in the meantime.
I wish you could get my thoughts, my deep gratitude for the
lovely life I spent with you, you know. I
think often you did not understand why I stood aloof from
coming to these Meetings. I wanted to go, and yet I felt I
could not sometimes."
Mrs. Campbell asked: "Do you remember all the help you got from
dear Dr. Kahesdi?" Mr. Campbell replied
"I remember, and do you remember, my darling, how happy
we used to be ? Well, I hope our boys' lives will just have the
same brightness as ours have had. If they travel as happy a
road as you, my dear, helped me to travel, I am sure they
will be very, very happy."
Mrs. Campbell asked: "Jack, are you pleased about the delightful
girls they have got?", and he replied:
"Supremely happy. Sometimes I wish, but there are many
things out of my reach now that I am not allowed to touch
on. I hope you understand that I was in sympathy with you
all the time. It is very nice to know that you understand me
in that way. I cannot help these things now. I find it difficult
not to have resentful feelings about the actions of those I
trusted. I meant things to be different. It was not my fault,
my dear, but we will forget about that just now."
And he gave a lot of kisses. All the foregoing was correct and
Mr. Campbell continued
"It was a wonderful life we had together, dear. Lots of
people did not understand us, but we understood each
other. It is a difficult matter in life when you find that those
you trusted in, friend Cameron, have failed you."
Mrs. Campbell said: "Don't worry about that now, darling. You are
not to trouble about that. I do not mind at all."
He replied
"Thank you so much. I am now trying to do all I can, directly
and indirectly, to those whom I ought to have done more for
in earth life."
Then we sat in silence for a time, and Mr. Sloan remarked : "This is
awfu'. I don't think there is any use going any further. I ken't it
would be nae use."
Miss Colquhoun said : "Now, Mr. Sloan, that is nonsense. It has just
been splendid to-night," and we all agreed.
A voice said
"He will be a grumbler to the end of his tether," and Mr. Sloan
replied : "Well, I am gie (very) near the end of my tether noo."
The voice replied
"You have got a bit of spunk in you yet. There is something
in your old pow (head) yet."
The trumpets touched Miss Dearie all over, and a voice said:
"Nessie, Nessie. It is Nessie."
Miss Dearie asked: "Which Nessie is it?", but Nessie seemed to have
lost the vibration, as she got no reply.
A man's voice then said
"Hello, Ralph. He is a good boy, Ralph. I knew Ralph. Hello,
Bill, come here. I am speaking to Ralph. Will and I do not
want to hear you just now. I am busy. I don't want to discuss
that just now."
Mrs. Campbell asked: "Is it my Ralph, you mean?", and he replied:
"Yes, Ralph Campbell."
Mrs. Campbell said: "Ralph is not here. I am Ralph's Mother. Have
you a message for him? What is your name?"
He replied
"Able Seaman 124. Tell Ralph Campbell I was away from the
derricks altogether. Derek was No. 2. I was not there at all."
Ralph was in the Navy, and Derek was his great friend who had
passed over. He could not remember who was Able Seaman 124,
and this was not to be expected.
A lady's voice then said "Nellie, Nellie McWilliam."
This is the same person who was taken away because she became
so emotional. The incident was reported a few pages back, and now
she returned to say to Miss Colquhoun:
"I am feeling a wee bit happier now. It is always nice to hear
your voice, Crissie. God bless you."
The man's voice spoke again, and said:
"It is all right. We will look after her now, and she will be
able to come and speak to you later on."
Another voice now spoke
"It is as far as we can go for the evening, Mr. Cameron. The
power, I am sorry for disappointing any of you, but the
power whereby we can manipulate the force round about
you is going. It is getting exhausted, and anything that
might come to you just now, I would not ask you to put any
confidence in. You see what I mean. It is coming from
different channels, and it has not been, so to speak,
censored. You see what I mean to convey. There are so
many things on your Earth Plane to-day which are pressing
to a crisis, so many cross-currents, that it is difficult
for us just to contact you as we would like to do, but that is
drawing to a close, and the world will awaken once more to
the glorious consciousness of `right' and 'wrong.'
"It is not in my power to tell you because it was not given to
me to say, but it is coming very quickly now. That is as far
as I am permitted to go, but, in going round your world to-
day, we feel that that agonizing time is speedily coming to
its termination. I have been a co-worker with those who are
helping, standing by the dear ones who are being thrust into
my side of life. Some of them do not understand anything
about it, and we are trying to help them.
"That is why, just now, we are not able to give to you what
we would like to do. There are so many claims on us. So now
I will say-may all the thoughts and unexpressed desires
which are in your hearts, if these be in accordance with the
Will of the Father, be granted unto you, and the best of
spirit life come to you now, which you know to be Truth and
Justice and Love. God bless you."
We sang the Doxology, and afterwards Pathfinder said:
"May the peace and the blessing which cometh from the
High and Holy Ones round about you, assist and comfort you
now and all through the journey of your life. Amen. And to
our Father God We will give all praise now and for ever
more. I am Pathfinder. I just came to help my old friend out
of 'difficulty. God bless you, Miss Dearie."
Miss Dearie replied : "God - bless you, dear pathfinder," and he went
you all. May the paths which you find in life be paths of
blessedness, and all the by-ways bowers of peace wherein
you may rest by the way. God bless you again is the wish of
When John Hardman spoke to Miss Colquhoun about the Bible, he
showed himself to be still agnostic about the Will of God. He was
doubtful as to what this is, and Etherians, he tells us, never fathom
this eternal question. They are finite, just as we are, and how wise it
is not to be dogmatic about the Infinite which no finite being can
comprehend. However, Hardman has solved one of his problems,
and this he repeatedly refers to in his many lengthy remarks. On
earth, he tells us that he did not believe in survival after death, but
now he experiences it, and this thoughtful man gives to us on earth
some very wise advice.
Christians have always believed that the Holy Bible contains the
Word of God, a name they give to this old and sacred book. To the
Moslems the Koran takes that position. The Hindus consider sacred
the Vedas and the Bhagavad gita, while to the Buddhists the
Suttantas are the most sacred of all divine literature. The
Zendavesta is the Word of God to the Parsees, while the Chinese
consider that The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean
could not be replaced by man.
These holy books have helped humanity to find a certain amount of
peace and comfort in life, but each religion thought that its own
sacred writings were the Only instructions God had given to
mankind. Nevertheless, as Hardman reminds us
"The Word of God was far before Bible times You must not
have your own understanding of Gods Will."
So he passes by the creeds, dogmas and doctrines of all the world's
religions, and says emphatically that what matters on both earth
and in Etheria is what each one of us is
"It is what you are within yourself."
That, he tells us, and that only, determines out place beyond the
veil, and, from that time onwards,
"it is up to your own self how you progress thereafter."
That, simply put, is the teaching of Spiritualism. Its Seven Principles,
which were given from Etheria, embrace the essentials of what has
been said at the séances recorded in this book. Those who call
themselves Spiritualists believe that it can be accepted as true that
(1) The Universe is governed by Mind, commonly called God. That
all we have sensed, do sense, or will sense, is but Mind expressing
itself in some form or another.
(2) The existence and identity of the individual continues after the
change called death.
(3) Communication, under suitable conditions, takes place between
us here on earth and the inhabitants of the etheric world, into which
we shall all pass at death.
On these three fundamental principles, which Spiritualists believe
can be reasonably accepted, the following logical deductions are
naturally drawn from
thoughts, brave words and generous deeds will never die. A noble
self-denying life increases the mental wealth of the Universe, a life
well spent runs like a vine for all to see, and every pure unselfish act
is like a perfumed flower.
The message of Spiritualism to all who live is this: From the world,
which some day will be our home, come messengers bearing words
of good cheer to all who live on earth. They tell us that we need only
do our best, and if we do that no more is expected. We should,
therefore, cease from wasting our time and wealth on unnecessary
religious observance and ceremony, and apply ourselves to useful
things which will develop our mind and character, and make us
worthy citizens of the country which will some day be our home. We
are not born to live only upon this ball of substance called the earth.
A great and glorious country of vast and endless beauty and variety
awaits us after death. Mind knows no limitation, and each one of us
is mind and nothing more.
When the end of earth life comes, let us not think that we have
reached the twilight, or that for the last time the golden sky is
fading in the west. Let us not think that night has come, but rather
that something wonderful awaits us in a land more beautiful and
happier than is this earth. We must meet death as we meet sleep,
knowing that the morning follows night. Thus should we enter the
dawn called death, which is just a change in the appreciation of our
Mr. Sloan remarked : "Oh, I also wrote to Miss Stove and gave her
the message of the last Meeting. I could not remember very much,
but I told her all I could."
Mr. Hardman replied
"It is not necessary, friend Sloan. Of course, I appreciate
your valuable services, that you are able to get these
messages through. God bless every one of you. Peace be
with you, Miss Dearie. Thank you for the comfort and the joy
you have brought to my Mary.
"It will be a beautiful stone, a jewel in the beautiful home
that awaits you on the spirit side of life. All the beautiful
thoughts which you have sent out will be an embellishment
to that home. It is not so far distant when I thought such a
thing would be impossible. I thought there was no after-life,
but oh, I am here, and it is beautiful beyond all imagining.
"God bless you all, and for every little word and thought
which you sent out to me during my stubborn time after
passing, which I know many of you sent me who knew me at
that time, I say thank you. They will be an embellishment in
the homes which the Great Father has prepared for you on
the spirit side of life, and for the love and help which you
have given to my Mary, I thank you all."
Miss Colquhoun said: "I think Miss Stove will be coming down shortly
for a little while."
Mr. Hardman replied
"I have been impressing her to come, but I think the
regulations are against it at the present time." (Orkney, where
she lived, was a closed area during the war.)
back beside you again and take you by the arm How strongly
I would lead you. A Mother's hands and a Mother's arms are
very supporting and very cheering to a boy, even supposing
she is on this side of time. I am sure, Alex, you will always
be glad to have the support of your Mother."
Mr. Hart replied: "Always, always." His mother remarked
"They are beginning to mix a little, Alex. There are a few
grey ones (referring to his hair), but every one is full of
honour. There is honour in a grey hair."
Mrs. Colquhoun spoke next, and said
"God bless you, Crissie. It is just that my heart is running
over with love for you, my lassie. I want just to tell you that
I am often with you when you don't know, my lovely lassie."
Miss Colquhoun asked: "Mother, were you with me last week?"
Her mother replied
"I was with you at the telephone last night in your own
Miss Colquhoun said: "But were you with me last week, Mother?"
Her mother replied "I was not there, dear."
No more was said, and a new voice spoke: "This is Tom
We asked, "Which Tom?" and received the reply:
"I am waiting to see if I can be recognised."
The voice died away as he evidently lost touch with our atmosphere.
Miss Duff was getting touches from the trumpets, and a voice said
just think that I am not very far away. You have your work to
do yet. You will have them all home again, and you have
your duty to do there also."
(Some very personal and private remarks were now made by Mr.
Bowes to Mrs. Bowes. Everything was correct and understood, but
these remarks have been omitted by request.)
Miss Colquhoun then got touches, and Mr. Bowes said
"William Bowes speaking to you. Thank you for all your
kindness to my dear. It is nice, the mutual affection between
you. I will not say good night. There is no night where I am,
no blackouts here, Mr. Cameron. I see you have a clear
perception of what the other side of life will open to you.
Your life has been very clean and perfect. I do not speak in a
flattering way, you know. I can see that outlook in the aura
round about you. There are many bright forms on the other
side of life waiting to greet you when you come over, all
loving you as I love those I left behind in earth life. You
could not but love when you have such a one as I have to
Mr. Cameron replied : "I sense, in what you say, a depth and
sweetness that is delightful to listen to," and to this Mr. Bowes
remarked :
"Thank you. Look at my boys, look at my girls (his wife and
daughter), there is no one like your own, and still you can
work all the harder and all the better for those around you
when you love in that way. Good night."
The Misses Douglas then got touches from the trumpets, and a
voice said