NASA Space Shuttle STS-131 Press Kit
NASA Space Shuttle STS-131 Press Kit
NASA Space Shuttle STS-131 Press Kit
PRESS KIT/April 2010
Section Page
SPACEWALKS ......................................................................................................................... 49
EXPERIMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 57
D E TA IL E D T ES T O B J E CT I VE S A N D D ETAI L ED S UP PL EM E NT AR Y O BJ E C T I V E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
S H OR T- D UR AT I O N U. S. I NT E GR AT E D R ES E AR C H T O BE C O MPL E TED D U R IN G STS - 1 3 1 / 1 9A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Backdropped by a blue and white part of Earth, the International Space Station is featured in this
image photographed by an STS-130 crew member on space shuttle Endeavour.
As the last round-trip for the Leonardo experiments, unneeded hardware and trash to
Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, Discovery’s the ground – all other cargo transfer vehicles
13-day mission will provide the International burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. And
Space Station with not only some 8 tons of although Leonardo will return to the station
science equipment and cargo, but also one last once more on the last space shuttle mission
opportunity to send a large load of cargo back later this year, this is scheduled to be its last
to the ground. round trip – Leonardo will remain permanently
at the station after STS-133. So while it will
Leonardo serves as basically a moving van for deliver one more batch of goods, the cargo
the space station, allowing the shuttle to, first of returning on STS-131 will be the last that it
all, deliver shipments of equipment and brings home.
supplies larger than any other vehicle could
accommodate, and, second, to return science
NASA astronaut Alan G. Poindexter, STS-131 commander, attired in a training version of his
shuttle launch and entry suit, occupies the commander’s station on the flight deck of the
Full Fuselage Trainer in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
After a station safety briefing, Wilson and prepare Leonardo’s hatch for opening near the
Yamazaki will operate the station’s robotic arm end of the day.
to remove the OBSS from Discovery’s cargo bay
and hand it off to the shuttle robotic arm being That night, spacewalkers Mastracchio and
operated by Dutton and Metcalf-Lindenburger. Anderson will sleep in the Quest airlock as part
of the overnight “campout” procedure that
Wilson and Yamazaki will be back at the helps purge nitrogen from their bloodstreams,
controls of the station’s robotic arm the preventing decompression sickness once they
following day, flight day 4, as they unberth move out into the vacuum of space. The
Leonardo and maneuver it into place for campout will be repeated the night before each
installation on the station’s Harmony node. spacewalk.
Anderson will then work with Noguchi to
All Discovery crew members will participate in flight day 9. During that six-and-a-half-hour
transfer of one form or another on flight day 7. spacewalk, Mastracchio and Anderson will
For Mastracchio and Anderson, the work will install in the shuttle’s cargo bay the spent
occur over six and a half hours outside the ammonia tank assembly they removed on the
station, as they remove a spent ammonia tank previous spacewalk. They’ll also remove a
assembly from the starboard side of the piece of hardware used to attach equipment
station’s truss and replace it with the new tank and experiments to the exterior of the
they removed from Discovery during the first Columbus laboratory and store it in Discovery’s
spacewalk. cargo bay; install a camera and remove an
insulation blanket on the Special Purpose
The following morning, the crew will have the Dexterous Manipulator; and replace a light in a
first half of flight day 8 off to enjoy some camera on the exterior of Destiny.
well-earned off duty time, then it will be back
to work in Leonardo and time to prepare for the
third and final spacewalk of the mission on
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Naoko Yamazaki (foreground) and
NASA astronaut Stephanie Wilson, both STS-131 mission specialists, participate in a
Thermal Protection System Orbiter Boom Sensor System training session in the
Jake Garn Simulation and Training Facility at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
• OBSS berth
The STS-131/19A crew patch highlights the In the space shuttle’s cargo bay is the
space shuttle in the Rendezvous Pitch Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)
Maneuver (RPM). This maneuver is heavily Leonardo, which is carrying several science
photographed by the International Space racks, the last of the four crew quarters and
Station crew members, and the photos are supplies for the space station. Out of view and
analyzed back on Earth to clear the space directly behind the MPLM is the Ammonia
shuttle’s thermal protection system for re-entry. Tank Assembly (ATA) that will be used to
The RPM illustrates the teamwork and safety replace the current ATA. This will take place
process behind each space shuttle launch. during three spacewalks. The 51.6° space
shuttle orbit is illustrated by the three gold bars
The STS-131 crew is commanded by Alan G. Poindexter (seated, right) and piloted by
James P. Dutton Jr. (seated, left). Standing from the left are Mission Specialists
Rick Mastracchio, Stephanie Wilson, Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, Naoko Yamazaki
and Clayton Anderson.
Alan G. Poindexter
A captain in the U.S. Navy, Alan G. Poindexter vehicle activities. As commander, he will fly
will command the STS-131 crew on its mission Discovery during the rendezvous pitch
to the space station. This will be the second trip maneuver. He also will fly the shuttle during
to space for Poindexter, who has more than docking and landing back on Earth.
306 hours of spaceflight experience after
serving as pilot of STS-122, which delivered Selected by NASA in 1998, Poindexter served as
and installed the European Space Agency’s a CAPCOM and in the Astronaut Office Shuttle
Columbus Laboratory in 2008. Operations Branch performing duties as the
lead support astronaut at Kennedy Space
Poindexter will be responsible for the execution Center.
of the mission and will oversee all crew and
Marking his first spaceflight journey, Dutton graduated from the U.S. Air Force
James P. Dutton, Jr., a colonel in the Academy in 1991. After being selected by
U.S. Air Force, will serve as pilot of STS-131. NASA in 2004 and completing astronaut
He will assist Poindexter with rendezvous and candidate training two years later, he was
landing and will fly the orbiter during the ascent/entry CAPCOM for STS-122 and
undocking and the fly-around. In addition, STS-123, both in 2008. He has logged over
he will serve as lead shuttle robotic arm 3,300 flight hours in more than 30 different
operator for the mission, will be responsible aircraft.
for airlock operations in preparation for EVAs
and will assist Wilson with the station robotic
arm operations.
Veteran astronaut Rick Mastracchio will serve Astronaut Office Computer Support Branch,
as mission specialist 1 on STS-131, marking his the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Branch,
third trip to space. He joined NASA in 1990 and also served as lead for cockpit avionics
as an engineer in the Flight Crew Operations upgrades. He flew as the ascent/entry flight
Directorate. Before being selected as an engineer on STS-106 and STS-118 and
astronaut he worked as an ascent/entry participated in three spacewalks on STS-118.
guidance and procedures officer in Mission
Control supporting 17 missions as a flight Mastracchio, lead EVA crew member, will be
controller. Selected as an astronaut in 1996, on the flight deck for ascent and will perform
he has worked technical issues for the three spacewalks with Clay Anderson.
A former teacher, Dorothy Metcalf- served as the Astronaut Office Station Branch
Lindenburger will serve as mission specialist 2 lead for systems and crew interfaces.
on STS-131. She is the intravehicular crew
member, responsible for coordinating all She spent five years teaching Earth science
spacewalk activities. She also will operate the and astronomy, three years of coaching
shuttle robotic arm. cross-country at the high school level and
two years of teaching Science Olympiad. She
Selected by NASA as a mission specialist in also did undergraduate research in geology for
2004, Metcalf-Lindenburger has most recently two summers.
A Harvard engineering graduate and veteran of plan that transforms Discovery from a launch
two spaceflights, Stephanie Wilson is assigned vehicle to an orbiting vehicle to an entry
as mission specialist 3 for STS-131. She vehicle.
previously flew on STS-121 in 2006 and STS-120
in 2007. At the conclusion of STS-131, she will After being selected by NASA in 1996 from the
have flown on Discovery for all three Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Wilson was initially
of her spaceflights. Wilson’s primary duties for assigned technical duties in the Astronaut
the STS-131 mission include operating the Office Space Station Operations Branch to
space station robotic arm, operating the work with space station payload displays and
hand-held LIDAR and the rendezvous procedures. She then went on to serve in the
situational awareness tools during docking and Astronaut Office CAPCOM Branch, working in
undocking with the station, and managing the mission control as a prime communicator with
in-orbit crews.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) For two years she was involved in the
astronaut Naoko Yamazaki will serve as development of the station centrifuge (life
mission specialist 4 on STS-131, her first science experiment facility) and conducted
spaceflight. Loadmaster for the mission, she conceptual framework and preliminary design
will be responsible for all payload and transfer in the Centrifuge Project Team.
operations, and she will also assist Wilson with
MPLM install and berthing operations with Selected by NASDA (currently JAXA) in 1999 as
SSRMS. one of three astronaut candidates for the space
station, five years later she arrived at Johnson
Yamazaki joined the National Space Space Center where she initially served in the
Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) in Astronaut Office Robotics Branch.
1996 and was involved in the Japanese
Experiment Module system integration and
specifically assigned developmental tasks.
Veteran of one long-duration spaceflight, while serving as the backup for the Magellan
Clayton Anderson will serve as mission Planetary Mission, STS-31. In 1993, he was
specialist 5 for STS-131. In 2007, he launched named chief of the Flight Design Branch.
to the station aboard STS-117 and replaced Anderson later then held the position of
Suni Williams as the Expedition 15 flight manager of the Emergency Operations Center.
engineer and returned home as a member of the He was selected by NASA in 1998.
STS-120 crew.
Anderson will be on the flight deck for entry.
At Johnson Space Center, Anderson worked in He will assist with rendezvous and undocking
the Mission Operations Directorate as a flight and will perform three spacewalks with
design manager leading the trajectory design Mastracchio.
team for the Galileo Planetary Mission, STS-34,
Space shuttle Discovery’s STS-131/19A payload On the middeck of the space shuttle, it will
includes the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics carry GLACIER, which is a freezer designed to
Module (MPLM) and the Lightweight provide cryogenic transportation and
Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure preservation capability for samples. The unit
Carrier (LMC). The total payload weight, not is a double locker equivalent unit capable
counting the middeck, is 31,130 pounds. The of transport and operation in the middeck and
return weight is expected to be 24,118 pounds. on-orbit operation in the EXPRESS Rack.
The WORF design uses the existing EXpedite and hyperspectral scanners, camcorders and
the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station other instruments) to capture imagery of the
(EXPRESS) Rack hardware which includes a Earth and space. It provides attachment points,
Rack Interface Controller (RIC) box for power power and data transfer capability for
and data connection, Avionics Air Assembly instruments to be mounted near the window.
(AAA) fan for air circulation within the rack, Multiple instruments can be mounted at the
rack fire detection, and appropriate avionics to same time. The rack is designed to allow rapid
communicate with the station data network. changes of equipment by the crew. The WORF
The WORF consists of a facility that provides will have available a bracket for small cameras
protection for the interior of the Lab window such as 35 mm, 70 mm and camcorders. Other
and controls stray light exchange between the larger payloads, which require a nonstandard
Lab interior and the external Station attachment, or require additional instrument
environment. The WORF will maximize the isolation, must supply their own brackets or
use of the Lab window by providing platforms which mount to the WORF using the
attachments for sensors (cameras, multispectral attachment points.
Crew quarters
The Leonardo logistics module will make its seventh trip to space.
NASA solely owns the modules which were Boeing has the responsibility under its
acquired in a bartered agreement between Checkout, Assembly and Payload Processing
NASA and the Italian Space Agency for using Services (CAPPS) contract with NASA, for
the modules in exchange for allowing the payload integration and processing for every
Italians to have crew time on board station. major payload that flies on each space shuttle
flight. The Boeing MPLM and LMC processing
team provides all engineering and hands-on
Dimensions: Length: 21 feet work including payload support, project
Diameter: 15 feet planning, receiving of payloads, payload
Payload Mass (launch): 27,274 lbs processing, maintenance of associated payload
Payload Mass (return): 20,375 lbs ground systems, and logistics support. This
includes integration of payloads into the space
Empty Weight: 9,632 lbs
shuttle, test and checkout of the payload with
the orbiter systems, launch support and orbiter
The MPLM Module Leonardo is named post-landing payload activities including
after the Italian inventor and scientist de-stow of the module.
Leonardo da Vinci. It was the first MPLM to
Located behind Leonardo in the space shuttle Flight Center and ATK Space provide the
payload bay, is the Lightweight Multi-Purpose sustaining engineering for the LMC carriers,
Experiment Support Structure Carrier (LMC), a which have flown successfully on five previous
nondeployable cross-bay carrier providing missions.
launch and landing transportation. The LMC is
a light-weight Shuttle stowage platform that During ascent, the LMC is carrying the
only weighs 1,100 pounds. The launch weight Ammonia Tank Assembly (ATA), a critical
of the LMC is 3,890 pounds and the return spare Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU). During
weight will be 3,740 pounds. Goddard Space descent, the LMC will be carrying a spent
Ammonia Tank Assembly (ATA).
Backdropped by a blue and white part of Earth, space shuttle Atlantis is featured in this image
photographed by an Expedition 21 crew member as the shuttle approaches the International Space
Station during STS-129 rendezvous and docking operations.
Discovery’s launch for the STS-131 mission is As Discovery moves closer to the station, its
precisely timed to lead to a link up with the rendezvous radar system and trajectory control
International Space Station about 220 miles sensor will provide the crew with range and
above the earth. A series of engine firings closing-rate data. Several small correction
during the first two days of the mission will burns will place the shuttle about 1,000 feet
bring the shuttle to a point about 50,000 feet below the station.
behind the station. Once there, Discovery will
start its final approach. About 2.5 hours before Commander Alan G. Poindexter, with help
docking, the shuttle’s jets will be fired during from Pilot James P. Dutton, Jr. and other crew
what is called the terminal initiation burn. The members, will manually fly the shuttle for the
shuttle will cover the final miles to the station remainder of the approach and docking.
during the next orbit.
Astronaut Rick Mastracchio participates in the STS-118 mission’s first planned session of
extravehicular activity, as construction continues on the International Space Station.
The complex choreography of the three cargo bay. That means unpacking the new
spacewalks scheduled for the STS-131 mission assembly, storing it, a base change for the
will center around getting the ammonia tank robotic arm, removing the old assembly, storing
assembly delivered by Discovery into place on it, installing the new, another base change for
the starboard side of the station’s truss and the arm and then packing the old assembly into
getting the spent ammonia tank assembly into the cargo bay. And all that work will take three
Discovery’s cargo bay. spacewalks to accomplish, with some space
here and there for get-ahead work.
Because of the location of the old starboard
ammonia tank assembly, the space station’s Mission Specialists Rick Mastracchio and
robotic arm cannot reach it from the same Clayton Anderson will spend a total of
location that it must be in to remove the new 19.5 hours outside the station on flight days 5,
ammonia tank assembly from the shuttle’s 7 and 9. Mastracchio, the lead spacewalker for
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an The prototype VNS and docking camera will be
optical remote sensing technology that mounted in an enclosure on the Orbiter
measures properties of scattered light to find Docking System truss next to the TCS.
range and/or other information of a distant
target. The system was developed by Ball Aerospace
and Technologies in Boulder, Colo. and
The test is being performed because it is provided to NASA by Lockheed Martin
important that engineers gain a thorough Corporation in Bethesda, MD.
SRB ignition can occur only when a manual The general purpose computer, or GPC, launch
lock pin from each SRB safe and arm device has sequence also controls certain critical main
been removed by the ground crew during propulsion system valves and monitors the
prelaunch activities. At T minus 5 minutes, the engine-ready indications from the SSMEs. The
SRB safe and arm device is rotated to the arm main propulsion system, or MPS, start
position. The solid rocket motor ignition commands are issued by the on-board
commands are issued when the three SSMEs computers at T minus 6.6 seconds. There is a
are at or above 90 percent rated thrust; no staggered start – engine three, engine two,
SSME fail and/or SRB ignition pyrotechnic engine one – within 0.25 of a second, and the
initiator controller, or PIC low voltage is sequence monitors the thrust buildup of
indicated; and there are no holds from the each engine. All three SSMEs must reach the
launch processing system, or LPS. required 90 percent thrust within three seconds;
otherwise, an orderly shutdown is commanded
The solid rocket motor ignition commands are and safing functions are initiated.
sent by the orbiter computers through the
The SLWT is the same size as the previous The external tank is the “backbone” of the
design. But the liquid hydrogen tank and the shuttle during launch, providing structural
liquid oxygen tank are made of aluminum support for attachment with the solid rocket
lithium, a lighter, stronger material than the boosters and orbiter. It is the only component
metal alloy used for the shuttle’s current tank. of the shuttle that is not reused. Approximately
The tank’s structural design has also been 8.5 minutes after reaching orbit, with its
improved, making it 30 percent stronger and propellant used, the tank is jettisoned and falls
5 percent less dense. in a preplanned trajectory. Most of the tank
disintegrates in the atmosphere, and the
The SLWT, like the standard tank, is remainder falls into the ocean.
manufactured at NASA’s Michoud Assembly
Facility, near New Orleans, by Lockheed The external tank is manufactured at NASA’s
Martin. Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans by
Lockheed Martin Space Systems.
The 154-foot-long external tank is the largest
single component of the space shuttle. It stands Foam Facts
taller than a 15-story building and has a
diameter of about 27 feet. The external tank The external tank is covered with spray-on
holds over 530,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen foam insulation that insulates the tank before
and liquid oxygen in two separate tanks. The and during launch. More than 90 percent of the
hydrogen (fuel) and liquid oxygen (oxidizer) tank’s foam is applied using an automated
are used as propellants for the shuttle’s three system, leaving less than 10 percent to be
main engines. applied manually.
DB Data Book
DC Docking Compartment
DCSU Direct Current Switching Unit
DDCU DC-to-DC Converter Unit
DECLIC-HTI DEvice for the Study of Critical Liquids and Crystalization-High
Temperature Insert
DEM Demodulator
DFL Decommutation Format Load
DIU Data Interface Unit
DMS Data Management System
DMS-R Data Management System-Russian
DPG Differential Pressure Gauge
DPU Baseband Data Processing Unit
DRTS Japanese Data Relay Satellite
DSO Detailed Supplementary Objective
DTO Detailed Test Objective
DYF Display Frame
I/F Interface
IAA Intravehicular Antenna Assembly
IAC Internal Audio Controller
IBM International Business Machines
ICB Inner Capture Box
ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier
ICS Interorbit Communication System
ICS-EF Interorbit Communication System – Exposed Facility
IDRD Increment Definition and Requirements Document
IELK Individual Equipment Liner Kit
IFHX Interface Heat Exchanger
IMCS Integrated Mission Control System
IMCU Image Compressor Unit
IMV Intermodule Ventilation
INCO Instrumentation and Communication Officer
IP International Partner
IP-PCDU ICS-PM Power Control and Distribution Unit
IP-PDB Payload Power Distribution Box
ISP International Standard Payload
ISPR International Standard Payload Rack
ISS International Space Station
ISSSH International Space Station Systems Handbook
ITCS Internal Thermal Control System
ITS Integrated Truss Segment
IVA Intravehicular Activity
IVGEN IntraVenous Fluid GENeration for Exploration Missions
IVSU Internal Video Switch Unit
LB Local Bus
LCA LAB Cradle Assembly
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCS Laser Camera System
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEE Latching End Effector
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging
LMC Lightweight Multipurpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier
LMM Light Microscopy Module
LSW Light Switch
LTA Launch-to-Activation
LTAB Launch-to-Activation Box
LTL Low Temperature Loop
MA Main Arm
MARES Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System
MAUI Main Analysis of Upper-Atmospheric Injections
Mb Megabit
Mbps Megabit per second
MBS Mobile Base System
MBSU Main Bus Switching Unit
MCA Major Constituent Analyzer
MCC Mission Control Center
QD Quick Disconnect
TA Thruster Assist
TAC TCS Assembly Controller
TAC-M TCS Assembly Controller – M
TCA Thermal Control System Assembly
TCB Total Capture Box
TCCS Trace Contaminant Control System
TCCV Temperature Control and Check Valve
TCS Trajectory Control Sensor
Thermal Control System
TCV Temperature Control Valve
TDK Transportation Device Kit
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
THA Tool Holder Assembly
THC Temperature and Humidity Control
Translational Hand Controller
THCU Temperature and Humidity Control Unit
TIU Thermal Interface Unit
TKSC Tsukuba Space Center (Japan)
TLM Telemetry
TMA Russian vehicle designation
TMR Triple Modular Redundancy
TPL Transfer Priority List
TRRJ Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint
TUS Trailing Umbilical System
TVC Television Camera