Description of Job For Marie Curie 5GWireless Project
Description of Job For Marie Curie 5GWireless Project
Description of Job For Marie Curie 5GWireless Project
Job summary: OTE ACADEMY ( offers one Early Stage
Researcher (ESR) position in the context of the H2020 Innovative Training Network
project 5Gwireless, focused on Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and
Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks.
We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic junior scientists, with an MSc in
electrical engineering or related fields, aiming at significantly improving their career
perspectives in both public and private sectors. A background in mobile networks,
wireless communications theory, signal processing, information theory, and
stochastic geometry would be positively considered. Excellent research skills and
analytical abilities are required, fluency in English (spoken and written), proactive
communication skills and problem solving as part of a team, strong record keeping,
great work ethic and initiatives are essential characteristics.
Job description: The 5Gwireless project involves 5 leading universities/research
institutions and 5 industrial partners from 6 different EU countries, offering an intersector training approach by exploiting the scientific and the industrial expertise of
the consortium. 5Gwireless will recruit 15 ESRs having the objective of conducting
top-notch research at the national, European and international levels. All recruited
ESRs will receive personalized training and will conduct theoretical and applied
research on fundamental challenges to the development of 5G systems and
In this context, one Ph.D. position is offered by OTE ACADEMY at Athens (Greece).
ESR Position: Load-aware modeling and performance evaluation of optimal cell
association, offloading and load balancing
The research objective of this ESR will be twofold: 1) To develop realistic and
tractable approaches for modeling network traffic and load of multi-tier cellular
network deployments, and 2) to exploit such modeling for performance evaluation
and optimization based on load/traffic-optimal cell association, offloading and load
balancing. Within the project, the ESR is expected to acquire new knowledge on
traffic modeling for integration into random spatial models of base station locations
and to provide new distributed algorithms for load-aware and interference-aware
cellular network optimization.
Mobility requirement: Within the duration of the project, the ESR will perform a
secondment of up-to 6 months at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany).
To apply, please provide:
1) a cover letter detailing your suitability for the position in question;
2) a detailed CV;
The recruited researchers should be, at the time of selection, in the first four
years of their research careers (measured from the date when they obtained the
degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate).
Partners of ITN-5Gwireless:
5Gwireless is constituted by 10 European partners, 5 from academia and 5 from
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
- French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France
- Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Dresden, Germany
- Linkoping University (LiU), Linkoping, Sweden
- Heriot-Watt University (HWU), Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- ERICSSON Research, Stockholm, Sweden
- OTEacademy, Athens, Greece
- IQUADRAT, Barcelona, Spain
- SIRADEL, Rennes, France
- TTINORTE, Santander, Spain
Inquiries: George Agapiou, Ph/.D., http://[email protected]