The Value of Using Good Seeds
The Value of Using Good Seeds
The Value of Using Good Seeds
You learned in your elementary agriculture that plants can reproduce through seeds. Seed is a baby plant or
embryo inside a protective covering called testa or seed coat. The embryo is usually the product of the
fertilization of the egg cell by one of the two male nuclei from a pollen tube. The seed coat originates from the
mother plant.
The young plant inside the seed is very delicate. If we are going to compare healthy plants to healthy babies,
usually healthy babies become healthy children and adults and become productive. Likewise, healthy seeds
grow healthy, produce quality yield and benefit growers. If you use seeds which are not of good quality, you will
only be creating problems because these seeds are sometimes immature, contaminated, and worse, the
embryo is dead.
Analyze the situation below, and then answer the questions that follow.
Kenneth is a first year student. He has a project in vegetable production. He bought a pack of pechay seeds
from an ambulant vendor who sells ornamental plants and fertilizers. When he sowed the pechay seeds in a
seedbox, he was surprised that only few of the seeds germinated.
What do you think are the reasons why only few seeds germinated?
If youre in that situation, are you going to buy seeds from anyone who approached you? Why?
Could you still plant the seeds that germinated? Justify your answer.
You might be wondering why it is not advisable to buy seeds from an unreliable source. Seeds that are sold by
ambulant vendors are not registered and certified. These seeds are prone to contamination and adverse
environmental condition that can kill the embryo inside the seed. To assure you of good quality seed materials,
you must look for a reliable source. Here are some tips when finding good seeds.
1. Buy seeds from a reliable source. There are government agencies specializing in seed certification and
distribution. These are the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, and Agricultural Colleges
and Universities as well as commercial seed distributors importing hybrid seeds from other countries.
2. Look carefully on the physical appearance of the seeds. Find if there are blemishes or stains in the seed
coat, molds and holes caused by insects or egg of insects. These seeds might introduce a new pest or
disease and are, therefore, unfit for planting. Clean the seeds and remove diseased or infected one.
3. Determine the vigor of the seeds. Observe its speed and uniformity of germination. You can soak the seeds
in water. Those that float are weak. Weak seeds do not survive when used as planting materials.
4. Make sure that seeds are the right one. Read the label as stated. This can help you in determining the
characteristics of the seed.
5. Select those without contaminants such as dirt, stones, and leaves. These foreign materials can lower
seed quality.
6. Do not use seeds with foul odor, watery and shiny. These are dead, contaminated or low in percentage of
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