A Channeling Handbook
A Channeling Handbook
A Channeling Handbook
Other books and tapes by L/L Research: Secrets Of The Ufo The Ra Material (The Law Of One, Book One) The Law Of One, Book Two The Law Of One, Book Three The Law Of One, Book Four What Is Love?, a coloring book for kids The Crucifixion Of Esmerelda Sweetwater, a parable for all ages, by Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert Messages From The Ufo, a 90-min. cassette tape The Spiritual Significance Of Ufos, a 75-min. cassette tape Portions of this book have appeared in somewhat different form in Metapsychology; The Journal of Discarnate Intelligence. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permission in writing from L/L Research, except for brief passages in connection with a review. For information, write: L/L Research P.O. Box 5195 Louisville, KY 40205 Printed in the United States of America Palmer Publications, Inc. Amherst, WI 54406 Copyright 1987 by L/L Research which is a subsidiary of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories, Inc.
Although the art and practice of channeling is at least as ancient as written history, and although a scholarly work of research comparing and contrasting various kinds of channeling throughout history would undoubtedly be fascinating, this volume is in no way intended as such a work. It is, rather, a workbook for the practicing channel, or for one who is contemplating the attempt to learn how to produce channeled material. It is my response to the veritable explosion of new channels, and especially to the many new-age weekends which teach the mechanics of channeling, which are very easy to master, but which do not give students a firm metaphysical basis for the appropriate use of this gift. I became a channel in 1974 and have pursued that gift to this day. I have taught students the mechanics of channeling, but I hope that I have done a good deal more than that, for it has always been my intention to make available not only the how-tos of being an instrument but the whys. Channeling is not a parlor game. There can be emotional, mental and even physical difficulties which spring from the misuse of this practice. It is my hope that this volume will help those who wish to avoid such problems. The ideas which are offered herein are my opinion only. It is hoped that they will help you. If they do not, please leave them behind without a second thought. I would like to acknowledge my enormous debt to several people, for although I was given the gift of faith and the temperament to sustain an effort which I thought well-begun, I would never have begun channeling were it not for the encouragement of Donald T. Elkins, my beloved friend, partner and companion of many years, who died in 1984. His faith in my gift far outmatched mine from the beginning, and his encouragement was equaled by the disciplined compassion of his counsel to me as I encountered situation after situation which had been unfamiliar to me previously. James Allen McCarty has also encouraged and supported me in every imaginable way in the very humble service that I perform, and this book would have been physically impossible to create without his emotional support and the nimbleness of his and Kimberly Howards fingers. Thanks go also to my family and faithful friends and those many members of our meditation group over the years, without whose enquiring questions and hunger for truth there would have been no call generated for our
contacts to answer; without whose personal love, encouragement, support and tolerance I would be poor indeed in the currency of shared love. The most central and deep thanks I offer to my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, whose promise of redemption and living Spirit sustain me every moment of my life, and to the community of Christs own with whom I worship, Calvary Episcopal Church, Louisville, and to my spiritual director and priest, Father Ben Sanders, whose godly encouragement and censure alike have strengthened me. Spring is creeping quietly into our inland hills, touching the burgeoning pussy-willow and unfurling our winter hearts to warm, free bloom. Peace to each of you from Kentucky. Carla L. Rueckert Louisville, Kentucky February 10, 1987
To all, visible and invisible, who seek to be channels for love and light.
Table Of Contents
Chapter One What Is Channeling? Chapter Two Why Channel? Chapter Three Preparing Yourself To Be A Channel Chapter Four Getting Peaceful Chapter Five Channeling Chapter Six Temptations Chapter Seven Psychic Greeting Chapter Eight The Ethics Of Channeling Chapter Nine Holding Meditations Chapter Ten Offering Workshops Chapter Eleven Channeling And Christianity Chapter Twelve The Supporting Organization: Incorporation And Taxation Chapter Thirteen Publishing Your Channeling 8 12 20 31 45 53 62 71 82 90 97
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What Is Channeling?
church and inquire as to where the nearest center is that offers such a course of teaching. I note this, not because I have any disapproval of the practice, nor because I am unfamiliar with the practice of spiritualistic mediumship, but because it and other well-established and thorough schools of mediumshipthe American Indian tradition and its medicine men and women are another good exampleoffer a perfectly adequate and perhaps somewhat specialized form of instruction to interested students. This book may be of help to one who is already under the instruction of a Spiritualist teacher or an American Indian medicine person, but it can never be a substitute for the support of the whole tradition. Of course I dont pretend or expect that this volume can be a substitute for the on-going support of a teacher and a supporting group of other channels and students, but in a less structured line of channeling, the book does become far more helpful. What other types of channeling are there then? The religious and traditional, for one. The prophets and some few saints in the Christian church were channels. The Old Testament is filled with the beauty of the prophets words, most notably Isaiahs, whose words about the sacrificial lamb were so very prophetic of the Incarnation of Jesus the Christ. These holy men and women saw visions, heard voices. Moses, in fact, heard the words of the Lord straight out and merely reported on the conversation. Then there are the new-age religions, and independent but vaguely Christian sources which channel archangels, various lesser angelic presences, spiritual masters of various kinds, such as Kuthumi, and of course, Jesus, under various names. In some of the best of this kind of channeling one is uplifted and ones feelings are elevated to a rarefied joy by the inspirational writing of the channel. The religious channel has an obvious bias, and consequently the message does not get through to everyone who happens to read the material. The Bible, for example, is the best-selling channeling of all time, but it does not appeal to every reader and many are the Bibles which carry far more dust than fingerprints. One of my friends recently read STARSEED TRANSMISSIONS, and tossed it aside without a second thought. Didnt you like the work? I asked. I got absolutely nothing out of it, he replied. For him the religious content so interfered with his ability to accept the material that all of the superstructure of concept and detail which had so
What Is Channeling?
inspired me served to shut his ears. One who desires to channel a religious presence, therefore, will need to come to terms with the fact that the bias of the material will block that material from many listeners and readers. There is a large category of metaphysical channeling sources and an almost gaudy grab bag of extraterrestrial beings, ascended masters, principles, nature spirits, and uncategorizeable individuals. There are philosophers which offer general counsel as well as a fairly thorough philosophical system in which the counsel is seated which have, in addition to a fairly coherent philosophy and point of view, the willingness to offer rather extensive and personal information to individuals. The ascended masters are channeled by several large and organized groups of instruments, such as the Order of the Rosy Cross, Eckankar and Theosophists. Many a person has channeled Kuthumi; many an Astaran has discovered Zoser for himself, and so forth. The common theme of the inner-master channeling is the belief in the rightness of the proposition that there are some individuals who have, at some point in their life experience, gained access to great and hidden wisdom and who have, after death, chosen to remain both discarnate and available to those of us who seek the truth during our lives on Earth. This belief in a gnostical hierarchy of wisdom predicates that there be someone able to tell the truth-seeker how to find the gatekeeper of each door which unlocks the next layer or hierarchy of understanding, the next piece of wisdom which will, in the end, cause us to become masters ourselves. Most of these systems teach the channeling in a coherent and useable format, and I can only recommend to those who are interested in this kind of channeling that, as always, discrimination should be used, and those powers of discrimination honed carefully, for although one system may seem much like another, each comes with a dogma or doctrine with which it is necessary to be conversant and to accept, at least in some part, in order for the students experience with the system to be satisfactory. Indeed, part of middle America, the lodgeMoose, Elk, Mason, Shrineris a good example of this basic gnostic kind of channeling. I am not saying that your husband or father, boyfriend, or nephew is channeling when he goes to a Shriners convention. However, those who structured these organizations were certainly channeling this type of wisdom information. Perhaps the most famous of the metaphysical or philosophical channels is Edgar Cayce, whose channeling indicated that its source was the Akashic Record itself. Cayces work has been especially interesting to researchers because of the completeness with which records were kept of sessions in which many evidential details were given which proved to be true and
What Is Channeling?
which produced a large number of healings. The accuracy of the healing channelings causes even the most scientifically oriented researcher to express at least some interest in the philosophical material that echoes through the healing material and takes up the center stage of the readings which were supported by those who paid to ask philosophical questions. Edgar Cayce is no longer incarnate, but the same Akashic Record claims now to be present again in the channeling of Awareness by Paul Shockley of the Aquarian Church of Universal Service in McMinnville, Oregon. There are fairies, and yes, Tinker Bell, I will clap for you! Such are the musings of one who is seriously studying the work with nature spirits of medicine men and women in the American Indian tradition, fairy tale buffs and Findhorn, to name three sources. Findhorns account of the contact with the plant devas and the subsequent growing of very large and healthy vegetables in the barren, sandy soil of the northern coast of Scotland is most impressive, and the American Indian tradition is also persuasive in its accounts of the relationship of sensitive Indian men and women with the spirits of their elk, eagle and so forth. There is a large variety of purported UFO contactees. Phylos, Clarion, and George Hunt Williamsons channeling of Brother Philip all speak of, or are themselves, allegedly extraterrestrial contacts. There are many channels of a group calling itself the Federation of Planets, the Confederation of Planets or the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. I, myself, am one of those channels. Especially interesting is the channeling of Vinod and Probert of The Nine and the channeling, which was only possible by Uri Gellers presence, of Hoova. Rather than attempting to be complete in any of these categories of channeling I shall dismiss that hopeless task with a shrug and a grin. You see, there are literally millions of people channeling on Earth today, channeling all kinds of entities. Far from such information being rare, it is almost unimaginably plentiful. I have personally channeled hundreds of thousands of words and seen millions more in others transcripts and books. The activity is pervasive for a very simple reason: it is part of human nature. And, like any other thing that man can do, it is a thing that most predictably will continue to be done, sometimes poorly, sometimes exquisitely well.
Why Channel?
discernment of spirits and to condemn the same channeling as a mediumship which is punishable by death. The acceptance of either point of view without discriminating thought is not recommended; however, any student who wishes to explore the possibility of becoming a channel needs to reckon with the probable reaction of the very ones who love you the most: if they are fundamental Christians, and perhaps even if they are not, they will find such activity somewhat frightening, and may interpret what you are doing as a form of Satanic possession. If your desire to channel is strong enough to withstand others bad opinions, fine. If you are potentially ready to lose a husband or a family, a friendship or a job, because of your desire to channel, then stop and think, perhaps you are on the track that you should be on. If you are serene and humble, your family will gradually relax. It is especially to be pointed out that those who do become channels and do encounter this reaction from those they love need to refrain from defending themselves, for it is totally unethical for a channel to present itself as a stumbling block in the way of another seekers spiritual path. Thats just not fair. You do not feel happy when you are criticized. Avoid criticizing others. If what you are doing is being done in the spirit of love, your words and your love will speak for themselves to most. Many people who are reading this book are possessed by nothing more than curiosity about this very interesting phenomenon, channeling. There is nothing wrong with curiosity. It is commendable. I dont think that there is anything wrong with skimming the surface of a large variety of things, testing the waters, seeing what is for you and what is not. I can only suggest that in sampling the gift of channeling, you who are merely curious seek a controlled group situation in which you have a structured way of going about learning the mechanics of this gifts manifestation. Take the waters, in a short burst. It is centrally important, if you do not intend to persevere in the discipline of vocal or written channeling, that you go no further than will satisfy the curiosity, because any longer exposure will, if the contact is a poor one, tend to cause disintegration of your personality and your experience; if the contact is a good one, any longer exposure will bring about new understanding and, thereby, place you under the responsibility, which is that what one knows, one is responsible for reflecting in ones life. Sue Leonard, a friend of mine who teaches Free Soul in Colorado, was talking to me on the phone the other day about peoples seeming reliance on her when she was doing channeling. She asked her class, she said, whether, if they had a difficult financial decision to make, they would call ten people at random on the telephone and ask their opinions, without
Why Channel?
knowing whom they were calling. The class immediately recognized the folly of such a procedure. How, then, she asked them, could they consider her extra-special because she was a telephone? Rather severely, she suggested that they all stop gold-plating the telephone and start seeking their own inner senses of recognition which would be able to discriminate regarding new information. If you do not want to change your life; if you do not wish to live the life in which channeling has its best environment, do not persist past satisfying of your curiosity in channeling. Stop immediately and go on to something else, for there is indeed a great supermarket in the realm of the psychic and occult, and metaphysical truth is sold in many packages these days, as it has always been. There is no penalty in skipping about from discipline to discipline. The penalty is for remaining in one discipline long enough to learn from it, and then not using this knowledge in the service of others. It should be said here that I have a strong bias towards service to others. It is possible to channel in a negative sense, and there are negative entities and principles in the universe which are most delighted to make contact with a human channel. As in any positive channeling, this type of channeling has many subdivisions and teachers. However, my bias against negative information causes I me to refrain from describing sources of such information. I come to channeling from the mystical Christian tradition. I was born a mystic and very probably had the gift of faith at birth. Consequently, my motivation for channeling was to be of service to others. Of those who are serious about channeling, this is an almost constant attitude. Regardless of how efficacious a person may be as an instrument, regardless of the relative beauty and inspirational value of the channeling, the motive of most instruments is the old white magical motto, I desire to know in order to serve. A large number of human beings seem to be able to go through their lives asking nothing more than to have a peaceful and happy home life, enough money to buy what they need for themselves and their families and some gusto to grab. Others of us, for no clear reason, have a bug in our ear. Christian or not, mystics are convinced that we have some work to do in this lifetime; some feel that they came to Earth to accomplish some mission. When one weeds out the seriously neurotic or psychotic people who are deluding themselves first and others secondly, one still has a very large and pretty committed body of people who wish to be servants of humankind. Common beliefs among such people are that it is possible to push the envelope of mystery back a little further and still a little further so that the
Why Channel?
noumenal, though infinitely receding before us, can be to some slight extent asymptotically approached. Another assumption is that the unseen overshadows the seen, has created the seen world, and is far more real than that which we see with our physical eyes and touch with our physical senses. The third assumption among mystics is that other people are worth serving, and that it is possible to serve them. These assumptions, put together, give to the student who wishes to be of service by channeling the feeling of reaching out to all of humanity as a shepherd would reach out to those sheep he so carefully tends and to whose care he is dedicated. It is clear from this image that one of the great dangers of deciding to channel is that one will become self-important. Instruments (another word for channel) are not an elite. An instrument knows no more than the person who hears the channeling. This is not only a truism; it is also true. We are all bozos on this bus. Remember the analogy of the pipe and the water. Instruments are pipes. Everything that they do, they do prior to receiving the water that flows through them. That which flows through them may well be from a higher source. The channels themselves, however, are sheep, except in the exaltation of the self by the One which overshadows it and speaks in the spirit of love and truth. Would you believe that I know no less than three peoplealbeit slightly who have channeled their own destiny as that of bearing the Christ child and being His mother in His second Earthly pilgrimage after two thousand years? Its true. No end of folly has been perpetrated by people who accept the falsehood that because they are channels they represent an elite and, in some way, have a leg up on the rest of humanity. Please examine your motives. If you are channeling for reasons other than curiosity or a desire to be of service to others and to the Creator, it would be well to avoid the practice of channeling, for, as I have said, it can really land one in the soup emotionally, mentally and even physically. There is the capacity in each of us to lose contact with waking reality as it is perceived by the bulk of humankind. The possibility of the disintegration of the waking personality is made far more probable as one opens the integrated personality to the incursion of deeply impersonal, often external personalities. Channelings no joke. Why do you want to channel? Why are you channeling? Please use some discrimination! The lack of discrimination can have heavy penalties, and perhaps an example or two would be in order. If you are channeling, and any of these seems somewhat familiar to you, you may be able to do a little work in this area and begin to experience a far more efficacious career as a channel.
Why Channel?
Example one is a student I had in 1975. She was an intensely intellectual, likable sort of a person, approaching 30, prematurely middle-aged and dressed in that manner, and extremely swayed by whatever she was experiencing at the moment. Every time the L/L doors were open, Millie was there (not her real name). She began to try to channel on her own, and received information almost immediately. She was, for instance, one of the three Virgin Marys of which I spoke. Later, she called me in a state of nervous excitement with the information that a presidential candidate was about to get onto an airplane which would crash, killing him. She wanted me to call a psychic (Jeanne Dixon, whom I didnt know) with this information so that she could warn the candidate. My attempts to explain to her why I was not going to fulfill her request were not comprehended, and she rang off convinced that I had turned against her. Not very long afterwards, a Catholic priest called us and told us that she had sought sanctuary in his church because she was being attacked by Satanic forces. She felt that her mother and father were possessed and she did not trust anyone except us. He wanted to know if we could come get her, because she had had nothing to eat for days and had refused even water for the 48 hours that she had spent in his church. Reluctantly we went and got Millie, brought her home, and attempted to feed her a light meal. It was after midnight. She was too tense even to lie down. When we suggested that she relax, she accused us of attempting to control her mind, and ran from the apartment before we could stop her. We went after her but could not find her since we lived close to a park with many winding, hilly roads and too many turns for us to be able to guess which way she had gone. We notified her favorite professor, the priest who had called us, and her parents that she was loose in the city, clad in nightshirt only, driving a car that was almost dry of gas and penniless. It was all that we could think of to do. Millie ended up in triage at a mental hospital, where she was in therapy for some months. Upon her release from the hospital she brought the leaders of Ananda Marga, a spiritually oriented Buddhist sect, to see us. She wished to prove to them that we had evil thought-forms which were influencing our work and disturbing her. The orange-robed Ananda Marga teacher had a good deal of psychic ability, and a sense of humor as well. After demonstrating that he could tell us things that he could not possibly have known, thereby reaffirming to Millie his skill, he told her that we did not have any such presences about our benighted heads. But they believe in magic, said Millie. The leader humorously picked up the remote control for our television. So do I, he said. Let me show you some magic. He
Why Channel?
pointed the device at our television and across the room it sprang into electronic life. Magic, he said in his charmingly accented voice. You see. Millie was not pleased. I am happy to say that she gradually got better. I had scrupulously counseled Millie from the beginning, as I do all of my students, to avoid any thought of learning channeling on her own. This is not a pursuit to be undertaken in solitude. When she began anyway, I continued to counsel her against it. She interpreted my counselings as insults, feeling that I was attempting to corner the market and do all the channeling myself. Example number two: A long-established channel whom I will call Susan wrote us after the first Law of One book came out, asking for advice on how to improve her meditation group. She had been teaching channeling to her students and, as always, she had succeeded in teaching this easily transmitted gift. (It is the improvement of quality in channeling that is the true gift and life-work, not the ability to learn the mechanics.) She had intended, she said, for these students to remain in the group. However, they were leaving the group and starting their own meditation and study groups. She wondered what she was doing wrong. I really couldnt diagnose any problem from the information in her first letter, and wrote describing the way my meetings are run and the expectations I have of listening gladly to those who wish to share the responsibility and honor of being instruments with me. I am so much happier to listen than to channel that I consider it a great boon to be able to enjoy other peoples channeling, I wrote. Her second letter was far more revealing. She had, she said, the hope not of listening to others channeling, but of using other channels to confirm the virtue of what she had already channeled. When I wrote back suggesting that perhaps her ego was getting in the way, she became defensive and said that I was a very judgmental person. Not too long after that, she began getting large amounts of information having to do with the terrible catastrophes that are to come, suggesting that it would be well for the chosen ones who were listening to her words to band together in a remote area for survival purposes. The channeling even included suggestions as to the supplies needed, including diapers. Note the twist of love and light information into messages of doom and the movement from universal love to the establishment of an elite group, which then must defend itself against outsiders who do not belong.
Why Channel?
I do not shrug off the channeled information concerning the coming transformation of our planet or ourselves; however, it seems to me that we who are aware of the possibility of such remarkable events, if we are functioning as light workers, will be far more interested in how to excite and engage our own consciousness in work which will be helpful to those who have long known what it is that we do, but have not felt the need for metaphysical study. This would seem to me to mitigate strongly against the whole concept of survival places for a few. I honestly believe that there are many people within this country who are in positions to be responsible for the safety of governmental leaders and people important in one way or another to the world which they and their predecessors have created, in finance, science, research and so forth, who will provide handsomely for the repopulation of the planet in the event of an actual global catastrophe. What we have to give is ourselves, now, in the time of trouble, not ourselves at a later time, when the world will be quite different and those skills which we have been studying in this experience will undoubtedly be quite irrelevant. Perhaps my attitude is too heavily colored by my being a Christian, but it seems to me that we deal, when we speak of life and death on the Earth plane, with the valley of the shadow of death. I hope to spend my life and my death well, not in terms of how I survive, but in terms of how much of what I had to offer I was able to offer. It is true that in the second case Susan had the potential of affecting the spiritual journey of others, in that they might well be swayed into putting a great deal of energy into the following of the instructions of her channeling. However, none of us is primarily responsible for other peoples spiritual evolution; we are responsible for our own. Everything that comes to us is our responsibility in that we can filter and interpret events as we choose, not as we must. Therefore, the primary victim of Susans difficulties was and is Susan. If you see anything of yourself in either of these examples, or if you are taking this opportunity to examine your motives for channeling or for wanting to channel and finding that there is a bit of ego involved, dont be hard on yourselves or panic. It is intrinsically human to have motives like this. Inside information, especially if confidential, is always alluring. Finding out that you have some refining to do is a good thing, not a condemnation of what you have done in the past. Through the use of tools such as meditation and contemplation you can begin and enable the process of refining your motives for seeking to be of service by channeling, and, meanwhile, the knowledge that such motives do not serve one well as a
Why Channel?
channel will help you to recognize times when you have gone a bit astray. In the spiritual evolutionary process in general and in the practice of channeling in particular there is no time at which you cannot turn and begin completely anew. I think that the best of us have to do that every day, if not more often than that. In no way do I wish to suggest that my motives are always pure. Indeed, before I began to write this book, I went through several weeks of indecision and paralysis, asking myself the question, Who do I think I am, setting myself up as an expert? Obviously, nobody deserving; like Arluna in the BHAGAVAD GITA, however, I counseled myself in the end to go ahead and act, but to attempt to keep this action free from the dedication to an outcome. So each of you has the opportunity at all times to examine your motives and actions, discern any missed steps and turn to a more refined or enlightened consciousness. It is a complete waste of time to be angry at yourself, so if you find yourself to be a little moved by considerations of ego, give a laugh at the human condition, and keep on trying.
Getting Peaceful
The yellow-ray energy center, often called the solar plexus center, or chakra, is located right where you would fold up if someone hit you in the stomach. Assigned to it are the energies having to do with society and all of societys groups, everything from armies to church congregations to teams that you may watch or be a part of. These first three centers constitute the allimportant basic personal triad of energies which tend to keep us from getting peaceful. The green-ray energy center, also called the heart chakra, is the seat of unconditional love. It is not to be confused with romantic love which often has energies having more to do with the desire to possess another person, and, therefore, imposing conditions on a relationship, which is an orangeray energy, or with you owe me feelings about your mate which is an energy connected with our societys laws of marriage, and is a yellow-ray energy. Green-ray love imposes no conditions and the compassion that it generates is unconditional. Perhaps you remember times when you have sung the old Christmas carol, The Twelve days of Christmas. One was never really sure of most of the other gifts that the songs hapless swain was giving his true love, but one was always sure of the five gold rings. The heart chakra is much like that; central, as love must be to our experience. Unconditional acceptance is usually something that feels tremendously good to us and we react to its presence by flowering and growing. It is not easy to awaken that energy within ourselves. Without embarking on that process I encouraged in the last chapter, that of accepting the fact that progress in spiritual evolution involves deciding what manner of person we are, choosing our path, and then learning more and more about how to be faithful to the path and how to express love to others as the fruit of what we are learning on that path, it is almost impossible to accomplish. Meditation is a tremendous help, because the nature of consciousness, left in total balance, is peaceful, serene and joyful. We seldom experience this because we are filling our minds up almost all of the time with daily business, which is no bad thing were we able to retain, in the midst of mundane activity, the consciousness of love. We seldom do that, however, and so we are constantly distracting ourselves and thereby removing our attention from our native disposition, which is a happy one. Even when we are alone, we distract ourselves with thoughts of what could have been or what should have been, scolding, praising and judging ourselves and others, sometimes over and over, instead of enjoying the opportunity for solitude. Sometimes, too, our minds are taken up completely with planning for the future, rehearsing conversations that we
Getting Peaceful
have not yet had and may never have, calculating financial progress for the next five years, wondering how to put aside the money for our childs college education, or any number of other perfectly respectable concerns. Whatever our reason for not perceiving the joy of the moment, it is so that we seldom do perceive it, and that it is always there, close at hand, ready to be perceived. We must look for it, however, and to do that we must first have the firm impression that we are looking for something that exists. Consequently, without analysis and meditation to feed our wills, it is often very difficult to get started on activating the green-ray energy center, or, to put it another way, on opening up the heart chakra. It is this chakra which must be functioning well in order for the service of channeling to run smoothly in your life. Centers higher than that can be very helpful if they are also activated, but it is not necessary for them to be activated for you to be a productive (and healthy) channel. The blue-ray energy center, located at the throat, has to do with communication that is freely given with no expectation of return. The indigo-ray energy center or brow chakra is located at the third eye location and has to do with metaphysical work in general and our ability to manifest our true inner beingness, and the crown chakra or violet-ray center is basically a summing of all the preceding energies, the last expression of personhood before the Creators energy dissolves again into the uncolored white light that is the first manifestation of the Creator known to us. Although it would seem centrally important to open the heart chakra, if you wish to channel, it has seemed to me that more emphasis also needs to be placed upon removal of blockages in the first three energies, red, orange and yellow. The reason for this is that it is perfectly possible to work hard in opening up your compassionate energies, and do a very good job at it, but run into serious problems because you have left undone work which first should have been completed in the lower energy centers. Channeling is an activity recommended for those who are stable and who have come to the conclusion that they wish to be of service to the Creator and to humankind. A person who is merely curious, but who, unknown to himself, may possess a highly sensitive psychic nature, may be propelled into opening the greenray energy center because of all the experiences that begin happening to him while he is satisfying his curiosity. It can happen very quickly. As always, the key seems to me to be balance. One puts ones foot at the first place, gets a good balance, and then moves on. By jumping from lessons still not learned in the first three centers to opening the fourth center with the first three still
Getting Peaceful
unbalanced, the way is opened for any problems that you do have of a personal nature to be greatly distorted and intensified simply because you are a channel, involved in offering inspiration and light to others, and so attracting the attention of the principle which is antithetical to light, the principle of darkness. As a channel, youre transmitting on one level, yet as an individual you vibrate at a lower level. This is inevitable, yet the distance between the two levels needs to be as little as possible. For, metaphysically speaking, you are responsible for living at the highest level of which youve been made aware. If you are a new channel and begin thinking that you have outgrown your mate, that you must have someone who believes in you, that you have your rights, and so forth, you may be heading down dangerous streets. OK, you say that you dont want your marriage to break up, you dont think, but you are having trouble with it or with something else having to do with personal energy. What do you do about it? You know I would be foolish were I to think that I could put down on paper something that would be helpful to everyone. For writing that inspirational, you had better go to records of channeled lives such as Jesus the Christ, and see what He said! However, I can give a few opinionated pointers and hope that they may be of some help to some of you. Dealing with sex did not used to be a great problem at least in terms of what men and women were supposed to do with their sexuality. It was understood that men could choose to be either promiscuous, monogamous or celibate. Conventions for each of these three lives were known and understood. Women had one less choice, unless the choice was to become a prostitute; women married and, if fertile, bore children, or they did not marry and lived a celibate existence, perhaps functioning as mothers helper for a sister or another female relative, living perhaps alone but certainly not promiscuously. This century has been one of fairly rapid social revolutions, beginning with the free love propounded in the 1920s, snapping back into a demi-prudery during the Depression and war years, and gradually opening up into the increasingly measured free love and serial relationships of the sixties. By now, men and women seem to have achieved a large measure of sexual equality, with both men and women being far more interested perhaps than they ever have been in the quality of relationships. A womans sexual morality is measured these days not so much by the number of her partners as by the quality of relationships that she has developed with those who are or have been her lovers. Consequently, it seems to me that people
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as a whole are doing less blocking of the red-ray energy than they were used to, letting most energy move directly into orange-ray activity. However, there is still in all of us that vulnerable part that gazes somewhat askance at the power of the red-ray drive. When I was close to thirty, for instance, I found myself, for a period of two or three years, thinking constantly about having a child. My health history was such that it was out of the question for me to conceive, and yet I wanted a baby with all of my heart and couldnt get it off of my mind. It was not until I was about thirtytwo that the last irrational and potentially self-destructive attack came and went and I was delivered over to the comfortable, though sad, feeling that it really was too late to set about having a child in my condition of health. That is the power of red-ray instinct. We need to take any feeling of embarrassment that we have about that very vital energy and get rid of it, replacing it with good feelings towards the energy that keeps us alive. The survival instincts to breathe, to reproduce, to eat and so forth have bailed us out of many a situation by quickening our reflexes and plunging our body into a rapid dispersal of blood and oxygen when we need them the most. The sexual energy as such needs to be seen and appreciated as part of what keeps us alive. The romantic preoccupation with the sexual experience of orgasm as a kind of death has so influenced our culture that it makes us feel negatively about the very energy that made it possible to be living nowwhat in the world would we have done if everyone in the world had decided that sex was not an acceptable moral expression of our natures! In running through your unconscious biases about sex, there are certain key points to check. One: have you chosen to see sex as a positive thing? Do you ever say, I wish I were a man if you are a woman or I wish I were a woman if you are a man? If you have any kind of negative feeling about sexuality, work on your perceptions until you have found a way to embrace the idea of sex. This is not to say that it is necessary for your spiritual growth to be sexually active. The records of history rather indicate that this is not a relevant consideration and some doughty souls would indeed say that sexuality was just one more distraction. Note that people who say that sex is a distraction from the spiritual life are giving a bad opinion about sex. Whether or not you have any sexual activity going or planned, try to wrap your mind around the idea that sex is a distraction from the spiritual life only for those who have not yet gotten their sexual energy center clear and unblocked. If the sexual energy is clear it neither helps nor harms but is its own expression, its own energy, and the light that gives energy to every
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pattern that we have enlivens and blesses that kind of energy and then moves onward. This next bit is of information is probably not intended for those of you who are carefree, dating lots, or a little, or not at all, but quite un-mated at the present, for the personal miseries of jealousy and possessiveness afflict those of us in relationships already, for the most part. Nor is it meant for any who are in happy agreement with the limitations and responsibilities their personal relationships require. But for most of us, life does not consist of relationships which are perfectly satisfactory, and you may find yourself in the paragraphs below. Have you ever said, Not tonight, honey. I have a headache, when you really mean, Im too upset with you to be able to make love? If you have, you are certainly not alone. However, you are using sex as a bargaining chip. This is not using sex as a clear energy. A clearer expression would be to say what you mean, that you are upset and so cannot share love. Then you have opened the way for honest, two-way communication. Once the talking is done, you may find your sexual energy flowing well once more. This, by the way, is why making up can be such fun, for communication opens the heart chakra, and it feels so good for energy to be moving freely again. Whatever you are gaining by sexual bargaining, you are losing the ability to funnel light through to the heart center, and so are setting yourself up for very unsettling experiences in the context of your spiritual life and especially your channeling. If you cannot deal with the thought of making love to your mate because there is no love in this moment for you with him or her, then you need to say that, and then move the emphasis from sex to where the trouble really lies. Usually in a situation where you have feigned a headache, the real problem is either that your mate is clinging to you, wanting you to possess him or her, or you feel that your mate is ignoring you and attempting to put separation between him or her and you. Either distortion causes the same effectalienation from your mate and a tendency to use sex to express your hurt feelings. There is also the tendency of some people to use sex as a reward. This is used more by women than by men, although both sexes have their proponents of this tactic. This also is an unclear use of sexual energy. Try to ally sex in your physical experience with love so that you either discover how you love the unlovable mate, and give yourself in that spirit, in the interests of prolonging the relationship until you have found a way to fall in love again, or explain carefully that you need to be celibate until you have learned to love again. Sex is not, in my opinion, in itself an excuse for the severance of a bad relationship. It is something that is
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a symptom of unclear energies between two people, because all sex is good sex to the red-ray chakra. Thus, if you are having difficulty with sex and it is not organic, that difficulty is likely a mismatch of orange-ray energies. Turning again and again to the ideal of unconditional love in your sexual life is highly recommended, for if you offer yourself in that energy, you are vibrating a clear red and orange ray, and the energy then is moving upwards on schedule, heading for the all-important green-ray heart chakra. This is your goal. You very much want to make the path of light free from obstruction so that in full force it may reach the heart chakra and activate it fully. Your greatest ally in achieving green-ray activation is your enthusiasm and will to seek clear and unconditional love. The energy of the Creator is pulled upwards along the spine by the seekers desire for ever-purer realizations of love and wisdom. It is in the deep intention of the meditator and in conscious intention to a lesser degree that the will to seek is honed. Let me take a moment to square off and talk about a very central problem for so many people who have started off on the path of spiritual seeking. Whether it is orthodox or heterodox, this seeking will change you. If you are in a relationship, but you cannot coax your friend, lover, mate or spouse to join you on this path, you will be walking a new path all by yourself in no time at all. Meditate for two months, and you will find yourself a person with a different mind, a different point of view. This does not do anything good for your relationship, for you will perceive that you have grown apart, that your mate does not any longer understand you and may not even approve of what you are doing. The further and faster that you go, the more obvious this difference becomes. Far too many marriages break up because of the catalyst encountered on the spiritual path. Many bitter words have been said by those who are attempting to become more compassionate. Many words of judgment have been cast at a perplexed and uncomprehending mate who is struggling to understand your new beginnings with his or her old ideas. The spiritual path seems so fresh, new and wonderfulwhich it isthat any sacrifice seems little enough to make in order to become more securely on the path. And so many a relationship ends, unfinished, forever a source of frustration to both parties, who wonder despite words to others whether the right decision was really made. If you are in this position, you are no doubt uncomfortable, and I do not want to minimize the validity of that discomfort. However, in my very human opinion now is a good time to keep your head and try to see things from the largest perspective available to you. There may be a lot riding on this decision, in terms of your responsibilities and commitments.
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In the first place, if you are married you made a contract. Look at it for the moment as a business contract. You agreed to sell goods and services to a corporation, the marriage, in exchange for nothing whatsoever, except love. There is nothing in a marriage contract about what a person will get from the relationship but rather two peoples promises of what they will give to the relationship. At the time of the wedding, presumably, both parties to the contract feel that they will be recompensed by society and by each other, by the fruits of marriage, such as a house and children, if indeed they thought about it at all. However, the actual contract, unless you have made a marriage agreement, is unequivocally a contract of giving with no expectation of return. What else does for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health and till death do us part mean? There are no guarantees. The first casualty of a broken marriage is your word. As I have described in the previous chapter, the deciding of what you think is right, and then being faithful to it, is very important in your preparation of character for the service of channeling. Does breaking your word strike you as something that is right? If it is not right, why are you doing it? If you are not being abused either physically or emotionally, but are merely finding life uncomfortable because you can no longer talk to your mate, I urge you strongly to consider carefully whether or not you wish to break your word. I have seen people who stayed together for a long time, and actually began making inroads in communicating with each other again. I have also seen seemingly hopeless relationships in which both parties stayed with the marriage because it was the right thing to do. It is true that the two couples that I have in mind are both unhappy in their personal relationships. However, it is also true that each of the two has, because they have made peace with the primary relationship, developed tremendously strong and helpful activities on other levels, and has become a much more powerful person, a person that she probably would not have become had she turned away from what she felt would be the right thing to do. It is a high price to pay for believing in your ideals. But in the long run, the majority of these things do in the end work out in a very comfortable manner. Perhaps the mate who is trying to hold you back because he is afraid of what you are doing decides that it is not worth it and leaves. The decision has been made for you, and you may go in peace. Perhaps the mate comes to understand you, or at least feels unthreatened by you, learning to see your activities as crazy, maybe, but harmless. If you can live with being misunderstood, which is not as difficult as it sounds, your problems are at an end, and you can go back to loving your mate as you loved that person in
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the beginning, without stint. At any rate, for the sake of the opening of the pipe which you are to become in order to be a channel for those concepts of heart and mind which may inspire others, it is very well to choose to relate to people as if they did not threaten you but as if you wished only to be of service to them. Far from being less important the more intimate the relationship, the principle becomes more important the more intimate the relationship is. How important it is to choose to see someone intimately important to you as positive, to see the relationship as positive! If you experience any difficulty or trouble in the relationship it is well to apprehend that trouble as an opportunity for learning. Judgment does not have any part in a clear expression of unconditional love, although its always a good idea to use your usual powers of discrimination in evaluating hurtful words that may be said to you in anger. If they are not true, discount them, but try not to hold a grudge. Nothing makes energy stop dead faster than that kind of negative emotion. Try to notice the good times that you may have even in a bad relationship. It is very easy to underestimate how valuable your mates presence is to you if that person is getting on your nerves. Let your mate go away, and you have a lot of opportunity to re-evaluate your judgment, but a diminished opportunity to save the situation that you have created by allowing separation to occur. Is this your situation: you have been a good mate, have given your all to the relationship, have been as good a parent as you could be and are now working to become more spiritually aware, but your mate has seemingly lost interest in you and is chasing after others? You are ready to chuck him/her out on his/her ear because he/she is rejecting you and being unfaithful. Now your mate is exhibiting symptoms of having orange-ray blockagea fear of being possessed by you, and a desire to be possessed by or to possess another. OK. That is your mates problem, not yours unless you take it personally. It very likely has nothing to do with you. Do you want to end the relationship because your mate is in emotional trouble? Maybe you cant take it, and then I say, fine, but do not try to learn to channel during this period of your life. Things are not settled enough for you right now. In order for your energy to be clear in this situation, you need to settle down, take a deep breath, and actively, prayerfully love your mate. He/she needs you right now. It is time for your marriage contract to be reviewed. Note that there is no small print. This goes for the mates of those who are drunk, insane, homosexual, drugged or otherwise difficult to live with. In order to preserve your own sobriety and sanity, you may have to effect a physical separation.
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Try not to effect an emotional one as well. Relationships are your life sustenance, in that they give in your you the most intense and satisfying catalyst of any force within your daily life. Because the universe is kind, you are allowed to learn through hardship how to become unattached to hardshiphow to embrace the opportunities for learning more about love that are implicit in every bit of difficulty that the relationship is causing you. As you attempt to clear up this orange-ray energy, also attempt to keep a vision of yourself as powerful in your minds eye. A powerful person can afford to give freedom to a mate or a friend, even if that freedom leads the other person to do something that you do not like. If you are powerful enough, nothing will make as much difference to you as your own opinion and your own perception. A powerful person can always choose to go the extra mileexhaustion is unknown to you if you are strong enough. And if you are strong you can choose to honor commitments even if that choice seems a Quixotic gesture. If another wishes to end the relationship, while it is impossible to generalize, it seems to me that the other persons wish is paramount, and the rule of free will is higher than any other consideration. This is my own ideaI put free will at the top of the list of ethical considerations. If you think differently, please do that! Game-playing in general is a muddying energy, and at whatever energy level you are playing games you will block the flow of energy through that center. It is difficult to play red-ray games, although people who starve themselves to the point of anorexia nervosa are certainly managing it. It is very easy to play orange-ray games, though the anger and other negative emotions this causes result in much illness. And in dealing with society, the frequent user of yellow-ray energy, it is easy to play games. By the time you begin consciously working on your orange-ray center, you have undoubtedly done a good deal of preliminary unconscious work already. None of us escapes being blocked in orange-ray in one way or another, and we make mistakes in judgment time and time again, blocking ourselves until we perceive the problem, communicate about it and clear it up. If we attempt to work on societal games before we have eliminated personal games, we will find ourselves working on games within games. The passions people feel for groups are a kind of extension of the ways that people feel about each other. If you are using people to get ahead in your job, for instance, you are expressing your opinion about a societal question: how does one get ahead in the world? However, if you had unblocked your relationships so that you did not allow yourself to attempt to use other people, you would not have been tempted to use that societal game to block the yellow-ray center.
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It is remarkably easy to play games without recognizing them, so any care which can be taken in removing games that you already know about from your palette of thoughts and actions is a good thing. To be remembered in every circumstance is the basic credo of one who wishes to be working on channeling: keep the heart chakra as open as possible, full of compassion and undemanding, unconditional love. The desire to be of service to other people is what will tune your receiver and empower it, so it is well to treat this basic frame of mind as your attitudinal goal. Of course the true goal always is to express yourself in your experiences as you really are, not to be insincere for the sake of appearance. So, what if you have real disagreements with friends or co-workers and find it almost impossible to achieve green-ray compassion with regard to them? Whoever the difficult person is, he is a mirror of you. Sometimes it helps to step back and take a good look at what is bothering you about someone else. Quite often one can see in ones self at least a shadow of the exact characteristic that you have found irritating in someone else. This realization not only makes it possible for you to go about the process of forgiving the person who has functioned as a mirror for you, it also offers you a new opportunity for contrition, self-forgiveness, amendment of life, learning and growth, as you hear criticism that you have made of the mirror of yourself, apply it to yourself and take in the lessons that you have given yourself. There will be, at least in many cases, an extremely small remainder of persons whose critical faults bear little or no resemblance to any characteristic of yours whatsoever. There are some people who are seemingly unfortunate, who have almost an instinct for being undesirable persons. Usually, these people have serious mental or emotional problems. Realizing this pulls the sting, at least for me, and makes the acid quality of the relationship leach away, so that my hearts sweet again, for why would I wish to heap further problems upon the head of one who is already greatly troubled? It is likely that whatever unfortunate person of this kind you know would not prefer to be pitied; most would rather arouse anger than truth. But for you, if not for your negatively emoting friend, pity is by far the better emotion, as compassion is a far more gentle service to offer another than anger. If you are using this reasoning for more than one or two people in your life, you need to polish your glasses. There is one characteristic you will need to watch as you continue learning and growing as a seeker and as an instrument: beware of becoming a fanatic. You will have more and more to share with people. You will be full of one
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enthusiasm and then another as your mind takes in all that it can of the spiritual literature available to us now, that body of books and other media being the largest it has ever been in our written history, due to the preserving of older books in libraries, and the constant deluge of new offerings as time moves on. The accumulation will leave you in many different moods at different times. At more than one point in your experience you will feel that you have the answer. Live with that, but try not to evangelize. This practice is one more means of the imposition of your will upon another, and what this whole chapter has been talking about is the supremacy of that most primitive of qualities, free will. It is of utmost importance that both other people and you shall have freedom of choice at all times. You cannot make anyone but yourself choose, nor can you tell people what their choices are. Each person is the center of his or her own creation. Although all choices are fundamentally between separation and unity, darkness and light, in one way or another, each persons perception of the choices and the times of necessity for choice, will be different. If a person comes to you and says, Im fascinated by what you are talking about. Lets talk about it. then you are being given free rein to engage in conversation of whatever length. Here you may witness to your own search and your own findings. But in the arena of everyday life, those who buttonhole you, whether on the street, at work, in your home or at church are not likely to be appreciated. It seems everyone is aware of the fundamentalist Christian groups who solicit contributions and interest door-to-door. Most are polite in telling their stories, but the common experience is that the visits are not welcome, at best. Perhaps many have also had the experience of relatives or friends who attempt to convert you to whatever religion they are purveying. The more usual reaction is a further emotional separation away from whatever bias your friend has attempted to force upon you. Especially in the free world, we are not accustomed to being told what to think, even by friends. And while we are susceptible to hints, advertising, teasing and other disreputable encroachments on free will, we usually have the sense to resent others attempts to change us when we are not ready for it, and not asking for it. Please know that in no way do I wish to suggest that you who cannot live any more with a husband or wife should force yourself to do so because of what I say, or that indeed you should do anything that I suggest. I am trying to expose, for what they are, the factors in sex, love, marriage, relationships with people and relationships with society that keep a person who wishes to
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be a channel from the relatively stable practice of that service. If you are working with difficult relationships, and your life is pretty torn up right now, by all means do what you must, or do nothing if you do not know what to do yet, and accept living in confusion for a while. But it would be recommended by me that you avoid the practice of channeling during this difficult period in your life. I say this especially strongly where marriage is concerned. It seems that for the most part people who live together without having gone through the marriage ceremony have a fairly realistic idea of the supremacy of the rights of the other person. This is not always true, but there is a tendency for it to be so. The married relationship, on the other hand, largely because of the pressures of many centuries of social distortion of the ideal marriage, is likely to be one in which unity has been broken up into two separate entities, the party of the first part and the party of the second! Husband and wife treat each other to some extent as adversaries rather than yoke-fellows, and instead of thinking about how to please and serve the other, number all the grievances which the other has committed against the self. As the relationship grows more stale the two mates may not even be communicating any more, although both feel that they have tried their utmost. Perhaps sexual promiscuity is an excess troubling you or your mate; perhaps impotence or frigidity has characterized you or your mates experience but not your own. Perhaps the fights about money have become too painful. Perhaps pride has been damaged too often. And frequently, the children that you have produced together are a most confusing responsibility, having become separate from rather than a part of the original love you and your mate had for each other. All these considerations are terribly stormy, and in any of them you will be experiencing negative emotions. Please note that I didnt say evil or bad emotions. There is an important difference. A negative emotion is bad for your channeling because it blocks energy from moving through to the heart chakra. A person in the grips of negative emotion by definition does not have a totally open heart center. Unconditional love and negative emotion are as much opposite as the negative pole and the positive pole in the battery of your car. If you want your battery to work, so that your car can start and do its work, you must have a negative and a positive charge. If you want to do work in consciousness you must have chosen whether you are going to be working on raising the negative charge or the positive charge. You know that the life led without conscious thought is pretty much a zero: one fairly positive thing done on impulse; one slightly negative thing done carelessly; another
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negative thing done by omission; another positive thing done because of helpful circumstance, the sum total being no polarization. Channeling while angry will put you into a very untuned situation. Your basic state of mind is positive, but your mind tunings less positive, because of the negative emotion. Therefore, you are far more liable to embrace distortions of more positive thoughts in less positive clothing. In other words, you will be channeling the equivalent of a nonpolarized lifea mixed message. A good example of a mixed message is the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. Moses was dealing with a very demanding populace who kept asking him for more and more specific information. He had a good contact, but all this specific information was very draining. So when his people asked for rules of life he received, not the positive do this and do that and your life will be blessed, but instead do not do this and do not do that, and you shall not be unclean. Negatives are built into this basically very positive set of suggestions, which certainly are inarguably just. Further relatively untuned communications can lay you open for many difficulties simply because you as a channel are not protecting yourself by living as you believe. Perhaps youve had the experience of a parent saying Dont do as I do; do as I say. I do not recall that argument ever making any sense to me. I railed bitterly against it, in fact, and was much disillusioned when I saw that good advice was not followed by good behavior on my parents part. In your own life, when you decide that something is true, and then you do not act on it, you are nullifying that truth within yourself. You are taking the power of the knowledge from yourself and from your consciousness. Your consciousness, your violet-ray summing up of instantaneous self, is your ever-present gift to the Creator. When you rob your consciousness you are robbing the first fruit of your incarnation. When you are in that situation, and come to realize it, it is time not to think badly of yourself, but to attempt to smooth out the difficulty and pain that you are feeling until your life is once again your God-given creation and not something that happens to you. Only when your life is once again largely a product of your conscious thinking, should you go after servanthood as a vocal channel. This is just to cut down on the odds of your running into real difficulty in your work and in your life. So get peaceful insofar as it is possible for you. Even if situations are difficult, if you can find peace and serenity within yourself as you look at these situations, you are in good shape. And so, onward to channeling itself.
hypothesis that there is a Creator. For the very fine tuning I prefer the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. I have known several channels who favored the Great Invocation, and there are many other acceptable and beautiful prayers, including the ones that you make up on the spot, the latter being perhaps the best, as they are the expression of your heart at that exact moment. You are also, once you receive a contact, in need of your actively discriminative faculties in challenging the source that you have contacted. In order to challenge any invisible entity, you must be able to state, in a sincere and unequivocal way, who you are, what you believe in, what you love and for what you would die. This is why the beginning of the process of becoming a channel is figuring out how your nature and mind tick. You cannot expect to challenge in the name of Christ if you are of a nature that does not find faith a comfortable emotion. You are not going to be able to challenge in the name of truth if you believe there is no truth, and that man can know nothing. Let us say that you are one who believesas the majority of new age channels seem to doin the Christ, not as Jesus the man, but as a consciousness which Jesus attained during his incarnation, but which is also attainable by any being who can keep his mind, soul, heart and strength fixed upon the Creator. You wish, then, to challenge in the name of Christ-consciousness. You feel, or you guess, that this is something that you can believe in. In this very complex society we are not used to saying things in a way which implies no relativity. We are used to situational ethics, wrong things being right under certain circumstances, and people leaving our religious beliefs pretty much alone in the interest of getting along with each other. It may be difficult for you to say unequivocally that you would die before you would deny the supremacy of the force of Christconsciousness in your life. It is possible for you to doubt the ideal because of the age in which we live. This is not an age of faith, unless it is faith in empirically derived knowledge. We know that all technology is going to be improved upon, and so even the newest gadgets are looked upon with a mixture of awe and the cynical thought that if we wait just a little longer the technology will improve and the price of the gadgets will go down. It is difficult to put our minds back into the world of unshakable ideals and eternal truths. And yet, if channeling has a real place in expanding our knowledge of the way things are, then it has that because it speaks of unchangeable truths, helping us to perceive them better, more simply and more directly.
So if you have trouble saying I challenge you in the name of (fill in the blank), stop and repeat the process recommended in Chapter Three, until you are not only comfortable, but in the position of an advocate of whatever unchangeable truth you have decided is that which is, to you, dearer than life itself. That for which you would die is surely that for which you can live, and the spirit world understands that kind of absolute fidelity. When you wish to become a channel you are wishing to communicate with what has often been called the spirit world. In fact, in libraries using the Dewey/Sears system most channeled material is classified under the heading Spirit Communications, including the work that I have done, which is in the area of alleged extraterrestrial channelings. Whatever the nature of spirits you wish to contact or have contacted, they have in common the characteristic of being without self-doubt. I have yet to hear or read a spirit communication from any source in which the spirits were agonizing over who they were or what they believed. It is just that kind of authority for which you are looking in a good contact. It is that kind of authority you need to have as you tune in order that you may challenge the source of your contact when you get it, to ensure that the point of view that you will be channeling matches your greatest and highest desire. The end result of all of your tuning is crystallized in the moment at which you do receive a contact. In the world of un-things opinions and thoughts are everything. There is no objective referent to pave the way to respectability. In the world of metaphysical thoughts and ideas, the strength with which you embrace your point of view is alone effective. When you have tuned correctly, so that each prayer and thought with which you tune is a meaningful and substantial statement of your belief system, then your challenging should be very easy, because you will have attracted an entity which is capable of communicating about that which you embrace. Presumably an advocate of the same committed, biased interest as you will be easily able to answer your challenge, whether it be in the name of Christ, Christ-consciousness, Truth, the White Light or whatever else you feel is for you the essence of what you believe. I believe that these last few thoughts are among the most essential that I have to offer. The tuning and challenging process is at the heart of responsible channeling. I have experienced, not once but many times, spontaneous channeling from new group members who have only come to their first meeting, but are very sensitive to the contacts of those who wish to channel through us. There are
people who are such naturally proficient channels that the concept of teaching them is basically laughable, except insofar as one may tidy up a rough diamond by appropriate faceting and polishing. Never have I met a person who could honestly say that channeling would be impossible, after having tried to learn for a significant period of time, two weeks intensively, or once a week for two months, say. There are many who discover that they are very uncomfortable with channeling. I have taught two disc jockeys, for instance, how to channel. One was a happy-go-lucky man, rather irresponsible, although charming and gentle as a lamb. He channeled immediately and with great facility, although I could never teach him any discipline and his channelings became repetitive enough that soon he lost interest in the whole process. He became bored with the new game, because he was not doing enough tuning to move out of his own perceptions into the carefully tuned openness necessary for impersonally transmitted information of interest to him. The other student, although in precisely the same jobmorning man on a highly competitive rock and roll station took his work in a different light. Both men were paid good salaries to be unpredictable and outrageous. However, the second student left none of his outrageousness to chance, doing hours of research and a good deal of preproduction before each show, tying it into the mornings headlines and the latest happenings of the town. Faced with the responsibility of channeling, the sober-minded DJ found himself unwilling to abandon his powers of discrimination long enough to allow anothers voice to put concepts in his mind. But the ease of that process is such that anyone who can let go of his powers of discrimination even a little bit can learn to channel. This isnt to say that everyone is going to be an equally excellent channel. Just about everyone can be taught to play chopsticks. However, the practice sessions are many and the hours are unforgiving betwixt that first rush of chopsticks happiness and a recital at Carnegie Hall. It is not easy to do concertizing or channeling well. The one who ends up doing fairly well is often the one who numbers perseverance and persistence as character traits along with sensitivity and an interest in metaphysics. Sheer practice is a tremendous teacher and the twentieth year of channeling is as informative as the first. The mental and emotional effort required to be an instrument does not slack off with time, but, if anything, becomes greater as experience accumulates. The reason for this is repetition. Almost anything is fun the first time. I do not have to be interested, particularly, in a given subject in order thoroughly to enjoy listening to
someone speak about it. I have a healthy curiosity and like learning about almost anything. However, the idea of doing something the hundredth or thousandth time that I was marginally interested in at the outset is crushing! And even though I enjoy being an instrument, there is a certain amount of energy involved in opening ones physical and perceptual doors, freeing up the necessary time, and readying ones self to be host for yet another weekly meditation meetingour group has been meeting since 1962, and I have been holding weekly meetings since 1974. My dedication needs to be greater now than it needed to be years ago. It is hard for me to imagine someone so very sociable by nature that, after twenty years, the mechanical aspects of holding a meditation will be the same. It might be helpful to note that not everyone can channel right away. However, the way the creation is made seems to encourage persistence, since, when you begin to want something, that active wanting generates a kind of magnetic field which keeps bringing that which you want closer to you. What happens to many people is that although they are not progressing rapidly in learning to channel, subjectively interesting things will begin to happen that suggest that something is taking place which is noteworthy. These subjectively interesting things will not constitute proof to any other person except for yourself. There will be some sort of private language between the interesting events and the way your mind is working which will ring a bell for you, letting you know that you are in the process of coming close to what it is you seek. There have been many examples of this in my own experience, but perhaps the most enjoyable account was that of a young man, Len, who was learning to channel in 1980. He came in complaining of the bitter cold winter weather, explaining that his ex-wife had borrowed his good down coat and not yet given it back. We sat down and began our work. He was taking intensive lessons, learning to channel. During the course of the session I channeled some information for him which seemed highly meaningful to him, having to do with the transformation of caterpillar into butterfly. He explained to me after the session that butterflies had always had a special significance to him. As I nodded my understanding, I saw, crawling towards his foot, a large light-brown woolly worm. It was a couple of months late for seeing these little harbingers of Jack Frost, and so I was surprised to see it at all, much less twenty feet into the house, crawling industriously towards one of the couches in our thirty-four-foot living room. The student sighted along the caterpillar, which had struck both of us with its continuation of
the butterfly theme, and saw his winter coat, in a little roll bundled up by the door. Of course none of this can be proven. One or the other of us could have introduced a butterfly into the channeling, followed it with a nice caterpillar appearance, and by the same token either one of us could have received the coat at some earlier time and merely placed it there for the other to see. That none of these things occurred is only of subjective interest, and that not even to me, but only to the student. When this sort of coincidence begins happening for you, even if you have not yet learned to channel, you will be cheered on your way, I trust, by the synchronicities of ceaseless spiritual coincidence. You will find that the more you let go in general, attempting to give up your life in impersonal service to all, feeling that there is a greater love than you can generate within yourself, and opening yourself to that love, the more you will find coincidences clustering in your life. When enough of these coincidences have occurred, you will have sufficient courage to let go. When you let go is up to you. If you take a long time to let go you are not a bad channel. If you open up right away you are not necessarily a good channel. If letting go is something you do very easily, then you probably need to work harder on tuning and challenging than you do on getting the contact. If you are having trouble getting your contact, stick with it. It just takes you longer to learn than other people. It took me two months, working every day, before I was able to deliver my first channeled message. It went as follows: I am Hatonn. Greetings in the love and light of the Infinite Creator. I am having difficulty with this instrument. If I can channel, just about anyone can! There are things which need to be put in place if you wish to learn to channel. Your biggest need is for a teacher. The teacher may not be that much better than you. What a teacher is, mostly, is more experienced. Those who have been working with the blending of energies between people or between spirits have battle scars after a while; their instincts are much improved from when they began; and perhaps a sense of humor has even been established where before there might have been an overly serious attitude. The most important requirement for a teacher, in my opinion, is that the teacher be there. NEVER WORK ON CHANNELING BY YOURSELF. Try to make your mistakes in the company of fellow meditators, at least one of which is an experienced channel who feels responsible to you. Its a crowded universe, and the new channel may well not have tuning or the
challenging of spirits well learned. You do not really want to tangle with a difficult contact by yourself at first. Things can happen and have happened in the past which caused the hapless channel considerable grief. Consider the public humiliation, for instance, of any woman who announces that she has been told that she will bear the incarnation of Jesus Christ only to be noticeably un-pregnant six months later, or the rueful grin of one who makes a terrifying prediction of certain doom for a certain day, changes his circumstances to a great extent in order to prepare for this dread date and then sees it come and go without incident. These examples only offer embarrassment, which is bad enoughnot nearly as bad as another possibility: being repeatedly troubled by a negative entity who, having discovered you, has no desire to stay away. Often, teachers of meditation and channeling will have groups built up around themselves. If you do not have the luxury of a group, start talking to your friends, if you are a person with a good many like-minded cohorts. If you are a man or woman who has up until recently led a very conventional life, with interests in the usual consumer items such as food, fashions and amusements, but now are taking a great departure from convention and opening up the inner life, you may not have much luck with your friends. In that case it is often fruitful to put a notice about forming a meditation group in the nearest library, health food store, Unitarian or New Age church, or even in the newspaper. Once you have found or formed a group it is ever easier from that point on to add teachers as needed. Everything that has been covered is part of what you needI could say review the book again, up until this point, to make sure you have all that you need to channel. However, under the best of circumstances, with a minimum of three in a group, with an experienced channel who is motivated to teach you, with the best of intentions, you still need the peace which only meditation can bring and which only discipline can make stick in your life. Forgive me for shying away from describing to you one of my actual training sessions. I do not want to make it easy for you to use this book in order to learn to channel by yourself. I worked as a librarian for years and love everything that record-keeping and retrieval implies about the human capacity for learning and creating new things. But it still seems to be the case that some things really shouldnt be availablethe plans for a do-ityourself atom bomb, and the instructions for precipitating spirit contact are two pieces of information I would just as soon not have readily available. If I taught you in these pages how to channeland I couldI would, by my
own code of honor/duty, be responsible for being available to each and every reader as a teacher thereafter. Since that is not possible, I prefer to teach only those who correspond with our group and come to a decision to embark with us on this experience of adventure and service in person.
night, look back over your day, and when you perceive that there has been an imbalance in your daysay you have been very impatient with a personyou return in mind to that situation, feeling again the intense impatience you felt earlier. Then, take the time to allow the antithesis of impatience, patience, to fill your mind gradually, replacing impatience in a natural flow. Then accept that patience as being part of your earlier impatience, and forgive both yourself and the person with whom you were so impatient for the incident, seeing it as a balanced act rather than an imbalanced one. As of that moment, your bad opinion of that person has been rescinded, and you no longer have the temptation of judging that person in a biased manner. Temptations which affect channels are usually problems of excess or ego. The red-ray energy center, or the root chakra as it is sometimes called, is the seat of appetite and desire. If you find yourself reacting to the stresses of channeling by overeating, talking too much, indulging too much in alcohol or any other such indulgence of appetites which seems excessive, you are either expressing a blockage of the red-ray center, in which case you need to get in touch with your body and get it to begin feeding you accurate signals, or an orange-ray blockage which has caused disturbance against which you are shielding, in which case you need to re-read the material on getting peaceful. (One other cause of indulging among channels is the need for earth-heavy food while channeling high energies. If you are losing weight while eating normally, youll need to eat meat, the redder and rarer the better. Sorry.) Temptations of excess are not the worst that you will ever face as a channel, but if you are dealing with these temptations and failing, it may be that you need to practice moderation in order to have that behavior in place when dealing with orange and yellow-ray blockages, which many people call egoproblems. Although it would be difficult to name all of the signs of the overly large ego in a channel, I can point out some of the bigger categories for you, and you can draw your own conclusions about anything that is not covered here. Excluding people who dont think as you do is using ego instead of compassion to relate to other people. The notion that you have something that everyone will find as helpful as you do is to be avoided at all costs, and I believe this even speaking as a committed and most grateful Christian. I have seen conversions, but I have only seen them occur when the time was right and when the witness was requested. It is difficult to walk around with answers and not expect everyones questions to match them. But I have
never seen any justification for this frame of mind, because everyones question is somewhat different in shape, even though we all want to know precisely the same truth. The problems of clouded perception are almost infinitely subtle. Thus, thinking that you have the answers is incorrect thinking in my book. However, many people go through their lives with a relatively narrow point of view, and are extremely good, giving and productive people, because the view that they embrace is one that is held by a satisfactorily great number of other people in the same community. The simpler the social structure, the more this is true. This is why people who have lived long in the country may well find far more things unacceptable than people who live in a big city, and have for a significant portion of their lives. Living with a crush of other people nearby teaches one quickly that almost no one thinks as you do. It is a sobering thought for many, and it probably has a lot to do with the popular resurgence of a simpler form of Christianity in this country, because a lot of people do not want to have to be that broad-mindedit is comfortable to have things spelled out: what to believe, what to think, what to do. Although living by the law is not something that has ever been shown to work, since people always break laws, it is one of the great temptations for people who would prefer not to think. Try to be a little better than the narrow-minded people who condemn those who do not think as they do. Withhold judgment and listen to what people have to say regardless of what it is. Things that make your channeling sound better are a great temptation, especially to the beginning channel. The great glut of specific information involving cataclysms that are just waiting in the wings is due to the quite logical demand for this kind of information. Say that you get a good philosophical source and are putting out a lot of inspiring material. You receive something about the coming of the New Age. People immediately want to question that. They want to know when it is all going to happen and whether in the birth of that New Age any part of their particular geographical vicinity is going to be made unlivable. People want to be able to survive the cataclysm of the ending of this age, if theres such in store, so that they can enjoy the age to come. Being within the illusion, we all ask questions of our contacts based on the premise that we will have to be living incarnate in a physical body on this planet in order to be able to enjoy the coming age. We forget about the incredible ease of dropping a body and picking up another one. We forget about the logical shape and rhythm of life and death and we want to hang onto this life, regardless of the rightness
of the destiny we have programmed for ourselves through the use of our own desires and experiences. One confusing cross-over which makes egoic temptations more difficult to detect is that the process of choosing what you believe, what you would die for, and, therefore, what you are going to live for makes you a more powerful person. The manipulation of your channeling makes you feel more powerful than you are, as does any situation in which youre telling another person what is what. If you like being a more powerful person, you may at first deem it a positive thing to feel more powerful, as well, not realizing you can fool yourself. The passionately opinionated person is always more powerful than the disinterested one, simply because the advocate has a motivation for saying something, while the truly disinterested person is likely to go his own way without bothering to set anyone straight, from his point of view. However, when the temptations of ego hit, it will still feel as if you are becoming more powerful, when actually you are attempting to create, or half-create, your channeling for the consumption of the audience, which is a no-no! People are always going to want more and more specific information. It is possible that they will want information too specific for your contact to provide on a regular basis. Lets look at that a little bit. You know that I feel that free will has supremacy as being of the greatest ethical value after the acknowledgment of consciousness itself. I find love an acceptable substitute for the word consciousness. However, free will is a more important thing to me, when deciding whether or not to do something, than considerations of love. If I am going to infringe on someones free will by what I say or do, I have to ask myself what right I have to intrude. I have the right to influence my family, my friends, perhaps even my neighbors, if there is some public wrong that needs righting that comes to my attention. Because I am an inhabitant of planet Earth, I have a right to influence others. However, entities whom I may contact are not inhabitants of planet Earth unless they are discarnate entities who used to live here. Oddly enough, many people do not believe ghosts exist. Ive seen quite a few, and will testify as to their apparent reality within my illusion. If you are channeling a ghost, which you well may be doing if you are working with a Spiritualist tradition, the ghost may give specific information, and it may well be that your contact is reliable and that the information will not disintegrate over a period of time, for ghosts are indeed inhabitants of this planet and do have the right to influence others here. If your contact is not a ghost, and you are
still getting specific information, beware. The good guys abide by the Law of Free Will to an amazing degree, pretty much out of necessity. Part of their desire to be of service is reflected in an attitude so polarized toward service that it is literally impossible for an entity to intrude more than a certain amount on any other entitys free will. Proof is not at any time attempted by metaphysical channels, since each must be free to make each and every choice concerning what to believe and how to live, for himself. However, negative contacts are very happy to give polluted information, polluted in the sense that the original positive message has been taken and edited so as to include additional information, which may or may not be true, but which is by its very nature going to depolarize the contact, making it gradually more negative and less positive, until the balance turns and the light which you have begun generating by acting in a polarized manner in service to the Creator goes out. To avoid that just keep looking for the highest and most informed contact and know that that contact will be unwilling and even unable to violate the dictates of free will. And so be warned when you begin to get an excessive amount of specific information. Your group, given that you are already channeling for a group, may well want specific information whether you want to channel it or not. If your chosen field of channeling is outer-plane, a cosmic contact rather than an inner-planes master, teacher or other discarnate but once embodied spirit, you may have to set group policy and say No specific questions, please. If you wish not to limit peoples imaginations by such a blanket disclaimer, you may simply allow yourself to sound silly fairly often, as you channel the explanation that you cannot answer that particular question because it would be an infringement on free will. We are talking about temptation, and the temptation to supply information that is requested is one of the trickier egoic temptations. You really want your channeling to be good, and to be received as good. One doesnt like to be criticized, and when all one has got for ones pains is a series of I cant tell you, because it would violate free will, the listener may be somewhat less than stunned by the excellence of your channeling. I advise you to live with that! The potential of giving in to this kind of temptation is the end of your contact and of your use as an instrument by positive contacts. It is a temptation to stay with one of the great misconceptions of every new channel, and that is that it is not really happening. The activity of telepathic reception has been studied, and one day will be documented, I am sure. But for now, our instrumentation is not enough sophisticated for the reliable documentation of this activity. When you begin to channel, it is inevitable
that you will think that you are the author of everything that you say, that theres a great conspiracy of people who are pretending that channeling is real when, of course, it isnt real. As each new channel gains experience, the subjective case for the source of information as being outside of the waking consciousness gets more and more persuasive until finally the channel no longer has very many qualms about working in any situation where the atmosphere and environment seem conducive to a peaceful session. However, the unconscious assumption that it really isnt happening somehow remains at the bottom of every channels mind and when a difficult question comes up the channel will tend to search his own knowledge, his own stores of accumulated conscious lore for the answer instead of leaving the mind free for whatever may come through. The longer that you have been channeling, the less excuse you have for this kind of lack of discipline, for the more confident you should be in the reality of what you are experiencing as an instrument. If you fall into the category of one who truly believes that one is generating ones own material rather than channeling it, I would like to know why you are reading this book, and why you are interested in channeling. It is true that it is easier to separate people from their money when they think that theyre paying you to function as a channel than when they think they are paying you for your advice. People often underrate good advice and overrate religiously oriented pronouncements, not trusting in their own powers of discrimination but rather in the power of someone else to know what is best, if that person is a religious or spiritual figure. Now, I really think that if you are reading these words, there is something in you that is saying the phenomenon is real. It has been a real experience to me and, I think, to many others. Try not to give in to the temptation to answer in your own words or in any way misuse the power of channeling. If you receive nothing, channel nothing. Every once in a while this will happen to you. Think of it as a test. If you are committed to your point of view you will not use your channeling ability in the service of a lesser ideal than your highest and best. If it is more important to you to produce something for your group than to channel well, channeling is not your area; being an instrument is not your forte. Turn instead to something over which you have complete control, at least in the sense of all your tools being in the world of objects. A typical social worker, for instance, must fight a great deal of red tape, ingrained behavior patterns and the emotional biases of many people in order to be of service, but at least he or she does not have to depend on unseen and invisible
emanations which are available only unpredictably. An instrument works closely with uncontrolled energies; that is, energies not under the conscious control of your waking personality. Always look at your personality and at the personality of each student, as you set about the work of channeling, for if you are not comfortable with the concept of being overshadowed by a force greater than you, or at least other and different than you, you will be miserable as a channel, and you will undoubtedly find the temptation of using your own information to the exclusion of awaiting the unpredictable contact too much to bear. People are often all too easy to impress, right now anyway, channeling for the last several years having come into fashion. While it is chic, people that wish to experience everything that is out there to experience will be listening to anything that claims to be channeled information with an uncritical ear, curious and eager to learn more. If a person of whom you think a lot asks you a question to which your contact does not reply it is very easy to fall off the channeling wagon and give your own opinion as part of the channeled message. You can say to yourself that you are actually just saying what the contact would say if you were channeling and, therefore, are not misleading anyone. This isnt true. If someones opinion is more important to you than your own knowledge that you have channeled honestly, again, you should be in a line of work in which you do not have to depend on unseen friends whose situation you cannot control. If someone whom you do not know asks you a personal question, you will likely not know the answer. The human temptation is to give the ego a little bit of room and make a comment that would indicate neither that you knew or did not know the information, but did indicate an appropriate attitude. Its called saving face. Tell it as it is, to yourself and to everyone else. People have only your word that you are channeling at all, much less producing material in good faith from the best source you can contact. This whole business can be a con game, because a confidence game is based on other peoples trust whether you deserve it or not. Dont be a con man. Deserve the trust that people will inevitably put in you. Youre not responsible for the information itself but only for the production of that information, by your preparation as an instrument of integrity, by the tuning you have undergone and the challenges you make before you accept contact. Think of yourself as the village philosopher, if you want a handy slot in which to put yourself. That philosopher has often been a drunk and when not a drunk, often an idiot. You are merely upholding a long-standing tradition of people whose minds have been upset and overshadowed by a force greater than their own,
obviously rather weak minds. Let your mind be called anything, but let your faith in the overshadowing of a benign and kindly universe capable of communicating to us furnish you with enthusiasm and respect for the channeling that you have set out to do. Here is a situation for you: you start getting information from a Lord Joseph, or a Commander Umgawa. You know that names of contacts are often somewhat similar to the sounds that young children make when they are trying out the languagelots of exotic consonants and a liberal supply of vowels. The title may not at first mean anything to you. Be warned. The title is a kind of temptation; a name that makes your channeling seem better serves to aid the perceived elevation of the contact. Mind you, this is not something you have consciously done. In part you are responding to childhood training perhaps, a childhood in which a Jewish or Christian service you attended filled your ears full of Lords and titles such as Almighty, Everlasting, Blessed, Holy, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Wonderful. It sounds natural to have Lord Hatonn, for instance, instead of Hatonn in terms of spiritual talk that you have heard previously. Also a factor is the inevitable respect which you will develop for your contact or contacts, causing you unconsciously to give them honor in your own mind. However, it has not been my experience that it is common for even the most far-advanced positively polarized spiritual entity to offer praise on its own behalf or use a title. The typical contact is attempting to get out of the way of the message itself which the contact considers its only reason for communication. Contacts do seem to take an almost childlike delight in meeting with the people who sit in a session or in meditation. However, they make note of their delight by blessing those whom they have met, not by talking about their titles and honors. When you hear such a title, as you inevitably will, challenge the contact again in the name of the highest and best that you know. Lesser contacts flee from you if you ally yourself with a matchless point of view with every fiber of your being. Mind you, there may yet be an entity who is Lord this or Commander that, who happens to be a good source of very interesting information. Your contact may be the exception I have not yet run across. However, the odds are against it. The final temptation is a simple one, and I have talked about it already: the temptation to progress too fast. Try to remember at all times that what you are working on is basically not your channeling but yourself. It is yourself that you bring to channeling, and only yourself. All your work is interior. All your advances are invisible. You are disciplining your mind and your personality in order that it might be turned over to the highest and best
source that you can contact for purposes of information giving. If you attempt to add phenomena to your little list of achievements too quickly, while disregarding and not dealing with the matters and concerns of daily life, you may well cause a real weakness in your being by allowing blockages in the lower energy centers to occur, severely limiting the amount of light that is available for use by the heart chakra. Respect yourself enough to be yourself, whatever the temptation to improve artificially or beforehand upon the person you truly are, right now.
Psychic Greeting
went down faster than he came up. That bad temper is the kind of opening which makes one vulnerable to psychic greeting. There are other forms of psychic greeting, besides the classic feeling of being possessed by another mind. There are times, for instance, when ones best intentions are lost in an amazing flurry of bad luck at a critical time. Opportunities can be cut off that will never come again. If a person runs into these things randomly it is undoubtedly the working of happenstance. It does not do to get paranoid; unfortunate coincidences are far more frequent occurrences than are psychic greetings. However, if you have been experiencing a lot of polarizing changes of consciousness lately, and because of those changes of consciousness find yourself wishing to do something for someone else that would be noteworthy in some way, you may not be paranoid by ascribing bad luck to more than simple coincidence. When you begin attempting to polarize yourself you may find after a few weeks, months or years that you have done enough work to experience the time of transformation which is sometimes called initiation. I have experienced two of them of which I am aware; there may have been more which were hidden from me by the mundane nature of crisis: I have often thought that initiations sometimes take place through the catalyst of illness or tragedy, when the biocomputer-mind is full of the energy of dumped programs. During initiation one can get very uncomfortable. One tends to lose sleep and experience unwelcome and seemingly negative greeting. The initiatory period may last two months or two years. There is a period to any initiation, a merciful ending of the stimulus once it is no longer needed. The phenomenon, in my opinion, has to do with the lions at the gates of the temple concept which has been related to me by Buddhist students. When one moves from one level of intensity of seeking or adoration to another, one is changing ones basic level of consciousness, and in order to move from one level to the next, one must move through a semipermeable boundary area. There is resistance at the boundary, making it more difficult to make the shift than to stay where one is. The process of initiation involves a steadfastness of seeking and a confidence that all is truly well in spite of appearances, that love will indeed conquer all. The most common experiences during this kind of transformational period are nightmares which wake one up with regularity in the deep of night, with the most likely period of awakening being from three-thirty to four in the morning if you have a normal sleeping pattern. During the day the feelings of nightmarebaseless unease and dreadcan continue with or without waking nightmare visions. One can get stray negative thoughts which,
Psychic Greeting
seemingly, coming from nowhere, immediately take over the mind, challenging the stability and courage of the seeker. There can be the intensification of any existing physical disease or unease, or mental or emotional unease. My bad temper at the cats importunities is one opening which a negatively oriented spirit could use to trigger feelings of guilt in mefor indeed I should have been more patient not just then, but in other situations throughout my life. Anything one does that is unbalanced like that, ungraceful, disharmonious, petty, is a freely-given hostage taken by the forces which wish to block the positive work that you are doing. If you pay attention to the sounds inside your mindmost seekers and students whom I have known have experienced theseyou may find one sound or position of sound in the head which will serve as a warning when something erroneous is being thought, or may serve as a signal when you are doing something extremely well for the first time, and the thought is one which you wish to emphasize and remember. When most people come to me with questions about psychic greeting, the thrust of their inquiry is as much, Why me? as What is it? The whys of psychic greetings begin with the already noted orientation of the instrument toward the invisible world. Channels are committed to service to others by communication with unseen sources. If you are an instrument whose work is generating positive emotions and thoughts in those whom the words are serving, you are functioning as a messenger for a source of light, light that is invisible to most of our waking eyes but is all-powerful in the world of thought. Let me put the concept of Armageddon before you because I believe that there is a kind of Armageddon that has been on-going for quite a long time on the inner planes. What I am telling you is my opinion only, and I do not wish to sway you by it, but this is what I think the nature of Armageddon really is: I believe that consciousness exists in several densities or levels of awareness. Earth, wind, water and fire are of the first density; plants, animals and all things that grow are of the second-density; and selfconscious, third-density beings take up a more spiritualized or light-filled body, with light packed more densely, hence the term, density. Fourthdensity entities are completing the lessons of love and beginning the attempt to learn wisdom in addition to love. Because real love is the Creator, agent and enabler of service to others, fourth-density beings have a strong desire to protect those of third-densityusfrom the massive amount of information made available to us by their opposite numbersfourthdensity negatively polarized beings, who have the reciprocal attitude toward
Psychic Greeting
fourth-density positively polarized beings. The concept of angels and demons in a heavenly battle is not an altogether satisfactory distortion of what I conceive the situation to be, but it is recognizable as the same situation. I do believe that one era or density is coming to an end on planet Earth and that another is about to begin. I dont believe that there is any necessity for a totally catastrophic earth change or changes, although I have read some of the same books you may have and accept the possibility, in some cases even the probability, of some inconvenience, as my favorite contact once called the probable scenario of earth changes. While we move through the process of density change the Armageddon of the thought world rages. Neither side can win because the forces of love lose polarity by doing battle and as they begin to win, as they must, since they bear the standard of love, they realize that they must pull back in order to regain polarity. In leaving the field of battle they lose the edge that they have gained. And so the battle is unending. It is my somewhat sad conclusion that this is a war that will not end in any probable future. However, the negative polarity is valuable, and needs to be appreciated. Without the concept of polarity there would be no way to accelerate the process of spiritual evolution, either in the path of service to others, or unity, or in the path of service to self, or separation. We are talking as instruments, for the most part, to those of the next density, occasionally fifth or sixth density, but more often fourth, who are in some way involved in this spiritual Armageddon. It is not a battle in which spirits are slain; it is a battle for minds and hearts. When you accept the responsibility of becoming a contact for a positively oriented source of information you are joining this battle. And because you are working for the forces of lightby definition, not making a judgment between good and evilyou are, by connection, vulnerable to the same attacks from what could be called enemy forces, though because we are sources of light the last thing we wish to do is hate, fear or feel anger towards negatively oriented, unseen beings. When you have generated a significant amount of light by yourself or within a group, you will probably be greeted by those on the negative path. The closer you have managed to bring your life and your work to the consciousness of the source of all love and light, the fiercer will be the greeting offered to you. This is part of the plan, I believe, of a fair-minded Creator who believes that the free-will choices of His creations are far more effective than the relatively uninteresting actions of those who do not have a choice but who must be good, or evil. So if you are, or think you are, receiving a psychic greeting, do not ask, Why me? for everything that you
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have done to prepare yourself to be a channel, and all that you do to be faithful in service as an instrument, has put you in an extremely predictable situation: you will come to the attention of those lobbying for the antithetical point of view to the one offered by messengers of love, light and service to others. How should I handle it? you have asked me quite often. As soon as possible, is the first answer that comes to mind. A psychic greeting is like priority mail. It should get your attention immediately. In the first place you would not be getting a psychic greeting unless you had left yourself open to temptation, had been successfully tempted and did not amend your thought or action, for if you deal with temptations as they arise, psychic greeting is not possible. A person that leaves no openings will not be attacked. If negatively oriented entities could be said to have one predictable characteristic, that characteristic is caution. Negative entities have a great deal to lose if they get into a situation where they will fail. Failing is a negative no-no. Look at the situation from the negative point of view. Service to the self, the controlling of others for the use of the self, is the name of the game. If you cannot control another you have failed, so it is unlikely in the extreme that you are undergoing some type of psychic greeting unless you have left yourself indefensible on some point. Weve talked about some of the temptations, most of which have to do with either ego or excess. Look through your relationships, your conversations and your private behavior for those actions which are not consistent with your own deepest point of view. Because you are in a vulnerable position as an instrument, vis--vis psychic greeting, it is well for you to be thinking in terms of ethical behavior so that you do not cause yourself unnecessary difficulties. You may have to force yourself to recognize and accept your own shortcomings. It is far easier to say that you are being attacked by someone or something that hates you because you are a messenger of light than it is to take responsibility for the attack, recognizing that you have placed yourself in the position in which you now are by some omission or commission of action or thought. You are not alone if you find yourself wasting time by saying But I have done nothing. You probably have done very little; however, anything which leaves room for question may be enough to let in negative greeting. The harder that you want to work for light and the more that you want to help this planet, the more care you must take in the conduct of your own private and public thoughts and relationships. It does not matter what anyone else thinks of you, in the spiritual sense. You are not responsible to
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other peoples opinions. If you are acting according to the highest and best that you know in metaphysic and ethic, and if your life equals your thinking and your work, you have eliminated the cause of psychic greeting. Of course if you are human and on the planet in a physical body at this time, you have probably not succeeded in becoming the ideal, God-realized being. Just keep trying. When you respond to psychic greeting with fear or anger you are giving negatively oriented entities precisely what they want. The more you fear, the more you struggle and the more you rage, the tighter will be their grip upon your attention and the less you will be able to do about their greeting of you. To those upon the negative path, negative emotions are sweet. It may seem backwards to us, but taken in terms of negative polarity fear and anger are quite normal, and the more fear and anger you feel towards a negatively oriented entity, the more that entity feels you have complimented its work. It is up to you to invoke the power of love in this situation. My favorite contact, a group entity of many individuals called Ra, has called the positive path the path of that which is and the negative path the path of that which is not. Love makes us all one and is all that there is; however, the positive path is based upon an appreciation of that fact, whereas the negative path is based upon a denial of that fact. Since universal love is the natural environment of the positive polarity it is relatively easily generated, by thinking on the Creator of all that there is, for that original consciousness, undistorted and whole, underlies all that there isthis is the basic belief system of those whose channeled messages we are getting, at least in the majority. Love is delicious to those of positive polarity when it is non-manipulative. However non-manipulative, unconditional love given to negatively polarized beings is as distasteful to them as anger and fear are delicious. All that is good to us is evil to them, for they are perceiving the exact opposite of the path of light. Thus the power of love is not found in its ability to control as much as in its capacity to fill positive things with joy and negative things with the desire to leave. Sending unconditional love to a negative entity who greets you psychically is much like sending a bouquet of spoiled flowers. The smell is malodorous and sickening to the recipient, who promptly turns on his heels and vacates the premises, having realized it is the receiver of a positively oriented psychic greeting. However, you cannot send love in order that the entity will go away. This is conditional love, and as such is very dear to the hearts of negatively oriented
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entities. If you wonder about this seeming contradiction, look at relationships where two people are trying to control each other through love. It is never a pretty sight. Control and love are conflicting forces. Unconditional love should be sent to the entity which is greeting you. It should then be sent separately and consciously to the greeting itself. Love should also be sent to yourself, that you may have the grace to forgive the intrusion and forget it completely. It is always well to conclude with an inner statement of fidelity to the point of view which you have come to hold and a form of thanksgiving that is meaningful to you, and to the Creator for giving you this opportunity to learn. If you have gone through a series of experiences of psychic greeting without having the knowledge of how to deal with them this may seem like an extremely oversimplified answer to a thorny problem. It is simple; however, it is also effective. Just remember that the first thing you need at all times is knowledge of yourself so that you may have faith in who you are, be energetically engaged in the pursuit of positive polarity in a way consistent with your point of view and, above all, be committed to service. Once you have your feeling of self well articulated you have positioned yourself in such a way that dealing with psychic greetings becomes a simple application of faith and will. You must have faith in the power of love, you who are servants of the consciousness of love, and you must have the will to use love to respond to a greeting from negative entities. For without willpower there is a great temptation to feel sorry for yourself and powerless in the face of the unseen. If you are not afraid to channel the positive, do not be afraid to face the negative serenely. There is a difficulty with filling your mind with something immediately after you have gone through psychic greeting and the sending of love. It takes a few minutes, at least, for the feeling of being invaded to fade entirely from the consciousness, whether you have just hallucinated that you have stepped on a small dead animal, or smelled an awful smell which was found to be sourceless or had a waking nightmare which terrified you (all these things have happened to me). I dont want to start listing frightening things that can happen to one undergoing psychic greeting; if you are reading this chapter with interest you probably have a lot to tell me! A history of some encounters I have had with psychic greetings is included in THE LAW OF ONE, Volumes One through Four, especially Volume Three. While you are waiting for this aftertaste to disappear you are still vulnerable even though you have sent love, because fear and anger at the intrusion are still possible. Sometimes the mind does not want to let go of those emotions. It is well to
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fashion for yourself some general statement of affirmation and have it on hand to say to yourself, preferably out loud, during those five or ten minutes that it takes for you to get back into a comfortable frame of mind. I have written my own, and you may wish to write yours also. Counting your blessings is a good way of expressing the kind of writing I would encourage. You may also use affirmations that have been written by others, such as Psalm 91 or Psalm 23. If you are waking up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep because of psychic greeting coming to you through nightmares, you may find a prayer of Dion Fortunes helpful and I would encourage you to read her book, PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE, now available in paperback. If you are a member of a group which is undergoing greeting from a negative source and your place of working has been compromised, I recommend W. E. Butlers book. THE MAGICIAN: HIS TRAINING AND WORK, also available in paperback. Fortunes book is written from the standpoint of Christ-consciousness being an expression of perfect love. Both books are written by practicing white magicians. I do recommend this additional reading, since these authors give not only solutions that work but also an excellent foundation for removing the feeling of strangeness from the situation. It is not a good idea to be in awe of negative forces, nor is it good to be flippant about them, but rather to be in balance and to be able to respond appropriately using the polarity you have gained and asking for the forces of light to aid you. The books may or may not be what you are looking for; however, I feel it would be irresponsible of me to tell you about the very helpful material in them without recommending the volumes in toto. The practice of ritual magic is demanding and should not be undertaken by yourself alone, or lightly. However, some few specific applications of ritual are benign and helpful even to novices. Don Elkins, Jim McCarty and I used material from these volumes during our contact with the social memory complex of Ra and found it to be efficacious and most uplifting to us all personally as well. It is work done with devotion or not at all, and I hope you will take it most seriously if you decide to pursue this material. Further, I would greatly appreciate you doing your reading before you use any material. It is important in the context of their contribution to ritual magic and their making this material available that the student who essays its use read what else the authors had to offer. As a channel you are a bridge from the world of thought to the world of what we see around us. Try in all things to lend your frame of mind to
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respect and honor the invisible world, both its positive and its negative citizens. All are denizens of the same creation and unique and precious portions of the One Creator. We share consciousness, and we are all literally in it together. Be not afraid!
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groups that are placing an emphasis on study can meet with any periodicity with good results. The first person to consult is, of course, yourself. Youre helping far more if you offer fortnightly meetings for years than if you choose a rigorous schedule in a burst of energy, then burn out. Your program format is entirely up to you. I would suggest that you carefully consider the benefits of evening meetings since more people can come then than at any other time. You would be frustrated if you attempted to keep the social processes out of your group. Expect social time before and after each meeting. Do not frustrate yourself by hoping that people will come on time, start on time or leave as soon as the study or meditation is at an end. Part of the process of seeking the Creator is talking with other people who are doing the same thing. Your best bet is to listen carefully during social times for opportunities to use the time for study. With a little direction a maundering conversation can be turned into a lively discussion. Sharpen your ears and your vocabulary and cultivate the flexibility that it takes to use interesting concepts within an aimless conversation as the starting point for a far more intentionally vectored discussion. Dont expect people, by and large, to be able to sit longer than ninety minutes. Most people need to stretch after about 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes this is quite impossible as one is right in the middle of meditation or a speakers finest words at that point. However, scheduling material upon which one has to concentrate to last longer than an hour and a half at a sitting is not wise. Possible, often done, and sometimes unavoidable, but not wise. After the programs main content is done, try to build in a question-and-answer period. If your group is studying with speakers, ask the speaker to open his speech to questions and answers within the 60 to 90-minute period. If it is a meditation with channeling, encourage your contact to open the meeting to questions. The process of learning almost always involves questions and answers. Learning by rote works well if you have an audience completely under your control and are absolutely sure of what you are saying. If, instead, you feel that what you know is true for yourself but not necessarily so for others and if you wish to give others the free will to search as intensely as you have, you will encourage questions and discrimination in your students and discourage rote learning. If people do not know why they are thinking, saying or doing something it will all get mixed up anyway when the student attempts to put it to the test, so try not to be intolerant of others confusion but, rather, support and nurture creative confusion and questioning.
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If you are having people in your home especially, but even if you are meeting in a public place, you as leader are responsible for refreshments. You may want to take up a collection in order to pay for them. Some study groups charge admission to cover the same costs. I strongly suggest that you offer only beverages before a meeting. Coffee and colas with caffeine are considered helpful for those involved in channeling sessions, since there are some indications that caffeine aids the telepathic process. Afterwards, your hospitality may be as generous as you wish. However, before a quiet, sedentary activity such as sitting in a meeting it is foolish to load peoples stomachs up with food, and, heaven forbid, liquor. Both make people feel logy and drowsy, a consciousness antithetical to the questioning process. Before you begin to have meetings, do some thinking about how you feel about hospitality. Face the responsibilities of what you will require of yourself in order not to feel guilty about offering domestic courtesy and be sure that you can satisfy yourself. I would suggest that you encourage people to help themselves even if it is your own kitchen. Put things out where people can find them fairly easily and let people serve themselves. You will be far more helpful to your students sitting and talking with them than you will be serving them drinks. You need to be right there listening as much as possible because you are in a position to note, to some degree, the dynamics of the group. You will be hearing things that bring a group together and things that drive a group apart. If you notice that new people are feeling ignored and being left out you can make sure more than anyone else there that the person is brought into the conversation. If you hear joking and kidding you can encourage that and help the group to feel more cohesive and tied together in an enjoyable way. Take this side of being a leader quite seriously. It is most important to people who are finding your group and coming for the first time. It is the community as well as the channeling experience that people want when they come to you. It is human nature to want to belong and many people who are a wakening to what may be called a cosmic awareness feel distinctly odd. Your group is one place where an oddball with a questing mind and heart can come and not feel very odd, since everyone else in the group is in the same boat. Try to use your personal assetssexuality, intelligence and personalityto make your group members feel comfortable and at home. Yes, I included sexuality: we all have it and were all pretty aware of it. I dont mean, ladies and gentlemen, that you should flirt with others and be anything but chaste with one another as a general rule. What I mean is that you may smile warmly at someone and position yourself in a
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vulnerable and open way, perhaps moving slightly past the usual boundary of social space for a moment or so for the sake of making someone feel like a more intimate friend to you. This is a sexual tactic oftentimes. However, it can be useful to you as a leader in making people feel more comfortable. You are acting in an impersonal role as a group leader and you may look upon all of your assets as being impersonally appropriate as long as you are not charming people with mixed motives. Charm them; make them feel comfortable; but do it without attachment to any outcome, for you do not want to manipulate people. You only want to make it possible for them to feel comfortable. Almost everyone is shy in a new environment, and some people remain shy always. There will be more shy people coming to your meditation group or study group than you will meet in the general run of social intercourse since contemplative, thoughtful people are also often introverted. Expect and be ready for this challenge. If you yourself are shy, as am I, start saying to yourself, Love the one youre with. Itll help. If you have meditation students that are learning how to channel from you, try not to yield to the temptation to use your public meetings as teaching meetings for your students. Let the content of the meetings be devoted entirely towards contacts which are intended to inspire those who have come to hear the channeling. The teaching process is time-consuming and much too wasteful of your other students time to be acceptable for the public meetings. It is also more difficult for new channels to exercise their instruments in front of a larger group of people than they have been used to in the intensive teaching sessions. It is better not to put a new instrument through that until the instrument says to you, It is time for me to channel in a public meeting. Here is a list of donts for you with a few comments. Dont throw your weight around. You have developed opinions on everything that you have thought about or at least you are in the process of doing so and can talk about that. Because you are the leader of a group, your students may be hanging on your words. You may find the experience a bit heady and start offering your opinions on everything from the right recipe for Boston clam chowder to the validity of the Shroud of Turin with the same careless grace that you offer your opinion on how to aid one in deepening the meditative state. Dont do that. The temptation is great. But that is exactly what it is: temptation. As a channel you are the ideal of yourself. You tune yourself to a state that you probably do not enjoy as a private person. When you come
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out of meditation and are not channeling you and I are as much bozos as anyone in this world. Our opinions matter no more than anyone elses, and someone else may have a better recipe for clam chowder! Dont misuse your influence. Dont assume that people know anything. We turned the lights out at a very large public meeting years ago and settled down into the muscular silence of eighty seeking people. Into the thick velvet dark came a tentative masculine voice inquiring, What happens when the lights go out? We hadnt told this new student what to expect! Talk to your students before their first meeting about how your group meditates, about what channeling sounds like, what conditioning sounds like, what aids there are to meditation and so forth. Be sure that you have explored with the student the basic reasons that brought him or her to the meeting. Dont wait for confidences. Be bold and say What brings you here tonight? The sentence or paragraph answering that question will enable you to follow through with the information that that particular student needs for orientation to your particular meeting. No two meetings are alike. No two students are alike. Dont take the formation of the circle lightly. Dont leave your own circle, and plainly tell anyone else who does so that it is undesirable. Circles that are restless and broken make it very difficult for good channeling to happen because the energy of the group is too unreliable. The energy can be rather low and still be excellent for channeling if it is stable throughout the meeting. Dont lock your door during a meeting unless you want to make it impossible for late-comers to enter. Nothing is more distracting than a doorbell or knock in the middle of a profound silence or a quiet inspirational channeling. Unplug the telephone also. Whatever you do to tune the group, dont let it be a spoken relaxation session unless you know each student well enough safely to predict that no one has the slightest probability of going into trance. I have had that happen to me on a couple of occasions. Once, spontaneously, and there is nothing that you can do about that. The other time it was my fault. I did not realize how very susceptible one of my students was to the deeper levels of concentration and effectively hypnotized him into a trance state. All I was doing was telling people to relax their heads, their necks and so forth, moving down to the toes little by little. Everyone else had a very good meditation. But for Charlie it was excruciating. This excellent channel has
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not used his gift since the time that he had so much trouble getting back into his body as a result of my relaxation suggestions. Along the same lines it is well for you to call out the name of anyone who does not begin to move after a meditation. If anyone in the circle is sitting absolutely still, leave the lights off and be sure that the person is responding to his or her name before you illuminate the room. It is physically painful to someone in a trance and out of the body to come back into the body as quickly as one must do when the turned-on light triggers the reflex that pulls the consciousness back into the body. Dont expect your students to attend meetings regularly in perpetuo. Some will stay a month, some a year; many curiosity-seekers leave after their first meeting never to return and a tiny few will eventually offer to join your work, becoming colleagues and associates. Know that a student will have an internal rhythm and needs to come and go in freedom. Avoid in every possible way making people feel guilty about missing a meeting, and dont assume students are ill because they miss a meditation. Your serene refusal to be egoically involved in who comes to meetings makes it possible for oldtimers to dip back into the old group when the desire arises. Dont get upset if a batch of new people suddenly falls in love, messily, with each other. The experience of opening the heart chakra to unconditional love is powerful, and if it happens to several people at once they may well believe that the whole world is full of wonderful, adorable people, especially the other students so similarly enthused. Counsel caution; keep and honor any confidences and trust that time will sort out the lovebirds into metaphysically and socially appropriate pairings, plus leftovers, single people who are quite benefited from exposure to universal love, and usually more fit than before for a deep relationship. Dont assume that you will remember anything. This last may be my private taboo, based upon my spaciness. I make absentminded professors look smart. However, it may well be that to some degree we all have faulty memory. Get new students addresses and phone numbers as soon as you can remember to do so. We use a Guest Book. There may be some reason that you want to call someone up on the phone. You will have a precious hard time doing so without a complete list of your members. Try to record all of your channelings or your speakers talks if you have any thought at all of keeping an archive of what you have done in this endeavor, or if you contemplate publishing your material. I found out years ago that no matter how obvious it may be to you that this particular session is not
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going to be worth recording, it will be that session that you did not record that you will wish that you had recorded. Write down all the things that are borrowed from you, assuming that you are holding the meetings in your home and that your library is open for browsing. It is almost impossible to remember to whom you have lent books or other materials or when you lent them. If it is all written down at the time a book is taken it is much easier to retrieve the volumes that you have spent some resources to collect. There are some dos to meetings as well, in my opinion. Do try to keep it light. There is nothing more serious than the search for truth and yet there is a tremendous amount of humor involved in the nature and details of our quests. Much about the human condition is quite ridiculous and to put on the cloak of unflappable dignity is to leave a good deal of human nature quite uncovered. If you feel that the group is getting overly serious, or if there is some special occasion, by all means have a party in which no one has to say a single serious thing or listen to serious words. A silent meditation is almost always welcome, but in a party atmosphere it is not always necessary. In a serious-minded group it is good once in a while to get together just to laugh. Do stay on good terms with your opposite numbers whether they be local or far-flung. Try to respect and have fellow feeling for people who run other groups. If someone is holding a meeting at a particular time, take pains yourself to choose another time, or talk to the first group about finding some way to accommodate each other so that both groups can appeal to the same people. It is a very large city indeed that has an unlimited supply of metaphysical seekers. Do tell your story. Let people know how you got started in channeling and how you came to be offering group meetings. Nothing makes a person feel more at home than the feeling that he knows you. And nothing makes a person feel closer to you than knowing your story. In this particular application it is not egoistic to talk about yourself but a necessary part of being a good leader. Note: anything can be overdone! And, finally, do talk a lot about the concept of being a light group. There are a lot of people all over the world who share the concept of generating more and more light on planet Earth and who see that planetary generation of love, compassion and peace as being the most important work that we
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can do. You, as a group leader, need to make people aware that you do not function alone but that there is a large network of light groups in the community of metaphysical seekers, all of whom are dedicated to the same propagation of planetary light to offer to the Creator on behalf of Earth. When Don Elkins, my beloved companion and fellow worker, was alive, he used to joke a lot about saving the planet. Don always thought big, and I believe that he affected more people personally than almost anyone else I have ever met by his thoughts, his vision and his very being. It may seem like impossible, idealistic thinking to talk about generating enough light to create a different Earth. But that is the direction in which light groups tend to move. The more deeply one thinks about the reasons for banding together in groups, the more one realizes that the formation of any group that is positive in polarity is based upon the theory that we all are one and that together we are more powerful and able to aid others than we are separately. This makes other light groups most precious to us. Above all, see yourself as ministering to people seeking truth. Your group is most likely made up of people who would go to some church, be it Christian or non-Christian, if only they could deal with the doctrines and dogmas of orthodox religion. Your group is functionally a kind of church, which is a good thing if you can respect the concept of group worship without insisting that to a general reverence be added specific detailed beliefs which your people are not able to accommodate. Respect your group as if you were a priest and they were your congregation. You are in the role of teacher to earnest pilgrims seeking the truth. You are ill-suited to lead them. Everyone is. Dont let that stop you from trying but rather keep a merry heart, a light touch and a warm smile as well. Balance every instinct towards compassion with a careful examination of the direction of conversation so that you do not offer sympathy when it would be more instructive and helpful to put things in perspective for a student. Always err on the side of compassion, but let your experience guide you and when you feel that a person is too close to his problem, do not be afraid to use your position as teacher to get the students attention and say not I know what is right, but rather, Here is something to think about. Good luck with your group! My prayers are with everyone who undertakes this appreciated and most needed service.
This Handbook couldnt be more timelyor more useful. Channeling is an age-old art, but only recently has it exploded into such widespread popularity that many thousands of individuals are learning how to access wisdom, information, and reassurance from a variety of nonphysical sources. How do you make contact with higher entities who have your best interests in mind? And, having done so, how to you retain your sanity and common sense, and develop your humor and humility? If ever there was a manual of channelers dos and donts, either it mildewed away in the mists of time or was incinerated by organized religionists. Now Carla L. Rueckertwhom we have to thank for channeling The Ra Material and The Law of Oneprovides a dandy 20th century replacement. This is a wise, loving, useful book, and must reading for anyone involved in the process of personal spiritual expansion. Tam Mossman Editor of Metapsychology, The Journal of Discarnate Intelligence
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