DTS The Future of National Israel
DTS The Future of National Israel
DTS The Future of National Israel
H. Wayne House
ISRAEL is nothing
short of miraculous. It is a land of slightly under eight thousand square miles,1 or slightly smaller than the state of New
Jersey,2 directly surrounded by six Muslim Arab states, in a region
of twenty-two Muslim countries. Since its founding in 1948, Israel
has been invaded by armies vastly superior in number, and it has
often been attacked by terrorists bent on destroying the nation.
Israel was founded and continues as a democracy, even including
in its government individuals who do not entirely support its existence.3 Despite all this, Israel has not only survived, but has also
prospered. But will the Israel of end-times prophecy differ from the
Israel of today?
The question of the future status of Israelthe land and the
people4continues to be a point of discussion and disagreement
among theologians.
Ahmed Tibi, a member of the Knesset, a member of several important committees, and a citizen of Israel, has been quoted as saying, We are the victims. You
know, its stigmatic to say that Arab MKs are aggressive. We are being accused that
we are aggressive because we are talking and struggling against occupation.
We cannot be anything other than hostile to occupation. . . . We are the indigenous
people. We were here before Israel (taken from a question and answer session with
Tibi in the Jerusalem Post, November 5, 2007; online: http://info.jpost.com/C004/
QandA/qa.ahtibi.html). While it is false that Palestinians are indigenous to Israel, it
does not stop Tibi (a citizen of Israel and a member of the Israeli parliament) from
using this argument to justify his hostility toward Israel.
H. Wayne House, ed., Israel: The Land and the People (Grand Rapids: Kregel,
Kaspar Olevianus (15361587) and Zacharius Ursinus (15341583)
are generally credited with first systematically organizing covenant theology in the Heidelberg Catechism.7 The Westminster Con5
Richard L. Pratt Jr., To the Jew First: A Reformed Perspective, in To the Jew
First, ed. Darrell L. Bock and Mitch Glaser (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008), 183.
See the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapters 7, 8, 19. http://www.reformed.org/documents/westminster_conf_of_faith.html (accessed August 4, 2008).
Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1941),
10 Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, new ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996),
(Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 18451846; reprint, Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, 1997), 2.11.3.
thousand years.16 Under this system Israel was Gods chosen people in the Old Testament, given promises to be fulfilled in the future. At Jesus first advent, however, Israel failed to acknowledge
Him as their Messiah and they put Him to death. Because of their
rejection the promises God made to them were taken away and
given to the faithful, those who accept Jesus as the Messiah. The
church then replaced Israel in Gods economy.
This theology became widespread in the early church after the
final destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 135. Prior to this time the
church was composed mostly of Jewish believers. However, with
the influx of Gentiles into the church, the character of the church
began to change. Many said that the devastation and suffering of
Israel resulted from the Jews rejecting and ultimately putting to
death their Messiah. God was dispensing His final rejection of Israel as a nation. Although the early church held to a literal future
millennial reign of Christ,17 by the time of the Council of Nicea in
A.D. 325 the church had come to believe that the messianic kingdom
was at hand. They viewed millennialism as heretical; this is particularly true of Eusebius of Caesarea Maritima.18 Many saw
Constantines acceptance of Christianity after decades of persecution as the inauguration of the kingdom of God on earth. Israels
redemption and the promises of a future were largely forgotten.
Throughout the medieval period supersessionism was the dominant view of the church. Church authorities often used it as a pretext to persecute Jews, calling them Christ-murderers.19
The Roman Catholic Church, as seen in its catechism, continues to teach supersessionism. The Roman Church is amillennial,
teaching that the coming of Christ to His (eternal) kingdom is being suspended until all Israel recognizes Christ.20 Supersessionism continued on into the Reformation in the teachings of Luther,
16 H. Wayne House, The Churchs Appropriation of Israels Blessings, in Israel:
19 The idea that the Jews were the murderers of Jesus Christ began as early as
20 The Catholic Catechism teaches that Israel was called to prepare for that day
when God would gather all his children into the unity of the Church from the time
of Abraham (Catechism of the Catholic Church The Catechism says, The
glorious Messiahs coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by all Israel, for a hardening has come upon part of Israel in their unbelief
toward Jesus (ibid.,
who said, The Jews have lost this promise, no matter how much
they boast of their father Abraham. . . . They are no longer the people of God.21 Luther called them a rejected and condemned people.22 One supersessionist argues as follows:
It [the period of Gods plan of salvation involving Israel] began with
the call of God to an imperfect man, Abraham, who, by the grace of
God, became a friend of God. This period ended, once and for all, with
Gods judgment as manifested by the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Having fulfilled its divine purpose, this stage had
a very clear beginning and a very anti-climactic end. . . . The modern,
physical state of Israel no longer has any more significance than any
other nation as far as Christianity is concerned. At risk of being accused of anti-Semitism, let us say that Israel is in the same category,
as far as the church is concerned, as America, Bolivia, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greenland, Holland, India, and the rest of the
alphabet, right up to Zimbabwe.23
In contrast to covenant theology and supersessionist theology is the
system known as dispensationalism. It is generally acknowledged
that dispensationalism was first systematically organized by John
Nelson Darby (18001882) and promoted in the writings of C. I.
Scofield (18431921) and Lewis Sperry Chafer (18711952).24
These early views are referred to as classical or traditional dis-
21 Martin Luther, Lectures on Genesis, Chapters 1520, ed. Jaroslav Pelikan, trans.
George V. Schick, vol. 3 of Luthers Works (St. Louis: Concordia, 1961), 113.
22 Martin Luther, The Christian in Society, IV, ed. Franklin Sherman, vol. 47 of
23 Bernhard Kuiper, When Bad Things Happen to Good Prophesies (Longwood, FL:
ism, ed. Wesley R. Willis and John R. Master (Chicago: Moody, 1994), 1618.
IL: Victor, 1993), 21. Genesis 15:1821 sets forth the extent of the land borders
promised to the people of Israel. On the same day the LORD made a covenant with
Abram, saying: To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt
to the great river, the River Euphratesthe Kerrites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites,
the Girgashites, and the Jebusites (NKJV).
32 Ron J. Bigalke Jr., The Abrahamic Covenant, in Progressive Dispensational-
48 Frederick R. Howe, Does Christ Occupy Davids Throne Now? Journal of the
50 Ibid., 22830. Toussaint notes that there is some variation among classical dis-
pensationalists regarding the millennial kingdom, but that all share in holding a
clear distinction between Israel and the church.
51 Sam A. Smith, What the Bible Says about the Future (N.p.: Biblical Reader
litical and earthly aspects of the Davidic promise as that promise interfaces with the political and earthly promises of other covenants.
We need to note that the New Testament does indicate that the political aspects of Jesus Davidic kingship will be fulfilled in the future.
But earlier dispensationalists tended to miss the fact that in biblical
theology, the Davidic nature of Christs present activity guarantees the
fulfillment of all of the Davidic promise in the future, including the
national and political dimensions of that promise.58
Saucy shares the belief that Jesus fulfilled the promise of a Davidic
King. Based on the phrase the right hand of God in Psalm 110:1
and Peters interpretation of it in Acts 2:33 Saucy says the Davidic
throne is this symbol of authority.59 However, he cautions, We
must be careful not to read more into this inauguration [of Jesus as
the Davidic king at His first coming] than what is actually said. . . .
The fact that Christ has this position of kingly authority in heaven,
therefore, in no way denies that he will have this same position
when he returns to establish his kingdom on earth.60 This alludes
to the reason for progressive dispensational theologys shift in interpretation.
Progressive dispensationalism uses modified methods of interpreting prophecy. As Bock notes, To sort out whether fulfillment is
inaugurated, realized, or still anticipated, one must study each
passage with sensitivity to the various aspects that contribute to
the textual message: historical, grammatical, literary, and theological. Each passage should be allowed to speak on its own terms
and be studied with sensitivity to the various angles from which
the text can be read. One must also be aware of the various ways
texts can be associated with one another.61
Under this multitiered system of hermeneutics, prophecies are
not bound to one fulfillment, but, as Bock argues, they can be already but not yet fulfilled.62 In other words progressive dispensationalism sees certain prophecies as being partially fulfilled at one
point but not fully realized until a future date. Hence the kingdom of God was inaugurated at the first coming of Jesus, but will
be ultimately fulfilled in the future. This also extends to promises
made to Israel. The survival of the Jewish people throughout his58 Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, 17980 (italics theirs).
59 Saucy, The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism, 72.
60 Ibid., 74.
61 Blaising and Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism, 104.
62 Ibid.
tory and the forming of the modern state of Israel are seen as partial fulfillments of the promise to Abraham of a continuing people
and a land.
On the basis of biblical prophecy, we expect a time when many Jews
turn to the Son of David as a remnant of Jews have done through the
centuries. The prophecies regarding the future glory of Israel will find
their fulfillment in this remnant of faith constituted as the holy nation under the reign of Messiah, Son of David. The progressive regathering of Jews to Palestine in modern times and their political reconstitution is certainly consistent with this expectation, but it is not
yet the fulfillment of the prophesied kingdom of glory. That kingdom
comes with the Messiahs return and is anticipated by His present
blessings on the Jews and Gentiles who trust Him.63
Although John Calvin does not seem to have taught covenant theology formally, his views were the basis for the system. In his commentary on Romans, Calvin writes concerning verses 2526, I extend the word Israel to all the people of God, according to this
meaningWhen the Gentiles shall come in, the Jews also shall
63 Ibid., 297.
64 Barry E. Horner, Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Chal-
The Roman Catholic Church regards itself as the new Israel, and
heirs to the promises made to Israel. Barrack, a Jewish convert to
Roman Catholicism, comments, St. Pauls Letter to the Romans
foretold that one day great numbers of Jews would return. If [the
Jews] rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will
their acceptance mean but life from the dead? (Rom 11:15). All
65 John Calvin, Commentary on Romans, trans. and ed. John Owen (Grand Rapids:
Israel will be saved (Rom 11:26) because The gifts and the call of
God are irrevocable (Rom 11:29).69 He interprets verse 26 through
a supersessionist grid.
The Catholic Church is the new and true Israel. Many faithful Catholics believe the time is fast approaching when great numbers of Jews
will stream into the Church, the Synagogue transformed by the Messiah, and fulfill their election as Gods Chosen People. The new and
true Israel can only be the Church. . . . The Catholic Church teaches,
The glorious Messiahs coming is suspended at every moment until
his recognition by all Israel. We cannot know when the Jewish people will come into the Church. But many who observe that the spiritual war is approaching some sort of climax wonder whether it may
be soon. Our work is to prepare, and to show Jews who have expressed some interest in Jesus that baptism into His death and resurrection completes what they have already begun.70
Dispensational theologians agree that Romans 11:26 refers to future, national Israel. They contend that in Romans Paul consistently uses the term to describe national Israel in contrast to Gentiles, and that Paul always uses the term to mean national Israel. 71
According to grammatical-historical interpretation, there is no contextual reason to say that the term Israel refers to anything but
national, physical Israel. Dispensationalists then discuss when this
national salvation will occur and to whom among the nations all
Israel refers. Chafer and others hold that this term refers to Israel
throughout all history, and that they will be resurrected just before
Jesus second coming.72 Ryrie takes a different view. He says all
Israel refers to those who survive the Tribulation and turn in
faith to Jesus (Zech. 13:8).73 Others, such as Fruchtenbaum, say
that Romans 11:26 teaches that all Israel will be saved after the
Tribulation when the national leaders of Israel realize their error
69 Martin K. Barrack, Why Jews Are Better Off in the Catholic Church Than in
Pauls uses of Israel in Romans refers to ethnic Israel and not the church (Epistle
to the Romans, New International Commentary on the New Testament [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996], 721).
72 Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology (Dallas, TX: Dallas Seminary, 1947),
73 Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology (Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1986; reprint, Chicago:
The authors opinion is that dispensationalism properly represents
the biblical view of the future of national Israel.
Covenant theology requires that passages that promise unconditional physical, material blessings on Israel must be viewed allegorically. Regarding Romans 11:25, however, even some Reformed
theologians see Israel as the ethnic people of Israel and not simply
the spiritual people of God. Murray said, It should be apparent
from both the proximate and less proximate contexts in this portion of the epistle that it is exegetically impossible to give Israel in
this verse any other denotation than that which belongs to the
term throughout the chapter. . . . It is of ethnic Israel Paul is
speaking and Israel could not possibly include Gentiles.77
DeCaros conclusion that Israel in verses 25 and 26 has two
different meanings and that the statement that all Israel will be
saved (v. 26) describes Israel in the present age is not exegetically
sound. In 9:6 Paul clearly differentiated a group (believing Jews)
within the whole (all Jews),78 but he did not make the same dis74 Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology
76 Harold W. Hoehner, Israel in Romans 911, in Israel: The Land and the Peo-
ple, 15657.
78 Romans 9:6 seems to be saying that in the present age a remnant from among
Israel will believe in Jesus as Savior and Messiah, thus distinguishing a group
within the whole.
80 Ibid., 233.