STS129 Press Kit
STS129 Press Kit
STS129 Press Kit
Stocking the Station PRESS KIT/November 2009
Section Page
SPACEWALKS ......................................................................................................................... 51
EXPERIMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 59
D E TA IL E D T ES T O B J E CT I VE S A N D D ETAI L ED S UP PL EM E NT AR Y O BJ E C T I V E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
E X P E RIM EN TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Backdropped by Earth’s horizon and the blackness of space, the International Space Station is seen
from space shuttle Discovery as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation.
There are no home improvement stores in For the STS-129 Utilization and Logistics
space, so the next space shuttle mission to the Flight - 3 (ULF-3) mission, Atlantis will carry in
International Space Station will deliver 14 tons its cargo bay two ExPRESS Logistics Carriers
of important spare parts for its electrical, (ELC's), a new Materials on International Space
plumbing, air conditioning, communications Station Experiment (MISSE) carrier and an
and robotics systems. S-Band Antenna Sub-Assembly (SASA)
package, plus additional equipment, supplies
Atlantis, commanded by space veteran and scientific experiments that will be used by
Charles O. Hobaugh, is scheduled to lift off the continuing crew of six aboard the station.
from Kennedy Space Center at 2:28 p.m. EST,
Nov. 16, on the third utilization and logistics While docked to the station, Atlantis’ crew will
flight, and arrive at the station the afternoon of conduct three spacewalks to transfer the spare
Nov. 18. parts from the shuttle’s payload bay to the
station’s external structures and continue
assembly activities.
At the end of the 11-day flight, Atlantis also Rounding out the crew are mission specialists
will bring home Expedition 20 and 21 Flight Leland Melvin, 45, an 11th round draft pick for
Engineer Nicole Stott, the final astronaut the NFL’s Detroit Lions who flew on STS-122
scheduled to use a space shuttle for a lift to or in 2008, and Mike Foreman, a retired Navy
from the station. captain who flew on STS-123 in March 2008.
Stott, a former Kennedy Space Center shuttle
Hobaugh, who turns 48 the week before launch, processing director completing a 100-day
served as pilot on STS-104 in 2001 and STS-118 mission aboard the station, will join the STS-129
in 2007. He’ll be joined at launch by pilot crew for the ride home to Earth.
Barry E. Wilmore, a U.S. Navy captain, and
mission specialists Randy Bresnik, a Aside from returning Stott and delivering
U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel; and supplies for station crew, the main objective of
Robert L. Satcher Jr., an orthopedic surgeon, all the STS-129 mission is to deliver, install and
of whom will be making their first spaceflights. checkout two large logistics pallets and their
Astronaut Mike Foreman, STS-129 mission specialist, dons a training version of his Extravehicular
Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuit in preparation for a spacewalk training session in the waters of
the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) near NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Astronaut
Charlie Hobaugh, commander, assists Foreman.
The last full day of orbital activities by On the 12th day of the mission, weather
the STS-129 crew will focus on landing permitting, Hobaugh and Wilmore will guide
preparations. Hobaugh, Wilmore and Bresnik Atlantis to a landing at the Kennedy Space
will conduct the traditional checkout of the Center at 9:57 a.m. EST Nov. 27 to wrap up the
shuttle’s flight control systems and steering jets, 31st flight for Atlantis, the 129th mission in
setting Atlantis up for its supersonic return to shuttle program history and the 31st shuttle
Earth. A special recumbent seat will be set up visit to the International Space Station.
in the shuttle’s lower deck for Stott to ease her
reorientation to Earth’s gravity for the first time
in more than three months.
• Shuttle Robotic Arm Activation and • Shuttle RMS unberth and handoff of ELC1
payload bay survey to Canadarm2
• Rendezvous with the International Space • Canadarm2 grapple of OBSS and handoff to
Station Shuttle RMS
For STS-129, the sun shines brightly on the past three decades. The space shuttle ascends
International Space Station above and the on the astronaut symbol portrayed by the red,
United States below representing the bright white and blue swoosh bounded by the gold
future of U.S. human spaceflight. The halo. This symbol is worn with pride by this
contiguous U.S., Rocky Mountains, and Great U.S. crew representing their country on
Desert Southwest are clearly visible on the STS-129. The names of the crew members are
Earth below, encompassing all the NASA denoted on the outer band of the patch. As
centers and the homes of the many dedicated STS-129 launches, the space shuttle is in its
people who work to make our space program twilight years. This fact is juxtaposed by the
possible. The integrated shapes of the patch 13 stars on the patch which are symbolic of our
signify the two ExPRESS Logistics Carriers that children who are the future. The moon and
will be delivered by STS-129 providing valuable Mars are featured predominantly to represent
equipment and ensuring the longevity of the just how close humankind is to reaching further
space station. The space shuttle is vividly exploration of those heavenly bodies and how
silhouetted by the sun highlighting how the current space shuttle and station missions
brightly the orbiters have performed as a are laying the essential groundwork for those
workhorse for the U.S. space program over the future endeavors.
Charles O. Hobaugh
Barry E. Wilmore, a captain in the U.S. Navy, will be responsible for orbiter systems
will serve as pilot for Atlantis. This will be his operations, will assist Hobaugh with
first journey into space. Selected by NASA in rendezvous, and will fly the orbiter during
2000, he has served in various shuttle technical undocking and the flyaround.
jobs and on the astronaut support team. He
Randy Bresnik, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Space Station, Automated Transfer Vehicle,
Marine Corps, will serve as a mission specialist H-II Transfer Vehicle, and Constellation
for the space shuttle Atlantis. Selected by programs. This will be his first journey to
NASA in 2004 as a pilot, he was assigned as space. Bresnik will participate in two of the
Astronaut Office support for International three planned spacewalks.
Mike Foreman, a retired U.S. Navy captain, will Office Space Shuttle Branch and served as
serve as a mission specialist aboard Atlantis. Deputy of the Space Shuttle Branch. Foreman
He served as a mission specialist on STS-123 in will participate in two of the three planned
2008. Selected by NASA in 1998, he was spacewalks.
assigned technical duties in the Astronaut
Astronaut Leland Melvin will serve as a traveled across the country engaging thousands
mission specialist on Atlantis. He flew on of students and teachers in the excitement of
STS-122 in 2008 as a mission specialist. He has space exploration, and inspiring them to pursue
served numerous organizations within NASA careers in science, technology, engineering, and
including the Education Department at NASA mathematics.
Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Melvin has
This is the first spaceflight for Robert L. did medical missions in Venezuela and Nigeria.
Satcher Jr. He was selected by NASA in 2004 He will participate in two of the three planned
and completed his initial training in 2006. spacewalks.
Satcher worked as an orthopedic surgeon and
Nicole Stott was selected as a NASA astronaut launched to the station with the crew of
in 2000. She has worked technical aspects of STS-128 to replace Tim Kopra as a flight
station payloads, supported Expedition 10 and engineer on Expeditions 20 and 21. She will
has served as a station CAPCOM. Stott return with the STS-129 shuttle crew.
The STS-129 mission is a utility logistics preservation capability for samples. The unit is
support mission and will carry a number of a double locker equivalent unit capable of
spare parts, science experiments, and other transport and operation in the middeck and
items in its middeck and payload bay. The on-orbit operation in the Expedite the
payload going up is approximately Processing of Experiments to the Space Station
29,458 pounds, not counting the middeck (ExPRESS) rack.
portion. The expected return weight in the
payload bay is approximately 2,850 pounds. The space shuttle will carry on its
middeck (ascent) the following items:
On the middeck of the space shuttle, it will Advanced Biological Research System,
carry GLACIER, which is a freezer designed to National Lab Pathfinder (NLP) Cells/
provide cryogenic transportation and Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
STS-129/ULF3 will carry the S-band Antenna demodulation. The RFG consists of three
Support Assembly (SASA) that will be attached units: the Assembly/Contingency (S-Band)
to the sidewall inside the space shuttle payload Transmitter/Receiver Assembly (ACTRA), a
pay. The SASA is an assembly that consists of High Gain Antenna (HGA), and a Low Gain
the Assembly Contingency Radio Frequency Antenna (LGA).
Group (RFG or ACRFG), SASA Boom and
Avionics Wire Harness. The SASA boom assembly consists of a mast, an
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) handle, a
The SASA supports the RFG either on Port 1 or harness, a connector panel, a mounting surface
Starboard 1 truss. The major functions of the for the RFG, and a baseplate fitting. The
RFG are to receive a radio signal from the baseplate fitting is the structural interface for
transponder, amplify it to a power level mounting the SASA to the truss on the ISS. The
necessary to be acquired by the Tracking Avionics Wire Harness is installed on the SASA
Data and Relay Satellite, and broadcast that Boom Assembly. Through the harness,
signal through the selected antenna. Also, the operational and heater power are provided to
RFG receives a signal from the the RFG; command and status signals and RF
TDRS through the antenna, amplifies it, transmit and receive signals are sent to and
and sends it to the transponder for from RFG.
Shown here is the ExPRESS Logistics Carrier 2 (ELC2) with its various Orbital Replacement Units
installed. Provided by NASA Goddard Space Center, ELC1 and 2 are brand new and are flying for
the first time on the space shuttle. The special rotation rack shown here had to be built for these
unique ISS platforms so the ORUs could be installed on the top and bottom.
At the ISS to ELC interface, there are two types module to each payload attached site is no
of data ports: the High Rate Data Link (HRDL) higher than 10 Mbps (megabits per second).
and the Low Rate Data Link (LRDL). The For downlink MDRL and HDRL signals, they
HRDL uses fiber optics to provide ISS to ELC will be transmitted from the payload attached
communication. At the ELC avionics module to site to ELC avionics module by separated
payload interface, there are three data ports: buses. The ELC avionics module will combine
HRDL, LRDL and Medium Rate Data Link these two signals and send to ISS by using
(MDRL, Ethernet). For uplink MDRL, Ethernet HDRL interface. The HDRL downlink service
is used; the ELC avionics module will convert to the ground rate is no higher than 95 Mbps.
the MDRL signal from HDRL interface and The LRDL is for a two ways data/command
delivered to each payload attached site. The distribution to/from each payload attached site
transmission rate between ELC avionics via the ELC avionics module at maximum rate
The Battery Charge Discharge Unit (BCDU) is a Both the Russian and U.S. segments can
bidirectional power converter that serves a dual maintain attitude control. When the Russian
function of charging the batteries during solar segment is in control, attitude is maintained by
collection periods (isolation) and providing thrusters, which consume propellant. When
conditioned battery power to the primary the U.S. segment is in control, Control
power buses during eclipse periods. The Moment Gyroscopes, manufactured by L3
BCDU has a battery charging capability of Communications Space and Navigation under
8.4 kW and a continuous discharge capability of contract to Boeing, are used. The set of
6.6 kW (9.0 kW peak). The BCDU also includes four CMGs balance the effects of gravity
provisions for battery status monitoring and gradient, aerodynamic, and other disturbance
protection from power circuit faults. The torques (i.e., robotics, venting, and plume
BCDU measures approximately 40 inches by impingement), maintaining the station at an
28 inches by 12 inches and weighs 235 pounds. equilibrium attitude without using propellant.
There are 24 BCDUs on orbit that are used for The CMGs can also be used to perform attitude
normal Power System operation. maneuvers. The CMGs rely on electrical power
provided by the solar powered electrical
The Mobile Transporter (MT) is a cart-like behavior with this feature of the TUS system,
assembly that moves up and down rails along this capability was removed on Flight ULF1.1
the ISS integrated truss. It provides mobility (STS-121).
and the structural load path for the Canadian
Mobile Base System (MBS) and the Canadian The MT is used for assembly of large elements
robotic arm (Space Station Robotic Manipulator of the station. It must be latched down at
System). The power and data to operate the various work sites before the robotic arm can
MT and the video and data provided to (and operate. When the MT is latched down after
from) the MBS/SSRMS, routes through a set of translating, power is provided through the
redundant cables that are part of the Trailing Umbilical Mechanism Assembly (UMA) system
Umbilical System (TUS). The TUS Reel hardware to the SSRMS and several
Assembly (TUS-RA) is basically a large spool components on top of the MBS. At the
much like a garden hose reel that pays out cable worksites, the MT/MBS/SSRMS is much more
when the MT moves away and rolls it back up structurally secure and the active half of the
as the MT returns to the center of the truss. The UMA on the MT mates with the passive half at
TUS system was equipped with blade cutter the work site. NASA flight rules require both
devices (one for each cable) that can remotely TUS cables to be intact before translating
sever the cable. However, due to anomalous anything attached to the MT.
The MBS is a base platform for the robotic arm. The UMA (Active and Passive halves) and TUS
The platform rests atop the MT, which allows it subsystems (TUS RA, cable guide mechanisms
to glide down rails on the station's trusses. and MT interface assemblies) was originally
When Canadarm2 is attached to the MBS, it developed and built by the Huntington
has the ability to travel to work sites along the Beach (HB) division of Boeing (formerly
truss structure. The top speed of the Mobile McDonnell Douglas). Boeing HB also
Transporter is about 2.5 cm per second. integrated the MT with TUS and UMA
The proper and complete name of the MBS is subsystems. Additionally, the MT and TUS
the “MRS Base System,” where MRS stands for Cables were subcontracted by Boeing HB to
“Mobile Remote Servicer,” It is made out of ASTRO, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman
aluminum and is expected to last at and WL Gore Industries respectively.
least 15 years. Like Canadarm2, it was built
by MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates The TUS-RA weighs approximately 334 pounds
Ltd. (MDA). and measures about 60 inches by 62 inches by
28 inches.
The above image depicts space shuttle Atlantis on final docking approach with the
International Space Station.
When Atlantis launches on the STS-129 mission, As Atlantis moves closer to the station, its
it will fly on a trajectory to chase the rendezvous radar system and trajectory control
International Space Station. A series of engine sensor will provide the crew with range and
firings during the first two days of the mission closing-rate data. Several small correction burns
will bring the shuttle to a point about will place the shuttle about 1,000 feet below the
50,000 feet behind the station. Once there, station.
Atlantis will start its final approach. About
2.5 hours before docking, the shuttle’s jets will Commander Charles O. Hobaugh, with help
be fired during what is called the terminal from Pilot Barry E. Wilmore and other crew
initiation burn. The shuttle will cover the final members, will manually fly the shuttle for the
miles to the station during the next orbit. remainder of the approach and docking.
Using a video camera mounted in the center of Atlantis will move to a distance of about
the Orbiter Docking System, Hobaugh will line 450 feet, where Wilmore will begin to fly
around the station. Wilmore will circle the
Backdropped by the blackness of space, the International Space Station is seen from space shuttle
Atlantis as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation.
Astronaut Mike Foreman, STS-123 mission specialist, helps to tie down the Orbiter Boom Sensor
System on the International Space Station's S1 truss during EVA 5 on March 22, 2008. The structure
at the end of the boom is a transmission device for laser imagery from the laser devices used for
scanning the thermal protection system.
There are three spacewalks scheduled for the activities, or EVAs, performed during the
STS-129 mission. STS-123 mission in 2008.
Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Robert L. Both Satcher and Bresnik will be performing
Satcher Jr., and Randy Bresnik will spend a their first spacewalks. Satcher will
combined total of 19.5 hours outside the station participating in the first and third spacewalks,
on flight days 4, 6, and 8. Foreman, the lead wearing an all-white spacesuit. Bresnik will go
spacewalker for the mission, will suit up for the outside the station for the second and third and
first and second spacewalks in a spacesuit wear a spacesuit with broken red stripes.
marked with solid red stripes. He is a veteran
spacewalker with three extravehicular
Also, two major additions to the research National Lab Pathfinder – Vaccine – 6
facilities aboard the station – the Materials (NLP-Vaccine-6) is part of a suite of
Science Research Rack-1 and the Fluids investigations serving as a pathfinder for
Integrated Rack – were delivered by the use of the International Space Station as
Discovery’s crew on the recent STS-128 shuttle a National Laboratory after ISS assembly is
mission. Those facilities have been installed complete. It contains several different
and checked out inside the station and will be pathogenic (disease causing) organisms. This
used by the Expedition 21 and 22 crews to research is investigating the use of space
expand the station’s research potential. flight to develop potential vaccines for the
Teams of controllers and scientists on the NASA’s Payload Operations Center serves as a
ground continuously plan, monitor and hub for coordinating much of the work related
remotely operate experiments from control to delivery of research facilities and
centers around the globe. Controllers staff experiments to the space station as they are
payload operations centers around the world, rotated in and out periodically when space
effectively providing for researchers and the shuttles or other vehicles make deliveries and
station crew around the clock, seven days a return completed experiments and samples to
week. Earth.
State-of-the-art computers and communications The payload operations director leads the
equipment deliver up-to-the-minute reports POC’s main flight control team, known as the
about experiment facilities and investigations “cadre,” and approves all science plans in
between science outposts across the United coordination with Mission Control at NASA’s
States and around the world. The payload Johnson Space Center in Houston, the
operations team also synchronizes the payload international partner control centers and the
time lines among international partners, station crew.
ensuring the best use of valuable resources and
On the Internet
crew time.
For fact sheets, imagery and more on
The control centers of NASA and its partners
International Space Station experiments and
payload operations, visit:
• NASA Payload Operations Center, Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. science/
• RSA Center for Control of Spaceflights
(“TsUP” in Russian) in Korolev, Russia
SRB ignition can occur only when a manual The general purpose computer, or GPC, launch
lock pin from each SRB safe and arm device has sequence also controls certain critical main
been removed by the ground crew during propulsion system valves and monitors the
prelaunch activities. At T minus 5 minutes, the engine-ready indications from the SSMEs. The
SRB safe and arm device is rotated to the arm main propulsion system, or MPS, start
position. The solid rocket motor ignition commands are issued by the on-board
commands are issued when the three SSMEs computers at T minus 6.6 seconds. There is a
are at or above 90 percent rated thrust; no staggered start – engine three, engine two,
SSME fail and/or SRB ignition pyrotechnic engine one – within 0.25 of a second, and the
initiator controller, or PIC low voltage is sequence monitors the thrust buildup of
indicated; and there are no holds from the each engine. All three SSMEs must reach the
launch processing system, or LPS. required 90 percent thrust within three seconds;
otherwise, an orderly shutdown is commanded
The solid rocket motor ignition commands are and safing functions are initiated.
sent by the orbiter computers through the
Though the foam insulation on the majority of Beginning with the first Return to Flight
the tank is only 1-inch thick, it adds mission, STS-114 in June 2005, several
4,823 pounds to the tank’s weight. In the areas improvements were made to improve safety
of the tank subjected to the highest heating, and flight reliability.
insulation is somewhat thicker, between 1.5 to
3 inches thick. Though the foam’s density Forward Bipod
varies with the type, an average density is The external tank’s forward shuttle attach
about 2.4 pounds per cubic foot. fitting, called the bipod, was redesigned to
Application of the foam, whether automated by eliminate the large insulating foam ramps as a
computer or hand-sprayed, is designed to meet source of debris. Each external tank has two
NASA’s requirements for finish, thickness, bipod fittings that connect the tank to the
orbiter through the shuttle’s two forward
DB Data Book
DC Docking Compartment
DCSU Direct Current Switching Unit
DDCU DC-to-DC Converter Unit
DEM Demodulator
DFL Decommutation Format Load
DIU Data Interface Unit
DMS Data Management System
DMS-R Data Management System-Russian
DPG Differential Pressure Gauge
DPU Baseband Data Processing Unit
DRTS Japanese Data Relay Satellite
DYF Display Frame
FA Fluid Accumulator
FAS Flight Application Software
FCT Flight Control Team
FD Flight Day
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery
FDS Fire Detection System
FE Flight Engineer
FET-SW Field Effect Transistor Switch
FGB Functional Cargo Block
FOR Frame of Reference
FPMU Floating Potential Measurement Unit
FPP Fluid Pump Package
FR Flight Rule
FRD Flight Requirements Document
FRGF Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture
FRM Functional Redundancy Mode
FSE Flight Support Equipment
FSEGF Flight Support Equipment Grapple Fixture
FSW Flight Software
I/F Interface
IAA Intravehicular Antenna Assembly
IAC Internal Audio Controller
IBM International Business Machines
ICB Inner Capture Box
ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier
ICS Interorbit Communication System
ICS-EF Interorbit Communication System – Exposed Facility
IDRD Increment Definition and Requirements Document
IELK Individual Equipment Liner Kit
IFHX Interface Heat Exchanger
IMCS Integrated Mission Control System
IMCU Image Compressor Unit
LB Local Bus
LCA LAB Cradle Assembly
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEE Latching End Effector
LMC Lightweight MPESS Carrier
MA Main Arm
MAUI Main Analysis of Upper-Atmospheric Injections
Mb Megabit
Mbps Megabit per second
MBS Mobile Base System
MBSU Main Bus Switching Unit
MCA Major Constituent Analyzer
MCC Mission Control Center
MCC-H Mission Control Center – Houston
MCC-M Mission Control Center – Moscow
MCDS Multifunction Cathode-Ray Tube Display System
MCS Mission Control System
MDA MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
MDM Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
MDP Management Data Processor
MELFI Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS
MGB Middle Grapple Box
MIP Mission Integration Plan
MISSE Materials International Space Station Experiment
MKAM Minimum Keep Alive Monitor
MLE Middeck Locker Equivalent
MLI Multi-layer Insulation
MLM Multipurpose Laboratory Module
MMOD Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris
MOD Modulator
MON Television Monitor
MPC Main Processing Controller
MPESS Multipurpose Experiment Support Structure
MPEV Manual Pressure Equalization Valve
MPL Manipulator Retention Latch
MPLM Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
MPM Manipulator Positioning Mechanism
MPV Manual Procedure Viewer
MSD Mass Storage Device
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSP Maintenance Switch Panel
P/L Payload
PAL Planning and Authorization Letter
PAM Payload Attach Mechanism
PAO Public Affairs Office
PAS Payload Adapter System
PBA Portable Breathing Apparatus
PCA Pressure Control Assembly
PCBM Passive Common Berthing Mechanism
QD Quick Disconnect
TA Thruster Assist
TAC TCS Assembly Controller
TAC-M TCS Assembly Controller – M
TCA Thermal Control System Assembly
TCB Total Capture Box
TCCS Trace Contaminant Control System
TCCV Temperature Control and Check Valve
TCS Thermal Control System
TCV Temperature Control Valve
TDK Transportation Device Kit
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
THA Tool Holder Assembly
THC Temperature and Humidity Control
Translational Hand Controller
THCU Temperature and Humidity Control Unit
TIU Thermal Interface Unit
TKSC Tsukuba Space Center (Japan)
TLM Telemetry
TMA Russian vehicle designation
TMR Triple Modular Redundancy
TPL Transfer Priority List
TRRJ Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint
TUS Trailing Umbilical System
TVC Television Camera