Sleep Health Is A Term That Is Infrequently Used and Even Less Frequently Defined. It Is Time For Us To

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Good sleep is essential to good health.

Yet for most of its history, sleep medicine has focused on the definition, identification, and
treatment of sleep problems. Sleep health is a term that is infrequently used and even less frequently defined. It is time for us to
change this. Indeed, pressures in the research, clinical, and regulatory environments require that we do so. The health of populations is
increasingly defined by positive attributes such as wellness, performance, and adaptation, and not merely by the absence of disease.
Sleep health can be defined in such terms. Empirical data demonstrate several dimensions of sleep that are related to health outcomes,
and that can be measured with self-report and objective methods. One suggested definition of sleep health and a description of selfreport items for measuring it are provided as examples. The concept of sleep health synergizes with other health care agendas, such as
empowering individuals and communities, improving population health, and reducing health care costs. Promoting sleep health also
offers the field of sleep medicine new research and clinical opportunities. In this sense, defining sleep health is vital not only to the
health of populations and individuals, but also to the health of sleep medicine itself.

Based on these findings, the following five dimensions of sleep appear the most relevant to
definitions and measurements of sleep health:
Sleep duration: The total amount of sleep obtained per 24 hours
Sleep continuity or efficiency: The ease of falling asleep and returning to sleep
Timing: The placement of sleep within the 24-hour day
Alertness/sleepiness: The ability to maintain attentive wakefulness
Satisfaction/Quality: The subjective assessment of good or poor sleep
Conceptual model of sleep health. This model, similar to those proposed by many other authors, posits that various dimensions of sleep-wake
function can affect distal outcomes of health and function. Intermediate processes may include epigenetic, molecular, and cellular processes
that in turn affect systems-level processes. These processes, ranging from inflammation to altered function of neural circuits, are more
proximally related to health outcomes. The model also recognizes that the relationships between sleep-wake function and molecular, cellular,
systems and organism-level outcomes are reciprocal; just as sleep affects function and health, so too function and health influence sleep-wake

These five dimensions are appropriate indicators of sleep health for several reasons. First,
each is associated with health outcomes, albeit with somewhat different outcomes for each
dimension. Second, they can each be expressed in positive terms, i.e., we can characterize
their better directions. This is not to say that these dimensions are all unidirectional. For
instance, sleep duration and sleep timing are good if they fall within certain ranges, but
poor if they deviate too far in either direction from these ranges. It is also important to
acknowledge that, while these dimensions can be expressed in positive terms, the
supporting studies in Table 1 largely focus on their negative directions and consequences;
there have been few studies specifically examining the potential benefits of good sleep.
Third, most of the dimensions can be measured across self-report, behavioral, and
physiological levels of analysis. Self-report is readily obtained with retrospective
questionnaires or sleep diaries. Behavioral data can be measured with actigraphy.
Physiological data can be obtained with home or laboratory PSG. Satisfaction/quality is the
potential exception to this rule. However, this dimension may have a physiological correlate
in the amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) or EEG delta activity. Finally, each dimension has
good face validity or ecological validity, i.e., can be readily understood by health
professionals and members of the public.
Regularity vs. variability of sleep is important for understanding sleep disorders such as
insomniaand circadian
rhythm disorders. However, variability can be difficult to quantify in itself, and is typically
measured with the proposed dimensions above. Variability is an important target for sleep
disorder treatments, but it is less clearly related to adverse health outcomes.
Sleep health is a multidimensional pattern of sleep-wakefulness, adapted to individual,
social, and environmental
demands, that promotes physical and mental well-being. Good sleep health is characterized
by subjective satisfaction, appropriate timing, adequate duration, high efficiency, and
sustained alertness during waking hours.

The 2011 National Institutes of Health Sleep Disorders Research Plan defines sleep
deficiency as a deficit in the quantity or quality of sleep obtained versus the amount
needed for optimal health, performance, and well-being; sleep deficiency may result from
prolonged wakefulness leading to sleep deprivation, insufficient sleep duration, sleep
fragmentation, or a sleep disorder, such as in obstructive sleep apnea, that disrupts sleep
and thereby renders sleep non-restorative.
The proposed definition of sleep health is in many ways the inverse of these definitions of
sleep deficiency. Both sleep health and sleep deficiency emphasize the link to optimal health
and well-being; both address multiple dimensions of sleep, including duration, efficiency,
and timing. Sleep deficiency also incorporates sleep disorders. Dimensions incorporated in
the proposed definition of sleep health, such as sleep duration, efficiency, and timing, clearly
exist on a continuum with the constructs incorporated in sleep deficiency. In fact, we could
define sleep deficiency and optimal sleep health as the anchors at either end of this
continuum. Similarly, various domains of cardiovascular health such as atherosclerosis,
blood pressure, and cardiac output each exist on a continuum from good to poor, or healthy
to unhealthy.
So is sleep healthor at least a definition of itnecessary?
Several considerations suggest that sleep health is indeed distinct from sleep deficiency and
important in its own right.
First, health is not merely the absence of disease. Cardiovascular health is not defined
exclusively by the absence of a myocardial infarction, pulmonary health by the absence of
emphysema, or mental health by the absence of schizophrenia. Similarly, sleep health
should not be defined exclusively by the
absence of sleep deprivation or a sleep disorder. In this regard sleep health is a broader and
potentially more useful concept than sleep deficiency in some settings. It is also consisten
with an increasing emphasis on promoting healthrather than simply focusing on disease
in other areas of medicine. For example, the CDCs Division for Heart Disease and Stroke
Prevention works to improve cardiovascular health through public health strategies and
policies that promote healthy lifestyles and behaviors; healthy environments and
communities; and access to early and affordable detection and treatment
The American Heart Association defines ideal cardiovascular health by the absence of
disease and the presence of seven quantifiable factors and behaviors.52 Ideal cardiovascular
health predicts lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality
Second, deficiency states are framed in a negative rather than a positive light: as something
to be avoided and replaced, rather than something to be sought and promoted. Framing
sleep in a positive direction may help with education and health promotion initiatives.
Third, deficiencies usually refer to inadequate amounts of an exogenous or endogenous
substance rather than to endogenous processes or states. Thus, we speak of vitamin or
hormone deficiencies, but not of respiration or digestion deficiencies. We often refer to sleep
in quantitative terms as though it were a substance, but it is fundamentally a process or
Fourth, deficiencies are usually defined in categorical terms: An individual is either deficient,
and therefore in need of intervention, or not. Sleep characteristics exist on continua, like
blood pressure or cholesterol, rather than as typical deficiency/ sufficiency states, like
nutrient or hormone deficiencies. In a related way, deficiency states imply that a sufficiency
state also exists, but this state remains undefined in the case of sleep deficiency. Gradations
exist even within normal sleep, but these are more difficult to account for within the
framework of sleep deficiency.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the continuum of sleep health can be measured and
applied to every individual, whereas sleep deficiency by definition exists only in some
individuals. For purposes of education, assessing populations, and health promotion, it is
useful to include every individual, not only the minority with illness or disability.

Insomnia is a difficult disorder to treat, so presenting a concise overview, including symptom

presentation, pathophysiology and different avenues available to treat this problem, is a
complicated task that the authors were able to complete nicely.
Relevant to psychiatric practice is insomnia leading to development of depression, anxiety,
and substance use disorders.
Patient with insomnia, a major depressive disorder is associated with worse treatment
outcomes and suicidal ideation. Also stressed was the importance of other medical and
neurologic diseases for being the underlying etiology of insomnia
Sleep apnea is a prevalent disorder with significant morbidity and mortality.
Sleep is an important aspect of maintaining the bodys circadian rhythm. Inadequate sleep contributes
to heart disease, diabetes, depression, falls, accidents, impaired cognition, and a poor quality of life.
While normal aging changes interfere with the quality of sleep, other disease conditions and
medications used by older adults compromise sleep patterns. A nursing assessment of sleep begins
with a comprehensive assessment of sleep quality and sleep patterns. The nurse may be able to
improve the sleep problem immediately with interventions or work with the health care team to assess
the sleep issue in greater depth.

Kemudian dari hasil jawaban responden tersebut ditentukan nilai

tertinggi, nilai terendah, range, dan interval melalui perhitungan statistik


Nilai tertinggi

= Skor tertinggi x jumlah soal

3 x 20 = 60

Nilai terendah

= Skor terendah x jumlah soal

1 x 20 = 20


= Nilai tertinggi nilai terendah

20 = 40

Kelas interval

= Range : kategori

40 : 2 = 20

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