Detector de Fum Si Temperatura Apollo XP95-55000-885

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Product Information & News

PP2090\2011\Issue 13

Short-circuit isolation in XP95 and Discovery

fire detection systems
The requirement for isolation
Analogue addressable fire detection systems are
usually designed as loops, with the connecting wires
starting and finishing at the control panel. Detectors
and interfaces are connected at intervals along the
cables. Depending on the local regulations, manual
call points and sounders are connected either to the
same loop or to other, dedicated loops. Spurs may
be connected at any point of the loop, either directly
from the loop wires or from an interface such as a
Zone Monitor.
Short circuits do not occur very often but, when they
do, the consequences can be serious, possibly making
the affected loop entirely inoperative. It is for this
reason that isolating circuits have been designed and
incorporated into various devices that are connected
to the loop. The purpose of these isolating circuits is
to protect the loop in the event of a short circuit by
disconnecting the part of the loop where the short
circuit has occurred. When the short circuit fault has
been rectified, the isolating circuitry reconnects the
affected section of the loop.
Features of isolating circuits
Isolating circuits are delivered as stand-alone isolators
with their own mounting bases or as printed circuit
boards in a version of the detector mounting bases
known as isolating bases. Isolating circuits are also
fitted to interfaces such as Input/Output Units or
Sounder Control Units.
Isolating circuits are intended for use with XP95 and
Discovery detectors and interfaces. Isolating circuits
are polarity sensitive and normally switch the negative
line of the loop.
Apollo isolating circuits allow the connection of
between one and twenty detectors or the equivalent
load between isolators.

Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd 2011

Detectors fitted to isolating bases and interfaces

with built-in isolating circuits remain operative when
an adjacent loop section is in the isolated state. The
isolated state is normally indicated by an illuminated
yellow LED on the isolating unit.
operating principles
Under normal operating conditions the isolating
circuit provides a low resistance of 0.2 in either
direction. If the loop voltage falls to a pre-set level the
isolator will switch from the closed state to the open
state in order to isolate the loop in and out lines.
The isolated section is tested every four seconds with
a current pulse and is automatically re-connected at
a pre-set load resistance value (see 'Technical Data).
The current pulses are drawn from the loop and it is
important for correct operation of the system that the
pulse load be included in the loop calculation made
for any system.
Isolator type
Two types of isolating circuit are used in Apollo
products: one is the original circuit known as 20D
which has been in use since the introduction of XP95.
The other isolating circuit was developed in order to
reduce the test current which is applied to isolated
sections of the loop. It is known as the '20I' isolator
and has the advantages of reducing the test current
by two-thirds. In other respects the capabilities of the
isolating circuits are very similar although some of the
higher current devices are not so easily powered up.
Ratings are therefore given for both isolating circuits.
The table gives the loadings possible with both 20D
and 20i isolating circuits. Information is also included
on the circuit incorporated into interface 55000-812
which is not used elsewhere.

panel compatibility
Control panels that are registered Apollo compatible
are also compatible with Apollo isolating circuits but
it is essential that compatibility of panel and isolating
device be fully established when designing a fire
detection system. Apollo offers a software program
with which the viability of a design can be checked.
The program, LoopCalc, may be downloaded from
Apollos website:

Technical Data
20I (from 2009)
XP95/Discovery loop voltage
Maximum power-up time
Maximum loop current

short-circuit switching
Quiescent current

at 18V

at 24V

at 28V
Maximum on resistance

If the panel has built-in isolators, it is essential that

isolators connected to the loop switch the same line
positive or negativeas the panel isolators. Although
the majority of systems are designed to isolate the
negative line, Apollo can supply isolators that switch
the positive line. (These are distinguished by having
a clear LED which emits yellow light in the isolated
Note: all detectors and other devices between any two
isolators or isolating devices should be in the same
fire zone, because communications with them will be
lost if a short-circuit occurs between isolators.

Load Calculation Diagram

Direction of current

Direction of current


Section A

Section B

Interface surge current

The interface surge current must be included in the calculation for both
section A and section B, since current might flow from left to right or right to left

Fig 1 Diagram to show loading of an isolated loop

Isolation specification
Supply voltage during isolation
Isolating voltage
Re-connect voltage
Loop test current
in isolated state
Current in isolated state

at 18V

at 24V

at 28V
De-isolation test
impedance limit

spur connection

loop connection




plus 59V protocol pulses









20 C to +60C

Storage temperature

30 C to +80C

Operating humidity

0% 95%RH
(no condensation or icing)
Indoor use only

Table 2 Techinical data

Vscmin Vscmax


Operating temperature

Design environment

Vmin Vmax




EN5417 parameter


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