F. Triumph or Tragedy: The Moral Meaning of Genetic Technology

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F. Triumph or Tragedy: The Moral

Meaning of Genetic Technology
Leader: Leon R. Kass
Addie Clark Harding Professor in the College and the Committee on
Social Thought, University of Chicago, 19981999 William H. Brady, Jr.,
Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute
March 18, 1999.
As one contemplates the current and projected state of genetic knowledge and
technology, one is astonished by how far we have come in the less than 50 years
since Watson and Crick first announced the structure of DNA. True, soon after
that discovery, scientists began seriously to discuss the futuristic prospects of
gene therapy for genetic disease and of genetic engineering more generally. But
no one then imagined how rapidly genetic technology would emerge, as the
direct consequence of new, utterly unforeseen techniques for DNA
recombination. Within a few years, we will see the completion of the Human
Genome Project, disclosing the DNA sequences of all the 100,000 human genes.
Today, genetic technology companies are thriving, even on incomplete genomic
knowledge; the research director for SmithKline Beecham reported at a recent
meeting that his company already has enough genetic sequencing data to keep
his researchers busy for the next 20 years, developing early detection screening
techniques; rationally designed vaccines; genetically engineered changes in
malignant tumors leading to enhanced immune response; and, ultimately,
precise gene therapy for specific genetic diseases. The age of genetic technology
has arrivedand with it, much public anxiety and a growing attention to the
some of the attendant ethical issues.
Genetic technology comes into existence as part of the large humanitarian effort
to cure disease, prolong life, and alleviate suffering. Attached to the intrinsically
humane and morally purposive art of medicine, genetic technology arrives to
begin with wrapped in the highly moral mantle of generous and philanthropic
humanitarianism. Occupying the moral high ground of compassionate healing,
biomedical technology usually receives a royal welcome in our society, even
when it raises challenges to other traditional moral norms. To a large extent, the
same will be true of much of what genetic technology has to offer in the future.
Who would not welcome genetic surgery that corrected the genetic defects that


lead to sickle-cell anemia, Huntingtons disease, and breast cancer or that

protected against the immune deficiency caused by the AIDS virus?
But genetic technology strikes most people as different from other biomedical
technologies. Many people are concerned, anxious, and afraid of tampering
with human genes. Even knowledgeable people, duly impressed by the truly
astonishing genetic achievements of the last decade and eager for the benefits,
are nonetheless ambivalent. For they senseI think rightlythat genetic
technology, while in some respects continuous with the traditional medical
project, is also in decisive respects radically new and, therefore, disquieting.
Often hard-pressed to articulate the precise basis of their disquiet, they talk
rather in general terms about the dangers of eugenics or the fear of man playing
Enthusiasts for genetic technology, made confident by their expertise and by
their growing prestige and power, are often impatient with the publics disquiet.
Much of it they attribute to ignorance of science: If the public only knew what
we know, it would see things our way and give up its irrational fears. For the
rest, they blame outmoded moral and religious notions, ideas that scientists insist
no longer hold water and only serve to obstruct scientific progress. But this
sincere yet also self-serving attempt to cast the debate as a battle of beneficialand-knowledgeable cleverness versus ignorant-and-superstitious anxiety cannot
succeed. For the public is right to be ambivalent about genetic technology, and
no amount of learning molecular biology and genetics is going to allay itsour
legitimate human concerns. Rightly understood, these worries are, in fact, in
touch with the deepest matters of our humanity and dignity, and we ignore them
at our peril.
I want this evening to try to articulate some of these concerns, in the hope that
we might be less heedless, less arrogant, and more sober as we hurl ourselves
forward we know not where. Rather than speak about some ethical questions
raised by the use of this or that technique, I want us to consider the moral
meaning of the entire enterprise. To do so, we must bear in mind that genetic
technology cannot be treated in isolation, but must be seen in connection with
other advances in reproductive and developmental biology, in neurobiology, and
in the genetics of behaviorindeed, with all the techniques now and soon being
marshaled to intervene ever more directly and precisely into the bodies and
minds of human beings. I shall proceed by raising a series of questions and
comments, the first of which is an attempt to say how genetic technology is


What Is so Special About Genetic Technology?

Genetic engineering, when fully developed, will wield two powers not shared by
ordinary medical practice. First, medicine treats only existing individuals, and it
treats them only remedially, seeking to correct deviations from a more or less
stable norm of health. Genetic engineering, in contrast, will deliberately make
changes that not only are transmissible to succeeding generations but will even
alter in advance specific future individuals (through direct germ-line or embryo
interventions). Second, genetic engineering may be able (through so-called
genetic enhancement) to create new human capacities and, hence, new norms of
health and fitness. True, for the present, genetic technology is being hailed
primarily for its ability to improve diagnosis and treatment of disease in existing
individuals. To the extent that it would and could be confined to such practices,
it would raise few questions beyond the usual ones of safety and efficacy. Even
intrauterine gene therapy for existing fetuses with diagnosable genetic disease
could be seen as an extension of the growing field of fetal medicine. But there is
no reason to believe that the use of gene-altering powers can be so confined,
either in logic or in practice. For one thing, germ-line gene therapy and
manipulation, affecting the unconceived and the unborn, is surely in our future.
The practice can be given numerous justifications, beginning with the desire to
reverse the dysgenic effects of modern medical success.
Ordinary medicine is not without heritable genetic consequences, though these
are not the deliberate or direct goals of therapy, but rather its unintended byproducts. Thanks to medicine, individuals who would have died from, say,
diabetes now live long enough to transmit their disease-producing genes. Why,
it has been argued, should we not reverse these changes by deliberate
intervention? More generally, why should we not effect precise genetic
alteration in disease-carrying sperm or eggs or early embryos, to prevent in
advance the emergence of disease, which otherwise will later require expensive
and burdensome treatment, genetic or other? And why should not parents eager
to avoid both the birth of afflicted children and the trauma of genetic abortion be
able to avail themselves of germ-line alteration? Even before we have had more
than trivial experience with somatic gene therapynone of it successfulsober
people are calling for overturning the existing self-imposed taboo on germ-line
modification.1 Never mind the severe ethical impropriety of experimenting
upon the unborn (who cannot give their consent) or the countless mishaps that
will have to be discarded. The line between somatic and germ-line modification
cannot hold.
1See, for example, Walters (1991).


Neither can we hold or defend the line between therapy and genetic
enhancement, despite the naive hopes of many that this will prove possible.
Would people reject additions to the human genome that enabled us to produce,
internally, vitamins or amino acids we now must get in our diet? Would we
oppose the insertion of engineered foreign genes that would be antibiotic to
bacteria and parasites or would offer us increased resistance to cancer?
Alterations in the immune system that would increase its efficacy or make it
impervious to HIV? When genetic profiling becomes able to disclose the genetic
contributions to height or memory or intelligence, will we deny prospective
parents the right to enhance the potential of their childrenby genetic means,
among others? Finally, should we discoveras no doubt we willthe genetic
switches that control our biological clock and that very likely influence also the
maximum human life expectancy, will our life-prolonging culture opt to keep its
hands off the process of aging and the upper limit on human life expectancy?
Not a chance.
We thus face a paradox. On the one hand, genetic technology really is different,
because it can and will go to work directly and deliberately on our basic,
heritable, life-shaping capacities, at their biological roots, and it can take us
beyond the existing norms of health and healingperhaps even to alter
fundamental features of human nature. On the other hand, we will find its
promise familiar and irresistible, precisely because the goals it will serve, at least
to begin with, will be continuous with those of modern high-interventionist
medicine. This paradox itself contributes to public disquiet: We rightly perceive
a powerful difference in genetic technology, but we also sense that we are
powerless to use that recognized difference to establish clear limits to the use of
genetic power. The genetic genie, first unbottled to treat disease, will, we rightly
suspect, go his own way, whether we like it or not.

How Much Genetic Self-Knowledge Is Good for Us?

Quite apart from worries about genetic engineering, gaining genetic knowledge
is itself a legitimate cause of anxiety, not least because one of its most touted
benefitsgenetic profiling of individualsis guaranteed to increase everyones
anxiety. The deepest problem connected with knowing your own genotype and
thus learning your own genetic sins and unhealthy predispositions is neither the
threat to confidentiality and privacy nor the risk of so-called genetic
discrimination in employment or insurance, important though these practical
problems may be. It is rather the various hazards, anxieties, and deformations in
living your life that attach to knowing in advance your likely or possible medical
future. To be sure, such foreknowledge of predisposition will be welcome in


some cases, if it can lead to easy measures to prevent or treat the impending
disorder and if we are talking about genes that predispose to disorders that do
not powerfully affect self-image or self-command. But will and should we
welcome knowledge that we carry a predisposition to Alzheimers disease,
schizophrenia, or some other personality or behavior disorder? That we
definitely carry genes that will surely produce a serious but untreatable disease
that will strike us at an unknown future time? Still harder will it be for most
people to live easily and wisely with less certain information about predilections
and predispositions, say, where multigenic traits are involved or where the
predictions are purely statistical, with no clear implication for any particular
predisposed individual. The recent case of a father who insisted that
ovariectomy and mastectomy be performed on his 10-year-old daughter because
she carried the BRCA-1 [breast cancer] gene dramatically shows the toxic effect of
genetic knowledge.
Less dramatic but more profound is the threat that excessive genetic
foreknowledge poses to human freedom and spontaneity, a subject explored 25
years ago by the late philosopher, Hans Jonas, one of our wisest commentators
on technology and the human prospect. In a discussion of human cloning, Jonas
argued for a novel right to ignorance, necessary for human freedom and
authentic action:
That there can be (and mostly is) too little knowledge has always
been realized; that there can be too much of it stands suddenly
before us in a blinding light. . . . . The ethical command here
entering the enlarged stage of our powers is: never to violate the
right to that ignorance which is a condition for the possibility of
authentic action; or: to respect the right of each human life to find its
own way and be a surprise to itself. (Jonas, 1974, p. 163. Italics in
To scientists who see only how knowledge of predispositions can lead to rational
preventive medicine, Jonas defense of ignorance will look like obscurantism.
But, as Jonas observes,
knowledge of the future, especially ones own, has always been
excepted [from the injunction to Know thyself] and the attempt
to gain it by whatever means (astrology is one) disparagedas
futile superstition by the enlightened, but as sin by theologians; and
in the latter case with reasons that are also philosophically sound.
(Jonas, 1974, p. 161.)
Everyone remembers that Prometheus was the philanthropic god who gave to
human beings fire and the arts, but we forget that he gave them also the greater
gift of blind hopesto cease seeing doom before their eyes (Aeschylus, lines


250ff)precisely because he knew that ignorance of ones own future doom was
indispensable to any human beings aspiration and achievement. I suspect that
many people, taking their bearings from life lived open-endedly rather than from
preventive medicine practiced rationally, will prefer ignorance of the future to
the scientific astrology of knowing their genetic profile. In a free society, that will
be their right. Or will it?

Freedom, Power, and Coercion

Even people who might welcome the growth of genetic knowledge and
technology are worried about the power of geneticists, genetic engineers, and
any governmental authority armed with genetic technology. 2 Precisely because
we have been taught by these very scientists that genes hold the secret of life and
that our genotype is our essence if not quite our destiny, we are made nervous by
those whose expert knowledge and technique touch our very being. If, as science
has taught us, power over genotype is power over life, not only ours but that of
future generations, we have reason to be anxious, even apart from any particular
abuses and misuses of that power. C. S. Lewis, friend neither of ignorance nor
timidity, put the matter sharply:
It is, of course, a commonplace to complain that men have hitherto
used badly, and against their fellows, the powers that science has
given them. But . . . I am not speaking of particular corruptions
and abuses which an increase of moral virtue would cure: I am
considering what the thing called Mans power over Nature must
always and essentially be. . . .
In reality, of course, if any one age really attains, by eugenics and
scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it
pleases, all men who live after it are the patients of that power.
They are weaker, not stronger: for though we may have put
wonderful machines in their hands we have pre-ordained how they
are to use them. . . . The real picture is that of one dominant age
. . . which resists all previous ages most successfully and dominates
all subsequent ages most irresistibly, and thus is the real master of
the human species. But even within this master generation (itself
an infinitesimal minority of the species) the power will be exercised
by a minority smaller still. Mans conquest of Nature, if the dreams
of some scientific planners are realized, means the rule of a few
hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men. . . . Each new
power won by man is a power over man as well. (Lewis, 1965, p.
6971. Italics in original.)
2One of the remarkable silences in all discussions of genetic technology has been the naive
neglect of its potential usefulness in creating biological weapons, such as, to begin with, antibioticresistant plague bacteria or, later, aerosols containing cancer-inducing viral vectors.


Most of our genetic technologists, quite properly, will not recognize themselves
in this portrait. Though they concede that abuses or misuses of power may
occur, especially in tyrannical regimes, they see themselves not as predestinators
but as facilitators, merely providing increased knowledge and technique that
people can freely choose to use in making their health or reproductive decisions.
Genetic power, they tell us, serves to increase freedom, not to limit it. But as we
can see from the existing practices of genetic screening and prenatal diagnosis,
this claim is at best self-deceptive, at worst disingenuous. The choice to develop
and practice genetic screening and the choices of which genes to target for testing
have been made not by the public but by scientists and not on liberty-enhancing
but on eugenic (albeit, so far, on negative eugenic) grounds. Moreover, in many
cases, practitioners of prenatal diagnosis refuse to do fetal genetic screening in
the absence of a prior commitment from the pregnant woman to abort any
afflicted fetus. And while a small portion of the population may be sufficiently
educated to participate knowingly and freely in genetic decisions, most people
are now, and no doubt always will be, subject to the (often but not always)
benevolent tyranny of expertise. Every expert knows how easy it is to get most
people to choose one way over another, simply by the way one raises the
questions, describes the prognosis, and presents the options. The genetic
preferences of scientists and counselors will always overtly or subtly shape the
choices of the counseled.
In addition, economic pressures to contain health-care costs will almost certainly
constrain free choice. Discrimination in insurance may eventually work to
compel genetic abortion or genetic intervention, through decisions to refuse
coverage for this or that genetic disease. State-mandated screening already
occurs for PKU. In France, the government has mandated that all citizens will
need to carry all their personal information on a smart card by the year 2000.
The growing tendencies to rationalize health care and to make it more costeffective may constrain choice precisely as they enhance prospects for prevention
and treatment. Moreover, with full-blown genetic screening, there will likely be
increasing pressure to limit reproductive freedom, all in the name of the wellbeing of children. Already, in 1971, geneticist Bentley Glass, in his presidential
address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, enunciated
the right of every child to be born with a sound physical and mental
constitution, based on a sound genotype. Looking ahead to the reproductive
and genetic technologies that are today rapidly arriving, Glass proclaimed: No
parents will in that future time have a right to burden society with a malformed
or a mentally incompetent child. (Glass, 1971, p. 28.) It remains to be seen to
what extent such prophecies will be realized, but they surely provide sufficient


and reasonable grounds for being concerned about restrictions on human

freedom, even in the absence of overt coercion, even in liberal polities.

Beyond Freedom and Coercion: Questions of Dignity

and Dehumanization
Although the public worries about abuses of genetic power and about who will
control the controllers, I believe its deepest concerns lie elsewhere. What does
and should worry us most can, and probably will, arise even with the free,
humane, and so-called enlightened use of these technologies. For, truth to tell,
genetic technology, the practices it will engender, and (above all) the scientific
teachings about human life on which it rests and which it seems to validate are
not, as many would have it, simply morally and humanly neutral. They are
pregnant with their own moral meaning, regardless of whether they are
practiced humanely or taught humbly. They necessarily bring with themselves
changes in our practices, institutions, norms, beliefs, and human self-conception.
It is these challenges to our dignity and humanity that most urgently generate
the concerns over genetic (and other biomedical and neuropsychological) science
and technology. Let me touch on five aspects of this most serious matter.

Playing God
Curiously, the worry about dehumanization is sometimes expressed,
paradoxically, in the fear of superhumanization, that is, that man, or rather some
men, will be playing God. This complaint is too facilely dismissed by scientists
and others who are nonbelievers. The concern has meaning, God or no God. By
this phrase is meant one or more of the following: (1) Man, or, again, some men,
are becoming creators of life, and indeed, of individual living human beings (in
vitro fertilization, cloning); (2) they not only create life, but they stand in
judgment of each beings worthiness to live or dienot on moral grounds, as is
said of Gods judgment, but on somatic and genetic ones (genetic screening and
abortion); and (3) they also hold out the promise of salvation from our genetic
sins and defects (gene therapy and genetic engineering). Man, not God, is a god
to man.
Never mind the exaggeration in the conceit and the fact that man, even at his
most powerful, is capable only of playing at being God. Consider only that, if
scientists are seen in the godlike role of creator-judge-savior, the rest of us must
stand in inferior relation to them as creatures-judged-tainted. These worries,
despite the hyperbolic speech, are not far-fetched.


One example will suffice. Not long ago, in my own institution, a physician
making rounds with medical students stood over the bed of an intelligent,
otherwise normal ten-year-old boy with spina bifida. Were he to have been
conceived today, the physician casually informed his entourage, he would
have been aborted. Determining who shall live and who shall dieon the basis
of genetic meritis a godlike power already wielded by genetic medicine. And
this power will only grow.

Manufacture and Commodification

But, one will rightly respond, genetic technology holds out the promise of
redemption, of the cure for these life-crippling and life-forfeiting disorders. Very
well. But to truly practice their salvific power, the genetic technologists will have
to greatly increase their manipulations and interventions, well beyond merely
screening and weeding out. True, genetic testing and risk management aimed at
prevention may in some cases actually cut down on the need for high-tech
interventions aimed at cure. But there will be many, many other cases in which
increasing scrutiny will necessarily be accompanied by increasing manipulation.
And, to produce Bentley Glasss healthy and well-endowed babies, let alone
babies with the benefits of genetic enhancement, a new scientific obstetrics will
be necessary, one that will come very close to turning human procreation into
manufacture. This process has already crudely begun with in vitro fertilization;
it will soon take giant steps forward with the ability to screen the in vitro
embryos before implantation; with cloning; and, eventually, with precise genetic
engineering. Just follow the logic and the aspirations of current practice: The
road we are traveling leads all the way to Brave New Worldnot by dictatorial
fiat, but by the march of benevolent humanitarianism, cheered on and enjoyed by
the very citizens who, in their ambivalence, also dread becoming simply the
latest of mans manmade things.
Make no mistake. The price to be paid for producing optimum, or even only
genetically sound, babies is the transfer of procreation from the home to the
laboratory and its coincident transformation into manufacture. Increasing
control over the product can only be purchased by the increasing
depersonalization of the process. More and more, we will give existence to new
life not by what we are but by what we intend and design. As with any product of
our making, no matter how excellent, the artificer will stand above it, not as an
equal but as a superior, transcending it by his will and creative powers. Such an
arrangement will be profoundly dehumanizing, no matter how genetically good
or healthy the children. And let us not forget the powerful economic interests


that will surely operate in this area; with their advent, the commodification of
nascent human life will be unstoppable.

Standards, Norms, and Goals

Equally troublesome is the matter of standards, norms, and goals. According to
Genesis, God, in His creating, looked at His creatures and saw that they were
goodintact, complete, well-working wholes, true to the spoken idea that guided
their creation. But what standards will guide the genetic engineers? For the time
being, one might answer, the guide would be the norm of health. But even
before the genetic enhancers join the party, the standard of health is going to be
deconstructed. Are you healthy if you are asymptomatic but carry genes that
will definitely produce Huntingtons disease or that predispose to diabetes,
breast cancer, or coronary artery disease? What if you carry, say, 40 percent of
the genetic markers thought to be linked to the appearance of Alzheimerss
disease? And what will health and normality mean when we discover genetic
propensities to alcoholism, drug abuse, pederasty, or violent behavior? Health
will become at once both imperial and vague: Ironically, we will get increased
medicalizationvia genetic diagnosisof what have hitherto been mental or
moral matters at the same time that we will see the disappearance of any given
standard of health, wholeness, or fitness.
Once genetic enhancement comes on the scene, all pretense of standards will go
out the window, just when such standards would be most urgently needed.
Enhancement is, of course, a soft euphemism for improvement, and the idea of
improvement necessarily implies a good, a better, and perhaps even a best. But if
previously unalterable human nature can no longer can function as a standard or
norm for what is regarded as good or better, how will anyone truly know what
constitutes an improvement? It will not do to say that we can extrapolate from
what we like about ourselves and to proclaim that more is better. Because
memory is good, can we say how much more memory would be better? If sexual
desire is good, how much more would be better? Given that life is good, how
much extension of the maximum life expectancy would be good for us? Only
simplistic thinking believes it can easily answer such questions. In whose image
will the creators of the new and enhanced human beings create them? This is the
real problem with positive eugenics: less the threat of coercion, more the
presumption of thinking we are wise enough to engineer improvements in the
human species.
The more modest enhancers, like the more modest genetic therapists and
technologists, have no such grandiose goals. They are valetudinarians, not


eugenicists. They pursue, or think they pursue, not some far away positive good,
but the positive elimination of evils: diseases, pain and suffering, the likelihood
of death. But let us not deceive ourselves. There is in all this avoidance of evil an
implicit positive goal: nothing less than a painless; suffering-free; and, finally,
immortal existence. What is more, though unstated, this implicit goal is in fact
held to be uncontroversial and paramount. Only the presence of such a goal can
justify sweeping aside all opposition to the progress of medical science. Only
such a goal gives to the principle cure disease, relieve suffering its trumping
value in nearly all arguments about medical ethics: Cloning human beings is
unethical and dehumanizing, you say? So what: it will help us treat infertility,
avoid genetic disease, and provide perfect materials for organ transplantation.3
Never mind whether it means creating and growing human embryos for
experimentation, changing the definition of death to facilitate organ
transplantation, growing human body parts in the peritoneal cavities of animals,
perfusing newly dead bodies as factories for useful biologicals, or
reprogramming the human body and mind with genetic or neurobiological
engineering: Who can sustain an objection if these practices help us live longer
and with less overt suffering?

The Tragedy of Success

That the project is utopian and finally doomed to failure does not slow the
enthusiasts. They do not see that we will not eliminate suffering but merely shift
it around. They do not remember that contentment means parity between ones
desires and ones powers, and they therefore do not appreciate the discontent
that we are already seeing as a result of rising desires and expectations in the
health-care field.4 Worst of all, they do not see the larger human cost of the
successes of the humanitarian project. As Aldous Huxley made clear in his
prophetic Brave New World, the conquest of disease, aggression, pain, anxiety,
suffering, and grief unavoidably comes at the price of homogenization,
mediocrity, pacification, drug-induced contentment, trivialized human
attachments, debasement of taste, and souls without loves or longingsthe
3Such was the tenor of Cloning Human Beings, the June 1997 report of the National Bioethics
Advisory Commission, notwithstanding its call for a temporary ban on human cloning. The only
agreed-upon (and temporary) moral objection to human cloning: It is not safe to use in humans at
this time, solely because the technique has yet to be perfected (p. iii). Even this elite ethical body
apparently believes that there are no other moral arguments sufficient to cause us to forgo possible
health benefits.
4A number of recent studies show that, although their actual state of health has improved
substantially in recent decades, peoples satisfaction with their current health status has remained the
same or even declined. People seem to be doing better but feeling worse, very likely as a
consequence of rising expectations.


inevitable result of making the essence of human nature the final object of the
conquest of nature for the relief of mans estate. Like Midas, bioengineered man
will be cursed to acquire precisely what he wished for, only to discover
painfully and too latethat what he wished for is not exactly what he wanted.
Or, worse than Midas, he may be so dehumanized he will not even recognize
that, in aspiring to be perfect and divine, he is no longer even truly human. To
paraphrase Bertrand Russell, technological humanitarianism is like a warm bath
that heats up so imperceptibly you do not know when to scream.
I am sorry to paint such a gloomy prospect. I surely have no way of knowing
whether my worst fears will be realized, but you surely have no way of knowing
that they will not. True, Huxleys portrait is science fiction, but what was
debunked as mere science fiction not 20 years ago is today genuine biological
possibility. But my main point is not the rightness or wrongness of this or that
imagined scenarioall this is admittedly highly speculative. It is rather the
plausibility, or even the wisdom, of thinking about genetic technology, like the
entire technological venture, under the very ancient, profound, yet profoundly
un-American idea of tragedy, that poignantly human adventure of living in
grand self-contradiction. In tragedy, the failure is embedded in the heros
success, the defeats in his victories, the miseries in his glory. The technological
way of approaching both the world and human life, a way deeply rooted in the
human soul and spurred on by the utopian promises of modern thought and its
scientific crusaders, seems to be inevitable, heroic, and doomed.

Science, the Soul, and Shrunken Self-Understanding

To say that technology as a way of life is doomed, left to itself, does not yet mean
that modern lifeour lifemust be tragic. Everything depends on whether the
technological disposition is allowed to proceed to its self-augmenting limits, or
whether it can be restricted and brought under intellectual, spiritual, moral, and
political rule. And here, I regret to say, the news is not encouraging. For the
relevant intellectual, spiritual, and moral resources of our society, the legacy of
civilizing traditions painfully acquired and long preserved, are taking a beating,
not least because they are being called into question by the findings of modern
science itself and by biologys most public and prophetic voices. The
technologies present troublesome ethical dilemmas, but the underlying scientific
notions call into question the very foundations of our ethics.
The challenge goes munch further than the notorious case of evolution versus
biblical religion. Is there any elevated view of human life and goodness that is
proof against the belief that man is just a collection of molecules, an accident on


the stage of evolution, a freakish speck of mind in a mindless universe,

fundamentally no different from other livingor even nonlivingthings? What
chance have our treasured ideas of freedom and dignity against the teachings of
biological determinism in behavior, the reductive notion of the selfish gene (or,
for that matter, of genes for altruism), the belief that DNA is the essence of life,
and the credo that survival and reproductive success are the only natural
concerns of living beingsor, rather, of their genes?
As sociologist Howard Kaye notes:
For over forty years, we have been living in the midst of a
biological and cultural revolution of which innovations such as
AID, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, genetic manipulation, and
cloning are merely technological offshoots. In both aim and impact,
the end of this revolution is a fundamental transformation in how
we conceive of ourselves as human beings and how we understand
the nature and purpose of human life rightly lived. . . . Encouraged
by bio-prophets like Francis Crick, Jacques Monod, E.O. Wilson,
and Richard Dawkins, as well as by humanists and social scientists
trumpeting the essential claims of race, gender, and ethnicity, we
are in the process of redefining ourselves as biological, rather than
cultural and moral beings. Bombarded with white-coated claims
that Genes-R-Us, grateful for the absolution which such claims
offer for our shortcomings and sins, and attracted to the promise of
using efficient, technological means to fulfill our aspirations, rather
than the notoriously unreliable moral or political ones, the idea that
we are essentially self-replicating machines, built by the
evolutionary process, designed for survival and reproduction, and
run by our genes continues to gain. But still the publics
ambivalence persists, experienced in the form of anxiety at what
such a transformation would mean. (Kaye, 1997b; see also Kaye,
These transformations are, in fact, welcomed by many of our leading scientists
and intellectuals. Last year the luminaries of the International Academy of
Humanismincluding biologists Crick, Dawkins, and Wilson and humanists
Isaiah Berlin, W. V. Quine, and Kurt Vonnegutissued a statement in defense of
cloning research in higher mammals and humans beings. Their reasons are
What moral issues would human cloning raise? Some world
religions teach that human beings are fundamentally different from
other mammals . . . . Human nature is held to be unique and
sacred. Scientific advances which pose a perceived risk of altering
this nature are angrily opposed. . . . [But] [a]s far as the scientific
enterprise can determine . . . [h]uman capabilities appear to differ
in degree, not in kind, from those found among the higher animals.
Humanitys rich repertoire of thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and


hopes seems to arise from electrochemical brain processes, not from

an immaterial soul that operates in ways no instrument can
discover. . . . Views of human nature rooted in humanitys tribal
past ought not to be our primary criterion for making moral
decisions about cloning. . . . The potential benefits of cloning may
be so immense that it would be a tragedy if ancient theological
scruples should lead to a Luddite rejection of cloning.
(International Academy of Humanism, 1997.)
To justify ongoing research, these intellectuals are willing to shed not only
traditional religious views, but all views of human distinctiveness and special
dignity, their own included. They are seemingly unaware that the scientific view
of man they celebrate does more than insult our vanity. It undermines our selfconception as free, thoughtful, and responsible beings, worthy of respect because
we alone among the animals have minds, hearts, and aspirations that aim far
higher than mere life and the perpetuation of our genes. It undermines the
beliefs that hold up our mores, practices, and institutions, not excluding science
itself. Why, on these intellectuals understanding of the rich repertoire of
human thought, should anyone choose to accept as true the results of their
electrochemical brain processes rather than adhere to those of his own?
The problem may lie not so much with the scientific findings themselves but with
the shallow philosophy that recognizes no other truths but these and with the
arrogant pronouncements of the bioprophets. In a recent letter to the editor
complaining about a review of his book, How the Mind Works, evolutionary
psychologist and popularizer Stephen Pinker rails against any appeal to the
human soul:
Unfortunately for that theory, brain science has shown that the
mind is what the brain does. The supposedly immaterial soul can
be bisected with a knife, altered by chemicals, turned on or off by
electricity, and extinguished by a sharp blow or a lack of oxygen.
Centuries ago it was unwise to ground morality on the dogma that
the earth sat at the center of the universe. It is just as unwise today
to ground it on dogmas about souls endowed by God. (Pinker,
One hardly knows whether to be more impressed with the height of Pinkers
arrogance or with the depth of his shallowness. But he speaks with the authority
of science, and who can dispute him on his own ground? 5
5For an attempt to dispute such reductionist claims and to point the way to a more adequate
account of living nature (on philosophical, not religious grounds), see Kass (1985) and Kass (2nd ed.,
1999). See also Jonas (1982).


There is, in fact, nothing novel about reductionism, materialism, and

determinism; these are doctrines with which Socrates contended. What is new is
that these philosophies now seem to be vindicated by scientific advance. Here, in
consequence, is perhaps the most pernicious result of our technological
progressmore dehumanizing than any actual manipulation or technique,
present or future. We are witnessing the erosion, perhaps the final erosion, of the
idea of man as something noble, dignified, precious, or godlike, and its
replacement with a view that sees man, no less than nature, simply as more raw
material for manipulation and homogenization.
Hence, our peculiar moral crisis. We are in turbulent seas without a landmark
precisely because we adhere more and more to a view of human life that both
gives us enormous power and, at the same time, denies all possibility of
nonarbitrary standards to guide its use. Although well-equipped, we know not
who we are or where we are going. We triumph over natures unpredictabilities
only to subject ourselves, tragically, to the still greater unpredictability of our
capricious wills and our fickle opinions. Engineering the engineer, as well as the
engine, we race our train we know not where.
This, I submit, is the truest moral meaning of all of todays wonderful biomedical
technology and of the scientific view it reflects and fosters. It is only our
infatuation with scientific progress and our naive faith in the sufficiency of our
benevolently humanitarian impulses that prevent us from recognizing it.
Does this mean, therefore, that I am in favor of ignorance, suffering, and death?
Am I in favor of killing the goose of genetic technology even before she lays her
golden eggs? Surely not. But I do insist on the importance of seeing the full
human meaning of this new enterprise in biogenetic technology and engineering.
Important though it is to set a moral boundary here or devise a regulation there,
hoping to decrease the damage caused by this or that little rivulet in the belief
that one is avoiding the torrent, it is even more important to be sober about the
true nature and meaning of the flood itself. The new biologists and their
technological minions do not know all they think they know, and they never will.
For all their ingenuity, they do not even seek the wisdom that just might yield
the kind of knowledge that keeps human life human. If, unlikely though it
seems, they could be persuaded to face squarely the full import of the project
they are launching, they might proceed with less heedless exuberance and
greater humility. And if the rest of us become clearly aware of the dangersnot
just to privacy or insurability but to our very humanitywe might be better
equipped to defend the increasingly beleaguered pockets and principles of
human dignity, even as we continue to reap the considerable benefits genetic
technology will inevitably provide.


Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, lines 250ff.
Glass, Bentley, Science: Endless Horizons or Golden Age? Science, Vol. 171,
1971, pp. 2329.
International Academy of Humanism, Statement in Defense of Cloning and the
Integrity of Scientific Research, May 16, 1997.
Jonas, Hans, Philosophical Essays: From Ancient Creed to Technological Man,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1974.
_____, The Phenomenon of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology, Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1982.
Kass, Leon R., Toward a More Natural Science: Biology and Human Affairs, New
York: The Free Press, 1985.
_____, The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of Our Nature, 2nd. ed., Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Kaye, Howard, The Social Meaning of Modern Biology, 2nd ed., New Brunswick,
NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997a.
_____, Anxiety and Genetic Manipulation: A Sociological View, paper
presented at the Hastings Center, December 1997b.
Lewis, C. S., The Abolition of Man, New York: Macmillan, 1965.
National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Cloning Human Beings, June 1997
Pinker, Steven, A Matter of Soul, The Weekly Standard, Correspondence Section,
February 2, 1998, p. 6.
Walters, LeRoy, Human Gene Therapy: Ethics and Public Policy, Human Gene
Therapy, Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 115122.

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