Medio Ambiente

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Chapter 6

Energy: The Facts

The environment in which we live changes continuously due to natural
causes over which we have little control. The seasons of the year are the
most evident of these changes, mainly in regions of high latitudes (north or
south). There are many other natural changes, such as the solar spots on
the surface of the Sun, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis, hurricanes, floods and forest fires.
Life on Earth has shown a surprising capacity to bear these changes.
Mankind in particular has adapted well to climate changes after its last
glaciation, about 10,000 years ago, when most of the northern hemisphere
was covered in ice and snow. However, most of the great changes in our
environment occurred slowly along time, over many centuries.
Recently there have been considerable changes in the environment,
caused by human actions. These changes, called anthropogenic, were
insignificant before the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, but
became a reason for concern owing to the increase in population and to the
predatory use of natural resources, notably fossil fuels in industrialized
The presence of man on Earth is quite recent in geological terms and
depends on very specific environmental conditions: climate, temperature,
existence of water and other forms of life. Disturbances beyond these limits, even with the notable capacity for adapting, are dangerous.
The concept of environment derives from pro-nature movements in
modern society. From the economic point of view, nature is both a resource
supplier and a recipient of wastes. Without inputs from natural resources
there is no economic production.
The way in which energy is produced and used is the cause for many of
the environmental impacts witnessed. In this chapter, these problems will
be discussed in order to identify how production and use of energy are
involved, and proposals for energy policies that may reduce or prevent
environmental changes.

Environmental impacts due to energy production

and use
In a short period (about 150 years after the Industrial Revolution), the environmental impacts of anthropogenic origin are comparable to the ones
caused by natural effects in terms of magnitude. These problems are
extremely important nowadays: in the considerations of the Russian scientist Vernadsky, 1 humans have become a force of geological proportions. For
example, natural forces (such as winds, erosion, rain and volcanic eruptions) move about 50 million tons of materials a year. The Earth's
population of six billion people consume an average of 8 tons of mineral
resources a year, moving about 48 billion tons. A century ago, the population was 1.5 billion and consumption was smaller than 2 tons per capita: the
total impact was 16 times smaller. As a result, new sorts of problems or
areas of interest in the environmental field evolved into matters of study
and concern.
Energy consumption is most probably the main source of environmental impact at all levels. In a micro scale, it is the cause of respiratory diseases
due to the primitive use of fuelwood. At a macro level, it is the major source
of greenhouse gas emissions, which intensify climate changes and cause
biodiversity losses. In some situations, energy does not play a dominant
role but it is still important; that is the case, for example, of coastal and
marine degradation due to oil leakages and to other environmental disasters
(Table 6.1).
Table 6.1 Environmental impacts, dimensions and causes

Impact and magnitude

Urban air pollution

Main cause

Emissions of sulphur dioxide (S02), carbon monoxide

(CO), nitrogen oxides (NO) and particulate matter
(PM) in fossil fuels burning, especially oil and coal.
Evaporative emissions of hydrocarbons (HCs) and
other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by
solvents and fuel transfer operations. Formation of
low-altitude ozone (03) by the solar light action on
NOx and HCs.

Emissions of heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium

(Cd), mercury (Hg) and other toxic and carcinogenic
substances (such as dioxins and furans) when burning
coal, oils and solid wastes.

Energy: The Facts


'Occupational' air

Emissions of PM and CO by the use of solid fuels

(biomass and coal) for heating and cooking in indoor
environments. Toxic emissions from industrial and
manufacturing processes. Exposition of certain
professional categories to intense air pollution.

Pollution of superficial
waterbodies (rivers,
lakes, estuaries) and
contamination soils

Leakages of oil byproducts. Use of fertilizers and

pesticides in agriculture. Percolation of domestic
(e.g. landfill leachate), industrial or commercial
(e.g. filling stations leakage) wastes. Abandoned
industrial and mining areas, without appropriate
decommissioning operations (cleanup, isolation and
storage, recovery). Environmental accidents and
emergencies {with different magnitudes and reaches).

Acid rain

Pollution of seas and

Greenhouse effect

Deposition of sulphuric (H2S04) and nitric (HN03)

acids, formed by the reaction of water (rain, snow,
etc.) with S02 and N02 generated by fossil fuel
Oil leakages and other leakages in interstate or
international waters. Contamination of
underground aquifers by the percolation of toxic
Emissions of carbon dioxide (C02) by fossil fuels
burning and by deforestation of native forests.
Methane emissions (CH4) by incomplete fuel burning
and by (anaerobic) digestion of waste.

Persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) and
radioactive waste

Accumulation of heavy metals (such as the mercury

emitted by coal thermopower plants, entering in
the food chain) in living organisms, of man-made
toxic compounds (such as PCBs - polychlorinated
biphenyls found in fluids utilized in electric
equipment) and of radioactive substances (deriving
from nuclear accidents, tests and leakages).

Loss of biodiversity,
changes in the oceans
and desertification

Deforestation for producing fuelwood and charcoal,

as well as land cleaning for agriculture, coastal and
marine degradation due to oil leakages into the sea,
carbon dioxide (C02) emissions causing acidification
of the oceans. Ecosystems flooded by hydropower
reservoirs. Use of agrochemicals by energy or food

The manifestation of the impacts caused by changes in socio-economic

standards (Table 6.2) may be either immediate (such as air pollution by
black smoke) or chronic (such as bioaccumulation of toxic substances in
organisms or a rise in ocean level due to the increased greenhouse effect).
In general, all these problems have several causes such as populational
increase, industry, transportation, agriculture and even tourism. Impacts
are also intrinsically related to changes in consumption patterns and their
consequent pressures on natural resources.
The viewpoint that nature should serve mankind does not justify development at any cost or the lack of consideration of environmental impacts
due to their multiple types and intensities. It is necessary to frequently take
decisions and, especially for the energy sector, the use of indicators may be
an important analysis tool) such as the ones exemplified in Table 6.3.
Emission inventories

A particular case of analyses tools are the emission inventories) important

tools for energy-environmental planning (Box 6.1). The knowledge of
emission intensities along time and their sources allows a better pollution
control, as it is possible to identify sectors, regions and typologies, both
Table 6.2 Characteristic time horizons in the Earth system (IPCC, 2006)




Changes in energy end-use technologies

Changes in energy supply technologies
Policies, social rules and governance



Life of plants
Adaptation of plants to the new atmospheric
conditions (e.g. co2 concentration)
Organic matter decay




Increase in temperature with the increase

of co2 in the atmosphere
Heat and C02 transfer to the bottom of
the oceans
Rise in the ocean levels by the increase
in temperature
50% decay of a CH4 load emitted
50% decay of a co2 load emitted
Mix of greenhouse gases

Years necessary

up to 10,000

Table 6.3 Analysis tools: indicators for the impacts of energy production and use
Type of environmental indicator

Pollutant emissions in
a given period from a
given process

Function of

load effectively measured according to scientifically

validated methods
load estimated in inventories


millions of tons of carbon dioxide emitted a

tons of oil leaked in a given accident
grams of particulate matter emitted per hour
from an industrial stack

Pollutant concentrations
at a given media and at
a certain moment

effectively measured, continuously or by samplings

estimations by modelling

micrograms of ozone per cubic metre of air in

the city centre, 2006 average measured in air
quality monitoring stations
pH in a river affected by acid rain

Public health

survey of statistical data on mortality or on

morbidity (diseases) attributed to a given cause

cases of hospital care due to respiratory

diseases caused by urban air pollution, in given
region and period


populational counting, toxicity assessment and

other impacts in organisms

specimens of a certain river, upstream and

downstream, a thermopower plant that
releases hot water from cooling towers

Inter-relations among

relationship among the use of resources, costbenefit analyses, impacts and other environmental,
economic and social effects

area flooded by installed capacity in

hydropower plants
water consumption for cooling thermopower
plant turbines

106 Energy Environment and Development

industrial and non-industrial, such as transportation, fuel storage, forest

burnings and many others. Comparisons can also be established among
different fuels and technologies (such as coal, natural gas and biomassfired thermopower plants), policies on fuels (such as the reduction in
sulphur content) or even international negotiations on limiting greenhouse
gas em1ss1ons.
An emission inventory should be sufficiently geo-referenced, with a spatial coverage compatible with its impact. It is justified to inventory the effect
of greenhouse gases emitted by a country, but for local pollutants a reduced
scope (such as 'PM10 surrounding a given site' or 'hydrocarbons in the
municipality') is preferable for public health effects.
Box 6.1

Emission inventories

Emission inventories are basically the sum of pollutant emissions. Emissions

are usually estimated by using the formula

E = EF x A x ( I - ER)
where Eis pollutant
rate and

P emission, EF is the emission factor, A is the activity

ER is the overall emission reduction efficiency (percentage) in

removing (controlling) pollutants.

As there are significant uncertainties at all the stages of an inventory,

this should be considered a dynamic process and subject to constant
refinements. An emission inventory, for example, for emissions from fuel








approaches. In the first case, the activity is considered the fuel consumed
(taken from, for example, a country energy balance). In the bottom-up, the
emissions of each source or sector are added up, as if they were bricks
forming a building. The ideal situation occurs when top-down and bottom
up inventories reach the same value, that is, there is I 00 per cent closure.
Table 6.4 shows examples of emission factors of a global pollutant (C0


and of local pollutants emitted by thermopower plants and vehicles.

ER may be considered null for gross pollutant load purposes. In the

case of C0 , instead of ER, a fraction of oxidized carbon (i.e. which forms
soot) is used, usually I per cent. Biomass C0 emission is considered zero

(or near zero) since carbon is considered fully incorporated by biomass

during its growth. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA,
200 I ) provides information on emission factors.

Energy: The Facts


Table 6.4 Air pollutant emission factors from fuel combustion by

process in the US (US EPA, 200 I)

















nd renewable




PM 10




(2.5%5) 120




bagasse nd









PM 25


fuel oil

Generator, diesel




Estimating gross emissions in order to know their impacts is not enough.
The path of a plume follows several stages from its source to the final receptor (Figure 6.1):

gross pollutant emission loads often goes through a control system (filters, precipitators, cyclones, scrubbers), which abate a considerable
percentage from these emissions before they leave the stack, the exhaustion or any other end-of-pipe system;
once released into the environment, pollutants are dispersed (by the
action of meteorological, topographic as well as gases and fluid dynamics conditionants); in some cases, chemical reactions occur in the
receptor (humans, animals, plants, buildings) is exposed to pollutant
concentrations for a certain period (from a few minutes to many years);
in some cases, the pollutant may bioaccumulale in Lhe organism; and
pollutant triggers a negative reaction in the receptor (such as diseases).

The path of the pollutants from the source to the final receptor may be
simulated by models) based on emission inventories, on local air quality data
and on meteorological parameters (such as wind direction and intensity,

rains), topographic (existence of physical barriers, stack height), type of

gases and particulate matter (affecting the configuration of the 'plume'
leaving the stack). Figure 6.2 exemplifies a plume and a pollutant dispersion model.
Since it is important to assess pollution control and to establish new
directives and norms, models are frequently required for environmental
approval of large pollutant enterprises, such as thermopower plants, in
order to prevent major impacts on local communities. There is a wide variety of models: Gaussian (impacts by primary pollutants emitted directly
into the atmosphere), numerical (when there are chemical reactions), statistical (when there is no full understanding of the processes involved) and
physical (reduced replicas and wind tunnels).
These examples refer to atmospheric pollution, which is the most common aspect in energy processes. Nevertheless, the concepts of emissions,

loads, concentrations and dispersion are also valid for water (underground,
surface, marine) and soil pollution.

Qualification of environmental impacts in

function of income
Impact assessment is an even more complex task than the emissions inventory as it involves complex issues. The gravity of the environmental impact
can differ greatly for different populations. This is shown in Figure 6.4: the
poor suffer more intensely from the effects of diseases due to the lack of

basic sanitation, while the rich concentrate their concerns on the climate
changes caused by the increase in global carbon emissions. Mid-income
populations have already overcome the problem of lack of sanitation, but
are very much affected by urban air pollution, in large cities with growing
industrialization and deficient transportation. 2
An empirical example of the Kuznets curve is presented in Figure 6.5,
with sulphur dioxide (SO) emissions as a function of per capita income in
Mexico. As can be seen, pollution increases with the income and later tends
to decrease.
A series of economic factors help to counteract the factors leading to
environmental degradation:

as societies turn richer, there is a shift to a less natural resource-intensive

production, more efficient and with better technological capacity;
the societies' preferences (mainly the democratic ones) also turn to
environmental conservation and improvement; and
the most impacting production, in turn, is relocated to developing
countries, where there are less restrictions and, therefore, less costs
incorporated in the products (causing the so-called 'environmental

However, the idea that the increasing mcome allows reducing or

eliminating pollution is far too simplistic, as can be seen in terms of

carbon emissions as a function of per capita income, from country to

It can be argued that climate change affects mainly the poor, but environmental priorities are very much related to the timescale and the
hierarchy of basic needs.3 Populations without economic means to provide
for their basic and immediate needs are not particularly concerned with
phenomena that will occur more frequently in the future.
Economists constantly try to refine methods to assess the costs of pollution and, therefore, the benefits of their abatement. This approach is called
damage function and considers impacts such as mortality and morbidity
among humans, damages to ecosystems, to agriculture and to infrastructure, pollutant concentrations and exposition to risk agents and others. The
impacts are quantified and calculated in function of medical costs avoided,
gains in productivity or even society's willingness to pay for these benefits.
The estimates are conservative generally, since not all parameters are quantifiable. The costs caused by individuals and paid by society as a whole are
called externalities (Box 6.2).
Box 6.2

Environmental externalities

Environmental externalities are non-valued costs in market transactions, paid

by society as a consequence of an activity conducted by certain private

agents. The influence of the state is necessary to internalize such costs, to
conciliate economic activities with environmental protection. When


Energy) Environment and Development

internalized, the social costs increase the price of products and reduce
the demand; when this does not occur, society pays for the difference
(Figure 6.7).

Personal suffering and non-compensated work are not adequately

captured by the analyses of externalities. Estimated values are usually
greater when studies are based on the willingness to pay for the benefits by
a part of society, since these benefits are varied and comprehensive. For
the case of air pollution, in general, the benefits are many times greater
than the costs of its mitigation.4 Studies in general may be transferred and
adjusted from one place to another. That is the case, for example, of child
mortality due to occupational pollution.

The internalization of external costs in general occurs by means of public

policies and by legislation on the basis of the polluter-pays principle, by
which the one that causes pollution is to pay for its costs. The principle
means attributing to the polluter the cost of the prevention measures and/or
of combatting pollution, as decided and established by the government. It is
very important to stress that this principle does notjustify the compensation
of the damages caused by pollution, or that the polluter should pay

Energy: The Facts


exclusively for the costs of the impact prevention measures. This is the root
of many of the constant conflicts that occur among developmentalists and
conservationists. Another frequent problem with the principle occurs in its
international aspect, for example, in cases in which a given country pro
vides subsidies to polluting industries (OECD, 1975).
Frequently, entrepreneurs advocate the point of view of scientific uncer
tainty and of the inevitability of the environmental impact due to the
'necessary development' - a way of being exempted from possible liabilities.
On the other hand, environmentalists - some with certain exaggeration evoke the precautionary principle (against risk), which aims to prevent today
a suspected future impact, in order to guarantee a safety margin from the
risk line.
Some processes present an intrinsic risk of environmental impacts of
such magnitude that its occurrence is unacceptable. That is the case, for
example, of thermonuclear power generation risks of accidents with explo
sions and leakages of radioactive substances. For these cases, the legislation
is supported by the principle ofobjective responsibility, by which one cannot
be exempted from causing an accident, independently of the causes.

Local urban pollution

In general, local pollution is the one that generates the first conflicts and
concerns. This is not a recent problem: during the Roman Empire, there
were already dispositions for the nuisances caused by the sewage dis
charged into water courses and by the smoke from households and small
manufacturers. The ancient Romans melted large amounts of lead to man
ufacture water pipes, contaminating vast regions. In the Middle Ages, the
use of coal in London was intensified, and in the late 16th century air pol
lution problems were already well documented. With the Industrial
Revolution, air pollutant concentrations reached devastating levels in sev
eral English towns, increasing the number of deaths and diseases, especially
when there was smoke and fog, forming the so-called smog. In 1875, cases
of cancer in stack-sweeping workers were registered. An English Law from
1875 contained a section which provided on the reduction of smoke in
urban areas and another from 1926 focused on industrial emissions. For
many centuries, pollution was an issue at municipal level and it was not rare
to witness scenes of towns immersed in smoke (Figure 6.8).
In 1943, a critical smog episode occurred in Los Angeles, leading the
California government to ban emissions with blackening above a certain
level and to control emissions that caused distress to the population. This
led to the first studies on environmental quality standards on the basis of the

effects on human health. Another episode occurred in London in 1952

(Figure 6.9), killing 4000 people and establishing strict laws for pollution
control and land use.
Other laws followed in other North American and Western European
countries, establishing agencies to monitor, regulate and assess environmental quality. In 1963, the US issued the Clean Air Act, which introduced
emission standards for vehicles, even under strong opposing pressure from
the automotive industry. The Act was amended in 1967, with emission
standards for stationary sources and the definition of Air Quality Control
Regions (AQCR). Another amendment, from 1970, classified the air pollutants into two different categories:

regulated pollutants (criteria air pollutants, the case of S02, NOx, CO,
PM and lead), with negative effects to health and social welfare; and
hazardous air pollutants (a complex and diversified list, frequently
updated, including, among others, mercury, benzene, arsenic, cadmium
and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), substances persistent in the
environment, carcinogenic and bioaccumulative), with evidences of
severe and irreversible damage to health (toxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, that is, intoxication potentials, to cause cancer and mutations)
and to the environment (bioaccumulation in the organism and biomagnification along the food chain and through generations).

Later, legislation started to incorporate other photochemical pollutants:

smog precursors (product of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon reactions in the
atmosphere, in the presence of sunlight). As from the 1990s, environmental
legislation also started to provide compulsory reductions of pollutant emissions on the basis of the best available technology incorporating preventive
concepts for the industry. Other strategies are based on environmental quality targets, product performance standards (especially vehicles), taxation on
emissions, allocation of maximum quotas (limits) for industrial pollutant
releases, exchange of emission credits and other instruments.
There is not one and only one air pollution problem, but several different phenomena, with their own characteristics. These can be described by
four dimensions:
1 horizontal, in which it is verified how much the Earth surface 1s
2 vertical, depth at which the atmosphere is involved;
3 time scale, in which problems unfold and on which their controls operate; and
4 organizational scale required for their resolution (Table 6.5).

Table 6.5 Scales and categories of air pollution problems (Stern et al, 1984)



Categories of air pollution problems





first mile

required for
their resolution




state or





national or


Pollution is intrinsically related to population growth and to changes in

consumption patterns. In the 20th century, as a consequence of the rural
exodus and of industrial development, the urban population grew significantly, aggravating its problems. Over time, the cities expanded and
conurbated into large metropolises, and now in the world nearly a billion
people live in cities with over a million inhabitants, mainly in developing
countries (Table 6.6).
The high intensity of activities in metropolises leads to several pressures
on the environment: water consumption, waste generation, noise and air
pollution. Of these, air pollution is the local problem most intrinsically
linked to energy consumption. Large metropolises are particularly subjected to local air pollution caused by industry, energy generation and
transportation. Particulate matter concentrations are a relevant indicator for
the inefficient and poorly controlled use of coal and oil products, as can be
seen in the data of the major Asian cities (Figure 6.10).
Table 6.6 Population in cities with over a million inhabitants

in 2002 (WRI, 2009)


Million inhabitants



Developed countries (OECD)


Developing countries

Countries of low per capita GDP


Asia (except for the Middle East)


Central America and the Caribbean


Middle East and Northern Africa


South America
sub-Saharan Africa


Next, Figure 6.11 shows that the incidence of diseases attributed to air pollution is higher in developing countries consuming
low-quality coal and oil products.
The main urban air pollutants, as well as their main characteristics and exposure criteria provided by WHO, are presented in
Table 6. 7. Except for (low-altitude or tropospheric) ozone,5 all the other pollutants are called pri- mary, that is, they are directly
emitted by the processes - usually combustion.
The duration of each pollutant impact and its reach vary a lot with cli- mate, topographic and exposure conditions.
Synergistic and antagonistic effects also occur, either increasing or reducing their impact. An example is the emission of sulphates,
sulphur composites which adsorb (in their sur- face) toxic substances (such as benzene) and heavy metals, forming fine
particulate matter (Figure 6.12). High sulphur diesel oil burning is a spe- cific example, with a direct effect on the high
environmental concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2,5) in large cities.
When assessing the pollutant effects, it is very important to differentiate
concentrations from loads:

concentrations., actually sampled or estimated by modellings, are the pro- portion of pollutants observed or expected in a given
air volume (or another means), reflecting the environment situation either volumetri- cally (e.g. in 'parts per million in
volume', ppmv) or by mass (e.g. in
'micrograms per cubic metre', g/m3) of pollutants;
pollutant loads are amounts emitted (by stacks, vehicle exhaust tail- pipes and other exhaust systems) in a given period; they
are usually

Sulphur dioxide S02

Carbon monoxide CO

Table 6.7 Main air pollutants (UNEP, 1992; WHO, 200Sa)

Major anthropogenic
Impact, duration
and scale
Combustion of coal and
oil byproducts; industrial
processes using sulphur

..... ..

WHO (2005) exposure


500mg/m for IO min

Toxic and very acid, few Respiratory distress, lack
20mg/m for 24h
days; from local to
of air, harmed pulmonary
function, increase in
susceptibility to infections,
diseases of the lower
respiratory tract
(especially in children),
chronic pulmonary diseases
and pulmonary fibrosis

Toxic and acid, month;

Incomplete burning of
fossil fuels and of biomass occupational and local

Interferes with the blood

oxygen (chronic anoxia)

Toxic, acid and precursor Eyes and nose irritation,

of 03 from hours to a
respiratory tract diseases,
lung damage, decreased
few days; from local to
pulmonary function and
heart stress

Nitrogen oxides NOx

(NO and N02)

Fuel burning at high

ternperatures (especially
the ones containing
nitrogen in their

Particulate matter PM

Toxic and irritating, from

Incomplete burning of
fossil fuels and of biomass, hours to a few days;
from occupational to
presence of sulphur in
fuel forming sulphates

Irritation, altered
immunological response,
systematic toxicity,
decreased pulmonary
function and heart stress.



... ....

I 00mg/m for I 5 min;



60mg/m for 30 min


400mg/m for I hour;

I 50mg/m for 24 hours

PM 2_5 (fines): IOmg/m3

annual average and
25mg/m for 24h

Hydrocarbons HCs

Fuels evaporative

Tropospheric ozone

Secondary pollutant,
Toxic and irritating,
not emitted by processes, month; from local to
but formed by the
photochemical oxidation
(solar light) of NOx and
HCs in the atmosphere

Heavy metals,
especially lead (Pb)
and mercury (Hg)

Coal and oil byproducts

burning with additives

Acts in combination with

S02 The effect depends
on the biological and
chemical properties of
individual particles

PM 10: 20mg/m3 annual

average and 50mg/m3
for 24h

Decreased pulmonary
function, heart stress or
failure, emphysema,
pulmonary and respiratory
tissue fibrosis and aging

I 00mg/m3 for 8h

Toxic, irritating and

precursors of 03 , from
months to years; from
local to global (as is the
case of methane, CH4)

Very toxic, month; from Kidney diseases and

local to regional
neurological damage,
affecting mainly children

0.5-I .Omg/m3 for years


Energy) Environment and Development

represented in units of mass per time, directly (such as 'tons/year')

or indirectly, associated to outflows (e.g. in kg/Nm3 and outflows in
Nm3/hour - where Nm3 stands for 'normal cubic metre'); these emissions can be potential (gross, without end control) or remaining (final,
after going through emission control equipments, such as filters).
Whereas information on concentrations reflects the environment quality)
information on loads reflects the discharge of pollutants into the
environ- ment. In general, environmental control is based on loads (by
means of emission limits), environmentally calibrated by concentrations.
A pollutant concentration in the atmosphere indicates the degree of
exposure of receptors (humans, animals, plants, materials) as the final
result of the process of discharging its pollutant loads into the atmosphere
from its emission sources and its interactions in the atmosphere, both
physical (dilu- tion) and chemical (reactions). The system is shown in
Figure 6.13.
Even under stable emissions, air quality may change in function of
the meteorological conditions that determine a higher or lower pollutant
dilu- tion in the environment. Air quality worsens with relation to CO,
PM and S02 parameters during the winter months, when the
meteorological condi- tions are less favourable for pollutant dispersion.
Ozone, in turn, presents
higher concentrations in spring and summer, due to higher sunlight intensity. The interaction between the sources of pollution and the
atmosphere defines the final air quality level, which in turn determines
the occurrence of adverse air pollution effects on receptors. Table 6.8
presents the World Health Organization air-quality standards.
Air-quality standards refer to different periods of exposure to pollutants:
in general one hour, one day and one year. They determine the pollutants'
concentration limits in order to protect human health and are constantly
revised, as new scientific evidence of impacts and new forms of
controlling pollutants emerge. Primary standards determine pollutant
concentrations that may affect the population health when exceeded; the
secondary ones
foresee the minimum damage to humans and to the environment, and are
used to guide environmental protection policies.6 Critical episodes of air
pollution occur with high concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere,
determining progressive levels for controlling emitters. In the last stage,
industrial activities may be halted and the traffic of vehicles may be
restrained. Figure 6.14 exemplifies the concentration data in certain

As mentioned, air pollutant concentration at a certain place depends
on topographic (presence of mountains, valleys, buildings and other
barriers) and meteorological (winds and air circulation, rains, temperature
gradients and thermal inversions) characteristics, chemical reactions,
solar radiation and types of sources of emission (concentrated or
dispersed). Some pollu- tant concentration effects are particularly
hazardous. This is the case of thermal inversions (Box 6.3) and of the
emission plumes effect.

Box 6.3 Thermal inversions

In the troposphere, the temperature decreases almost every time the

altitude is increased. In some cases, the temperature may increase with the
altitude; when this occurs, we are faced with a temperature inversion or,
more simply,

thermal inversion (Figure 6.15).

Figure 6.1 5 Thermal inversion (Davis, 2004)

Thermal inversion is a natural phenomenon that may occur on any day

of the year and at any hour of the day. Although in itself it does not pose
any risk to human health, it may become dangerous when there are
undispersed high pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere layer where
it occurs. The causes for a thermal inversion are varied, such as:

radiation (rapid cooling of the Earth surface during the nights, mainly
the cloudless ones);

advection (transport of cold air to hot zones);

subsidence (descent of large masses of usually cold air, caused by high
pressure systems); and

frontal meteorological phenomena (that foster advection).

Due to the interruption




which tend


disappear quickly, thermal inversion indicates the stability of the

atmosphere layer, even if it is not necessarily the cause of high pollutant

Energy: The Facts


concentrations. These concentrations may be associated with more

significant meteorological conditions and with larger extensions. The
elements characterizing a thermal inversion are thickness (difference in
height between the top and the base of the thermal inversion); intensity
(difference in temperature between the top and the base of the thermal
inversion); and the temperature and disruption time of the thermal
inversion (temperature necessary for the thermal inversion to disappear,
that is, for the top temperature to be close to that of the base).
Throughout the day, solar rays warm the surface of the Earth which, in
turn, warms the closest atmosphere layers. If there is an inversion, the
cold air that is below warms slowly until it reaches the same temperature
as the air above, which causes the thermal inversion to disappear.

Emission plumes (Figure 6.16) are representations of substance concentrations belched by industrial stacks, thermopower plants and incinerators.
The shape of these plumes depends on dispersion conditions: winds, temperature, etc. Before an environmental licensing organism authorizes the
installation of such processes near populated areas, it is necessary to model
their effects, anticipating the impact and requiring dispersion devices,
together with final control of pollutant emissions.
Other pollutant concentration effects occur in traffic jams. Certain populations are more exposed to this sort of pollution: traffic agents, drivers in
general, children in school buses and establishments opening onto polluted
streets. The proximity to a diesel vehicle exhaust pipe may increase the particulate matter concentrations inside an automobile by over a thousand
times (CATF, 2009).
The air pollution problem of a given place may have its origin in a vast
array of emissions. The sum of the known loads along a certain period corresponds to the emission inventory, which is an important indicator of the
performance of pollution sources (despite not necessarily representing its
impact, since emissions may be quite dispersed). An example of an inventory is in Figure 6.17, showing how the emissions of local pollutants
significantly decreased in the US as a consequence of better technologies
(both in production and in pollutant control), of using of cleaner inputs
(such as lower-sulphur and lead free oils) and of prioritizing products with
higher value and less environmental impacts added.
Energy systems are the main source of S02 emissions (especially by
poor quality coal and oil byproducts), NOx (thermal NOx generated by
combustion at temperatures above l 300C and fuel-NOx from the use of
heavy oils, with high nitrogen content), HCs (evaporative emissions from
fuel tanks and vehicle engines, as well as incomplete fuel burning processes)

and CO (incomplete hydrocarbon burning). Particulate matter is a more

complex class of pollutants, as it involves both dusts and combustion wastes

(tar, soot, sulphates). Figure 6.18 shows pollutants by source in Europe.
A serious problem is coal burning in thermopower plants and in indus
tries. This fuel contains large amounts of sulphur and heavy metals such as
mercury (Hg). In 1995, about 5500 tons of mercury were emitted globally
by natural processes and by human activities (US DoE, 2009). Natural gas
fired power plants emit relatively less pollutants, except for NOx. Biomass
boilers, when well controlled, also basically emit NOx and PM. Without
control, the amounts of particulate matter increase considerably.

Regional pollution
Polluted air in large urban centres may contain traces ofvolcanic eruptions,
forest burning and desert sands coming from thousands ofmiles away - this
is called backgroundpollution (Figure 6.19). The air may also be affected by
industries, thermopower plants and vehicles located in other states or even
Ozone (03) is a secondary pollutant formed from photochemical reac
tions (i.e. under sunlight) in its precursors, volatile hydrocarbons (such as
gasoline) and nitrogen oxides (NO). The reactions are difficult to predict,
depending on several factors. Ozone pollution may occur far away from
where its precursors were emitted. Therefore, a large traffic jam may emit
large amounts ofNOx and HCs, which may be carried away by wind to dis
tant regions, where they will react and form ozone miles away from where
the precursors were emitted and many hours later. Thus, ozone is not only
a local pollutant but also regional, transboundary, which may be detected
by satellite assessments. As it is a dispersed pollution, ozone control has to
be conducted on its precursors.

In the troposphere (below lOkm of altitude), ozone in high concentrations causes damage to vegetation, harm the lungs and is the main smog
formation agent.
Tropospheric and stratospheric ozone should not be confused. The
substance is the same, but while the former is a toxic pollutant, the latter is
of critical importance for life on Earth, as it filters the Sun's ultraviolet
rays (UV-A and UV-B). This occurs in the stratosphere, at altitudes above
25km. In this range, the phenomenon of the ozone layer hole occurs,
caused by CFCs and other man-made gases. There is no compensation
between the lack of one and the excess of the other type of ozone.

Acid rain
Besides ozone, acid rain may be considered the major transboundary pollution source. Damage to lakes by acidification occurred in Sweden more
than 40 years ago, when the decreasing fish population in rivers and lakes
was related to changes in water acidity. Acidity is measured by the H+
(hydrogen ions) concentration in pH units. The pH is defined as the negative logarithm (on a ten basis) of the H+ concentration. A 7pH is the neutral
point, that is, the pH of pure water containing both positive and negative
ions. Substances with pH below seven are acid and those above seven are
basic. Typical values of pH are presented in Table 6.9.
The pH of acid rainfall in Western Europe and the US are typically
found in the interval 4-5 (Figure 6.22), endangering several regions

Table 6.9 Typical values of pH and their consequences

(Hollander, 1992; VWQD, 2004)

I 1.3

upper limit, basic substances

maximum limit for healthy ecosystems
sea water
blood, pure water
molluscs and trout start to die
rain water
freshwater frog eggs, tadpoles, crustaceans die
river water in Scandinavia and Eastern US
fish die
citric juices
acid rains close to great 502 and NOx emitters (US)
mist and fog
battery acid
lower limit, acid substances

There are many consequences of acid rain. Some animal species are
very vulnerable to acidification; for example, crustaceans and molluscs,
their exoskeletons consisting of calcium, do not manage to get formed, thus
altering the whole food chain. Trout, salmon and coral reefs are also con
siderably affected, as well as several vegetable species. Alterations in pH
and in temperature affect fish that have trigger mechanisms which deter
mine their survival, sex and other characteristics. Furthermore, acid rain
corrodes buildings and monuments, chiefly those of building materials con
taining calcium, as in the case of marble (CaCO:i).
The chemistry of the acid rain production process is only partially

understood. Several mechanisms may cause the formation of acid and the
dominant chemical reactions depend on location and on weather condi
tions, as well as on the composition of the local atmosphere. Sunlight, soot
and metal waste may also accelerate the acid formation process under cer
tain circumstances (Figure 6. 24).
The major precursors of acid rain are sulphur (SO) and nitrogen
(N02) dioxides, by means of two mechanisms:

the dry precipitation of oxides deposited on vegetation (mainly pines

and other conifers that do not lose their leaves in winter), monuments
and buildings;

2 wet precipitation, which occurs when oxides are dissolved in the rainfall
or atmospheric water vapours, forming sulphuric (H2SO4) and nitric
(HN03) acid.
Every year, about 100 million tons of S02 derive from fossil fuel burning, against 2.8Mt from forest burnings and 8Mt from volcanoes
(Berresheim et al, 1995). The end-products of fossil fuel burning, S02 and
NOx, may be taken very far away from the emission point by the wind. This
causes acid rain in places far from the primary pollution source - a regional
problem that may cross national boundaries. The anthropogenic emissions
of these precursors have systematically decreased in OECD countries, but
have increased elsewhere, particularly in Asia (UNEP, 2007).
The anthropogenic S02 and NOx flows are concentrated in a few industrial regions. Frequently, countries receive a considerable amount of
pollution originated elsewhere; for example, 90 per cent of the sulphur precipitation in Switzerland in 1980 came from other countries and only 10 per
cent was produced in the country itself. A severe problem now occurs in
Asia, where the fast industrial expansion requires large amounts of energy,
especially from coal and oil. The perspectives are for a large increase in
acidic deposition in Asia in the coming decades, especially in regions close
to those which use coal intensively: Eastern China, Korea, Eastern India,
Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines (Downing et al, 1997; World Bank,
2006). Acid rain, therefore, is a type of regional pollution with global
effects, as shown in Figure 6.25.

Global aspects: the greenhouse effect

The Earth's atmosphere is almost fully transparent to incident solar radiation. A small fraction of this radiation is reflected back to space, but most of
it hits the planet surface, mainly as visible light, where it is absorbed and reemitted as thermal radiation in all directions by infrared rays. However, the
atmosphere contains gases that are not transparent to thermal radiation,
acting as a blanket around Earth and heating it, in the same way as a greenhouse remains sufficiently warm in winter, to allow the growth of outof-season vegetables and flowers (Figure 6.26).
As a consequence of the action of the so-called greenhouse gas effect
(GHG, mainly carbon dioxide and methane), the planet loses less heat into
space. The existence of the atmosphere and of the GHG allows life on the
planet. They act as stabilizers against sudden changes in temperature
between night and day. Without the GHG, it is estimated that the average

temperature on the Earth's surface would be 15-20 C below zero. Whereas

the Moon and Mars do not have an atmosphere and suffer from large differences in temperature throughout the day, Venus has a very thick 'cover',
keeping its temperatures permanently high.
The heating produced depends on the concentration and properties of
each gas in contributing to it, and on the amount of time in which the gases
remain in the atmosphere. Aerosols (small particles) from volcanoes, from
sulphate emissions by the industries and from other sources may absorb
and reflect radiation as well. In most cases, aerosols tend to cool the climate.
Aerosols and ozone (both tropospheric and stratospheric) are also factors
that cause an increase in the greenhouse effect; however, the effect is much
smaller and scientific uncertainty is even larger. Moreover, there are
changes in surface albedo - a reflectivity measure - altered, for example, by
change in land use and by the deposition of black particles on white snow.
The combined effect of these factors is assessed by means of radiative farcing) a term representing an external distress on the energy balance of the
Earth's climate system.
Svente Arrhenius (1896) suggested that the anthropogenic C02 emissions result in Earth warming, but this concept remained as an academic
issue until the mid-20th century. Any changes made by human beings in
the radiant balance of the Earth, including those deriving from an increase

in the amount of greenhouse gases or aerosols, will tend to change the

atmosphere and ocean temperature, as well as the associated currents and
types of climate. These changes are overlapped on the natural climate
changes and, to distinguish them, it is necessary to identify 'signals' against
the 'background noise' of the natural climate variability.
This is not an easy task. The best information available on global climate
changes are the scientific assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Changes (IPCC7), which published its first report in 1990. The
fourth version was published in 2006 and its major conclusions are in
Box 6.4.
Box 6.4

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment

Report (AR4) Conclusions

The Physical Science Basis (IPCC, 2007)

The concentration of carbon dioxide - C0 2

the most


greenhouse effect gas - increased from the 280 parts per million (ppm)
in the pre-industrial era to 379ppm in 2005, by far exceeding


natural range ( I 80-300ppm) observed in the last 650,000 years by

samples in ice cores. The growth rate between

1995 and 2005


l .9ppm a year. The world average emission between 2000 and 2005
was 26.4Gt CO/year (or 7.2Gt Ceq/year) from fossil fuel burning, as

to 23.5Gt CO/year







emission sources were the changes in land use, with 5.9Gt CO/year
in the 1990s.




(CH )

concentration in the atmosphere

increased from the pre-industrial 715 parts per billion (ppb) to

I 774ppb in 2005; the natural variation in the last 650,000 years was
320-790ppb. The different emission sources are not yet well defined.

In the case of nitrous oxide (N 0), the pre-industrial atmospheric

concentrations were 270ppb and, in 2005, they were 3 I 9ppb. The

growth has been constant since 1980 and the main source is from
agricultural activities.

The combined radiative forcing of C0


and N

0 is +2.30W.m-2,

which very probably has not occurred in the last I 0,000 years (Figure

The 11 years between 1995 and 2006 broke records in average

temperature, assessed since 1850. Between 1906 and 2005, the Earth's

average temperature increased by 0.74

C. The linear increase in

temperature per decade in the last 50 years nearly doubled the one
observed in the last I 00 years. In the last century, the increase in
average temperature in the Arctic doubled that of the planet's average.

Glaciers and mountain snow, as well as polar ice caps, decreased in a

disseminated way. In the Arctic, the spring defrost has increased by I 5
per cent since 1900. The dynamic defrosting effects contribute even
more to the rise in ocean levels.

The oceans absorb more than 80 per cent of the heat inciding on Earth
and their average temperatures increased in depths of up to 3000m,
leading to a volumetric expansion and to the increase in sea level. The
sea level rose 17cm in the 20th century, being I.8mm a year in 19612003 and 3.1mm a year in 1993-2003.
Rainfalls increased in the West of the Americas, Northern Europe and
North and Central Asia. Droughts increased in the Mediterranean,
South Africa and Sahel (between the Sahara desert and the more fertile
lands in the South) and parts of Southern Asia. There is evidence of an
increase in cyclone activity, mainly in the North Atlantic. The increase
in strong precipitation events is consistent with global warming and
with the higher atmospheric concentration of water vapour.
Intense and longer droughts have been more frequent since the 1970s,
particularly in the tropics and subtropics. Also associated with droughts
are the alterations in ocean temperatures, wind standards and an
increase in mountain defrosting.
According to the IPCC modellings, between 1999 and 2099, the
average temperature of the planet will increase by between 0.3C and
6.4C; the sea level will rise between 0.18 and 0.59m and the ocean pH
will be reduced by between 0.14 and 0.35.
The models also predict that warming will be greater on land than on
oceans - and higher in the northern latitudes; perennial snow and ice
will decrease; heat waves and strong precipitations will increase;
cyclones will be more intense; extra-tropical storms will move towards
the poles and ocean currents will be altered (the Atlantic meridional
ocean current will decrease by about 25 per cent).
Therefore, to stabilize the C0 concentrations in the atmosphere at
450ppm, increasing the average temperature by O.SC, in the 21st
century considerable effort will be necessary to reduce emissions by
2460Gt C02 (or 670Gt Ceq) to I 800Gt C02 (490Gt Ceq).
Past and future C0 emissions caused by human activities will continue
to contribute to global warming and an increase in ocean levels for
more than a millennium, due to the timescale necessary to remove
these gases from the atmosphere.

One of the most important examples of global warming occurred in the

summer of 2003 when, for the first time recorded, the perennial snows of
Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the last ice cap in Africa, have melted.
Figure 6.29 illustrates the causes for the rise in ocean levels:

1 surface water storage, underground water extraction, reservoirs building


and seepage in aquifers;

silt deposits, land and tectonic movements;
changes in surface and deep current circulation, storm formation;
water expansion in warmed oceans;
defrosting of the water stored in glaciers.

In addition, changes have occurred in the atmosphere and the ocean cir
culation standards, affecting the great ocean conveyor belt (Figure 6.30).
The phenomena associated with climate change thus go beyond warm
ing: extreme events are more intense and frequent (Figure 6.31).
The Earth's average surface temperature data and atmosphere tempera
tures obtained by satellite altitudes of several kilometres are consistent. The
IPCC 4th Assessment Report states that the evidences of human influence
on global climate are increasingly stronger, and that there is between 90 and
99 per cent probability that the increase in 'greenhouse gases' concentra
tions has substantially contributed to global warming in recent years. In the
past 400,000 years, the Earth's climate witnessed large changes in a few
decades, for example, glaciation. These rapid changes suggest that the cli
mate may be sensitive to internal or external factors. Analyses of ancient ice
layers indicate that temperatures in the planet varied little in the last 10,000
years - possibly less than 1C per century. The data in the last 40 years are
the most accurate; the data of past centuries are obtained from ice samples
from the Arctic and the Antarctic, at different depths corresponding to the
precipitations of the land and snow at the time. The correlation between the
C02 concentration in the atmosphere and the increase in temperature is
evident (Figure 6.32).
C02 and other greenhouse gases (GHG)

The experimental evidence established after 1950 proves that the composi
tion of the atmosphere has changed since the beginning of the industrial era
and that the pace of change has been accelerating. Typical of the average
situation of the planet are the data on carbon dioxide concentration in the
atmosphere at the Mauna Loa observatory, in Hawaii, US, which is isolated
from external emission factors (Figure 6.33). The fast oscillations are due
to the seasons of the year. There is a strong correlation between the C02
concentrations in the atmosphere and the temperature, and the evolution is
not linear, indicating that from a certain C02 concentration, abrupt
changes are likely to occur. Anthropogenic emissions may take the climate
back to the instability observed before the ice age. C02 from fossil fuel
burning is the gas that mainly causes the increase in the greenhouse effect,
due to the large amounts involved, which affect the carbon balance on
Earth (Table 6.10 and Figure 6.34). Whereas the combustion processes are
immediate, the carbon recovery by the soil and by biomass is slow, affect ing
the cycle.

Table 6.10 Global carbon emissions balance, 1989-98 (IPCC, 200 I)

Billion tons of carbon a year

Emissions (fossil fuels and cement production)

6.3 0.4

C increase in the atmosphere

3.3 0.1

Ocean flow-atmosphere

-2.3 0.5

Earth flow-atmosphere*
-0.7 0.6
* Net value being emitted by deforestation 1.6 0.8 billion tCeq/year and
absorbed by new forests 2.3 1.8 billion tCeq/year

The most relevant greenhouse effects are presented in Table 6.11. The
capacity of these gases in contributing to global warming is assessed by an
indicator called Global Warming Potential, or GWP, which provides the
relative contribution of each gas, per mass unit, compared to that of C02
As can be seen in Table 6.11, GWP depends on its lifetime in the atmos
phere and on its interactions with other gases and with water vapour. Some
substances have a much-extended lifetime in the atmosphere, increasing
their GWP; it is the case of chlorofluorocarbons - CFCs. 8

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